Jl3 5s The eiTUor.W tbe.ffcw. York, Wte - received on Saturday eveptpg p i r ot pnouboat. jejiclfffuiln?1 Emeline, containing, file ovarii F pert to the aih f;i Pf S0M FtPrt thefe paper, whith (nenglf . A."Ht; of adverfe nes of the Frawtfeflasmits the editors have extracted ihrfubtoqidnj - articles. . ';fwi' ,0 Argus TaTpM'JlJ Be; " "to torereetheiefults tt ' ."r4. ja hntletid mentions, that on the ' 4h ot December, marfeo bade ""The"! ana ;tte eana.-. a m AiM and had V-1 tbrvi -- We of Pomikuwoii wKenWKu'fliaivi: fion prefented itfclft.Vcarrf ibis lUge ! waA-repuuea The renciv -it made enVyufeUfifuM ani lnft a oreat manv men. ackno ledge jfcc'ldfs tif ao weo.tulM.o1 the VHtuliV between 'Zaktoclyri arid U; . tra:a. ' MaiuVal Btffief S as thetchtng out ' from TlWnYSenrCeid Governor fof Wt4Te-lU(yns have burnt 1be1 fubarbs of Brellaw. 1 ' -The King of Pruffia had been er4 the Ruffian head-cpjarVetlaJUl pr6ceedHrrn thence to-Konrgfturj;' where1 hir iieen, bal already arrived - QS' r21 Thtle papers contain extracts from Lon. Ann nahfcr ftoflfl the'Oth lO th 17th Qe4 cethbtr,ffoM which ir appears that boift -. Jloufes of PjtUatneut'rhet on the ih. . In tharof the LoftHphe Lord .Chancel- in, i,.rfnt ttiri-LrttHiliiDi ihatvit wat . tiAi (- Micltv'i odwtr to Jeverel : reafoni,' to be prefect 'at the taertirigiof .. Parliament: but i thai his lhajoAy wouldj on a convenient day, flate hi, reafonsiui Pirllamenr for havlncallcdtheotlogether - at this time; ;'': o- ..,;-.... v A- 5 ' Irj the fubfrquent fmingJ,'b Houfaof lommofts was tafcen op wun inBrewn ' ,tf ihe-Speaker, 'who is ' Mr;'AbbovQd With fweacingin the new dterobarfc rr i Several of the rtgirtrtnta whtcb formed one army of neutrality; in Bohettifa, ere ' 'already returned tc Aflria, and 'among ' others '-the ;'tegM ofv'WncalTewichi 1ch isartivedat'refDs, m Lnwtt ai. ; triV. The regiment of boulaits of the arch " iile Chiite rs"epecTeTewery'jooin'eKi in ; ' the inviions W, Venn4;-i iUtner eotps ot the fame aim have received ordefs froni Mbe aulfc CouncUol war'td repair, t& )hs enyiror.S of OediobUrgh in Hungary, .ai.Jj ii elrarrf, ate alrtal.wn their march thhhtri ' The regiments.of Sitarray od. 'Kerpet?. which widre io'tWirci ' 9 Bohe-' "mia. have received couiiter orders. '.'.The.. "''direct letters from "that kinzJom Rate, of its a-JmloiSwOdn ihajlbe protided fof; 1 by the'pwffinJ' Mhonj ' the'4ing (bat) II . - 'i.Li;'j.!.a:.. 'in ...vi Li I Dave craxttca taiaaminaioBw" Jti. - i nr TOjal oider t merTr&att bo endowed wjtht tfh lirtrrtiaf rtVenoetif locJ,opa Hbrt:-! Trflf revenue fhaif ttfrWtaftw the aflou! el budget of the ttat WJ; Th' ling' isi declared' chief.: graodrliaft nd fouodeii ormiWoVd croffes. ccHnm'anders. and kniehts of ' the .into orders 'Aftc4W yrfec:j;fat'm(edl: byjnree ot tno eJeit(qmnianaen, .tjie h ree oldelf Imfgh I Tasd "gr aedTthasifleitor,1 of the orttthalan' eewngfti tho ck manden, and (ball be at the aTamv tiiti treafurer. i&lUt The' ktaa XbaH order vTant lid etitiibnii concernlnff the' deeota-i . .... . ... . .;. ; ;i -jnr-f tions. adnunmrttioiV and dHctnfhiww the i two orders; as WelTif