.'ii" fTh Raiisi of. Punch, hf-i-'t tain bght-houK. apt ihi filing of4akf a, ; todttDttmatogVv in force, for a further 'vwbo t,ifclf .returned, from ther Wiistl!i.ftTS&colo'' oaeWkTW&j .'wfkV An-arurther to proteQ the comtaeK;ihi&e0de4t Gweinof of . Vl.ridflMtowew"titrinBto ' iiuhe toWji; of' PbrTfmowh, V.New-A. the tUrbarf power's- ' plate pf Gen'.'; Wilkthfdn,'tf 1 , -toese'd, aria 'Joel 6 " 4n. ;. . l,A ft fcjtf telief of Edmund . cdadf t' aiT forofycr.,purpofes., vluviu.kf9Uf(Jftlcft ;ih; eJL V 1 fillPM' ' JS.Ah d toatf n co'moenfatW, $ -SiiowmCbiirt o the1 JJ l M AH fupp'lementar fcjh the ad.J' fKe. go'froQr; Judges, and &cif tarx.of 9tiifiK9fMi WSfrfacmgl intituled..4 An a& maktot urovUioni loft i inOlaitt tcViftorf. fof ifra Iervices'r'flulcdt..lwe.atuekf,fcMiU... hthfiiltwt bi Ji1 ' l0 debt bigwt' trMjiti na ; : tsilSi'W sqt ftp laiinfiF? hdrei .Md, g.We lea.fn,t tha treaty Uteto Unehi- vong rut.kllo5atjwwjDrTg aadabddgtogthei 9. Tha dr.ght heU4iol. iwceV V:'J,'; rt NerOf 14014 fev vwp , na& f '!5V l? einrojijli : 1 1 is believed, - Court, . 'mCMnRM..ai diffictrtlW.wlHckwinftaotftforAct, Pro4cfl,hoirMdeir,ltff Ubon. ; td Port, " apaartogtng.tna jurtiuictionoi ntamncui. prcTai.ea, in ?rVfall&rdeaW 4hat;- BuOaa, ml Pn .ude boule aa WM oal,, iwH'iln.liHIUttBckyo renda.rjt.apcaptablejQ ourgpvcrjifttcn?. hc wti'b)ut afcmbW -ft.aowU .w ri ' - t""e , 16. An aq m&fraujls Tunchkpwncht roy -dew CrH J Bqucdw olv th bvjfepf thelniwC Vi,i-jiiJj? pi laprefnen). frPmAeican fhipk l0 leii inliti teaf hi1 And Jlritwn, Great-Briuin;, U be'rge t. , - An ad Authouftng tba frefideot otV tfichigh.fcv i and that It facctftppa.: i Arched w tht 'heal Jf ib6V- .Jmv t.liflJCi ;.Mmn.V , lR ihe United State 'ttftteepf the fervite of ;r nicd with a daclaration of '.the part of tW'J , 0rf Ruffiil lo faill hia " -lIereXriwelaiW. noiaVTBniQi'goHroefiair 1 . long, w V!t; -.r'Ai. ad to"cowl.itae l1oie: for: e , ify jbe treaty, or ' toaeflrn if jrom;Vetaft.f Caot" Smleli at"Ca ,wre-purenara vV 'b , emtherctat jofercwrfc. Uetwqe the Uni- eie, oolefs: it 0uU be preyipudt afteJ, SIniih fliioa of'iho liii. . rn aw lurincr tupiccuriy 'i;;iyi K' u "",,:"Stl?t)"' uicif, Ujjn 9- i 'off toaC haiv - 9 aa,; Ipthted Aa too'ckrniitg th oetitfkl rigbtavb M'rtu':''V-,t'.VV Wo0f : ',('-; x ., iftfl'oflttmbw'rrr' i, ,.., ao. An ad rcfue&ing fctlurei made un the perfon appointedby ourcommifiioncia ' - - " ' .', r,. . the i bOwl cacoa front ChjnaAy Jorel pek fa IhCkfllhonfOf "Ihr tyntlkd.tatei ;to. r,ul&2Vj&'Ki' -"At. - ' And the ladle wae duelr the mtoea of Pe- M(Qt .h aurpofei. v'V . 5 v jri fmgff W.g dyche .aOdhaV b;U( 'iTf"" , Tu-ttF -Ti . f 7 anin aaaeitond;, flmlf 4" Wfl W Eibfitr. His arri iiSce.e ft Whose, handle, 40 $wh thhQUlnh Wej-, Vir.nia mhiUry Warrants, . and for,; al EW confequewlf hourly looked f ZJiZ J liform'd.of fhe.,bone of a,6h,J?fUdawtiaut jtturtii;iVthe'fuicyi iheTeon to theofficei ; ; , nrf.a ..-rrv - 1 . I. i, Tift J.li- .'