-v ' y3 " ? y '.'"" V .. 4 wpecucies or tne renewal jot, pasw scenes. Come with confidence to'trade initour ports i come to exenange lue prouuci 01 your wmt , ' k d industry with oar rldies. and. bfij?crsu. v;ded that yoa will never have caus (o. regent v, having trusted to' our promises.' ; 140 - is me seme . unjc iriui jne gavcrnraci". uu . therr endeavor to afford yoivth advantage ' of a brilliant xoinmerce., they expect from . 'your agents the lame loyaUf AfP-4JK?A&v-i ... which will bo. practised toward" you s lhy . likewise.hope that the dastardly conduct of i T''i Vbf Louisiana willntliKliirm-.' - 'tators.- ami will "not give ithemi'thioaio ,'efj ,.. , tcomplaioinj. that' their to4gtaa.tanfideace ; thartoean deceived?' -.Wi'l i li ft -'?'v.t TIiTpoetiprentry "vPapftWtJPW . ipjiiai PgfterPaixi waiyei St. lark.JJort-: . tu-PriqceirLei Cayis, Jeremie. &M JaqkmeJ, . l J 'l .. L . ,wiier you may, wii goes and( adventure - fitaMii rfttiirri.' .J y Th'e well knbwrt puhcT aaiity bftbTgverh - in?rit,in tndfillBlme'nt of theiP e'nWierh'eVs, ' 1 i is Werriti (Hedge of the fafthwT txecutiori ' of their treaty wtth 'yoii.' Notwithifahding .the misfortunes that havB preceded fcuVnde- , pendettcty fend h'e '4iisastrou wars they haw - ,- occasioned, the meant of the f-ovorntnent have-altt-fys-'beeu adequate to ita wnte. Such ) i thest;(jnuhuix exten'i:.vf;.!our ceioareei, . thi even thecc of the uractdiflff adtninid- Jration: hate, not prV3ntei(Uie.lis,chajrg;iiof '"17 i orulent ecoTidmv. anti"5 (hat'an eomtable ::wodtfirf'ollpctinjr the rerenuci," will fue the ca Viayjes, JerenTa? .wa.itmy, y, witb aecurttlao'd r-awrcar'' ' !Qture Vth the cei (alhtyol pro- ' 'direct ViinainTjrci upon Niuoijuti otanoft A ue heavy cavalry r which nact not yet join ed the. irny4 cou(4 not cottie, up to hbet'ore noon, ; The cavalry of the imperial guard wa ;thirty-aix hbui-arid'istancexhatc.vejr -might hae been it forced marcnestince iu aepnv ture from Pariu But thercK-e roomwti in. war where ,no contiderationflueht.ta baUnce; ror caused the whole of marshal Lannes corp to h arrayed on She platibrm. flcctiwed by tour'adrai.cd suardu whickitbe; enemy., ap peared to. Have seelected, -tw).gh Ue. waTa - Msitlen opposite teit.Hbu corpai waar- rtccd)ihro-aa:h the i ears' ttenera .Vktbr, each division iormine a wm& Jjlarsual L- ;.fehre cauifid. the imperUlcuard tq be station. ed Wqyare battalions -at the sumrn.it: The ' 'i - ' right? of the government add secure thope cf ! H'.v;flvate-diduate , TO'?ror,,aT MUnucr iron, jii m um. 's Yrave-'fellowi. '" ' ' The flight offered-; i Tspeclacle worthy. remattV that of two r; triieV, th obe displaying itTforif oon ati tx- 'te'nxot aix feajjucs, .tnlthiU Brei setting the fctmosphere lb a blaze,,; end tue otner whtf Apparent' fire were conCftttratetfi in a Email tront y ana in 00m armies 'aumiy ntt rovimtnKi tThe fire light of both armies 'were' at half Iht distance of a tartnon shot The ScrUitixls ahppit touched each oVtrr, ot t mrm6 ither aide but, what.fcy.ul'l b if 1 to performeJ it.in good orJe.r during the 1st ijiour j Jwitit became a,"dreoJful disorderrom our (puirassiit haTin- the grind duke of Ber it'their bead should, lake Part in the affaif. 