-'Published every- fuesday, by jaji JlAit; eDa'acar payable in .advance,. -of J? our JDollarsif ntttpaiJiihm a Yearl r .V! Jirtm t . .. 1. . . V A a. v: in Brought yej'tfe -"Mm .PX ff om$f r .' ha had h im' r charee from Geneva! Wilkin- SecreYaryoT WaV'addreise;d10 three- ; ting hinj Jtofake Mm AISlOTtwr oeiore oneoi , 'fte-Jdaetf W the-'Cirtiuit Cotfrt? 1 Judge ' the direction ofthc, Secretary iiaa wen coni- . fciiel willi? sfWtf Hat nassvitfeiVce' had bein ad-' . dufciPtloAwdto.tttiniany proceed ; ; t' hi psyv Th the xxtnee co wiiy red aa a; - disfilvaj-g0! toUfitr. release mrKJUcjf.- '." .On Morula f Mr. LU-deliyerfd.t bqrf. ar ,PiimentJb.!for4the ST,tHmpujrtotthe tJni7 ted States on.hla ntotioh for a writ oMW(J , If ii kIiodbethe"detcrmwtoVof,tJie 6oufl . toinaHriif ffiei"1Corp.U. should - htfrfulV infirtilt (6 it.- 3 -'V J v. , t V' 'TVaChtetf Jdtlti savi ? th cburty .lH tT kUVir upiUIUM LUC uir ooji ' On Tuesdaw MP. Harper ouservea mm " the crAtVt had mil give an opinion on Vfie htxtToivwItHMr; Martifff" lobehsardaouo- for Br "Crick Botl.an.' Ha- aaid tliejr, 'were-ihduded to mak thi requettv from un sTdeivAantrinli hatthdcbUrt had ome difficul. ttyoirecrtahi imt$, whtch bad not 'bee(t. idny:exaraiaad'by Mr."Lee their Impo-. kancetncr?led.- " : ,v.j"."M"j, TKeCfiitFf Jiiit.ci' BdVA' -lht' trturtflwoMUl liedr-'Msssrsi ILirper'aird' Martirio-inomir. j.U;.;? ','' .I." P f-' " !t-rs.l.' ! ....1 Vri..l. .Itt.' jhf lU. " VC nave rcCBlBU nuarni""',''i "JUnre Jackn, under- th .mprM.on that hfiJangei'exited fw-theli contilitirnsf eir.bo .ied. 1 These pfoce'edmifripreM.ve.T inan-- 'Sfesitl.tf partotism bf (Kb-xtate of Tenne'uee. Vfd AaH give them twins 1 ournexu Extract nfit tftter front tht'GntrrnofcfTtmei. ' . tet trr (ftinmb'ir efCongrtu, dated KnoxvUli) You. may ret Msured ijothinp ! (6 be 'iippi-ehended tVo'm any VrtHcdnduet in the peoi 'pic of ,'Ven,neee. fid diiobt some malconr tenti are among Vi but their patty UtAoini . iiinificant to distarb the public; tranquility; 'ixlrtcl "of ajeUfr dated NastyiUe, Jamtpty 19, ,.i hot, ;v:' ' , I can, with pleasure tind great ,cotifidenc 'isiiure you'that there is no'ieciidn' of .the V Stales itpre firmly attached to the overni Vnent and'onlon of the U.' S.'than this part of Ten6eie'e. Barr ha frequently vUitet) Nash- Viiie,! jia he'en treated iih marked attentiort by a few indivUiiat but I hops and beliere that thi was induced by the motWeof hot. ulhy totran(5ers. Howevtr, I am certain that mine -here would coopevatc in such des. perte and wicked undertakings, feiceptthere tniht be n few rtctperste and 'embarrassed meo A soon al the public mind became in. fonne4 by the fcreiident's proclamation, ybd. can na"e no cwntcpnun uu- " unv indiRiiaiiou rose against all who were even suspected.. ' '" , .'' '1 - Extract ef a Utter dated Staryvj'de, Ttru Jan. 19, 180T. ' ' . . The latriiinof Burr have had no . in fltirnccin thhart of the state, and have pn . Iy erved.lto, excite contempt. I hope we shall be all wise eooiunh to know that Otir Ba tionjl fel'ici' f flP,ft(' on otft uniort." ' 1 ' " ixt'oet frtm a ller, dattd NathtilU, January, ... ' 4 ' ' "2 1 f . ' V . . , Orttlie subject of our united Interests, your ideal are1 khosreiher correct, and "r!H bear the test of everUstinjr BRes. The 'dis mtmberment of the western from the Atlsn (ic sttes would bring down upon us difficol- tleslhat would hardly be repairec! in'afcel.