' -ft" 4- I lit h- ' : v , :.v K ft Family.6okela School Bibka ? - ..7q -J Uookfcf tmtrioa'prairer tUjant fc iomrnoo, Bau"ttesoCWatr and Ilertey i". Virfcv. W Booth'.iRiHga of Grace .p'.'i -'.l.rt atfcat fcfJlodeTtt Dina'. t a,rw;f ' DHldrjdg' .Exposition, ofc Ute, atw lUyohthtfCfeafioit vfrmraerm 'in on ' Sotilade M'Ewetronihe Tif, v ' Saurtn', 'BUIr'a and Erskine Sermon' ' Addiso Evidence' i the Christian ftelU " ftfoMt i"i ft .. "t'iijtf Jv Vsl;" at. : Allien fflum to tbeinnconvertea If. tyi . Methodist Hymn and-SpMuaJ Song -.V 3 ' AValf and, Bjippon fio, MiX rFiL ' ' Ojeauiie ojt nature; tr. .U vifj r 5 IIntfaU Mdore'i Sacred Drtoia , . . AdiraVyT SpirJ of DespoUtm pemocrtt ' Dcteoce of .Usury ' ' . - ,v x Baron Trench ,Tb Aljerlne CpTvy- v j Cout.Suffe ring . , '.':. '; TJWUI p( Robert txrd CKtc H Stewart' ElenAjaT of lire Pililoaopby of th -'tlumarf NfinaiV f . W;:-- HTcholsoh'i PhiWsophy'aBd aVtgatl9iiVi;S i f BerMeyVMVnme PhHowphr V, Uollhy Belt Letter! DJalr Uctareas J Sheridan on Etbcutioon u.iv.!n' ' t-v Kaime';Ci,iticia '. t r l . A iul XaimVg Art of thinking Art of Speaking i &.atmc aaeicnea oa sua i, , Friesriey ' LeeXuret ,lf , lt,.,J AIion Esjay o the Dtur and trinci 6ratorVAuiant '-'-' t I, CdrVanVSofcechei ;-0,J ' 'ZinVpierman on National pride' fr',,t r o ' KThoAVbrld f the Spectator j 1 V " W.llAm- Ji.lt ton DY tbc lattarriValt, the ubcriber hVe re "ViTe4 the foUowin articlet wbkbj tkey wil aall at redaced brices vs. .' ' ' ,-r0 puncheooi ? proof 'Bum,' .' ', ''' Do.- prime Motatwa. lra6 its. men Coffl.' . Hlift.ila 6m Irani Vw. El- I'.'ftj'i: M'-T !U VVbola and half barrela No. I aod Siorui m BeeC RouadBeatin kha, ' 7.y ;t ;,jieg Tripe,-, :. ;. ; ; ,1' j -Ttt piece Tow Clot V -v (:" t v?. i.. Fine and court Salt : ';:.;7 ',';... ' .".."i . f eraoni ftiapoaed to purchase 1 any quantity (not Ua "than fifty puncheons) the 3 proof Rum, may be accommodated with a credit of 3, and 6 months, or by aa addition , of inter est; -3ft and 12 months, v Approved hbtcs negotiable at the Bank ol Cape Fe ar wBT be 5RelSU,i;1''? fooValWiatar Eveniogr.t . ,iti lot.to iim;;0;Hf ;',RilmU-r'V''' i.Ht..'- , . .3 1 ' ' ' '. . I. ' JohDStan'li Lives nfthe Port . j-, i. LookerOa . OgdnJ Antidote ' Andrew1 Eamii ...".!-. a-t .woaariago'aoermona -v-" 7 . Brown'i Christhn jowraaf 8 ll lOddridiKe'k Riie tcv Progress of Religioii lei -uth Boot'' v fc ' l M i Jv'-HV' Cospel Sonnets r. - .- i:t;V ; HuabaaJr: and Navigation Splritulized clXj ' Fordy cc'a addresseatv young mca 7 ( Life of W lad? Ooddridgej a r i f Religious CoUrtsbip , fy4,,i.:I -V tu,4'rt Vj' iqchecr'a Lcf tore i,tv, : j-:w Luorsjto-voitaira t . Iljilvliiirtan' Mi!moi' : joaxier a wu Jotpn's Livea of thp Focta' 1 ' ttn'lVAFsii tiu-ialtmorm Dictionaries r tl? ' louog Latin dictionary ; , :)i Adam's Useful Knowledco ' "s ''i1 BsautlesofGoldsmilV J t( f j ! Chesterfield's adlce to hi io?' 1 ' " ' I Row's Letters J ' -a i ia the . Grace abOuhdia to the ' Chief of Sirtnert'" ', Buayan's Holy War; Minor Works andPll . -grira'a Progress . ' .Chnsrtanif'y'Unveiled i" V u i,'- f. Fowler's Exposition of the Book of Comoioa a,. Prayar -'!.;''"( :v'J-;vt:'T''-; ' :' 'A collection of Essay on the subject of i F.piicopaey, by. Dr. Linn and othere Lesson of the Protestant Episcopal church witU an exposition of all the Sundays V Iprincipal holy days throagboot th yeaf, - by A. Fowler;,-- -' k- . V ' i '. ' " : "A short aiid familiar explanation of ttra ' CtechUnV of the Epiacopal Church, . , -introduction to Chnstiim JLoowIcdga , -The Sincere Chrufiaaj aitruacd '.ilopstock's Mesalah ' , ? 1 " The Afflicted Man'a Compinioa Studies of Nature ' V -" - , Uartey'a MediU'.iona ' ' " "-Theatrvof Oil't'JuUgawnt , Family Instroctor'"5.. 'v' Sacramental Directory .' . f -4I)erog1p!iica! Bible ' ; t ". ' 'T' ' J " V " ' ' ' tlTbWton'a Joarphaa ' -Eusvdi nirtory of ancient Earop . ollio'a Ancieut ilistory;- ; s' k 1 . Adm' ViHoryOf Rome and franc RobeTiboa'a hiaiorv Af America' ; JlIiHrir MetMiraof lh Amcrkan 'Reta. - lution to lr ii related' otba Sutet tf a North and South -Carolina and Geotgiat aowden'S history f Aaserica ' - 'AhbeT RcynalA history of the Indka ,, i)cckford'a hl.lory of France .' ' Coldamith'a history ot England -Anciant Europe " ' ', " 1 J&"ersoo's Nutes on Viitlntfe 4 V , ' j.Tooke'e Ufe of Catharine - " ' ' ' . Secret Memoir of the Coort Petcrsburgh , Beantiea w Uistory , .' ,, ., , .Cabinet of natural history '.' ' ' -Oldcatil' Remarks on the history of Eng Uni ilritl i h Anliqaities j . AValliCe'i aocient peerages , " . .. ri - .Travel of Anaeharu tha yoaoger -la Greece- ': v - V . . -. Adam'i flowers of raodera tratell - 'Park'ti'.Uambergtr.V Jafraw'a - and ver'sti-ints , , f ; .." . : CilTjrd Rcaidcnc ia Franc ., . .Pdcli', Journey :" - ; . , .VrieitV iravcE in thetJWd SUHf -r . Daaen'a travels 1o Egypt during the can-.- .(. paiChOfBUfioaprteia that country, t. Bruce'.. do , ' Moflugda'ida. ; ; , : -Travel hi Europe, A"'' 4 Africa,'''' j M'Keaxla'a Veyaftes ia Montreal thro the conomt of North America. tVe. . CartUolomew' Voyage o the F-asulodiea CooVa Yof gc rouadfi rori4 ? Row's Letter Steuben's Exercises " American Husbaadr k The Farmer's Magazine h oc uaraner yiclioDary V a t M.Hi Marver's Botany - , e . r r k ' . . ' ,, The late.t, and most. appreved(4ysUma of '.farriery u., 4 Aikins Uuers ' . , V S T: Berinet's and HallerS Letters, , ' . 1 ' Petrarch's view of human h.e . u v . Darwio' Temple of Nature ' " ' V Lady' Micellany ! ' 1 r.lensentabl Morality ' . ' Mrs. Wew's Letter, 'addressed' ta a yon man on hi first entrancalnto life ' . .? New Pleasing InstroctorV or young Lady' Guide to Virtu and Happiness, j . ; ? Gentlemsa and Lady1 Magatina A- mims Magazine..! -1 art ; : ,.. !: ). Burton's Lecture en Female Education 4 Dodley Select Fab,le.y v ;i ; i-ady a .'receptor I' nend Yboth'i Yune American Jest Book i Grey Can Female policy detected. ''", ' ; ' . Wisdom-in Mifiiatnre ' 1 " ' 4 ,:..': ToberLet or Sold On Mural and accomnoiativg Urmii THE houfc and plimatioa