theadminifhatioo'd Utth ficdowment vt nfce roai oidir o ikft- iw..SiBed1.fi LOUIS.5 i ' Their High Mightioefles havrng- taken!! into confideratiott .hlyffflajeftyV'rage,! ; -xneom vrai convcrteqinto. iaw, in tnc ti tooppofe tbetaopoo Which a' feu file; ...t.i. r n. f ' M:n.i:ii. I it I ,wiin nui cniuca, -r ape ronui. uuauncn threw thttPruQuds Into the water, and -p''oteeur- ooata m. inc. wam-1jasitrr The' Emocrox haA inquired the names of thet trrave meoi for; thepurppfe of ceyrar. dine t htm.' . ,. :..'::... ' :''.' -v; . "v The Emperor received tQ-day , ihe,; .; pujauo'pf VVv'fiw tonfiffing of Meffrs.t Gatokou(ki..tirai)dcbattbctlinof:Litko- IjLSkfa, Knight of tf d QtittH of Poland, j Orders of Poland i LuWenflct, Knight of i the Orders of P6lad ' Alexander Potoc- kiif Rietkowki, Knight f tie Order ot SlaniQaus ; tulzewlkl, ?t ': .Ifptrjr-ecbnd Bulletuibf ; the Grand; General 'M'ichaud atrived here en 'the' lf,1W(l.X1lci ha'beehf appointed by: the' of the 4ianfs Tbwns. V. Genera I ,Uaelf! to.-ho cpmirts nded n opr town, b been appointed Governor of the' country of : Mecklenbre; r-': The fltench have fet at liberty she Poif try Council Ephraimot (he Jewilh rati igidbho ilfk eonfinement at Cuftr tn,l by order of the" King ot.rrulltao t J ,r . inteiugBC-l(n o veden itates taatu i the troops there luvereceivett jprders to hold themfelvr in ieadinef4p ' marieh.--Oefenfivepreparationsare making in Fin-. .Jand. i.-'v'A.i-.yW l,v ,.,. i ; The port ttaw crimes and goes.'a ufiral acrofs the Duchy of Bergs - to F ranee, Spain and Portugal. r ;:; . .ion.,.tt;f.; v ifAII9,'Uee.28. a. . A roien, cth Dec.-8c6. iThe brtdee tfpbn the Naiew, v at its tributh rn the Bog.' is finlflied. The tele ii ftni i (in! bed ahtt Mounted Vfh 'tah non. ! ' ' ' -'"' r'i ' r.'- '?i:-';ii.'V::7 The brldse udoh the viftula, .between "Zik rohci y afiil v Uiata r near the niovith of the Bugi is id ie mannr;r! nhiflicd. The Utrdt sa.wm5d with a great num. $ti, pi vbatictici is a very -fortnidable The kndian armies are comin in tle difcaionof Grednoand in thatof Cielflc, along the Narew end the Bag. "The head Sjuartes of one o( their, divifioni :fras i the loth at Puttbfk upon theNarawl"- General Dolauloi. is appointed GoVejfi4 "'The tih'corb's fef'flfe Grand' Arm convt j jmar.'dedbf ' Maiftal' Morticr.Ue advan-)i cing4! ithu it.ight atiintts,tft at s! H'f'ck, knd its head -uarierv at Anklam vi !i The Grenadiers o( the isfev ure of Gtfi. Dudinot are about ta arrive at iCuUttn : Spencer,, all .strangers, befcrtj W rr.bsrk - for preat-Bntajnrnuat obtain a passport frqtm the' BrttUh Rctidem in. tbe 'cpuntrr from Yrhich thcr are about to 2epart od tiia 4q- cnmUi n incur , arrjViHv n.uai,c cvunici ilgned by the Miouterirom that country re-" . Mdihg he're'iY Cases' of heglect V,hi?b due iiuiicc ii immcuiaicjy 10 De given laine oc cretary ef State fonfie forejEn Oepartroent, vtb&se;be bavH. rtut such a twOmoriial to pro- - uuc wul be cunstdered M obiecia f us !picip ftpd vWI, f course, not.be pontiitted, to( ;oniinvie la this 'country --. tv.f v" ' " ' --1 ; i' ' ' ' ' -'':--'. t AT a tneetrog convened on the Id of Jan' , lii the town of leiHfrton, for the purpose M of 'taking; into considorttion tb hostile at-, . ternpts of dokmet Burr and others, to aepa . Irate from the union the -wetter states, and to- make war upoa the Spanish provinces, tbe following resolutions were unanimouly adopted 5 i.