l.Jlf.-..l'--. .-... .. . t these ward im Berlin f tnent established by ic vmcgi jauun many; uo'4irsi uruugni,. u suumiuieu lor uc pwto... -IttAA ... 'Admiralty for the fai in ot the tuib 'irate? Mat me not- jr- of tu territories, w(s' to be retobiUeWd&v tn- whiclvthti offence wacbAmiud.! ::'- .'- . mmmJ then in. oort-rfeveial 1 pitall there" and, at Magie v ww buvuku uigiit Dictf iwt ur a. -. .. uui hi una uicii irimuiai tur ma mu vi .r iiri nin ntcn cimurea anu icm in. uwiei iv i w. .. ' mflAVXf.VJhAftillAmM.MlllMiAMuat. IK .fl..... ullN U mm kl.M ..M. I- ' I .1 . L. . . l ' fl 1 1 1 1. ... .. J. 4 f? ft K Mt V? fc" I. m the deiim wtl iinmittinrilv trxai.fnahl.. miltpt. hA hn.n nnivirlort h rjinmu anil ' - i - ' n .l .-1- . I. u ' - , " 1 ' lo 'wiirnAr fti 1 1 Y, - - -"--- v . r. , ..Mcrcnaau rrcncu 07 mo icn.inii ij-iu- ,"6'i7 j ",-b&-- ana tny atiemoIaea'Ub tfiatt idrihlt nurnoin .at the mao whert ibe Jiritonen weeeiiedbr , L ... iAr.i .1,.. . . 7ftaal.ii turf ami flu .mma nm J ;.; V auinomy ot ina aommaoaar w h:tm been Temitted by tn 10 Lwipfreval. io;;aa farming deVV,,. v-- wwru. ,wueiBw,y .wttniw iKuiwyj wyiu ?"-lknk A ,th fT,ir-ri fiirlhtT remit lancil Pree. ' I ha V DoV UCtanS "are r herrefec,lrfteWrt'at;t whicfrth, aoner. 'ire.heiidpd.ootbt clvn';" - the French hating. con. which the fcohreraaiioa wa held. Some con. conld be given br law a right to try Ue per. Kmili contribution, . ,. ;v: v ; ?n,.ieri . 01 xounu aiowpf-- luermo. woraan "een appucaoio 4uara.fhaMa p setzea m any piace im;ij uie genent ' , , vA v ,v ; ,V J '-it "ir " " . 1 tor or the" United State iasiRttda1toa'f roigW aeIeCr and to yrhicUJia iftlght dirctt , : ;V -yiA.tymj, naary ,.v;, .-.. reQldtitfn tS bo effected bTthsaaoDfito rUw t.heni to be carried ; .: .. v ; Sir Hartom Johci h brmight ine. iatee..::'.wv.y:.jfvT thaS b the: p inj 4oauctei bf I Golonol jThe, tct oj jconfjreat wh'lch' fin prisoner 1 . accouflU 4' tofernineRt, fvom the KuuiaH ; Bttrr.::-;- mj!!,' -W &rfis tiw auppoted ' to hare Vlolat'edt' dejcribee at ' k rieadquirter-Hehud a fll opportunity, cf :, DENMARK Die, 3 Accounts Trom Berlin 1 Hut Irhether jthia treasonable intention b onndcr thoaa-who, begin or et 'on Boti- er-acein thetnwithUiatiwn eyet, ana we nave the l&h. fat that the Frtnch really imputable to tha plannon ot,.iti 'jadVf. provide or prepare tbe taeana foj any milita-. (. his authority toaay, that he heyer aw n ''v jrwy in;, Poland harlutTered rnittetUhat tt mit havay been carried into .yjqxpeditionrenterprixe, to be cirtied narny in; a higher tai.e cf dlacipliiie, or more fromafefc occa-"'' execution by anoptn aaseoablage ofrmen for feoiohenpe, against the donTmions'of a fo-. aager to meet the ' enemy al' att Mctt'' ''4 cibeS 'CMlaBi 'fall of - tn.M.)M i.-j.;.:k-...i .u--: .1 - t. . i - - : '2M. niiitai-n,t n.iKnt,i.iu mmnrt tain, aaiottOM abi to ac$ at to hint (and a majority of tha xooitia of ; ; There la wantfcl preciiipn opmiorrviui tne eonveraiuonroi nir. owart , ioh,;wi. inoonence, woicu tvont acTordk ne ulficieat: proof f auch1aa : aame.diQiculty in deciding -aemblineiV''i,;iwM;?'': f i conve within iu Uut aeveral - hc jiniuiicr imicmii'i "noii uuif Willi ,;; wiwt .wuiiip yuui vuiibiiii 01 lyur juug j the aupporC of a pbwerfttl a'aaoclat Ion extend .4. a fina itielf. unable, ta decide j 'and there . ing- from New-York ; to 'No Orleans, ;' w'a fore, a the