- T '.r ' . 1 V.'V iroi I er i: ecds not ; we shall not forget the" occasioii ' nor the perpetrator ofhie mVder-But, I " intend not ta pronounce his funeral eulogy . - 1 have far greater objects itt.Tiew . -i-. , At the tiraethew things took plsce,r and fc . vef since, th question has been irreiistibly forcing itself upon us j'why hare we-, not a ': . navy to protect s against these or any other " . ' outrages I But we hate navy t yes, we have ' the shadow and nothing but the shadow of -'. ' one.; We hve wasted millions, sir, by reason . ' of oureconotpjTr our txecisive econqmy, and 1 " ' ' millions more, we shall I fear, wastd by tho .v same means, and still have.no efficient navy, v : 5 ,'fwo question, are of rait importance to us " shall wo have a navy I If so, shall we ' not in ' ' ? troduce a system of more energy, mote eTHcl- ; ency i to these questions, 1 call the atten ' , tion of the houe, '., It is now full time for us: " , to, take4 a wide f ange1 of view far more Wide. , than heretofore. It is time for us to explode; " the narrow. ridiculousndThll'-desVoyiHg armament,1 of the unimportance' of the other side of the globe,' to this country. ;v lt,is tinie tint we should be no longer the Scorn' oF'fo . . reign nations ; that we should have athevyj ; .... : which from foreigners, and from the kicked ' wits of our wft country, should deserve a ti . tie of more distinction than thai of the Lilli-1 . putian'nevy.'T-.-? - 'It is lime to chantre-your system with res j - ' peel to foreign politics. ; Let me not be mis 1 understood : I anorove of the domestic bro- r eedinga of the executive, and the general py ' . "cy. purmed. respecting foreign nations, 5 '. but - - I consider a STSTKii of DtrtKcr. againttfo- ' .reign power, as most essential Jto ejiirwclfare, to our existence m a nation. ; It is inbisfesr; , pect t wtth." tHe systenvchlngedi tiet. us .no Jonirer keen un the mere shadow of defence. Let us have at "length : enough to command out (Di cuvjeci musi vc touencu, irii in qtntion be jikedA fhom shall this navy oji- . pose "ana the answer at " rrajieev' 'V- r . What h the news from Europe tTrussia is 1 fallens-she ha fallen unpitied.et' tpvered- with imperishable gloi y-S?iiperio number, , ' not superior cunning rruf intriguei destroyed her. :On every sober principle of reason of. a-f ' nalogyjmual say that our turn is next. ; ; ' ' . . Prusiia was ordered, to give upa part of her., territory j so ae - we t and by whom i By a pi)r known to bp under the immediate' con- nol of i ranee.,,, 1 lie design that were held gamii rrois.su, are the snnie that are anT ere held against us. J-iUlc need be anj to shsll ssy. nothing ,cf errtjuhdocoments ; that h.ve gained celrbrity from ith'tir ltisciu table secrecy. 1 shall say 'Bothipg. ofwhat thev Contain--1 wish our rnasir Jthose e; dulight to honor, the People, could aee th-we. ojcumentsf coma txaiomo una jucige . ior themeIe.x,-.-';-V; ' - It isCoir business to prosecute, this pystem, of defence- We; not the Executive, h M tKi' ' purie-string6f the tiation-fc the world witll - 1 ' L 1. 9 . .,. 1. what a li.isei'y convuliiva grap we IvjiJ ' them. ' ' , It 'u tine to be-in a of pre;iftration 4 toorgr.iz- a genera item of national de' fence. Life and Dealh are before ih -I I'lve saiJ I rejit. it in our turn tickt I can prove It If I fail to do sov I will defend K no I will cot go. down, hill-! win ascend' te mingle with the sorereign peopie-r4(-were' vain to secure this'ceilingi. or,, propthese . . walls, if the Y4t ocean, rolled not- betweciv' J ; Franc and u- these walls would att ten. titaesmpre than ten times es 'lopg asour repubfxan system.' . cT"::.. ' ' 'It is lime to prepare for TnilUary defunct , '1 to