self and Colonel Burr,, is ra thiitaga of the enquiry at least a circumstance which auflicieriily supports" the assertion, "that thn letter was written by Col. Burp- .babte cause, tbederatifcni'of oVarlwWr' which U (Uficresj itf isJcce Juflice ' obtain bail to tlmost atly amount W pleas. madeOnthrs particular occasirioi may L'e to' whom the ppl.c ioat ii madejo ed. . The day before, Col-B. had obtain. used against Colonel Burr My ireasoir tomovil for, "ft?:A W.&f000 and. be believed without- for thinking so is, that ut. Burrs letter. I hall readily avow my opinion that the strength of the- presumption arising from 'this testimony ouht to tiepenu The enterprise described in this letter authorises Mr. Swartwout to speak in bis is clearly a military enterprizeand mut . name. , He empoweia Mr. Swartwout to have been intended"either against theU Stateh or against the territories ol some other. pawer on the continent, with all of wham the U. States are at peace. h . .Tha expressions'oClhis letter must b6 admitted to furnish at least probable cause 'for, bdievin that the means. for the con templated expedition were" provided. ln make to Gen. Wilkinson verbal: commu 'ereailv on" the time at which the applicu- nications explanatory" of the plans and de- 'tion is made. If soon after the period at ' ,Mr. iVkkliam bad-supposed that 3 pr S6O00 Would have been anfficient. It was only on the misdemeanor that it "was to be given. With respect to the" possibili- aignsotu'rr. Which Burr adomaaHiirhfclrthfe troons were to assemble, when iJ, vf wbfjmW bail to any .aifteun own explanations. However inadmissible full time had not elapsed to atctrUin the unable lPexpress any opinion t; it was .therefore,, this testimony may be onatn- fret, these circumstances had been urged , subject with which he warpersohallf al in chief I am inclined to admit? it on as the ground for (a commitment on the Una"cuinnte'd5'? But is to the spirit which this enquiry. ; charge of treason, I should have thought " 'd to have been manifested, be could lfjt be admitted, wlut UJts amount f thera enittteditoi great consideration J ' wi nearo several gentlemen I nn.i I ki Mint iaa nnamid I ti'if rm ... ,t n. . . n.. r u.iih. ucui c men Kriet un wininir m iiitvbp n m every part ot jt, we una aeciarations in.-- ? k"" f" w, , m wcu iu. m, .aci u uvumm i " - o -rr ; dicatinis'thnrti "tybeHffcfre 4 and Swawut. I waa not perfectly Satis- bail for cob Burr, lest it should be ascrib. for thgWeolltdii,; and as these 'msans rhbld myself atliberty to poriuo myOn r fied thatthey did not warrant an enquiry 9 pUof oppoaitiouto OmjhIwW '..1 j ..1 1 r A..- n. oninion. wnicn was. inatlne irorilk.' knit , into th iart.. Hut I think v rurton -. """"'i. IIll fill, uc -jn hiiubvi i v.tii, u iv ; -1 r-.- . r : r-r - t . .. - - j , - , think that further testimony ought to bo''': territory must, be revolutionized1!, djd hot n must admit that 4he weight of these cir- ) Lionel uorr rote ;nd observed, thai ii required to satisfy me,' that there is prtba- 'o clearly apply to a .foreign tortitory. ; at-r-eomataocei daily'dimiiiiabes.--; SoapldoH Jbe.-.gotenimeot wai to pay blm for tho bleeroujidfor Commuting the prisoner on to reject the sense whlchjoldmake.iheBi rl msy deserv? I greaLaitentioniwben tl . k" ll had made him sustain 840,000 this chargei"" ' ' applicable to a territory of the US.J al;rmean of ascertaining its real grounds ; 1d not uidernnify him,. And yet this 'o- ! it. f f leant n far a to iilmit of further nniHrv J.r not vt twkiprt. tint wlipn thorn Circumstance micbt ooerate ai'ain-.t bia oinceii wui oe emncij m-uie iwwer v. TVrVT;" "' -.V ; ' : IT:. .. J 7. 