--. The very ideaofuch s thing under existing circumstances itone of the most foolish and preposterous that ever entered the brain oi-. nf man', It K ut of Sll calculation and rea son to suppose thsl 4 measure of this ,kM could be etTectt'd'.'or would be ittempted, Wntn tnere is noi pne mg biitusoio ir iuvu s scheme in all the w? Mem eouritry." ,,....-'. . '' awass I. ;r-' ' s:'Jrf Thtfuttov'rhtlof'inhndeUtertd Jtidf ' IlTZlBJGH'tm thi tommitmtnt.of Mrnrt. ' :LOLLMASandSWARTWOUT,oatharit JrtMPH, , " Mf extreme Indisposition has , prevented we from pre?rfojr, ny remarks in support of -a . '.I., ktaala f a. n. allaa nti IA Kilt We PpinWH IL " H" I since it hs been thoUKht proper by the mem . hers of the court to assign our ressons for the course which lias brrn pursued, I shall ex press those seqtiupcots which at present oc- Thi TuesUon his been srpued, n If It ert t A t II J now Utioresjury wnowiscsnca on mi con. vici,orc(jltthpriioneri; without Mcol Prctlnj that wc sri at that ) trhcrt; io Jhclanfuacei o..Uu.ioonthutaon, probable aUse.iupported by oaiYof aEidt, la tfilplci- , tut.'1 TWiimiirk-7 Wcsaart To shew-ihar 1 any MHif concrutont: cotinM jre i-jcpr. - thtitfii piurUi land such'as'wolild be 'inad. finisribi fc Tth.fiaat 'yio A arrant feoei ; . forth to annrathend and. auerwardsL; tor cord. r mit, dn-the autrarsstion of si i ti dWiduut audr L -.JJ t"V.. ?a'r .'J L.A'.Lrfl.n'rl. J mitied..;rThnidsyit is mads mtflo auejue oiinenptwseu otlepder, an4r-nok wore tainty-ia ftrjinred ihiin probable" cias?, law U. ,ctto Ulfao; there :ntKlte.7dtt' coRfessioo,?n; open, court, on the? testimony qf tiVo; w"itflesses'to the same overir' io cotil :jlci one-of trtfason -Whereas probable cause1,1 I supportejl by oath ornffirmatipn,' ' wtlj jrt,G4 n isauniR warranu in no cue, wne.ncri cViminat w civil.' is an affidavit evidence at Liberiari because.tsken .in.tije absencef'of . Jhe. party agninat, wom it is intended o 6pei-1 ' rate i krid Vet it' has. .always been cmsidereA! ; as Sufficienfl to jusKTy issuing; a'Wrsht of ar- .rest." v ..I. . ,t. v v Is j, r' r ? j t These i enquiries obviwisly occur s Ut. Ii! .there robablo csiuse t believe that anv triai"' , V.n ben cqumjitted. agaiusribp 1?: , nd this supported by oath, kc ? 2d.' Are" - Jhe prisoners implicated itttl;e treason (.' And -3d. How, whether as principals, or oni- y gU(Uy o misprtrtn of treason f ; rU;; ' .. That there is probable 'cause to believe,. tfyt, Reason has been committed by col. Burr,' the public romour and universal alarm which seems to huvc jjonvtiFseA oqr cfauntryifroni thejejureinjty tOiihe centre-the 'President'!' cowmiunicanons' to'Congress .and to the courti , afford, ajt let'ound.ot subpicioh, and.thii is supported by the.poakive oaths of'Genera Eaton, .Geijerpt.YfilkiosoTjlM.rf Dontldson , Ms Mader and lr Wilson, all epinir te L fhpw th origin exivencel .