iwja,' 1 ""jf I - j si A .1 .- r From tht CmVrtaWtcfy Messenger, : - Perhaps lont hence ifthia ihould meet ililUeu. OcTATiA't 'fate may wake the deep fraught V ' Of sharp regret, that e'er her guiles heart Fromthee wasdoom'd to ro:et Lb chveaom'd dart .. - : V , Of cold neglect, which, ,trjking ei her ' peace,, ; ' ' "... ; i.' A., - Bade each ; loft source of tender pleasure " J cease. VO " ;' V ,' .'. I:, . Deep la her boson fixtits mortal fangs, And rii'd her breast with disappointment's .pangs, ... v. . , When youth and youthful levities are o'er,' . And that which please now,: ehaH please mr . ,more, vA.;,..' ' ' When thy wrung soul with anguish dire op May seek some lender symptilhetick breast, S'ome gentle friend, to soothe thy, . bosom's T- , Wdl.in)ihjriefan(l with their transports kw p. , .,r , - - -Ah, then, perchance, my image maylpv pear - - ' v ', Awake; the sih, impel the starting tear,- ' My Brtkss fondness, my Unvaried, truth, i , 1 hough deeply mjur'd breathing no reproof ; ; AHTall may rise before ihe mental view,-1- For mem'ry's stillTo sorrow sadly true ; ' : ; Dwells oa the' joys too late we learn to prize And 4ints to former scenes the itreaming . ' eyes. y";- -f.;' v ' Ah I youth bclbv' j might roy fond prayers V . UVuil, . jt: , I'pr grief, nor anguish," should thy peace a- ..sail ." V---;;:;:--V Smoothly , should , life' unrufliedl current glide, v J With not 'one stormy care to swell the tlde . i IC painful thought should ever intervene, To shu.de with sorrow's clouds the smiting ' Love'schoiccsl flow'rs around thy brow ihould . ' ' And fi imdship stnocih thy passage to tha tonb. - v ' ; 1 -t -. .'.A . . OCTAVIA. rit9M A LONDON PAPf t,.l. . ' ; STi7" Ct THE COS'llMNr. 1 The few w,e:k during which the war has ' tap;e(l, BaVe already formed an sera, perhaps - tht:. most pregnant wi'h revolutionary cone l'jctice that ever occurred since the ruin of the KOnufl , empire." 'While-Prussia, Irom ' to'ivafdicw or policy, continued at peace with ' Iwttce, an innirmountsble CowiucnUtl boun ddty waa tirescribed to the asrrandiremtnt ' f Tiiofiaparte. In an evil hour for himself cntl for Europe, rrcderick. William, driven tinadnes by the inukt nd iniuritsof his -. cuiettuai ideally, declared .war, fought,. and. wis defeatad, -Tliu battle of Jena nill.be " recorded on one of the bloodiest' pa;es in the took of time, and evry fallowing pse, for century to come, will be colored with Its consequences. The barrier' -of Prussia, - which has stood in the middle of Europe to . break the flood of the French revolution, ever sluce the retreat of the Duke of llnmsirk. - -sua on that day, by his advancing a second tube broken down, and Denmark, Ssve- ' Sweden, Poland," Turkey, and Russia itself ate. henceforward completely thrown open to the assault of that common enemy, who ' yl riercr rest till by,, treason or violence he lias citheC ensnared, suljugaled,'or destroy cd every rival in the west, or has bimcif perished suddenly in battle, or by assassina tion. , A new kingdom in Poland, and proba- bly ano'.her in Germany, may be expected to he set up by Suonaparte immediately, to eU v bow PruWia on either side. . War with Den tnaikifor which a prerence cannnt tnng be - wuntinc:, will perhaps b his next step, in order ! block, up the Caltick against the tntjlish, and the ocen against the ilus.isns anJ Swedes. ' A rujure between Turkey and Russia cannot )e far distant, while lluo raparte in !taly, anl one of hi brothers in pyhnif are neiRhbo'iri to these inimical pow - lri hmit Mli;be the policy of Ff nee t6 pu'l to pieces by the hands of each other . vhjleal.c seiz-s every opportunity of extend it her d.i.hininni north, cast, and south, where her Influence hat opened the way, till Tu-ki-y, ruined by her friendship, ahull fall by her sword, and Asia, Misor, Syria and Egypt become her prey. - That the views" '. of n4on,parte, eastward particularly, ex ten I thus far and much farther can hardly t is questioned. - We presume not to specula: '""on the probability vt his beings ercr enabled to carry them into execution. " 1 Long before the short state of warfare . which took place" bstween this country and Prussia, and even at the fery moment when ' ine latter aeemed disposed to hostilities a gainst tha common foe, we undertook to shew the InutitUy'and folly of lavishing Dri . tish blrl an J treasure fo? the purpose of promoting Contiasntsl objects Wi wished to direct tht care of government and the at. ' lention of the people to their own security, independence, ni happiness. 