1 . f j '. 1-4 i ;6lubiished jeyery Tuesday byAtLMAtfn ; HAiAjt fcre -Dollars a Year.1 payable in advance or Four Dollars-if not baid within ieafcit i t iv . : Number 548, -. 7. ;. s Xiaie cVinterestfagJ wotilWhwi have recently u-,f -1 " ' .BO$t Oane 1 tY-V " Pjwe ere yet freCh ia ihetf tqcollcj Thearnval at this p,rt77ellrdaftTof tfef-:S: r tho wan ana cuza, Holland, iram L.iv verpool,'haS furnihed u with Fotne late - and tnterefting article! of Foreign! Iutelli-" , gence. Oiir limits Would not admit of - copious TelcHons-but iuch as we have? made, though greatly coridenfed frboa the J. original tnatrer,v'wil be found to .contain , ' (be prominent poi o of iiewi. jv-j-p. i.'. -T Dissolution F Parliament. Housi 6LdtDS, J.I LondoV, April if. Chancellor jo in his Matefty' N,icne, r delivered the tol- 2o wing fpeech ? , - - , ,: -l5 -MVLords and Gentlemen. 1 ' ' ii'coaimapl frooa hUMajef- . , ty, tb.io(orti you that )v -..lajedy has tha't j". , fit to .avail hlrxifetf ,of xha firft; moment lhe Citing of Parliament, without' mate, rial inconvenience '.a the public bufincfg, to clofa the prefent feiBauV, Ahd that hia; Maiefly has therefore heeti a'cafc l o catflV , a CommilTiiin to helirisd nodef th5 Oifeat Seal for the proroguing Parliament! ?; 'f ,We;rare turner co'g ni i led io ftafe, loyouihat his .Majeiiy a.iiu$ tors-. ; cur to the'fqnfe oynspi 'p'e, 'vyhile., t,hu ' tyenta which havo'rcoeiitlir Hksn place are yet frelh in tnsir recolle-.ltrtri ; His Majefty itch, thit a r?ftrtin to this rneafureundsf ihe-prerentcircutullao " cei, he at once dcmoralra-ci tn the mo'l unequivocal manner, his own tonfiemtaus pcrluafton ef tha retA-ft'le of th'iftf "iaotives Xipon which ha his aciel ; and aiFirdi to ' hn people trVei bff opportunity of tcflify." . ing their detsrrrti natttin to fappiirt him in" . every 'exercifi of th prerogatUifc of hit . Crown, Whrcb is c6nBrjtle'tj. the fa- . cred 6bligju.n tinder" which they are held,' snd cortduSiv! to the welfare Of His kirlj4 do ail and to th? fecunty of the Con(litu tlon. -prt'S.-'. ::,'J..V. His Klajerty direas ui to eiprefs h!. entire conViclidn' that ' after fo 'long ft reign marked by a fcrieS of indulgence tft , the , Roman Catholic .Sabjeds;! they, - coremon wth ery othsr clafs of his ped . p!e, mud feet afore J of his attachment to the principles of a juft and cr.lihtened Mo'eration and ot his anxious deli re to , pioteieq tally and promote impartially, the happiuefs of all dfcript ioijj of hit fubi . jecU." ... '-.v.-.i-ii-; ' - ; n ; , 41 Genllerret of tha Houfe of Commons, . ' ' His'Majelty hii comman.lcd us rd thank you," in His MijtuV nim? for the , fuppliei which: yoa have futnllhjJ for' the' ' public.rvici.::. . M He hs fai 'With griar latiifaaiarii that Vou hirebetfl abb cf find the msans of defrayfnx, , to ,P'c ,'. thofe For tconfilerable time before the fteak' er came to'the Hoiife, the Dapiy Uihr of the black rod waited for him behind, th bar, The Speaker ami precifely ;j -fitrsjf minutes paft a b'clockiivatidthewOwiV VUiher then retired t6 the out fide of th$J door, ; P.ayeri Beiiiig'read- ai ulaaf,- the; S peaker t in medi a tel y p rdceeded to cd'i n t ' the h tijfe, but, before hcfSalcd.;ote'4 fouri the' Ojputy .Ijflherknocked atthd door Jiljtejred. Th fpeaker immediately took'" 7th? chairj the;,black -Uod ; according to J the par.Uameptary ufaje,;dirpeiiUng with; ihe.oeccCItty of the ufual numbers reqat-' fite to form the Houfe. : "The Dipaty . U msr t hen ,in the- Ufual form fumnnoned to the Houfe of Peeifs. toliear the. Cait; , mi(Iitifor proroprstionreaJ.'t.The