-and progress' of L urr, J.rcaonab)e.projcts and acts. But nere the counsel Ton thq prisoners have issia ted rbat nope of this msss of evidence crimi nates B.iind have contended that the Prsbi dent's comrounicatioos are inadmissible. ' It is not generally by detached parts of evidence,' but by a well connected chain of circdmttani ces that we .arrive at proof fiorcan t criniej be made out by the. proof of nv solitarv fac.! In a charge of murder it would not be sttflicf-) ent to shewthst a blow wss given from which; death ensued ( but it is necessary to prove and disclose a particular state of mind Therf snustbe deliberate resentment, or ill will t .there must be .malice prepense So in treason (the case now under consideration) no degrefeof viqlencp,. however atroc'tpus, no enlisting or marching men no injury, ifli- mitedin tts object to persnslrivuhip. ore ven extensive enough in point of locality to contemplate end threaten . the opposition and destruction of the lws or government of any, one of the U.' S. will amount, . to treason gs'nst the V. S.' ,'TU "the iotentioa. slona which fixes the grsde of 'the offence. This Intention is only to be collected from circum stances and though the communications of he President do not bf themselves furnish - full evidence of Burr's treason agalnst.the U. S. yet they must be considered entitled ta some weight in leading to the conclusion that , there is probable csule ; .but when in addition to this. U is considered that the jnoit solemn obligation is imposed by the Constitution on . the President to male communications of this nature to. ongrest, and that he has aIo f In further discharge of. hi constitutional du ties ordered out the roiji'ia, which on ontina ry and trivial occasions he Is not juttlfiablc in doing, a person must.be strangely incredu-' lous who will not admit that there is probable cause of suspicion that dangerous insurrec- tion or treason exists in our country A re port thus sanctioned bv duty and oath, If mid to this court by one of Its officers, wsuld be ' respected, and why shall not a communica tion from the first executive officer of the U nion be credited, when tie announcts to the nation information in the line of his 4uty f But this general ground of alarm is rendered more specific by the affidavits which fcavc been exhibited -to vs., If the perssns who have been sworn pn this occasion are to be be lieved, (and no one has yet questioned , their credibility) they prove a scheme laid by. Burr to usurp the government of the U. S. to se ver the wester states from the Union i to e stsLlivh a" empire west of the Alleghany mountains, pf which he, Burr was to be ta .sovereign, and New-Orleans the emporium, and te invade and revolutionise Mexico. Thai lit prosecytion of those projectshc wrote letter to General Wilkinson, the comtnan. tier, in chief of the American hrmyy with the avowed object k design of alienating hint front his duty, and inviilncr him to embark in the undertaking, and holding out to him he most flattering and sanguine essoinees and prospects of succttv Horrid as this It tempt was, yet if the information had reach ed no further, t should have no besftatkm in saying that it would bare been nothing more than a conspiracy to commit treason, or some other offence. But when Burr assures Wil kinson that he' hid obtained funds and actu- ally commenced the enterprise I that detach-' roeots from varloai points and under diffs rtt prtuocet would re&dcivoul CD Hi! Ohio the ' . ' ' m -a. ... i' V-,, ... , . , -i s. . .'.,.