. I tk tmrt Itih.eVfr over the main, tlie aa, fotttled Trotn PonugaV-a hortj or her neighbor'., Mtifl of olttmbia." v M;:rvf P.;'VVe learrf kljohat k4uiaoce; Jr Old JSpairt r.'vt&- : . ' from' France, and tint it was 't, 'il .. :o;rej rcCreiryof the dcjiartmeBtf, war , tttmjbt jyjbttn Wr4,fi tf Msrek tiot inietwled to" enforce the. Whatiay ypu, friend "rf iad-apfbating' Ubda.fotho ufe M-i-C'-:: 7. -i$Kf,Li : .decre. of blockade 'of the 3!a ropnouphvbat tbtfier, Crat?Brt.tam.(.:f. C - ;i t vj1iA "--. Notenjbe'r; aKaiotthe veeael. yJz?! I .;X: Jiitc5ririteL''' ioo InlUti oftholeheretoWre appfotriav,...:;,, , iTHIf ;XREATXV-:;-i,J ."and 'commerce of ihe'Umted . . , : r vo. , aulJ V 'i V ' ? 1 . :,,?,.-, tfTfS fefpectbl,wtmborfoC wgreTe States f but; or the eotrarf w a cuiVit7im 'fl TV Klr'cfiXw An ad lor tniWefofJobo Chef-; f hawr.meiyed atbe,a)toirg informal .o pfa,.acrupuJou regard to .-WASHINGJOl ily Ueatyhul, concluded the eon,en,on or treaty pf the.' ;.S,eJfhlu,?S lAi ' ' to'pretent ileiintl el London 5 ,t f , v.i ,i ' i iV; 7 f 400,.betr,e ty betweih U.4JtM, -Jbfprefel T, Jref bi i twoWntr,e.H.Mrrr-i was received UU egJvE ' V" fir' In 'T 'i" Ao'aS to prohibit the, impwtftoA?4 If teforrflfl' -le ftate. tkatoo'r minifteri W rrW'W ?n ?rf 8 Tr v" i Se ffi iakfngher on U rcis frpmonboafJ which atiHa'e as foUowei . ffT 5C5hWml -lofclVof tkr Jnite4-fw etJUle when io'fingl-p, ptn Mt ah U l.wfuV for difvonwitfKi.iM q roi Jg s , a.tos-Mn -ad! making. kpHropriatipni f-ic J K.t' Jl t Pt9'Soo. whatpfertfvoit 1 Mit Uh their ahioi and mtr after the sothdS Juoe, I r VT !!kI! " ? fArfaAktpeaioi clalmi to land In ;to.the ueaiy, anX which la to forma part porthateer, to any port of V 1 I I 'tt tm ten A WrnorFof Orleanaand LboifiaM (hit ratified, the .Uflited Staiea irt rd the enemy rf tha other, and a 1 w i r 'ft r i M n d 7ro m ' half' v.-rA e ttM f rfEf Ot Stepheft t mak a comaioe.icanfe; with G. Brltaia T to aail nd'trade with theip M.uUhalf paft four P.tHna rrom naii , !l( h. ui'-f fl ' "l;,'. .ir-Jb-poSegabe-Frenck bfockkdio eJecreeii. hipa'-end.' aiercbanaise witk paW.piJJeaio.leewng. ,u,k, fci.x. lA f or 'th reUeToT . 1 um a it a 1 .a i m ruin aar aa m . -- M. tn half m ihreaoeWck. ncn Ihry., . L. .. . n . t e.ijonrnti iioornavi pija ' 1 n ,1 t-i X rc r m ;-5-'- trcaif. !en:KH1r0;tbe,.t50 boufei .m3nd uM5 rtfetH,. U. ; H rete tmi rnen Atm. - .1 hi f t I 1 . OHter Pat- The pternicnt obfuttred, . thai to hU vie w perfect- aeeority aad liberty, more. ihci peT4nCt of ertalllarice" lrom ,n" eoamrieej porta and 1 .1 . t , : . 1. . . " .Tin niira ni riiriu . .A t ana ucicuuve oan a? commercial r , 7" -;""" " w i v ,,.ui ( .Aw, , enan.iea.ei. now, or ot either V r,W , K,. kkU ii U'tt,."."' party,, arithout any opposition attached to-the1 4teneVtfie Crhtfli:' fllU,U?j;nc VlLroerertani I , " " ww. J VM w v. : . .1 -. - t m la. ir jiimi nil' luii afi aiiu w a mm uta a, "'ji ' i" r v vmj w ' t m a v waa mm rtnivi" j k i . a, a .1 ' 1 AX tO ft ' mm '1 J .