,.s : " ; ''''' ' " ' ' ' '"' '" ' ' . m J . : i 1 l v uftt'inaTear ,. : ,r "J V"- 'Published Vwy'Tuesday, by Ax.Lia Haicj at tk'tw JkJUV tYi 'tA'idtinteot tour CoHtrtlf not Bttid t- i Tt t . i ih'c; ;:.sii fkV ji " o:.' r rJt 'iTI:' tW.('" rreseptmtntii ind irithout'kfoirinse on wnoni . ;one mpftVrt tmV colninil tf 'Waffidatttt t'tTttre, U lw'.(imiW'i ujjiiuvyw. - i.,a.--.vl, , f they wertqoberterthfl tljat it ihouldb.. tken before fcnwher imeWrU,l Ff Ifb' -tbM eMe5fce-hfctv wouJd r.Jf.. ' 4 , -..tKBJlWB JhtVUitti Stat tti ' ;U ,-4 VH- .V ' which the occasion wfdom faili i f o excite, and jpl, .an aftidirrit mad4 at the foundattoa. oI Jstif) .; fcoipicwn.'lht, ;aoj a crtm'mlirrtnt. rrinri in he eitraiudlcul. srki , iBrritnrr of, lh L waa', the . . f I ........ .. - i.:. T. 1 ..' "I .... - . . " .... . . . 4i V ; ir men, a nexttue oennuion ot me crime, or tne peripn rtto ihakei it would m m liable to - ehiect orilta expedition. : - 1 ' fno fr. -5onrucnpo wnicn wouiarenoer iiuceiimc, a prosecution tor perjury at u in warrani mi MotwwrpuM u . rr r ta -nl brinil nla 0f,er,tion. It ta therefore' more tate as well at more contonant rosecutlori fof periurr at if the warrant of ttor what: nUtvesaize on; erefore' conmi(nkeht had been iitfaefl bVi ttia?'maela;! Baton iRnare i-; hr enirae Wjf ft""4; c ' principle or,our conrtitutU that the crhn To decide that -an- affidatnade-tefore if itwai.dcignsd, t&am ,th M of treason hoV1d nofba tatendefby -coK--,'one magistrate wouhf not iutfify eiwmhmeut vStatm? m ,", t. - ' fVJWV' W1! JDC3 Action A doubtful casea; end-that' crime , to another might, iumany cate. h produ t'.Thapeopte.sfthq cqantrf - ihitooOri on a writ ot W WZi t J no dearly wiihihthe!ebnititufionaldefirttion;- , tireof. great mconvenlence,' and doe notap-' to whicn.eurr going rlei . kI,Wg52S tcctlM ueh rwft " tne tojbv ReW auaceptJble Of ad if'tKe etytjf the' pared . to cm T frit - , .taping brjw, -mWW wenjieij ;. Uvuf- Jn h, Jon, .y j,t0?ide. . , -r ... .ifi e,Withed". Sut1tn iiindavit Imgiiacef JwJitrJy .i?iro t wnUFrdhrt now wn complete the crime.of ieTyii wr '.ieem'adtnUible on the'prUicipIe that boforo '.riate toaforeigh cunjfy. It . ; Aw upon ineir h , . gtnft.lhe .U.tatet, there out be an acti- the accusefl i put ppon kit tria, all'tbe W '.will-not Be ttittnM tht.t k lDitoeinga V"'.iiMtih. t KbUge f mca for the nurpofe of txe-needing are exptrte.' ITi touU therefore tCTma..oultl, bemnppicatr-. dcciospoagnmv.precedw ttiemttuu tutingatreasonabieetign.-Jnihe caaenow dter-rule'thia bbiedion. ' . , fr io atefriiory.ijf the United , . farnawutionj thquattion M Maeierm,., jthecourt, a digT to oterturh the go." That'which o.uesrtona'thechifracterof thn VSutea,. bet other te ibs, would led wTiAher the cco4 tta 1 oe "wr- , Ternment 0( the United Statet in New-OrV p'erori vno hatort tisoccaaiori adminUtePcd more aptly ' cot.cy.:thet'!ii, ; gdorheld'lotriaVantf lye,Jaer,inini uan,bjr force, wourd hve been unqtieatiOna.'' the 6ath i't'n'sxt l$ f bj; eonakleted, s: 'i - and Burr teema joeonsidep,,,., place ihpye.to be '"(H;,"fJ' bjy, a deiign which if carried into execution 4 th tettincatt fit?m tli bff.cV . of the dtf- himaelf aarf'trtit jpforma.tion , - - . haU be confined, pr Jm:Ue toaiu " " would have been tawn, ind the aaaeroblage' prtnicht of tiate ha bwn deitned inw. of WhWb . Wilkwuon wa yt aatt a Vefjr.leaf nfcd nd acate commema- fc b0(J men fo ,he