-r.';v..li : tt, of JJotiljat bts plat was to movf Jjowa : ripidly from the Talis the" th" of jrov."witli . ,n,ur:suuor itwo men W-jrgfct' boats' npte tonstrming for that frpot J Whenj ifr :d- dttiun to this, 'AVilion and Meide awear'inat . fwhen they ycftNeOrlcasi'theijne: the tf . teen olhcft Wthlwtnlwr.-xfjie; itroh- gest apprehension- and belief uuiversallv'Dre-f vailed among- the' inhabitants that Burt' atvd - his conederalestiid piepkredkit amwd farce, : anl wefc marching to auaek And fflvjoder the i titj ! Jind that 'tliey knew that Wilkinson wis ldccideaiyof opinionfroin the most'satlsfac- .TVi!;""rf,"T'ji,''t iirr;iwaa;am4WK's ,4110 under that, belief, he. was puLttinp; the . t ptect in a posture of dtfnce .Vlel)th.s. jcotncWcnceof clriiuiiittatTcee fc this strength 'Ol testimonr appear; there can he little doubt J ,bf the existence It jhe extent of Burij'a viewi, K and of hi'haviritr e'mbodiet? and unlisted mib 'Withvie'tgs.Jioattifl tothp govemracnr.TjR Ms j country, and that he.hM dqneads whu;h k promt tohrvyfrig 4var 6itthe Uhited. States i'Burj-'a tfeisoa then' leing. cstkbliahed; nip are to enouire whether, lh4 pi-wOners wert his corvfede'rates.' They" are 'reprUeniee Mn4r.oatfi,'iBl.aveV been .tfieiKtufei-! of th,e duplicates;, of Nr fBurr?s"IeHtcrsi;in;yphep to WiIktnon,-and(t,o possess 'Burr's eoulU dencej they ui'tr arguments in addition to . those in the letter, , to incite Wilkinson to accede to. their, vjews . admit that they, have corresponded' "wiflS Burr, on the ubject sinde tlie dclivrvr oP ifie letter r That Swartwout informed' Wilkinson that Burr, with fcpowefi mi nasociauun, exiemiingicoro iew-t,orK io 'Ntiiw-Orlen,-wash;vvlne.an'krrtied btuHr of . 7009, ipen Jro"n. I?el-lC6rls snd the weateri ies ana territories, wwn a view to carry , an expedition' against' the, Mexican provinces and thatJOO utCn'urTdei1 fcolon4 Swartwout and tmjoj- Tyka were to descend the Alldt ghany,' for whose accommodation' light.hpati had bttn built and wrt reaivw-skid that New. ;.Qrljans wojiht te' Jerolutionixtd wheivthe people were ready to jom them, and that there would be some tciting. if. jl ! Here then is evidence of. a connection with w . 1 n .. . .. . . . a I "I fciMouei,, jjurr oi a ireasonauje naiure.- What Is it? The act of Confcress define misprison of treason to be a neglect to dis close the knowledge of a treason.- But the prisoners have not only k;nown of the trca- . son but carried a1 treasonable tetter know ing j its : contents p ' endeavored' to farther Burr's views and wishes, and to seduce Wilt kinson from his duty.' The offence exceeds misprison of treason, and as there is bo in termediate eless ef offence pf a treasonable nature between misprison and treason,' i must be treason. - It has been observed by the counsel for the prisoners that no judge could commit on an affidavit made before' any other judge. "This distinction is ctrtair.ly new, aud I be licve unprecedented. . In all general warrants for arresting a supposed offender, the'direc Jinn to the Officer is to bring the party be for f the person Issuing jhe warrant, sr. $atne ether juttitt fiace, Vt. which would be at least ttUgatory, if no-person could Inspect or re gard the, affidavit except the person t'eforc whom It was made. Therefore I conclude that Wilkinson's affidavits made hefore jn. tlcea of the place rf New-Orans, f.ose commissions, appear to be properly atithe)iti cated by the secretary of state, are evidence at this stage of e-ur enquiry.