j .'' ; 1 aAA.AAAAAAAAA(A Europt, gtfoffjijre xtrcmdy well ; ete-?-yJit.! fy thing Uiig suf-klccRly iecommcndcd : .'romtht Ionian Morbib& Poit." T kfUtt-rbeing EuropCMTht Spaniard i j - - j. a, OF PRUSSIA, V' tie music of TfiE VQPFALL SIIOK. ADAPTXO TO 0y : .. . . . A . tf- - J OH l woe to mcrMtor, thai dark viola. toiV C : ; ?r v i i ? : JWbo gave up I rave iio tfce feraMin the .word of the foe ! ' On? cunt be the naming ot hin wbose - foul framing " ' v 'Out land fill'd wUn ruin) our keu t fiU'd , 'TT "r ith woa 1 t v 4 r 5 frv i,w ujT' Seeour brave soldiera dying !-ourbeu-' .a - . - - w : teous queen nymg tf-.a&--irt, ' OurVpfran betray d I wottded,bleed ' ., n and bM m 7 '.t5 - ! J " - ' ' s Towni, where labour once smtHiog, and - T m i mlA mmma iAtr anaaMnn wtv a Ttli " v-nu juuiiiiaii wis tiki nwiu u wwisi- r - fViv1? V WUtllBlM s u tMmw wwawji . V,M uZZHZrwrV: .teit of North AnierlcaTbr' which !s ex. Volley's travels -' . V s Ttaaer'a Assistant ' . nCLira:n.'ril- T.C:-vr;..orted from'IrcUndt to that. Whether in sBrqic's t do. ; vi.,, - Amttotie's wiowtier vu""1" " f ?uu."u"-ifcace or in war.4he trada of this Island Ai:f: Domestic Medicine - - L v ' our U"P . Vi; 1 ;iA'i: ?1 ' ouriahea axtramelv.i . , ' i Trala in EuniM. Atla anl Africa .. . ri EdinWrtth New ' , sweet peacs beguiling, t ; -; -, , t v ' 'Tln flames of distruction now redden V. "ftheairtisV.V-ifyr --' aJWfawKSW diw's shouts wildly breaking women " 'v'HtT?,Jf-'tooSinng nd shrieking, . , V With horrour and tears fUe awaf fa j 'rdespair .':-jJ'i; !f.j-:; The palace once ringinjr with dancingand iWVriw . ' .h... vtti,.. I v ; W fe ij , Nomore Mrs the footsteps of beauty - m . . 1vj:iwi.i'1.-'-;)4 n..i7: L fer..r-TT- . o.- rsi sktnntn V U . ,tt -plo - 'nQ.m,rln' : .-.t ..jSr, -.iu-ft -1:. Iliatarv a tha Court anil Cabinet of U' .-Park's IntwniMl-.S v-- hetj.ejoriat.ng.othi NorconTehttffi W0odeson'a Elementsr . ' - KelrAirH J Runningtonon EjectmenU , t.lfV Gone tbe home's' gentle blessing, whera children caressing . v , , Round. the table once sat, 'fond and ',.'f:framilling and gay ;',;M Now at the meal drooping, each head with .Who gave up the brave to the sword ht , .he fo 'f", ! ' i ' v-a .tlTn,"? uur unoxniia wiin ruin, our nearti fill'd with woe'! The British having recently taken pos session of Curraco,' we have though) that - many-ofotir readers ; would 'be gratified with a short description of that island,- i. 1 Coati.K a. fs sftuated in twelve deirreea i r"" n lafci iratTWTT-tt"t twt luitnini ,.fT.rts Fir..1-1. ! ,n ion .,r " TM""i. : TTji V 'IV.::.:-""7 i j uruau. i iii iimnu is iiui onij Darren and dependent on the rains for its water, but the harbour' it naturally one of bo worst in America : yet ' the Dutch' have rwnedied that defect ;;thry-have "tlporf this harbour one of -the' largest, ' and py r .k 7l $ .1 Jr: V T .V Jar one towns