-t Private tirsr from polen, Of the enth m December, ft ate, jht. j twasrx peel ed there his thajefty the Emperoe would (hort. ly depart from-(hat city, torepaii tmWt- faw, where the general wilhof the -inhabitant impartetitly waited h'l prefenc.' , --The-RofllanxoTps'whtch liad -advanced towards the Viil el hare fallea-buk' as pfetip'tli'ely'asthe lealon end. the ill late 6ftht loads -would permit.1 lntnqrDcan -time 'whildll military rntwetricntrave been JifficHlv,' every "part f Poland pecu pied bfthe Frendtarmy has alrrady men itfelf a kind of -polittcal and military ' or leinliaTiorH'" The French everv where re. eelve tellirrtonies of sfFetfion arid epihufi. -a fin, which furpili all they had hoped for. The falfe mealure which thcKin? of PrulUa was led to take agaihtl iho olifh Nobles who fhould Ihow hemf!vei dif. i "poted To tlsnd op for" the independence of their country, hat redoubled their gene- rous tttorts ; it hat forced tne Atoll irrefo lute to determine immediately, and hi re duced them all in the happy( necefltty of ittTheJivifioa of curafllersf ewly for iednceotjated oearOlmuit, fTheruntber, i)f 'the irposs Which' have repaired, within' "4hefefew wetks Into boih Gallicisv msy , (J, amount to aaoui io,oo men. ".) that thegenersl renileivoiis of the 'troops jracjeleratlhg't'he glorious period of ,tbe na. wfttclt return, uom merrouuers, is ine ci- j tionat regeneratun, ; , - 4 . : ty of Prague, Whence each corps Is to I ' . The Imperial Decree which declares the -mircri-td lis :furthf r"tfeltlnatlon.T7The j "BrltlliV Iflands'ln a date of blockade was tmafurcs taken for the'' eftablilhment of 1 publittled at Milan'on the JU- inflant ; milifif masTioes In i Bohemia, have Jn to this publication was epDendeJ a decree ' like,.manner been coumermaode'jJwlhin' of the rrlnceViceroy 1o nfure the cae. this fhort time 1 1n Mora is, the troeps! 'cutirn pf tWs ,grsnd meafure .throughout .ate "alfu ordered bickintd the interior and the Kingdom of I talf. i ;l 11 is aliened inainn iviijcuy, wiinmK Toiv'etu the Kingof Spain a proof of his friend!bSn'anl deHmui alfo to ice the Spa. niih army rn a rcfpeclable footing, which cnav enable it to co.oreraie towardi t' common advantage," has not only author! fed the recruiting for Spain of aj.ooo men. to be taken fiorn amooQ the Pruffiarj pri. ;fone, but hat contented thai 15,000 mr'n morq (hall be put at the dilpufai ofthe 'Government ot Madrid, with the fnle con dition that the PrutUan prifoners, smo .f rt . whom they (halt be chofen,' (hall be free- ' ly entitled and can only be cmploysd 10 the miliary lervice TorticthlJullctinof tha Grand Ar- ' m- , - my Pofen, 91ft December 1 806.' ; Marfhal Ney bat eroded ibe.Vtdula, anlenteren hornon the. 6ih. . lie be llows particulir praife on.Col. Ssvarv, who. at the head of the 4th rerlmefit