- :, y ' I am therefore bf opinion, that the priso. ners should be committed for treason against the United States, in levying war against .tb'em.;' . '".:'.; ' v,--' -' Knoxville, Jamiarr 1V " Extract ef a letter frm 'gentleman is Cat iotHi, ( 'JlrnVj U hit friexd in lhit town, ft ttdjanworj 11,1107.; , i -V The people of Somner and the adjoin ing counties are volunteering fast to purstte Burr, and atop him in his career if possible. Captain Bradley, and captain B. Martin hsve both enlisted full companies and arl rvad to act out at a mornct.Cs warning. ' " i ' I' . -' "iraehxiUe, Jan. I. j (The heart of every lover of our cootitryj mast glow with the most ferveht. emotions' 6f patriotism on reading the following com-! municat'rons." It will be Recollected that - the characters who compose the CORPS OP INVINCIBLES" are old revoluiions-I ;ry veterann who have fought sad bled for f the independence of their country, atul f whose ege - and . decrtpitud have sl-i-most deprived them ol that bodily strength Vequisfte to use the weapons uf de fence . but whsn their rights are threatened 'with that love of countrywiih that god t"fle bravery and yirtue which ekcited thm ; to rtp forward to establish their 4jrpen- dente, have prompted them te? offer ew criRcw of their lives sad property to pre serve It. Let the tetoltection of 'thtir bravery' atimulale the youth of our 'cbun " try Io ttead the path of honor and glory which 1IW have donerand like thenj be- corte tts oramcnt knil it! tiriae. i-i-tUv. . Kdit.J .; - i u x TO MAJOtt (TCNF.lt AL'" ANDREW 'At a moment yhn 'great lensibilUr od even fearful apprehension for thl welfare of ur country, Lai been excited, from out. enl l wvonuHjuie, tnsome mode, -fotthe s r of th'e6Ven5"mentu'iide Vich thuse XBBUIa blessiDKra are i 'M Jie 'cfmtUlCnt'totW otherWtien ear ; ?7er.n..lnentt the, beat takuleted of all others, 'for the attainment rt.mVivAna -.. J.8pp7nesa.'has kouuded the Wain f trmi , to btj ohjhe alert in ajipprensing combination of men'. lnostle to the ..pugrity,of the , union - .it.v.v.v vi ui fjuiurjf. it oenoyes all .men either agfc4y youthfijl," to ciajesce in" thcirattachmoiit4&th'tr counirv it- .r i lectiona of the citizens our governqient, ex i.JsU not ih opwessive-und intiecasajiiV n. evcion, as in other conntrtM--11harir-i- plesiihich teminc.uiyrqharartcrisc repubfitan - tastitutionli clearly tlemons'trate. thai ever ;( cjtitthi- whatever his situation may bohc' upport ines'ii eniovefk' TfiJ'-lf-rf..; .-u-. ..." . . J'. ". nr. Liicir nuMinni ami i.thAi..i . l . ' Pw'Detong. 'I liey , kno.the ir.cti, ttilablr blcisings of. freedom isf-thought,'" fcpccch'Sctloncciirii P.er.ty.' PAriottaiaistheir- claim, though iot exclostvcly, tfl a country jf freedom, hia. ,1! h'fmpor(iint' ciii,-wbcn the Itmki t,f legat active exertion, ou&ht not i-o h. lwvk ' with a microscopic eye. S9 for as our bodily F fL "nrow,; we cnceriuwy iubmif to 1 l3.d tlgDrf - military, institutjo'iis; Or country wijl require 1 nothing unoccesbarily ot 1 us. . The thread, bf age4 Win not be broken, bht it will be'lftbd toAhtixtijnt of its strength-"" J: Under tbee impresaionh, we agree tq e.ru- uouy ourscivcs agea anu innrm as we ipay be, offttr dur services and our fortunes to bu caut)try it) support Of its laws and constituted authorities. ; . , t ' General James Robertson, captain,"' James Ilefmon', surgeon,- ;.