t -- - - -- . - - - '''''' : : " RTna Juryi tnwhlch tr'.Uf uld, t -gBmga Wdt a pardoned inaC Mr. JJurrob-, , aerved that 64 had received an unsolicited . : v pardon from the President, which he had re - fuaedi Some conversation ensued. :. It was - ! contended that, As Bollmaa had refvised the pardon, he ould not be considered as a par.,; '-;' dotted man, and that his evidence ought Dot : ' .'- therefore to he received. .. .sf' - ' " The Melampua British friRate, Wbich,;a " few 4ays ago, went in quest of the brig Ce- rts.'fcaptured off our Capet j smalt French' ;' privateer, returned td her anchorage oil Tues- uay, auer an unsuccesstul pursuit '." -V:. . .Mjim-- James Usher lr j ' . The 15th Inst, was the day appointed for , the meeting of the .Commissioners of this vv State and of Georgia, at Buncombe Court house, for the purpose of adjusting, ihe long disputed boundary of the ; two States. ' W unnenuna tnat cresulent Caldwell, of our .University," and President Meigs of the Unl . tersity of Georgia, accompany the Commis-'i aioners ill Order to make the observations ne . cessary to ascertain the 35th. degree of north i ' ' ; latitude, the true line of division. ' ""T ; ;; ; ; ,Vt r. Register. '. - tfV f "i. :: dv ; f.r-;i ' f it- - The dissolution of the British Parliament ' by the Kmg, after tin existence of one-yearY instead of seven,' because he cannot "mould , , v them precisely 16 hi wish, Is ah "alarming tteasure for that xounWy1. ' The reasbn aU' - ledffed for iU in the Address frbm th TKm,,..' of appealing to the voice pf the people, is ; known no to be avtrue one becaUe if the i''; . i people of that country wtre hiardttl Elections (which they rfe riolan immediate reformat, lion of the corruptions of Government would 1 ; take placet It is in oroW to get a Parliament that will he more sieiwnf to the King's wishes, wr the wishes of those about him, far he not' , in tte to; think for 4 himelf-Hls lalej Speech. was defiireret) by'protylZfa : CUSTOM-HOUSE, WIL>ON. U . 1 ''-: Emt'shp's' U' ltM 2une,,Sck'r1hreeJ?rtodj, Parsley, Fhi 't ,'t;.:'V : ;i':',;v 4 ..' . :' .S..v'' iadeiphla - '24, BxprnnteHt, CotziusW New-York . JS9, amp janirsonnsmi s : iiristolf ti , Sch'r, .Johht Robcrsont JtarbadotM'. ' vfurpnj, v , --..i";; New-Tork , 57, &A'r, Arubah, Turners .1 harbadoes ; '". . y ' . 500:DollapRnvdf-dl . f uiiva on the evening of Saturday the iorh i '! Inll. to fet fire to this town by fome evil ' j ' minded perfon or nerfonS- . The ahrr- ward will be paid on convlflion of the Inly cendiary to any one who will lodge fucn ," . i nforrnaiion al may tend - to the aucovetf ' of the bfFendcror offenders," and dcTcI'ope . . A attempt fo truly diabolical. , ( tf By Order of the Commilfiohern . .;. Th i callehdek, t. c. 'T'ltA luWriber tnlfoVms the inhabitant of Wilminglon and its Vicinity, that he has Jbr the present taken 6Ir.. i G. Vr',ghiV , iitore In 'market-slreeti below Mr." Scott's, . where he offers for sate oh the moil rei&oha i bl terms, A very general assortment bf Dr Goods, Griker1es,8tc. ace. via. Callicoes, Silk - aaj Cotton ttiaiubiays fiuhvd and plain Cambrics,; nd Lenaus, Book and Jacqueoct' ; iluilins; figured and plain Gihghatas, Cami brick Dimitv, Ailk and Cotton Stockings, .llartdannah Handkerchief Vetvtt Hibbonr, Coiioh Pit Nic Mitts and aieavesv Patent Suspenders, ' Silk and Cotion Umbrellas, Wen'a Sdk and Chip Hats, feshionable Bon. htts, Unen, turn Lawn; Grandarllls, Cotton Cassimeri Silk fyr Gentlemen's Coals, Su . pcrflne Black Clotha, i)rb Caiere, . ' Tbread, Tapes, fcc. kc. v Old French Brandy, Lisbon, Sherry, Claret, Aladcira Wines and London PnnrJ . f Freth Teas, Almond, Raisons, prunes, . TFi. Olives, Anchovies, Capers, Rsh Sauce, . Spanish and American Segars, Tobacco in paper for chewin and snjoakin, Mccab)f fhd Scotch Snuff, kc. kc. . '' Al the subscriber bs taVen" great cafe la Ka fteler.lion of th above Ariitlr and lntAitd ' lling at the most reduced prices for tssb -only, he" natters himself that many who bate' heretofore bought on credit writ find h ad .. . vantsgcousto purchase of him. v THOMAS WRlCliTi. .June 30, iJ' .. HAS juft received and opened a fmall confignment of frefh Summer Goods ' from Philadetphu, - confiding -.of hand-" fomeGallicoei, tamboared Muflins, Cam brick', ice. which will be difpofedof W reafanable terms, for - calh," produce, of notes at flilv divsj neuiiibleat 'thifT.n- ' .Fr Bank. ', - ,A ;;f J, Jone $o. .