: y :s.' faojt' THi' i'ntiAl.S'. VADVICE TO A LADY. V V Blust'ring trow-eJormMJid ceafiiiioa: ' Seixe upontne troieo plains See, see NiiurcajiolttUo. ,v Lite 4 V!"-,, " u how !1 ttja pt? w,w;f J v m' Bi' Cheerful s if ainsuhoj.o&r begulfin jg . ; ' "'" la the groveiof rich perfunjs. , ff y NoVthete joy .i?wypsn ,v Ef astringent AVih powcrn . -tmortalttherart tayingi ' . MnW iinnvnve VQUf VOU thf ul UOdr.i If MraX view th,e,Yarjingeason; v HA t Pleasure mi wi'tenieVsiild tttyaj ti4Vy:o f? Now while youth is tit it prime'. n O J f JH v passion, then, disdain lift longer, h Since thy charms will all decay1? Hfl - . But by Hjme.fi link'd thetronger rrql , -11 Let us- taste the sweets of May j ? , r- 'A i iim""-""' " I --: Original Bjix AyfAt a late private-balM 1 Ihia torwtl, a youn EuglUhiuao mqa,ha.' E If niue officiously impertinent with the la died One of f be nv celebrated far ihgrace of her person and understanding, and ,fwh(Si :. had been betttftd bf the boppinjay Very ' -. vnrfiaeilv "rcnroVed tha rudeness ;--whicb, oc caaiuncd an acquaintance1 to obaerte to' Ke)f that tbs young gentleman wa i ttranger to Amercan'mannen, havina: recently armed in this country.-4 0 its, Madam" added lh Cocknevi imnK A Idtt'imbjrtamn, 1 arrived in , and hud a.verj narrow .; stap-of jour MMmporialioAavJCQ y art ciy torrtctf", rejoined tho oung lady v . You Aififa tery narrow escapeffop the law j mention prohibit the importation if ' alt r- ticiti wiKh brau It irtt cnie mattrtai, iurif' (j5Jric rm a Trench papert s tontaini an interesting , 4aK relative, to - the Brtite Creation.! "; U wr, welt if reason n J rr?ecfofj i" mtfii Wfi afinuch the parent f c grtiiudet as instinct is in Bruiesi.-i'f4. - . ; -.. CarolinaWuhl7,Mcssenger,: y . Viskna, JIsv. 91.iA circumitaoce pCv : - curred at tb ftVnageric', ; at Schcenufunri, yr A ineat, . j. . f -t.r If. :Iii.:-h ' imuppuse a 10 mini nil care.-- 119 w i;sii j afew days aince","i yflunj "dot at thi nio. , . - 'Thent h wa thrown -inr he wi lying down resting his head upon hisfore-fceti The do, recovered from hit first fright, approached him and began to lick' his eye. '. The Tyger 1 1 f iunrd liTmself O'much reepvtred, thtwr-j - Ket,nS his j appetite . for carnage, not only . vapred the little animal, (bt expressedAJnj rraiitucleby his caresses. The dog entirely -' ' recovered foir his a!arrri. continued lo lick , -liii eye, and in a faw days tb TfRer wis . perfectly recovered, a From. tbi period the) i two animals have lived ja the. rno&t, perfect; . . 4 friencUliip, uefyre,ue togebes bis cod, the - rTyer alwsyi. expects tbat ljU , companion J shall, pariske nf the; moit delicate parts.' He . bears every thing from him, and even when , bhien in play by the Dog, he not only rnani-' "Te"ts no resentment, hut. cuniinuallFcaretsei .'him; atrenth q? the patlnU If Wood cannot hi atawo irom,toe'axm a stiiiul ojrstpr will find lUtlo difficulty 5 taking aaul&cieuutn tity from the. foot. 1 Immediately rftjerthtrl Kiyeteni AteleiLlAeejtfu$iomel; iriin luq in-cQuon-ot Dve.ning- loe'TpoionS of the stomacha aa to produce pktQg.,Sii ' . If the .above does Dot bave (hat tiTect.Te-- "peat it, once in tbi?Jj fnmuua till three port xious are exhibited,.when itia emetic faff ;ar may te gied to promote the effect of the? calomel. After, the child (hall have bilked ' ofcrai iiiucs, vaiuuiei. in . iiami tusnuiias (grains four orjnve) shouldTijie given once