of Infantry, with the grenadierk endot geurs of the 96th and the 6th light infan try, eroded the Viflola the ft rt . - Ha had an engagement at Thorn with the PruC fisni, whom he forced, after a Clght bat tle, to evacuate the towo. lis killed forne of their men, and took twenty4 prifoners. This affair exhibits 4 remarkable trait. The river, 400 fathoms acrofi, was cb. vered with floating Ice t the boat which csrthtd our adrs need guard, being flopped by the let, could not advaoce j on the ot. pofitcbank. foot Pot i Or, boatmen reu. ed forward under thowsr of balls 10 clear -"';-- f llAOOiil.Dec. 17. 1 1 Ts bill fori he, creation of1 a Grand ' Ord r of the kingdom, an J of an' Order )( Merit, -was font ottthe t tth tnft;iarTl aff;mhlv of their U'gh Mightinedes. 1 The King's htcflige' was CQncJudf J . ju the' following tcrmt " 4 ' " i j Gentlemen,' we fend ynu the ' bill an Dounced to you on the firlt of this month.' CoHpidering, rthaf amoneft boakrchlcal Hates, Holland la the only one vhlch lias no order ef knighthood contiderlng that V the Dutch nation is celebrated in the an- rials of the world,' Jboth by'thegenJus of its inhabitants', and br'lhclr militkry . hiflory, and that it is bur duty 'to lei ve no tneaes neeleaeil to prelerve h id the rtnk; . and refpectability which "It has always en. - joyed; wilhing inconreauencjtoinftWote ' punlic rewards for thole of our fwhTecls whohava-lininguitbedthemfcUeiandroay I dilioeul'h themfelfss throuthout, evert 1 ctsis, anu paruciiiariy ror tne, ouicers 10 ,' the land aod fea 'fervice ; we. propofe to (. joo to pafs the following decreet . . Art. I.; A grand order of the king Jors) T fball be created, under the tame of Order of the Uolon, and I ike wife a Royal Orj' tier of Merit, deHioeJ for civil and mili - lary aQlons. ,- JI The grand order of ,.' the union (hall con G ft of thirty great ctof ftt at rood. The grand order of she onl faihillBOt b ftdoweJt Tkocjptcc toed under the command ot Ceoeral' pagncr' s cotaing to Berlin. 7 Theulu divtfion ot den. Leccnl if aflembling atIsgdeburg -H '"i ' 1 he corps tit the uranaunr.e or ua 1 den is wSicttln t in a'tdrtflifiht'it wiir be able 40 e"nter jpto theltne. . WheiiIta quarle'iTand has been prefebt at evvrj ea gacemcntiT '" i-!rT;?'J&-" The poli ; dlvifion " tc. Zavoolchek, which has been organized at Hagenu, and Sooo (Uong is at L,cipficJt fbf .the purpofe ot beig clothed.". , .- ,ts.'..-i'.t?i':u,:tl8Tr-.. f ; Ills Majedy has ordered a regiment .o be fahedtn the Prufllaa Stales feeytfnd the iJbei it wiiraflemble at Munfter. 'The Prmce vi li ohefiMfler n TSigmii rgeo, h appointed GoloPcUf this corps? .. . : A dtviuorrof rne army or reierve oi MarOta) Kelkrmao,' is fet off from Menta iThe headoftUS'ltrifiott is already arrived tMagdebnrg; .? , -;t ., ' rsace wuh the elector 01 baxony and the Duke of Sax-Weimer, srsi figned at " All the princes of Saxony have been d . tattted into the contedvration of the Rhine. Jifs'Malelly has'difapprovad of Jbe hrvy of contributions laid upon the .Slue- ot Stx-GetHa, and 5jX-AIinu(igcrt,.ar.dha erdered wht-1is bctrt rrceiyed, ybe re. (lored. Thefc. Piear not having been at wit with France, and bavirtg.forniuW no contingent to Prttfliays rrughl not to br lupirci to iwai conirioutioni. -f ; The arm v has taken- poflifflian of the ; country of Meckteuburgh. .This ia a. confluence of the treaty figned.at Sh.; werit) the Jc'h Oclwber-iSos. 