1 i' o have it from good authority, thai . In confequehte of; the alarming account s: Jately teceivcd from F ranee, preruiu ms'of Snfurancc, hve fUen in New-Yoik, &c. ' ifioai three to fifteen frer cent. 13 England; . and to the VTcft . I ndics ten per teat ; and , that Ciiprnents ot all kinds were-nearly at a tUud. .'.-..-,.'. r. j.-vl ;; r tori Her. , TI1E period of election for officer pfihe Night Guard, being near at handi theun dersignedi beg Vsave to announce to their fellow-citixens, their determination to decline being held up a candidate for the appoint nient, at the ensuing election.' In so dairig, they wish'tolie understood, they have nedesire of checking or throwing a damp on an institu tion they deem highly interesting to the wel far. at the' communitv ;' but with a view to- wards Its jp'romoUoni?'.!-The3t wish that others more adequate to the charge may be elected, andtherebYa fresh and more lively impulse - !wn in the establishment. Forf thent- ; selves they thus)?'ublicly declare they WtltTiei- . ter shrink irora their duty in any subordinate rank, when, the exigeocy of the cisc shall re-' ,' quireit. v . ' It is with the utmost diffidence that the un ' ' dersipned now obtrude themselves, public jnotice, but Imperious cirfumstaricea forbad a . iuenwrcaiguauou. .... . - , t if ' ' The houe that some modification of the pre - tent system might bave bf en adopted, in such a manner that would more generally meet the wiihea and approbation of the .citizens, was fondly cherished but it it necessary 16: ,' tirifold the whole truth.-Application having , 1 been made to Commissioners on the sub ject6f tiring a Guard, and .to modifyiog tbe, preifcflt system, as tomake the duty less fre qutnt, it baa been undertood thatthe Funds ; arising from llw To Tax in the binds of the Commissioners are riot competent to the object of biring a Guard for the present year and this not due to a want of taxation, but: ' that certain arrearages must be. paid nd the delinquencies occasioned by a former errone- ous mode of collecting the Taxes, has left no - surplus for the purpose of hiring a Guard for the present jear. Thus situated, what remains for us to do ? to abandon our post in the hour of danger and permit ourselves again to bo scourged by a devouring Element ! , . forbid it Honorforbid it Prudence. ,.Let us .' endeavour to continue, the Guard onlj twelve ' monthi mure j at tbe expiration bf which term . our coffers will be replenished, and a guard tired and to regulated as will conduce both in the aafetv and ease of the inhabitants.'- It is now tested bv experience, that an occasion, at interruption of repose Is notto dangerous . a the fcarS of aome nlay inclioo them to be. Jieve. Let H be admitted for argument sake, that tome little risque ot cola imore rrom im ' prudtmce and the want of proper lrecautioH) . maypossibly be the-tflWcrof exposure at : night i are nc the edtantabs to Im gaihed: important What can wioughl tabedeaf r tout than the L3ves end Pioperties of our - selves, bur Friends-and FelUw-CititrtisT ; N ""Was an invatling-eiieflty to Sproaehv who vill be dastardly.