J - tt , fifom h$ PjU Argus; .?v,---,v c ASSEMBLY OF?T HE JEWS. J1be ojftmlh of the Deputize $f the Jf rat- ' liter ef: francs and of the' Kitid$n . lltljli It tbttr t Jttfarusj V -1 The bene fill ot U fciofl high vifibff declare themrelves upon o. ' A', great e j'tent is preparing in what' 6uV forefather! bad not.fe.en for a long toutfe cf centuries, .what "we emild not hope to fee in our days, : it fcoin'g to appear before the eyei of tho - tuonuueq uni verie,r -The aoth Oftober'l the' day appointed . for the opening of the grind Sanhedrim, in the capital of una of the 'moft' powerful ' - C hri 11 i an E m pi r e? a nt! u ndc r the pro te Q ion -if the imrooual Pfince who governt tt,f ' Paris if going to exhibit thit fpeftacl Yo the world ; and this eyef iemorabto event will be.tor tlfe difperleJ remiins'of " the delcendcrVt of Abraham, a -new xti - .of felicity and of deli verance. - a ' ' . Animated wtthrtbeftTfenlimenti which the lame origin and. jhe-fitne religion In, .fpirej'we xro'no to day locxptefi j.hem to v you In thectfufitmof joy. - , Who could not admire with us the je cret dtfignsof that- providence. who, by ..ways, iinlthown to oux weaknef5,;x;hangei the tace of human things, comforts theaf. fl iSed, raifes the humble from the dull, putt an end to .the trials Ordained by - his ' divine ti(icree, " renttet hearts faivhftil to hit law in the e Accra an -J benevolence - of alt nations I "V '',' ' .. ' , ' e Si'rkV- eurirfispcrfion, ''J: innumerable , change have marked the inyonftanty of. , whitman tluogv Nations ime rucxemveif d". ruolfeJed each ".'ot her, ; m ictf , together and heaped thtmfqiyes ort ugon another, v . We alcMe have refilled the torrent of ages t ' and of revolutions. Every thing prefaged ; -to lit; anaildcr dcflmya lefiprectfiout ex'fieucr f but this flatc of things was en." .. . Jy"a. fuitltt g profpefl ; fpfc it -to become; i a teahtyV k.was necc'llary that front the bo ' fotn of public II ormi, from He agttateil wave' 'of an hnmeiifel people,' there ihouhl airife condufloJ b a' d) vine hand, one of - jhofe poweiful heads, round-which na- tions 'rallV tfpm a natural iuflimi of pie. ;. . , fervatlnh. "y "''"'".'V-, ' This benefirfnt and comfolting genius . Vtihes ubanifh i ail htimiliating diHinc 1 tiona between' i,tid. hit hcr fubjech. 1 3 is penetrating eye hat been able It di( cover to our fvlofwc code, thole prtncU ? of Juration and (Ircngih wbteli hav enabled to i('il. ,ihe ravages of time; an:', which formuly gv'e ,na ' patriatchil 1 . It-npUort j whivh pit ItttI ' venerates, ami ilut hertiifin of fbaraflcr, the arfm'frav - tie models of which are rdcoideJln hifio- " ' ,(' .v vn' '.V-r ,. "lie has jucf retl iq 1U wifdom that It be. , ca nt hiV paternal wifhrs o Jpcrm't that a . ! Gr.nJ Si'ohedrim 'ihoulj be convoked at fatis, ' The ohjefts and fuftcAiont o( tTi'i coipaVe pointed out til tle elivjMent , fpcech dciiered by the Conimillioncrs of,, his Imperial,' and RoyalMajefty," V' - JiutrcfJit 'lotfou to lhe you hat the. '.' Tpirit, which diilatc'tl it has for it objec bnly to rcfat as to cur ancient virtues, aih.4 . 'The prayer" weadJreU 1$ yoa to-day for the co.operatioof' of your knW ledge,' hy. giving to the tlfccifion of the Grand : Sanhsltimindreconfideration and weight, will ptoiluce that' happy jefult of. recall ing'iisTalf lo'tiiiTfprtn prthclpjei "of Jo"c trine in more harmony w!ih the clvilVnd political lafs.of thc-dilterent Hates wjiicji you hsve adopie.l ot ybor Country. '' r Your Itiflruilion will he u(efjl ti, . ar.d gpyerntnent avihorilct ui to cjaimltt , ,' prnteclion ' ' r '' ' : Re not deaf ta our voice, rlcarjirethrerii choofa men" ktiow by their wifdoV ft'inda ' ,lo truth and juQ ice, and capable of co , operating with s In this grand"York.