7rr. " "T.,-rj iiohtnb.Sn k-a - " inioincir incuiii)-' Anu 11 rruoryr . means areorjnay nave occn aequirco, 11 '-'"Ty a inuuiu , , the U. States; was W e i reyolutionijied facts to sXipport, suspicion be not Shewri,yl--Wf flafraplied;.. though only as a mean for an expedition -'levery person I think must admit 'thatJhTX . --iwdg-;tlic observed . that ho against a foreign power the act "would be ministers of justice at least ought notolfi- should fixlhebail at E 13,000 and thatte. treason. W (X ; ' f r cially to ttitertsin iU This think mutt be -i'weei voi. uurr at Uie Capitol at This reasoning leads ta the ronrliiKmn eftnreded b all. but whetherkbeconctde J three o'clock to receive it. ; -r- commitment or not but as tWd it to ba there is probable cause for the alle- by otbera or tot, it is. the dictate of "fy ' XntfJi!'? !2eltbe ?? mm V!ert oyjrr charge tttedgefl ""rt '"T' f . : C; damtle. John Honi wr- ' last, when.this letter was writtetta t - ' ri'he fact to be, proved In this ease is , nd WmUrtgburne appeared aahiaae- It remains ta enouire whei her there j an act of miblic notonet v i li must exut rul " i -c , '- w-1 1- . i is alfo probable caufe, to believe, that", mthevttw ol the world or It cannot ex-j the Attorney-General to prefer an indict against the prisoner,., for any other cfionce which he shall think himself pos- , sesscd of testimony to support, it is in' fact, immaterial whether the; second .charge be expressed Jin the warrant of oh the , pact of the U. States, in Support of Ivhich probable cause is shawhy a,nd to in- sert none in . support of which probable cause is not shown,.! am bound, to pro ceedin the enquiry . , -The second charge'exhibited against the, prisoner, la High Treason against the ijniied Stales in levying war against them. iAs.this is the most atrocious offence -which can be committed against the politi Commodore Truxton's affidavit did not war asainft.the United States. It has ;beeo already obferved, that to conlitute tbis crime, troops mud : be embodied, men adualtv af. i cal body so isit the charge which is most , ' femb!cd t' and, thefe, are faaswhicb j eapableofbeiog; employed as the tnstru- , ctnnol femin InviOble... Tieafort ma j thefe defigns have bsen ripened ioo "Ut all,: f The assembling bf forces. to, K-H;mto toe nanoa ot tn-Attorney oi, the the crime itfolf by, aauallv, IcVvine,, levy warlsayisMe.iransactipn,,andnum- ; biate..!ieforcToeatowmgM.or.. .L. IT art. . " , ber must witneat il k It is therefore r.a. COUfse il WS, fiOt exhibited on the CXaml pable of proof and when time to collect sonr-t Pney Jeft Richmond on this proof has been gtytni It eghVtb be ; adduced,; eVsasifcliin becomes a grefuhd J M1!. H'"'i.. ',mfmT 1 f "" fy doubtlesa jgive pleasure o j . 44 1J....,'. too weak to stand upon. Several' mohtha: havfe i tihirl: alncw't t "i gouonesa rye Pleasure to our this fact did occur,' if it ever occurred,. ciljl?b Vlforbedtnat (beru $ a pros Mora than five wcekr have elapsed since r. rv- uispute oetween vorgta ana mcoi oi inoic u,p.ii.. JinaicllT. :, b. n-hi-.MJ 1 lecw. but u till b. , u c ' r",s""vkii"B ,h ri nf . ih ivnrM Txlimnn. 