ia the West-Indiet.' The puLlie . .,., naiurauy Darren, inainuuairy oi inewuicn has brought It to produce considerable tllSnlifl.. i.ri.ka.ji Bal aj..ai a i 1 . . K. at. ... . . . -.1 . . b'lantiUes of tobacco and aiitrar i it has ber Mles good salt works, for the produce of uich there it a brisk demand from tha JUaundvand tha colonies on the continent. Dot what renders this island . most advantage to the Dutchr-it the - contraband trade which is carried on be iwecn tbe inhabitants and the' Spsniardt, and their harbour being; all nations In time ofwar, The Dutch ships from Europe touch at this island for intelligence or pilots, and ' then proceed to ,'jhe. Spanish coast. Tor . i i . ' r. t . l I. to .'jhe. Spanish coast. Tor jhey tirca with a strong ig very difficult for the Spa- tasto take Hhesd vessels 1 .iraoe, wnicn lianJt it being i.ish rarda costas for they are not onlf atout an.ps, wii .a . fiumoeroi guns, out manneo whw iarKo crews of cnotea seamen, neepiy inieres- . .4 lm iltm .. rf tk. . ti 1 Anil I ha inri cess of the voyage. They, have a.clV a " share in tb cargo, of ajalu proportion- ed to the station of the owner, .supplied " by the merchant upen 'Credit and ata prims coat.- Ibis snimaieatnero witn un- , common courage, and they fight bravely; fcaaause everyman figfrfs In defcficr of hiaown property.Bcaidea this, therejs aconsUol intercourse between this island nd the Spanish continent. . f.. . ' Curracoa hss numerous wsrehouseli always full fiftbacommoditicsof Europe and theEast Indies. There are all sorts ef woolen and Jinen ?lotl)S, laces, .ailka md iron utentils. naval and mi itarv u Mourns the father now slainrand laid r OhiwtetotteTr s , .,4(W Zimmerman on Solitude : ; . ;l . l...!u:. . ...... J t.-.i , k . , , t' . ... , ,M..t,...g. .r.p-mc uw. an m..n. , , . ujnndry and Navigatjorf Spirithliied WoVi Winta fcvetnngi andthemaRsaineslaigdand conveaicntj vFord .Ce',Vdare,itoyoun'ir men 11 j Johnston's Rambler. v --v.:- anu wen nuao. Ail ajnaoi woouris nert jrf, Watt,- ndDoddridK ' ' '' 1 1 -JrVp.'a Essays Man-- - perfarmed by cnginea. -soma of .ihem -'i-RtjKious CoanaliJp Johnston's Livet of Ui, Poets -r' well contrived, that ships are ;at oncf if. ' ,Winchetters Lectures' It ; .. Johnston's Utters' ,r ,V jf"' ted into the dock Though this island is r,vrivf niii :;S V: J ;. t- Universal Gauteers . 3 . T - .--- ttaintedr -Hitherth Dutch West India, li grown unfohiooabic ao4 unsakabu )p . - . . . i . stores,' brandy,- tha p!cet of the Moluc- ' Gordon's hittory of tbe American Revo ett.arnl the calicoes of India, white and -Mui'ioii. . . . '.. ''" ' "t whkh Is slto their Atricart company,' an. '4 vouiuon so jar at felaud to hf Suits .'c"ts fl Jinpe anp piemory l.x:elltnt quills - T kf n - W ' T Uttally bring .three, or four cargo, k' of ' tf North shd Houih -Carillns sni t.U 0t.H ' Dorp't, aadSmaUelt