-.-General Thbmas Oe.rtoo, ." V " Major liowel 'i atum, ' Alajdr Crem Hall,"$ : t , t Captain James Tatum, $ ' Msjor William :T Lewis, i " . Colonel. Joel Lewis, I - . Captain William Richard, t, . v- : anm oiepuen uanireii, ' - ''' Captain Rol ert Edmonson, I ! " i Major William Walto, t-- ,' , Captain William Ly tie, set). $ , .' , i CaDtain Jot.hua Hacilev. . . .. . ' . - Captain Jalm Beck,- $ , ; Captain John . ; ; ; . 5 " . Captain J'JMrphColetnejiitBSror.NashviM.i: . -W'illiamTait; v. i i.,-' ' - j Thomas Talbot, .,.' CJeprge, Poycar, -'. ' . . v ',',' .1 '-. " .-4- AJt,.uii, . f j ..... . ... ."it - : Willian W horton. ,r -. ;, -..With other,' ohV yeteraoi cdmposifij' H ' company, all over, ffty jeara-of; age. . . All those marked thus wcre oETiceif la tl revolutionary wari.; i ' ..; n i ' .,' ' ' L 1 - , .. Gen. JAMFR KOBERTSON, ahd tlo eorps iiMKVINClBLESyou hate tho -lionor to consnsand. ..... v .j. .. , The tender of vour services at the Ciitis, when cur govcniriient lus Wat tied 'u to be' watchful, is honorsl'e,' not only to yourselves, but the country in which we lire. It-is interesting and graceful at the present iwntufia. A The eiecutiveof the-uuiofr,,la whom we all have confidej.ee, will not only receive it with pleasure, as a nrk of attach-. tnei'rt to the govern ment and laws t but the faithful hUtoriu. f passing times, cannot avoid noticing it s sn Instance of patriotism, lobe found only in Republics fonheir sup port, they rest en the opSnion and affections of the iveonlfl. and &tnA all nAMPhmania union of sentimcnu. and action is neces sary. , ... , ,, jU T houah all citixeni must be sensible of the ineatimsbl Wcssincswre enjoy, yet your ani tir...ina,a .f it I In. with' emotions of ardor asextrsordinsfy aa he occasion which gate birth lotlicn.-ir.ky ell men cherish such sentiments, isvmy Vm. cert wish. , Age,' in a government of laws and freedom, it entitled to a tlalm of pa-rki.'. ism, bet it is equally entwled to the highest respect from youth. The frost of age and vnrii.iua la ati rim 0m:mJm I 1. . : the, physical wrid, The'JWpstcd'sttefi. lion of men is collecterl. ! nd the natursl re laxation of youth invigorated. " Hews our union of sentiments la the potitidn,'that all men ought to contribute their telle, in some mode, to the publie good. Hut wbm age, It its widom -bounds beywmls'its ordinsry p.rrMs os coAin,fi ana admonition jimo tbe hardy field of eneTnions-l My God how can I cxprcsa tny sensations !! . ' Age, frem the' immutable prSocipJer'of thf U fit nature, U eovitlcd to an. ejemp tion I but should Oie'dariRcr which . threalans our tountry,i twiwr-yimr srce in the field, it la hoped Uial t jir nocasinn ' may b "temporary," and that you will only be wnt inr in the field of battle,' where youf years and meriHMioui trrvkMJdll be Juy consi dered. There .your, commander well know, that your former snidei, presence and brkvery wnl.be equal w ' hgiment of men. Accept the thanks ol Uve goyar anient, and of your tenrsl, u whom yoti so fenrroua ly efferrd yonr services, with the st.itimet.ts f m f fateful fyspect.- -r t i, ' . ANDREW JACKSON. ? i J.Jj. Gen. Sd Division,'

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