'nf . -i j :. r : ,tk r... amicably. adtiikt-l- ik r.n... rr....' It is that of which the people of 'America , haveb . vrhile .have refused to trust the national legbla been most jealous,, and therefore, TJ'V'j T'l '5"' f "'"c "aXl .HUotpreTeui,,, j other crimes are.unnoticed, they . I"Vono,i. :ou8,K ." .e.- uncqoic!, , ,o tne, txecuuve.HOvernment, ' . . . . . " - I . . I. n . n a . a. . .L . k. IMitt.l1 Ih. Imnnan MAmtaAMn, kmc.iiI. i- .L-"r:": : . ' -S u.. v.t . ture with the definition of this, but have i-nauoewie mi lunreme.coun jet, true ki .wmw' H'' .'1 themselves declared in constitution U nited Slaies,' and has been etrrmiiu u P1 wendanger its safety. thn -it hall consist only in levying war cd ift the cafes of frdlman nd Swart fou II mth ,e,! l,e; ?ha-. .1 .w. c... Iju. . f ' .':t. ti . r ' has wtcrvened siilcto Col. Burr haS btren iii4iMH iac vsuiicu oiaiv ur m auucnuE, wuuii uui ,ty vi uiui uiuua iio (4U1 ' ., . .. . , 1 ... .u :.: .u..- ' ' u aiieaKeaw nave assemoiei tu their enemies giving them aid and com .'frU" Thjis high crime consists of overT acts .which mJst be proved" by two ' wit-, nese oe,bysconfeion of ,thp party, in o,- pin court,,,, i;. .'...'', ;sv.,4-,. v.;.;; Under the rontroulof.this.cqnMttuUon-, Is J . J t' .u..' ' liv.."' . a "'.' aueoKea ."".'i." .'rV4,T1Mf!,V.c,-- Mcure affidaviia tstablisi 7 icviev wj..Ieec.roiSni,navel, f in November w-t)eeeber ueen ,ue .numauu., o. my. oroino, oflroops had been assembled oftlieOluo,t i rrvBM ik.i tlTJ iiu Co.lty, , depi i!inj j establishutg',tbe"fac'v cotild hot have been luearoaMe, un cis. in a xaie, tflfluiipne, obtained by the.laat f Maroh l ouaht i ... Hi i' .... . . . . .. vet ftaq.iA f a ooiJKUevc, vnai, en any. remissness; on the who prosecute, on thisl imv testimony to support ' beloicmc,,,ln oidi.r lo flio mere . portant and; inleresting subject j and con. able cause, for belie", clearly ;a patticulr, ratioo jhey, ; eFMly.when t this Ute period no. wave uniiiy own liiuiiirjeni. i L i , v : .u-.i, gl having acceded to a preposition of th Covernor of this state for a meeting of the Commissioners of ibe two States for thi purpdev The meeting U to tukc phco on the lh of Jyne, in Buncombe county- pur Commissioners are the same who- were appointed on the. Bombay Dispujo 4 histroopr.'to ' ""b Sbmhrfcline,vra;Cene'ral8 Steele,' hing the Utxil. Wf IJbmn and Moon..V.i " 'r ' - cotnniilted, and the -. il must TurDlh. probabl ; War iht V hs bie n actually committed, or, ii iinsiifficicnforhe urpose far, which, il is adduced',,, i v;"tjj V "X v.J,'y... . . Upon this point (oo,, the testimony of, Genaral'Ealoni first to beconsideredr That part of, bis deposition which, bears ' .. ypon tbis charge is the ptan disclosed by' ,. (be prisbaer forseiiingupon, . Preapst . ' and revoluiionixing the western stite. . , I That this plan, jf consummated by o ' vert acts would amount o treason, no roan will controvert.; Bat it, is equally. clear, thuan intention to conynitreason St an offence entirely distinct frofi tbe ae ' 1 tual commission of that crime.. ,Warcaa ' only be levied by , the, employment of ac-. tual force, ( Troops must be embodied; men mut be assembled in order, to levy ' warf ', lf CoLIiurr had been apprehended . an making these communications lo Oen Eaton, cobltit bave been alledtred that i haVfcone further than to meditate the crime, i, C?uld it have beep said that he , (ad actually collected forces and had actu ally levird war . Mostcertainly It could not.', .The crime. really computed was conspiracy to commit.treaspn, tot an actnal commission of treason'. . . , . : If these