- v - Scil-4rein to lake their place! amohij 'ns, - ' au.l 1st them impart to ws ilitix wife and ' " enl"5htened wics. ' V .It mtifl be' highly grateful, to all lfrseUtti of, Europe to co-operate irt the - regeneration of thoir; brethren,! at it moll ,belorjous for ut in particular to hat e . ' ' ' - fixed the attentton of an )tlultrious Sove . reign. ; '; " l lSevtr hal any men upn,earth fuch ' roe.ful tnotivts as we,' to love and ad- I utire'rtiTs Sovereign,' becaufa never had we congratulated ouifelves'on fuch.a' . . ' Shining -jaOicc crion a more fignal f roi ' teilion. t"Tjirtt1or'o Society a rop' : 'eal them to- the lenUmerft of 'their Uignl ty by fcCurlng lo them th tn'jymeht of ' tlieir tights ; fnch are the benefits we kte Invested for to Najioleon the Great. " . ne f0crfign arblter'of nariont and j rf kings hat given hirri ro this empire l i ' j-.jjil Its wounds, to rtllore to il thexalm- ' vnefi which lung ftorms had wrfl"4 fjoia j to ignrandiieits deftinlei, to fix outs, , which will forever' gratuUte ihtmfeWci cpoa hitlnj Intrullcvl -Wm i.b the tire of theittapplntfj, after that of their Je fenc;-" " ' -1 : ,s- . ; Parit ivb Tiritj SKl .C-l-03ihir 61, 1 8od. J S v ; ' NEW-YORK, DecemhettaJ;- K l: Foreign tfem-By ' the arrivaf ytittrdsy of the UritahPacket Diana, 45 days fretn i'lmomh, via Halifax and Bermuda, we have, receiyed our regular file of the London Morn in;. Herald to the 9th of Non 'TTtey araoc cupied principally with the disasters on the Continent, It does not appear there baa been nir hatlla f ennnvmience aiara that tit Jenav Buonaparte entered Berlin oA the iith of Vf with the baxons. : The remnant of the Pratsian' army, thirty' thousand in number under th command of , the Dukes of Bruns wick and Weimar aro expected to. make a atand on the O ler. where ther are to be ioin ed by 300,UOO"Rusiia'nsT commanded by the. Empsror.Alexander id person. On the iSth of OcWber; the day following; the battler . ot Jena, as Buonaparte was passing; through, Weimar, he. was snot at irom a window, but the ball missed him. He was so enraged- ttlat he ordered the town to be given up to tr - "j a ...:tj' . 't - ore una sworu. auu crcrj uuuuuir was acs- r'oyed; Sir Samuel Hood, B. h elected a member cu Parliament, for. tyestminster, to succeed the Honorable Chailea Fox, ,dc -ceased., ' ' ' ' ' , r, 1 LoBoirKQctooer3L t, The Carteret pscket tailed from .Malta on the I Jth ult. Gen Stuart arrived here from Sicily on the 40th.t; Every part of the Two CaUonas has been aoandoneato tne.r.rench except Scylla, in whjch we slill hold tjarr't son. Thus tliere appears to be no foundation for the xeport of a second great victory over the French In that . quarter. ? General Stuart- is now on his return to Lngland.v. ; ; ; ;A We hare recetye accounts frqnt Bip the ISthjStaUnt that the Qaeen bad arrived there on the precedint; evenings aodeain1 quitted the capita! on 'the lath. TJi Duke of Brunswick it not killed ; he was wounded .by a crrape shot at the beginning of the battle, in reconnoitring the position of the enemy, f The.. ost in billed and waunded ia estimated at from 30,000 to 40,000 men; General Mo. lendorf, Kalkruih,' Ruchel, Blucher, , and Taaenzien, are " amongst the numter. 