1 I - By comparing thisyeaf&id- 3 age of the- precious metal?, with ; that of the ten preceding'year3 the ' time that the jnint.haVbeenm.flj operation, it will appeal jihat .thoj .the expence has been comparative ; 17 moderate, yet tne amount stugs; rm a). 1 M rl Aa. oat W wv rmwA MM M-4 f ; nual amount during'' that;, period and the number off nieces . fthsh 1 most accurate 'measure'af the'l 'quantity of lboTco'nyirabljr! more than quadruple, 'rhis fa-ji -- vourable ctrcmtanc tnayi'in V great measure h.;ascribect to'the'J ri "J- regular supply oipmuqaurmsi-: cd chieby(heban'(J?ennsyl-!. ' vania. nor is there :anVddfubt "of: -.-l H"J...J-i. ;,.-' .uli .'. l'llfl; i:')iP-,i C. nhe likeuppiy dujing, the, present: year, tia: ' . ..iik. jk. Jib:. alt, jtt. 4,.aA:-i. .A., jit. ilk. Jl ah. jfc.l, . . TUESDAY M ATft t I,'; 1 80V; . ; j 'l . The FrenchVh'r 'Y,m bi?JflM' foUn-Sk ' . mana, (a port in the department pf,j4Qla Do-i TTiinirri 1 iirtiiiin in nuirifnnp .nu n Kirjivri ii . Coffeei Sviear.and MfthotrMttT.vret on the . I a I A ' 1 . ....... . I .... 1 - i - feouth-Carolina, by J-.Britannic"TMajesiy'4. JJrtsf or war relican, eMrjinfTttispatche y'i from Jamaica to the Hntish, Cohimodoreata-I Viotted at IIamplon.A0ada.4j QnMh$ 1 Tth tKe'I captain and crew of the captured) Trisstl, as j . well as five paswogervtere atntribtk ihorti unmercifully plundered, pi -their money, pj4te, clothes, and lefnly.frith Avhat-lheyi kad on thrfr backs. ' . . raiiJJ x . ' 8uch a piece of inrtKi&and, erOelty which't . sjronld , not be. astonishing, aUhjKh.tujlastiflj from a privateer or Befnvudai orPjvidencc . jnayhe considered as degrading W The Brl fisijlag. ; r. ,, , .j.tnui s v . It ia hoped that when applicative is made i ,h? VPM rM!05!Un WS X lWislactioh twill be given 5 that the captain or thfjhtan, , -will be censured for Mhnuii eonduot;' and, that the rnonev. Blatt tnd clbihesMin- lawfully seized, "will be restorejUj heB fortunate owners. "l ' , Thanks to the umammatfrjrerai $rh tttants of this tatc n,d oartk-ulrly,lo4Ke tenero6 issistahce, jfbehaT ci;Wedrpani Mr. I.e Raf,- merchant st Was WriRtan, .thiev1 jiavo neen enaiweci .10, reacn injs.pun -,. I. I .1 .. . t r . , .a. 1 . Muiiyuiy);,.f' j, nit. 4istrewfc;tt'u peo " tle.' alid aciiiVtd by un iniDuIsc, af Jinmanl- ' wWcllVeflectf greatpnorjtippn hirpbasff . - rcaiiuv onereu.io Krant .men a nvwirB.on board, of US' Brig boiini (VudcMnn, j a(t shich placi the Will ti4 meana'to return to llnMKf1!.A k I k Vt M Am a f IAN a 1 at ri iisii lie n uruui uiruuii iuuj - j. i nere remains noi.a jouo in RepuhUran catsdldatei ire eltfl !.!, Govern; or a,nS