- enough to confess with a . - competent force, that b would turn his back' .. sn hi ni ? and- yet h rtyrbatw an nert y ' lurking in sec'ret.'at pur cvn Jiri tideti bat ' kecauw the danger is familiar, we treat him , . with Watempt. But let it be rememoered, we have more to dread among ourselves than ' from any foreign foe. WW not thtf Destruc tion of thls-Town four times In 4he space of a few years forcibly impress on us this Severe ' and solnnrr Truth and operate as sn awful . ' lr.nrt 1 Whoamonentis not willing to Suf- ; fer some privations of es snd comfort, when an adequate reward is held attainable I - The Barrister will waste bis lungs, the Mr "!'"rbant will toil under a Scorching sun, th ' fbysician will lve bis comfortable wirm V - bed and venture out at night, the Plantar will axpose himself to pernicious logs and inhala the miasmata of his swamps and.itthes, all - for the hope of fee and reward j and shall w lumber in a torpid and Senseless lethargy and forego ths dvantgeto beTeiped, at the ' aiy price of little broken rtst f We hope not we trust noU It Is. not sufficient t say that our bouses and stock-in trade are insur- ' d and that we shall be jr-imburwd in case cf accidents It may happen otherwise t be- sides a full insurance does not indemnify the sufferer fr loss of renis, derangement of " business tenants, c end tbat atSKnatiotr given to trudei This we all know from wot- ' ful experience, and oorsmatl community is to intimately connected.; that a single impor tant" link broken materially weakens the whole chain therefore we are one iod all Impelled to support the interest or our neigh hour, mftr especially , as thereby our own T. .... K.nrinra In vesn. in talents, in,. fortune, we make this serious, this at ftp-:-" jxal, that they will maturely consider the im. f pertance of the. subject and duly sppreciata the advantage's to be gainad from ihir.esm C pie and patronage. Set buj good aaample and we have no douljt but it wisl be glorious '' ly followed. - . '' : , , v It U .but Jastiee to the junlorpart or lh mto those Icts mtererted to - ear. that they have deserved well of theif . . .... . 1 . lt&lW Country and merit ne appruti"n . fffictrs-Particular thanks are ako due to. tome of our teniors, who being also interested, -" have aided ustriroughoulr-sdme by personsl service, others.by 7econiary reward t suhsii- 'tutest but Ve wlb not to make Invidious. comparisons, trusting that hitherto tbe sub- Uct has not been so carefully considered ( as its resl end intrinsic merit demands. , . . -' HU remembered, we ask not the per$md v nkt ei the tied of iofinn 1 at wrcly thty, wbo are most interested and can weft efford ir, ought not to withhold their quota from the general stock and public weal ; "more especi ally when they arc looked up to by their fellow citizens as the very men from whose source good ought to flow, and to be the first on the list to set the Itfhght example; ; of Safety and . Patriotism..;;- '.--'-'-.' w ' ' ...'l.-i: ;;r;;A. IVMacnei'llV V 'lc.Tjiuclley, Jun'r. v w--: v Jesse Wirigatc.- ; CUSTOM-HOUSE WILMIKGTON, ' .'. EMTXXEB ' March. 3, Ship Wilmington, Childs, Grenada cargo, rum k molasses to D. Smith k others' it Ship Pondora, Ballf ; Exuma. "cargo, salt to Joshua Potts 7, snip Maneiia, uernard, ' : - Uuadaloupe vi "V cargo, sugar, coffee 8c rum, to J. PpU& illL. ontaine March 3, Scb'r Regulator, ariihenHy' Chki les- Sch'r Bellon, Smith, , " n 'Plymouth 4, Scb'r Betsey Foster, . ; Britland M. l-4:--"' Betsey, Cuzsene, ; . New-York t !.' t Jriendship, O'Brien,'. . j Barbadoes '''T'p-t Sfinervs, Nye, - Boston :BrigPeliy, "Wynkocp, . , V SUThomas ' 6, Brig Mars, Sprange, . Barbadoes Brig Su&anr.ah, Binglas, Jamaica' ' Sch'r