'VTOTlCE jiherthf given, that Samud . tf .Atttftn late of New-tlanover couns ly.ureao, anci tnai ids luoicriDer. na pbtained Letters of Adthinlftraiion upon Jul eflate.,- '-"ft s7, - All perrons tndtblej to the eflate of lW cjeceifcd.'are requeued to make payment j tnd thofe who have claims upon (he ellate are required to bring them forward with, in the time, and purfuant to iho mods .. " t a . - i - : Jb w fiomtea out oy an Aciot Ueaabiy, palled n the year 1789...- , . .'u;!; .-Alx. ' MARY. MASON, Adm'x. '.Wilmington, -January 12. ; 3W, vv-' V ary xiext, will be fold af the d uelling houfeof the late Samuel Mafon," the per. Zonal property of the deceaTcd, including two or three Negroes, &e. &c. at.ffix months credit on the ufual tertnsi UJ Xv' tl i MARY MASON, AdnVxi " January; .Z Will be ioldf! on. tM premises, , AT PUBLIC AUCTION,; '!yii-X On t A ihirtetnth day efJFfbruary nexf, - iP9(Xacres" of. Land hear the mouth of the South-wttt branch of Nev-river in On '.alow county,' whe, ire John Lee,' dec! formerly; -lived, on which is a good dwelling house snd out homes. Eighty acres of the said laud ii .....)..- t. : A; 1 . t . - r f ' . r uuuer vuiuraiiuii, mm lucre .rc Bureau, pine land convenient to range1, as good at any in that part of the county '''t Six months credit will bo glveni the pur chaser giving a note with approved security Joseph Mashborne,;A4np MR. SEAGROVE: from hit long fpell of Tick hc.fi and continued India potiiin; has declined continuing In (he sppqinirnenXof Deputy SheriffNotce if. hereby kiven of the fame, and that I have appointed Mr. HENRY WRIGHT my Deputy, who it auihoiii'ed to atl accord linuitf lb. January io. .- j53 4tpd TO LKT, - " - Tl E Shop ncarjtfie Mat k er in Second 'X flreet',' occupied by 5rahb,icjCernp, FuircDion w ill be ei vc'u oil live liio t ebru- 1 ' -r -1 w - January .19. A. J.pEiROSSElV Negroes , to;be hiredLt 'January. r.quire at thii'tofficei 1 ?, 29 u' 3r For Sale, .. . ; A , TRACT.ol Land containing three XjL hundred acreir on Smith'a creek, M- joining the land of lr. WmCanjpbeU.' - "Apply 10 the frinief.' - i Jvuy o. : tf 1 ; - r'-J' To Let;v 1 . -v Tot the fbrm'df one Year; fTPHAI coinrnodioua lloufe, fituatedon LX the eaftei nUde of Front- ttreet.fceiw ecu : .thihouf?! of refidenc of. Mcffi. Thomas RobefoaandThoma Jennings.:,,'!" he up-. per pait,ot tht Houte is at prclent.m the occupancy of Mf Jnei Fleming ;. tho lower part u uleu a a otore, to vend gro ceries. - A bet tt 14. a lar&e and convenient Yard with a good ' Kitchea ihcreon,-ap fur tenant to this building, which render! ( a deflrablo abode for families. Poffes. lion will be delivered oothe eleventh day ot February. the terms may be knowo by application to List of Lcittrj remaining in the fotl'OJUet tht Ha Dectmhm I $06;. v h'4& ; "A AMUECAaheV Nri'ft 3 '.Majof Siti4 r Ahe Koueit Anderson, baker; James Anderson, care of Mr. Willson, ou Camp tell' whajft j Samuel . I. Andrews, Robert Allen. ( : -.mi a Vt v. 