Lieutenant. Ggvtrnor.ot M(fachu. r fcttl. , , muiy f V11; Xaw-Yoat,' April .Sf: A tsitenjraa in the , Atlausta.fromiBort de aut, iiif jK-m .ui, thai six. 1iors befora ihQ Ve ssel ielt the river, lie- was on Joard:.tba French' TrVgata Penelope, iayin; Era Verdan A K pads,, whose boat hsd; Just j-eturned frbm . rdeaux, wHh intellitceoCf of iatlcrt be- ' in r just received from Paris, statin: that lha 1 ' Tulegraphe announced, that Budaaptrtt had surrounded and wssaboni entering Konins berg and Vhaliha kin j of Prussia had ramo. , d liisllsid-uarters io Jlciol- r v 1 : ; . "ki'A-l ji'w. April as? A letter. Is. said to have been receiied Sr town this morning from Norfolk, stating that fcy aa .vrlral thera In a sort, f'nn urfpet,ntw Is recerved that lha Kusalana have cbmpTetcly defeated the prenc.l an. the toniinent arrd divetv tbe?a bacH a; hundred leagues We .have npf hffn tlaitotrace lha etsr to any correct soumji 4 Att ws find ail Ihe subject irftfllowlnjA-orw tha BaltU mora Lveniaz fan of 4urLjf iasU , : , ; ,i !KPbRTANT.,rr - . .v. ..' . 1 1tm. tht QlfiVfM. ,. M BfcTtoa,ii pril ii. ; ' JitAniy, ship CHthvMy frotn Lonifon-Apniao.skaHr Vyealihy-Ann, Tt..nVrr. nut 14 davs from Liverpool, then In lonK. er. S, lat. W. ; Capu C- lformed ir thai th Frnc(s were compWtelf defoated by the Russians 4Morii Uri roulJ If arn, nf . furthar particulars. "f Ma brij'a pawga t? tbacapesUouly )f drijri. - .'' ' . "f 'port of wiLiiiNOTON. ..a.jrf-a.''.EWTiiv,-;";f;)--J - irt'is.lkhVTtajxihitor.' ' , 5l 'DheMif. V , r ' thirlcsipn " iliyt, Brlf I!re, Miner, ' ' , J.m(a , I, Sloop Charlotte, Cart wrljlit ClurUs. . t.UsV 'ton' ..Rch'r Msrirrif, Jones. .' . 8aannair til, CnlWh llrls? Mar. D'dnl(NiW ; .'. : jt- ' Cas(Je pon.To ' , '9, tin Hanger, Bill. IWyi; II, UrKish ship Wilj;n'h Jn-ws.'fri-,. 1- n-'-n i - '' aHer.l,lcrrool a . .(!( .WiUiarsv Cnf, Sauh4r&laii aia; Ctianso ' April i$t SeVr Lanrel, TriacfcVSt.. Acgttslint. . Sch'r Rambler Tufts," Plymouth, Hi 1 : ' Sloop Bovnloin; AViiiiaroa, v 'StiCroii Pollvr H UHtlen-r'.-i- New London k 30,' Sch'r Succs, Crocker, Grenada iTrn I BchV Indeneridenele. Wade. 'TloiforS ton . , , v.iiiU:.Jla'' 11 - delphi Br! VvKam'Manha, tlaatirift. ' So SchY Nepmne, Ccfoki" ' Barbaddea a, Sch'r CitUen, Smith, 6t.Thorn.ai, Brifc Trial, Paltttfstvhv- . V si Boston , Ship Fair Weather, Smart; Lbhdon ScVfTwo" !Sl,Cdi(iii,'N'eW.f nrk' fcf Sloop ChaVloUetfcrWnghV N4tw - CapW'Ba1rnirt,Aljrami'Iut, 48 i fell in with the schooner Hantfah? i-WridSeof Sandwick, . from - JTUmingtotif N, C. bnVidi here, with naval-stores. Oft the'' 1st Abi il Capt. Eldndgi'meV VitbT,1vy' sfalelol wtnd4n which he (ofct all his sailL'and tatknii a laVwMeWsfor'.ralned,n thtm. 