rm4 u .10 ?U3 .1 . v-v - " ' as V Published cvciy lesda by Allman at Three Dollars a Year, pa it : 'CNirtfjBXR ,5 2D. r .. tfOTH Year. 3 THE WILMINGTON GAZETTE - -W-r.r-M-W--TM'-:s.M' . a a .a a a & a c 1 . 0 , ' MESSAGE " " '- ' moK Tat ' , UlESIDliNToB the UNITED STATES., . " t . , coMacaiciffco'XQ . , - BOTH HOUSES OF dONGRESS, : C)t VOE JD AT THE 2d 0 DECIMBK,' U05. .: f" : V:-'.. - : I. : V To the Senate and House of Representatives of ' the United States of America, in 'Confess w:- ' sembled. . ' .' ''..'.''-- . 4T would have given me, fellow citixens, great satisfaction to announce, irrthe moment 1 j' of- your meeting that the difficulties- in our -- foreign relations, existing at the time ofyour . last separation, ijad-been amicably andjus'Jy. . terminated.. I lost no time .in taking those ; measures which were most likely to bring , them to such a termination, by special mis , aions, charged with such powers and iostruc- - t'wns as, in the event of failure, tould - leave ; no imputation on either our moderation or . v, forbearance. The delays which have since taken place in our nogociations with the Uri , , tish government, appear to have proceeded from causes which do not lorbid the expecta tion that, during the course of the session, I f ' may be enabled to lay before you their final I , issue. What will be that of the negociations for settling our differences with Spain, no-' thing which had taken place, at the date of , the last dispatches, enableVui to pronounce. , On the western side, of Ahe M'usiisippi she advanced in considerable force, and took pest 9. tithe settlement of Bayou Pierre on the lied v river... This village was originally settled by ',. France, was held by her as long as she 'held Louisiana, anil was delivered to Spain only as part of Louisiana. Being small, insulated, and distant, it was not observed at the mo rnent of redelivery to France and the United States, that she continued a guard of a half . tv dozen men, which hid been stationed there." A proposition however having beeii lately triad, by, our commander in chief, to assume , the Sabine'rivcr a a temporary line of sepa , ration, between the troops of the two nations, Uiuil the issue of our negociations shall be . known, this has been referred by the Spanish , , commapdant, to his superior, and in the mean time he was withdrawn im force to the west ern side of the Sabine river. , The correspon- dence on this subject now communicated, ' ' will exTtibit ' more particularly the present. , tate of things in that quarter. , . , ' ' ybc nature of f0untry reqt.?lfes InG. pens'ably that an-unusual proportion of the f'rce employed there should be cavalry, or jnoutited infantry. In order therefor that ' the commanding officer might be enabled to ct with effect, 1 had authorised him to call " on tie goveirors of Orleans and Mississippi, : f r a corps of five hundred volunteer cavalry. Th temporary arrangement he has prcpot d may perhap- render this unnecessary, uut l inform yon with great pleasure of the promp titude with which the inhabitants of those ttr- ritories have tendered their services in dc hure or their country. It has done honor t , themselves, entitled theirt to the confidence ef their Mlow citiiens in every part' of the u Hi n, and must strengthen the gerieral deter Tn'niiion to protect them etTicacioualy under til circumstances which may occur. , ' Having received information that in ano- ther pii t Unl'ed States a Rrrat nuinUr 'cfpnv'ate Individual 'were conihlning toge ther, arming and.organising, themselves, con- ', Xn'f to law, !vear'ryta, a mil'tary expedi ' tinn against th ferriturles of Spain, I thought ' it nercstary, by proclaiiiation, as tll As by " ? special orders, to take measures for prsven " ting sn suppressing this emerpriic, for sci xinz the vessels,' arms and other means pro- ' ' ilded fr It. and fr arresting. loi brioginfj -r.tt .' ais . 