'IT John Burke, . , Bartholomew. Birns, "Jloore'a creek; Joshua Brady, Brunswick couptj.; CapU, Richard Bostwick, , Watson , TBurton, Stephen Blackbourn, Brunswick t 3David Barker, ' . near , Wilminnton Jesse . Barnes, Samuel Barlow, Jobn Burcher,csrc of Mr. Adkitor. near Wilmington, Egbert Bell, John Bentley,, Samuel Bejts, CapUia Avery Bill, John BarietU.' v v. , " C ' Thomas' Coolie g, . care of Benjamin Blauey, 2; John Cowan, Samuel Campbell James Carson, Stephen Copes, Fort John- (on, 2 ; Miss Mary-Ann Cummings 8, Jas' Collins on the sound ; Marsdcn Campbell 2, John ChrUtion on board the ship Lowdenj , Mrs.Rebecca Cross, Mrs. Susanna Cannon, South Washington ; Miss AnnClaypool, Geo Weight Child, , Capt, Thomas Child, John . vui)iurii... .... , , f, .; ' '. 1) James Douglas, Robert Duncan, Ed nund Doty, Robert Dorsey 3, Mrs'Porsey, H. Do'uglats, - Wilhon. Davis Smith villej Wr; Downing. ; ,: ' . ': . ;. " ' " E ; Doctori Reuben f iferl, Miss Mary Everit, Capt. Geo. Elderkin, George Evans, IR. Emberttn 2, -of Trinidad.;. " ,( . :F4 Charles' Francis,' Jonathan ptt free tnan, i John' Fitch, James Fleming 1, lrs Heming, Mrs. Peggy Foud from Boston at Mrs. Geo.Stnith'si " ' ' :G, -Capt. AWahani Golden; !l:ss naTfiot Clrum.Joel GurganustCa7t Elus Cririr, Jsmoa l.arcner. 11 Hooks k Sloctimb, Wi!irm' HaVsley, Derinistrankins, John Hollidyrcareff Jai. Evans ("John Harper, !ng crek, Jj Miss Ann Halsef ,v Capt. Thomas Hanter 2, Jncob, 4Iartman,'Gbriel lUncpck, AMTlIooper, Cot Hector Falnei ' r . -f JUJrtroti James I, David Jones tMrs; Elizabeth Jones, Mathew Jenkins1 ofs hosrd 1 ship Venus Mr' Jennett sta'r. John Jone. ViJoVMoore'stretk. ' ' .;" : UK- William Keddie, Rev. Bennett Ke'nd- rick-S.1 -.: ' "-T ''''"' L Thomas IvVey, EllislLuther;Mrs. Linnenton,' E2ekiel Lane,' Csptai Bartills LewisJ Archibald Lu-.k, Mrs. Nsnef LMnen, Monsieur RulTm Lsvigne,' Jonn l,iiteJ b t ' Ceo. Winhmitfofl M array ,' GiflWrt U - Almzies, Jeremtalt Miller, iarer-f MrTBIud -worth j - Alex. Mlrtirt, South WashingtfcnJ .Mrs MjrfcSrerMuter S, Sumuer.Maiprf' 3 Ojore? M'Donald, ' Sooth Wsshingthrt," 6 irtul Mallett, Archibald M'tean, phficafr Al'Donsld, care of JasT Allen r Hdch M'Eesrf Hillory Moore, Farftuhsr M'Rae," Silvester ' -Myltt,' John M'Killar, Rdgei Mo'ore . ; f H " Robert Ninori, Richard Niion, 'John J-.Neale J.'-CoYdUl Nc'Wc6n.U. " " 1 . c O John Oliver, ritllings Dtl,6ii board 4h schooner C.lidf. r c P f Robert Potter, JdhhPcabody,W2ina, , J"Bfrvj Joel Plumb. ' ' QRichardddce.'.' tf 'ilmirir tH, 1 Vb januarn 1 807.' GENT LEMAN from Cambildgs XJL Uoiveifity propofes to open an Aca densv in' thil place, fdr the inltriiction of , Youth tf both fexss thrown and coiintryi willteachthem Reia'ding,' VViung'Ati;h .Wedc EoglUh kG rammer and Geography a: 10 tjic j-awi sua virecii Languages, etc. if. V.. v FOR SALE, iiree yoke of Oxentt . '" iX J Enquire of the Printer. '. ' 4 : Japuary 5. 1EWIS H. TOOMER. TO LET, v " JTpHE 5 tors and Cellar adjoining the . X. " lubUnbers , whereof immediate pol feitibn wilt he given Alfo the two Brick Stores in Market.Striei. beiontne to'J.1 'FBurgwin- they willbe completed an4 rear.y to receive tenants about a monta enquire of '. -" U: ; v ; GILES & JJURGWIN.V .. Decewber lo. v ;'::-:'J:.::'.'::J,A-. JOSHUA POTTS offers for sale st low prices, to closa Cohsiijnments, Iht foltwiti U E KCH AUDIZ V 1 I hbdsrSu-jar, 4 barrels Coffee, 10 puncheons N. Rum, '55 barrels 4f dit ' ' A fewfplpcs ' Malaga ' K Wine,' ',,;-!r" Ditto Ltobrra 'ditto, w Cheats! Hyson Tea, Chests Young Ily. India Cottons, ; Kegs Gtin Powdf r, Bags Shot asiortcd, Coils Cordage, Ruts! Canvas, Ravens Duck- .Produce at marlcet prices,' yii Sawed Pino Lumacr , tV i 'HI 1-V if . 