an hour to purge the chtldT If too much- tcttV' iib heat exist in the ayitem, another Weed ing will ba necessary. . . . -J ';; .Should the difficulty ofhreathing, after haJ. ving .beta Bneviated. return, I large dose of calomel must be. again -exhibited nd , it it do notjfQfto prove emetic, tickle. thJaact with a feather till the motion of the stomach be inverted, which will bring the. w,ind-ii;pe tth'e seat of disease) into association- with the inverted' motions and cause a dischsrgcof the tough' phlegm, which,, when rendered hard, and membranous by absorption oC its ihinner partjj i the 'cause of the patient death.;c isikii:yn' : ;-? ;A blistering plaster should lje applied to the.tilpon ;th firat uppearance of the disease, and parents ought-to be-extremely "l4j.l?.r.,?.rt to.rtiedical aid upon the first Jiruimation of the complaintiaa Uie"lilof the patient depeiAIa BpOD' the' early stage of ' After the system has run into, indirect, if bifity, and the powers of life are much we Xened, little hope an be had.tjf the patient' "recovery.; vy, a v-'l"-f- WW'CrfrM'JgX 4 If :tbe 'fcet inctinedl to- be (cold, flanntl cloths, wrung from (iot- waier ahd applied tb f ihem for several h6urs,'wiU uroTe'efficaSoo; by equaliain'g the acUbhlntheiystem f?,.'5 ;J v',; MneMii Materoati w much' extolled by Doc tor Archer, (Medical Repository'WK3yBa:ire 21 and 189,) hal in my hand proved ineffec- W!h?;igip&ty) nrivrevlt useful (Of '"yprgve 111 snccuons ;or ine lungi ana o; ' 1 tee, by the Jetter Irf your excellency; the 4th instn1, which I have juvt received, that agsiribt rny- hope you baye marched your froops towards the Sabine without any jiostilejriewi if gainittheJSpspias, btJf ilk tbointentioiv only of maiuuining'lbe pre tensions of 4he United Statp to that side of taid river. . , P TowceTIency tf tery eTt trcsjuatnted .with sihe. acred duties of a soldier I must in; consequence' declare to -your excellency bat thoughtbe result ofjthe operkGon f Ivtcls your texculencf, ha undertakes, ougfttpot in any: mannet whatever lo bonsidered aV ititj a,ct ftfipstilrtj provoked by my govern pent Imusjoppos myself to it,jn discharge pfjjt he obligation whiahlart under, to oppose .myself 'to tlie:ffrressi6ns 'oT the U. S. and to preserve, entire -as Tar as Yiesin my power the dominion of inyadvertiga.' m T II take the proper means. that your excel rencytinsy' IfeceT "IKa letter, "pfaytng tmi ,Lrd our Cpd thai bt may; prsserve your life . . t Mnfeipettfullfvlctl .-:,v'-i' (Signed) ANTQNIO CORDERO Etttraclof a ttter from0 captain renerat Den ; fmmSaJedo to governor. Claiborne, dqfed. ) f CSiAefwi, Xhih of SiptyX 805. i' '. i . ' !j ".Ti)r'Tny ordera turn 'bound1 to tnalntarn tfte ;! . best rharthrint 5 With the 'RoVernmentolhfe V. S. and tothat em I have directed alt: my views t your excellency may' 1e' conviijced bymsscondect vhtch has been followedrftd by .thf letter, which under my dlictio'ns, the 1 last.to theeomrhandant of the fort ofNilcli ttochca, txhot ting him not ' to repeaf, on; ei ther side any acts bt hosulity coitechg flle (disputed territory, ;j Of this letter roajw.Por. ter acknowledged receipt and gave aisurahccs hat .ha , naion.the point of aend'rng an jac- Jeount of it t gen. Wilkinson, to whom he ! .icu.jjEifi.flectiiio8 i. wmcii, oowvvcr, nsjnoi b fct bf esv. terifietV ?; i-ir 'Vw'-v. , After thia'iatelllgenw ymir except ncy wlfl find iro hiit.mdtive to draw the awotd 