pocina -'Wafers; Sealinc "Wax, Ink.Powdcr of iJaillC O CanCrCar. ' slaves 1 and to .this part the Spaniards iat inowdv&'ahittory of Amrkl . jColumWan Mute , Rural Talea - ' tbe betl, quality". Pounce, Pencils, In.1 . -vr nri.' 1- i k ' bma in small vessem and karry off not rAblrfv Ryal-rs hlKory 4f ihe IhdUs 1 Watts'sfrical poems'.' ; ' ' ' i, Habber, kc. kc. . l ... J .7 V r',5 i onlythebesUfthenrtrflesataveryhiuh IJeckford's bUory M Fr.ae. v .t. , m ' A.nrleiy ofn fiooke ' . .'.'.April U. ... v , V. "! i Zt? 'T price, but great qtiamnies of aU (be shore . CMdamilh'a history a( EngUnd k Greece r FaMesj Paradise Ust ! t . ' ' ' " ' ' ' i', V. ,e ? "l J(un,k d,r sorts of goods ta.idti.e seller hat tbit sd- , PvWshiHh's .history 6f the earth and sdU OW1 Art aT L6e j Tbompwa'a Sa- Shcri, and otKir blank n-Ma 'JIh!.? J5--. ,be h f 7r i3 'vantage, that the rtfote of warehouses . mated nature Th, Wonders Cf.ture ' ' '-i " J ?na a DiaUCCQJ, 0. that D.y. . . , . , . , .j ..... Ar.. -,,1). ...r. !. , i.,Urt .irn.i...i.. rL... ..' '. ' lor Sale, at A.'Ilalra llonir Jy Order of the Directors. mu mrn.E iiisaa waau w t , v..wivava m btriiiaa aiiwuiis aa a w nm.mm 1 iu uv mewue . ' - ' - w a payin gold and silver, coined pr in bars, : C0CaV. vanilla, JetVu'e bajk, ,cochineal ' ! ad"bthef " taluable ipmftiodiUf si", v nu oiucr vaiuaoic corumoiHues. , . -w, a uk inui ui i.urmcui in iiuib ui ucilg i . --.. : . ft . i. .. Lj. .. ( uc inui wi vurntcua in utile ui fcaLT " VM B" ,,mewwarineprpmisinucngreai- er written it oecomei tbs common em- portuiu of tbe We&t-Indiet ; it affordi a retreat to ahipa of ail nations, and at tb. aame time refutes o none of them arms nod ammunition tj destroy one. another The intercourse with Spain being then interrupted, the Spanish colonies bate o ne5 parsei irom wnencs thev Can b umnlifft with Alavrl or -rrr --c s The French come here to buy K kcef Porr corn, flour, and lombrt , SsWhirh tH T ncyliuli Kem'r Tnnm (Ka v-Bnu at JUgllSII VIIHg ItWIU ilVMl- ' it carried nn KrliirArn Africa anil the A. , merican islands : . S '"' U -: ;JC I Beauties of Watts snd Hervey' - jiooin s Keign ot oracer '' ? - Boston's Fourfold Stati of Man ; Marrow of Modern Divinity ..- JJodd ridge's Papositioh of the new Tes- sent " '' ? ' n-: taraent ; rV . , 5 VP ' ' Christian Remembrancer 'Ewcri on the Types r . . . . .. . m - - the West India company aloria aVpre- ! Bartholomew's Vyagf to t Eaat-lft . Bmeffie's MidWiferyVI!-'x ;"VrX -' "drit sent, the shifca.lhaigrtvfKmithat to ye?? t" took pay two ana a halt per ent4Jor then? :ii.?:'iyiYoyagav,ii.:;vvJ to themselves the whole of tha trada that I Willocl's Vovaces . i, i4:-'.-,iiV:k:'l'bo-tB'a Family Physician ju. IlgmphreyCUnkerrlnferaal Quixote . Allien Alarm ta t1 nnAntia.rtail a llv ai llll4)VllVHI'yVIITVItW, y J,' Methodist Hymns and Spiritual Songs , , watt sanu nippon sco. t -.