1 It thi pre. ent UncnuMi state of airs, it matters little whether our reasonioj has b;en right ' or wrong t dfWeu by neicssity to ad-, opt that line of conJuct which we ventured "to recommend, hil even Prussia been sac eessfjl, nd the power of IVancohemmed in within hsr ancient brt larlei. Our theory mf have best Ul-founJid, tut f4Cts, me laieholf facts, speak more forcibly than thWanAfotariusi k U W9u!4b;tljti DDckc.7 I pf'aa ideot to hi loU.that there- stl'd exista t, obstacles sutlkitnt to check' Buonanacta in his1 vast career of ambition" and aggrandiz- , mrnt. ' I .ft in then ronsii'n-r wll mii i ai nil means of defence t husband our own re i tource ; consolidate our hative strength : exert outtiational'aitit V and" be prepared to meet, and ye trust, to triumph over tha dangers with which-' we are ultimately threa. teued by this modem Attilla, this exurmioa torol nations! " , - . " ... ; By the subversion of the Prussian throne, for it,Jj disgusting" to hear some contcmpora-. ry writers' still express hopes of resistance . from the ' fugitive- and spiritless troops of ' Frederick William," the bond of Eunopean uniod is completely torn assunder, an4 that "power which alone was thought capable of restoring it, will, in all probability, be itself attacked. " "Russia has at this moment' more to tear) she. has more interest in the issua of the war, t,han hernsost cautious poliUctans. could, by any human contingen,cies, have been induce! to imagine. She who has been over, and over again represented as making war withouttcJiaJJCtol jdanger to bit own dominions, ; ia , now n the point of being pierced, not her" most distant frofltierj, but in her' mes civilized province j and what like the expedition to Egypt, was cousldefed as impossible? is hoW likely la- be realized. 4n our mind, thathehat projected, land will shortly attempt,' tpe.conquest Of the; whole of Poland ja congest to which he will en deavour to reconcile the people by calling it a deliverance from the. yoke of foreign sub jugation.-. It w hot yet fatteen years since the lawless destruction ot the felih Mate, ana narrowed and straightened as it was, fcy tka infamovpartition pf d7T3i we cannot easily dismiss from -our, recollection, the heroift stand which was then made vby the Polei to the saVage despoilers of their political rights and civil privileges; . ; fiuonaparte'. ih think-' ing- that-,he vill find in Poland friends and supporter, seems to have taken a just view of f the passions and ? prejudices : of man kind. ; He relies upon theu-co operation, be cause'they have wrongs to redress ; hecause in their present materi they "can only se oppressdrs and tajk-masters andhovf all, because iliey wIH enjoy the hope of rcng in the case 'of their defaced and annihilated country. Tlte road to Warsaw, from Berlin, ia nearer and Jest difficult than fr6m Paris to Berlin. But it may be said, Euonapahe has not armies suEkientfy -numerous to execute this boH design. The argument has been so repeatedly uned, Jhat we sboMlu have sup posed it had fallen into disrepute. While he conquers military countries, he cannotwant military men t recruit his armies. ' What has- been hi constant policy I To divide the vanquished states into slaves and soldiers.' KfL ... '111.- I.!.' 1! 1 '. .1. 'jl' vy rLXi now wm pe un poucy i i o innae me population of Prussia aubscrvient to his ' sins on Poland, and perhaps, finally, on the Russian Empire itself. " Has he conqtiered Frederick William with Frenchmen only f Let those answer tnis question, wno know that the wealth and growth of. Italy 'of Hol land, -of both sides of the Rhine, have been absorbed by the emptiness of France 1 He will fiod plundur and-recruits throughout tha Pru&sipn terntoriea, and the temporary and inevitable chasm of military machines will, as has uniformly been the case with him, be supplied as hs exteftds his conqucU Ilia mode of warfare, in this as in faiVt other' respects, "diffe'ri ; essentially from that of Louis X1Y. orany.other modern who either apircdTkt universal dominion, or contented himself with asserting the balance of power. He will goon, renovated hyne transfusion of foreign bl'md