purpoM5 of tarrr. enl . he eolltlicjj fo the jMtoncreibecMt poewated. V htn it. i ;ccol-, fKt hn sweh'trime haa been '- oomrnittedor., tliat jthe 8Up)cioh e.njer)a1ned of the p1oni whollV rroWHe In' tuchtcaset only it r tmf.M'rni'tiitailvto'ditcharee him, Otherwise v lie mutt eitnei be'cotaimlttefl'td priton or fea'tl.,",,, 7:. ' r. ''' t '. down hareB the decUion heretofoie made , The tpecijict tnarge orougnf againaitne by hejudget of the .United Statea, ... pfjorlatretowftkW8mM jhe opinionagltenb)' judge' Pateraon and 1 Hie'4'''" V ' i"tnc Iredell ineasea bejore. them, implV' an - ;7Ai there ivno crime which can-more ex- - 'c'(ul itenbhnKfrWn though they rather cite ftnu affuai uic jnoifv4 wu v- fjeii: u', jw t,Kwutiiiv. tiuiu uiuuiu tu me law aoci not require nc ppiJOKiiincuvwi : jcticu we ic jtiu inrr nf vr -KMtniMk f t. Xf tt4- Kur aa pAn Vl.rl- -.- t-1 fj.U1 L ...tAa ks'C k'ca..AhLaa a!,fj fOwwr l I.iritaM 1 rit . w rh hihiii wiuvvm aMh iv wn uiiii' iftti'BLCi- iui: me ici 1 iivi t ui fcw-viu" vi "'a m iviniw ,p iiiiiuhk w ''aplraeyTor this object no entitling of men- to be "certified to that office, btku.tleei tith nmst hive (jcu ,tliiec ! , ta r fleet it. viniiM atv .art it'll Itvvinir of . i. !.';!(. LIT ;nlnVn...f KMr4u&K' it : i-tA' if irtiWn v Aif ttia . , ( El? . In conformity with thtbrincjplft now Iai4 : the oath reatilredbr theart ofCOnwreMi., m aid Jthat he co'inuutUd U .. Th' finf or theie 'obieltiona.i. not aut. armT. a nK .01 cici Ta ported' by tha law of the catei ;and . th e- atatiuned i that trrri? oit'ltn condrnaybeto teatlily corrected thai Uieerair s piijbb,ilitys. thwt jhe.Jn)in hat' proceeiled toynjiderthef.ubject aif it - lion communicated rrlateo, were corrected; retatntng however any s noar a';ttrci)cn -country 09 admiittu gust triian , hi Their aRefita,nw wili gned to remark otf the1 fubject to which dtcision. "if aeainst the pritonert nntiliho , , ion', nd charge demand ntora from the tribli. thc forci l0 be ippj;e( trtn of the na. corrtction! thM be nttc . With reeard 1a atl before which iiltnaP0 a flclioerate ana ture ol the force ttitir. Their; opinions how, the third, the magistrate. mnat be pmnroed Hitrrssj that if, we will R!, temperatei entjuirf', Whether thiv enqnlry ere contemplate. ' the actual employment of ', f, hVre.tk'n the requisite oath, aince ke i tect Oieir religioa I Ud fill lot be rlirecte4 01he Uei pr to, the 'law, none " f0iC' ' , i r0UIrf' ..- . . m.rWtei Ontho admit- subitct them to aloreicn ppw- C4R bo more toIeminnonemQrf importafttto ; Judge Chue on th trial of Fricwat'morf ':. .ibiln'y of that pari of the affidavit which piir--: et in.3 weekt all will he tet- , titiarn or.thejgovertlifoeBW.natie can txpncit. .. ......... Vt Mrniikf(ki tub(ace of the leti- tied. i ,t (v.-'-' . , apre affect the aaietr pf bottt. j. -l . . , ia ,uted the opinion of the court to be'' tertrom Col. Burr to Oene'rat VV ilkinsenaa - Tbla It apparently the lan. ; .To prerenttheoitibi'lity bf,thett calami . Mht if a body of people conspire and medU; the Jatter could interpret It,: a division of gtrage of a people who, from. te wbich,ruit(from the extetipn'oftru tale,ahinfUrrectioh to resist or oppose thes pinion ktt taken placf: IK th coiwv TwoV , the contemplated change., of CP a qff.