John t William, Chadwick, Barbadoes , 7, Sch'r Harmony, Lewis, J'rovidence H. I. Sloop Concord, Latham Nawau N.P Brig Ranger, Bill, ' - Boston For Sale ; ; A TRACT of Land containing one thoufand " acres., on Loss-Creek, twenty. five miles from Wilmington, ad joining the lands of Anthony: U. tiour- deaux. The utuatidh as pleafant as any on the Creek. Poffeflion msy be had on the hrft day of April next... . ' . Prompt psymcitt will be required. : rot further particulars enquire of XLLi- Arthur Harper. i.;Wilrsington;iMarch3.vyl-;tr ,-'yy. , T. Cerits Reward.' !ANAWAY from .ihe fubferiber. ten days ago. an apprentice Boy na- rut)( Jsmes Roe, alies James Fenning,' about 17 years of age, very fmall, dark hair and eyes had on when he weut away a ereV ; Jackcff od Troufers.' Whoever wilt apprehend the faid runaway and re turn tm to me (hall receive the above ie. vrarda,nd 'ho'expencel. WILLIAM W1LLSUN. 1 . TefciitscribershavejustrecelYesI h4 tjjtr r jaltp :: :. 40 puncheons N.'E Rum"; " .y.-'do.1-'-.; Moias8e:; r.--.V',-::., 30 hogsheads Sugar ''.,;,' -l, . ' . y - ;v oil setts Dining Tables , . . - T j . Single do. do. ; t'iy.. ": lrigh post Bedsteads ' ci, '. . ; Chairv different kinds ' - : -; V Side Boards , : V ' ' ': Secrettrys 'l : l '..'.'r''-: Bureatia Barrels Nov! & 3 Beef t. Hajf barrels do. No. ' . '' .; . Rounds Beef in lute , : C ;' , . J : ' Fine and coarse Salt, ' , ' '" Soa) Leather. . t-, V;" U .-"-,' Uct-hA Gautier 6? Co.' Februarys, - " k. ih'yi:'-. N-vf- ... For. Sale, V .1'. , Sloop Balsora, Higgins, Dominica !-iCapt.'Bernard on his passage here, spoke on the 19th Fcb.lat. 31 .17, N. long. 77, W. j spoe the bng industry, - joy, jnasterr ' from New-Orleans, .bound to Liverpool 19 'days out, aU weU- - Feb. 30th, kt33 7, N. long, 76 10, W. apbke I sloop from Wilming. ton bonnd'fof Grenada, 4 days but.' Feb. 24th, lau 33 14, N. long, 74 7, W. spoke .ship; from Canton,' Starbuck, master, bound for Nantucket. : Feb. Stth latrajr N. ' long. 73 -46, W spoke ship Abbi of k from New-York, Samuel Crow, masterj 8 days ; mit, bound for JsmSlca. - March 2nd,' laU 34 10 N long77 46, W. spoke a Sloop from New- orlt bound lor savannah. 77 . , Feb.'Uth, lit. 33 8, N.long.68 44, spoke the ship Juno, from Norfolk for Jamaica -Febwary 17th, ht,'l9, N. long. 73 30, W. spoke the brig Naby, of Portland,' seven days from Savannah for Guadeloupe. Feb., Spth, spoke the brig Polly of and from Charleston, out 36 hours in the lau of 33, long. 78 W bound to Marseilles, all well. . ' V V,. ' : A LL perfons having demands agatnft 0., theelUte ot William vjollins, are requeHcd To hand In their accounts proper- lv attetteJ, to the lublcribers wuMn the time limited by law, otherwife they will be barred of recovery, and thofe indebted 10 the eflate, will pleafe call and fettle the Tame, or fnttt will be brought agaioK all delinquents st April term next, 7 -y : : JONAH COLLINS.! I . -UJOHN G. SCULL. .. March lb, -y v. vr'-,.-v Mafcb itito?: ;:;;i!N.-W. RUGQLES; No 3,'R. Bradley.'s Wharf, offers for Sale, 20O(y. bushels Long Island Salt, 1000 bushels Turk's Island ' ; do 70 hhds. N..E. Uum r 30 barreU do. -'do-''-v :: "-'"f - 18 casks Engfish Porter from 6 to l? doxen cavil - r . ,';' ,; '.,,"'V'tc'.' '" ' ' 35 barrels Philadelphia Porter, 3 dozen each 20 - ' Mess No. I Beef ;J , 5ft : M. Pork'and Beef 1 ; jo5' pieces yellow Nankeens, fj fso. , V ;Platlllat w ;C;-t . ; 40 bolts Ticklenburg C-x.