-'t:, - . J- Will be Rented at Auctkny On the first day of "January next, f or one i ear, The House and Lot commonly j called The Lodge, ahd the Wharf and Ware Houses,; formerly the property of Joseph Dean, dec. The rent to be paid quarterly, ' ; J.Hartman, s" " u , Master of St. John' t Lodge ffo? 1. Wilmington, Dec. 23. ' ? : THE subscriber having lately received a full and renewed Power of Attorney from the "Heirs of Wimble, inhabitants of Boston apd other parts of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, OFFERS TOR SALE j Landed Property of said Heirs, consisting of nearly ' One hundred Lots, lying in the Town of Wilmington'.? Also a Skirt of Land adjoining on the eastern and southern boun daries of the towm ! The terms may be known, and good and Sufficient Titles 'made to Purchasers by . , . jpsnua x ous. ' Wilmington, Dec. 23.. 1803, 2wtlam Valuable'Mill Seat for Sale, SITUATED on Aflie's & Holley 'bel ter creeks, formerly in the occupation " of CM. Samuel A(he, and containing up wards of 4009 acres of Land, a part ot which ti well calculated for the cultivation of either rice or corn. On the premifes is a Saw Mill in Rood order for immedia'e work. Its fituatian as a Mill Scat is fo well known in this place as to need but little description its almoft never failing Pond, and command of conftant means of getting to the Wilmington Market, rcn. der it a valuable purchafe to any pefon Wifhing to engage in the Lumber Bufii.efs "One third of the purchafe will be requirVi in prompt pjy the payment of the re maining two thirds will be made convenu tnt to the porchnfer, lor as the whole be paid within eighteen months from the day of fate, giving notes wi;h approved endor ser, and payab'e at the Kank of Cape Fear. . For further particulars apply to John London, , Attorney k Fjct for John tt Wm. G. Rutherford W itmington, U.'C 2J. TO LET, THE Store and Cellar adjoining the fubfriber whereof immediate pof . fellion wili be given Alfo the two Brick Stores in Market.Street, belonging to J. F. Iurgwin they will be completed and ready t receive tenants in about a month , , , G 1 LES Cc BURG VV I Nf. December 40. NOTICE. 'A - T the Court of Pleas and Quarter jt V. S?on, ne,J or '',e County of Bid den on fir ft Momlay of this month, lie fuhferibers oujli6ed at Executors of the lad Will and Te(hmntf Thomas '0eu, ( leceafed.) 1V hereby requ -ft all rerfons havinz demands ntfsinft fiid (late by Mvit N'c rr otherwit to make them kr.on whhin the time limite l by Law. ' AH peiforl iinVbted to faid tilate arj rroi.itrd to mke pTf nt. JAMES 'MOORHEAD.l... . ELISHA STEDMAN. 11'. h December 1806. 51041, WILL HE PUBLISHED JTttS tilth expedition ton$!iteni viih the nature ej ihtpeocetdirft, Tnt TauLor . THOMASO. SELPRIDCE. WIIKNLVLU questions of public con ccrrt invohln either the liberty or life ef it'n en. oTcr tUcmsdres to the decition.of the supreme auihorit), the public sre nrccs ' aarily a pittyr a'od dctply intcrtsted in the e vent. On ths prrentoceaMon( tht citltens ' thxou;ho.it llif Union, will not only espett, Lul dcrruid, an itipartul, full and unbiassed tiUbry of the facta and an application of the ; hw U th)e (acts, in a esse, which has alrea dy ticittcfthe pttbHc feelinsr more than any tsurrtnee vMch has evsr taken ptact in this country. -Ir.ftrf ii tnfrt. mhst we ketiwc to tx the public srlkhch we bare tnpr,d Mr ' LtoTD, (lata Ileporterof tht Debates Coo. grct) to rrrtnrt a tirctimttanlial, and faithful, detail f jhe Trial. Thus the public will have An appwiunUy of knoin tbe cne both ( the Court sod Jury, ind of courM will b en ligbttricd In one cf tin mot ftolcmn, afil, nj inrtrti'Jnjf xskes wbkb cstr !Trtd it Uto abuma iribunsl The st tnc graphics! ami literary slili'irsof Mr. liio bate deserted rsnktd him a ftoag h literati of our cun7 The ni witrv'ts Itnpnrtsnl rftb' and trials which Iists Urn rrtxwted by him br tht best tew j Utrwwt) J bis accuracy and Impsrtiality. To ' assist him, tht seslcei ofsettrsl prfmionl tn1etnen bate teen otft d 1 m tlst iac ' public raiy rtly on a Uf 4)brf; cf every rtlatW U U.a trlsi. . ' jitLCuin if AXifSTnoxat . 