1l&t faV,Caaliers slittdderin-J ' to see Via torr' decided without them,, rushed out ln e iwy direction where ihey. could. nrnetwitK.'S-v nsraiet. fiNether the Caralry.noMhe rru-. ahvn Mantry could resist their shock; In yam qiu ioe enemy . aimanwy 101 mwu oattauons, uve oi-inese oauaiious were iuu ted 1- Ahillery , Ciralry, Infantry, 1J were tlej- ".feated and taketi.. The t'fcnch arrived at Wey- j mar t the ame time with' the enemy, who ' i,was th-us pursued for the space of aix league 4 un our neat, -the: v.orpa qi aiartua. u-i toust wal performing pmdigietr vot oniy.no t kept lo the enemy rearhut he followed bca- iinfr for the spaco of three leagues, the maw 1 (.he enemy'a'.trooVwhicti; wai to ';dcj51 by ). Kbesen' ,'This Malshar has 'displayed i Cis- unfrutshed Valour ana ir.urmness oi. cDarac" tef : -ihe principal qualifications of a warrior. ne nas oeeij aeconcieo. oy vteneran uuum, TriautMdfand, DaUltinne, -Chief of itlie Staff, -nd "by the unctmrnum intrepidity: or his Wave corps.' I , br:Vz r; ji'.Vfff f ,The results of the hatlle ar 33to 40 thov .Mnd-priaonera; 3, orrSp llands, of, Colqurs j j 4Q4icj inpon;ilii'pnmD,se. majatinea j be found upwarda of twenty generals inclu- dinz several Lieutenant generals x.ueuten iii xAaVics thjtm'enttf upon.Tiis lerfiwry; bwt thatihe Prussians mujtrcmain in ;rrus iatiulhlfniefsTiouIJ not med.lIeTii "f ; ant frnMl frhmMtJIM IS Onp. - Ths tlUThbtr C J. . 1 1 .. .1 .1,- DhIiiIiii nVrrift 1 n MiMf' (f 1 is'coinnuted'Uiat there are upwards oftwenty thoiisand killed or ''wounded i Field Marshal j TST6ellend6rj hff Deeu.wounacu, me uikc v 'EriihawVek' kilfedVUenernt "LucheP killed t 'tknbul strengthen' more and more" t ''Vhat-l 'V 'v-f rer-mjy heihfi Wuniberpf jour rscYs',Vha't-4 "V: :" ,f "eer "iaav' be the" 'eitent'of Vbtik tfttculallohs t 4u ou.r pbft:d'a?tleaH3fit -ivr'''ijre cam. "JAn abunclafi'txrdp V'cbnlmo'dUieei. t ,;-t-f? . tiittn aunt Ltijt, mt xtm ct yet, i.auo,; it. ij smVW ': LjtiiiiBitihi-Sttiiirj of ih Govern.' r ' V ' .w- . - : ' , FIFTH BULLYITX OF-THK- UKANIT - . ' - ' ARMY." .;. . ' JEli October - ,i ne uutc oi Jena n.vrAnea awoy; tne Wtiominy .Qf.IIbsbich,. and .decided in seven ' -dafi, a esnipain which jits fiMirery'. .aetid j ..e ..it .u. u......: , . v J - '.. position Pi Ue rmy on,,ibel3tli war , , VnlufMtlk flsiH fitnsi vrmrm as r Vln Iying.rcflnh6itrjiij..prj d; !..,ThecwpiofWvl " o Mf marching to ; uunilru.-'Ji ' .:..:.-J ,' t VTha't. jbMw-sbai , Lawy:a waa juriv'uif at: . ... Jenp. ,i'; f i ; J ,. .That of Marshal AfigtrrJ tad taken pW; The corps of mal-shals Ner and SouU, apent; the.nieht' in. marchine At 'day break the 4vhoict army, 'took up arms. ::o:t4tviaiop o Gaien ras arraneea wpoij tnree lines on tnef 'iettof lihi plarm; The-miMoii AttShW formed the right i the impertal tuaVd becu liied the summit of the hillock, each of these corps ' hating its anW'itf tbclWrMils k rrmWtlebry of Trtissia grieviouly wourt from, the .eitf krttf-tho irtifeniiourtng talliesJ! l-fod f according to- the report oi tne oeser. defites. had been otitrived-4wlVc!t1erro ini .flags jof truce, disorder' the troops, that could not .he: placed on the r l.tadtwsteroaUi.ai:t;atAh extremes in tne olatform. ito display themselves with 101 rtemainder Of the enemy's army. -'.,- it ? C greatest ease for perhaps It was the .firsi i(UiOa ur tde,"we have. , only ! to-tament, a- i'tme? llHit an army was jo,pasr;yrough'.0i I nonRthe generals, yie loss p general UebiJ- ttuall ajileule. , ',.lfiVj-?( y Jy,( an exceifent aoiaipr.; ana; ,among. ine y,K Very thick fojp obscured; the .iay.'