'i toj iuce itssumors k aoeuors. it was cue to that gooJTaUli tfhlLh pught 4ver to be the Ttile of action In public", as wtll is' in private ' trsnsiciIont 1t was due to good, order, and vtgfllar gntemmeftt, that, Mc the public r ; fjfte was acting strictly oft the defensive, and " Tntrtlf to protect our citilehs from sgftes- ' ston, me nminsi sttempis oi priraie incivi 5 duTs to decide, f r their country, the ques f' fwntf peace or war, by coramr wirf active,'. ni urtiuthoriicd taoilitica, bouldVe prompt ITiieraciousliUppfTiscdr "Whethtr will be nccitMarr (i etlargt evfgulaf( force, si ill drjwtiff on ttie result eprbfgoclitU.ns itU flpfin I nulTas it vn "tfcMaln hU fesuirVdl be tnown, the' ffloWiona! t ..aAjrts Vfi''J for rtui, abji t roert sfly pressure htettnitg In that onr.. tt t f tr, wdl U a subject for f uf cirijr tontldcra- Tbe twsseiidS tf both Ivnli o(iVe -'Mint.' ip, ft Jutlg tVa smfe "pbint tlj'c cfi!ce of, thif rfer Itswsters, end, the fodiitrjadia... f tht. It bcomes highly ItecVtsaff tofri.ide, foiThat point, a more adequate stcnrny Sbme bolllofi Vitii fts irduTnrcomnTanding the pissar,tCth rivet, shm.M be rendertd 1 .ufTHefltly si rood to cover Xh4 srtAed vessels I UV? . 'imbed jMt dtience J ' and, in conjunction witXlhem, to prewnt sk' InsuperaUe lMaclt ttf rty fwrtf, attemptbp tft 114 Miibo WtK city of N . .Omn tram to4ratcm ogarter !, ,will.i f('ulrc to,N ximined,,snd tors elcctually tuards4 1'or tLe Jaumal iupport c( the country, the encouragement of t strong set tlement on the western side of tbe Mississip- I pV within reach 'of New'-Orleahs will be worr" thy the consideration of the Legislature i , I he gun boats authortied by an acr ot the last session,' are so advanced, that they will : be ready for service in the ensuing spring trjrcumstances permitted us to allow tne uraq necessary for their more solid construction. A s a much larger number wiU still be wan . ting to place our sea port towns and waters m that stale ot defence to which we are compe tent, ;and they entitled, a similar appropria-' tion for a further provision for them is rccom--niended for the ensuing year. ' vv ''.;' '"'A further"; appropriation will also be neces sary for repairing fortiftfiatHfilrt6y sj blished, and the erection of such other works' as may have real effect in obstructing the ap proach of an enemy to our seaport towns, or their remaining before them. 1 . " J In a Country whose constitution is derived from the Will of the people,, directly express ed by their free suffrages, where ihe . princi pid executive functiouanes, and those of the , Legislature, are renewedby- them at.short. periods, where, under . the character, of ju rors, they exercise in person the greatest por tion of their judiciary powers, where the laws are consequently so formed and administered as to bear wjth equal weight and favor on all,' restraining nVman in -the pursuits of honest industry, ,ond securing to every one the pro perty which heacqnirti.' it would not bestir posed that any safeguard could be needed a gainst""lnsurreciion, or enterprise, on the pub lic peace or authority. ' The laws, how rife r, aware that these should not be trusted to mo ral restraints only, have, wisely provided pun ishment for these crimei when committed But would it not be salutary to give also the means of preventing their commission ? Whero an enterprise is meditated by private individuals, against a foreign nation, in ami ty with the United States, powei s of preven tion,' to a "certain extent, are given by the laws : would they not be as reasonable, and useful, where the enterprise preparing is a gainst the United States f While adverting 1 to this branch of law it is proper to observe, that in. enterprises meditated against foreign nations, the ordinary process of binding to the observance of the peace and gtfod beha . viour, could it be extended to acts to be, done out of the jurisdiction' of the United States, would be effectual in some cases . where th offender Is ante to keep out ol sight every dication of his purpose which could draw onf him the exercise of the powers now given by law. , , The states on the coast of Barbafy seemj generally disposed at present to respect out. peace and friendship: with Tunis alone, some uncertainty remains. '.Persuaded that it is our intertst to maintain our peace with them on equal terms, or not at all, I -propose to send, in due time, a icinforcement into the