'By .ihk! treaty, the, Prince of Mecklenburg hacf ranted a paiuge over histcrri.torics to the uUiaotrocptcomtnandedbygen, ioBoy, . 1 ne icaioiiauoniuies me innaoiianrs 01 Poland. 'Iidori'not freeze. The futi appears every day, and it is Billsutumna? weather. -7-.12 -The Emperor fets vff to night for Var fasti ' .' .' ". ' ' VVxr.aEis. it inneara from late diacloauree ';tW'eerfain artfu' anOeiigping pjen have, within the U. Su .ea, and abroad, represen- v, ted the people of thVs state as ' disaffected to 3. the confederacy and vtMtroenof the Uni- ted $tateS of, Athene,1 and " tine, for ehtf t priae"which angjestiori if auffeitd to pas 1 unnoticed mightj in bme degree,' answer the purpose intended, and destroy the con .fidence at well of our sister states as of cUi eenand'ciUeoiu v'lfc:T 4 - Resolved, ! Thf eXorer as the decided i pinion fljt'thi' meeting that ll xnargea or . ; Insinuations tgainat. the people of ,thi state" Off disaffection to the union, or goyerowent V Of ithe jUmj ea-otates, ere iros. mjsrrpre , en tauoni and viUhottt foundation ", ' ' : 2d. tThat'tbii.portlon o! he, people of -IXentucky' now "atsetnbled-lo declare their lattachraehuo the goveramept, of tbe. United ; States',' :ind sincere desire to preserve, the union' bf all the states end territories there vumobelogihg..,:v',-;,r .':..;vi.-'-.V... -i ' :;.id.i Tha we YtewrUb indign,ation, and -will repel to our utmost, 'ant ' proposition or -attempt t disaiver the said unwia.. Hfi- , W 4tb.; iThat iti theduty of evtrf citiaen -4q betgilant end decided in .counteniciing 1 the expedition which.: has . ouato, beeo pre paring, and mtcsidcd to be set on foot, from theLUnited ,ofate .whether tti.btt stgain?t New-Orleans, (Louis,iaoa and its penden cies or against the Spanish, provjnccf of MX-' " ico, pr elsewhere and to cornmwicate litem, -time jo time, such intelligence as may be re cttvexl,' concerning the" said expedition or the persoha concerned therein.'.-! -. SV- Resolved, That the people of this state- be invited te held similar meetings in their eowns and oountiesi to -express their .semi. . . . LONDON, .Deeember 4. : - All the vessels capable of carrying borabs, and which. re lybit at Shcerness ajid ts vicinity, are ordered to be prepared for ser vice Immediately. - Their destination, if sup posed to be lbs North Sea. '-.i A Paris paper of the,t 7th 0 December, ftys4Mr.,iluhz, the Prufllsn attrono--mer, rcfidingat Frankfort, on the Odert thinks that at this time the fun Is under going a grest revolution.' Ha foends his conjecture on a group of new fpota which he has tltfcovercd' on its furfsce, and which, according fo him, occupy. a of tcentb part of lis diameter.' . ' , ' : " ' Oec. i. Ta Saturday the following Rear-Admirala ef the Red were promoted to the rank of Vice-Admirals of the Bluei -Jimta Kemp thone, Esq. Sampson Edwards, Esq. Geo. Campbell, Esq. llenry FraftkUnd, Esquire, Arthur Philip, Esq. Sir V. C Fairfax, KaU Sir James Saumarcx, Bart. andKBv ;? . .. Sir Janes Siumarta is toihoUit his Ftae in ths Channel Fleet under Lord Su Vincent, la the room ef Sir Charles Cot too, who it is said, .trie succeedSIr Erasmus Cower) ia the Com niand at New foundland. , faents n - the subjects onielncd in the fore , !tngfteaoIutiene.':! . i Hesolved, j tatst this- meeting do hiRMy . hpprovef .the -conduct oi their repretcnta- - Aires in. the state Itgiflaturc, for expressing their attachment to the union, and their con fidence in the administration of the general - government, and their willingness to sop portfsuch roeasdrea s may be adopted for ihe pi-esperity, .and happineu ef miiri coun-. . .try. ' 'j-Vi;.'.';',! :.' . Ii. ..... . . . Resolved, .That the editors of newspaper in thiatte ie .requested to publish the fore cesng .reeolotionsv. ; ! . . iv,;;.;. ; 0IIN;RADFORO, Cbaiuaasw ' -..,.i.- viAttteV' t.-"-f !:." ij-- . '' ,. i " J...': . - - ?Nat. G. S..IUXT, Cletk. , , F rem Frtntfertt Jamtatj i. ,- 4 ;Geeeral Winlock, -who commands the de tacbwwnt of. mililia, now on duty at Utb falls of.Ohio, ,haa.,arreeted Messrs. Thomas. Mi Winn and Samuel N. Lurkett, both of Jef ferson county, en auspictne of being con cerned in col. Burr!a expedition. -Four boaus which tbey were prepanne to send oBVJtaTe been deUined,. aod themselves bound a recognixatice'byedire Oranaby, to. appear at the next circuit cuurt, ihe former in the sura of SOOO dollars, and tlie Utter in 10.000 dollars.. . Anotlier boat, found on ths Indian ide of the Ohio, and supposed to belong to Bavis Floyd, has also beeo detained. General Winlock repaired toLousviUe or. the ?6th ultimo, aod positively auerts that ,no bolts or other craft have passed the Falls ainco that time without examination. Captam Samuel ;Phiups, of Jcfiersf n , county, informs the general that he passed coj. Burt,. on the 3lth Hilf. at an encamp-, msnti pear tbe mouth of Cumberland, ri-er, where it Is conjectured he is eodcavorina: to collect his troops and provisions. " ,iTk above taformation wss communicated lo the. coventor br express, the evening: be .iore isst,I ' . December IT. In Cflnwaiitnct nt mmm rrruUlinn lit the tt boau Jbt Pru(IIan b Wtcca attempt, k Ajica Department, bought forward by Lord 'TVnuary ir. It ii. faiJ, that col. Burr's bills on tho eaQ ward, will not be paid if fo, the town -of Lexingtot.,' alone, will Jowfo . more than 50,000 dollars.' Eight thoufahi dollars of his notes, difcounled at tho bank of Lexington, have been noted al ready. Hi bills and notes are payable at 1.0 dsys. . lie gave as a reafon for draw, log at that diflsnceof time, that bis mo ney was at Ns. Oilcans ' andlr-wropld uke that length of time to get It fent roond to the eaUwird.' Qdery might ho""' not bare calculated os taking New. Or leans, and with the money ta the bank,' tic, meet his notes to ihe eaflwsrd. V ' ALMANACKS ' ;:r;the Year 1807, tIust rtcivcd, and for sale at tie Pfiniing-Oincc. a u , 9 :'!. T U f -1 A : I V , -