1?he battle wat fought at AueMtadt. The Prus sian army was o4 its retreat to Macdcbur?. '. After .lhe'bttle, the lead-quarters of the French 'army weretransferred to Leinsic. fc the advanced gtlard had actually takenrp'ot. eKsionof DreapciU',- 1 -' : V,',, J.,: lidrA Mrpehf with hit tutte, arrived n the 1 3th at . Hamburg, fie came by rya of Weiniar and Brunawick. - : ; j-j The letters from Saxony had not arjrived at . Hamburgh, but orders were come dowa from Magdeburj; to stop the sailing of the vessel -.1 ,l i: rii .1 ii.Jj.," ' ' ' M BALTIMORE, January,!. Tat CAMtatAir' Britiih of star," forbii itikti1, enter our 9tUeri by a, J'rocUmaiiin 0 ithev.v.s: ,-7 - . ; - . t: W. have thit day reeeirei an oral com munication,, of .which the substance It as ? "t A. British' hlp, the Cambrian, aonje time" ago tauoned o!f New-York, and lately com manded by Ct-ptain 'VhUby,,'ame a few weeks past Into' Hampton roads, The pilot who-accosted het,near the Capes, and who' oh learning who 1ui was, rtfustj to tgudect lief Into port, was edmpelled (0 remain W board, and on 'parti or his life to carry ber to the place where the anchored. , 'yf. J "Jn her way to the anchorage ground, or at" ter she had re'tcKld it, the; officer command. inc'one of thfReverute Cutters, went on . board,. requetjint? the ntual information as to the character and dettination ot the ship The answer received from the 'commander (captain Beresnmf,' if w are correctly In formed) was,Hthathe had obi report to,makei tJ1.1t jt avat hie najtitfi ship the Catrbriao wrfo came tuAsr she pleased, and went whe,r-the pleased.,' An 'oCker cf tttt ' sLipwas then told to pttend I he eiJ 1 she meaning of which on land, would be, " shew that man t.he door We understand Uat 1 full statement or thit -traosactiea haft been trantirtltted to, thf.tecreurj of ttate. n,.'. ! : . The Cambrian, we are tdd,. procured be. fore her departure, the aupply cf water and spars for which the came, from Iht Belon arid Melampuatwo British ships of war now Jylnt;in.Aherod,K 7-; l-. :;; : ' Tht Camknan bat sailcJ-Ev. f ost, '. ""I V'Fa0" Ttt Satm Rtfits'tia. ", ' Tbe folldwln particulars, favotrd ns by a . fenvleman lately arrived tt this port from r India, may riot be uninteresting to the - publics i "-1 - : V! The British government haie cemencf the humane attempt to give their colnaiee hi the West-Indies, a. race of tree cnltivatort "with intention; of totally auperting th ps 'eessity of black alsres aad it appears,, the f" iroepctof to desirable an event it try 8sttev . ng Hndeedi which from a first esaay recent ly made by the coventor of the British em pire In the, Eatt-Inditt, makes the accorn. plishment of the object, in time, certain. There being many Chinese emigrant! set llrd at Bengal, and at the English Island of ' Tufa Penang, in the entrance of the Strait , of Malacca j these people were Invited to emigrate to the island of Trinidad 1 and It seems, great numbers were disposed to em. 'bark for tho wssttrn , world. The Dritltb taveiaiaent fi.ted out ttro. jhlpsy c-n? frojn if i'jlriltt. th ftlti .