.lTha- . wounded, general 6tBriga6i CohrcoxiyA Smpe(9r passed in front teveraKtiroes.,!;He; mong the Colonels' kUled, are,. Ve.rges,",pf .rccommrnueu 10 vne ouuicr io iutmi 11 ioe i tio reeiniem miauir u iui k- selvc's against that. Prostian. cavalry wluchf I roottf, "of the 36th j Brbenegrc, of the 9ih j 01 nussars j jviangny, i ine win ui v.nes seuff'r Harispei of tfie'T6lh of light ihfah.tV ; Dulemboim.,of the Istof drasroonf r Nicohit of UieTnt of thr llne v nlxrof thrd rsir Uigonet, of the 108th.' ' "The Hussars and Chesieurs have display ed tn this day a boldness worthy of (be great est encomiums. - T he I'nuwan Wavtary. jie vermade a stand before them, and all the charges against Iho hilantry have proved euecess!uu;", . V : ; ;,., -.:. '' , V iay; nothing C;f.,t.he Trrnch. Ipuntry It list been long since-acknowledged that, it is tj'a best in the wbiw, the" enireror has de- dared that the French Cavalry, Jiom the ex. penence of the two Cempains and of this lat battle, had not its equal. ,s ; - ; ; ,.'', ; ;-'.! I mssian army has in the tjatue losf all retreat and the whole of itijine of p'peVa; : tions. Its Iclt pursued by Marshal f)Voust, secured its retreat on Weymar a? the. time; maiusjignt eenre.wre reireaiingipom Weymar in Hanen.burgi, . The toiiluwon,: therefore, , was , ex'trtriie. The king . miiat . .. . .' . . 1 ! .1 . F U. . l' I . I jiavcfciireuarri ne ucios, si mc ncaa ot his regiment of Cavalry. 1 1 i-m 1 , : t .. Our loss is esVlro&led at one jheuiand ele. ten hundred kil'cd.'asd three tUoufaod woun., ded. The grand Duke of Rerg tsatthismo. . mentiries'.ing.rrth v litre there is a corps of, the eneniy cprnnianiSed hy Msrshal lotl-t r That 01 .Mir.ial .Ney.wa at Koqo. ',,:' Tlvc htad qaarters were'at (Jera,". .. -! - ,Tbe Einpci or was marching for Jena, ' .. Tke corps of M arsbsl Soult, was advanein t . " fiomGera to uk'e atiearerposition attheforb of the roads of,Naumburg and of ent. y. T The poaition of the enemy was as follows I -The of Prussia wishing to commence : h'TStiliile on the SKa, Jby dixcclinj ,1iis right upon Frantfbr't, hi fenlxc upon Wurtzburg, t and his left upon-.1Jsir.bcrg,. aU.lhe division Of his army were disposed toexecuU tl.at plan; but the Frehchsiniy tnrniiifC. on jl xtre tuity of is'lcft) found itself in a few-dayietj " festiibug, at "fyohehstein.. atScfcleua, atCc: 7-ra,;and at Naomhurg. - 'fhe Trussian a,rmr, : ' thus turaed, emphivtd the 0, O. ll and 11, .to recall all its detachments, and on the 13th; presented itself in order of Ooulc between Ca-J pciiJora and. Auertxdt( ijcidj peany ; jo.u'oa i;,miiatroii?.;. ., .. . , , iJO tn stn ai 3 r. jm,. ine, emperor pr-.xWdTirJenaT"ftCi".''M . . ..which whs occupied by our dJvanced guaru' . ... he could dictinbe( d.is;)witpD ofihj che "vnf, who seemed mncs'vre.. to attack -Jh, next day, and to force t!ie . seyrral defilea ofj the SaI. The enemy defended '.he cause .( way leading from Jeua .to Veimar, with a ' ftreat force, and If an" Impregnable position the; seemedlo.thinklhat the French, couli ot"reach the plain wiibout. forciog that pss4 aage. In faot,it did pot appear possjblejogei '. any aitjllery. on the, atcep platform, which, -, ' leiJrs.wsisosmalltlist fourbsy'tliomcould . "- .ij.harfjlybe displsjeJ. j The whole riighl wsa. vtmpliyed ia open ins 't?" f hi-oi'gVthe rockj V'lby which meanilhry succeeded U conveying , artillery pn the height. ' .i, '. . . H ; f Marshal pavoust received ordera toiei! '.nVyNaumhurijIodefeniJlhef s.iagrsnfKocser)f . jf.the eoem jr should march upon Naumbur j , or id proceed to Atpoda to uke him in tlijj ' ' rer, sliioulJ )ie" remsiivio'tlic same pvifciiiou ; which, .wv. ... . ., ! r 'I " - The corps ofMarshsl prince dePonte Cor t f .ws'.'titip'u Ccile Iron ' Purhburg ' fc3ettJrsxtf oXHTccactu sWyld'hc titrieji wis represented to be "so formidable He re4 rninded Ihem that it was at the same period, Jtear beforefthey had takerV;Ulm J that the. rfUSilso rn'; I" uvuiriair rni7f was now surjronnded, having wits line of ope rations, and its