crime with whlch te pfitoneraT lerrintr an armed body of 7000 men from aland thar?cl hat riot been committed, the the itateof Ner-York.andthe wtifern taiea court can only direct tbm tobe, discharged. . ther and the want of proper food ncarlxU16 , and territonea, with a view to- carry air ev , ,t uis u done with the lest reluctance, be-, whole of tbe armybeing diaabkd. petition to the Mexicaa terntorlei." - :. cauae tne ditcbarge .doea not acquit them That the aaaociation, whatever .may '.'be !it from the offence which there. probable. p.rpiae. via n'dt'trtafoh, ha been alreddy cause for, supposing they hare commitledi i;ea" inti isvyinjun army, may or ?nay u ihosb ,wno ouiy u 11 u-proieci me not betretion,r aud tha; thj. ae'pendi tr Jthe j nation, by p'roiecuting offtfnder against the orders; produced by theavverity of the wear IkV' oth ult. Air'aacbiihts agree4n this otiarteri have -been 'tnjufer- that the f rench -army ire in kjmt direful jed- frptft. KoniogiBerg W state by dysentery and otherMnicctiout , du- Weblau, afrny cpn3binr d avitb,. the RoHiati diiuoii k under eenTolfloy, amounta "l CCJf -L 'CSJ-' '. -i b.,:a r?fOs.wa,ooo men, ; 1 ne rui- tempt. toXh their neiitrrfiry, mnd force : J?11 r f n,m"derf Se0 emfotS Breatttrta. Inconsistent with their R,krf,,j 'V ( ':. iniartsts, are making preparations to vindi. P : " r"-"f; ale their riKhts, and have equipped sevt4 ,et,ert Wat two tegtrneni 01 , ships of the line for the protection of rfieir .f reh cavalry ere art to . . . ' 1IUI J V. I ' Vl., till IVI UIVI II.' l& ' ti c uiivcciiiiiiiv imi muimiiii iiii. . ucci uiiwn 'iitu Bit iiiiuvi. nste-been entered itopy pur, government. , cade near Daritzic An tp- ; ' ''with the courts of Russia, Sweden, -and Prus- .'plifatleh iua been made t ' sia.by'whichwehaveengsged tbfurtiisntbtra'; Eajperor of AuftrU, or ! i them' to keep the field against the ommoii Tv-fl..u f.r J-r fi.l- v nmv. Tl crr1r mrf ntlhll hmir ar ... . .. .. . ... '.,. " correctly ifomed,;'govemrnent ; has; " : i?ewofitaed.AteIyiranimttt,ngTwar. It aw IT. iuv utniwivt, v fa!d to have repli , U.ii .nil Id; uhakI t .V. ,--r,; -!! L i ..t. ..I J . I. I A a fu-irlrl' p(rali-. wvia ukaiu i ii, ui nvvm yi tu llbuit OIIC mililOU IITO IIIIIIUI (U IllvuaailU UV1UIU II1, , i.v.u. w I . . r . u . f nr-L' . " .... . i i . i . . Ti r l . . A r vuurv.wr, IU vvuiiij Ul , bsuiiiu wil, VWII" . JllineriO.DTVQ appllCU, leaving 111 II1C irCBIlirj HC, IC KTSIII luiuvn v . ..:! .tJ I.. l i.!.v .u. e. ,r. - ... . 1 " 'I.,..: imuiu (ire vrucr ujr wuivi, uio aiu cbiuuci uiiance oi loreo muiioni uve nunarea.inou..,, general engigrrncni, iuwji intention with which, it is levied, and on the. r Jaws, ithail suppose -those'i who have been .''.. .... r ' I.1- i ? ' a a " a ." . point to which the prties have advanced, has ? ciiargeo . wim ..treason to be proper,, oneis c ieetvlstate4r;mercehUiingj6fj will,"wheri posieised of without aasembting tlieni it nqt levying war . Jess .eKcepiionableHestTmonyau ' lh.e question theiv is,;, whether Jhis evideflee,--o say at what, p(ae the otic nee has been com prove Col. nurr to have advanced, to far in .t. miued, inuitute fresh proceedings agaio&t levying an army hs actttally ,te have assembled f'them. t .... . ;..,;;:? I t.ham. 