Mediterranean, unless previous information shall shew it to be. Unnecessary.' . We continue to receive proofs of the grow- , ingaltachment of our Indian neighbours, and of their disposition to puce all their interests under the natronace of the United States. ' These depositions are inspired by their con fidence in our justice, and in the sincere con cern we feel fur'their welfare. And as I-ng as we discharge these high and honorable ' functions with the integrity and good f-ith, ' which alone can entitle us to their confirm ance, we rosy ex pcet to reap the just reward ' iivtheir peare and friendship. ' The expedition of Messrs. Lewis k Clarke, . for exploring the river Missouri, and Hie best' communication from that to the Pacific Oce an, has had alt the success which could hive ,bcco-xpcctdTlicyJave traced the Mis souri nearly to its source, descended the Co lumbia to t he Pacific Ocean, ascertained with accuracy the geography of that Interesting comtnuucai'von across our continent,' icamt the character'cf the country, of its commerce ana inhabitants, md it )s but justice to lay tha,l Messrs.' Wwit and Clarke,-and.' their crave comparddnt, hsvc, by this arduous ler Tlce, dterve! well of their country. " , ' 'lite attempt to explore the Red river, un der the dirtctioa of Mn Frctmamj ttiotigh conducted with seal and prodtnee" meriting entire approhaliotv baArtof been jtiJJy sue-cesafiil.- .Kfier proceeding VP it about, six hundred miles, ncsrly as far as tLe,Jich 'settlements hsd ettended, wtllc At country :wai In their poAesaiott, our geographers vert obliged to rsrurn : without completing their: work. : . . . :. i a,... . i' j -Vry vrful additions bava alsbern made la our knowledge b MiaiS'pf Uh itU rke, wljo has ascended it to its source, and hottourftataa(i itf giving the details ai ' 'ii i I L I m Jtis jourpey, will .shortly be ftsdf fur torn-. 'mutuc(tmiobotn bousclof Cqrtcrrss. Those. r.f Messrs. Itis, Clarke ai.Vrftcrosn will rruire4 furtUr time to hi dijjeald 'apd' pi a-; pSrsd.1 TheVe tmrtaflf latttyslrt sdditks it those5 btftnrptnttitldj rartish'nsteri! ' sVf tommHcmganax'euYsie'mspofifie' Mis- alslppi and Itt stf rw nterti, S4m prirKi pat ntrhitv rem sins Oil Iota erptored, to viols which thw adtkoriiatioo of Congrats, by moderate spprr;Vntona, will! requisite. I con;rstulatt you, ft Dow citizens, on the approach of the period at which you may in -terpose your authority coastitutionally, to withdraw, the citizeps of; the United States from all further participation in those violati ons of human rights, which have been so long continued on .the . unoffending inhabitants of Africa, 'and which the morality, the reputa tion, and the best interests of our country, have long been eager to proscribe. Although no law you may pass ca'ki take prohibitory ef- ; feci till the first day of the year one thousand eight hundred and eight, yet the intervening period is not too long to prevent, by timely i notice, expeditions wtucn cannot be . com pleted before that day. . r " . -, The. receiptsat the treasury, during the year ending .on the. SOtli 'day of Spte,mber last, have amounted tp hear-fifteen, millions of dollars .which have enabled us, after meet ing, the. current demands, to pay two millions seven hundred- thousand dollars of the Ame rican claims, in part of the price of Louisia na, to pay, of the funded debt, upwards of three millions ol principal,-and nearly four of interest; and, in addition; to reimburse, in the course of the present month, near two millions of five and an half per cent, stock. These payments and reimbursements of the funded debt, with those whirh had seen made in the four'years and an half preceding,' will, at the close of the present year, have 'extin guished upwards of twenty three millions of principal. - ) ( The duties composing the Mediterranean fund, will cease, by law, at the end of the present session. Considering however that ' they are levied chiefly on -luxuries, and that we have an impost on salt, a necessary of life, the free u?e of which othei wise is so import ant, I recommend to your consideration the suppression of the duties' on salt, and the conlin' ation of the Mediterreanean