stoi'es that it did not combat at the present time for glory, but for its re- treat ; that eadeavouring to cut its way thro, on different points, the corps that should sul fur them tp pts would he lost in honour and1 in reputation. At this animated discourse. ',thej soldiers answered hy tries of M JL u$ 2ianJ -V .TK fu'liera .began . th action 5 The miTsketry, became watm 1 However good -ine posuion neia oy mo enemy,, nq was u- ven from it,' and the French army defiling In the plain bcRaa to form itself in battle array., On the other side, the tnain':aimy tf .the, eiiemy wTiO had not projects, to attack until 'lht fog should have been dispersed,, took" up! i Uhns. ! A body of 50,000 men of the Iclt sta (m-sed itself to cover the defiles of Naumburg aiwl made themselves masters of the defiles, of.ocens but Marshal JDavoust; had. been bt Cure hand.,. The two other bodies forming a force "of 80,00') men advanced, toward, the p'enen , army wincn was ucumifj irom sue platform of Jena. The fog covered both er, rnifi durincr two hours hut it was dispersed by th'e"bright sun of Autumn. The , two ar; mies discovered, each other wnbm cannon, shot.! 'The left of the French army : auppor. led by a village and woods, was coramiind'ed by MarshaVAugereau. . The imperial guard -separated n irom inc enycr, wiiis-n ji pc enpiedby the corps of Marshal Luhnes. , Th'e "riglA was formed by the ccrps of Iarshal, Soultr Marshal Ncy had, but JOtXH men-. The only troops that had yet arrived trom bis corpaofthaermy. v, - ' . . The enemy's array was numerous & hew; e4 handsome Cavalry, Its m'snotrres were scuted with rsDidilv and Drcciiioa. The Emperor would have" wished to pos(pie the engaemeni lor iwo aours, in uruer 10 wan in tte position he had just taken after the mor fc ning battle, for the troops which were to join h!ra and -esneciallf : his Cavalry tr but the Ficnch ardour carried it, several battalions havin? engaged kt the. village of HoIUtedt, he saw the enemy making "movement t& disloc them from itf Marshal Lannes re ceived orders itnroecmtely to march in'aupv port of that village. ilarshal Soult bad. at tacked a wood on the right 1 the enemy ii vln jrm-ade rme?Tenkeflt'Xfirt liiei-ittht oitouii Jeu, Msrshai Augereau was cnargsa to re-i nulse them t in less than an hour the action "becs'Trfe general) 350 or 300,000 men with f or 803 pieces or Csnnon carried drain in every direction, and exhibited one of those spectacles rartV to be met with in history. At each army thvy manervred constantly as If at a parade.' There never existed the feast confusion ' amongst ou4reopi victory wal not uncertain an mstsnt. 1 he tmperof had slwsysnear him independently of the impe rial gear!, eufficient nnmber. of troops of reserve la witd off say unforeseen accidtnu Marshal Divoust having carried the wood he had tcen.sttatking for Iwo hours, msd a w srd movr ment. At this moment the T.mbcror wss informed that the division ol the French" Cavalry of reserve were taking Iheirstarton, snd (hat two tjew divisions of Marshal Ney 1 corps wen placing themselves in the rvsr on the field ol' bsttle. AS the treontof reserve wrre then ordered. to ad tsnce ori thr Crst Jine, which Ending Itself thus auppnrted overthrew the enemy in the twinUitx of go ej and tpt ltiafullrttrci6 -, L i, , ... :ynahpet!j thc..apVifof Germany-. thatch; Saxona ought to be louna unueu u mo ."