-nceal.9f minor tmpbrtiheet that execution of any etatute of the Unjted Statea' judges are of pinion that at aucbaeUmoof- theirpoliiictltiluation, feared - rea fundamental law w'hch definet md, IK by ore. .thcy are only guilif of.akigh-mlt- defivertdiutkc pretence of tba iirwower on Hi for'thetrreligW, and -feared i, xnit the various departments of our gorern demeanor 1 but if they" proceed to tirryeuch trial Would be totally ihadmlMible;' neither that they "would wf -wada.th'' ' mpnt had given a rule on the tubject both to" intention tnto execution dt lorce, mat tney Cah it be considered at a foundation lor a com euejecte ,1 ujrsu power. , the legislature and the eoorta of America are gu'Uy of the treason ot levying war 1 and , nirnent. Although in msking a commtt ' -vhich neither can be nermittcd to transcend. tbefanfm'of the force employed, neither tm-nt the matlstrwe doct net decide on the ' Treason agkintt the United States jhall lessentnor increase, the crime 1 whether by Kts'iH of the prisoner, yet he does decide on That the Meticana should en- tertsiatheespprelveiiskm,wst, natural and .would readily b ; ' believed, ft They were, if thw , representation, made, of their : Dion," continued JudEeChsse, on that occa- decision. This probable caue ; therefor dispositions he cotrectr atont i.u", tnsi a conuunumv n cunipirscy. 10 ought to be proved vj ttaiimotry in nwii ; ia .pincw tninric uiv fn levy war aginstth Unite States is not trea- et and which, though from ihe.nature j.tht power of men wfco pro- son, unless combined with attempt, to carry of the caf it must ,l e cxpane, ought, In most letstd a latin fliurnil.ncni inch towiVmttinn or conspiracy into executi- oitier repects, tobe tucbai'a court and jury - theitt,ahd n ho Vy making on i onie aviiiai iri;e or tioicnte miuh oe ni'st only in levying Wr agkins't them, or oee hundred, or one thousand persons, la' the' probable, cause, .and a long and painful ah adherirtg io their enemies, giving them wholly Immaterisl. , M,The court are of opt-" .imprisonmeni mty be the conequcnce of hit .1 J r. f . ,. . . ninn rnntinnru Jn1irI nat. .n th.t nri. J..' ' To'conititute'thsf specific crime for which' . iVe "pritonert bhW before the court have been Committed; -war mist be artually' levied a 4falhit the United States.'- However flagitious ma be the crime of conspiring to subvert by ' iVrte the gOveromcYit of. oof . conlitry, ' such onsn?racy it no . treason. V To eontpira to Jevy iaf nd actually to. levy war, are dis tiact offence t, The fist roust be brought in 10 operation by the assemblage of men tor a -piirpota tr.ettonable in Utelft pr the fact of levyiog war cannot, have been committed !)o Ur has this principle been carried that. In cai.t reported by Vcntria, and mentioned in a)me modern treaties on criminal Jw, it hat been determined thtt the actual enllttment ' (m.eao' terra agtioitt the government doet r)ot amount to levyipg war. - It fa true that in thatcjie the soldiers enjisUd 'were to serve without tha reslmj but! tbeV were 'tnlisfed S'thin iti and if fh ' Mistmeni for a treason. !e purpose could amount to levying war. men war na oeen aciutny icviea awnliwl.t Kkaf. Two judgeY ate ,of opinion, lhat in -thit incipient stsge. of the prosecution an affidavit -stating the general purport of, a letter mty be read, particularly where the peraon In po. aession of it. It at too great a distaneetowd tnlt of its being obtaiu'fd, and that a commit ment may be found on U , 7 ' ; , Under this embairaMrnnt U wVt deemed, tiecetstry to look, Into