srmy I am no friend to Internal tSxes," to national debts, tior to foreign engagements ; but I must go as far as Our safety requires.' We pave an overflowing treasury, or.e sith srhich we purchase empires, yet our country' i defenceless. . We nave less defence than had the jepublic,Jof rjafjua w)(Va ieacat "v iif twenty miles and 183.000 souls." f Apropos ' . ef llasrusar she was :helstt-if the 'littln rs.' ; publics of th old worl J Did she t'onipire a- ; ; pmw j ranee I Io simple, indtnois, un ; , ambitious, she for ages enjoyed the Hess'ngs : , of self tro'crnment The. j'rrkW-occupied her territory, and now where is site ? I 'again ' repeat -that toothing but our Temoieriss pre lerves our national Independence 1 single ' Lour. ' h .1 1 ...',' jr, '(!' I have, sir, tike Ejish of old, waited Ion y that other men might slee;Vl hsd hoped or. - thers would have brought forward this subject. rl.esnwait no longer -.Vl-i; j,t ' Vl'he present is an age of wonders t lA proof , Wtt let it be remarked, since wecsme iqto these walla," we have pavstd a resolution, rc. frrin.to select tommittee so 'muclv of the 1 rrfident'a mcssaire as relate to $ turpfa$ rc;enue, whilitpy r country U in a dcfehcelcs If you could call old Solomon from ,th ' " vasty deep," give hirrt k seat in this htUse, ' lerrhorial seat, with the fight to debate, ' but not to vote, the first thing he' ould do, - would be to move you, to strike out from the: . Bible so much of his own writing as lays, M there is nothing new under the sun.". Wfi 1 ; had already a committee of Ways and Me'sni. "We have now committee of Ways k Means, "No 3 the one to devis'e wsys and means to provide 1 the other to expend I can easily poftrtj'Tor'the ;1at eommiueh '1o' a suitable ubjett tRsr need ntt 11 ' fr for objects f txperi'llture, let them defend their Country, The who think wt are fe, fngniput ur. bounded confidence in Providence i must la very rcliirus iaderd We r not salt, end le who tliinks weare, ought to howl it to the wind arid the' woods f tiut' to ratior.al creatures. It is idle, it is inrcitenaLle to ttiokofsa:ty m we now rei ' Mr. lUlol tnenHve notice thaton Tuesdar (l next week, he should offcflo the house, a se- I ns oi rcfvjHi' ixibutc iu me ustv esta- .ir taisliment, lor Anew anc.more euicient sji-' It tenujbf . preparing and organising other de fensive measures, relative to our c6mmcrce( seamen, harbours, coasts, frontiers, &c, ' " BALTIMORE, D?cV 32 i; It Is now very generally believed, that our . te J all the points of difference and comrrfaknT against Great-uritain, . excepting only that ' Which relates to impressments from on board American vessels.- .' Seme difficulties, In re- , sttriciing thiapractice, had occurred 1 but it , was confidently believed, that these wouldf soon be removed, ''v '.U " -r ' ' ; Extract of a letter from lohn Gavlno, tsqire, 1 consul of th United States at Gibral'er, to ; the secretary of state, date, 4th October,! 3 r The restraint on Tabacco from the Vhft v 'tiited States continues k thjs port a,nd jhaf Ht verset Several voyages, by which our, Uier-" . chants in America' f HI be copsiderable .ut.T On this aubiect.' we have been favoured with the perusal of several letters from Tri nidad, which implicitly contradicts the ex tract published in our paper of the 6th insU Uneof these letters, dated Npv., 1.6, gives more satisfactory, and, we , Believe,'' correct;' statement of the" situation and brospects of'' wiiranua ana 1111 uiociaics, iuao any vmcr n we have lately seen... Front this we ere per-' 1 v; 'fiGeneral Miranda arrived hefe on the th. Instant,' in the ' MetvilTsr sloop 0f ,ari iron Barbadofci: From the present stale of affairs, ft is probable he will remain