- , '.A.tiv..,,t.;. -WANTED pWENTV-nVE or thirty Cords of X Pine Fite-Wood, to be delivered Itn-" mediately, for which cafh. will be given the fubrcriber, will alfo contract for the (ame quailhy to be delivered monthly; - N..W, RUGGLES. :r No. S, R. Bradley' Wharf. Jane 30. .. , .-. ''Kv:if " For Plymouth, r ne merican dig Minerva, james Clever land mailer. ' For Cabin gnt or tlftage; Ipp! yv o . mailer on- board: or 10 , X - 1 rawas FOR SALE V3 Hogsheads Molasses ' ; ,w -'30 Puncheons 3d proof Rum ? "" . 30 HogsheadaSuperior quality Sugaf r' 1 - It Tierces- ' -do. ' ' ' - ' .. 30 Barrels-" , do. , ' r 30- Hogsheads N. E. Runt , -:" Casks Claret Wine ' . . . June 2. ; N.W.RUGGLESL Mf "SlierifPs i Sales; M; 7N the tenth day of July next, will be V told at the Court. H land as the property of Hardy Powell, fit. aated orf the bead of Highfmhh'a Swamp, joinibgihe'' lands of, Jacob Powell and Charles Cogdell, CO fatisfy fundry Writs of Vtnl. Exp,, vs. faid Hard; Po welt and . Bcnntt fellows. v . : u, s A ' a Wm.";ku tt. June 2 j .GiLtS&BRVmg Ten Dollars Reward. RANAWAY from thefubfcti'ber on I the i tfl,- April lath a negro pan aa. tncu EPHUATM about five feel five inches bich. htout maJe find flutters fomewhat in Ms T pec"t1 bran. ocu pn ins oreaii wiin mc teller fw. nad on when , he went away a blue jacket and liorherpun trotifersfuppofed to be harboured tip the N. E. or N. W..HU tttU'- Whoever Uill deliver the faid E phraim to the Tubfcriber of in the . Wil. mirigron jail, (hall receive the above reward and all realbhable expence by i! June a. 3 W;:,KEt)DlE:V -To be Let or:; Sold . ()n liberal and accom tti bdat ir g terms, ! . - THE houfe and plantation belonging ,to.Viilim Grav., Berry Eftj. for merlv the property of, Mr. Langdon, Ct uatedbn the fotin.fj and about, eight or nine miles from Wilmingtonthe hand, tome fituation of it is A defirabla keir9t at thil feafin of th vear lor iti '..rirl.n. of A gentleman's familv. Tha nUniaiiii. u ... - - - contains snout 400 acres or una. pan of wnicn nai Dcen planted and produced ex client coVh. ; - ; The fined filn and oylieri bh ihe coaft, with fcveral other nectflaries and luxuries of life are urndiired In ahurulinr The houfe confiding of A Hall 18 by 2o ieet--one adjoining cnamoer and fmall clofct a pantry And dairy bh the fiifl Buorj and two anartmenti on thk fernnt . I. 1.4 - - , . . ' w g(KJ order, and the houfe tjuitA fitfor the immediate rtceptien of A genteel family j ' For fuhher particbUri apply . ; tl la v'fohn Barclay May 19 ..-;.- .- t- -r-r "" - T 1 nnHE subscribers to the life of A . General Washington are in iorraeti the 5th Volume and Atlas of the Battles are received, and to dc oexiverea. on payment or tnf bubsenpuon due. . , ' Any other persons can now sun- ply themselves with " this' interes-. ung rworx, . as a iew ; sets Will be left on hand. ': , " s- ftn J v JOHN LONHOK. TfiUon Kin ?$gf: btaLLlNG OFF - i ' At UEDucEd prices; ; THE bubfenber havinu determined to decline the retail bufinefi, cflferl for fale hli temaimng Stock, of Goods vtry tow for csfh. and for aooroved Hinka. ble notes 6, 9 and li months credit will he given, . v A; LAZARUS. ' May 12. ; . . . . . ,: .sT n J? Ten DollarsTllewardJ KAN.AWAY about a fori nigh agin from DlantaitonOld Town. Rn.nf. wick tmihty; a neero Icllow name i ' - N , -V . 