this act for tTeawwlIe time, eAinsidera- fj tions of justice, amity, and the public inter. It est. - TH? Jr.FFERSON - .December 3d, 1806. t -v , . ; In consequence of this message a bill iras next day reported, for suspending the act pro hibiting "foe importation of certain British manufactures, which, His supposed will im mediately pass, into a law Committees have been appointed on the diffcrenV parts of the President's message! nd the usual standing mmmittcM have alio been appointed. Mr. J. Clay is named chairman of the committee f ways and means. . '". , COMMERCIAL ; The American trade with the BritiuV Weft-Indiacolonies has hcretoiore been carried on'under the reftriftions of the Proclamation of the different Govern ors, iorft mentbs continuance : We now find,-Nhat an aft of Parliament has been pjffid takirg the power from the Govern ors, and placing it in the King, in Coun c! who have iflucd an order for permit- ling ll)C lrUC, ivi iwovj rnvniu niv 17th of Sept. ifo6, to ports where cuf-tom-houfes are eftablilhed ; and confining the articles to flaves, lumber ol all forts, and the different kinds 6i piilfe, grain, fltur, and fjl), under the denomination of urovifions. There appears a material dif. WILMINGTON. v. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1 80. ' Arrived heri . on Sunday evenings the slocp Georgeeqptain Fejpler, 5 days from Ncw-YorX,, Came passenger the Rev. Mr Fori, an, an Epis copalean Clergyman, on his way to Charles ton, S.C. y V' " ' By the; above arrival we received the following . Important foreign newsc fcrence between the Prtclamatitns above referred to, and the Orders of the King in Council, which if we are correft in our conrtru&ion of ihern, i of importance. to thofe concerned in the trade: The Pncla valient always pointed out the different articles which wereadmifli )le, and decUr, ed thar vellcls bringing anyother than fuch, would be feid ; and listed that raw and moLiJ'es would only be permitted to be ta ken in return. The productions admitted were fuch as we have mentioned above; but the Orders of the King fay, "flavet, lum-bi-y on J all fcrts of trvift:nst (excepting beef, peri aniTu!tir) are permit ted.' We tiring ihare are feveral. kiiuls ot 4rprovifi- . n.s: .which maybe lent in additttn to the ulualor.c?, not tab: ranked with the excep tions ; and for returns we are allowed to . bring the protfucTion of the Colony except cceoa, ofee, agar, ee'.tin 6 indigo" ' We may lately iherctore, add to ne ulual ones, feveral others fuch as piments, dpt. U'sodi, biliJ.dcMxhc On'ers (tilTei from the rioclamaucns in having nopcnalty at tache! to ihcm. The commercial regiiU' t:oi sfor the Wefl Ud'es are extended o the licw corHj'iered colony of Baems ,Ayrtr. .For. Liverpool, i I he new and last sa schooner . . SCUDDER. E. Scuider, m!er t will sail on the 30'. h inM. Can : take 3.1 bales of Cotton on freight. For terms or p. s.2e, bavins superior accommodation, an ply to N. W. Rubles, No. 2, H. Bradley's vrhaiT. December 23, 1 206. FOR SALE, A sirci. ba:vlsomc Chaise and Iia.!ic i northern made, Also, a Young Horse. E i Tire of the sucriberj nest door to the MahoUUl Chmch. Joshua Wells. Wilmington, Dec 23. tfp75c. Found this" Evtning, . At tkt Rxl Sprinf ), An English made Silver Watch " Theonntr miy have it bv pilyiinto J. II. Campbell. . Dec'22. i Bank of Capc-Fccr. THE Stock llaUfr afs hertby nificd, thst the Aiiftual MecUrif !ur lctin; Directors will 1m he! T at the Hank on Mtn day the Sih Jtiiutry n at. Illection to com. m-pcest Ho'tltKk inhc fortnoon. Stock. )i'Ulersmsy ft in rrviior by proiy, be. in a Stnk-hnllr, rmicsmy be conuitu ted by delivery