r esW-ff" V N .V - ' 11 V f , WILMINGTON - V TUESDAY, JULY rt J80fn I To give room to the very important Jc inter v eting occurrence at Norfolk, ere coq- ' strained to omit publishing in to day'i pa-; per, the particulars of the celtrjuura of the Jthof July InthU Town. . " . v J J t. r.ir:i t ' ii. las ueavo Jvat ( Ktcumana, terrain ; ted the trdous business, in which 'they have , ' been to long engaged, en Friday last, by hn dinz seven bills for Treasoc and MUdemean ors, against the following persons, yvzl Aaritt.r. Burr, Herman Slannerhassttt, Jonathan Day- tn(lateSenatorf rom the state ol New-Jersey) John Smith (a S.ator from the state of Ohio,' and who voted Cor the suspsnsion of the' Ha beas Corpus) Comfort Tyler Dutit Floyi and; Israel. Smith, '. ManyTinterestinj particulars 4 could be noticed, but . a -the whole subject , will shortly come under discussion" at the tri ' alt hi chief, which will be held immediately, , we shall refrain from any observations at thi , 1 time. ';5 '''-"?yy . .- fi t " ; ' ir" f-.v f. -wwtetjtjBstJ --j- ijwfc 't . .. f HOSTILITIES COMlENE0e ; the United stated AMD, Ar ?t-f. ;W-"v j W iri Norfolk, June M. ; "We are nov to present our reader Ahe details of a most unexampled outrage,, in the perpetration of which the blood of oUf - countrymen has been shed by the hand of Violence, and the honour and independence of. our nation insulted beyond the possibility of t further forbearance. V At a very1 early hour yesterday morning a report reached this place, which produced a degree of agitation beyond arry tiling We ever witnessed or cau attempt to describe It Was reported that on the preceding even- -tag the Chesapeake frigate, Which had gone to tea that morning", had been attacked by the British ship Leopard, Camp am Hum phries, of 50 guns, and that the. Chest peaks' had struck her colours Altho' the source from whence thitv information wa dented was not .och'as to deserve the high' est eonVKlera'.ion, yet" it waatated In that way, and attended with such circumstancts, ,,u left but little hope thattt was noUroe ?: -Acc6i't".in?.lf eVery vessel of boat from the Canes -"was boarded With great anxiety and 1 '"vtiitfli'vvat not 'relieved until nbout 3 o'clock . 'vrittfrtrminted information was 'received that '-tbcChisajfoake' was wurntng -to Hampton1 ".Roads, without showing any . jcoloursi' About , i o'clock an doubt was relieved, by ft tpecta- cla which wa calcnlated, and did not fail, to ruuse the indignation of every American presenti aad we trasl that ' U; will nrber ub aide until arepl? sttirttinn has been made V eleven of our Wounded fellow citwent ar rived in a boat diipatched from the Chesa peake, and how 'we learft.'the following particulapi,which wt beliete are torrecU " , , The Chesapeake Frigate, Captain Odrdoh, -wider Commodore James Barron, got under way n Monday-morning,' ad proceeded to ' sea, passing the Cape about IS o'clock At oclock the Leopard by ignal from the ' Commodore' ship had ipt tinder, way "d .stood out to sea. About 3 o'clock the. Chea-, . pcake and Leopard approached, when the . icustomary signal of Rringft Run to leeward, ' .the signal for friends was made" from-both jhips. lieing about 3 leagues froia the land, ' the ships came within hail, when the com mander of the Leopard hailed, and hoped Commodore Barron was well, and intbrmdd ' ' 'that he had dlspalche fdr the Commodore; ' ' The ships hove to and a boat cams on board 'the Chesapsake, with ft letter from Captain HTphries In thi letter its ft copy of one from Admiral Berkley at HaliUx, to all the British commanders oh thi station, in ' which they were ordered to demand from the t commander of the Chesapeake four Brithh seamen named In the letter, and that if tbey were not delivered tr fair iriesnttd use force. Csptain Humphries stated in hi letter that ' at Commodore Barrort would pcrctiv that hi ordertwere peremptory be hoped thst he would not oblige him to" eitcnte tbefu by ' force. mrnodore Barron rettlrned an ah ' swer to fhe letter, In which he!staled that the , "orders of his government forbid Mm to tN snitbU.yeticLtQ.be aearchedor to dellvef a , Wan from her. Tl boat from the Leopard ' kad no sooner returned on board, than a guri. '- was flrtd a-he ad and a-stent of tho Chl peak, and Instantly followed by ft broadside . -front the leopard, accompanied by twivelt add smsll arm. 5i tier broadsldet foN ,' lowed, the two ships then within pistol shot. On botrJ the Chesapeake all wa astonish 'inent, the ship wst unprepared for action, no 1 man at his quarter, and some of the oftkert - ar dinner.' 