-. '. .. . r ' .. cauije 01 nature : Origin of Evii r, ' V- J!'Vs Voltaire's Philosophical Dictionary'," 1 Adams's View of Religion 4 ' : JL'r , - . - . . . j a nil ia m nviitrirsn vt;aen 1 u,Mn ... i: . "Andrew's Examinattor ; Baxter's Saim't Rest ' ' r.'.J'. . !,; 'i'-c;; '. Beauties "of Hervey and Watts ' ... r Vi'-; 1 flj.uu o . f . - . ftaiijuuriugc a ocrnviia i ;. t -,t . ( l.uennet Lettcrav h-.ish ! ," ' :V:,,limmeVmanp8NaUonaprlaj---t . . JBrown'i a Christian aoarnal;.,, r . i r f dee's Risekprogreisi of. Religion Doddridw-i Rise Progress of. Religion in the ! .&. . If t Gospel Sonnets 1 fiMHinr T.iii; Jew, lo,v0!tirf r) vs. a IaIl7burtcn., Memoirs!,. ..f I 'in Besutic of tba Libia f Baxter 'a Call ft- rf,-.t ...,v,. , I Rutkcl's Seven Sermons- ' , . . j, j " Grace abounding to tha chief of Sinners Bunyan's Holy Vtr, Ilinor Works and Pilgiiro's Progress" . ' 1 Cliristianity'Unve'ile'd ' na .tne spanisws, Fow,er., Exposition of the Book of Cam-' ;lhtendetvouto..-.-r mon Prayer - :r ar. . ;, n j eollectionof EstaytW the suhject f ' Fpitcopucy.'by Dr.'Lihn'and others Utaons of ' tho 'Pfotestant ' Epi.cobil . r.a ! .... .jburch, with an iaxpotifiort of all Us sandays8i principal holy dys through- - f uUhe ysr-by A Poier t - 1 in,-i a ,hort and familiar exinanaliort, of the , Ctechlsro of the Episcopal Chuxh jotrotiuctiontoChrutua iaowledge , . The Sincere Christian intruded in the ...,!. ' j 1 f iri0n.(ock'a Meiiiah ' " ' iunter', Lire 6f thriatf 1 ' ' Tht Afflicted ManVConipsnion 4 Sttidies of Nature itK -iiarycya Mtditatfon " Theitrt of God'a'juflirTBeAt Yhttyly Instruri.W - Sacramental Directory; ' " ,s, . t . ; ( '..,; v whUton'a Jasephaa V -' ?. .,-. Russet's history at ancient Europe "" , Rollin's Ancient 41iatory; j. . , - , Adam'i Wtory af Boms and Franca .,J Hump a hittory of Knlaod - Koberttoo t hitorv ol America . : ' 4 M(Ajlti.e' Memoirs af tM AmtrlcttvRe ft . - " aver U saoat curious anq jepiarkl4e the weld.: J" H Ancient turope j - rj ,''-. Jetienoo;ve8onVwt.ma(y v l ooae'e tile ot Uatbartne Secret MttnoirseftheCouftPeWrsbuTgh ,'"' W. ijrstorjr . r . j. v - . . . J, ,u'..rlaiHW.nuworY . . 4 .. - ..... . i . i ft . : vuiutB di nxiiiiMti niKinrv . , . . ,.T .. t, . . w wv.wv. fc ,nl1D'ti -an1"? Al'9"" vailac?'ncicntcrge , rl.M;AnKl.arMB. tnei vgnKr, Ilftftftllft K ' '-l - Adam'i flowers, of modern travels xvaq.ua a journev -t, ,Pri4t traYelsin the Oiiited States -Detpn's travels in Ecvnt, durinir tbe cam The lCinv nf PrnuU'i Workl - be of Swift, Gosrnith; Pope. rbft Trenth jf fl he Algerint I Coutto'sSufferimrs !-"i - CaptliTt ; ; - Patcy'a moi al and political philosophy ) : Slewarl't Elements of the Philosophy .of ;.,'ih HuniairMtndlaA j'-.. ;;v-...' : Nicholson's Philosophy at4 Navigation K JElegant Extracts in prose and venil r iseikley's Minute Philosophy . VaIIU. DI1 f a Hl.ir. I rllir - an on jLiocuiion , .t if ,i 's Cridciama,.'