(mm Pvnanir. Snnk V on board at jmanylateoul(Lbe iccomnioda ted, and these are the ships noticed in "the late papirtV t arrived at ;Trinidad,r"with artiste'., fron India hut they are principally ' enhivatorsi instead tf artists, i. Those who are conversant with history, will know, the superabundant aad-numerous population of China is so great, as to cause, annually, emi gratiout from that empire to the eastern inl ands ; evenmong the Malays, Urge colohixt ot Chinese are always lounO, n,d they are proieciea oy mem, ana consiacrea as a very ; useful people, on acountof their laborious k industrious lives. rThey emigrate alsoton- stantly to the different European acttleme'ntt in India, to tome great numbers. k They ap pear to be well pleated With coming to thit new Country and at thit time there it the greatest famine in China that ever wt known before ; thousands pevtthtne daily tor want of sustenance. The English are malcinc eon- tkltrable efibrtt to alleviate their dtatress, by snipping rice from their settlements. One house in Calcutta it was said, had shipped iPjO? .bags .crjfej.v,Ten the company ships-were also loading with the tame for. Canton. - . ,i s'V The yeuntr emperor of Cliinais a most ex tllent character, and Very justly popufarj if a judgment may be formed from thecom ruencement of bit.reieh, he will beuiore like a father than a .king to.hia subjects. ' He began hit reien und'-r very unfavorable Cir- cum'staucea. .His father, the late emperor tA China, was also a very good, man, bnt being infirm,' and advanced to a great age, berng .8 S years old .at. his decease, hit pnroe minister and great mandarins .had, the entire controul iof the government, .which ; h7 exercised 'with tyranny unprecidented in .the annals of that empire ;' which created rebellion after rebellion, and reduced the country to its pre tent 4Hvtt;';:'h"?:$? The young emperor, at tha risk of bw Cn lift (the minister "being so powtrftjl.) immediatelyn asceading the throne, arrest, ed the prime rpinister of his Jate father, and tame the great mandarins of ttate. and .orY examining bis treasure, found that by his exaction be had amassed a wealth far ex cdi"g etriperor't, partjcolarly hit,"pearlt were larger and inorf numerous than tha emperor's own. ' The emperor has published Tery psirtlcular and intfretiing' accotnCoi the discoveries he hat made since the above arrest of th: minister, which, for the cruelty and distress that be bad caused hi the pr.Or eincesi almost exceed belief. The. young emperor is very liberally disposed. laVfdt Eiiropeans tnd other foreigners, and it is ex pected be' Will reduce or abolish the .befvy burthens that have hltlierto been imposed on foreign commerce'in China. . '. . As a proof ot the liberal Uisposition 01 the young emperor, he has written a letter with hltown hsnds, to L)f. Mackenzie, deputy stub t;eon general of Madras presidency, to .tend htm on to China, some frtsb vaccine matter, k a proper person to propagate it in hit. era-, pire it being , his intention, to give it every encouragement, at be very touch approved of it. : - ' -; .. . The vaccine Inoculation It tnucb practised of late by the native inhabitants of the hither vndia,'and greatly approved of there. , ; PHILADELPHIA Jtnuary t. -1' A fcvntlemnn who arrived herein the scbr. -; Maria-Theresa, from HaVanna, has oblig. -singly favoured ut with the following tran. ' Jauon bf the oQkial account of the re-cap. , twrsj o Bueooa Ayret. - v ", i 1 NevTbrk tnetle ,:-. SOUTH AMKRICA - Extrtct fre-m the oQicial accounts received at ' llavanns, relative Jo the retaking of Buenos . Ay res, by Don S. Lingers. - r Aug. I. Last niht detachment 1 50d English attacked S00-Spaniards, encamped 4;lesgnct fromtbe city, and made them leave the nefd, with i