the . atTulavn for 'the purpose of discovering whether it aqmiucu, ted in purtuance of such design to levy wart but it is altogether immaterial whclherNhp force used insufficient to sITertaste.Ihe ,'oh. jeet; any force connected withihfiiotentlon will constitute the erime of U:vymg,war.',, ', t The apphention of these general principtsa to the particular rase beforeihe court will de pend on the testimony which hat been exhi bited tgaintt Ihf ccusedk The first 1rp 'sitio tobe consldeted tathat ofQeneral Lston.y -This gentleman connects in one tutcrient tnr purport ornumtmus con ersations h thvlatl wlttti-r. attiona were communicated various criminal Thai the letter from col. Byr to VT1" projects whichaeem to have been revolving in . ,nlcn n,,te tnili(ary enterprise ne,dt-. the mind ol the projector. An expedition a- Uted.br the former hat not been Questioned. ilnst MriirnsramiiAhaTehtrntha first anrl If this enterprise wit againtt Mexico, It moat matured part of hie plan, if Indeed it did .would amount to a high misdemeanor, if s... rfot constitute 1 distinct andjeptrtteplan, upoh gnat any of the terriloriei of the United, te tpe turcestoi wiuca otnerKoimf s still more tKcm dependent an England, or the. United-States .wovld tubject them to a foreign pow er. ; That the people or New-Or leans aa a people if really en- . gsged In tlveionspiracy, should, feel tha tame.apprrbensiont, and require atturtncea on th? tame point, it by no tncana to obvious, 4 t , ,v. r....' . . . ' . ft . ..., v l bare rertaimy it noi.in ma , .enttnr purport ofnumarou, con. Tr,!. delivered to , general eld witbcolonel Burr ihroughoul commltmentof iheprlaoeertalthabaronlbe. fM lktt ku t-r. InthecoorsaoftKe'econver- cnrSV0Vre. ,m i tee it laidbrfora the court, one; t It Is noUhe inteptipn of the court to tty that no' lmtivjdusl can beVulllypf this crime who hst not appeared in arms against hit country, , culpable, but hot yet well digested might de- f On the contrary, If war be actually, levjed, fend. " Mspsnd other Informatian preptra.' ny of thttls,lfaooly of met be actually assembled tory olts execution, and which would rather mJ.w liable which hat t necettarf: or a natural referrchceJo' aa enterprise against any territory of the taiteo States.. .. ... ( . That the bearer of this lei- tar matt be considered a ac-j 8 tat 4, or if In Ita progress the aubveraion. onalnteeT with. Ut con'rots. It . . j. . tt.i.. 1 ...... 1. ' . . rovcrnmeni 01 na uniteo aiaici, in , not to oe eooiroveriau.- . 1 no. their territories, wt e.meao cleartr jur and hia own declaration t if. such .. row ta .Wcga.giMHQiH.spa WBq iroct)ieir. uei. nnrr war irtcte4 to provo lt tho wit- . . , ,-, . t 4 a kt enntiilercd as traiora.tDut there most be sjmler him, the practicability of hp enter- podistinct, view of the design of the writer. en actual eitemblage ormenforthetreaiop-'. prisr audio exrUinbg Whim the meane by The coptratjou! however, whicji it'-ttated ; ' eble pursue, focontitiitf alevyiryc of war. which It wit to be effected, , , .. to.' have been secured, pofote ttrongly1 to' ; , . sCnmr,t to at rocousss those which have for ThisdetHWUooexhibitsthtvarfout tr.hemee. aoroe exnediiion aVaihit the ' territorlta stT 1 - ! v . , J - ir ....u .1 f .. .neccssaru ,10 .ue amuioTca. 