'that whon-'they JiaH m Hh the- Be'tseyi'befnthert out ,38 oays, iney were giaa lO'er xn ooari her to save their JiVel-'- -" ' f ' ' Married f e'stVda?'Cari'iiVAViitliSi!is . rUlCSS CURKB.NT-f7ntmQrok r RACONneii104lbWJ J .: Is i'i 'CJtto per lhJLv.t i.3 .U , i yu ar Coffee perl erlb. v .' V. 3ffJ. 8i, i Corn per bushel .'ftlealdo.4 .SOw-mM Tobaccouwlraa' f Ui 'i.'J ' 504v Flour per barrel, new ,,. JaVlu! Wi.!1. ft Dittoperhatf barrjlj ; Trf"i-1 Kvi''" P Lumber per M.' i. A la wliau W. t thd;ty !i. t.d Sir l-SO ' R. o. do. do. -do. ., ,!T. :- .t'.'J W. o.bI. do,)fouirlifi ,..lO lu .iwJl II ShSnKlelBep.lOQ5. j.;(ia b.n.S ,i S k$tlfcrper..swir rj V a'o -.'---' --40,;"- moiasscs per saiiun - niu-. Iw ' ' Rum W-l..pr.fK4.po li'' ' 73-i. i 4 Jamaica do. lh pii i"PVtSr' ' Turatnl aiwia j M .ltill -ilit Tar per barrel, . f.oiiux,! I n Slilw1 7 -N. E. do. ,aiamri't50 i''r '5x AT REDUCED;PICES; i THE Subfcbei lMejjralt decline -the retail eufineu, orTeri.forj, fate, his rematnlnz Mock oI: Vjio,u Very! b'e.nhics 6, 9 and U modyjfcrcdjt-wilf be given. ' ... -v' . . W S H A PrANTATlbdlrf1 X town cal!eiiFqitf yda.4iatfijs at leatt 500 ic'rci,len.w.$icb1 jsl pajejis.gl u..r ...j .... 1......'... . ..i .k... .A.k.: of cleared ground lel t)0 k' go M 1 fit 3 ilfH el TeanRwens .-Tertn Ji : eiflv -or fan insUrsl apply to John Martin otvDati)imta llla'oey 1 'at Smith ille. , r?iaai i w uS SO.Doll'Kerda'? I S AN AW AX rom,thJ4auberiber flbof f iiuij bvcuing laii, iitgi" iu pauiBK i . FltANK;.'.;!'w' About 30 years of are, about 9 feet hiirl and . 1, J. I . .... .1.. l-f. LL ' wril hibo, nas t. iimr.imiBB ,jti occasioned by t bo, tooth aehswand two af his under foreteeth ara cut .bad tn. when f0 .weni away ra dark tcokwed l 4tb aat ana homespun overalls, and trok;wiih.kim a variety of other clothes. ;,JU;prQfits methodjsro and tonaisnea eahwts. . . t riupettth aforciaid cfcro ) lorkiftf about WilmingAoh'jiiodvattempvtb tusks his escape In some vessel j alt, masters " vessels and others ara Jthertfora fa.H'Jloped Ihlm lsy. ; ,i?K-j,Air A ' tv""i The above reward will ba given Tor apprtv kediaail aMofln iild.' NeCfb jail or brinRtna him" to r&e in BrunsVltk entiTtiy. March 2ai.liME fU)VERS. :' i3 a - - v:jh,: i,, .-0 TX7ILL ba gisei lor TALLOW, by V V the fubfctlbcrrwKa wfll sSavaoi birds acoriflinrwirQlf f i bed aaaliiv eAMDLSfof.ritabnaBal 1 I terms by tl.iiiasiy,'fot' -topftof ) I ntna conlltTlploni', svh las affoi fo file by the hhd. 4"hroof Bfiorty, , i proof and New.E.naliniJ JlsAtt Valfu v'siU but defctlptibM if.Vtr.ber: j5tii, ilaj Jich'r Three Friends, Parsley Philitf r. ,.n,vt t ii.