here sosnt time , at leastrjunulje hear the result of sotner: d'udatchcs lent to! "England, in' Scpteniberi from the island of Arubai These dispatches ! were conve ted to government by the shooner- Pickle, the tturn of which may be looked : for some time in December. It i possible, howiver, the expedition may be again put in motion sooner, than is now generally expect ed. This idea Is derived fom the" strong ap-T pe&farice of several secret 'expeditions preps rinfby the. British P governmeiitcne of whicp,particularlyj appears tobf destined 9- 'guinst the West-Indies. It it the opinion of Uif ' moit'respettiblc rriicn here, that those troops are intended, either to conquer the Caraccas, or to co-operate' irdmcdiatsly In the pistil "of itirnersl Miranda. Wltiii of thetwo, a lit tle im'will discover. Had the English given him one or two regiments o( regnlar troops , Tie addition to the havaf force etr ployed in the ; . attempt, it would have saved much trouble sfui 'expenee, " and, general Miranda ;w6uld -1 mm.. iw iw-piifwriht-i.l. I h full pmseis:on r.f tint oppressed ctuatry.; Th n.i:i.,h hae (throtiRh a bad look out); permitted a brifr Irom GuaJaloure to Und one. hundred an-ieifchfy trench soluitisat Lagui tf. A French Frigate and two brijs, a few . days since, arrivtd at Martinique with two' hundred soldiers. "Tbis is said tobepartf ? a squadron from R6chefurtr eoniatinKorigi ginnlly of S lrigatea arid three brigs, with two thousand troops, bound to Martinique 1 but . Intended, no doubt, -for. the Spanish maive, .The other 4 frigates with tBgo troops, are reported to hsve been captured, shortly after , they left Rochcfort, by sir Sumuel ,IIooa' jiqusdrani " !, !v ': ;: ' " .f. , . . v ,w General Mirahda, prevtou to1 his leav- i ing Barbadoes sent col. count de Jlovray to , England with dispatches for the Britiah go- vernment, which irnut at all events,oroduce . 'hnhe coarse of two months from this time,. a aenn.uvc antwer on ine suojecici land Ion . ces, 'Without these, he cannot succeed.' It . Is very evident, that, however' desirous the people of South America mafia to sliaVe' off the yoke pf .oppression," under which' they ihsve laboured" tor rn any yearn and, join the standard of 'Mirsnda' in the cause o,f liberty, yet they would consider tbat in thee vent oLhis being obliged,' for want bfsufficl. rent land force, to leave the country a sccdmf time, they would te .compelled either to a- bJndon their property, and embark with him,. r hazard the sacrlnce of their lives, and con fiscajlon of their, estates. These are serious Connidcralionsi which, under tinular circura stances, must nstUrsfly govern men in all coiaties. . TJieifclavie rather, to endure ihY evils of oppression,, than to risk their, lives, and the support to wVich their wives'and ehil dreo have; heea accustomed. 'Show them ' ttha these are secure, and they will embrace the proffered freedom, r jtappears'.thtrtfore', " that 4 greater land force is now required to e ' stsblish confidince' with the people, t!,sn It ; was supposed necessary, or even proper, to employ n the early tge of the entcrprue. ' kGenefaI Miranda has received letter londorl, from sir.ljomo J'opham at Buenoe Ayres, the substance of which I canuot coia- ' municate toyeu,' ( . ;.v.;. , i,H;..!-ym:.-t , ; .. . . ' ,' " December 3 V,-; 1 . ' IMrORTANT. - ;? Eutnti f rrtt tttaktn. .Mr. Hall a paitien grr in Ihe.irig Adeline, capu Wickbam, 18 days from Ilavsna, ha sent us front Cres-l end Day.'the following important intelligence i- ; " .'