belonging ' to Willijim Grava Beny, fq. joji merly ba property of , Mr. Langdon, fi tr uatcJ oa !th .found, and, about, efght'.'i.r oifl miles from VV ilmingron -tiq , hand loose- fituauon of.it ia a..dciixaWa.jiat at rhis ieatba of the year lor ahe- relidcnca of a geatlciuao's family The plantation contains about 406 acxei of land, pari of which has been planted and jiToiluced ex ' .Cellent'cotn.'V. ;v' :-.1 :-; ',T Tb fioeS S(h and oyuers on ibe cea(T, with feveral other neceflai its and Uxuricl of life are produced in abundance. " - The houfe conHUing'of a Hall 18 by 20 feet-one adjoining chamber and foriafl clofet, a pantry ana dairy on the 0iflB.,br', and two apartment on the fec U ju ?;ood. order, and the houfe quit it for the mmediate reception of a Meoteel tamilv. fvi luituc, it,ivwaia mypij , Fn. L ' John. Barclay. , s May ;i9 v y:!?t?y$&w17 TenDmWBjed.-. tJvAAWAY?aboot 'a fortnig'lif ago JLi.fftotti pfantatibn, Old ToWa, Biuuf- fukwinirr riegro fcllow fhamed' EPHRAIM, " Aged between J6 nd 40 years', 'about J feet' 6 '6i "7 Ibchei high, Rout1 made,' ha loll ; all .the ,toei oft one; of his feet; with a CopiGderable blemiOl in one eye ; $iion When he abfeonded, a grey woolen r'ouud JacketjlVelt'and noulera of the1 fame; tIth'a6 Old -tound h -he J ruppoled 10 fpHOSE peifo',, ' WhiS ' hiC Mf.i' U' luiking' aboutjol, HiU 1, where bj a'coowaagaialilh.: fubfc.ibc.wni formerly, livcd-y Wrw H fecdie, of. fe luender;ihV rrne ; i Mf, John rj v,wf ,7, , " ll ".ilareiayaaa i thoie.whp ai udchiJi- ' " 'i'" "' A-jr1'-1 a' ' r irr;' r ta-4' -i; Ax PIECE of ground fronting Second , ."V Street, property of Mr. youngeri4o;i application. tn whom or Wjlliaw CampbeH, particular and tcrui ol' ,ahj will .be ruiitle ; known.-; -t,- ,ii;, -:v-.:u efk-i;i" ey select rave.,-,;.v,;i .i ; fof Women y, f -v. ijf.r. 's Library Pleasing Instructor . ; i 5 Lady' Monitor" ;' . ' dcuver him,' or the 'atoteuid, plantation : will receive the above teward from Mr. Vf I d ' V . 5 V 1 1 ' i f j t. tt A V n n '." ' - ' I ' T heMama "ftsVaid la alfo "uifcicd for a l) rrj PT) l' " ' ' ,Who atfeonoed ttwm tiie laid, plantatioi '.about a week ago H is aged abuut 19 6r ao, year 5 lt j or 8 incheiyhigfi and Well piopor liOned, is tremcly antol ano evauva in n aniwcr iiau on wneu he went away a round brown cloth jacket, tinco Ihin, a pair vt daik hooiefpun trcu fers and an old black hat ha is fu pooled to be lurking about ' Wilmington or fomf where In the county ot New.Hanover or Br unfwick, be Is well known in both ; tie was US purchafsd fiocn Win. HU, (,fq who bought him from tb cQata ef the iatfi Mr Adam of Flyettevill. , . ' 4 f . Msfleit of veifels or any craft m exu . tipned agalnft cat (i in 2 them off. " 1 - a Vablea of Flora Dibdin'a Sonn 1 Little's Poem Pleasure of Hnpa and Memory '- : " OMian'i, Bura'r and SiiiallcU poemi Columbian Mu u .Watta'a !yric4 poems '. r"t i t A variety pf "Son Book , . . D. LI.. 1 ft - I I A I Uiy a raotc rarauitc ; , t, . I Ond'a Art of Love) Thompson's Season YcnatJ Spoater;;-.;-,'--- ,y 1 Th (Vr.a Krw;clr. a mrlti drama ' Seiche Revived or the Vision of Alfred. Poems" .Vw-'J" . DrartatJa Dialogue . . ( Young Man's I ompanioa .' ' Y . , , Dilwarth's Arithmalic Federal Calculator American Monitor ' PiVaa Arilhmaltrka . ' ', New.Englarvd Primer Uutton' Logarithm , - - Conic Section .', SimpMm'a - do Element pfEucIid. Car; V . 