. t ... ' ( 4 I, ...v f ' i-' 111 tL 5 'I ! " ill TxsJtdasisted of !' battefuxUnd' two flats, and a1out tQ mer no-"militarv 'ttntoa a mM,.vti;j..'.r r,. fT" v. .mmuimiuiiui i))r Consequence, were found. " The Colonel was v . at large on his parole of hbnourl1 and was ex . " peqted 'at New-Oflean'-'wheuiir 'left that ril'acev ... nThtedayof the triiil r.Captate. Whitby, .fcrihetkiUing of Piercei has teen respect- ii Jijnjeioopioianicsrted tdt bur rgBrerriment. Jn filing the time far trial the government,' in a ;.Pitttrfaonciirttfmi'ha! manifested, we uii. ' derrt wdMordil djspnitiofi to consult ioui yj cuursnience.a wtn endiniorwrd.Qf;it-'a , - are. ?nforjMd,tt adet! ynraa'gf.fidmtsl!.' . witiesc are about, proceeding: immediately, l i -tffywjtl!listwn dWrwny. i ArrtVetf nereKoh Saturday lafti Vfuf 'fhin iMmtrrTiGapt.; StCTettJ,' xoayY. irotn LirefofXsf.t n'cis-tho fullawing:-! Mitct ican :w lieu f -:, rmSu; jtmrvsej H'.ary. SIli'.lftMjiS'A Jaiw.awii:SaUy Boy . "8Pa".B.ahiiiore-p-iajliAt';fiffJtj' wind ; Century,. Dade, of Alexandria,' . Ac4'KriH!vv f-w ic, .w: ivwncneirer .JinurxjH;rculuj,: BfaJtd, f BUi-: wu (Hiiie dih .laic wino . "j. 'tvewrve, Kea maii;tf1Bdfton,i!toXail thofirft fahr wind; Abionir.'iHoblon; of Bakidre," to fail the5 J ootlt Jar)uart j Clarkeof ' AW i ' Tqnjbi; erNeyork y 5 Johd AdaoiJ,: - 4 v;a'vicrriijer;fli Saiumore ; Faine, Long, of ' Trpt.tr':1 f -'BoOoa.; k Amphjoh,: "Trojwbjijjeof phatlefton,tofail th? Rift ! . jcii wiku ), fjovciuor u'nncr vori, or iBv?(lprt, .toftil the fird faif wjodf Robert IJlurin MUiM ;S$ewrXirik;?io fail February.ioth ' Edward,-. Levrij i)f..Bal- Vhitt- Ccufi, fof.Cadii,'a;faU 'xbt firft .iatr wirKTi'-KhiKlji K Batley", rTeti; of iNiw-YiDrkV,jW laU 'e "firf 'fair wind ; sjulioi CAWr,'all,vo UJiarlctto(T, to fail ,-et;''Scpttol,i0ooii:ia'fVi February ill ; f Core?, ,VVebV, of (-p'bar)cilon,," to fail . 'January 48 ; Lesliigton.FtoOi of Balti more," toft'i the fiitlt f4ir,jwlnd BcWU 4dcre, Loycl,; of, BoOon to fail January Mirlhl nf K.wnnh liil Fl vim . nriw w 11 v ni m mmm w n ta rt TTl i w - aw. ie it vvaiiti f aatsaiviaif vi i aNew-Yorlc, to fail the hill fair wind. 7 Spoke the (bin Savannah of -.Bath, from SaTantiah. bound to Liverpool, lodati out. a-r . - .' . Lono, January i .. : Two!MaUs from Gottenburch arrived thW .morning By this conreyance we I are rc- -ceived the following articles ofintelliRence i .) - 'GoTTtaawaaB, Dec.I A letter received from LUineur, statu, that a ship had arrived there in.' thirty-hours from Stettin, the captain of which declared, that -tlie nuJvmB had defnattd-the French in a lliiody battle, in which Buonaparte was shot in the cheek.': but not 'killed. Ah English, Messenger armed here from Petersburg! on tlto 1 6th uit. According to hi -account, al- jviott the whole nf the Hussian troops have marched for Poland.' . . . Tlw'total of the Russian army in Poland is ,siid to amount to between 300,000 Sr. 400,000 r " ... .December 19. A letter has jus been received here "from Alionat statiiikr, 'that the French havo been defeated twice