Speakj : cr attended oy molt ot the M:tnDen pre fent, proceeded to the Iljufe of Peers. i .He returned in about ' mtnateivtei' the fpeech at the table, according to tha U 'fiul cuftdm. and 'retireilSt;"':::-4 Thus terrriinated in a nianner p'icoUlriy f abrupt and unexpected, after fitting tour,' months and eight days, tha I ft an.4 only ai jne t ntra raritameiii or tne u-, nitcd Kingdom df ( Great ,Bfi;aitt ad I reiana.Yv, -t-i.:v.ii.j.,v';':.;";-.!i:T Aran 18. We) 'itt enabled from per.!, fonil obfcrvaiiod, to furrtith Tour, readers with the clue to all ihi management, t6 maoy of whom it would other wife ba un- iniellisiable. -'The Finance Gom-nittce and had prepared a reoot tb be fnbmitted to the Houfe. , TheMrtbers oftheCo-i-mittee were in the houfe and one of them,. Mr. Gilf .in lhe abfenca of Mr, Binges,, the Chairman was .waiting below" the' bar' to prefenr the report. That condftent wiili the ufages of the Houfe, .could not be done until the. Speaker had taken . the chair. ; While he .was going through the neceflTary ceremony of counting the Houfe, to afcertaln if 40 Members wera prefent,, the Ulbsr of the Black Rod!' who as we have tlateJ, was in'attendance at the dour;' anJDtiiii?mtfrd'uCe(T, fumfnOted the Houle to the . Houfe of Peers. The man'oever hit fucceeded to a certain extent. li has prevented the . formal prcfentment of the report and confcqiiently aW pofDbili.ty. of its becoming as liich, a lubjea of irarlia rnentar lijfculfio. rl ; - ; l, , ; , 1 he report; as. we underltsnd, Hates 11 ; fiSflince,' ihst fuuaof t6,oool. had been applied by a late Payntafter of the- Frceiv to hit owri uf; arid that this ftSt. came to ' lhe K'lowle Je of hit Colleague," who did ; nut give any dlre&dn td tho'C'etki tfn the 1 fobiea It aifo Hates.'that Ine Commits lee bid jifcovered Other in 1 gtat aoufes , If w rutuooreo yefterday thai a cartel had arrived from France atl that fame pa cific pfdpofal bad been rhadei to :Pu, go-i vernrhent. here wis rumour too Tall riight, 4ri unfounded one, 'we belie ve of ait armitt'tce between i Ruflli and Franc4.:i' Accdiihtf from Varioos pdrtsofths cbn tinent igtie, '"iliat.'durrng tbe late celTition of miljury moemehtsi fume negoctatidni forf a pece Were entered tftKH-and in f acl they go fof'r as to flate, that an armidice had abfolutely beeri concluded';. but this needs conbrnnatlon.. s ? ..Political "Retrospect. - 'No inteliigencc of any ' iniportahcefias been ,receivedroifr the; Continenti V Paris pi pers ,to ve; 1 8 1 h , 'a od Du 1 ch 1 o the a 2I )nfthavVjeloiV;to;ba:nl(b they ctintain'ths (j''k Bolletin'ot t,he 'FrencB arjrty dated if 'irkenflel n pa l he! 4th. ''' 1 1" Sates," that qot ja, Oiot a4 been fired ft ' theadancej (oils "during the iifieen preceding tiays t it.fuppored that, she ffpettfioiii of aclive haftiUticft. i otitiecled in iome degree with the nrgociations for Peaces which are fai.t to be carrying on at M:.iiei, as it were in the pre fence of -the King of Pruflilaad the Einperbf nf Rulfia,' ' wno havr teen for Tome time at tha? place."' Bdih artnles ha:t received, coriftflerblS reinfo'icemeftts. jThe : FrenchVre qiaking'thrholl' aire prepa rations they com tape' (o drain the country behind them, of every dtfpofable jhaii io order to ftrehgthen thcmlelves for a cou j)i)ahic.nV,jbbut4 it take ,p lace, wilj be deciiive cf the , fate ;f Europe. ' In the event of the rcfuit of litis couflid being aainfl then, t'acy sre putting the fortreff. e ihey pollcfj on the Vifldla irt the moll effectual llateof defence,-; whileihejnon. tiou;to pu(h the-fieges