-aj.i . delphik -' w fckhYRefcuUtoYf M'lthenoy, Charjesl 7, Brtst Claris,' Burrfs, J St. Lucif CoK'f'John, SBeri?!cTcifi ''" Bortos Sch'r Aurofa;!Aflert.'. '' New-York! , ' Sch'r Two l'ried; Hetrv. "Bostpi . 1 OceanT'Wftod.'ti..'n-HiitiT ; i l Brig Betsey, StotudliV, I ianiici ' ,' u I-'j'I'tJ-aJLL fci i: 1 ' January 19. mil h.,3.:,W-) Lands for Safe of Rent. ' rpHE r fubrcrlber1 ottcr;' To?' fale or :X 'eafe ' o'nreifrtrtabr tefttiJ a plarj. ars perannunif 'A valuiblo-Yr A valuable traft nt Lani in Bladen r it . . 1 . . 1 .1' 1 i .n . '1 rvivcj avjriiniflB inc. ianas ci'ine : v;or. i t which 1, vert-;airtcftto1?pi Wary. I. .9 . i " m - aljt Lei' id Mr V d. Ml 1 , Vf yt .on.f' rr ri,ent. Dollars Kewafd whtu bd ah fco tided a grey woolen rounJ jacket.; -MIX. aitilnilerf cf-Mf e; Tfrfi lalpnaM' dJayq,xifl'ctcd;frti f Who abfeonded from She fauL.rJantatiofc about a week stla imaged .tbmik ia or jo years, leV oftiSaUwtie Wgh and well ptopoMiwfd(i is.ewremaly atitil andevaiive.'in.. his arifwers t' rTii.'on'whehl ha went, away a round browo.chnh jacket lint on", Jrpirr ur aararncrmrrpBH wroiiw fers ar.dTarrt)ldblck',nti-i.h8' s' fuf Aofei a a J a - i - .. -. f . I . il 10 nq. lurkinf iboiil ' wiimwgrM 'pr rrirnkt where in the cotrWry'rtlfshbver o Bronfwick, ; hells wen''1trS8f n,"Yn,'6oI!h L tioned aKamlt carrvinv -slirm,tjtt. 11 T CpU5 W)Llyr.hdlabliasU 4 CraW .Ml VI . j IYI 4H il ill immiyi AlieyVon 'the Weft CJe'df 'PvtfpASffes wiWrsrnb2 fli'DorieJoH ilie mVIl rrifn able lef ins? Matt Vttf Vf'tif Can el, rJe or Usttie--ail titr nnjiertbat a geneious 1.1:. ...:n .it .j t.v J - i 1 pupuw win hiiuiii mm 11 1191 iiiiinve. ... f - y litNRYXjyii&o Miy 5. V 1 '.3 WilmmzhiUxApril 1807, l Tilt the last arrivals, the subscribers have reV -civa me loiiovmKantcieSt which Utey will" ell at rodaccd prices., ).-, , j-iW i ,. a puncheons 3 proof. Rum, 1 r.?M..;i im a a n 'lO Do. prima Mo prima Molasses 70 barrels N. E. Rum,, , Ml 80 llbds Muscs-vada Suirsr. : -i.. '1 fr,AA nl -1 . " " wv iu trccii V0Uff . - ! , I :. t Swseds Bar Jroo, . ..!.. 1 I . Whale and hulf barrela Ko. I and 3 Norths ern iiccr, ttouoa VCCI ! Mia 1 .! -'KeitsTtip!;,-'..'..;;; ,i ii-u 70 pieces Tow.Cloibaf. i,.,j , -..j !':' Km and bursa Salt, : .1 Persons ensoased to wire hate artr Qnsrrtitr (hot less thin fifty, puncheons) the J proof T ' t . I'm um, majoaiceominounnu wivoa vicuivw 9, and 5 moBihs, or by an addition .of iottr rst,' 3 A O and li months.,, :Appw4 notes. negotiable at the liaok.pt, tape A ear will tf ' required. URStANT tWA or'lhaf lali' eneral Affen.bly, tfireainp a ty ne-"wui sw 'cell ; fstTitient' tUtJes ,ff ba figaed on tbei purcujer fjv,irg-appr'i'4iiecUM;r i . f:" JohtiCdnycrs, - t.!ari? r-5ntr.