1 1 Howard & Stewart . T)EQ Itav to inlwim tha' Inhabitants JDoi Wilmington and in vicinity, that they are t.ow, opeumg at their lloit ia Iiaiaioiiwi, gsuciai iuvi iiairu. fame' iflorimeot of Spnng aod Summer Goods They feel corifciwiii ttur. from tbe great cat taken In feafling the affbrt. mailt, that th ladies and gentlemen will Sttd it io their iatcieO to apply bctorc the aSvitmeot becotue biokeu. : brSalaorRent; Gibtoo'aand Loves Surveying , - , - 4 Mair Book Keeping , ' , , ' , . Pcarce't Longiuut . ' , Saltmann's Gymnastic , , ,' k, Enfield Spesker 1 The Prompter French Prosodies! Grammar ; ' V7T Chambaud's French and English Exercisa American Preceptor t Scott's Lesson - ' Fraaer Awtttaiit f Spelling Books' ' " Arritotlt's Midwifery V ' , . Domettie Medicine !. ' ' ' ''' Edinburgh New Ditpensitory ' ' Elliotl Medical pockelookL:.L nuoteron uueases : . , ; SttocUie Midwiferr .. . '' f i A treaUM on tb plague and yellow fevet ' J ! Jacob Chemical companion , , . . 1 I Hunter on tha Ulood . , Thorn ysoo'f Fa aily fhyuciaa Morbid Anatomp ' ; Edinburgh Pharm acwefia : 4 Wltlotk'a Vtrare " ; ' , .The works. 1 Swift f "pi -MiiUmi 8um, ''Montagu and Car rick '. - A tord'Chaibam'a Llf , ' ; , - iCaaa View of th Vnil-.i Sutr r. History of the Court and Cabinet of Su : Cloud, .; . , .... . , '. . . Turkish Spr ; . . . rrcsidra'.'a Msge, fcche. j American Ctin ' . SomertilN'i Political Traniactioaa. ' . IVlUicaiDicUo ary 1. it Nev CompUu Letter Writer cnguin iveaaer , , Colomhiao Orator - ' , Entick'a Pocket Dictionary - , , A llam'lton's Mrchandxv. . , ? . v.' A gre 1 variety of Entflth .and Latin HE fubkriber .offers for fal w leafe, on rcafombl lerrot, a plan. tauon in uruntwtck Uouoty, containing 774 teres, adicinioK. the Court. Houfe, ou which Is a large Dwelling Houfe, &c "Th above Uod rent fine the 17th latl jMaich it 30 dollar per annum. ; '- 'A 'uble Iraci ot Land in Claden County, on the N. . ftdcaf the N." W. River, adjoining lb Land pf the lata Col. Thomas Owen, well timbered with cak & pine, arid convenient to tha river. ' . 'Alfo a trad of Land on Topfail Sound , cootainini ico acres, to the Southward vna ivauwaiaot Virginia v.reca on waicn jhtr ii foma improvement. st'KI-.L.'. ..."'""' .' ' ! M ' I I one more nolle thofe that employ my negro wench Sally wokndWo' to me, jwhich is very much to my Irjuiy, I will Eiofecui them as th law dircflt the iid Sally U to hire by th jest t auactcily paymcrit will he' ei pecked. . For: Sale t ,; A viLUAtLt MfctQ Woman,, " a excellent cook walherand ironer. I -JOHN MR11N, Msy ia. . .: ,,;,'( - J : .me,aie lequcfled mVa tuipre Juic pay-" ) May 46..,'. i Wm. .G.i BERRY. -II 111 Hi Ji . . ! I.H Mi in 11 . I1 1 1 l I 11 It , ;-SEtUNGvOFTi:- ' AT REDUCED PRICES, fiPHt Subfcriber.haini rieteimiMcd 'W "X tetlU, the retail hufiitefs, nffcis for "falliis jemiijiinej Stock of Gwirl't very loa. for cafliy Jaad for approve J Banka ,n'n'oie6, 9 and ia inouih cicJii nili -be given. ''Ty 'v.'i'.'