-. ,i,,m, an porn ana piacci i m ene "0re.?eriwill , V 'V'"'-" 1-a X a ii? I Vaff d r W v . l-UA tt otaking apoprlaBl-fnf. SV .irqpfeDTmen of ft1iaenilporw . vport. end places,! also frona 11 r 1 o lmliwSlL &i9imUi4 aigh. burdrvd xpii.leeeo, .e.uadrrttand, 4 lQn the.etodiU6n , nj,0 another place belonging !!; &?3ftffiV oV lw!ut v aK m.Aiqpenf.tlbn io lUm our .8oyfrm5ntHJho,L jmi.r wi.h t.n enemy, whether thar b5 7 .k 11 n5?-llf!jBI rihJ ,iftilWC and their com-: :that,otEngfana(Jn,oppong the tlacka- -.wder the juriadictio. of the f f,",7c3 ol.Decemberoaeid of the ".,, i;:; - ;, -4! . . , -. tlingcreeol iheatll Member, u aame power, or uoderkeeera!, .3dpfSember.4.( I Va.dltfMprovlcift pf a ad pa. -.iye -axeJltljLiimialut juiy difCctiltjei ?tjnUs-aoch ports or'plaeea 1! J.be ''P$WWytZ' them- .ftool4ha,e.io4ervenedto prerehf the ,dF .ball be actnaHy-blockaded, : loMd-Ana-jenKot wifling difference, betwW,; ke.ieged or inyeated. - , ..... r...v ......... - ...,...Ud .h. K.nt flf I Jalrnib. . . : tflO IWO CCUDtrMa I aad W lOfld lnrfll lA .; . M JmJ . ' frmtrnttm . - 'Vr yrJ'rwTp ,Atc-'- 36aainaiaDg.a4prii,oa,i of cbncl, -;levA at !. WWjW ?pio, 'flViirtf'r'f'r "e,T DCif.'hi hattpQ tpei wilUetaorercoeie, atfd o'uryriarf hltngirgu mm tnt ' ffifiit 4rngkt ftt4iffinif tit ntntb ' United $utca and the Chickafw,tvb?,o( IntcourUebliflied onf a ; fricndlj and V ",. Ff, ani I'Aat A nr tne act, eniiueo nn sci 10 m9 ,t 17.-1 Ay act stukiail af JcoptU.wna ior jj,nf "''1"X .'ov,,VPs vonjrear, . - '7 . ' march.ndil.e and ta .emit tho oonaltici .'a. Ji.r.i.-.1. P.i.v-.h.-T ..thJa ! V Adf act alithorTsint- the empleymtnt of. PortorpUce, hub thMno 4tteL'AVJe T:fT' 9,n$ ttV "., r' J fonific.tion.PS? ..?proWfoT: Wof m'mtment, .KiiwiiAVPi, lboa.o(ihii;iWvHfcata.ehaij ."WfdMftV rVotopretent intrusion on. the public togetny other portoraee. V ? 7.rJ r1 'ane wonnecucut rcicrre, iana nr wmi - iaaas n-A,.u .- ; j . . ;v:i ' . .f. "'J. -HV . f. AO CJ tor lneten! 01 ucoxexaupf, , ,. . rr w-,-. x.M...Tb bill appreWaliBg M.OOO,4oUar for;.. ' f' , f ;r,lM40u ttrrn A4Cf AM"r further'epopfU; 1 hirad to the eute of OWo,,wm 7, i 'J AS oiVtKllme of hcJlifrTjp fVTOffi J t5e port tiuf ' haboo"rr,k AlUly postpolted by U.e House of Repre, . "'"V"";' tbe rcuiaoduuiacouu. In .the dif.f cfihe Ueited Stav- . l" - r'- ' - ' V ' IT ' '' 'r.T7Eir:7.J: ,6,;Aa,a4forhe. relief of Scth Ilirdf tn. r. 1 ' . t , Krtr Snip r rTmnr ,f fanJ tkeinar. p. ata aataiiklBhefvaf of sheMJ Oiii 'iftiA ioliiKni1aiml to land " .rwlp- , , , . .U " j...,uk . vee piiv m 1 asia fn fitte. u .,. -r ;-. ;,',..: - - 1 7 n ie 4iUf ia of Vinceanc and Ittr tmxj-nfiV T. k-ac 1 01 Land continniji turre . 0f ,uCB pitCe, shill auch re. . 7. An fl for' ike. relief of MaUuxl ; rwr'aoUr i L , Jibundrldmen on Smith'r creek, s.t. . ,ttorber cargo bf, liable to JIfarn. . - t ! An atq-.eejtyii expeneei it. jomlni thelaodof Mr.fWm,Cmploll. -confiscation, but thejf ahall be 8. An 9 f provide for farteytoj the lending the dmioiil ration of julice In Apply tolhe Printer,' ' restored te the evnr re thmof." lf of the V, Staler. ',. ' iho dittrtft of ColembU. . , , January lo.f 1,

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