-'.J."T?-T "'v u'li'i in Drum wick wumTj tipnnuiiHg ii..'." .V! r r...:W i.. 774mcs. voininint; inc vur '"''""JSi i ;ivhiclj arg'p'bryellmguof?, , ' k Tfiejabdvje Ud. jinnee 4j7la tpiriat uwcm well limbcred.wttfl 11 Pine, and convenient to ihe jtverl ."Alia .rra of Lind on TppUU auiJ .cOntatnlnVco, acies, ,t tfie"South:vcari I .jjavmeni Vki. Oe.eX petted,.,, . ' u a s ' -r m .4 s -zmmxwt ' , an excellent cock ,'ahor and .onee.:. VTt'tojsWM aUoot!a fcirtnUt'iigiU JX fr,)VV0VantiiFoVVO!d Tovtn. Riiioti 'Wct-Awirff f.agrftftUo rtklher j Atedetn6.rsove,-ijbtnj A ' a cut, G-HerMi tluUi ilk iii onie ; had on svjjii 4aiti.rltlU"ltVk.heJ"l lunprifcd; id "be' lu'n'g aboutctl?1IiHWVCtt xfdlrWer.lieVU 'Wlidetrf rwlTfi'AfeT tit f iodge mm in uigMi 01. vvimPg.'OHj 1 dalivrr liirrfl tiri'tbc 'aforefaid ;oUD(aJior) will receive ,',he jftiro, ftlt Barcl"f', sVlt.'a'trfafuiia.Mr fpeocc;. r Tseeru fellow named . wiin fl XTT?.r:l4:';:!t r. is 11 publl Mandi adjoining munviiie win va, uuTJsKtnripayJba inowa, n good and fold Oh a credit of months ' bv public j fun.ueat TJtUa aDadatwParcbasarsoy'i ;auaiotthScW.VuT' of raid rowpJ.i ,,,lll, (.j sa-JoSlraaTPoUs!'' ?AU, ' 6'hl3jfvtsf Jun pent, tt jl i,.vnmlnRto;T)ni, 180. 'r of laid Urris icoDVcorcnt Jots. . ot pir-t il - - - 1- n 'Samuel rotter. r, twbahtllWj .tvt.VilV.3' t i -117 1 1 . ' Notide A A Ltf erfons.haiog (demands .ajjfalnii J Vlhe eftate iif Samuel MafaftL' iIm-m . ' i are .requelled la call n the ftrbfclittf, on Monday ih( lit day-tor JOne-neir,1 witii .j their accounts proved agreeable to law, for -fettlernthf Soch'isf 'ain:ad'fb'ojfi,Tjr be." fore ihr 'faid ta-'jBref!l e'debared front rccetyfng payment'uotii itiovint by , ; Thofe indebted to t&idrftal'-win. oTaf.lak9 VocfrVWltnlefainar -"call ,; - ; ande't'tlfi... iKetrJaccounts,, : 0uYp( btfote - ' S.. f. .lt fun. n . , ih.lnAn .K n . W V mtinyj,j i"";,,.'i't' ,Ja.y', day their accounts will bo put io the hands ; , xf Saniuei R jocelyn,- jto'cdrrirncnceTuit' immediaielf tRUuti AH who fail; ioA Cora- . ... ..J. . i.a Kr...r- , , t.i' ? Ulf .mhj 1 Hill v 1111 : C. DUDLBYr Jun'r.-Attfltnej ..'