by the lussians... Annthcr Jettvr. from Oantzic, of the 3d, says, that they lave evacuated l'bom, and that there is not single French solduron the other side x Abe Vistula. Uuonaprtt is calling his troops 4o him from all quarters ; and the Utters from iStraliund state, that there are not any trench troop in all Pomerama l irons Uii it would appear Uiat he espects to meet a formidable Resistance. ,.'' . . , i -.' r- .: CorxvaacE, Dec. 6. We barb had.ru mours here for several dayi that the lirtnch have keen deleatcd by the Russian. Th is mornine the news is con firmed by tke arrival of a person from Dant- jric. who sutce that another battle of Auster lita has taken puce in Poland, i he two ar mles had collected in great force, met each other, and fought for tin te successive days. Not fewer than 60.000 troop on eact aioe were either killed or wounded.. The Kus- lians remained oo the field of battle. A'ar-roaa, January 19, i lit thmrr'nat of the uhotfitr Etttrprite, fa 1 1 dan from Bermuda, learn I hut hi$ Brh tOMr Ztajeitt frigate ambrian? th Bermu da tUop of war i aid the gun brig Irnn, hay cafitwtd inJ tent' Into Bermuda, th following A aerie in tenth i Mi' Tttui, from Botdtau for riutaJelphia t trig llenrj and Front it, from Coiit hr f'tn-fjrk ; Hermaphrodite brig Cf t-ut. from uavand ur nmaaenma pwr rir rim', from a bje-pmi France, -for .KorfJb j shlo Ccert, from t'em Cm, iff Philadelphia ; nKib r.Uil. irom IM wo or rrmiw jiiw . ... t . I r . . J k, . iurrhartt tth'r Intrepid, fnm Bordeaux, for PhiLdttphia J, tth'r tpiiia,'Jrom Cajtme, for .Viw.Trk t .anl the Unttin one unicorn, nom "Jumaiea, for St.' Domingo. -The ilp Paragon, iHibtrion, (Wlfiy Hf been tetttat Bermuda J'eb'f6aTii'lr f7B SwWh-and Sarah,- WiU l-liami; -.tai-'j 'Nankinw Bietcet&Wof N. ."York,':ti ralTJanuary ieih V Sa ly, LV- J' of miioft to fail.Pcitruaf V id. i Paick "'Xt'FayetteVtllej'faji toeday,hV ioth ufc Doctor ANDarVScbtT of ibia T'own. vi 1 1 CUSTri r.wn Vtsptw u At t KfiTnN1 : i .94tK4llar'jii.T, fhTlimat Sch'r Hannah, JZldridre Jamaica rBrig ilintrvai Sinclair. . r'.t" ' t. Croix' ;i'(S.:;i.i.J-::.XtC.i'4 rm, to orrr . Sch'r Juliana, . Wardwell, q ! " : y , Jamaica .V' . '., . w'fA rum, Jteiie ,3 fruit, to etjfcr ;V ?7A, Brig Se4 flower, Stewart, Charleston . .0tfrcft 2d,Slb6ft Concord, tat ham, Nattau, N P, "'' r:- -WiiKtahoardtr':i ' .SMbFaj Waiher, Smart, ), Liverpool : Ship' jSlttMrStiTSreiensf ' ; ''I " ' .' Lnerpobl with tall, to ordcr : 44tfi -:Febi. Schn Rtgvlut, Stone, ' iMartinico' Ship Washington, Tormen, Guadahube J ; jot, ca c imscy, freeman, . i 4 rtmdaa i-", f. if rn Alpha, 1 Stoddard '' '2ficw. fork tVy V'r-- Thtreiai 'Tondffji ' rA'Sdoiy- 2th,m.ollj, Collietf'-.'.'j paraadoet. ilthj&kifc Neptune, Arnold, A Amsterdam $$f '$pf. Ohjois Rush t Jamaica V . , Sch'i ''America, Tooej, '. juik, uiusc, ,;(.-", -) -..! WrOIX West.Jndits' JBACONper -loo ibs; Cotton per lb,' Coffee per lb, 1 ",i v '.'lfwt at-' 'v Mr dull ' Corn per hualieT, : .-'t. a -it-lo 12 1 35 ? 