'V-'-- XA 1 '.' ,,c Prdar of th? Itii arttued, that since' it eannot.be necet- vJf UtdttiSialit. , Urj that the whole TO 00 men sh3ul4 '.have , V aiiemuien. i inrir commencmir ineir msrr.n , mwwiwbui. l be arguments tourt was as foBewal merits or tHe' attorney "rehef si. '. mc. , . and of the attgrney of' the- Dniled Stales, .-.aheclosa bt the last session of Parliament, a T"p&t7nt tiualiar the dUtrict of .Cdlumbiy and the krgti- ...yote of credit was obtained for the turn of five , V""d. tAn ments of counsel for the prioner paving willions, .of which. U is said. no.morethaa Fantn It fat V.byUetachments to the place of rehdeiyous, vmbt be surndent to convtilutt their crime - ' This position is correct, with same -qua! ficatioB. . It cannot be i necessary hatt he whole army should asvemblo, and that the vjrlons'ptrts which m e to composer it should Lu'vs c'oniiiined.' '- But it 'is nectsiiaty that tlicre shotiJd b an; actual asiemblaMf and , .Swartwout .w,a committed, on the charge therefore. the evidekc6 should make "theXact,, tire-son ia levying war against the United tubsidy It immediately ,lo be conveyed ta , cation between Pruffia ancf . .Mittritocati0'Ty,' : H . - ;( : Watet f , and the-testimony c which. "the. ttenburgh, in the Quebec frigate. . r : France. Both tbefe tepcrtr and pounds. The. Erst Instalment of the . the acrhtilt. and of pacih-- place and Ihe- aaid commitpent waa made, ;iiaying bea. fV T,0 Austrian tinprrour hss tee wm- We re flroneW isctined tsv ii.. ' j l .1 lv.a r...u u..i.....:... - w of wntlexvoas' would-perhapt.'not he sufli. . jnipected ' and attentivelyconsidpred, Uie- jnottfd by the French 'ptneral Montesquieu, , Jjrc'rcdit ' cient. Tbil would be an unequivocal act, and court is ci, opinion tuat tne tenimony ooea, to declare himiell furor against ! ranee, aa , .v. inpeartbat eenV hi sha wartike appearance. '.The ' meeting ot fumisK probable cabse' fp'r supposing ; A, ntuirelitj tiuUl St nt linger reputed. Tha " r? nWn .ftrlaln watts or pfijc-.il.r bodies of mini and their march-', AhaVthe paid Samuel Swartwout.his levied, tnswer of bit'being determined to maintain " .u!. "L B . r.. ,-tr. ' from places or general -rendetvous, wouli ' war, again ine niiea 3ia, ana uoin - hi neutrality, hasheenteht to Warsaw, by, rr "--.' , p 1 l r nere,iore.curegiinai nene lonnwan oiacnarg-.,.. lieneral Vincent.. he same demand has been rj"""" ' - bd such an assemblage. I he partial word Is used by Mr. SwarlwontV. ed from t,he custody of the marshal.' v Jrnadef t ir; was lev-yingUn trmed-,, Tle saineorder with, regard to( 3olroai.' fxit latter If th terns' levying 4n ,; - j ! ; ." " " ftba forme are, that ; col.? Burr' boJy of 7099 men this place imports thit they were assembled, ttiea siioh . tact would amount, it the mien- f lion be stinst the U. States, t) levying war. If it birely imports lht be was enlioting or engaging them in Vis aeriicr, the faot f ould ' not amount to levying war." r 7 : R is thought sufficiently apparent that the ' Jitter is the sense in whichthe ttrmwas uisd. The foot alluded to, if uken in th former seme, is of a nature so to force Itself upon the public view, .that if the army had then actuilly assembled, either together or in de." tachmtntt, some evidence of tuch assemb Yai- wonld have Wen laid before tlii court ". : The words used by the pr iSoner in 'refer- i ence to seising at NewOrleans, and botv rowing perhaps by' force frtfm- the bank,', though Indicating a design to . rib,' and con-, teq'iently