of Dantzic and Colbsrg with iucreafed aaitity.' Thec'jn tending powers mult now be able to ttli mate their ability Id do each other all the mischief originaly intended and by this time mu.H be heartily tired of a cohtel), cal culated i produce fuitt hd dcftruQton to all the barties engaged in it. ' '.The real (late of IJruifh a,ffalrs iaf Coiu JiaBtinople is involved in the ihickeft veil ol mydery no official accountf have been received from A lmiral Duckworth and lh whole of the accounts of the Urit llh fleet having pslTed odt Of the Stretghti rVid conjecture, --x - of .largebutnepeu-.ry etpedces.forwh.chyo ln lhe public money concernV id-whicll , have proved, w,,h-M,t .nponr.?op6nh. they iHouli IB )rtly proceed t-l repurf! ;This according, to( .the ruin jjri. which' were circulated, velterday Iti bjh"ilju(es, U.tuppOieJ id allude to a trther dilcovery people the I mined ate burden of adliiional . Vfis Mijeit has obfervei with nd' j left ratisiadtiou tha Inquiries which you . have' institute f. itito faSie;hcrtiine3ei with public econouir.; A I be truili, that the I tsr'v attertttdrt pf tha new- Parliament. which he will forthwith dire& to be called ' will be applied to the ptofepution of thefe ' impotant HjeQi.'4 , ' . - . My Lords and Gntlemenr .A' l . j ! Hs Mjc(ly has direile j us rnoft ear. neflly'to" recommend to you, that you fhould.eultitate,'by all meant in your po w er, a fiirit of union, harmony, and good will amongft all clalt and defer iptioni of . lis peoplr. ' ,-' ' ' - ' : IDs ftiajenj iruut mat inc utviuani Of public plunder, an enquiry In'o which wOu'd ftivd'invAtved.'pertonigel high la, ftatiortanJ ift officet ,t;V - - r This howeverj Weiroi is har a'tem. ,f orary efclfe from d eflion and difgrace.;, arlianieat mull meet ain before 1 rt 5th' ' bf Julji a tha whole of, the. annual ads tt. tattng to the IriihCuilomi expire 01 that ; day.-J T 'f.""" 'heT! ,he Leg:fltture , ; mull be ie-a(Teml)!ed,' , We (hould think ; poorly indeed of the vittue of our country-! meoj if fume member fhoul I not be found' la the next Pacliantsnt, w'lth TJirU Ind" flatrlotifn enough to (eiie the fird oppor-i - tunitythat fhaold olftr, of' making foch is 1 n.tursll and tirilvotiLiblV ICtted DV the l fate itofortuoate ftodaocitlled for agl tit Ida ;!i ftZotpM tltfc-l.t ndopiniousoi hil pedple. .. will ,peedilt .IV Wfl'l for Er', er mmt ftPirf iK,.tK. nr.iilinj tenU i were, we un ler tand iliueo rotntne urowa mmf mmw mm a. www - .mw r'wjm Pk , t k f - V and determination of all his fubiodt to tKen their unltsJ eirti in' theodofe of . their co'uhJry, will ertable his Majefty to conduct to tit' bonoVable and fecure ter. -wlnatlon; the great conteU'la whiclf he Is engigtJ. .- .. t . . The Lord Chancellor then; In hn Ma . ' jedy's fume,' and by virtue of the Tali - , com mini n, declared the Parliament to be prorogoed toWednelday tbe ijtu .07: J '.Mar oxu. 4 , - - ' ' , The lord rommifGaneri withdrew from . the. houfe, aoJ the Coatno'us reared from . the bar.- I ; . . There were" clrcumHancei in the mirt-. aer of proroguing Parliament yeflerdiy which we 'I tel o be our duty to lay be. fore our'rei lcrs. ' They- unfortuoatelr t'e tob much faoalon Id the repdrt which prevailed that the ptorogiMrfn wai owing " to other curs than his Mijefly's'anxleiy , " to tccur to the lenfe ot his people QiE-aihiidlv at nolnr..The proclarni aioa for di losing Parliamentwill appearing thii oihi's 0 ette. ' ; r -Of Turtey.