.V' . . :-.;:V L :y' , STAr.LA2AllUS. , ' May ..-i;'-if.M.v ,,;.'. v':r;. i. ,V"" '.- fsoDollarsIReward. i t ;R aN AWAYrfrom th - ubriVer on Friday Evening last, a Negro Man named ::::;--:,-'-u:FRANK5':::; about 30 year of age, about $ feet high and Well made, has a tear under the loll eye, occasioned by- th tooth ache, and two ef . his under foreteeth are out had on when h went away a dark coloured drab coat and homespun overalls, and took with hint ' a variety oi other clothes. ' 11 profeaaeV Ittclhodism and sometime exhorts, , , ' 1 suspect the aforesaid Ncstro itlurkinj: , about Wilmington and aill attempt to make hit escape la -tome -vessel; all. mature of vessels md othert are therefore . cautioned . , against harbouring, employing or carrying aim away. .'-. ; . -, ; The above reward will be given for epprr. hending and securing Said Netrro Id jail or hringina; him to me in Brunswick county ' March 34, m JAMES FLOWERV ' - FOR SALE .40 Hogshesdt MolasseV. .! 30 Puncheons 3d proof Rum , 30 Hogsheada Superior quality Sugat-: .. It tierces . ao.r .... . . 30 Barrel , s do. .... ,, , 30 Uogthccdt N. E. Sura ". V . ,.f ;. Caks Claret Win , .. , ,', , .1000 Bushels SuUbea Salt, afloat r . - 3000 Weight Coffee. .. June 3. . .w N.W. RUCCLM.V 1 1. a. 1 1 n X. a..! Memorandom Book with pencil . , , ' A htndsom attortnMatci Blerchant Blank Book j , ; . j . . 4 v - r Cyphering do , t 1 . ) . j' Ptper of vtriou kind- 1 ',.. 't. QniUl4edPcneiltfWartr, Scaliat; Wa Indian, Rubber, Pounce, Sad,kc &. ' ' Sheriffs Sales. : ON the teaib day of July next, will ha told al :be Court Houfe, 320 arte laud as th properly of Hardy Powell, fiu Bated on the head of Highfmiih' Swamp, . Joining th lands of Jacob Powell and OmWi CedcM, to fatUfy fundry Writ tAYtni. Exf. vi. faid Hardy Powell and Ueanet Fellows. 7-" - WM.KUTT. June 1. k, . ; - ,.j . TnURSUANT lo an Ad ot the laft General AlTen.Uy, diitc)ir.jt a fal cf public lands adjoining bmuhville will he told on a credit of fix monthi b public auclion at the School-hoof of fall 1 on. pa Saturdar tUbday of Jylf 'aew, all.: or lata una in coav0MBr. roil,, nr par ceti 1 rufficieot title 10 te (icned on the purchiftn giving approved fecunty, . . ,n,f.- John Conycrs,-. , ' ; .'.'v'; Benjamin Ulaney, t'.. Samuel Potter. , .SmitUville, Mirch 31, 1I37. A THE subscriber to the life of General Washington arc in- , formed he 5th Volume and Atla of the Battles . are jeetived, : and will be delivered on -payment of the Subscription due. . . ' . . Any other persons can now sup ply t,hemselves with ; this Interes ting worl aa a few seis vill hi left on hand: ' -; . i r Apply to j ,.v ; 0.. - JOHN LONDON. :v.i;.:;a:.;::;;.,j 'i