6a1c. cVunt oftemovementsof'the Uoopi'oflthje. frontier, especially, after bfiftjj: assured that j neither those troops nor their chiefsilave 1 naa,- omr preseni uare, any oroers totaate : be suce4 lhat aH rny actiona are directed, in ' I; HOTICE isberebi glvftr, thatfflJjWl lAIiftn late tf NcwHnovcr coun. tyj is ddsitr.and that, the fubferibef b obtained Incite ti "of Admioiiliatloa opoa nls!flatev All txfxfohl indebted1 to tfieafUtetf the ticcearcdl 4re reauefled to ttale bavinefttt isnd hole ho have tliimi upon1 the eft at 9 ; t are reqdir'ea to brihg iherh foxwatd'witft ,:"' '' in. the. time.. 'and puifu'anrtb th'ei modi ' 'j voidko oui uy an ct pt Aiiemp'Jr pauci -. , r Wilmington, January ia. . 3W.; .. ' .; 'r . - - I- . 4 '; nr. iNiMonday the feeqnd day o Febrdr , W -aty tie-:Wiit bc.ioHi;at,n,c flweiiing' too.fe the fare Siolilcl M afon, the perr - -Ibtial property of the;deceafed, including ; -Vo 6.- Ihrea Wegra,v& -itiitevn 'inohttii ct'e,dir, Jcm te'iifiiar term. tl.":' ;r m a kY M ASPN, ' Adra': v" ' -VVfcvtwrraWVfrttf:r:l f ,a. tftf thirteihtidaypeoruar tiext, y, j-.'ri ''it V ther complkiatst aye! mlsdiieyous in this; ' r . j Attract of a letter J torn a gentleman in August a, , J to his friend in Savannah, dated the Slit u j --A-yowng.geR'Je.mn hs'me ;pf f jl .ctrcrtpliance iriiti tny 't1otiet, ami with al view fWotTMoai, from one of the Northern States. ! II thit, t mat ..tt.no: Deriod whatever, be re- was murdered! here,! a fc w.niKht,ihce--he I II proacbed with. having sufTertd, in any man-1 L 1 tf- ; . 1 . . 111 . . . . - -v- : ' - . 1 , . . . , . .7 . : line smaiiesi parx 01 1 tiirg unde Vi c'haVge. ; f the assUTknc'e which 1 that the subject is now .. e two povemnonT,'nd .Of them (a' roan named Smith) has confessed II he frarrkness with which you state thii dispu. 1 txch deserves heaetrtronrTiaturstistsrn 1 - i uic uuk, eoouf imju 1 11 ucr, ui u.ui nw BenlTyger, usunlly fed wih butcher's ) fca, vWcn suppo9CU vrgej 11 me aominiona ot my i. .t rt.; mi- aH.. .hiin ih tA uiiioroiimii wiuiuccu,ia wanineirnanua 11 cm in tuiucrnon.u sorder common ;thim-anptbalmy,)gi- m tne .innocent blood at a fellow being.'. J yoarexcenertcy givei iv no- sitiimnH: 1h warni blnnti fit hlch :M " yuuniiiTc uccu wucnupi ana One . II "WJ wvncni wi his gufU ..,;C.apUitT Pierce, of the brisc Hannah; arri-'i veu at, Boston on the 8th Dee. from St. ..Ubcsr-oB the 5 Jth of October, in Ut, 38. fit, long, 15, 4, wasbrouihtto ani botrd. ed bv the British shin l.nnrlrr. nA t.., II citizens bl. either nation. politely -jnfurmed, that the day before h,e jJ?.your.yxceilency"ltTflW fe'ry " Veil' tnkt' had parted company with a fleet of trim. II whilst this is the most moderate behavie I ports, .having seven thousand troops on board J -esn adopt, t must aUo repel alt tgrcssion ted clsitn as one that shall be amicably 'adjust- d, without availipg ourselves of our rights, the operations! of, our troops shall be, limited 1 (under the responsibility of your exdellenfcy,) ; topalfoling the disputed land, to' 'see and. prevent any settlement trom bemglnaue ty ;: :4 1 j I bound tp Buenos Ay re.. : 1 1. . tap:atn Ilubbell arrived on Saturdsy, from , Laguira, mforms, that two days before he, ailed, a schooner with dispatches, arrived' J from Vera Cfui, and brought information! that,, the. capital of Mexico had been nearly .destroyed, by an inundation. Vhtn thIst; accounts were received,' the city had been . yerflowed for tcb day s, the "water being four feet deep. ... . . , - ;. t the American government., and "ct con-f formably to the etriciitt accofnplisbn tent of th first obli Ration of my station. : ,j :rirXlTTr;C-'."S'i i Tt'sntsptud tht 'rperttion tf an act, iniiu'ti'. 