i 'rSAGE: was yts&Mafcbrhmuhfr1 r gress; on the contents of which V . ' congratulate the nation. 'sentatives of the United States'; transmit to Congress a letter " ? i 'from our ministers 1 e ni nrvrp n fTi t ,: tssionferi i would ''a'rnrrtv s-wfri 'fifls -,cfo.- tl fimpQjenuary at ransi' covering : ing-him that - the Imperial deefee -.; M..wiyAp?s.pa. .was floj.ioenegt.our .A commerce. which vmiiM tHl . ;vrried by;the mlefs tha:i j - countrics,'r:;;f "i'H - "jlso - a let JfrQmvCowlei: , Mead, Secretary 'of the' Missis V laforming us that Aaron Burr-had Y iurVendered'- himself to ' the icivU; "., autli'ority of that territory. referj .- 7 Londoiiyliei: 27, Isofiv ' ' . We liiye the ? pleasure- to act ' quaint you tfiat ve havo-his day' T - agreed wkh the lkiush ; cprnmisi sioners to conclude a treaty ori all the points which have formed: the object of our negotiation, and ori' terms which we trust our govern4 . ; ment will approve. - It will fe-; 'quire only a few flays Jo reduce it to form, y When that is ' done, " - we shall transmit it .to you by a special messenger.-. We hasten to communicate to you this Interest- .'. ing intelligence for the .information .iju guiaancc oi our government - ' in such measure's as' may hyc! r-cV-fetence toi the subject.;. .We have the honor to' be vith greit cohV de ration and 'esteem,; 7, r . t ' Sir, .t ; , m . r,.;,yv.., i Your most obedient servants, , , (Signed) JAS. MONROK v V - ' ; - WI,PINCKyi5VlCv- ;jAMgS MaDISOK, , . ;' &creta)yofStateftihingl6tu ' , ' lhaye the honor. 'of trans-; mitting the copy enclosed; of a let- ter from hjV majesty's minister pt ' Iarine ahc. Colonies', in answer to mine of the 10th instant, on thd : subjectf of the Imperial arrete of the 21st of November, laoo. 1 . An additional explanatioh,' which . ' it maybe well to communicate, is that neutral vessels coming frora "EriglancT'orKer colonics intaTthe,' ports , ot I ranee," Bcc. since the . date of the aforesaid arretc; will not be received,. and that if any person or persons,' charged with the ship or other vessel, and car go) shall be detected ; in evading thi s regulation by means otjahe declaratfonSy they shall forfeit the , said ship or other vessel and cargo. ; ; I, am,' Sir,.. '. ' . ; ' jl With the highest respect, : Your most obt. and , '; , u t Verf humble servant. ; (sied) : , . :; john Armstrong; , ,.:The undejrsigaed .minjster.ple "nipotehtiary f6f ihe ,U S. of A mi 'ricaPhas the-Honor 'of demandinff Jrota his excellency the ft linkter of Marine and,ColQnie5v thaiomcial -explanation which may have been ivcu iu im; xmpenai aecree 01 tne ;4smtewb6;?ib!fet'-as that di- wee, y vp wcxignts oi neutral J nations. in-s v ;-.r,-''H' . .he lAindersijmed; would mote TWrtlcularlr f wishl tr hp XrifcrrM Www. miartflj t are. to . be under- itfrr(y-or -whether therulenVill oiucKaofi owne continental posses !sions al sor tys'said -kaiesty0? u w WWm,itP6C9Jit that the arrete shall operate frdnr its1 date, (HrA' 51? 