1 iuiiiw nii:c EPHRAIM, Aged between; j6 and 40 years, about $ feet1 6 or 7 inches high, Jlout made, has - v" " vi, ms icet, wiin ' a cqnfiderable blcmiQi in one eye 1 bsd on wuca no aDiconaea. a vtrv wnin jacket, rveft and trouleri of the fame,' an uiu iuuuu nai--ne is luppoled lo be lurking about col. HiV where he formerly lived. Whoever will fecure, or lodge him in" the 'goal bf Wilmington, or deliver him oh the aforefaid plantation, Will receive the abuva rewatd frnm Mi I Barclay, with all reafonableeapences.. t H ' The- fame, reward is alfo offered far . iegid icllow named. . " . ; . For Boston, The fcKnnrer Tbr tullki, O. Elliot maf.: ter. For freight or r-afrige,p1rife applvio N. W. RUGGLES. .No. a, R.Bradley V . ' Jone 30. i- VVhail. teTfa1 'HOSE, petfon wbohaVe.' any'ac"-' touuts sgalMt the lublcrlbet, will . lea fa to firtdfr tht Lmi in Mi. InKn ' lis relay, and all ihofe who are indebted 10 me Are icquc&ed to make immediate piy ient,; - , ' ' , Ma; Jtf. . ; Wai. G. BERRY. 20 Dollars Reward. Ran AVvAY from1 tbe lubicriber otl Friday Efcnirfg last a M gre Man DatrJed ; FRANK, . bodt 30 yearV of Age about feet high and ll writ made, hit a aaf undp' i!id left . occasioned by tbe tooth ache, and two of His under lorctetin are out had on when ti'ii rnt aa a dark cnlnnt-pit Irah -nl I and homeioun overalls, ahd took sllh him tnclhodtam and sometirftes exhorts. , , ' f auinect the aforesaid Xearoia Iurkine 1 -- - . . . e t ... about vnmington ana 111 attempt 10 tnsae hi escspc in some vessel -airjnsutrt 0 .rl. and oihtra ara tbereiora taolionei acaint harbourlag, tffiploying of carrying 1111 wi ...... The ahova reward Hill be friven for ahnre. fVcndids; and sccirinr iald Kcrto in jU or ItrinRinR bin to main Urunswlck county. March a. JAMES FLOWERS. Who abfcbr.dcd from the (aid ptantation about a Wet it. ago lie U aged about 10 or 10 treats, j icet f or 8 inches high and well proportioned, is extremely artful and etaCve in hjs at fwcri had on when he went away a round brown cloth jacket, lintb fhirt) a pair of diik homefpoa trtu.: fcrs and an old black hit -he la r,nn ,r.j to be lurking about Wilmington or fome wnere in tne county ot riesnlianover or Drunfwlck) be is wrll known in both 1 be wai laft pUrchafed from Wm. ill, jtfa Who bbughi him from ihetdateof the late Mr ;Adams Of Fajetteville, . ; RlaOeia of teirela or any crsft are'eau. tioned againfl carryihg them off. ' Howard & Stewart BEG leave 10 inform the inhabitants A Wilmington and its vicinity, that 1 hey art now opening at their flore , in Mstket.Street, a very general and hand. " r O mfsm wuuiujcr Goodi. They feel ConfcioUs thai from the great care taked in felacling the aCfort. ment, that the ladicl and gentlemen will fnd It (0 their i&terefl to apply before the aftbrtmeot becomes broken, i April l y. ' tf. : -' ' - -1 '- - - i " Eahds fotSale or Rent, TTIHE fubferiber - offers for fale or leafe,' on reafonable terms, a pUrt."" tattoo in Brunfwick County, contaimog 774 acres, adjclningthe Court. Houfe, on which is a large Dwelling Houfe, ic. The above landa rent fince the 17th laft -March at 30 dollars per nnum. A. valuable tract ot Land in Bladen County; on the N. E. fide of the N. W, River, adjoining the Lands of the late Col. Thomai Owen, weHtirobered with oak & pine, and convenient to the river. " - Alfo a tract of Land on Topfail Sound ' containing 400 acres, to the Southward, - -and Eallward of Virginia Creek on which mere is tome improvement. , " - ; U? J. ' ,1 once more notice thofe that employ' " my negro wench Sally unknown to me, ,1 , which is very much to my injury, t will .' firofecute them as the law diredsthe aid Sally i$ to hire by the year J quarteily -payment will be expeQed. . , : ?t;For';Saelll:-p-vW A A VAtUABI,? MSGRO WOMAJV '"i" ' an excellent cook walherand ironer -, V. JOHN MRTlNr SherilT's Sales.