.' r , . ' j .r Jf ' Art of thinking, Art of Speak. y-i ; - - '.' 's Sketches on Man" ' ' :KaiW Ktinie iMelmoih'b'Clcc' .v ! fl'ia ' -I Guthrie's QulnillliaH ft-? .! - 3 , rLeland'a Deraoslhenca 1 f nr. n . li i vV ..lt)pe's Homer iv.a yf ,'? ! '.1 r: .-Wm oatba M'n-) Yii'aL(rs..r ? ..Alion'i Eay on the nature and fri"- .Orator's Assits'nt t ; ,., ; ,1 v.urran a cpecrnt ... ji!m,u!'et,r : , " "7,V.- J The'World ( lhe-Spclafof i'Lockef-Un , .... ..,,,.4j Goldsmith's Essays pnQ Poems ; ' Johhston'a, "Jones's, Bailey's and Asht'a 'Dictionaries :"' "V. " '" ' " '" " xounn ltinUictioTt-ry . , . Adam's VIqI Knowledge : , , . BeaiitiesbfGpldimitti' ' ;. : (- ' 1 ChnetfieWs advlce'to bis son v " rRawVUftera'0; ?"if.; ' ' . Free Mason's Monitor ' Steuben' Exercisef t."" Glasses Cookery Aw a-4- t-l 4i w !li ' a . h . d til v i r uiou;ii i - Th Farmer's Magaaina, Tbe Gardner's Dictionary i i MarvcrfJLlouny a The ltet and most approved lyslemi of rfi Farriery . .r, ,.. ,v ' Aikins Utters lf -...... v...tti.:. ' Bennei'aandHaUflr'.UUera : Petrarch's vrvw of human life , , 4 . L Dirwin't Temple of NatQra i " Tady 'a Miscellany . . Elements al Wortt'uy , Mr. West's Utter, sddremd to young C Maan on his first entrtpes into Ufa r New Pletting liutructpr,' or; young La- dy't Guide to Virtue and ijippincia Genlemsn and .Lady's Mlgasina . r.. MiMts Mtgatin , .... .fBuron'p Uwreson Female 1-LduciUon , Do4ley 's Sclc Fables j tiqf s i receptor -r ; . GiaWpe's Doty of lyomca ..' . n4 aft Worn en - z , , ; . p . . Yoth's library i Plcasiag Inslructar Young Lady's Hentor Atcri(ia Jtrst Booh Crcy Cap ,'. Fttotle policy detected Wi-damJa JUinilus-.a YMt of Flora .. . ? ; - Dibdin'4 Sott Cuui'l Foemt Yju n KAn In The Ocaaa Spectre, i mela tbima ' i -" F w 1" -aJJamberge'r'a, Rarxow's and Cr gCibson's And U?5umymg,Af:'.ir U-stauisjvt : TrakU in .Louisiana i : ' :.SalzmamVs Gymnastics - , Citbrd1 Residence in France - infield Speaker ; The Prompter; :.. ; h. .i 1 ' Someryillt's Rolitiial .TransacUoBa f,2 Tylor'a Reports ir'.Ki; ,V: ' ,v ..'. jpint or Uepotitm) Democrat. " i !.rroctor'arrractcayf.4 - r 'v-iDcfenceor Usuit'-'v1'r.:;'-.'''i,'?'V f '.Espinasae'a NWfjlw fi - -S" IVf " - v Science' Revived the Vision of Alfred,.! Poems , ' V 3 Dramatic Dialorues .,''...., Young Man' Companion , . ... ... A .' ..!.'.,' ' V.'..- J'"., Dilworth's Arithmatic, Federal Calculator ' American Monitor, nuihiivwi iVBaw, i r;y5T ' :;i ,r : f wqon Knium tv -1 "V SimpMi''r,,,-:do''' . v""" , , , . - v. tn j; i r!