- SO boxes mould and dipt Candles . 50. -,- '' Chocolate - -':;-. v Boxes of Cotton Cards assorted - J''- A quantity of fashionable Trunk and Port- maoiesus oi various aie. T new Schooner PHOEBE, Elishs Arnold, Master, ot iao tonsjttrihen, is badint for Liverpool A few Tons Freight. . canoe taken it appucauou it uaue immcui.. ately' as above. .. .v s,---: ; W)lnungton, March 3. ; , IJOST; RECEIVED '. And fat tale at the Printing-office A IXW COMES Of r rbe Vriat of THOMAS O. SKLF RIDGi of Boflon4 for killing Charlei Juftinft, ' r " l:;, y Alfo,'acerrel flatement of the. whole pveltmiiiary -ceotrovcrfy ketweert Tbemat . 0. Selfrtit U Betjamin Jtijlin, and brief accpunt',1 of i,the . caiaftrophe . ia- State Srreet, JJoflon, on the faurih of Auguft 1806, vfith fome remarks by Thomas O.Stlffidge. . , . 4 ' '-', l? A TRACT ot Land containing 'three IX hundred Cres,;on Smith's creeki ad joining the land of Mr. Wm. Campbell. npiy ione rrimer. - gwr . jiuv.ir .v, ' T X 71 It be given for T A LLOW by the " Y V i fubfciiber, wha will have on bands : a conftant fupply of the belt quality unouM w CANDLES, far fale on liberal terms by thequaniiiVi for (hipping or home con- Y fumption ; . who' has , alfa lor Tale bv tlia '.1 ...1. ...r n-j.. .1 yc t: v England Runv ; alfo-various defcriptionf "of Lumber,' Staves? ttci , ' yy-. v y--yyy . a. i-rtirrtrt.ua. Jsnnary 19. - -: y - ' 11 r, ,,i , i- 1 1 1 ' 1 - 1 ii " ' ':,. Vatch h Cloclr-Maker: Jeweler, RESPECTFULLY acquaitus the inJ . habitants of VV.ilmii g'on and "its vi. ciniiir,"that he lately removed to the brick v houfeformerly occupied by Mr. J"hn Wil- . liams, "merchant, ' where he his for file neat aflbrttnent of Gold & Silver Watches, Jefeelry,? &c. a1fo continues as ufual to ; repair (5oId o Sflver .Watches, Qlocks U v ' Jewelry. V Repairs on. Watches are Injur' t. td Jerjfnt jear ikoi on. Clocka for live :9tttir'!---T. ':.H& November io. tf - - Exchange. BI LLS on Bofion for five thoufand fit hundred Oollits On Bortoa payabU in Nevr-Yoik, fur one thonfand DolIat ; at Cxty dayi fight, for fale bv ' - NATHANIEL W. KUGGLE$p(. -.v Ha. 5j R. Bradleys whatf. febrosry-14.. -'" ' : '. : : - -; Notice. THE citiaens compbslng the Wilmington X Night Guard are particularly requested to attend at the Court House on the 3d day of Anril next, between the hours 3 and 4 o' clock In the artetnoon, to elect officers for the ensuing year, and for other purposes, agreea ble to the rules of the association. - , ; V VA. F. MacneilU;r;. ; ; , . . r-: , C. Dudley, Jun'r : - Jesse Wingate. ' : . Wilmington, Ci March,' 1 807. r , - : - Rum & Molasses. - QUANTITY of 'si St 4h Proof Rum well flavored ' and MoUfles " II IL... I ..... .1 .V.. ot an excellent quamy, wn uhu w iut, (hip : Wilmington capt.CluIdi And for 'faleby , , :: '.' '":,v ' ... , D. Smith;". . March to. 4 v Notice. T HAVE authorlfed and empowered John"" JL Jlopg atd Samuel R, Jocelyo, Efqrl. to atrjuland fettle the accounts of Robert Mdter doceafed.' ' ' , : 1 ' . - AH pet font indebted to the eflate are re-flWneiL-fo make oavment to 1 hem. and thofe who haveu(l claims upon faiJ eflate . .... 1 t Mi A." - will, Sppiy to my arojeuia niiornics lor payment. "v . . . . i m.r ttfTPh r, . ;.. ... '.of R.Mautr. Wilmington, ' 131 reo, 1007, j 3" Liverpool Salt .