.. tor MAtia ivasvo, imm,, ,WnmingtonVMS''iilf;'8o6:- .;zw -i At a ' iM)'trPh ' ' Tt'M ' tfJnlMinrltn. . VJt.i WW ithcmfc or, thc.r reninti't-Jfwi?1iibtferpai'e.Tp- nants wjfh.a)psirtfvf -Leather fire Buckets, marked wMh4lstfflaclive.Jiames on or. -' f6ef6'ine3to,b'iniyttt' ariPthitii'i.orifa . holdcit furinlh ihernlelvel yt ith a firof Jf'vA .HagS!nehd1 catitain jhree tmth'eli, ,'. .madecMWani( Ofo'alnirn 6t other' flu if of jfrual:fwhjianc,'irlafkcd -as aforefandf on - jir.oeioxc wis same, peiuw, ouier wnc snry iwill.be ;rcfjeclMeJy- fined,' agreeiBlytdlths Urdinancci.anrr Kegulaiions ot the 1 own in fuch flif midennd rroiJed.''' ' r 1 1 rs i a 1 J irAinF.'T"An. rutl- , i-. , Prfttri twithoai Bucket msy be fnppl". 1 ed by thefubfcribar at the ongrnar edit ot ; 5 Dollm-per pilry'i f Si ' ' j Vi ':4 '4 !'!. $ r Thomas Caltenderv. ; - 1 A. .PIECE oftland ortifca'SoondlbiMit il litr.ile from towneontainine ioo ,. UacretVa confiderable part'Of trVf lsndis booi fen rcoru abont! 26-acres cleared ; ' fama 41ammocktf ?a vary foperio? qal- . Jiy lcr'edj a credit of 0 and li months will be veni-Bond payable and negdti. . bit at she J3inkAThe abOva'meriiioncd lanwbelongs io Mrs. Mary 'Ahfl Wa ker, the price nny' be known bj applying to lames .Walker ontthe Snbfcriber; '. ' rt.,n.iu-i. RICHARD QUINCE i i i In i 1 iii mimm-mm r v-j LNotice I -DO hereby . forwaro all perfoni from pcyg J"hn Harrifs any " account, aa ilia copartner fhip ia Vnutotlly' diltolycd from iha 13th of this inO.for I have- depo ftted thd booki, and all accounts in iho bands of Richard Emberton for collection.' Nathaniel Sweany. J , : aawhssMsssasMBMsisBssWs Spring W Summer GOOD.' . 1lffkttrittri tfftr jtr Jilt ( thtlr WhtVkrid brown. 1RSU LINENS b 1 V!th'o piece or'pacltajte OZfJABURGS,., LINENS, CALLI ,t0 COES"jn'd i very genet al a(Pnmeni of , '. 'DRY -fSOODlh H ARDW Ak VT. . "'VhVr.VCUesurvin. s'. Wirrjntonr April 7, 6". 'HcyVarjd:& Stewart: ij 11 tu lesve. J.o!fpfurm iba 4nhhMatl 1 L X)f VViiirington an i itiTtcinity, that klhev are. now. ontuinr at-ihelr (lorelin n Mattet.Steeffc a very geheral atul hand, y lump, auurtmenl of opting 'and Summer Gi)odr.They : feel conCciom . that ' fro-n . the great caftakenjn felscling thca(Toru 1 merit, that the ladies and' gentlemen will .find,, it tQ their toiereft to apply., before ho allottmeot begoirvel Drokcn ;rj..; .1 April 17, ,., ; , tf. , Police, I& hereby given' TTHHsubscriber hsvlnir lately reeeiveS a I A full snd hsnewad 'Power of AHonfef ' from lha iMaof AVimble, lohsbitamsf ' . . . . . A . . j jiostoq ana otnef parts ot tna uommo&wcanik of Massachusetts, . It 11 I ' OFFERS POR SALS . - ,:. Lan'r1flft Pronertv nf .iira ITeir. I V" '! etmststing of pearly ' ' . One hundred Lots, ' ly inp ' IrlXhe v Town af WHmlmJtoti,- Also a Skirt tf Land anjoininz on mo eastern anq aootnern pouc- , aanes ot tna lawn. ' i l iV if." .iijn fa.'ii'il u 1 TeruVsjiadB. kno.wby.apftiyiagltsyr.rpt tio 7'i..aH ..iiVctCrpesitel I A flit SI. . j ,,