4 IV , cri (vuumisoii 4, did. iMpri, ' nuU Rogers, John Ray, John Rsdbrook 3, Jaraea Richoid, 1 j r' t.r i 8 AUan 6lo, Thomas Rnsld, Martha 4ttttr. Benjamlii button,' Jonathan "Stanley, XJspt. Jooalhato f ih brlx Teletiph," Ll .-Smith. Brunswick f Abaom Bstsionsi do. JohaC Smith, Bow Mrs. Annt-JlaA Vtmpson, .'t.TJ .Captain; Stephen TycrossT;, Danean . W. Col.W.WitttWe"S,ndwanl Ward k S3, Caput 0 John Webb," Jmcs Ward, Jonathan VV,llimt:i art Of G. G'erf f I'apt. ' ftepSen Wheeler, Juhn WUikina; k C. John" WiUlamv WSUapw Viu Wwj Will 'on,.Ijhn Vrddle. '''- " , v - ' ;'J01IS.L0ID.P. SC. ' Jatuary 10, lfC7 ' ?r-:.:5v::FOIlSALE, A strong, handsome Chaise and ; arnessnorthenmade,' ; J Also, a Youngc Horse. . ,. -Ennui re of the subscriber, next-door to the Methodisfc Church. , 1 .r- , ,; t r; :. joshua Wells. Wilmington, Dec.23. tfp75c. -'-:. '-Valuable Mill Seat for Sale, CITUATED on Alhe'a ic HolWyiheU XJ er creeks, formerly in the occupation 'of CMi Samuel Afoe and containir.g up. wards-of 4000 seres f Land; a part of which is well calculated for the cultivation of either rice or corn. On the premifes is a Saw Mi l in good order for lmmJite work, lis fituaiion as a MllJ5et is ftf, well known in this place a if r.ced but -Vtttle defcriptlon iis almoll r.ever failing Pond.'sml command of Conftjnt me4hs of ettlnj; lulhe, W ilmingtod, Market, ren-dcr-it-a valuab'e purchafe to any pcrfon wifhing to engage ,in ihe.Lumherufincs. Onotbird of the pwrchils will be required iu prompt pay the payment of ihefe- Ciainin,': two tmros wiji 00 wim sonmi err to the piirchafer, h as the whole be paid within eighteen months from the day .If'falei gtviflS notts with approved endor frr, and paysb'e at the Bank of Cape Fest., , For further psr iculars apply to .' k -John J,bndon,'; AtUrntj U het forjihn if IKa. G. J&thtrfvi , Wiiiftiogrort, Dec. 23.' , JUST RECEIVED '' " Jtndfjr iah at tht Printing Oficti ' .'A r'xw coneaor. , . J. Ah'Tunotition .of the book of Common Praver, and adnuitfktration of the Sacraments f . .. . '"'j ' : .V -i.'.. ana o'ner rues auu (cicihuuki v n vhm -', Use of the Troteitint V.plscopai ChurVli Jn lh Cnitec(ateaof A lntrica, by AnAriw twr, a. at. priceons ' A CoUec'ttbn Vf Fiays on tn aubiee: of .Vi: i w-, 11.' Ti.. n. t r. o.. t-pitO()UCj, ujr 1 lie .H'i', " 'Icy ahd Thotnrs.y. Howe, Eq. price 8 1 JO : The"i.eisoti of the Proteatant Epissopsl Cuurch. la.ibc j;ttea,5tatei Qf Amenca 1 . stLJcttd from the Holy" Scriptures with an 'Exposition bf .all the Sundays and principal Holy Day throughout the. year, bj Adrw Fowler, a'." f.' price 75 cetta. ': ' . : . , . A short and fsniiliac explanation of .the, 'Catechism ofthe Frotes'.ant Epitcqpsl Chuth ' In the ClilteJ fetstes price 5. M' ' , A ihoct Introduction to Cbmtisn h.now. Vdet ty Audiw Fowlrr, a. K,"pncs Is6d. "he SIpctre Christian Instructed in the' Faith of Christ.'fi-oni the .Written 'or4 .'. ' Hunter's I,if of Clit . , . ', ., ,., ; t ' 'The sTOctcd uian'sCvmpatilon j j , . ' 'Whitfitld's Sermons : .. . . Bi!nyan'a Holy , War, Tiliriins Frorrcss, 'and. Minor Wot ks'.., . , ,,,, , F.rjkine' Sermons : ' EleKnt:Prytr Books V- ..." . 'Tucker's iSUckstone, &c. , 1 , Vilmlpgtoul Janysry C. (1 Flour, :- sv ti;f. : .