25 m, Meal do. Rice i I obacco, i :50 0 Flour per barrel, nexr DiUo per half barrel, Lumber per M. W. 0. hhdi atavei, 21 R."t:So. ! ldor , dd. '10 li W. o. bl. do rough 10 ,2 " la ' a ; ''si amngiesper iooo, bugar per cwu ! -10' Molasses per gallon ' " '40 .4 T5 80 :;--:85-'9o, '-v;.;50 53 H li 24 t - 75 , c a -r$.. Rum, W, I. pr. g. 3dpi maica do. 4lh p. NEtdoi" .1-.-. ' : 4 ..r tj For Boston,: ,.. ;, The BRIG CYRUS, Setfi , Daggett, master r to sail with all convenient dis patch,, having half her car- eo now on board, -a For I freight of the remainder tvl2czJiC3t or passage, apply to the master OA board,' at the market wharf, or to v. . josuua vo as, Liverpool Salt & Coal. '; .:. .sJ J''T;. Tht Cargo tf lit Ship Minerva, Captain e. '..j i r Dlfvinj, jyjl arrives trrm wvwr fnif fnjifltng ;,. : ' -., . ' 7000 busheh JSalt, : . ; " 1600 do. .. . Coal,. ' Which it offeicd for fale on rcafonable . . Hooper Mitchell. . The sbove velTel will take a frcithi for Liverpuol or sry oiher port in England, March j.. . i ;. 'Apply as above. Sales .at Auction. This day at a II o'clock tvill h ftlj by lie Zjubjcrtbtn, on Uabto t wear, for acciunt and benjfil oj ibi underturittri ad all ttmitrmra. . i THE Sails, Rigging, Anchor, Cables, ' Boats, &c. &c. faved from the wreck of the fchooner Ini, J oiiah Arnold, mailer call awsy on Long Bay'. '. ; :;; Levy 6t Carrol. March 3. , ' , '', Vox Sale - A. TRACT of Land containing one thoufand acrei. on Long-Creek, twenty .Ave mltet from Wilmington, ad-. tfss'k W STk ioininff tne lands ot Antoony u, uour- deaui. . The fHus(ionss'p!earBt as any on the Cteek." Po(Te(Tioa may be had on the nrlt day of April nest. prompt payment will DerequHta. Jror fuithsf particulars enquire of . Arthur Harper Wilnington, March 3. tf ,. RICE.. "; About eighty tierces of Rice Ian board the schooner Mars.' Apply to captain Hatch,, or die printer. .. AUrtk .- ."...'. "'. aVi . - ' NoT :S it.BidleVyAV'hirfi ofiV'-for' aaie A' ILJ. r ir i- ' A. ... r tafkVEnish Irterl 'fromttolSwai atiarVel PhfladeWa t'6rfeki tozeSitacbJ ' 20? " Me Nd.'r Beef -V' ? SO ' T'vN.-Ci; Pork arideeri' '.:. 56boitaTlcklefiburg 6 mu:lKl,op9i ;t (50 boe diduld aaddibt Candley dj i-j, fJOj Jr.-? vhocolate viss.T (.naJwUfatr , JJojiea: of Cottoii Crd aaldrtedA''" f'18 ,A. qantity.of fibioqabUt;X:runk jnd, iP6rt ;.i9aBUan'o,.yarioiia tistfc..V' vii''-- ;n The new Schooner, PHOEBE, . EJia Arnold, 'Matcr) cf .120 tons burthen, is loading for liwrpoql A few Tons Freight i can be taken if application is wado ImmcdU f jately, at bove.Kr;u::.fciltv:;;j;! ' JUST RECEIVED , Andor, sale at the .Printing'OMce, , 1 ':Vv - ! A pi cow of '-: ;i The trial ofrsTHOMAS O. SELF-l i .RIDGE, of BoftoVfof killings kdrtorf ?t j ! Alfoi a corret "ftatetrfeAr of the wliote; preliminary controverff between'1 Tbimitl dr 'n ,r . j r j f -.1 ft u. atijnage u nenjamin auiin, ana priei i account ' of - the cataftrophe in - State' -Street Bolton, oq the fourth of Aoguft jtBoO, -withV lome' iemarks-by Ihomaj i O. StlfrWge.'-: Notipe I: HAVE.authorifetl and empowered John Hogg and Samuel R,; Jocelyn, Efqrt, i to adjutlnd fettle the accouiuj of Robctt i Muter deceafedi4-..; ;..??