0. ( lAit art .fa AritAi'Ail ttit ln -r 1'. -! t r id gcodr vans and merchandize,", and torn the penalties incurred under the sane. ' Female FecurtclUr. ;: t " '. The fdllowintrjs an ettranrtfinary example), of female' feclmdtty," related by the Prusiian ' Oaxetiei The wife of a surgeon in Silesia,' by the name of -Oopsr, has brought ipto the woiM, after twemarriages, 44 children. She martied at the age of IT, to this surgeon, wis , .'brought to bed It times during the marri ' sire, and at II times gv him 11, children j j ? 6 times 11 childien ; 3 at once ; and at' the Vh time 4. The total of these 19 Ivings.' in, produced them 30 children, i. e. 57 boys and 3 girls, who were all bsptized. The first! busbaud having died at the age of 43, the . wife trtarried k second time. .She brought in' to the world during the second marriage, at the firatlylriRr-Iri 3boys; and at the second 3 j' ' and at the third 6. 1 hns, at three lyings-in,' 14 boys were brought into , the world, but! .. they were dead. Of all these children two1 only are left her. This extraordinary wo.' ' man is only 4f years of age, and still ronli- Dues to support her reputation of fecnndity.t She enjoys perfect health, and is always, iq! good humour. ' !. .. . ' . 1 Bt it enacted bj the Senate aiJ House af RtJ fueseniatixKS of the United Utiles of Ami- , , v.,crn.ro amaxa nai itiued m . Congress assembled, that the optra-i ftJ". !h! .'nh: 0 ii- iheTctTpssd o A. d.hte.n,hPir1 f l ,. The Governor of JsmaWa hat issued - - frQm jjjj ijtica (Ntit York) Patriot, -'CURE POR,THE QROUP. - i v ' Having wilVm a few weeks been called to . yisit a number of childrea sfllirted with the rsttles, (tjnanehtirathalis) I think, it my ' duty, as a friend of humanity, ;to communi. cste to the public' the result tf my- recent prs'ctice, which in five casts out of leven, ha proved successful. ' ! ' y. ' The symptoms, it is woll known, usher in! the complsint by a bntv.Kng r mttnftij'of the breath a dry cou(h great difTicuhy of respiration the puis is freq-irnt tht pa- tient restless. ,8om are suddenly attacked d jrirg sleep, while othen exhibit, in the" . first stipes ofcomplsint, the usual symptom, ' tfaheaty cold, which ink few hour Incress. el o as to threaten suIToCatioo. i .., ' .' , When esllH in the first ssg.ef the die , esse, I tk from the ra, four,'ajt,er e'tht " euacti of Q00J1 accordin; t ihe'ijVand May next, the importation into ihit UliM ni f'xportation therefrom, the article permitted ny nis proclamation ot the JOth of Auguat last. . He' has also issaed hi proclamation, of the ssme date,' giving permission, until the, 1 7th of September next, to import, in any ship or vessel belonging to the subject' ui f 117 id muj wnn nn .vsajrsty, into that island, itaye and lumber, and else, horses, mules, anes, neat cattle, sheen, hors. poultry, and etery othef ipecie of live stock .ij . . r . t - . .... wan iirq prorikion, ana sue oi every kinder provisions, (beef, pnk, and bolter alwavsex eepted) and the exportation of rum and mo. lasses, and of any ether articles, good and commodities whatsoever, txtrpt ugsr, lndi-: go, cottoa, wool, cofTc-e, and cocoa. ; , 1, ! 