-.a rrencn rrsouiti viiaiuiHB. --- CharobaudVFjencb. and English Exrci- -4 13' . W.' T nut American rrecepiQr -. Spellltig Cwm. - - .... rEdinburgb Pharmacopoeia ri l . . ...... V State trials, : j-',':.t.u T l. 17. ...... ,.!' . ; GrardoiDiEest of" U Kaws at thb Oni - . j. Ill I H MCmCllll UI -'-tv r muiu uiiuatuiui "...r.T - : . t- othieronobiigitiqni f wfs" ,Val!efaLaw )f Nations. , State Trials i-tyV-"...;. t.? Jft.laMl .njl llnlnit. t l.nni tllDDDI piumpnrey vunacr j njicipai Don Quixotto (. -., j , j . peregrine PicUf I peregrine Pamela Roderick Random j Soldier ,Boy.r ,,.;.f ,,SoUtair. Wonderm Vl!Se, Rwn, , i'. Visit' for a afeepalatea AUeaa.., u Alexjs Carolineof umvneu ' Female Foundling! Female WerlfT,, Fleetwood Gambler Inquisitor .. Jack Smith j Love's Pilgrimage , . Maid of tho HamleH-Mao of Feeling f . Vicar of Lansdowfl j. Netley Abbey t ; ; ormond ) ueunen ana itacpasi-f , ,,t -School for .fathers i Forresters..' ... : -Inquisitor or Invisible ilambler j Louisa .ttoiiuaya ai n;)m i icih ; -Nocturnal Visit t , , 4, j r i.Tom Jonesi Jane Tlbort,i. Polite Lady Itaardine' achool . i. . ! Wi rBdlisariust Moniroia or Befrgcr Girf Count Roderich'a Cattle Montalbect , .--Charlotte's Utters) Sorrows of )Yf rter " Heprietta BcUman : ., L ' - t; lldegere j , Uva at First Sight ; : ; MoKlaiintt Alexia Tij-.-iY-... i. Rasselasand Dinarbu , I ; 'Rou-seso's Eloisa, r, .;yj? '. -. ; Tale of the Timet Charott'e Ternple i Beggat Boy j Adelaide de Sancerre , Atala, or tha Ure and Constancy o I sa VIRCS in U1B usviri , . t; . , v George Damwtll i Edward ''2Jm,ni .'The Siamese Tales . r : . ; . , Romanca r Real Lift ,v' , . U baniord and Mtnon i Antoinette rertivai aa aa a ... I ts wiai v v ara v yuat bisui ir vmsii . dVvemwt ' -1 r j r ;bbeZi RwjJ-Walka The Coquette ) Evelina . - . Constantino Grssvills Abberj What Hit Been k Tha Old Maid r.mlll. Tha Ahk-a . ".. ?-"- --.--',. , Dorval, or the Speculaior . i Emily Hamilton . , . . . ' . . . b . lr A Mkt atavaaa , I. al h aMi Y a I . School BpoitHhc ku-r;:.,,,, ksw lauvw VI MUKIIIU Uii Jh-MAMIt V. v. , X -j ' ,..'. . .1 .Nautical Almanac for! 1807 " . V,1 .Malbam's naval Cttatteer - The beaman s Daily Asunt . . , 'AZt aS' SI k., ' V JtTl :.Uc? . e0li ... Uction of sixty,. serrate Charts and i ...nana . , - r. .Ch.rts-Cenir.1, Etrt,h Ch.nnei.'Co.st "of 5Pain and Portvg.1, C.yenne Bars , : and River of Cape-Fear, kc. kc. - r- . . ' Aa attoruneut o( Blank Books ' . All kinds of Shipping and other Blanks .!. . ' ', . , Piper post fofio quarto poat CiJi let. . ter ptper-lbest Vellum d(wfoolscap Pell anJ ftlmllr.. V i " r. -, Store. CASH-,,- TX7'ILLbeKvenf'rTALL0Wtf i ,V Y the fubfct.ber, bo will, .-. $n hands a conftant fuppTy f the befit J quality mould CANDLES for (fa -on li-ral tertna by the- quantity.- for V.iv- (hipping Of home' confumption ;Jja l-,ha ilia tof W. by ie bhd h niu.J'.? f ?i ihc " i h - r"'"- Lumber. States. tJfc.1' - . ,. . i ,. " r-" ,.) ; , .S. ftUi-4UniUd., i , . JtV.lN AAY fri bm ; Ihe iSubscribeii otl 1 ; Friday Evening last," a. Negro Man named h About 30 years, of age, about & feet high ; ; and well made, has a acar under ihe kit 'ri ere. occasioned iby the tootht ache, and !twd of hi tinder foreteeth are .but Jjad i men ne went away ; a qark xolour ed r i coai and homespun overalls' nd . with him a 'Variety of other clotheill i professes methodism' and sotnetlmetvfe oris. 