and gold rjo bis exhausted battalions and treasury chclts He has now. overleaped every limit within which tbe arms and . prudence , of Europe had confined France i and what is there to stop him from reaching the end of the career which his own iimrinsiion msy have act to his successes I Of Buonaparte's ambition it would tee irl that we have hitherto formed no. adequate lJ,ta. He TnT not think that km hiss cliin'ed the meridian arch of hie greatness, until ,.thel gates of Petcrkburgh, shall hue been thrown open to him as it conqueror. - ( ' .1 . The age,6f military wonders, of tha ex traordinary vicissitudes of power, is not vet past. The mesne art a!l within his grasp. Pvussu is become ms abiftlute instnimenl, and from Pri to IlerVin, Berlin to Warsaw he will R'ive to establish One strong chain, the lihk of which can alono be btokrti by the defection and treachery of .feudatory princes and men, who are but strong in hit strength and great ia hit greatness. Such a chain has not been formed i,,ee tht down. fat of the-Roman empire and if the pornw latinn ol Pwland b put into motion ; If their antblthies and hatred he revived ;If tlef iust causes of revenge be renewed if the means of signal vengence be held out to them, no matter by whom, who can pratana t say that the chain may not enoirclo its iron embrace the new metropolis, of tin Russian enrplrt F Whether the Polei would gain any advantage" by this not Ttry unlikely -e ban go of coTemment, ws khan--not - now; jnaiurw j but wo cannot help admiring the iBscrutahla decrees of Proidence, which, however slow is sure In the in diction of Its puaishmtnts' Prussia was the first power that meditated and carried Into effect, the' psrtitbn of Po land, in lTJ; nineteen years antr, she neruJiousIr abandoned her alliance with tlto ting and Republick of Poland, she basely shared m Ike Common plunder aad robbery, and now , ' - . t j , i Ef eof handed juslica Aim usj'rvA iiui. nuw victi vu iiuuu ,i pariawi'ipruoabiy postpone tor ntictner year the long menaced uttempt at Invasion. W sincerely tiust the interval will uot.be spent on the pit of our goveniment iiV apathy and indoI:ice. : The neoole are willinc and rea- t' calamity, which tha ambition of France has l let loose expect a agement of publick affairs, and every dxer tion -which human wisdom can make, to pre serve . thtfrn fie? and independent of. a fo. ; reign yoke, to secure to them ihe blessings o peace, when peace can be made upon terms (.perfectly consistent with the salctv. houor, and iutereata of the British Empire. enemy conquerors. -Secause theybav , vided yoti,-yem ought th be more united by blood, by dangiyiger by misfortune,' and by. even things which is most dear and moat sa cred amongst men. . . . ' - ' If Poland has been effaced from the pa-: -litical chat, she exists yet entire in the hearta of her .children. If without Ihe aid - upon mankind j--but in return they j of France, and ''having for our support the system of rigid economy in the man- ,j justice of .our cause and our valour only, we Proclamation of the Emperor. , Head-quartor at Fosen, Dec. t. 'Soldiers1. It is this day a year, even at this very hour, that you -were on the field of Austerhtz. -'4T he Russian battalions flying in disorderor surrounded, gars up their arms to 'their conquerors. , fne next day jthey poke wordiof peace, hut they were deceit- tui, scarcely escaped oy the efrect of per. hans.acondemnabletrenerositv. from the dis aster of a third coalition they thrived aTj tourtR. 4Jut the ally on whose tactics tbey lounoed tnetr prmcipal hopes istio mortl his strong puces, his capitals, his nagav. tines, his arsenals, 530 stand of colors, 700 i pieces of -cannon, five great ' praces of war, are in our power. " The Oder, the Warsaw. ,' the desafts of Poland, or, the bad weather, have but been able to stop you' for a mo ment j you have braved all, "turmounted alh ; every thing fled on your approach. . '. . ; ,,' It is in vain that the Russians wished to defend tho capital of this illustrious and an cient Found. The French Eagle hover on the Vistula. The brave and unfortunate Pole, on seeing you, believe they aee the legions of S-obieski ot return from their ane mar able expedition. 