cannon and prison, ersj ft w were killed or wounded oa either aide. . ; ,'?,";) J"f r i Ith-Our transports crossed from 5a. cramchto fo the river of Las Conchas, with favorabla; S." E. wind, and landed ,3700 rcyn, with f'armon.arms, kc ,1 . ' " th. Very heavy rain from .the.tth until last rIrIiL "We btrf .thit ropratnt received news that, pur troops are marching toward (hit c'tty, suffering great hardships from tht Wny twampt'lbat lay between u which Impede the passage of the artillery. . , ,10th. At L2 o'clock, gen Ijniert tent th .lieutenant' of Infantry Don H'dario Qulnuance, to ask the British general to aur. . I - - l ' - 1 r ! - r r t ' renuar nunicu in iu course 01 nneen mf. nutes t out "he otTicer returned without an 'answer, ae be wit denied admittance into 'the fort. At four o'clock the fullowing let. 'ter wtt tent to hc British general t . Very excellent sir, " ' ' The fate of arms is invariable- it la ssthsn a month since your excellency took thi capital without any opposition 1 stuck. ng -with a very small number of troop a multitude of people, who surely were mora' nencit ni 01 a gooa cvmmanaer, man courage ver'iliro w the BrHisli trooba. ? The i utt es teem due to th courage of ytmr excelltncyi r " tbt great enroity of tbd Spanish nation and the horror that inspire the destruction of men, induces me to give your excellcncf this advice ; and 1 expect tluta youf eXceU ency it well acqut'inted with your ptrilou Situation, without tf sourceyou will let ra -know in the precise term of fifteen niinntes.- . - If you are disposed jto a desperate eHbrt, anal give your iroopa up to total obstruction, or aurrender to a generous enemy. " , May 4the. Lord guard sour Excellehef, !. v ! . ' many year. v.;.-;.," , (Sigcfed)- 1 Siirrt acq Lmaae. ,To tbe, very exceHewf trirVVm.) , '; .Carr Beretford.'"-1". J i 4 'rJf , ,Thla letter waa answered with tht foBow tng linef i v :iiS; rr J-, ..; 'i ' : . I bayvuken this town afret. two Victew nest its fate armt will tlecide. ,0 J' &SnFA) uBKt-oo.' - UB tht I lib Aug. our troop attacked andf entered by assault at. the Retire, vhertf we r took I guard of 50 men pr isoncrt. V en ' drenched ourselves here, od placed a S4V peunder facing. ev rjr Itreet. AH night te- - Term ifcirmrsnes oeiween vnf patrole anx the advanced guard oT the enemy took place - ; . wwr-wi, in .uay- aim otgnt several sUrannhef betwceBilbe Cathinia;na end th ememyj oir.artjlleiy fired also On the Bri- nan ttwpping, and dd much damage. . Our long expecud long-boats, in which we plac ' great hope, are not arrived yeti a; , ; .!?lh.A(.l'cJock' thj morning ' our brave CftlotnH bJiandeRgues ;,aaul ia ' goont on fooj M ll pontl.:; Oof tttillery Wac placed frpntintS th? ftftirp. and aeveral i4 v pounders at every f street, taking thf cnemr . betweeftlwofirts. Jb!(UackcowinuedW . ry hot till evening, when, the JlngJish flajp wat ported dowrj nd' the; Spanjshhoisted Th ene 'turrendered, themselves Tris. nert of war, but the officer erVto have ,thes . honours; The British general nd officers were tjuarterei.ln everliione,xand th ' troop locked vp irt tlje corporation house. The eaemy ba od many tilled and wound- - ed t and w hv n had great to. . Oni 4he Uth," IV Dum Wa aw with crctt ie 5oiclngt.A f t:?- ':-:,uAl 2 ' ' V i ITie EngHt wstlt i Barrtgan Bay havr Wl ecped. Of four hrp of the line th -Preteartd themselves before this harbour,. emo waa unk bf th; forts, two were strand ed, and site wther eteped.