4 iti-A &l . -ilU'il'i 'vjiil-S beforejiiotice shall haVeibeert vi. .hallcpnsideif vtgating the high oi' narrow5 seM,' dence 'nlyy thatithey 'are; :gomg Te?uTnif" port ox ports ,of his Pritarmic 'majesty r And whethei: articles 2'6t 5 shaU operate, onjsy as dpmesuc regulati ons, t or whether their injunctionij JKaU.etend b citizens oflioreign and independent hauonsiiist; ' Ilis erecllenc theministertojf flne.U'sumcientlyaw interest of the U. S.'in the inier pretation which shall , be Vivenlto ! these aruclesj and will readily arid ! J"i"Jr. fi'iwuiaic utcinguves OLtne' undersigned in requestihg that hil txcellency's answer may be given? Tlie; undersigned has thehonor v of renewing,1 &c Uc. -(Signed). JOHN ARMSTdNGjt ' Paris J Dec 10, 180Q.V -"'v" f. jTtwt theproyisionsf SruV cle $ Sd anAiS di of the kuef'decree, naturally apply to foreiim citizens; domiciliated, in Trance ,pr in ,the" fif his v majesty ilie emperor.'and ldngi:inasmuchras they haye the cnaracter ot a general lawr but that it will be proper that your ex-celleliiiypuld to what Cbricefns the chrreKnnn. 4ence of the ciUzeri of tneUhited Rntp nfr'A J F orav ; voiir wrpHnrv' -Mr , 1 ; Ta an s l ati oh. I "'J-'. '-, : J ; ' "':. ; PAttis, 24di Dee; 1800'. x ulir- Minister Plenipotentiary, 1 hasten to ansvef th'ejwte ypu did methVhonor'to"adclreRs to me, 'on the 2Qth of this; moridu r,'.' J " ! consider the Imperial decree of the 2 1st Nov. last, as, thus, far conveying no modification of the regulations at present observed in l'rance With regard to neutral na. vigators, nor consequently of the convention" of the 30th of Septem her, l'SOO, 8th Veiidcraai'rc; 9flf year) with the U. S.'of America. ; , But td though, . by tils answer, the .four questions upon which your excellency has , desired to know my opinion, has been im4 plicitly resolved I think I can add, 1st, That the declaration express' cd by the 1st article of the decree of the 2 1 st of Nov. not at all chang.1 ing the present French laws con cerning maritime captures, - there is no reason for enquiring what interpretation, or restriction or ex tension may he given to this am de, . ' ' . " ' ...''. ': ; 2d, Thatscimres, contrary to' the present regulations concern-, irig cruizingV; shall not be allowed lo the captors. , ' , . ', . " . , 3d. That an American vessel cannot be taken at sea for the mere reason that she is going to a port of Enrfandrdrls returninir from I one, because conformably with the uuuiut ui vuc saui uccrce, we are limited in France not to admit : vessels 'cominir. front England or lthe English colonies. r " Miwster ' aPl ernDQtemUr v. a to' re ceive the1 ssuraneepf rriy high &nSderi of Marine andiof the coJcies.;ci ... v.,K1cu f-jur..r. hd It vWill norescape f Gen;&ArmJ ; strong that -my answers -cannot have:deveI6pe 5 they vouldireceiveyfrom; the min itis naturally to.h'ira tW.Iie;DU'?ht i .to address himself for.these cx'nla-' to rind him, - because he f wishes mem-tbytttppWyhicK muchlcss positive infelrm'atibn than the prince5 of Behe vemn1 j 'v', -s-'Sighediti-J,"'f? 5;! - "TTX 1 T .' Faidirully. translated v . uLniCACi) State. Hvtra JV-ii " '-t J;''' ' ;lf .'; ;-;-" il., . 1 ' UWAHHtKT.Tiw nn-v ..ir-i. I ' :Tio letter frotft Ceni'AltMSTROMG2 to the 8ECRETARY OF STATE, itrerrerf ta nr me unnexed coot of letter from fWV.- tfI tdMi.' lii, the eonimerclel Aken't bf .... -wiii.u u.on, hub nui j-ci otcn received 4jth Secretary -61 Stale.' s ' -M'-y'' i -'SlRf'-'v.;-.:s tJ--..': Cr-t s, ;.Jd iHt-You will find fwiwge for ;the ncldseid letter 41 toon iibk. ? . ' J -;v,t hafe this roomMt tcceiVe'if th writtrn tsronnc or Oie' MiHntct' f laririe1, . thjit ihe Decree of-the I irtef htwr. JaTitrwnr JiTno wpeel tlistnrb lie rtiitinv- reulatione of commerce between' France end the United States of 'America, tetifed by the CoitVen tionofthe