of ibe Keceitor JWrip, 0 r Vtdrnce H .StdcktttHe pcrvio intendrdto art I'roiy, or by fowtt ma It and executed in manner and f irm as fulliws t State rf Kttth-Co'tsinj, t , cwnrr of Jhirtilnlht Bank fCspf lear, rlohertly. pjwJnt wy JHoty.towKf if l)irtc tociof ail tliftk at tn Aoul Mtttir i It htUoti Moodsy tk c( Jtofy, V60T,' with power sta tw my Mid i'rasy ta ap;o(nt a tutaitute ba cr by dikvcry and n. ., qrfument hfio(toliJsubtUul. .VHnt hiui sal sU lW . ' 119 lu it U4tnJ4tittrtl , ;. tM ftittmeti , ... J V , t Cy rdtf, .1 , , A JotJnu Potts, Cashier. DsvtmWr tU ; ATM-Toxgi (People's Friend) Dee. 9. ' The ship Eugene in 57 days from Amster dam, arrived at this port to-day, and brings the last intelligence from the European con tinent. On the 9th f October hostilities commenced between France and Prussia the battle lasted nine days the French were successful. On the 17th they entered Berlin Prince Hohenloe is stated to have beerT wounded Prince Ferdinand and the Duke of Brunswick to hare been killed 25,000 Prus sians are said to have been killed 100 pieces of cannan taken the Russians were on the frontiers but retrained from engaging. - December 10. . . WE mentioned yesterday, that intelligence had been received ot the deieat of the Prus sians by the French army. We are not pre pared to say that the intelligence is correct to the extent to which it has gone. There is however too much cause for apprehension that the Frenchhave been successful, although it may not be true that they have been sue cessful to the amount which has been men tioned. It may be that the forces of Buona parte have conuuered in iome instances, but it may not be a fact that they have Uken as many prisoners and killed as many men as' the Dutch accounts would make us believe. . Let us see what these accounts state', and the American reader will determine the de gree or credit which is due to them. We do not say that they are entirely untrue, but we say that we hope that they are not correct to the extent of the statement. We will give in a summary way the va rious accounts which have been received. JTht Hague papers of Oct. 17, say That more than one desperate action had been fought hetweeu the armies" That Prince Louis Ferdinand brother to the King of Prussia, and commanding one of the bri gades was killed, and that a great number of prisoners and 3 ? pieces of cannon were ta ken. The Hague papers do not say when or where this battle took place. But they state in consequence of this happy event the royal flag has betn hoisted this (lay upon the obser vatory." 4 . The London papers of Oct. 26, in remark ing upon this intelligence, state , From this meagre account, it is impos sible to derive any certain information. Neither the scene of the action, nor the dtf when it took place, nor the names or the num ber of the divisions engaged, nor any details, in short, which could ensble us to form an o jinjon respecting the truth or falsehood of , the intelligence, are given. We have onl; the bare assertion that several engagement have taken place between the French ant Prussians, the results of which have been do ci 'erf'y in favour of the former. Withotf venturing to contradict the general fact, wi mar be allowed to observe, that it is rathe extraordinary nothing of this intelligent! should have transpired at Hamburgh on thi 17th, wh'ch is almost. one hundred m;lfi j rifsrer the scene of action than the IWpuq'I u;!Vini; this disastrous affair to have oo cifTtd tube left wing cf the Prussian arm. A few dys, or hours, ptr'iaps, will put us 11 r-w"un of tlir truth. Let us hope, in the f rt 1 Ikc, that this Dutch version of