'In thrt ailuatlon Commodore Bsrron bailed the Leopard repeatedly with . out effct he tttn ordered the colours to be struck at thi was doing, a Run from th Chesspetke wst fired, e pott which Ibt . '-. Leopard fired snmhtr broadside , 1 h co " lodr helng now down,- ft cfTiter- t dis - patched to the Chesspsake, who oil eomlog oh board expressed some regret on behalf of Tjisj commander fnr what hsd htppetrd. He Was received with west indignstlon bf ihft ' American olTiccrs, who tendered their sword, which he refused, taring thst he wanted the , rfnr mm and nothing more, and demanded -tithe muster roll which was produced by the JPuritr and then was exNilid the dt rrsdU Ing ipecUble of nearly lour hundrca A me-. ricanl raustertJ on the deck of an American Man of war, by order of a British lieutenant;, an.d" four of the crew taken ftway, rThe lieu tenant said he was desired to make Commo- dore Barron an offer of any services in the" pawer ot niscommanaer., ii wouta pe neea- ' 4es tosejr in what manner such an offer rccciveo, ii was consiaereu an aggravation . of the outrage which , had been, perpetrated. The firitish OrScer rofsMne to cohsider the Chesapeake as prize, departed, informing Commodore Barron that he was at liberty to "proceed whither he pleased; The Commo dore returned to Hampton Roads, as belore stated, j We are sp rry va add to this account that three of the crew "were kiUedi and six- ' teen wounded,. tome ', of theim dangerously. ; Commodore Barron was slightly wounded lit the leg,: end, one .'Midshipman. . .The ship is greatly injured in her hull, litast and rig-; gin gK and must fcev repaired belbre hecan 'go to tea,1 Such afe the details of , this i affair which wV believe are" substantially "correct, ' being'. Bostly , furnished b ft' getitle'maa who was on board tfck'Chcstpeake htst even ing. J y " ' ' 1 r -"It is impossible (hat'on tch m'otcssion, -there can be butohe sentiment in' the heart ol every Atoerican. ;The independence- of j our country nas peenaxiacxeaTnq inaie.Br T Ingit Wr fellow citizens have been s killed,; ouumission w me uemanu mauc en vuhmi dore Barron could no- have! been maileivuvh ut . relinquishing our -rights as an ihdepen- dent nation. 'Evefv Kafional 'sh'iD is cohsi-! ered as (artf ttle 'nation's territory! a ; 'well might the govertitneht bt Great-pritain instruct her 61ncers'K land in oar country and assume the right of putilshmg those who ' have offended ier laws, at to enter our ship ;f.rar for the same purpose, v This is hot, tho act ' of . rath imprudetrt'eommander, but actinr in execution of, .the' deliberate ot-t fder.of his tuperiour officers, If hot from Utft.- highest authority of the BfiUah government, . and we snail state bur.feasdnt for so thinking, ,; In the rnonth of March the Halifax, sloop bf war, "commanded by lord Townie,nyJ, waj, lying in .Hampton Roads, knd one bf Jjpc boats With four men and apett oficer wat . sent n tome duty. .yctfing out ot tue reacn 0 the 'guns ot the Halifax, or keing Unob-, ll - " '. A . ill Kutui uii ratu ni uvu ure vuikciy nn .11 mmtlLA i - VM. lu. . - n ... i.lTl.j.ai mUA once threatened (0 throw Km overboard, thtk .howeret-tlity did not-dS'but '-pulltid for the shore, "Which they reached and frodttded to' this place where they entered with an officer then engaged in the 'nHsrmrnt of men fo jhe Chesapeake. ..'. A formal ifmand . wat tmcde to baye bem delivered wp. . The civil 'authority refused to intei fei'c, and the officer who had enlisted lletivdid Ttut think himselT 'jaulborised' . td. eeiivcf -them without order froin b'U suneriours. ; The Vise' wst Vepre- ;seMed e' bdlee ftt Washington, bu,t what passei tKe're i Mie subject we know hoV--, The men Wert 'not delivered up, and were believed to be wn board the Chesapeake...' : We are confident that a rt presentation, cf the case was made to the British government, . whose orders we apprehend were to take the men wherever the were to be .frund. Our readers will be informed that the Leonard ar rived litre onfy' a few days since, and brought , ' the orders of the admiral at Halifax to lake .' the men at alt events and VibdeV aty tircum , stances. It hla'y be objected that there has; nut Wen lime to hear from England s me 'the ctrcumstantv respectiirg the Halifax' oc curred, which Vrethi'.ik wat about fh 9th w 10th of March, but w know that antwert Co - letter written to London at late at he 20th ' of March haVu been received here. - Howrf ver this msy be, the captain of the Leopard, hat acted tinder the order of hit superious, arid at such, the let claims the seriput at tention and resentment of the ocoole and go vernment of this tountry. It is no justifies- Uoh to say, that the men ought U liavc been surrendered In tbe first instance, ' We shall hot atop to exsthine that subject now, but whenever tntttera of dispula betwt en r.s iiontlt tcttled by force, then Hit war; un- 'lett from fear, or tometbihg worte, inc of the oationa it disposed o submit, whtcri We, ' trust and believe it not the case with the U. States. 