- '- Butter. . - : : : i':--" ALSO FOR SAIF , . .. . A liktly Negro Fellow, country, 1 (A bornv v;.;.';,-' 'J '. : Wilmington, Dec-16. , - a,. . , 7- i Wh I L Lite given forTALLOW I'y tbf i fobfciibtr," who will hare on hands ' a cbnilant fupply of the beft quality iiuajKI LANULL3. tor tale on h$ti terms by the quantity, for ihipptn? or home cotu fumption ; who has alfo for file by the hhd. 4th proof Brandy, 3d proof & New England Rum ('alfo vatiuus defciiptionS of Lumber, Staves, &c - . ,-- A. LAZ.AKU3. 7 January 19. ; N. W. RUGGLES, No. 2. Bradley's Wharf, offers for sale v $0 barrels of Mess No. I and No. 2, . - ., JO barrels of NVE. Rqu 30 barrels of Hour r : ' . Pipes sod quarter casks of old L. P. Madeira Wine of superior quality to any in this place Quarter casks of. Sherry and Lisbon dilie-' 5 tons of assorted Sweeus Iron - Hon of Sheathing Paper , Barrels of Lampblack " ;- : Ditto -;, UedOcr ' ' ; ' - Alo,t an Invoice of English Goods suitable . fornhe present season. ; . " . l. Dec-. 8. : tf - . ' ( , , CAMPBELL, . Watch h Clock-Maker k Jeweler, ESPECT FULLY acquaints the in." Xv. habaatits.of.-W ihmt C'.on and its vi. 'CiiiUv, tli.-tt Ke lately rtn,ioved 10 the brick notJieiornieriy oicu,'cu oy ;vir. jonn.vyi) fiains, mcri.!unt, where ha lut, for ft!e peat aiHrt:ncoi ol G1d&; Silver Watches, Jewelry,' a fo c!nimes a ofoal iv repair ,Gnld & SWr .Watches, Cik & Jewelry. - Repairs on Watches arc injur id )r tni )tar, and tui.CKH-k lor tut jtarf. . Noentncr ia. if 1 1 : 1 SbcrilT'iiand other, -blnk Deeds, . for s:I at this cm:t. . ... I . . . ... ' : . . . .: . .. Tht twstribtri art now opening cndtjftr fertol V . h K Paikae or tfft quantity, -. Avery large, and1 general Assortment of Dry Godds, Hard Ware, Hats, &e; NEGRO Cloths of various kinds, Blank ets, Coatinirsr Flannels, Broad Cloths, Cassi meres Vclveretst 'J hictsets, I breads,' MuMms, Durants,' Linens,' Dimiitrs, Call- mancoes,. Ribbons, Shawls, , Handkerchiefs, cnxton woolen and worated Stockings, Crapea, EdinKV Modes, Smns, Gloves of.all kinds, BeiUickV Qznuhurirs, Swaasdowns, Cardi- 1 na!CfHicoe, Checks, Nulls, Locks, Hinges, Anvds, ices, Hoes, Guns, Pistols, Knives and WW Pocket ' Knives, Penknives, Sets sors, Razors, Brushes of all kinds, mill, cross cut an 1 Handsaws, ; Files and Rasps, Bridle Bitts and Stirrups of all kinds, Plated and tin.' nel Saddles,, Carpenter's Tools, Shot,,' Rsd Irons, ryhes and Sickles, Pins, Buttons; Paints tnd Windy Glass, rrgliihGun Pov der, Men's Women's and Children's Hats . way a variety oi otner articles wq iccioub o tnentmn. , .; . . , ., . , 1 ." . . They have also m addition to their Stock already on hnd, impvrted in the ship Danube jut, arrived from Liverpool, and which in few davs will he landed, V, , ', ' ' l?0 t'esks fine drawn Eni;l'h Kailv , . ' 7 'cases Guns well assorted, - f1.: - Pistols of various kinds, ' lo'cstks Hoes,, snd a very r'tnerai assort roentof Hard Ware... . 't '. .. T-.N r -Gues 5c Burgnin.. Wilmington, Sept. C. . -' . ' -," it 1 - - - - ' 1 niH ' , . Warning rosy Nirmfor 9, 1106. TpilEsulciibers(ineonsequencs of their r 4atc importations from Nev.bury-Port, Boston snd New-Ybik,) offer fer sale, whole sale snd retail. ; i , . - 1 ? , ' European and Jndia.GOODS, particularly adapted to the present snd ap broichitiir seison. .