'Ai t'vf " f vr r ; if y. suspect tftr aforewid Xeftrofo IorWi t , ing about Wilmington and a ill attempt X w ,im in.ijis m hjuiv c;if ait ; masters of vessels and others are Uim i:! 1 1 cautioned , against harbouring tm-i ring or carrying him The above reward will be given forap.' nding tnd securing said Negro in .uiuigiug ui m to roe in untwicav ; JASlES FLOWERS, March 24. . ilo. a, R.;BradVy's Wharf, offers for,Mlei " . 2000 bushels Long Island Salt, ; f 1090 buiheis I urfc's Island - dsi ' : . TO bhds.N. Ei Rom 35 barrel Philadelphia Torter, 3 doacn ii'jv . i ''. ,xe."a i,f peei ... , a,. ; . t. .'.ft - ' I ' 'l"' .. , - .. rora inq jueai . arvv, vtwvaa I . a -a af at, a, a. aaay f j u uvi i iimcnuuri; . ... . - SO" boxes mould and dipf Candles " : Chocolate ' t'; ' t n Boxes" of Cotton Cards assorted J! 1.4 4 A quantity of ; fashionable Trunks ' ahl . Portmanteaus tf. Various sizes. '' , March 3. ..v,' . j : r ;- 1 Exchange.;; TV ILLS on Bodon for five thoufand In fiv' hondred Dollars; no Rnfl nit ' p4tuble n NcwYojki for fane thou , f,nd Dollar!, at .Cxiy.a'syi fichf,' for Luh.:i .-r'v-'.Wr' 1 .a . H . NATHANIEL RUGGLEEt i.-.:i.Niij a, R. Cisdleys .hsrf. t. (Febuajy;.l4.-4?lv-'pr'-', -..v PURSUANT to ana of the laft General tIeBtbljr? iditeOing a fate ui public ianda adjoining Smiihsilla- ( will be fold on a credit of. fix months It public iuclion attbe School, hod fe of laid . rn, tin Saturday the 6th dky of June text, all of UM lands in cS I . venient ioti or parccia j tuiiicieni n , ties to be figned on the purchsfers ji. S.I ying approved ircurny. -I ";t John Cpnyefs; V.'r '"-rt ti 1 ,: 3 , ; . . . ijcnjamm lilanc7f.. t Ta '1 ., : . ?amuci rotter f ( ' MwMWvwansa--MMtsMM T " Fancy GoodSa 1 J; f I . ' ; . ' JAMES SUTTON ! ' -r TTAS juft trceived from Ncvf . n-v-.C- it -L-r--r ; ' iota, a we. rnoicn auoriment M SPRJN.Q. JUMMEIVCOOOS, ' - - a ... a aa fA nnOT ) O ft I n TV and. is now ore nine at the -corner of i Prii.ctfs-Sjieet.'-Can.PtcU'i wharf, thf m a 'h i roiiowirE, ia evil j , . .... .r- l-J Sopeifine,bUc)tf b!ue brawnt aadA .; mixed CloihiKCafGmetei, leant,, and J , Pimitiei, Sprig Shamhrty, and Book Muflln. Prt fi.na; black nJ M.Wm Cambric., Ribbsnd, , lnd Laee: L.r,,,,,. c,r iJ ;-",..'. V"fi '0,Z V h V i cTt vi, -i. ; th,r Wfbeaniifyl S.lk Shawli asA ' loh SPl,r U ln Rt-. . . ' f .1. . I. ..ft i. A.l l 'ro,n v .London, Isdies ; elegant , Hal ' Combs,' a general a Hurt men c of H.fi Ware and Shio Chandler v. which k U ilciermljed la fell low lor Cafli only J ' April 21. " - ' . . , . ?r - H Y f " - - --- - '."; . 1 -a --Joshua rurrs, cArr. . M . . - - - . .