3Uton, Nor. "11, MUl . ; Tbo bo,wt.h ts pfocurt lb abott anantioncd wwk, w'4t plestt sp:4y t . . i fc r. I'lLHAM. WUitilf Jtn, fu t , For Sale r i ' ; IH AT valuablc Plantation in Bladen County; on Big Collet Swamp, thiee miles above the Fork, containing loco acres, ccof which $ cleared and'un- dcr good fence, with a good apple and peach orchard, a good dweim!gnouie,Kiicnen ana oilier out, honres..! 'THe above landjs well a I "daptedto the culture of corn, oates, wheat, and rye, ana as leruie as any in us nciga- bourhood, and convenient to a good turn mer and winter range as any in the coua- ty, both for cattle and hogs-the fituation both pieaUnt and healthy. Any perion who wiftxrj to purchafe can have ca Or 6o head of young cattle, andv2oo or 300 head of hogs on the puce, it they choofe. Terms may be known by applying to James Smith on the premtles. J. G. M. for JAML3 5MH H. December 2o. I w pd. " Ordinances of the Commissioners of Wilmington. ORDERED, that the town Constable do take up all Horses that he may find in the Streets at lare, and impound or confine them ; that he aUo advertise the same : and that the owntrs of such horses so taken up, shall pay the said Constable for each horse one dollar, before the release of the same. Ordered, that ell "flogs found on the Streets be killed and sold by. the town Consta ble, and that one half of the amount thereof he sliall receive to his own benefit, and the o ther half sliall be given for the use of the poor. ORDtKtiD, 1 hat all Goats iound on the Streets shall ba killed by the town Constable. Ordf.rkd, that any person galloping or driving a Horse, immoderately through tbe Streets, shall if a white person, be fined 10s. and if a negro and unable to pay, shall receive 15 stripes on his bare back. Ordered,- that all Necroes from the coun try found in town without passes from their owners shall be taken up and confined in jail. there to remain until released by their said owners, and jail lees paid. . Ubdered, thPtirom and aitrMonuay me 22d instnnt, a!l0dricra of drays and cir's shall lead his or their Horse or Horses by the Bridle; any person found transgressing this Order, if a white man. shall upon conviction, pay a fine of 20s. if a negro, shall receive 35 lashes on his bare bck And whereas a very shameful and unbeco ming practice exist amoriR some of the tra ding people in this town- of keeping their atores or shops open on the Sabbath day for the purpose of Vending their Merchandize, which practise causes disorders and. riots in the Streets, therefore ordered, that no per Sons shall hereafter keep their stores or slikf s opsn on the Sabbath day, for the purpose of Vendinc aforesaid, under tbe penalty of five pound for I each and every offence ; and it shall be the duty of the town Constable to ex amine into and ascertain who shall offend a gainst this order, a&d report the same to tht Commissioners. ' Henry B.Joy, is hereby appointed town Constable, and Clerk of the Market, and is to be recpecltd acrordintjly. llv order of the Commissioners, Ti'lOS. CALLENDKR, Town Clerk. Dec 18, 1SC6. Further Notice. ; MANY rfon continue to hunt and hiwl awa'y vrood&c. from the lands b 1 n4itn; ' Grcenfit'.Js Elhtc, notwith rttnding the repeated notices forbidding tl.em. It is fcricufly intended to profe cut" offenders hereafter as far as the law will adm't. Dec. 1 6. 