Importing a high, offcove; do not ' iletignate tha specida crime of levying war against the U. Stately.' ,. j f - - It is therefore the opinion of a majority of tha court, that in the case of Raniuel Swart, srout there b not. sufficient eYideiTcv of bit levyTng war against the United States, to 7 RALErGH, March 1, pursuant to the law passed at thel ugh. .niuiiu w iijwii., tr, as uuunitpsrie naa oern pieaseu to can futt f wood I and marines. y to act as Adiuunt-Keneratoitbe mill- ' him. ifie Count de Lisle, hai been driven out ' i.V A .u. . -w k.. dI 'this state. l'be important dnftei a'.- ftis aivlum at Krew, in Russian' Poland. n..i.JLn...4 .sivtr . .... . . . . . . . .1 j to. t . ... . r. - . -. ,t tii luiivui. uu ,ii KJivioiCOW. ' prected it With hacorulnir dldkln'j s' Buence! the Narewand the former seems to temporise. Count Carn- little fiver RolToka, " It J iinPT. tke' Dun'iih nrime nunlilerof mtar. h laid to be a very ilronC DO. late sch' (,Ki.inedfrsmNtoleTnlhe orderof (herrand - fitidn. for all the countrv be- sion of Hie General Assembly forreviaing the, trots of the legion of honour. tween. the Ntiew and tht miiiua Jaws Ms bacellency the tjo.vernothat The Fans papers slate, that Louis XVIII.. But ereroely difficult. aj'puniicu ucii. count tia 1 . . . . tecnea 10 iu iiuiuce areennmeraica mnaiiaT. triditnowon his way sectonof the ad relative to the. infantry , n.ihe latest accwintt from Spain. it at- "No emoloment is attached tolheofuce. Thia Vein that ihe Spsni.h governmeht hss beers : jl . . L .1.'. f ...... 1 r.. ll. . .... . .. , . t m compclica oy a pcTtmptoy manual ran rratut to prohibit he sending ot any wool to thia present, as well as lormer wart. The same" J , T , prohibition, we Sndby one or the late Freneb J;'M8 document!, rela .ptrs,hasbeenUioedm the kingdom of It-'7C ,ho mnsgemtt ot ly," against the exportation ofraw silk to this ofEce. From July t( , ounuy. to July. I, 1806, l ha SLESW1CK, December 30 - , " . iett proceeds of the, Poll We learn that, Nipoleon arrived at WaS Office department was, - . taw on the 19th intu where priaea Marat '' '" ' fyofotf s-Was confined to his bed . --t Efpenet of do. -.--348,02$ - , Skirmishes daily take. place between tha . ', -, Kimian end rrencb eut-posts. Gain to ttlU S " appointment exempts tlie General from the,, duty of reviewing hit brigade, U"he chooles to' avail himself -of it.i . ; Foreign Intelllgeiifcd. v . sTbe Briti lh .Packet. Manchefler, Capt.'. Davis, arrived tall evening In. 45 day .fromfalmauih. v Bjr- her..wfl i have act touati'.to tha 131b of January', iTie par . ticuiirs of which we. are ncctliu'erj to tJefer, at the mail with newfpipef't wai left on board the vcQcl, which il yei be. low a ne luiiowing tula bas been ravaccd and latd wsfle, ' . . . FJt Ojjitt tftabhlhmtnt. ' The Foft . Maftct General Is however the fub! 1 ' Five hospitalt bare been erected at War. V. Thf Sra at nrrfrni lilit . 1 1 - jusuiy nit commiimeni on oie cnarge m ; Manet merely 01 Iheiramounf. .1 he rr uU'i' saw. Koacioaao, woo leu iarit tne 13, PoH-Offic .In the U. S. treason. . .' .,.' C.n armv'wti falJrectaltinp. and had - Against ErfcV Dollmaii there it ttill lest jdlned the Rulliaoi in p.rst Aumben-: teatimony.' Nothing hat been taid by him to - f re(Jetlck" William had ilTued a molt fpir auppart the charge that. the- enterprise in ;lltJ An n;nificd roanifefto calling tipori' .chhew" '"?pd fri'hii (objeas to aifift 'Mm.'an,! plifgW than was tuted m the Jetur of colonel 'lu,iL' !; ,. i-j ' ... . J - Bgrr.