the aC i l.i?1ily eiartiterstrd. S me little ar tifice may he justified by the state cf the pub lic min I h llotlscd j an1 in whatever rvgsrds tl.e pisert campaign. houM the surceases 1 of the respective armies be at all balanced, t e should irive just the same degree of ere 1 dit to the Monitsur and tbt Caictte of King I .nuts. . ... . . There Is ininromUtcnry between the "ac counts In the Du'ch papers, of the move ments of the armies, and those which we hare received by the way of Hsmburf,h It is mentioned in a.i article from Franliort. of the I Ilka lnt. that the Trine of llohen r"he' corps had advanced tore-occupy Hat 'rtt'.h, sil.iU his own Utter date j Jim, the lOtV, inserted in tbt JlamhrjK Ctfrti Jrntt, would Induce us to aoppo. that he was filing b'nek upon the centre or he Prus sian army. It Is probable, hTwever, that t Rtntrst enesgmient has' been fought, as unntpsrti had ctVtithed his hesd-quartf r at Rronsch, near the Nnhtnt eitrsr&lty of Dayreu'h, on the th of this month. , , J The Hamburth f aprrs ssy. that hostilities fogsnen the tih, but that no oflm-p-.fttn(t tok j'ice until the 10th or llth, when sif they, "A s)try warm action wss fo:ebt at SiaL Ml. Piince IxmjIs I'srdinsnd, who com mand," aftd the French were estimated at 20,000.. In the end, howe vet-, the enemy prevailed. Prince Louis was kiUed, the pas sages of the Saal forced, and the Prussians compelled to retreatr with the loss of sever- . al men,, and some cannon. These are the most authentic particulars Avhich we have been able to extract from the Mail respect ing the Tesult of this first a fTairy which was produced by an attempt of the French to ruin the right wing of the. Prussians and destroy the considerable magazines which they had formed at Naumburg, " The enemy (continues the Hamburgh papers encouraged by this firft fuocels, pre fled forward with their characteriftic impehiofity, which brought on anaclion, in which it appears that a large proportion of the refpecUve armies was engaged. We cannot, from the accounts brought by the Mail, afcertain the day on which this bat. tie was fought, but the refult of it is Ra ted to have been decidedly in favor of the Pruflians. Upwards of 20,000 French are reported cither to have fallen in, the field, or to have been made prifoners. The of ficial account had not reached Berlin when the poft for Hamburgh left that city, but the fadV is placed beyond all doubt, by a fhort note which was received from her PruffianMajefty." On the morping of the lath ((ay the Hamburgh papers) an action was fought in which the Prince Hohenlohe was fuc cefsful. . " It is probable (fay they) that a feries of a&ions took place up to the 14th, when the general engagement was fought, the relult of which has been unfavourable to the Pruflians." .1 he Hamburgh papers then go on to flare that the Pro (Tun Queen had taken fhelter in Cuftrin fthis is a town on the Oder, 48 miles cj(1 of Brandenburg. 1 The H .L - 1 loiiowing is me amcie t . HAMffUXG, Oil. 21, The Queen of Prudia arrived at Ber lin on the 17th, and on the day following departed again for Stettin, or according to other accounts, tor Lultrin. We now come down to the 13th, when the Hamburgh papers (late that on that morning the caemy (meaning the rrul fian) "only Waited for the log U disperfe to commence a general action. , A divifmn of 50, coo men intended to taVethe defiles of Kocfon, to cover Naumburg, hut was prevented by Marflial Davnull. The two other divi lions So, oco men in number to- order of battle in front 9 J Atrysrm action wssfosijbtat SsaL 11 ber of 150,000 1 tUy loft aoo pieces cf tiU. l ance ljbu lirdmsnd, who com II ctnrvvo. andjoitan! 