Soth .f Rcptcmher. i '-W1ih much regard,' ko'." t-fi'fA ft Signeil, f.r:- jir;r r a- fif,.u; i:' vVr' OIIN-ARMSTltONtJ. m. Lee, tEtif, '.! rtj'r. s- ,-.. f ,r- WILMINGTON. v ' 1 i - .TuesDAy; march or. ' StV DaVia! Day falltr. on-Siimtay hrf, itie derccndann of. ancient, Brjioni in thU town and beighbotirliood, met to celebrate on Saturday 4 ' bejog fvor with the company of a number of refpedhble ciii. tent of the town, at i MrwW tk. r.. iowi to an elegant entertainment, prcpar. edby Mr. Dick, at bn Hotel havirg appointed . , .. WILLI AVl GILES, Efqi fm.V.Jc J. F. BUkGWIN, Efo. Vic.Pmijkt. After dinner the following' toaQi were 'drtnk 1 " ' , . The Day May the Soni of St. Dai ncrer want meant nor inclination to pa U its juft tribute. 2."fhenaiional characlerinic of our Ani ceftoif an ardent love of liberty and in dependence Mar it be erer tnmvl .rn. j minenf trait in the charafler of jheir lc- iceiidiiitf to the UteR generation. The tnemorv. of CaradariKXT. ;! bit courage and patriotic teal, be emulated oy poiiemy. .- . , .' 4 Tlie . memory of th ancient Brltilh Bardr, the officiating prleOa atthealtan efaniient Brt!0i libeity, and the faithful recorder of the Yalotoui dcedi of their country men. '$ The memory of Gray th author of te British Bard, mu celebrated in fuoe, the valour ami virtuei of our A need ori, 6. 'The f irtuei,' wifjom, aod valour of Alfred the Great. . .,; . , T. Tbe bravery difplayei by our Fore, atbcri in the memorable but uolortunato battle of Hattingi. , 8. The fate of Ethelwolfe May fuch ever pr the reward of treachery. - 9.Thfi: revered memory of-General Wafhington May it ever find the heart el every lover of liberty, it conleciateJ aod grateful depefifary. 10. The United States cf Ametlca May the wildotn of their cmirvlt n, id. i Inleerity of their Inteationi- nrrtvs fuf. Ccient barrier to any fioitier vlewi or t( umpu oi loteign oailoDi. . ; ' "t tThe Prcfi Jent pf ihe United Sf afes.; jHzTh Stlto of , North-Carolina Ma V their ft)'ii"or.ve thtmfelvei 'worth . of the valour of tlelr forefaibers.. ' 13. The Cpnjgrcf of the United Sialei iraV-WiWobj apd virtuguide'arfd hoh. or and fucCcfs attend their dcliberationa. ' lr May the wifdom f our govetnmeDt - & unanimity of our people, fpeedjly. crojh ; ,thev hydrl bead ot rjebellionl' A : 15. Thc negoifators of the treaty of am . iiy, commerce, and navigation, between .Great' Britain and America -May' the fc full. oObeir labours prove the fpundarton of a permanent rommprr!l 'a'nrl fAinA- 'ly iotercourfe between the two countriri. 'r. ;" rTi. L ' -C ' . ... . ' . . .u,.ir-t hvvj i ninci 11.411 eyu- Jution ; the founders, of .our; iiberty'Ct -'.T7TBa? American Fairir' ' JT Aft wbicb , a 'number pf Vplofitce Topfts wereivVa-wUothers the follow-." By the PreCdcnt May the- cnthufiafl jc applaufe .with whka FentitQeota of pat-l riotifm have been received among v$$ bo a pledge 10 our country ot what our person al exertions fhall be,' whenever iter fdrvUl By M.'oCeliriMay; We!fliinenani : (i jvuiiDg cinncT, according - to tho an cren't BritisH7cufl6m,' arbaDd of mufit ,pla'jred ia the; 'next fom.f'- W i ' ; t Surrender oforteXIrtv.' . - t yiHiarj On Tuesday morning, new. Uraeliedv s.hl place that col. -iWr.waa nr.amrvt ar ttt enouih of Bayow Pierre with a force lt;a-- vj .uiiic,. wwesi ena oy -oinena t -BOO i.:. the former wa found to he th eorrtcu - The commatider t chief immedi ately is&ued cctlers for.,robpdy ing dtl.acii .rnent of the iniliUai.