1:: ' 'iT -''y Sold4ersl, We wiH ncft lay down our arpis until a general peace has" affirmed and assur. ed the power of our allies, and has restored W our Commerce ilw libertie's mt '-colonies" We have conquered on the Oder, f ehdicher ry. Iindour etablishmentiinthe; lr.ditt, the Cape ot Good Hope, and the Spanish coloi j nies What gives o right to the Russians to believe, that they can . balance the' desti nies f.. Who gave them aright to overset suck just designs J 1 hcj,and cursclejxcrs vre notl ', tht vMitr$ of 'justtiUtt f f .,'' V 1 15 were able to balance fortune between us and three empires who' united to oppress us, our triumph cannot be doubtful 'when the con queror of the triple alliance haa freed our ! ! frontiers, when the man of destiny has cist' . his" views on , us. ' Do you not, in his pre en.ee, feel your.blbod" quicken in your vains ? . Do ypa not now see the shades of the heroea ' who. Tell fighting for you, press around him end call for vengeance;? Hear their Tjroan& -hear the voice f-the country, who demands J'roojj us its gloiy and independence.' -rPolandertiCescaped by a miracle i From the . word of your as&assins from the chains of your tyrants, I nave' collected you, I have :;brfaght.:vith"lnethe;'laV'h of i dying : Oo'untry," Full of confidence, this day I will J make her last wishes resound amongst you I come to see that palternal land which my arm , ' lias defended, which my blood hatredended, and which; on viewing will cover HU. tear and lasses. Vnfqrtunate friends, jrfhoj; . I amtioi abre to follow to the tombr-dear and brave compatriots, who I have been con -trained to leave- under the yoke of bur n- A oper, I have only lived ra the hope of Tenging yout. return to break yoyr iet- ' V Sacred remains of tar country ! I salute ' you with an holy enthusiasm. I unite my- v. ?elf to you never gain to, be. separated. , . , Worthy pf the great man whose arm is rais ed for us. ; Worthy . Polancers, who near my voice, I will assist m raising up my country, - iid in fixing her future prosperity on- a staple , base ; Were the ntrrae of country no more - to my 'compatriots tlan a word, then 1 would escape from my misfortunes end the com- mon ahame,, and bury myself under the no ble wrecks of Poland. But no, day glori- Ous to roland are about to appear, rortunei "haa not conducted Napoleon and his Invin- cibles on the borders of the v Utula to leave thero no traces of !KpitreervrWi' ' srwn def the,agjs of e Monarch who combats dif- - jicuuifis sun . ;prouigies. ine reciiauinn ment of Poland is an event too glorious for 'the eternal Governor of the' World not' to " Jteturnslhethgredier.tspf the paiiga'd chalice ToherofiTiri.,:, ' it: V . ADDHESS ' ". ' " . - .- . . ...or. - , ? Cat. Koscjus&Q to the Pol&. -v; Srava Countrymen! ' .'-,',;, ' AT. the sound of arm w-h.ch once more resounds in Po)and, Kociuka flies into tbe midst of you It i no longer Uicbaritms in search of plunder, which advance, into onr plains it is no longer those fsrocioos man ho come to dime our hclda, und insult our weakness after having fattened themselves on Ottr'.mlsfortunes and oar blood. Br their -valor", by thtir triumphs, by the thundering eagle which soars before them, you well know the unquestionable legion which have illus trated the four quarter of the glebe by their victories ; who nave In one campaign, an nihilated the sihited powers of two vast em pit-es, and who have, ! one week, crumbled into durst a thron' j-aised by atv ewf nc cesses, the work of Frederic and all his old Generals ' . V r J v Tims has the destiny of Napoleon decreed, who dettroys and mktt kings, who fells with the raRld.'.y of lightning on. his rnemie, and who knows how, by the force of his aima and the coueepViMt .f his genius to raise tip nations bowed down t.nder the ycke of a fiishtfol pidiry. '- . -,- PpLndcrsl thousands amongst you ha.. followed the first v-'neral ofLurope in the defile f Italy. Tour battalions have rallied jWiih the army, of the brave Napoh-oo conies to you his eye observes jou lie bnngs. In to the bosom of the wotld, those Frenchmen, amongst whom we hve found a second coua trv, who have collected tbe wrecks of us in their camps who,' treating us as brothers, have concealed our, misfortunes under thtir laurels those generous Frenchmen, in the midst of whom Kosciusko has ceased to br- licve himself proscribed before whom ha has at leant been able to raise vp with s sen timent, pf coalition, and perhaps tT pride, his