- ..V.'v V'-: , A letter from Kew-York fays. "Byaveti eel from Nanlz; we have napera 1 th tevent b f ' Nwmberr'whrch give, account of that ' fYench fewin'tr'tnarclifd ot, of Berlin,-' of which thy bad posresslon everJ ayt, at. tacked the Prussians, and after a aerere en. gagement, which lasted two days, obtained a complete victory, havinn ki'led and taken tipwardsof 80 thcrusnd--The kin is among -the number oP.wounded, and the queen a cep 4 tive. Thi veaael Jo bring, accent thatj th kmg ofiralland, with hit army had enr tered Copenhtgta," ; . ( ':..;:.; :r;v ,Lr' ."?jiAu Gsuitu "'5 ifpre bf J5iifr. :k:;- Wa ara MillioriM-ct tn t.t. fi-aM k....:! itioneble aujtority, that JAM KS WILKIN, , SON. who waasecretarr toiha WnnA Mnn ty Meeting last full, has been arrested a on , of Burr' adhereou, waf examined before) the, megistratet and found Guilty, h is U so stated on the 34th,. there wersv betweef Pittsburc end Harittta, (000 of Burr'a nets . -I on the Ohio river roct pos your Intention t But at present. ' penttrated by the highest enlimsinsm and, valor, they are ready to throw ofl" a haCcful yoke, and to demonstrate that Utecuvag , hawn by tht inhabitant of Ferrc-1, the Can ary islands and Porto Rico, U not a ttrantr to those ot Buenot Ayrts. I coma it tht head of well disciplined troop very tuperi. j or to your. Th maritime forctt that o eupy the entrance of th river, will not lcve' a retreat for your excellency. Thousands cf lahsbitanta, well armed, fall ef boner and) courts, paly wait for a signal from utt to , V rpn TTeinirtgiosj City, jpfc Jf. 1 ; The great imporunc of the Inulligeaew ' from the Westward, hat superceded tauck taiteellaneou tttatter, tt well t Congreaslon. , al prauedinga. '.,:-- ; .; ':-. ' The Heuae of llepreserrtttrvn wr) prin. ciptllv enyrtged on Friday on the bill for the ' punishment of certain erimet tgtiptr tht U nited State which waa recommitted to ti at lect committee." r . They adjourned oter ta Mondays ' v : The resolut'kon at ,acrtd W eo tVednetV dty, art f a followat --..,, ,..,;...' Re tJfiJ, , That yr9Tiaa ought t be tnkdt by la, to fortif and, defend such poittos b the Jvlitsuippi below th city of KewO leans, at the president of the Uwud:Stalek i shall desitjaate, for tht protection of tbatcW )yt and thai; farther provision ought to k" made by lwv tar gnardlrr ibe tproathdi 'r to th same from Um au ', "f " Fenced, That tl President of tht. Ubl. . ed States be authorized to accept of any cea-" pany or companieof volontecre either of a" tillery, avalry or infantry who may atso eiate and offer themselvs. fcr the serrica, '' (aoteseeedine thirty thowtaad wen,) Wb) hall M clothed and lurnitUed Wib7)omitlt their own expense, and arsoed and oiherwisw equipped at the expence of tht Uaited, ttkte -except uh of hem as may (boost to farniwb " .their own arm, and wheat eommltsirmed of. ficert, thall be appointed by the rctpectlvsj (a(atcand territorial atlthpritietr wh aka!l ' m liable to ht called a post it do miliury d ty at any time the Fretideaa than judge pro ' per, within two year a tier lie ahall accept " the tame; and which called rnto actual tV, vice, and when remaining in (ha tasnc, ahafl ; be under tht same rules aad rtgulatio, and be entitled tt tht tame pay, rations, iorg and ailpwanet laetloathing, with U4 repikr .troop f the U. State. 'ALMANACKS for 1807, , Tor sale ut the Printinj-OfBce. Ii - mm X ... j i . i 1 il

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