1 : li'. i r" '.: '.a w'-'. I -' - Th Governor of the JMuma Inland -n the 1st int issued a proflaati6n, prrmtt. ting and allowing the importation of "Salt' Beef, Pork and Butter, from h l, Ststesor America, into the ports of Nasssu, Exutna, Turks- Isfsnd,,Saint Ceorze and Crooked Island, a well hi Neutral as British vctttls,' 1 i'r penoa 01 six monttis. 1 a Camh of Hacwhehei. Oct. 11. 1I0. j..; Si,; -....- . . -r Informed your excellency by m v ictier'ofr th ath.oCI month, that I had sent thai of your excellency of the 34ih of the a'ame' month totbe.captain gentrfl brigadier Don1 Nimeiio Salcedo onv.wbQm ,1 depend, be.' cause I ws not limited, wjth, a fojaipeient' auihor'iy, for it discuasidn, and at tie an.' wer belonged to said chief. I lUtter myself1 mm in kui.iiicraiion ei me s;eoa 01 -numaoi. ty which your excellency profasud to jwibr ndpflbe good harmony which reigns be tween our governments, your excellency, would hive expected hit aaawet to determine on your operations, because I tm aot at liber. ty not to, carry into executioa the order' which command, me to consider th Hondo ran the boundary Jine of thi'protlnce , f April last, intitled An act to prohibit the1'! wv7w. -v. !! uiu, arc nnu merv ebaadiej". be,' and the, same hereby is sus. pended un'tilthe first day of -July neat. . , Sic. I.. And be it further enacted. That ilT ptnakies fine and forfeiture, which may on of the aforesaid act, be, and the tame hereby are, respectively, remitted, on pay:" ment, by the parties by whom such pensltr. one or lorieuvre may nave oeen incurred, of all costs,, which have accrued tr may at crue bt trire police of this ct" shall hav been recelvatl by the atlornie rth leveral di ,trict of tbeJL'nited States.' . ' ;. Sxc. i.! And be it further enacted, That the President of the United Stae be, and he I hereby , authorised further to impend the operation of the aforesaid act, if in bit judg ment the public, Interest thould require Ut Prettied, .That tuch .suspension shall not' extend beyond the second Monday in Deciin-' ber next. ' ; . ' . . t .t .-it-'.-. - - : - NATHi. MACON,1-;t . . , Sfealtr if (he f louse cf Representatives. u , ,.i ' , , GEO 1 CLINTOtfi ! Tice.Prtsidtnt of the United Slates, and Presu . .' ' dent pf the Senate,' . ' 'f leember.lStb.TlOo; ;." : "'"T? 1 . , Arfaorio, . . ' . -'-.. . , j ' - " . THi JEFFEIISON.' :1 ' SfTrrflt'q Sale !' AN the l&h'diy e' February nexf, svl!V .be LW t the Court. Houfe- a Tract' of Land with the jmpiovemenls thereon certdmagkbou1 300 acres, fituatedrear Bull Tail Swamp, on the road from N. fo-Hetd Pplnt and near the Duplin lin adjoining lands of-Bennet Fellowi, Johra' l'te and CoVletl to fatisfr anrfxeeotiois, ; Robert and Wrh. llosr againR Wlllutr' ffiyerand othen, returnable to Wsvne. w... ..... iiiBiinut Sf-mrj, , ;WiImInToii; Jtouary 4. "153 ;i JW jb'a SpuVbwert branct of jiew-r jver m 'On-' V? Jvmy,jjwnerc on 4;e, ,pcc.wirincrty.. , j Jiydj.iwTfhc j ajoodweJlin .opt fcoYte.pighty acrie.s of-th'e. aidlipt Ur-x-x '? .UWecUiyation and there are l'Jt acre i)f ! : S .pine land convenient to rahc, agood aa sj,njf !, !' r k ' xf.Sx, momthcredit,will be given, tbe( pur,; w j .chaser glvingafloe vf-'itH apprpved Security. f ', jlinWy-ioJ):i4t'p4pa vfLtetitim-ainhinWPoiOffPcti iht''i In 9r T-l.V"w if Deet,m6tr8ti6y7.r':' t:l ?4 1 f. A'OAMUEL'Ashei fcetfr; SrMa?drSara r -t;V Ashei'Kobert Aflderson, taker; Jarnea r; ' Artdefabtt, 'Cere of Mr VViUsontots Camp-ii' eYt 'vrVarfj Samuel'L' ArrewsV Rpbet Alftn'!