-fede-aUoji.oheillrine, -andej-he 'prote'iQB?r offrance, r protection that was not hew to shetT-lkat, )Oce,iwOvhundrcdor.earat .witnouc France, ahe would havebeejntnyaaed oy aus-. tria or Prussia that the! Emperor had Ukett Vms bhfy"w&en4Prassii hald intadedSaxdify -that ltwaa necessary to put a terra, to ineso outrages that the continent had need ot re- , r- pose and tliat' in spite of he 4ntrrgue.s and y ',, ; the hasejwssina wjiiqli a'gteAmaoytHrta,V i. ' , - it waiflecessarr' that their rtpoafe ' shoWt'ex- - - - isr, aunopgTrit eosij-io procure iub v. .,.,, . 1 aome'th,r6ne1.H. ' -'"'''t ' '? ' 1 : tficcfltely 'all ttio oaxon prisoners nerev ne'nt to thdrhore?s,,fwiin the procama of the Emperor to th$i(x&n8,Jn' wM I jeen-eent tiot) .. . '' A sissurarices'i that no vejitaityvexisUd egaintt their inattoav? ';4 .iii! sj 'f-ypfr-f " i ' v-.ThC4n4 buke of BwerrcledtEr .' .furl.h on.tbei thirteenth' a the.tnornlpl,!)!! ' v t he 1 6th the place' capi tulatedi f .Bjr this i, ';;' ' ;Op pe.n, of which .BOQa.wej.woundedt and ,- . 6000 able sidhayeMceroV-Pr1W twaviimon'g which pr&U'fe' prih6e,(f Orange,, , " f 1 ;'- 11 'JFielariW its Lagaveand Sveifeh- AT pirk if 120 Ss'rv'- ."eeirof artillery, jvell'furni'fched'ha's also fallen r; :e:. -ruio our nauusv bvciy usy iie vuusviyii" r; . ladners."' 'J 1 1 J ' " '""'- ;fwyt ' v '- ,i t'in. ' , i n 'i:'vfcijW;t .TIutigkthMulUtini indmitd Wtim&y)ctobti ' The different corps of the army which are-;yp pursuyig the eoemy, :anounce:4every mo -; ment prisoners, baggage, cannon, maga- fxinesf apd ptovitions of all, kinds Ulan i Marshal 0avoust haa juwt taken So pieces of cannon t. marshal 5ouU a convoy-; of. 3,000' .1.-., i.' i . . . , Me lons 01 uourt siki msrsiui ucrnauoue i,ju -, jprisopers.iThea'rtnf is in iuth . amannef ;'V ; .! 'o.is'ptrsea,andtniied with onr troops, that ono V 4 tof their battalions' came to join one of out ad- .- ; .wtncfd ligJit-guaKls,; tnistaklpg tt for one pf 4 ',- ; .,; their o"wns: tSitii ii; t 'k.-w- S.l:u.-t;i.;..-l;;. v v -;. ,.j -jr.-Twelfth Bulletin-That the! French; had' y r : .entered Magdchurg.;?-,." ':"!;f5"i'";:'',a,,'1;-;r irH'Th'tfteenih JJulletin Kepprt, thJt. tho -u-:f Tench-entered BerUnHtfrOctohct.W- ,, The above it a manuscript meinprajaduim i .01 tnose. twoannetinSi. ' S-V'-v 5! ? 1. mat. evtry services rcn sltrtu' b'i tjhe-.tlifferent corps and' regiments will be nnde known.' If that can "add anv thing to the claim which the army has tjponi ! - ... J .1 ,t....l r . I . ! !. 111c c:cein iiu miuuuo ui uic nsiion, i tan. not add any thlcg to the 'tender emotions experienced by those who have bern. witness, esof the enthusiasm and love testified tdihe emperor in the hottest period of the combat. If there wss a moment of hesitation the mere cry of Fiw L'EmSrrori". would reanimate courage and give new energy to t very breast. At the height of the Conflict the Emperor observing his wings menaced by the Cavalry- would gallop Irons one to the other lo order roaneuvrea and the changes of position from front into squares he wss interrupted at e very instsnt by the eries of" Vivt L'Smftror! The foot Imperial guard could not conceal ita vexation at being inactive, whiht others were fishting. Several voices were besrd to eja -culatewoVtU -in ciant forSfaO t'Wha'T: Is that r ksid the r.mfierorrlf eahndrtut' be a Jfoung man who has no beard, Who can presume to prejudge what J ought to do j let him wait until lie has commanded In thirty pitched battles before he can pretend te give me advice.-, ' V. ,7 ,' '' 'v.- - A part of the army baa had no participa tion in the battle,- and li yet without bavins; fued a single sheu ' , ,( -t t . ; ", ' ' .' . : ' T7i SjM Dublin vhith ifdatti Iff! mar, 0t, . . yf 1.1" i'.Ms'V'i.-' '.'