. . v. r. 1, vj(. " Two or tliree day previou to the tailing of the Ait liue, news wss received from I'ana- r rot, atatinj; that account bad just be'a- ra-. ceifed theie'(the SOtlt of October) of the csrit'stor Buixo Atrii, on the 6th f An iit, by a naral commander, named Don St. Jaja Le Niar, at tbi beadef 1 500 groups, , and 3 or 00-vo1untji;ers ; that they had killed about 50(5 and took about Lnglisbmeu prisoner, luwiumiis . . j, manuer. .tuney, ana i numwr I i tie opanisn irouj wi v" 'i' -i . Kand were carried up the river about 3 mile - N. W. of Buenos Ayres, to ttieTtvervoue bos, . in launches and fcitull esSel. tit ap- ucared to have been an cnterpme bfUs xair and his tollowers unknown to iuo sinii- vernment, . . . i . v-- V. The accounti ree'eived at the Ha vana thake po mention of the English ship ping t X., I; TR03I LEGI1QR2. . t a awn tmin wno arnrcu iuicw-ivi. 1 from Leghorn, gives the foUowing sketch of politkalftair. in Italy V f aWna liad nassed Monletcone,s and Verdier was at Cataryoro. It was expected 'tht the advanced guard ofthe French artny had arrived at Rrggio.- v r r , K f The Frenth had passed theTorkisli do minions and entered Racusa 'with 6000 men ? ' minions and entered Ragusa wilh general Lafiristott had arrived by( water in smau vesseu .--t,-t. , .t , The Montenetrrins had retired with the .booty they had collected, and refused to join tne Kussians again. I ne lauer naa oecu rc-. pulsed in thefr attack of. a fort near the Bocca di Cattaro witn tb losa 01 sw men Aami ral enaren was still off Cattaro, and had twice refused to; give it up. The Russian ar 'Ttty liad tt tired V to (that vicinity iiFrench troops from the Black sta wredaily expect- 1 ed at the Seven Islands. Xr. j ' Sir Sidney Smith has returned to Messl- Jordan had returned ta Paris. ' 600 Polacks , had arrived .at Capria and of the 18,000 men ordered for Naples only $000, were pef-' . muted, togo. 1 In Naples executions were common, and sesreely a day passed without 5 . or six persoas ocing put to oeam; wnicn n- duced several of the first families there to go 1 to ome.-C' :- ': - 'vri ; A bastlda atMalta had. been destroyed by J,he explosion of a magazine. : This acci- dent happened during a paradej and 600 per- sodslost their lives chiefly soldiers. , Part f Clin fawn was damaged, and much nroDet- ty tjOyed. VB - ...... - J " ' 1 . 4 " 'I l.";j.3 i3?S4''ytl-fJ : WILMINGTON t . 1 t'-rilV'i! . : vTUESDAY,'JANUAUY , lior, :vi'-;t Latest Foreign News. 1: . : ..: .: r a - -1 -:v. r'y.'W'iW- 4'-CiutwaTol,- Deei If. V By the arrival Qf the Sip Portland, CapU CallendcrJn'45 days from Bourdeanx, we hvp, accounts tip to the 7lh November. t All thejpapers subsequent to the battle of the Uth .0ctober, are fi!led with bulletins cf the Grand f,pccinncn of the whole. Ko reul information can Le obtained from theru j ti e Cdlcurin is to ro-u-sei and dccjily laid on, that the whole subject is enveloped in uncertainty.' The Prussian troop. Ihaving evaciiatad Cerlinl 1 liiionspane enicrea mat cr.y on the 31st Oc-, ' tober without opposition , ; - ; , ; The nstml activity of Buonaparle pervades his prepaartions ,verconsiderable reinftrce-, ment are on their war to the Grand Arm t' ', Gen. iSeras has crosaed the Tyrol with an ar.- my or iu,uuo uom ualmatia, and is on his 'march lo Saxony.. Gen. Dcroi, at tl.e bead of ?o,00a Bavarians, . has1 psi ted through ' Crctiath, and teveral other corps from the interior of France, are on their march to the theatre of the way. The Fre'nch army.of re. ' serve hss left Frankfort, for the seat cf war, ar.d the irrny of the ! north has commenced It operations k penetrated into Westnhalia. Aucruieyaiiieoi me itin uct. the t rench troop ocrnpied Weimar and the neighbour hood, od Leipaie Wat likewiaein their po session, y capitulation. On the 16th Oct. the Fj-ench army ef 100,000 men,' defiled throwgh Urfurt ; the greatest part marched "fowaria Cotha and Laugensalt. 