communications were not trea son at the instant, they, were made, no lapse of due. can make them so.. Tbey .are not la thcmsvelvei acts. , They msy arve to explain the intention with which - acts were committed, , but they cannot supply tliQte. acts If they be not proved,, The next testimony is the deposition . of General Wilkinson, which .consists' in " tbe letter already noticed, and of the com munlcaiions made by .Aha bearer of , that . letter. " , -i . .' - This letter has already beea considere 4 by the supreme court of the U. Statesi and has been declared to import, takes by itself or en connection w)lh Eaton's da position, rather an expedition agsinst the'" territories of Spain thanof the U- States. By that decision I am b-rand, whether I concurred in it or not. But I did concur, ji it On this point the court was unanU It is.' hiwevtr( vrKd tbst the, decJsra lions of Swartwout may be connected with lh letter and oed against Col, Burr '.A1trou$hthcanf!in of one min can pt c,4istpat another,. yt I am Inclined IbUjb.Vtbat ere cniuiry Into pro.. I pc .Urt ,to be ellaV.ilhed J(-tbal, V" . In putfJa.;ce of ihtfe deigns prevloufj h 1 )r M-e.uine.lJrneq Uvebccn'.aually, . W h,Te b"h c akmbled for tie Vrpofc of m,klDi S tk wara;ain(l the U. States, andon'iho t:TUESpA?tXpmL7lT70 : fc-wweaaa . ; ,r: Statement Of Property captured at Bue itos Ayres, but not removed f and was t. ' captured oaths 11th of August t; V; .' I ' i'V . ,s, . -.fT . JJoUart,, Goods of the PhilJipioe Compa- -. , - sy ?w .;'t i , .- looeooo, .Debts due to ditto, t . ' lOllJr 4D00 Arob. B. Tobacco at . : i 1 rdollafs sold for U) ' v -' iiootV Sbd ditto Barley ditto, '".'; 1200? 5noo reams Paper (a donari) " 1 l3ooy i - Hia Stated bV the Attorney for Ihe lf. ntwingo, pro;Diecioietnaiinisiatt 9tstei,'tbatas.mdtviisicaaonlwbe,o, Pynl Cards - 00(tt Das beeo.cctmn7Heu, depends ,tne lliue, limlaryi the diulty. bl BbtaiaiBg jSuua. ooW qbihtala Quicksilver (W ' 'v t--I ih piefeft.Unqniiy. ithti -accounts lot ibe absencd of proofs ; ' dollan) v ; y; r ' , joqqq . The firrt piece of teltimr,y Me4 ' e,rn, fdmit this position.. .Qn tbe, ,P' Snnff.dol. : -vU ' la temWr , ii .tZ' e.videnc fdrnisbedby this vet.apsac. 1 "") c ! t- v- l3. ..t:c-1aooo, 5 r 12 V J cP- ' ' !tf Vw of,tbetsch,ment ;fl by ow VVes- WOOOWs Havana do. (a dolls.) . .40000" Mto'.fY? W f uTeir' Extern brethren, wYluattf '47JQO lb. Bark H dollar.) ' 36?4J Col. Bufr svai levyitig-, aj, armed , fciu,,. ortrteel.-. iIow jnconsW r, ? . 1 , vl, f , , 1L, tl''IM'omtlioOatnf with this factls the idea tfiat no mahould ' T ' 4 ' ie7379r . No-Yoikaid the.weftern Jtates and . Be found1 who wohld. voluntarily deoose Vessels and floating reterty." Islxwod tctiliories wl.h 1 ttcw. to Carry Hiat i bdv of troon had aetnsiis- iPmi' expedition lagaiofl the Melean pro- . b!ed,wbose object' most be understood td 1, ' - ; 31T378r viocei. 1 -1 he-ietm ItVffr f- har be hostile to the'tmwn, and whose object ; . A-No vsluatioff It made tn' thia been faid-accordini to theextiUnaiinn was detested and deleatadbvtha vera nm statement of the Timber, Treasar In iki 6f Lexlcon, to mein the etnbidimf pie who could gie the requisite Informa Twsuyy, Powder in the magazine, and : .1 1 -! .' I t Armourr kna (Mniiir. Ri.u... ,. or iroopik ana mereioie proyei wnai-r,u,, 1 . - - fs required." Although I don't fuo,' k I cannot doubt that means to' obtain lili Pofe Mr. Swartwovt. had coofulttda formatioh has been taken on tbe part