fund, in stead .hereof, for a short time, after which that' also will become unnecessary for any purpose now within contemplation. ' When boh of these branches of revenue shall; in this way, be relinquished, there will stilt, erelong, be an accumulation of monies in the treasury, beyond the intalments of public debt which we are permitted by con tract to pay. - They cannot then, without a modification, sssemed toby the public -creditors, be applied to the extinguishment of this Ldebt, and the. complete liberation of our re venues, thev most desirable of all omeclst Nor, if our peace continues, will they be anting for any other existing purpose. The question therefore now comes forward, to whatoth'.-r objects shall these snqdusses be appropriated, and the whole surplus of impost, after the entire discharge of the pub lic debt, and during those intervals when the purposes of war shall not call .for thenit! Shall we suppress the impost, and give that advantage to foreign over domestic manu factures I On a few articles more gene ral and necessary use, the suppression, in, due season, will doubtless be rielit, but the great mass of the articles on which impost is paid, are foreign luxuries purchased Ly those only who are rich enough to afford themselves the uc of them. Their patri otism wou'.d certainly prefer its continuance, i . . i . i ana application to me great purposes oi the public education, roads, rivers, canals, and such other objrets of public improvement, as it may bu thought proper to add to J.he constitutional enumeration of federal pow ers. By these operations, new channels of communication will be opened between the states; the lines of separation will disap pear; their interests will be identified, and their union cemented by knew and indisot. bit ties -Education is. here placed among the articles of public care, not that it would ba prnpos4 to take its ordinary branches out of the hands of private enterprise, which managee so much better all the concerns to which it is equal ; but a public institution csn alone supply those .sciences, whith, though rarely called for, are yet necessary to com plete the circle, all the parts of which con tribute to the improvement of the country, and, some of them to its preservation. Tl subject is now proposed for the consideration of Congress, becsuse if approved, by the time tbe atate legislatures shall have delibera ted on this ex'ension of the federal trusts, and the laws shall la passed, and other sr- rangemcnts made for their execution, the ne cessary funds will be a hand, and without employment , l.suppose so amrndraent to the constitution, by consent of the aisles, oectssary.; btiause (he vbjects now recom mended sie not among l how era,pura"ed in t' eonstiitii .Rf arid to which It ftnuts tie , public roonif a tohc aj rl'ed. , t The present consulti ation tf aaatSnaal itsllishm'rctt lot, education psfiicaJaf y, is rvndcred proper, by this cirtumataoce aUo, II that, if Coogrfs approvirgihe propna'.iii'n, if L.ni'l, il.s :, .i::it u'. a tleniotf.l Jands, thry havf it rrntr m thrir power it endoWi U wn those which will be among the tajhcH to produce the rscessary income,. This fjuaJaiicn would lave the advantage- cf ,ociog indrpendent on war, which my suiuid otlicr improvrmrnrs, by, rvquuutg for iu ova puriwsca, e tcsourcts destined them J.., Tb s, ft Ujw citiicr.1, is the t'stt tf the public interests, at the present moment, and t according to the information now possessed. But such , is Ahe 'situation oi the nations of Europe, and Such too the predicament in which we stand with some of them, that we cannot rely with certainty on the present aspect of our affairs," that may change from moment .to. moment,-during the course of your session, or after you shall have separa ted. Our. duty is therefore to act upon things as they are, and to make a reasonable pro vision for whatever they maybe. Were ar mies to be raised whenever a speck of war is visible in our horixoh, wenevcr should -have been without-them. Our resources would have been exhausted on dangers which, have never happened, instead of being re- , served for what ' is reaHy to takc place. A ' steady, pcrhnps a quickened pace, in pre parations for the defence" of our seaport towns and waters, an early settlement of the most exposed and vulnerable pai-ls,6f our country, a militia so organised that its cf- lecuve pontons can, oe. called to any. point its the union, or volunteers, instead of them. to serve a-sufficient time, arc means which may always he leady, yet never preying on our resouices until actually called into uii!. They ill maintain the public interests, whiU a more permanent force shall be in course of preparation. But much will depend on the promptitude with -which these moans can bs brought into activity. 