-i;(iIi'V..; Mil perfons indebted to thexflate are re querted to make payment to them, and ! tWff Who have JiiR dainn upon faid eftate will apply to my afofefid 'Attof nici J tsr payment.. i v.:,v:-"i- .'vi'-:;-J , ..- MARGARET MUTER, Ea'x; : ;W,ilmington,'; rV-: -ajd Feb.,1807. j , 3 ''it t" i h-. (Ten , CentsrMe r 11 nP"Ani, irom mc, luoicnoer, j , JL. ten days ago, an apprentice Boy oa- 'roeo, james ivoc, ucs jamci rennmp, 1 about j jr Ters of age, very fmall, dark!; hair and eyes had on wh n he went away , a grey , Jacket and Troufers, .Whoever: will apprehend the faiJ runaway and re-', turn lum to me. fiiall receive the above ie- ward and. no expencej. i .z:' . . '.- j1 .U, - , WILLIAM VVILLSON.-t A farch 3,-tto7...;;v 3w.- . . NOTICE. : r y-: 'L-LL perfons. daving demandi finll XX tbe ettate of Samuel Mvftn, arc .to- queel 'ii baud in their accountf properly' attefleJ, to the fubferiber, within the time ' IVmi'tedby law, - o hei wife they will be barred of recovery, and thofe indebted to 4 MXRY;MASONf Adminittratri. .Wholale Store, i . . . mmmm ' 1 . ' . The niter ibert art now opening and tfr for tale , t I bj the Patkagi or lett quantity, 1 .' , A very large and general Assortment of'. Dry Goods, Hard Wnrc; Hats.&c. ' ' Conlistingof ' - " NEGRO Cloths of various kinds, Blank cts, Coatings, Flannels, Broad Cloths, Cassimrres, Velverets, ThickKts, Threads. - Muslins, Dnrants, Linens,'' Dimities, Call- mancoes, Ribbons, - Shawls, Handkerchiefs, , cotton woolen and worsted Stockings, Crapes,. Edging, Modes, Sattins, Cloves of all kinds, Cedtlcks, Oxnaburgs, Swaasdowns, Cardi nals, Callicocs, Checks, Nails, IxkVs, Hinge, Atvils, . Vices, Hoe, Guns, Pistols, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Penknives, Scis-' sors, Razors, Brushes of all kinds, mill, cross cut and Handsaws, Hies and Rasps, Bridle Bitts and Stirrups of all kinds, Plated and tin ned Saddles, Carpenter's Tools, Shot, Ssd Irons,; Scythes and Sickles, Pins, Buttons, t Paints snd Window Class, English Gun row-. der. Men" Women's and Children's Hats with a varicty'of other articles too tedious to mention.- . , . They bsve also In addition to their Slick; already on hand, imported in the ship Dunube just arrived from Liverpool, and which, in a few days will toe landed, - HO Casks fine drawn English Kslls. T cases Guns well assorted, , ' ' Pistols of various kinds, ' ' 10 casks Hoes, and 1 very genera assort ment of Hard Wart. -v Giles & Burgwln, WthBbjton, 8pt. tl. ' ' ' " '" ' the eflate will pleale call. aod. fettle the fame', or Sylis will be. brought againfl a!l , delinquents at April term tjeat. ,, ; j " V. C.' DUDLEY, JunV' : r1 '. v .