01 colours, txueei rnamled an a.'s-soce d ef the ltd sriaa; II 1 8,000 prifoMfl of war, 1 Th Dukt of , ALMANACKS for 1C07, lor a!c at thc"lrimu.Ofiirc. gether, drew up in tof the French line. The fog covered both artniei for the f pace of two hourj; but when it cleared up the two armies had a view of each o- lbr the niltance i a cannon (hot. " The enemy 1 army was numrrous, & exhibited a haedfume l ody of cavalry : his marceuvrrs wet: executed with exatnefs and Iwiftnefs. Having made an advance on our left vtirc, Marlhal Angenau wai chargec to inrow nun nacK again , ana in Icfs than an hour (he attack was general. From a Co, 000 to 3 0.000 men, with 7 or 800 piecei of cannon, fpread death every where before tnrm, ana exnioitej a very raie fpedacl. Tho Emperor always kept a flrong body of rtfcfvc with him, beCdes his Imperial guard. At this Interefling trifif, adivifinn of French cavalry armed alfo, and formed a line of battle in referve, in ronjuncViori with the above. The whole body now ad vanced, and together with the main army, ifoon threw the enemy Intoconfufton; they tock poll again but were completely tou'ed, by a frefli attack frour. the Duke of Berg, with hit heavy horfe and dra-roons. The refult of the battle the taking of 10.000 nrifeneri.' 15 or Hand f co lours, and 300 pieces of cannon. bcCJci rnsgsrlnes and (lores'. The enemy It fnppofed to have lo(! aj nt no. 000 killed ard wounded. General Mi l eodorf, and Prince Henry of Pruflif, ire wosi nded. The Duke of Bruofwlck and General Ruchcl are killed. Our loft It ellimsted at 1000 or I loo ' iei I, and 3000 wounded" We now cocae down to the battle of the 14th, which we believe Bay have been confounded wtih the battle of the 131b, U Phat iht re la only detail of the other, of this battle the Harobargh paptri under the head of Jc d , Ocl 15, lay BATTLE OF 1ENA. 'Jina, Oct. 15 (5orclxk, a.m.) Tbe battle of Jena, fought jeflerJjy, It one of iha inaft mcmoratle In hiflory. " The rruuiaas amounted to the nun. " MaYfhal Davoufl, who was Rationed in the narrow paflage of Koefen, and be fore Naumburg, left the enemy no time to tarry ; he" fought the whole day, ant threw more than oojooo men into cohfu- (ion, which were commanded by M Ollen dorff, Kalkreuth, . and" the king fn perfon. " The. UueehofTruuia was put fueJ by a troop of horfe. She was obliged to take fhelter in Waimar, and three hours before our advanced polls arrived there, Hie had fled from thence, (he took a road which was full of our troops, and it is therefore very likely that (he . has been overtaken. Our troops reached Watraer in th evening, purfutog the rear.guard of 'the enemy on the left flank ; on the left Alar (hal Davoult purfued them as far as Ncu fiad. His head-quarters were at Kikardf- berg this morning. It is fuppofed that the enemy is endeavouring to collect hie forces on the fide of Frankcnhaufen, in or der to reach Magdeburg. The enemy mud have fuffcred a terrible lofs, which will not be afcertained until late. ' Six of their Generals are prifoners of war, be fides a great number of colonels. MARRIED, on Tuesday the 2d instant,' Mr. JahssPxarsell, to Miss NanctKxrr j both of Duplin County. , ,. On Tuesday aSd ultimo, Mr. Wtt-' li ak Wbight, son of Major Jamea Wfighfi of Duplin, to the amiable Miss Racuasl WuiTFisLD,daughterof the Reverend Lewie Whitfield o" Lenoir County. On Thursday the 4thinst. Mr. Abra ham Herring to Miss Susanna Blackmabt of Sampson county. , On the 1 1th inst. Mr. War. Jones to Jemima Giddoss andon the same day Mr. Isaac Gibdans to Miss Fame Futck; all of Wayne county. CUSTOM-HOTJSE iyiMJtilQN. . sjT'. Entered' Dec. f 6--rf Perseverance, tftlson, Antigua; with rum and fruit to Gcutier tt Co. Brig Trial,' Patterson, Havanna, with molasses, sugar and coffee to Gaulicr V Co. Noy. 20 Sloop James) Hervey,- Barnstable, tuith molasses. Nov. 23 Sloop George, Fowler, Pfev-Tork Brig Hamilton, Harding Barladoes with run to Gautier tJ Co Clearer Not. 1 6 Schooner Polly, Stlltv), Janaic ' 7 Schooner Aurora, Allenx Kcw-Torlci . 