'If -war be forced upon us, in spite of our lone ond vain ap peals to the justice of nations, rapid and Timorous fs;nvtments, in its outset, will no far towards securing us in its course and is sue, and towards throwing its burllicm on those who render necessary the resort from reason to force. The result of our nerocintions, or such incidents in their course as may enable us to imvr mcir proaaoie issue : sucn iurtner movements also, on our western frontiers aa may shew whether war is to be pressed there, while ntgociation is proscribed elsewhere, shall be communicated to you from time to time, as they become known to ine; with whatever other information I possess or may receive, which may aid your deliberations on the great national' interests committed to your charge. Till JEFFERSON. Decemler?, 18CC. Suspension of ncn-imporutlon :ct. Extract tfa letter from a memhrcf Cngrt:t la the eiiJor of the t'etcrjCu jf JnUiiiicncer, tj- ttd December 3, 1806. M I enclosed you yesterday the messsrt of the President, of that date, and I have now to inform you that we have received another this day, whLh gives us information that our negociations with Uiest-liritain, were pro ceeding with spirit, and a favorable cone! i- sion is anticipated; but the details to be set tled being numerous, the ntgpc'atios may be protracted for some time, lletnn hilt,' it is recommended by the Preaidcnl, on the sug gestion of our Ministers, to suspcud for time the operation of the prohibitory act of the last session, as likely to facilitate tI;c.pro- grcssbf the negotiation, by aiTbrding ad evi dence of our cani'or hud sincerity in bringing to a . friendly ietite the disputes existing be tween the two nations, as veil as for other rtssoos." The following is the message above allude J Tit the Senate and Vne if Reprnentatitet tf the United States tf America I hive the satisfaction to inform you that the nrgociatioQ dcp tiding between the Unit ed States snd ihsf government of (Irvat-liii-lain, is proceeding in a spirit of friendship and accommodation which premises a result of mutual advantage Delays indctdlsvc taken place, occasioned by the lonr illaesa, and subsequent dcath of the Pritish Minister charged with that duty. Cut the commissi- . oners appointed by that gnmnment to re sume the ncgocisibn, have shewrd every disposition to hasten its progress t it is low ever a woik of lime) as many errengtif cii'e arc necessary to place our fuii.re I. armory .i stable greands. lo Ihe mren time, we.fMt ly tie communications of our plcnipoioti. ties, list a temporary auprr.sion of ti e act r,f the last session, prollUitir g certain in por Ulions, wtMild, as a mark of candid disjitif n on out part, and of tenfdr oce in ikr terrpr and views with which they lave hrn me', have a sarpy effect on ititMine. A step sa fiieiMilf will srTotd further evidnr ihst all ewr ptrediojs have flowed from views I justice and eorxilUiioa, end that we fie them. wi:iinly thst fotas wfa'may lest mctlcerre;ondir.t diepcsiiiwas. ' As)d to ilia that the tame motives wMrh pttJoced the postponement of ihe act tilt tie f tenth day t-f h'osrmVr lasf, ae in favour e f its further mepeflsicnt srd is we hssert a- sen to bope that h may soon yield to arrange tbtate ei anuiea't cewtKM srd renvrnierwe, jutic stems to rvqvirethai the eaaVe na sura may be dealtovt lothe fcw cases whit k anay (all within He ahorl rrwrif , as tt all others preteJ r,g tad fo!lorg it. 1 ttrrrf. then lore, Ut rtcttsoicod lha aup ews'.cn ef a - -1

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