3. Genuine Madeira Wine AND s Old Red Port in bottles, rorf!eby J, FLEMING; December 9. THE fubfc fiber Wgi leave to inform . bis fiicnds and the pulic Is tenersl, that U U opening a cenersl and 1ar-e af. fortment of Fall, Winter, and Spring Colf. Groearias and Hardware, which h will fell by Retail or Whnlctale on tht lowed ttrmi for caflof county produce, . J.UARRtT. Wilmiron, Dec. 9. ' ' NOTICE. ' THE fubferiber Uitbj fotbUs all and cvtry perfon or perfoni whnfifocver, from hnn'inf with dog or gun, or landing tom an bis lands at and djoSftlng the bead of the found, and alfofrom nlhirgor tik p2UQ ovfleri thereat, tinder the penalties uf law. P. MAXWELL, Whj will (if applied to foon) rtnt lor ore or n yrsrt, the Plantation co the foun.1 called Scdjl Abbey. , December p.t jw For Sale HOUSESo-LOTS. For catUculiti apply clihf r tn tb Fuor or 10 JOllNHJLLt V N. AV, RUGGLES, No. 2, Bradley's Wharf, offers for sale 80 barrels of Mess No. 1 and No. 2, Beef 50 barrels of N. Rum ' 30 barrels of Flour . Pipes and quarter casks of old L. P. Madeira Wine of superior quality ioany in this place Quarter casks of Sherry and Lisbon ditto ' 3 tons Bf assorted weeds Iron I ton of Sheathing Papef 3 Barrels of Lampblack , . Ditto, RedOcre ' n Also, an, Invoice of English Goods suitable for the present season. Dec. 8. tf ' ' Wholesale Store. Th4 .subscribers are now opening and offer for salt bj the rackage or less quafttpjr,:, : .. A very, large and general Assortment of Dry Goods, Hard Ware, Hats,&c, Consisting of ' NEGRO Cloths of various kinds, Blank ets, Coatings, Flanntls, Broad Cloths, Cassimeres, Velveretsi Thicksets, Threads, Muslins, Dnrants, Linens, Dimities, Cali mancoes, Ribbons, Shawls, Handkerchiefs, cotton woolen apd worsted Stockings, CrapeSj ' Edgings, Modes, Sattins, Gloves of all kinds Bedticks,. Oznaburgs . Swansdowns, Cardi nals,Cal!ic.oes, Checks, Nails, Locks, Hinges, Anvils, Vices, Hoes, Guns, Pistols, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Penknives, Scis sors, Razors, Brushes of all kinds, mill, cross cut and Handsaws, Files and Rasps, Bridle Bltts and Stirrups of all kinds, Plated and tin ned Saddles, Carpenter's Tools, Shot,' Sad Irons, Scythes and Sickles, Pins, Buttons, Paints and Window Glass, English Gun Pow der, Men's Women's and Children's Hats with a variety of other articles too tedious to mention. They have also in addition to their Stick already on hand, imported in the ship Danube just arrived from Liverpool, and which in a. few days will be landed, 120 Caks fine drawn English Nails. 7 cases Guns well assorted, ' Pistols of various kinds, 10 c iks Hoes, and a very general assort ment of Hard Ware. Giles & Burgwin. Wilmington,' Sept. 26. A. HALL keeps constantly on band, at the Printing-office, A large Collection of BOOKS, Among; which are School Books of almost every kind. Jlso, stationary, R consisting of LANK BOOKS assorted, iirk Tost Folio, iThln tlltto, Q'tarto Post, Gilt edt;e Foolscap, MAPER, i-'iiin do. do. Pot, Marble, Blotting 8c W'ranpine Ink Powder and Quills ol the best quality, aiming anq common asna, Red and Illiek Scaling-Wax and JVafers, - Lead Pencils of various kinds, " Some Charts and Seamen's Journals, Cyphering and Copy Books and Copy Slips, Blanks of all kind in common use. 03 Wanted an Apprentice to the Printing business. Inquire at this Omcc. FOR SALE , A VALUABLE Plantation on tU J7X North Eaft Rirer, adjoining South Wathington, contaioSns; fix bundled srd forty acres, one hundred of which is un. der good fence, the whole adopted to the culture ef Corn, Cotton and Kice. There are on the preroifss a tolcrable;ood DweU ting Houfe and convenient txit honrei. tor terms apply to the fubfetiber in So. Wafljington. - . - T. IK Bloodworth. Not. if tf. TO EE SOLD-w r Ccfl tr Uun 1 300 acres of Land about 20 miles aoove FiTittcviUe on tbe nonh-esd fide f f tie titer, high pleafant fjtustion. on which are good Springs, and a Grift Mill on an excellent llreatn, a rood