'The few French troops which had been left In Leipsic VS. , Tk"? 7 'e f "",ttP,rm- l du The Fruasisn troop, which formed . . r the garrison of Lcipsie havehcen sent heme furnished wilh past ports. " " ! , ne, ' rlt Is laid tbat Gotha and Latmni.1: I.... fallen into the hsndsof the French aftcrarf ' eagagemrni in me neighbourhood. , , siAn article dated Haeue 23d October, s's vs.' . since Ue return of Baron Jacohl, the Prussian 1 -inier io ainoonj ne s.ooii ol 1,-James Hii.ier aoncon, vie of StW.meS basjgiven to the Ring fcf Prusa.it, a sbbsldy of three mifl.onWterhng.t;---, PARIS; October k." The fotrowirig Letter to the King of Prui. 't wtI "tried ty captain Monttsquio'u, who et out front Cera on the IJtb of October, 1806, at 10 o'clock' A. M.'and arrired at, tbe ' camp of General Hohenlohe , ! at four, f , M. . Gen. Ilohenlohe detained that officer . ant :took'-fronk Mm thfc letter he was the beares . ofi. Tbe army ar the King of Prtmla was leagues farthei; back, This Piince then ought tohave received the IcUer pf the Em-" peror at the latest, fl in the evening,', The y fcasure, however flint he ntttr received it' before the Uth at 9 In the morning that j; to say; when they bag already began io fight. ' It Is likewise reported thst the ipg(of, Prussia then saids" Jf this eUer,had ar- rived opnef, perhaps we would not have' fought; but the heads of those young ,'men'J iica in aucn a manner, that iMhete bM . lftAa ... J . j. ' - a . 7t,cr"7 any menuon ol peace, 1 coulu not have brought, hack to Berlin one third rrtof wyrmy.H ... ,fJ , , r " , Sin mt Brother, " 1 II AVE only Veceived, "on tbi Tih, the letter .of your Majesty of the 2sth of Sept,, ' t am sorry that j w have beetMnadc to sign -7 that kind. of pamphlet? I anawef it oaly. tw ttf'otet.a.you, that I shall never attrihjite to A your lVIajc.y the things jt,onuined therein i' ail are . contrary, to your character and ther . ' honp.ur. ct both. I pity nd. Jespise- the, wri-; -.-I ,ttri of .such a work,;'! have, received, lm ..'- xnediattly after the noteucf yow tnjnister 01 . . the 1st of Optoher. .You have given me v . fendexvouafor the 8th, & as a s-ajiant Knight,';'1 I have kept mywordj I am in the heart of Sax- ' ; qny'.,. May your Majesty believe ipe,I bare such forces that;? with all your's. you CAnnof V lone'contendrlth.me for victory ,ri,vv-i-v.; , But why ah ,ould we t end i-lshall holdthe EfUgo to f w, that I have held to But why should we sneu so mutn bjooa t same lan-; guage to you, that I have held to me tnipe- j ror Alexander two days before the battle of i Austerlttx .WratortleaveTrth&nnefi,je- ther sold pr iiostical, greater eneroiestoyour! a,--, '. self, and to your reign than rt!iey are to n-4 and my nation, hadgiyen the same counsels 7' ' i(: to produce' the same result. 2ly ' 5 p V ; """vif, I.have been your friend for these aix Ai . .'( years' I am Bot'w.iMinf to profit by this ylr,: tigo .yvfiich gives 'lha 'ttppu' to."yoor couiW:'j.'i4 ii cils and which hM made yo commit political 4 ' ,ertors, at which Europe is. -yet astonished i . 4 . ; and military error', the enormity of which s Europe will soon .resound. If you hadaske0- v have granted themyou have atked rhy dia honour you mtglit liave been cjexOun of my answer - You-have then waged war againstf me J.he alliance is broken forever. , -, . , But why should we have our subjects butch ered ? I do not value a victory purchased by the live of a number of my children. If I were just enterirtg- thf military iarer, and if I could fear the chances of combats, this lanV guage might be misplaced." Sir," your Ma jesty shall he vanquiahed iyou will have cemroittasl to hatard the tranquility of your existence of vour subiect wiihoue "- ''the: sNadow of a pretext. 