18 Schooner. flaanah, Eldridge, Jamaica . 9Brig Nvptune, Cook, West-IndUo ,20 Schooner JIarmony, Nye, Barbadoet . Pryal, Barker, ditto Kingston, Jam. ttovt 18. Arrived brigs Lasher, DorrctI, ew.Torkj Eliza, Taylor, Charleston ; Schr,- Trial, Pat terson, Ncvbtrn, . Noc. 1 1 Siip Itry roler, fircram, ' Aftp Yrk &dayl, wtth Jour ; Brigs John, Martin, Alexandria, 15 Jays, with four and bread 1 Eli. Id, Perdition, Nv-Yrk, 19 days, with lumber ondfsh. The same day orrited the American Brigt Fortune, llorrison, from Cuba bound to Philudt lphia in ballast i detained by his Jfajcs- ty's Frigate Success, : fair Creole, Smith, from BourJeau to Htw-Orteans, with wine. . tf the Pn'isim armr, wss stationed at that town to defend the pastime of the nal Ills orders, It is said, were to maintain- Ms prnlUfMi to tV.e last titrtm1ty,fof the 0ir. jme tf afffn!iftf; the lrirvre of I !ber,Mt an epponoft'ty d tucsjiintr; a bM tneve went wtiWh be bsJ plaaned fsimt the riikt wirif of the evtny. Triiire Ioais bravely fiftformtd Ms duty, defeftdincj the Mftde durirf the gttstet psrt ef the day scln at a forte thrve timet more nertvr"qt ihaq bit vwa 1 be a J only iooo raa voder bit um 7. tlreefsiick and Roche! are killed. Tibet Heary of PruftTa la badly wounded., A great cumber ol Uenersu, beudei mtn oiTiciif of rank, are wounded. The k( el the French army li. comfarativelv.ln. finitely lefs 1 yet we have In the bofpiiaU of Jiru, taoo weundeJ, arwi In ihofe of NaemtAirg I oo. Tbere it no other te. rtal UHtd on 00 r fart, but. a generalef Diljae, DtHy, a brave man. TeeFtmh aim; hat axejeirti grut loit Not. 22. Tho Brg Favourite, Gaul, from Philadelphia, is arrived at St. Ann's Bay. , On the 4th tnst. on the east edge of the Gulph the Favourite fell in with the wreck oj the Brig Sj.'r, Wheeler, from St. Jago-Ue-Cuba for New. Ytrk, which cverset in a gale of wind four dayt before. Ixvs men wet token off the wreck The captain, mste nd rest of the crew are sup posed to have fcr'uhed. The Brig Summer, Fisher, from Korfelk, end Sckr. FitinpSun, Jackson, from I dent on, hoot arrived ot Port Maria. Not. 25 1 tailed Ship Charlotte, Pclhon,for WilningtM. ITr understand, though the marine inteUigenco' f'om rorURoyal dot not mtntioA tt i that hit Majesty's Frigate Resistance of 54 jjmi, eopt , Adams, had anchored yesterday evtmnr at Port. R010J, with dispatehet to hit Honor the Lifut, Governor nothing had at jet transpired, kut tho disagretohlt . report vat spread that .Bmenot Ayret had been retaken by the Spasuardn TRICES CVRREirr-WiimttcTorr. Dit. Ciu DU.L11. BACON per 100 Ha. .... Cottcn per lb. Coffee per lb. Corn per bushel, . Meal do Rice, Tobacco, Hour per baml, new Ditto per hau barrtJ, Lumber per M. W. 0. bhd. staves, R. o. do. do. do W. o.bU do. rough SVinclesper 1000, Sufar per csrt , Molasses per fall on Rum, W. Jam aica do. 4ib p, N. E. , do Tar per baml, Turpentine, . . . FOR SALE, if p plied for within Jot or tit dart, The iuunch fat tailing IHL'OOP Y GEORGE, ' K9 lying at Market WbarC , . 11 . Ruttel Fowler. Wu'mirgttm, Dei, tl ! . IS u 20 :o 30- . 3Jf T-l I -1 11 3 ao I SO 6 6 50 r 4 ' 10 13 20 IS . 12 -U 12 . 1 71-2. C 40 SS T5-' a to II 1 IS 1 II 21 IS

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