bf m ro.ctuuuii ( ii 11 existcu, i cannot Joubl the'prscUcabilitjr of obtaining it j nd iu non production at this tate hour a Dictiooary. I have looked intofohn- fooV for the terra, eni find its 6t( fignificatian to be Jo raife f. tm feji Cond, to bring together.' In coin, mon parlance, it; may fignify the 6110 or the 01 her,. , But its fenfe ii cerlsln ly decided by the faS. IT when Mr; Swartwout Jcft Cof; Burr; which mull be fuppofed to have been in 'July, he was aduilly embodying1 tnen from docs aot. in ray opinion, leave me at IU bertr te give to those suspicions, which grow out of othrr circumstances, all thst weight to which at an earlier diy they might base been entitled..-. .. ... I Shall set therefore insert in the conv mitincnt, the charge of High Treason. 1 repest taat this is the less Important, New-York ia the weftcru flatei, what., because it detracts nothing from the right I a '. y wuun veil pit troops iroru huoratl fight M"Ati liivifible. army la not the Inllrumentof war, andhaaiheCe iroopl . been vidble, force ,tclliinony ielatie to tbem would bare bren"adJJcJ. t of the Attorpey to perfer en indictment for His;h Treason, scould he be furnished With the necessary testimony, Judge piaribal then observed, that he Of Armoury and Ordnance Stores The enemies of the administration (saya tbe National Intelligencer) are industri ously engaged in endeavouring to pro dues two effects 1 - k . , A 'lirtt, te excite the publie indignation " agaiast Cenersl Wilkinson on account of. (he arrests made by him at New-Orleans And ttoondtj, to produce' the tmprte. slon that these acts are sanctioned by tbe "It Isoot our purpose,' at present, (saya the Editor) to enter into arguments c these two oolnta. Rut it u ktki a .iirible, that the people, who are in thla country tbe ultimate judges of every po litical question, should have as much mght-shed on this subjects! circuni 1 tan- take the ,el fenfe ihen Irvwhktf thf .cU"f6 of 'h Treason l. but that he lernrwas uieu to oc( in4t vo), uutr ,-- . . m.m vu m, imrjt should not commit Coloael BurV on the f" "Jf"5 V. I" 00 fol" fo,r .mK uviu wiu, mu cKiract, taat n if cm, lindley'a H'utorv of.Penosylvania Insur was raiftng,. or in other .words 'pga glng or entitling men throegh Ibe coim try defcribed (or the enterprise he me-" dilated. Tho u I moll point -10 when ihisicflimoiiy can be extended, ir( that setting oa foot a military expedition a- Caimt the dominions of Spa! a t That with respect to' the amount of bail, he had made op ho definite opinion. lie wished it to be neither too Urge, to amount to oppression, nor too small to defeat the 1 J . J ... a. I . . a ..oeno e. . .u.ure emoooyin Of men. objects ef justice. Jt had occurred lo mum i uiuis "iituiaiif iiicntioneil In the letter ifelf, and that it affords probable . CJufe to believe ihat thd him that BlO.OOQ. would rxrbius avoid both these extremes, t . . . ... Mr. He wss in favour of a larger sttro. .. . A. A .I. ..If- .k l .1. I uiu asiuanj muuuF Bi mo Deri. IT. k.J . .t .. . . . rcctionof 1798. which iiUk . That the military invailons of civil power, of which the federalists to vehe. rnrntly complain, were milted on that occasion is wen is recently. That they were committed during the administration of Cineisr Wishington. That there were many of them commit ted, if not by bis autborityi by an army uniier ins command; That ha deprived no cflictr of his com mission foe committing them. Ti;3th didnottvtactniare tltm. ,