-Agairut bimr therefore.. thare Is no. ' ,,nfeJf frfc 'ohem frtni the yoke nf evidsnca to topport a charge of trea.60. , ' rtne en(hf f ! W'Th. That both the prisonert wire, engaged, ,f '" WM ft,U tn..J.Mljthbti. jn a mt culpable enterpriee against ;he do- '.-no' Warfaw ; no ttiedmi had taken nJVioniofapowerat,pesceyiihtha United, place between them and the Rhditni ei Sutee. those who admit the affidavit of Ken. cept in fltirmiflui The French Ciffip hid Wilkinson cannot daubt 1 batthst a part of been at lacked by the Flux nj othef rnortal .land have (led from the tontagion. . . . . .. . j i . i ' j: ...I . . j f . 1 t t 1 1. . - r ... ........ . mil crifna waa conimuica was expected at Warsaw, to put, himself at , the head or the roluh (onlederatipn,. , General Benningstn with 7S,0dO melt, re .treating before the French to Nartw, des-' , troyed all the povitloni, and took with hiifi all 1 ho Pole's who were able to ttrre In the army. ' ' '. ' r TONINCEN, Deet'mher 80. ' " .' . AH accounts agree thatthe French army", are much reduced by ticknett aad scarcity. . The empress Josephine and the queen of Hid-,' tot of . which have been eftablifhed bf Mr, Granger. . fiftce March 1 So b when bt. tame Into office. ' The mail it tranfported, iveekly, ne left that 86,51! laitei. . .. m . '.; '2ir F.jiinflfL italemens from the 1fuf. tr .of U. S. Mint has teen eahiblted to Coo ere fi. It ed in the distrlet of .difleippari. whleh retard srhli trreaticu... Caaeral Benninirstn, with 80.000 men. la . . .v.. i...u. .k. .... Columbia, ik -apprent.'.'It it therefore the . lence, and had killed many thoufan3s,,'hesr Warsaw, harraiing (be French, wboa, ,ol ,c... CB Le wit ftid tobe among the "wyana oisiress girs them no stomacn ror,..:al iht Mit; 1 . - - maniowua opinion of tha tiitX. that: they prince Klortt annot be tried h th'rt district. The law read on the part of tbe protect..; ton ie anderstoad to apply 'only to olsneea , . '"tnnaitted on the. high asas, or tr) any. titer,, - v' bason orbay, nrt within the Unsdictiou . -i y. particular aute..i la .these, cases ;" ' - ' no. court which hi partiguU;. cog. h' -,i ?t the crime, andthere fero .the place . , the criminal shall be apprehended,' t'iv' apprtemhil whifMcart hv ..". . " ns'rabtr of the fick. All tha'-Ladki of the court were retiring from Head. Quarters with the greiieil,'pieciblttion Prlvattm were rffulo 'out of all the French porta to carry Jh'o force the btock add of England 13 fait ererr fiMsJ out at Sr. Ma'.ocs in a f eW days after the pub llc'atioV'of tha Oecree, in tfoofequenco cf tHi.s and a great rq-nbey apojnnla fifrhtlng I in truth, we ire atstured. that tha affairs of Napoleon are dcsDtratc Gold cbiot.'of the falue YRESDURG, Decembers. ! g'wi.'- 4 473 tt. 1 . . .1.. .... n ... ... .."" Conner da. -... rv ( i c icarn inai ina uuiaiani 9u,ivm airong, kl T'rr" . , J' .are posted at Moldavia and Wallachla, aa ' ' H' ! '' 1 (iriemii ana allies ar the 3uWime lorte. ,sbioi ysiue, 101,034 I that they have advanced It farts WidJtit Tbe total eipsncct of the .and United with 40,000 Serviaas. e'emsnsud.. .eflabiflimspt, during the MM by twrnl George, " ... .Jamo Dtiiod. wat Km file.'

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