- Attornev for ' v The suhscrir sqvl doV . Mdlaam.0' sn i ' SO hogsheads JSneai' " iivrx - f;Full setts) Diaihg Tb!p 'C-i.llJc; r . : jfiUgbpostiBBdstead rt S(it o tlM;--: . AAatrtv idifletentiifld.!w e:iii-" ; r SideLBoarda 1 itn W i3-iJ w! - '. iSepretarjr;!:iuJifl;9 svMi t;n L Bureaus :j "? -: - (RarreJ No,t Bek'!?" I tWVHSUV i . , ift-ZL: '?iCj -e-Ai. '- '' ,11--no i?.;3i'Jrsa..M4UwiU....I f.1. u ..i'i' i..1 i i ! mi 1 1 1 1 i iiim' in .. v fiyV ' TRACT, XtP'ning three ' jXAhUndredacre. onSmlthVcreelc. ad' - joining the land of ,M. Wn. CamobeJl. -Jiouary.so.uUfr'-jV.j ' XXlLLgiyenfoVTAttti VYy... fHbfcriber,h.q will hive oh hinds a conflant fupply of the ,bJl quality mould CAN.DLES.,for, faW on Jiheral "terms by Jhe, quantity, tor Ihippinz or, home con .fumption j wh(;; has ,ajfa.f6r, fale by. thai iuiu.'4iii prowl praHuy, ju pruoi . England Rum alfo various defcripn ion ot, Lumber, staves, etc. ' V, tl ' A LAZARUS. January T9- .... . CAMPBELL: Watch tiJCloclc-iStaker 6c Jeve!er,' :. T ASPECT F U LLY RVquainti i he in JLv habitants of WilmVgtoo and its vinity, that. he lately' removed to the hriclc .houfe formerly occupied by Mr. John WiU ..llama, merchant, where' he has for fale a 1 hcatvaijortmentuf GolJ& Silver Watches, Jewc!yj &C i alfo, continues as tifuaL to . repair Gold k SitveV AVatcliei, Clocks & Jewelry. Repairs on Watches are injur ed for one year," ad on Clocks, for iwt tease,'. .... v r r - November io tf ' Exehanges' "O ILLS, on Bofton for bve thoufand fit hundred l)oilars-;;.on Bofton payable i New-York, for one thoufand Dollars, at uxiy eavs lieat,-tflr late by : j, : NAl tlANltfL w. KUUULLk No, i R. Bidlcys wbait. ,s i' Public Auction." ' 1 'fcriier, on it itti of March next , , In ront-flreet, at ,prefent- occupied -by John Pcabody", if not fold at private fat before (he above date.' Conditions will be ' made known prs the day 6f fale. ; ' : ' . Levv tk Carrol.. February 34, .,. .'' . ;;tH:;Notice.;. ALL pnfoos. hiving demsn'ds a tain ft tho tltatjcf Henrv Long, flate keep-. r of the L'gHt-Houfe) are rcqueded to band in their .accounts properly attcfted,' within the time limited by taw, otherwife they will be barred. of recovery: aod all thofe indebted 49 the eflaic, will ptcafe lo call aod fettle the fme. c Kcbecca Long, Adm'x. (-. Brunfwick county,- V Smihville, Ftb.,a3. Pw SwwwaasBBWaassawBiVsMawawsawaawaBWWBwssBSSw ; . For Sale ' 'rr-ilE LOT No. V, and rirUf LQT . X No. 8, on the well, fide of Ftoni , Street, containing 66 feet on Front-Strrrt with: the privilege of so 8 foot alley! lo feet Weft, aifloti the river 9a leet. . . . The terms of (ale will be 3, 6, 9, it 11 month fo4hrcc fourths of the purchalc, the remaining fourth at 'fixty days all in Bonds parable and negotiable at the Bank of Cape-Fear, with two approved fecuri. tie, ti a mortgage 00 the prcmites Bonds " beating intxr(l f rom the date. , . should the above prcmilcs he urlotd on the a8ih March, they will on the follow. Ing Monday he put tip at public auOinn by Lvy & Carrol, and fold to the b a' -ell bidJcr In the ruesn time applksnori to the fubferiber f who will make bona fid t Titles In fee firrrlr,) fhall be attended )o. : Wilmip,ton, lOih February, J807. ' - JOHN LOUD. -- s PoffeSeB will be given the 1 July by . . JOHN MACLELLAN. 1 "1 mi r , k.QT Wanted an Apprentice V the Printing business. Inquirci this Office. - 'j )

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