-and.jn 23 hours,' 2JS men were collected on the tank of the. ,iivery ready to'receive marching, orderi.,., A little before aun'-aet, on. AYedneaday, the Attach ment embarked, under fh mmm.iut r-i ... ' ... - mjk Vyj. jfeedinand iVXlaibor ne, ' and asceacTed' br & t .a r . . t .wawiyoincmouiaoi i-oie a creek, where he waa joined by a conaidevable bodj of th JeiTerion county militia.: .5 ;., .;. v,.. 'The detachroent wa terf saet by :?lajor Slaields and capU Poindexter, aidaie camp 10' the Governor, whoatthe moment the, de 4achmentaibarkcd received orders to pro meed in haite to -CoUrUurr'a encam pment, 4ijd.to. annotwee to bim the movenwa t of our troops,. and to invite Ljs aurremler. " An Ar. miatice was signed by the parties, and col. Jkirr agreed to meet the -Governor ll e nexr A9j .at Mr. Calvit'a, near, col. Claibor ne'a en. campment, and to be attended by col. Fiizpat-rick,-.of;Jeffmon icounry; ,Ie atyivrd at tho ..muHth of theeretX abovttwo o'clock,. paajed an hour in camp, and accompanied b y several oflicef oL the JcQcrtoit troop of horse, was Cpnducied to the appointed place. IIe aur rendered himself 'a prisoner' at ?irr.i?..m and a detachment of troops atceaOed to the mouth of Bayou Pierre,' to take poas.ession of his arm and other military stores.. ' On Sunday the commander in chief arriv' rd at to). C'a. ciKampmejit, and VJdressed the.. deUchment in handsome termsafter which the trpops were immediately embarked oiv board their bots, 'and returned to thia I . U - . . . . '. XOWMVKICATIOir ." Tbe executive of the Misaisippi territory, in order to ascertain the views of co!, Burr, on the liih InsU deputed Messrs. Shields and Poindexter to visit the quarters ef that gen tleman, near the mouth of Bayou Pierre, and to hold a conversation with htta cn the svb ject. On the 16th an amicable agreement was entered into betweeft tbe parties, in the foUoinir words,' via. . s - 'lh lion. Co lis Jlfiji 9cti. etGtm . ernor cf thi tOtiisipu Territory. . ., - wew ttrtiloM public tronjuih'tf, trobojet , la Atnov Ivan, aifollvwt ; . That an roUrview shall take place be. tweenthem, at the house of Thomas Calvit on Cole"a creek, at two o'clock to-morrow. ' The said Cowles Mead pledfjes himself 10 BrrMtct the ftid Atrnn Hiarr. A,-:-.' f : ' ' p i iiisj ay n the territory, and that he shall be returned to. bis present position in a suitable manner. as soon after the latcrview as be may pleaio tbai in the mean time, there shall be no restraint on Lis person, no violence or moles, talion to his boats or people,' and that the mill, tary of the district shall not, until the return v, mis iu o. uuui iiroaca nearer to bis present quarters, man tbe mouth of Cole'a Creek. . A. Burr on Ms part, engages, that In the, mean lime, no violence or iniurr shall h. r. fM H,'- XiJc0 Ibe Inhabitants of lh Missisippi Territory t that they ahalt keep the peace, and not infringe any law of the United Slates, or of either ofhs Territo. rles. . . . The parties abovenamed, mutuany pledce their honor for tha performance of thii A. menu . fc w n V COWLES MEAD, ij ' C. Pouotaraa, J Aldes-d.Carp. ' ' A. BURR. Signed In presence of Tnowai FiTiriTatcx. January 16, I80f. . . CIIARESTON, Feb. Co. v .. I wdition to tbe statement of the surren. oerof col. Burr, tinder tha w. 1.. . I uiformsdby a pitiengtrin thi Cert, tha'