-. Their sssortmtntof SHIP CIIANDLERY much enlarged, snd a constant stupftty my be depended nponj with a liberal etedit to those who may' have occasion to equip vessels, ci ther by an indemnification here, or any. part of the continent. . ; AUo, having eblihed a regular Packet, to ply between Nwbery-Port, Boston snd this place, they will generally have for sale almost every article furnished by the Eastern .Stales; smonr many others new on hand, are N. E. Ri(m by the barrtl or puncheon, Pota toes'. Onions Snd Beats in barrels, FnrtdtnYe, AVhile Rope, White Pine Boards, Oil. Paints, Sole Leather, Shoes snd Boots, Cotton Bed' TiekW,' Tow Llntn c with a considerable 1 quantity Sweed's & sable bar Iron, German ! Oznaburgs and Tlckllntborgs, Cottofi Bag. I gin, fee " ' .-- Every description of produce will be taken In payment, more particularly Tooacco, Cot. , ion. Btts Wax, Tallow and Tor. ' Cash may b had for a 'few hundred Beat 'Skins. - 1 ' ' ' ' j' Liberal freight will be given for. SCO loss . V.iiiptnato load for Barbados ' v . GAUiitn u :os . watch-maker, . INFORMS the public that he repairs Pis. to!s, Swords and Guns in so complete , : v manner as to render them equally as itnd as when tbey came but of Ibc hand of the nie-. v -nufneturer. ' ' ..-. : j - ? T- ' '.V'ilnniniT(ri. Vft 1. . . if ' 1 NOT ICt. A LL pcttfons indebted to the-tflate cf JLJa, Mav Mrf K. decvafed, ate hereby requeued to mike immediate payment, -' and thofe 1o whom the faid eflate is in- " debted are requited t prefeqt iheir'ac- cour.ti properly atieited within the- time . i. limited by'law,' other wife they will bo debarred of recovery. '. - .... , RICHARD LANGDON, ExV. i November 17. it V TO DE.SOLD-w r Cajb tr Ytt 1300 acrespf Land about 30 miles aoove fayeittville on the north-rati lido of tl tiver,- a high plcafant finiatifr,on which are good Springs, and a Grift Mill -on an excellent J'reaui, a fcOid dwelling.. Ifoufe and convenient out Iloufcs. Theto -is open land enough tpwotk 'cn or twelve -talk Hands. It point about orCrrileand In slf on the rir, Tie low lard inf? rlor to bone on the 'fiver the HgH land well adapted to the culiuie ef whist and tobacco. ';' ,''' .'. ' -.- ' - ' ; ' '.. , ; For terms apply 10 I SAMUEL NORTHINGTON. . MJovember' to. tf. ; ' A. HALL keeps constantly cn hand, at the PrintinKfTxc, A" large Collection of BOOKS., ' Among which are School Books of aln-tU ' every kind, . .. 1. . sfLSO, STATIONARY, B x - consisting of -i LANK BOOHS sorted, 1 hick Tost Folio, Thin . ditto, , Quarto Post, Gilt cdRe Foolscap, PAPER, Plain dn. do. ' Pot,. Marble, ' ' " Blotting U Wrsppins; J k ' ' , Ink Powder and Quilts ol the best qualify, Shininir and common Sand, Red and Bhck aeauntr-Wax and Wslers, ' Lead rancutol various kinds, . .. aiM ., Some Chsrts and Seamen's Jettrnsls, .r . 1 , C) pherintf snd Copy Books pr.d Copy Slips, Clanks ot all kinds 111 common use. i ;" '' , Sheriff's Sale, Or4 the i6ih day of Fcbtiuiv ncx'. i'l befolJ at the Court-Ilotiff, aTrtct e-f Land with the improvemcnis iVtron, mntalnlng alout 300 acre?, fi'usio i near Bull Tail Swamp, on the toad from M. gro-llead Point and near ti e Duplin lii v, adjoinin lands of Bcnr rt pclluws Jehu Pajte snd Ogdcil 10 feisty so tciiin Robert and Wm. Fellow ssavsnft WilhW Fryer and othcra. rciurnaM to Wavt.e co..t. .. Wm. NUi r,,4 , Wilmington, January 6. 553 ', C Wanted an Apprentice to the Printing business. Inuir.: at this OHice.

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