-" : . - ON Wednefday the SQth day of July 1 next,' will be lold at the-Couit ' " Houfe aoa acrci land on the Eall fide of v the N. Kail River, and on ihe.Eaft fideof -Godfry 011 the South fideof the brick yard and 83 acres on the North fideof the brick, ta.d joining A. Girrifon's line by virtue oliveni,' p. tome directed at thjfear'' of Wm. King;, vs. Jamest Towning.; Alfo W acres land where Dahll Yatea now.refidei,by virtue of a vtnd. t 'tit. :Kts ktel I.ane. f. flinirl Y.t.e ; v ' f Alfoj. loocres lai.d on Bull tat) branch joining A. D- Bordeaux, by virtue of ' ' vend rjr Thomas Murray, vs. Berla min Evans.' .v !..;-.;,.;...;.".,;. - . Wm. NUTT, Shff; Junelj. , , TAYF.S For the year: 1806. TkTOTlCE Is hereby" given, that th .11 fubferiber is, ready to receive thV Taxe for the year t8ofi, and calls upors . all concerned lo make payment as Toon aa poflible he will attend regularly at hi office to receive the fame and at the en fuing eleaion will be prepared . with th li CI lorihs purpofs of receiving raxeii A ;,Y,-;-.;- ' Wm. NUTT, Shff. ; June 43.. - ''..:Si::," :-; ' - PURSUANT to an A3 of the ja(vl General Affembly, dircfling a fale of public lands adjoioipg Smithvilje will be ' fold on a credit of ; fix months by" public aucVion at the School-houfe of faid Town on Saturday tbe 2ad of Auguft next,"' all of faid laous in convenient lots,' or par. ' cell r fuflicient titles lo be figncd-oA the purcnaleri giving approved lecurity.; ;: . John Conyers, . '. ; (. Benjamin Blaney, ' ;1" .' i Cw, Samuel Potten; ' . Smithville, March 31, 1807. for sale. - '., A PLANTATION feven miles lW town" called Fork TleMi,: containipg. at leaR 00 acres, on which is a Dwelling Houfe and out houses and about 40 acr t of cleared ground ; belonciogto Mifs Eft- I Jean Ewens...Tcrmi,cauWior particulsia ; apply 10 John Martin cr Benjamin BlamV 1 omiiovuie, ,. May tj. Advertisernerit. nniiE 1 Subscriber Ifitchds Icavinr tbTa " Slate lA a verv abort tlm. bm! k hopes no one will neglect presenting their account lor pajmcni. June . , iOIlN FEADODt. T'HE subscribers Inform their frienifa aril X tk nntilir In .n...1 t k v.' .... r li. UCJ bpened a store, In Mr. Avery's row, five doors north east corner of Market Street, where they effer for sale on raw -terms for prompt payment, a genet al aswmmeot of goods adapted for tbe season . Groceries of all kinds, - . EaU and West India Goods, v ' 7 French Brandy and Holland Gin, ' ": Old WbiOtey and Peach Brandy, . JtejsBuer and! do. Hops Lard, ' ,( urria riour, . . do . , Pilot Dread, with a general assortment of Dry Goods ef the Very bet quality, all of which will be sold on rcaaapawo terms, either by wholesale or .n'L-i ' - - ' v 11 ,i . reny, Fontaine, Co. . . , Wilmingtoh, 3ld June, 180f. .' N. B They have also a store in Fayette. till Under the firni of ; Terry, Tcrguson's", U Co. . lOO.DollarsRewarda RAN AWAY on the loth inst. a like. If negro man caVd " Billy, arid sometimes William ' be Is about 6 or ay years old, is of a ytli low complcKionbciogft ifustce, hela ' about Icet 5 or 6 Inches high, fqtme built, bis legs are a, little bow'd, walks' lather heavy andlary. hia countenance . fpeaks highly in hit favor, and whenever fnoke to, lie smiles 1 he is a mill bv trad i and one of the mnn r..r,i . hia colour in. the Stated-He may -endea- vwr u pais ior a iree rnsn, and change hia name, fee He has taken wiih him hia cloaths, ard having money4 msy alier his dufs to prevent t!eietlion.JA Kia moiher llvtd with Mr. Jofeph Clark when he refilled at Ncgtclicad point-, p,o'bably he may have gone to Mr. Jonah CUrk'i k now rtCding at Spting.Gaiden on RockyI Point. . ' , , . . , tY Tb printeri alnnr tb fi...i...,i ..' isr as tuenion, ate jetjuiRed o infcrl tha above ooce a weik for a month, and fend on their bills either to' the printer r,f Georgetown or to Mr. Charles Keifliaw of ChilleOon. or the SuKfrrih.. - BENJAMIN ALSTON, 7unV. Georgetown June 10, 1807. " " Im4wji6 ; a: 4 .