- - ' poverdrrient are in' Wurljf 'elpsftitiptV o( the'arrtf alof difatc)tH (roiti Admiral Dtckwo'tth theteU a.my8jry'ln tyspro.' Ceedingt . before CooQaminaple, which mull cmtlrtue Itexpucaaie upm mey ar rive.' He was ftrniihed with arripte meant of d(lrorlng t!t town his JnftrucltonV werepohtlve, add fo" full af to fuit every pointeexigetCf.. ea the no tuber of minutes during which he Wit to ' wail (of an anfwer id the prcpofali Iranfflhted 10 the tfivin, wai fpeciEed.1' " A - . Expcctci Armistice.. : ' No intelligence' from the Qintiittnt hat reached us thlintjrnlng. ' It U'w prevail Irtfl opinion thit art 'Armlftice has takes place b:t ween tbsafoiie'iia Poland. "mull be mrre rumotir nf The Ruffian Emperor Alexander his certainly reirhed Memel (and hit brother, th Archduke Conltamtne Koningfh:rg.. Iram-'dlitely on their joining tlie army it was' el petted 10 ne general 'movement would uEej placed he'Riugyot Pruflla ijva'i alto atemel. '.-.,:V,. '.'.-.'.:j ' ;i tTh Ru(Tun and French airmie are not 'trt if 9 'than 15 Garuiiit miles fro.n each o ahevrf y --..rsi ... .... ., ." -Great hones are edtertalned that Audria would lh-rt!y break from. 'the 'degrading iceiraitii tinder which (he hat been long "held by France. " s: - l- "T"v The Swedes are faid'to" RaVe taken the field with conl liable' force -anl already to have poircir." ) the-nfeiva of Roilack, PrenuUwJ aiidfpversl Othir placet. i- The faiited C Vnlu'tl of Sed?n has not. only pro lu.td the important event of cau fing the Ftench to ri-fe the fie'e of 15:tal fund,.but Jikwife ths cdnplqte etipulfiW of the French iro n the whole of Swediih Pomerania1. The pjf ticulars. of thefe e-v-ents have been olUciallf aunouncedby our 'government,' ' . '..in; .' The aocdunti from Vienna tre to 'the jthr.'TbJ Einpefnr had - fit 'dutori 'the prcccling day I r Duda,' toaiett the Hun gariin Diet) af cr wlilchit was fuppored he would proceed td ' yifir the Ao.l riar Cordons uoon tha -froh'icrt. ' The'ArchA duke wal eipeclcd to follow htm ia few w The Decree for calling odt the coni feviption of 1 808 Jt executed withuncom tmn rigour eid difyatfh thrrJughout the difrrent deptrtmeota ot rrancs. All it. tefflpti td'tvate it are puaifhed with uri exemolififd feverltvt The lists of tegif tert are all to be completed by the end of April. The aftuai enrollment and march Id the frdbticri will dot ' be delayed long after. ;;" ;. - ' ' -' : Ifwe were td credit the repnrtt from the Continent, received through French channels, we fhoul l be Incline! to believe r thai tha expedition' through the UJrdanel lei had completely JaileJ 1 tut when ,w railed on the character of the o(B:er en trusted wlih that important affair, adion the knowledge we now pofrfs, -that-he was id watte but one hour in rTegotlatlod I an lafrcr that period, if not fucccfiftl to bombard the capital; we doubt the truth of them ill; It it well known thit he re. Celved a COnfiaVraHtr reinforcement !The report of a Specific hegocuttorr-ha.' ;" vtpg beeu opened. between RulSs ic.Pruf-' fia omooe part, and France on the other, 1 can have little foundation in truth as on' the contrary we fiti that thonew levies of trpopt and new fuppliei of.arms.' aref daiiy fent off to the . Rulfian Criid. Army j ' . ' that Sweden has taken an adivc, part in the war f and Austiia expected t throw her ght into the fcalei uF-,Wp;- ,t ; -f ' - Every thing ii'inmouon along the na-- ; Val ports; Afquadrott it Hardwith is irT v motion, and imjnediately expecled to fail on fomelmpoijant fervlce, ; Theo'ih Qld, regimenti ar? to enbar'on board ther - II eet.. tl ; ;,'.'" u -r W;.y- - r There lino doubt but. .our government WilMroinediaiery jake poffcffioa of Ham burTht; (Qut"ch) French troop, at that ' place are not.nuiner6uV--ahd greatly diflk-' - tisfied with the ccndudot the FrQiich; ' A great dearth Of provifions is faid m prevatun ttte Kepblic;of the 'Seven-Ill-' ' . anas. 1 , . 