'You are as yetuh- touched, and can treat with me in a manner- conformable' td yotfr' rank. ." Before a montlt hs pasted away, y6d will ffeat Ih a different ' slttation -you have Suffered yourself to be ic Jl ,taJP" D7 wrauutiona that were calculated j . . . . . anaariiuuy prcpareu. ;iou nave ouen tela. me thatN'you had rendered me some services j '1 ' , , wejj 1 1 am willing to give you jhe greatest ', - prof ofmy gratitude. Yen have yet in youi? : ' .porcr ta anatcn your subjects Irom the rava-. gcfhnd calamities cf war it haa scarcely be' gua ; jrott may terminate it, and thereby do ;' .V ' a thing grateful to all Europe. i J ; , : : ' 3 ,- ' J If you listen . to those frantic men who, 1 4 ;" ' " ' years ago wanted to Uke Paris, and who now .". . have 'eMbarked you In a war, and immedt ' , ' , atety after id offensive plan equally inconceiv-' -r1 . able, you will do your people an injury which ! ' the; rest of your life "'cannot amend; .''Sir ':; have nothmg to g&in'sgainst your Majesty ; " I wish nothing nor did I ever with any thin from you ; the prcsrrt veer is i fr-v,:'r, J feel t!iit I am I 'i! . :rri:M,., -.; l si, : r, a certain sue pibil.ty natural iotti ry kJvc rcign; but the preset circuii.Marces allow cf no spRninga-1 I tell you things just as I think them, iy -x: m . , :' ; , t Besides? your Majesty, gave me leave t, , ?" .y.; thst it is no great discovery for Europe4'. , to learn that Frsnce is three tiines more po- 4 .pulonaa brave k as warlike as the dorcfal.1 . ! 'ens of ygur Majesty.., I have given you no resreause for war. Order thi twarrfi cf e- : vil minded and inconsiderate mith toh'a bev l fore your throne, in thst respectful silenca j that is due to you j I restore trnquility in your' ; V ,o rtt as in your dominions. , If you ne-' ver agaW find in. me an ally, you trill find " ' " rosn'desirous cf only making vara when in"" ,?" dispensably hecasssry to Sfce-polky ofmy peo-7 . - pie, and not to shed blood in a contest with' - sovereigns who have with me no opposltioa ' of industry, commerce and policy. ' 'w pray your majesty to see in this letter V -ndthmg but the desire that I have of spmieg 4 ' : , the blood of men, and to witbold from a rati. : ' ' ' onthkt geographically cannot be at enmity . whh'mine,thebitterrf gretsof havingtoomucb ' " s J ti,ed J-Ulmed so eas'dy among the people.' i Iprsy to God. Sir.mr Broken tok' Kciucraiaemiments tost are ex you tit hlshcly and sscrcd keepine. r. (Signed) y .. , , . . NAPOLEOK. C I mjlmperui! Cam) eCeraf Vith Oct. 1 80. -mi 'if .... : ' : 1 Ihii rthttt to a teittr ft "iA" Jr7" r U.rtnlj, ,hi King ht, not ttai 'or HnVr.t 1 . ' Wt tcnct prmt 'it bttcu,, ntrf thih f ;w ih!p,Mco,p6JeZ; , 1 i w puiHttn ,nat or n,t Jlajtttj, it h bttovtt ' many topitt of it hoi$,g Utn printtdat thi hud- . juarttrs of ihf TrUaatu, mhn$ it tt found t ' rer, tteut acfy cf it cam la our hatdi- ' '?i.oteof tbo Moniteur.M f ' t i ! ; . ; ;14tli Buneth of ;hc Grand Armjvi ' '' ! W-2VI806.'7 -'Marshal Dsvoust arrived on the 10th, at' , Wirtemberg,' and inrpriiedthe bridge ever , the Elbe at the moment thai the enemy had' rtit on fire.- ' . ; t ' , , ' -Morshsl Lanne !s at Dtstsui thV bridge ' 'was tnirned and-the Marshal bas act men at ,r .wwk t rebuild h. ' : -' . - ; . . . The Marquis of Lwcchesinf presented himl jkllf at the advanced post of our krmy, whh ikleltei'lroin'lheKingof Pnasia. TbeEmi' Hor tent the Grand Marshal ei the palace, ' Durcc to confer with him. t - , t '. . ' '! Jl imsloo' Ltirand, on hi, march to M.ede. hi i: r i I. t . , i - -. ) . ill. (V. ,,.( . it-: , t 5.'. t: w ; r" '' '!r t''' i I ? '..-..,.,!

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