11 , aut.ii evince me tact. . .1 for the purpose of effetltihg by force, a.trea. Indicate that it wat the tmmediatbje(t, had wean forroad a tobttantjva pan of the plan, - . After atatUighiniseif lohavo aonable purpose, all i thoia wno.perform, anyf been procured, and Xp aconiiderabl time, ne eitemblageof abody of .men 4oefTect it jtaaaed through Kew. York and part, however '.minete or however, remou in rcpeafed converttiona the whoJe eObrta of . ld be levying war against the United ibe western ttalea arid territo- iictv without, inainuaung. tnvs ke had perforated oa hiexout any act whatever .wblch.-wal connected with the antcrprle he etatee-their object. to. be "to carry an expedition to tho Mexican provineea.?.. ,.' .. - TUa atatcmcat tnay be con-: aldered aa expjanatorf f tha letter of cel. Barr, if the can preasiona of that ieuer' could be thought ambiguous.. ; , . But tbera ora other decla'ra tlont tnadl by Mr.' RwattwMit which constitute the diflculty, f this cis. Oa in rnipiiry from gra. Wilkinson, he said this territory srcuW be reo- lutionlnd where the rrlo j were rtaiy to jom them,-ani. 1 1 their object the ' 'subversion; by 'violence, of iDoteiawsann mote maiitutiont wnien hive keen ordained In' order to secure the peace' . and hibjiin'ess'of society are notto'esctpe pun itlimeVifbectUNthey have not Opened into treasot.';Thrwiadoni of the Utnlafure It' o'mptettt to prcvi.ls for the case t end tha ramtert iff oureonstitntiorvwkonot only doi "tfnettatitJ limUedlheer'iBe, ;1ytit with jealotit ireumspection attempted to protect their !W 'miutloi by providing thaf no perton thotili. ' bt convicted of It, sinlest on theftttimony t f twt witnesses Iqthf tame, overt act, or on eonfenion In open curt muW, hate conceived it mre tale that pmishmh , in such 'esses vhoiilJ Ui ordained by general Itwt formed p 0 delibrration, auder the inOnencaof do of colonel Bjrr, and Ita .materiality dependt ot connecting i"v pniwif re , nn oar in ancn of those schemes at were trcatonahlr. . For this purpose the afTidavU of gcisaral'WUlvJa eon comprehending ja its body the tubttaoee sedition a'eainst the ' territorlta "' Spain. ARtr making these general ata'te laentt thwrltef becornes rather more' a. "plrcitand tayti - Burr'a plap af operatlona ie to mow down tiddly, frem ihe fallt on' the 15th of November whk the first J00 or of a Utter from colonel Burr hif beep oflr. ; lOCQntcn inl'ight koattBoweactructing fbr d and was received by the eircglt coarw To the admitsion of this tettinopy great and aeriout'ohjectiont haya been tiade. It fits Wen urged that It Is a voluotarfvior ratheran extrajudicial affidavit made hoVt l person pot appearing to .be a msgtiatet jnd ron. ta,mt the sntjstanf t only of a Idtf r, t f which "the ongmslH retained by th mads The ctal retolvtt itself into the nuition whcihti in viivwaiirv omj v m inif r, wnicn prcparen o rcei' irigmsl H retained by lh person who with Burr tty,, tl ilhetffUtfit, .!V: I rfliiion and will t objection that the aRldilititetlraJudi- tn power, In I that purpot to be at Natcbea between they, fth and Ilth of December, there to. meet Wilkinson; then to determine wkethtr It will be expedient in the first instance to te'ico on or to pate, j Baton Roogt . The peopla " of the country to which, we .are going are prepared to receive ot. . 1 her letots now with Burr tty,, that If we will protect their. not tubject them to a for. tbrte-Wttkl all till La art. 'A that there would ho rime ir(. ing, hit supposed, at New Cr leact;,, , , ' v..i. - , . 4 . t -,.