dwelling Houfo and convenient out Houfel. There Is open Land enough to work (en or twelve talk Hands. It pilots about ore mile and an ha J on the tiver. The low land infe rior to none m the rivertbe high land til a lpted to the culture cl wheat and tobacco, For terms apply to SAMUEL NORTH1NGTON. November 10. tf Bank of Cape-Fear. NOTICEIsfcertby given, that frrrrj ami after ihetwenty.rtltb day cl Jarvl uaryresi. d'j win be on Men. day, and Df(t Jij oo Wcdoefday, lo each week. By Ordrr of ibe DireIon, JOSHUA rOTTS ,Csfi'tr MoTtattrit. JOSHUA POTTS offers for sale at low prices, to clost Consignments, t Ihe following MERCHANDIZE, hhds. Sugar, 4 barrels Coffee, r lojpurjcheons N. Rum, 35 barrels ' .ditto, . A few pipes . Malaga Wine,- .-i-.v-v Ditto Lisbon-iiKUft Cheats Hyson Tea, Chests Young Hf- ;:sorv- ; 1 India Cottons, . w , Kegs Gun Powder, (Bags ShQL&ssQrted Coils Cordage, . . RuU Canvas, . I Ravens Duck. - ' Produce at market prices, 'viz. . Sawed Pine Lumber", . 1 Flour, Butter. ' ALSO FOR SALE, A likely Negro l7ellow, country - y - - brirn. . ' . ' Wilmington,' Dec. 16. 1 - - WR SALE, A Tract of Land on the SOUND, eight miles from Town, con. taining about 300 acres, adjoining lands belonging tov Major. Walker, and is a flea fan t a fiioatiou a$ any 00 the Sound or fummer rertden(fe. Poireffion may be had on the firft day of January next. Applv to KICHAKD LANUUUN. November 17. tf . For On a credit of 6, 9 and 12. month sr with approved Notes rsgcciaUe at tiie Bank of Cape-fear. Nineteen -Lots Bounded by Princefr.flrter an! Third an-J Fourth-flrceti. Aifo fuudry Lots adjoin in Richard Langilon's aid tl.e Ci,ui.l-.-.Yard. . One Lot -on Front. flrcet, adjoining T Fitrgerald's. Two hundred and twenty acres Land on Lockwoods Follv in Bninfwick cownty. Apply to JOHN MARTIN. ; BEN. BLANEY. EPH. JANE EWINS. Nov. ' ? James Perin INFORMS his old Friends and Cuflo mers, that he has ukrn a (hop in Front Street, where he carrici on the Saddle and Harness Making busi ness in all its various branch, lie hat new r. lnd and for. Salt, Men's and Women's Saddles, of the firft quality, IJarr.cflci, plated anJ cemtnon. Airo, A hmdfime cjp'.ttmtnt tf 7 RUSKS, WHIPS, he.ll cj vUcb It villfell cLttp ftr Caff-, Ntvmbfr .tf. Iht fubfcriltr it ntto iptni'z at hit Sfst next Jit weft tf Mr. Jihn CtlLtrda't, in Maritt-Slrcet, A gcreral Afortment of Boots and Shoes, Amon u hieb art La-lies lace pattern Eujiluli kid Slippers, Cclnoitit and plain Andean do. Celt black and coloured Morocco do. with and wisluMit heel, D. do. wiihcqrL fo!ei, fultal'.c for v rt weather, &C. &r. SAMUEL mrcjLF. . Nwtmltr 10. ' - Bill & Rankin, 1IAT1FRS T ESPECTFULLY inlormtl.e Inbt- JLv. bitsnts of Wilmington and its vicin ity, that they have ju(l arrived from New. York with an i AlTo trocnt of the mofi faOi icnable Hats, that could be procured, confiding of Beavers, Cafloti, Felt Half,,, &c They rtave taken rsrt of the flpre ocrt pled by Mr. James Perin, fiddler, where they illdifpofeof tbe fame at the New York Prices. A'. P. Hats reatlf drclTed. Wilmipgion, November 10. tf CAUTION. THE rnib'ic. ire tr qutllfd tt guard a cair.rt the villainy rf a particular Msn who cillib;mfc'f JOHN SNOW- DEN He prnfciTrs lU houfe carpenter snd cabinet buf.nefi, is of t middle flat ure, hs feet 7 or 8 inches high, lull feature Jv floop fhouldcrcJ. brown hair, and whrrt renvttfing bat i down leek, lie made hit elcpement from ibis p'are on ibe yih ir rt. where be itfiied for feveral mnmha bark, chesting rd committlrp frauds nn lis brother workman as wt l at on rrrnc j ether uccupaiion and at lafl mafe cf.oice of dark for light, to c dear of ar.y II certain what rovt M i ttf, but, it it corjenurtd be U gore lowardiraycttvilla orChatWflnn. t Wilmirgioo, Decixberp, I$c4.jw

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