'Our Oover letter states that a heavy' 7 : firtng tpok plactf On the oppofite , French Coast on Saturday 'evening but ihexsufea ' was not known. ' A circumstance if thi. . kind always, excites couftrah' .th ftench always annoui-ceC their viAo . " rjca and pthet mportantxiveiit in this ! W ay-; . "e .;--r- . . ;. i ' , - 1 1 is the intention of . rntniterx to en tirely abolifb the dbv financial fystem in. ' - - " ttoduced by Jortls , Gienv ille; irul flenry " Pettyj arid to revive the old fy stem. , '. A corrrfpondence hni taken' 'plirei he. tweed Mr. Secretary Caaolhg a:id Mr. " Menrde in ; which' the former ia'authori ' fed thus ofHclally to state she difapproba tirtn of the Admirahy, at the cotidudl of ' Certain Dritilh. cominindtrs,' In naring; warped fotne Arnerican fltlps from coiei-J ing the port bf Attw rp. . ' C N AT 1 OH A LTli I E N DS H I p. ? J '...' ' ,.-. . J .- , On Saturday list a ery elegant dinner V ral giveh 1 at the London Ta'ven,;by , tha '. 1 Mcrchintt trading to North. America, to Mav MONROE, the Minister from the United Statei of North-Ametlcai .Thecompanv was verv-numernni' and highly refpeflable among 1 the vifitorl - " were Mr. PiBckney, who it is under- noolls,torucceedM vMunroe.JtheChin. celfor of the Exchequer, Lords Mulgrave, -astiereagnano tiiktne tr Wm.tcott. mr. nninjj!, jvr. nouccc. -. . i. , rhiltpSanfom, Efq. tlte Chairman of h Ctftnmittee of Ametwan Merchants.' who prcHded on the, uccafi m, filled thu cnatr 'wnn great ability, and to the high est grerificrftida of the company.. -The day -war pilled Wn the utmost harmony and - ' good humour, Ind it the fame time with a Aigrr e of order wh'ch has f-ldom besn ' ' wltntlleJon fuCh octauons. The Toastl . were ' r" - ; - - ' . The Kin2." .'The Cueen. The Prince bf WjIh.'&c And the following from the Chairman,', were received with burs.'i of spp'atiie, at particularly appioptiate to the object of tne meeting: :. : -v. : The I'refldent of the United States of America.' 'Perpetual' trienrirhip between " ' Great-Britain and the United S atei of A niericl.',, Mr. Monroe. Mt Pinckney, , ' ThOt0" M. Erfkine, the Britifh Min ister to the United States of America. . . Unon the health ol Mr. Munrm YAo 'Li..' - .1.-.-'- .-I -n ... aitr.j pinv.ina feeling, enft--e'tc fpeech, ex-,. pre(ue 0 jthe htuh fenfe he bad of the com Etiment paid to him, aod oj the pleifuxe e fell at the dnaalmlty ihaupitvailed Mr. fiKcancy, upon bn health being drank, iddrcftcd the company in an elo quent fpeech, ' exprcding fimilar- fentU tnents, Before the viflrors withdrew, Mr. Can ning, the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, gave the following toart 1 ' May the Brtttlh ' and Americans never recti on terms lefi lriendly than they have done this day, s ... . . , . ' . 'Which was drank' with the 'at moil' fe , Vufaaion.' - . ',,' . i . . ...... - . . ' mm . '. The ft'nitlon in which the milinry if- ' fain of the continent sto! 11 our last dates,-renders it, ptetiy certain, that a great and decifive battle hit taken place ere this. Report it bufy In a'aiing the fsA, 4c numbering the lofs of lie French, In killed alone, at jo.000 men ; but thia Wldonot credit. Rumour alfo rtalei, that Jerome Bnr.aipine,rias ken (oreri ftd and taken pti Toner by Ihi Proffuci. - " 1 ..- v f - ,1 v ,'r

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