vanquUhed, but not dishonoured head, ""and amongM whom he hattbeen permitted to entertain the lows of his ccruptry, ..aad tha hope of its future liberty. . tear countrymen! ajj you who, banished f'tfm your paternal soil, have remained Po .Undeis in a foreign land ; and you also, who having become atrangsrt In tha bosom of To land, havareraatntd faithful to your brothers and the country, rise up, it is time, ihe great 1 nation Is before yoi Napoleon rerarJa you, IT- M. ' liui ftoitiuikw mm run. See Europe shsken to her foundalinn, has "teoing at the voice of genius, is re-construct the sdtial edincc, and to immortshra the nineteenth century by new crealions and new titles to glory. . bee how the yoke of the Tyrant or th Seat, or the tiroy or the re boss of Enrope, is breaking; to rlcces oo e very coast.' Every where the people rise up, isnctttredby monarchies constitutrd by the laws every where oppressed nations march towards their independence." Pounders 1 what is yet wanting to inspire yon 'and render you. just to ourselves?, Withrout doubt, you are the children of those heroes who. si ved Europe from the yoke ,of tho Mussclmtn your hearts shall bom with the fire which filled with ctsecm'cren your hate reserved the deed for him. -,r - : Capture of CurraCoa, r. . b ' - " Kimostokv (Jm.), January-li1.-""' ' By the (nival of bis Majesty's frigate Atfi ' son, capt Lydiard, at Port Royal on Satur. -dac, (rem Curracoa, we are happy in beibg ablo to anoounce' the. capture of that Island, wiNcb event took place on .vew.-lear's Uay. , Tb foHowingparticulors commmticMed in a , f letter from -eBpt.-IJris4eoe wo were politely . : favored with yesterday t - ', ' " The ai tack-was msio oo tbe 1st of jauua- ry by the, A re thus, 'Anson, Lstona, and I isguard frigates, St. day.hght. ,The bar- , bour wse defended by two tier of guDs, Fort Amsterdam alone mountir.R 56 pieces of ca- noa v the rntrnnce Of the harbour ia only 50 yards wide, athwart which were moored the butch frigate Hatsel, of 36 guns Surinam ( sloop of, war, ef 39 guns, end two larger . ccLoonsrs chain of forts 'on Messvlburgh , (a commanding height) and Fwt Rcpublique were within" tho distance or grape snot. 1 he fiiiiate .sloop, and schooners were carried by boarding the lower forts, the citadel, and. town of- Amsterdam, by sterna. At 10 o -clock, A. M. the Eogli.h l'Ugwas hoisted - or. Fort KepuoPque. The Dutch eommo; core was kilted early in the action, and the ; captain of the sloop of war acverdy wounded , suppo-ed to be since dead. . , ' 1 , ' Cant Brisbane, we understwid, adus, lV inhabitants seemed pet feet ly satisfied tiff- , . dor the British ' :, '' .- . Last summer, "wl.Uit the British shi Chichester, of 4'4 guns was lymg at anchor . off Fort Jay, Dr. Merse, of Elizabeth-Town coming in with a load of hay, hove about, partly under the bow of the ship, miss-stayed, . drifted foul of the 44, aodthc sloop's shrooda got entangled in the ship a yard. , The boat wain of tho Chichrster ordered men aloft to cuV away the sloop's rigging, that she )night drift from alongside. The, Doctor swore that if they cut aim adrift he wauld send them all to bell in a moment. u.You . rml to Veil " ksid tka officer N Yra. I i Still," replied the Doctcr. V Co aloft and .CHi away," said the hoatswa-m again.-41 Jlof (says the Doctor) go below and bring me brand of fires 111 pot fire to the hay," The boatswain stood atnated,' and said the man ' was mad. Tbe captain of tbe 44 was then called on dexk The Doctor told him be hart had the misfortune to gct&u! of his ship, and that, instead of affording him relief, ope eT Ift officers ordered his vessel's rigging to bo cut away, and that if that had been done, he was determined to make a bm-Jirt The Doctor still standing with the brand of .fire , in his hand, Tbe captain Ct the ship pica -' ed with the Doctor's oddity, ssked him on board. They went below together, where tho suhjtet was renewed i and the captain asked hint if ha would hsve put fire to his hsy, if the orders of histlTieer to cut away Lad been complied with He said ha ccr- ' tainly ihould it was his unalterable deter triinaiion. The captain of tha frigate laugh ed rooH heartily they breakfasted together, " ji snu panca on gooautms. Atw-iirn pjtf A- I) ? ? 4w I 4 if . -4' 1 i v.' i i 1 i .

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