& CoaL MSaaiaawss ' tbi Car it tf the SHp Mherv, Ctftal Sitventt jufi trivi d Itm Liver ft. 7000 bushesj Salt, ..1000 do. Coal Which is offeied for. file on rcafcable terms nj ., , Hooper cc Mitchell. ,Th no l,k" , Liverpool, crany other port in tngiand, March 3. . Apply as above. Wholesale Store. Publieto . v JHU hi ftlJyViitbtut rffrvet lj tbtfu6b fcriler, en I be .1 6A tf March nex:t The Housearid Lot- In Front iftreet, at prefent occupied bf John"Teabody, If not fold at private fale before the above date. Conditions will be -ma le known on the day of fsle. - .' " ' -' . ' T-evy ScCiirrol. rcornary 34.. ts r . Notice. : : RICE. : About eighty tierces of Rice oa board the schooner Mars.' Apply to captain Hatch, or the printer. Martb 3. ( ' ' ' ' ' 71 tttbtcribtrt ate now opening endefer for tale . . 1.. bi the Paikajre or Utt tuattjt A very large and general Assortment of . Dry Goods, Hard Ware, Hats, &c, X. 7EGR0 Cloths of various kinds, Blank r ets, Coatings, Flannels, Broad Cloths, Cassimcres, Velverets, Thicksets, Tbrcsds Muslins, Durants Linens, Dimities, Call mancoes, gibbons, Shawls, Hahdkerchiefi, cotton Woolen and worsted blockings, Crapes, Edgings, (lodes, Sattins, Cloves of all kind., Bedtickst .pxnaburgs, Swsasdowns, Cardi nals, Calicoes, Checks, Nails, Locks, Ilinftes, Anvils. Vices, Hoes, Guns,' Pistols, Knives and Forks,' Pocket Knives, Penknives, Scis sors, Rstors, Brushes of sll kinds, mill, cross cut and Handsaws, Files and Rasps, Bridle Bitts and Stirrups of all kinds, Plated and tin ned Saddles, Carpenter's Tool,. Shot, Sad Irons, t Sryihes snd Sickles, Pins, Buttons, Painlwand Window Glass, English Gun Pow, der, Men's yomens snd Children's I Ists with a variety of other articles too tedious to mention. They ae also In addition to their Stock already on land, imported in the shin Danube just srrivrd from Liverpool, and which in a few days will b landed, 130 Casks Sne drawn English Kails. " T tasrs Cons well aborted, ' ' " Pistols of various klnd , v 10 csVs Hoes, -and a very general assort-. mentof Hard Wart. . 1 Giles & fcurgwln. ; Wnmlngtoii, Sept 3l ALL pet Tons having demands againft. the eliaieof Henry Long,(!te keep-, er of the L'ght-Houfe) are requeftrd to hand in their accounts , proper atttftol. within the time Haiited by (w, otherwif they will be barred of recovery, ar.d'ail thofe indebted to the ettale, will pleafe 10 .calland fett'ethe fatfte. :. 1 w Kebecca Long, Adm'x. . Bronfwick county, 7, ' , Svl hville, FeWl3. ' For Sale ; THE LOT No. 7. and part of LOT -No. 8r on the weft fiJe cf Front Street, containing 66 feet on.Front-Streer with the privilege of an8 fool alley, 80 leel wefl, anl on the river 93 feet. u , . The terms of fale will be 3, 6, 9, & u - months for three fourths of the purthiley , thcremainine founb at fixty days all In Donds pavable and 'negotiable- at the lianic . of Cape.Kear.'wi.h two approveJ frcurl. tier, ci a mortgage on the premllcs bonus . . besrirg interell from tbe date. Should the above premtt-t do nr.iou out the 38 h Marchr they wilVon ihe f illow-' log Monday be put op at public autTioo'( ' bv Levy ic warrol, and told to the nign-; s ell ilikler In the mean time application ' to the fubferibrr (who will make bona PJ Titles In fetfirpple.l fhsll beaiicndcd to. V Wilmtntton, 16th Februarv, 1807. ; john loud;. : " PofTcflion will be g'ven the t Inly 1807, -V ; .. JOHN MACLELLAN. . , QJ- ' Wanted an Apprentice to the Priming business. Inquireat tins' OIHcc, s ' .-' ' ! '

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