--.' ' , ,' J51x tnousand Saxons, and more than 300 officers, 'have been made prisoners. The F.iopcror had the officers assembled, and told thtm tlat be saw with pain that their army made war upon him that for his part, he had taken lo arms only to insure the Indepen dence of the Saxon nation, and to oppose Ita incorporation with the Prussian monaichy that his intention was to send them all hemei it they gsvaiUtr. parole of honor' peter to aerve against franc that tbtlr sovereign, whose title he acknowledged, had acted weak- thus j iciiUnj t?f rutsisn menaces, and )l '''v'.Btti-r's' Conopiracy'-';' j F.very day throws more light on this highly ; liiterein(rubict. Cy the arrival yfs.teri!ay .. of ihe schr. Ameli, capt. Brocks, from New Orleans, we received tho papers ol that cjty to the 12tli ult. Hir tl.f ke nanrr lcrn. '. that on the Slh 4ilt. in conenuence of a nrcvi- ,' dus Uivitaiionfi om his excellency the govern ' or,1 the Mjicbanis bf.that place.asscn.bled. at , ; government house,- for the purpose of coo-T sultiog'wiih" him on some point of great lm ;portW.e. .'V His excclfcDcy, in very few ' (Words explained 'to the gentlemen the object . "of-, tho -military preparations making there which are in defence of a premeditated attack : brf the'ttnttory , by i formidable party of men r assembling onhc Ohio, headed and led 00 by some pt the first characters in the union. He, informed them thai the principal object ofcalliig them together, vwattn deliberate on " the lest pUj of procuring for i'e pubJk aer 1 . ' vice a number of ttanen, sufficient to soars the gun boata and other crafts. Intend;! ta bs srncd. That be conceived aii appeal to "the merchants .themselves would at this hour '. tt Banger, be prefersble to an impressment, and he Wai persuaded they would display their patriotism, by adopting the best and most immediate 'measures, to enable Cc-nw . modore Shaw, to procure the hands secessa ry. - V y ' ' ' v:.-" :- ' After goverBor Chtiborne eoncluded his ob aervations, gehsrsl Wilkinson, who attended -the meeting, Informed the gentlemen of tho nature of the plot and the manner it had been ' 'iaclesed lo him, and on this occasion tnado a very Impressive and 1 afTettins erpeal to " their feelings. He departed from that inse. !i '.1 I .whose tit perable line of Biilifary conduct which he haa always observed, by informing them at well of his plans of office as dcTente, and cxpa- " Hated largely on the want of authority to -x- ecute te the'r extent his views and measures. . .le nsnicuisny related the object or the in-- -vaders to le the reduction of that place; in . order, with the booty theymlght find in it, to make an attempt on Mexico, and if they sue ' ceded, to sever tho .western staler from tho union ( he attack was to be made as well by -land at by tea, and concluded by denouoeinr the leader, Aaron Burr and pledged hie own Jifc in our defence..- The governor and gene " - ral having retired, the meeting proceeded to deliberate 00 the best plan to co-operalt with government, when it was unanimously agreed - that an embargo ouglrt to take place, which . has since tsken pUett The governor left -the meeting or the Merchants to consult with -colonels Ucllechasso, M.'arty and Dor aicre reWive to the snilitia. . . - The battalioa of Orleana Volunteert have ' received orders to hald themselves ia rodi. . ness fo duty t s moment's warninc. ..; IlwasataudatNew-Oilean. wlthaA- mcl.a sailed, that the adherent of rrr a juounli ;d to, ;o0 mo , and lt, bcliVved that his force! would coiuld.i.iJl" .7. . , that number. The attack, It w, rxpeui wodldbembtlwten tie soil Stwi ' i fc-,.' 1 .

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