-.1! ,'; Mv;v; fv tfl -IdbiiM'KesVt')artnolc !Birnir dcW treik i"1 Joshua Bra'dv. iBrontWkk ttounty J i CipU 'Richafd Bostick,' WatsOn ; David'lBarteWarWilminR ;.; Barne, Samuel Barldw,t'Johti BuTcheciirw v rJ '! ! o MrJCAdkisbtf near Wilmington j Egbert ;f IBell, John BenrTeyf Samuel BetU, , Captaia - I Avery Bill, Jobh BaTrttM.,'r-r?-T' ' C -nTonfatvi:ooBng, vcar vot "Benjamin f r -' ? 1 Blarvey j .JohnXJowan, JSamuel Jampbai v 1 , Jamct Carson, Stephen Cope s, Fort John v v tAh, 3s, MXo Mry -'Ann Cornrning JiM,..:',- Collins on the suundj .Marsden CampbelLdr , ; flobn, vlinsuon on poarduhe ship Lowden.f ' Mrs. Rebecca Cross, Mr. Susanna Cannon '.. ; South Washirtgtonj Miss AnClaypool, Geoi , ' ; Weight Child, Copt. Thomas thilds, John Campbell. - . v . I) . James Uonglas, Uobert Uuncan; Ld muid Doty, "Robert Dorsey S, Mts. Dorse 4 R. iDbug.m.V'Willsoo Davis,' SmithvilUf Mr. Dosvnmcv'1 :''-f: ''r ;;:"'V. v..r. c uocior icuDcn event -n puss oiiry 'Evtr.t,' Capt. Geo. Elddikih. George Evan, M. R. Emberton 3, of Trinidad, y C . , -IV Charte Franii, ! Jonatbaa Otia Free, man, , John Fitch, . Jarfles Fleming-3, ' Bin Fleming, Mrs Peggy Foud from Cotton, at Mrs. Geo. Smith's. ; ' ' v - O Capt Abraham CoHe'n, Mis Harriot f. mm. Jnrl f.urfnn. Cint. F.liis Craht.' - i;-;rr 1 . : . , "., .- James Gardner, 4- ;.--s 4 Vt :' II Hooks k'STocumb, WffliBtti lhnsley, . ' ' Pennit. Uankint, John Hollidsy, csre of Jas , u c.iii , wxiil uirjjer, AAng iixciv, , vim . 1 Ann Halscy, Cspu Thomas Haister 9, Jacob . . ? I v Hartman, Gabriel Hancock A M. Hooper, . tor iicQiorTainc. . 4 J Hinton Ja.met 3, David Jooe 3, M; Elizabeth Joses, ,'Math'e w Jenkins en board ,. - sh.p Vcnua,'Mr. Jennett sen"r. John JoUes, Vi ow Mcort's creek.. ". ' " v ; . K William Keddie, Her, BenneU Kend ; crick .3. . , . -.... , L . sTbootas lsaey, I.11U LutbernMr. Unnei Von, jEiekiel Lane, Captain Barxilla Lewi, . Archibald Lhkk, Mra.'Nancy Lunnen, Monier BulTih Lavignc'-Johti Little. t; . il 6 0. XV'uhington Murray Gilbert Li;. Minaiear ' Jerem tab Miller, care of Mr.Blud. worth , ilex."lV1artln, South Washlngtoni Mr. Mn taret jHuter 3, Samuel Mason 3 Ceorge M''DonaKtt South: Washington, It Samuel Ma Jett,lA rchibald M Lean, Dune M'Donald,! sar of J, .'Aneh r Hugh MWan, Hillory"Mocre,' Fr qahar M'Rae. - SUvektef lyritt, Joh.oM'IiU'ar, Roger Moore.- N' Robert Nixon, , R'tchard Nixon, Jbb "Keale 3, Cordial Kewt orob. ' ; O John Oliver. B Hingt Om, o ,bOar! the icheener G tide. j P.-Rolert Poller, JoV nP"r WMl Purry, Joel Plumb. ! V ,; . . Q Richrl Quiuc U ' , r ; 1 ' ijj 'Edward Roblnaon J, 'Jfrei IJaph', 3a - muel Rof;er,f JohaRay, J ohn'Redbres.k 3, !', Jamet Rkhard. , . t . r ' S..' Anan "Sloan, Tho'ma Snead,' Mirtba; 1 : Sutton, Benjamin Fulton, Jon ,lh,n Sttflley, 5 Capt Jonathan 6f the brig.Tell. !T,Ph L1 Smiths Brunswick . ; Absalom , '' Session do r John C Smith, do. Mr. Aon-Ja, atr Simpson. . - Captain Stephen Tycroae ! Taylor- -e 1 1 . . j, . W. Col. Vim. Win ate 3, F.dw tr4 wr t Son 3, Captain John Webb, Uxtk Ward, Jonathan. Wljliama,' care 0 G.CeeiTl CfP1 . Stephen Wheejer, Jqbn. , WUlkinga v C Jpbn Willtamt, William Vie, ,Van WllaV ' .on, John Waddlt.; '. . S " '' . . . ...; : 'John xoRtyVrW" vJhu47,ie. uor. '. ' 1 r i v ' '3- .-i.

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