'It it the established usige For us tlont, who are not determined upon hostil-j . ltiet to seek redrew by toegoclallon, tnd cer- tainly America bat purtucd that eourte with BriUirt oil many occasions. II tnis pet men it to be.itcribed )otho Britltb govtrnmcut, ' there is sn tnd of all further brgoclttiod on the ubjett tnd wtr must be tbe re.ulU Creslly at we llwtyt utva orprecaua With thst cbuntrf, tohsciout Is we are,thst our country Vil eipeHcnce InGfiire rlistrtss, w- look dpoit it is dgrading beneath eon tempt, if we ant to submit to such ihtUlt-a-No-We trust, thtt there Will be but one heart and one band In'tupporllnf the Jost rlghtt, tnd the honedr -of our coonuy. t IF the act bat not proceeded tan, He govern mentoF England, we perseade ourselves thst our government will not want the ubinimous Support vl III tuiicill in wi.uim ina.ui forihtobuntion of ample tttlsitctloni i , W etnflut close, these rtfnsrks, without nclicing the manly and digttified conduct ef the eiltrens of this place, under this trying oc caslorl . Kxhibliing that cool but flm eoun. ttntnee, which It tbe true indications of d. termined courage 1 no act of vlolenew int -committed, of intemperate etpreltion used towards the British subjects, whohMppcotd 0 be here at this urai ; and It would be en act of Injustice to the latter, If w did not add. thtt from every thing we could hear and tee, they were penetrated with the, df best (on crrn upon tbt occasion. ' . - . ( - ' . . ,. - i ,,' s , ' U conseeoenci of the riittige Mtb whsva dtuUcd Id the preceding article, a Toir& 3t cling was convened this morning at the own Mali, which on account oi uie greut . conqourse assembled, wat adjourned to the large Church. .The meeting adopted many , resolutions upon the subject, which we can not.obtahl for this day's paper. In tubstante . tbey went to express the horror and indigr.a-' non excited by tne occasions A aetrmma don to support with life and fortune, ibe go-. ("eminent in, obtaining satisfaction." At was' etermined to refuse all intercourse "with, or to furnish supplies to any of the British ships ut war. , lie rnuis were nniisu w niuov to conduct 'any,'thii -of war into oar Wate'rt. CohSmitteii were ftppointed j the people In. all the United States were inVlted to co-opo-rate in these resolutions, and to hold as in famous all'who should violate them, or refuse co-operation'. There were tome others w hich we do hot well remember; The faceting M conducted iivhli reat moderation and tern ; per,' when1 the 'occasion U considered. ' . : ? t : June 3. i(3n Friday 'afteniodn, one oTihe'tchooners which have heietofore atunded 4leBriti&h tbfpsof war, cast anchor near the fort, and 7nmiedlfttely an officerlett her In ft boat and procceucu up me iivcr w inc uruiau vumui ThU'iuforrtiation, ws n tpread through" the!rown,Jand the'effect 1 produced "war be easily cottiettured. ' A number of fcoats put off from the wharVeVafter twb bf them had reached the boat another bwcer Whofcad re' tnafrted onboard the'shooner, hoisted a white flagj the signal for fiag dtruct, for the Brtt time,' for certaiolr (and we can tay to from our own knowledge "she did not come up as ft Bag W truce, ' , ' "t . , J Before the officer reached the British con. sul's, he was met with by a number of citi zens, who offered' hb pers'ohal violence j" bht spprehendmgit, or that the ouicermigni oe detained.' fhe Consul claimed the'ftrotection of the civiraUthority,"'and the salicUty of the character W Which the 'officer had . come The latter ground was hot tenable, 1 'as war does not exist, and again the vessel riad not Come up at a flaebf truce ought. . "Respect uwcTorior inc. civil power, iiki ociiuiucun generosity, prevailed, artd m about an n"" m . Ilia ft. i..M .uv y . board bis vessel, without receiving the sroal- 111 - - . Ll . . ' J !..' ."J I ! i ' Ui' J ,cii . violence or injury, ana immcvnacciy tro- parteu, , ... , ; ,'.. ;: I. May ihis spirit of moderation produco 'et- icci wncrc it ouirui. ii n aoes uou u win com mand reipect even from those wbij Will BdV ! w muubiivvu vj ill, VAiuitvi . . - , t)ur'dttamtresdeTs w'iil, 'no ddubt,' look with anxiety for intelligence from this Quar ter. Our duty will bt to carefully collect tnd -collate all tbe hi formation in our power, add publish such or Jy as we shall consider may be interesting, at the satne tiufie such aswe believe to be correct, we shall tnoaavour to avoid tho thousand Idle rumours,' which are dsily 'circulating. j .' -'. ,i; i ' Yesterday evening the CommTtfee receiv' id information from Htmpton, that an at tempt to land at that place woultl be made, from the Britis!' thipt below),'., Nesrly 300 Citizens immediately volunteered their repri ces toman the Cun-Bosts,' and proceed in stantly to Hampton; and thty will go off this Rernoon, (bur in number. - No place canb'e better defended by gun-boats than llamptoti, on accmiht 'of the bar Which pre ventt the a'c 'cess of targe Vessels. There May be no real foundation in this bcliti, tat the unprrpsrtu state in Which the Chesapeake wet attacked, nsplres an uncommon vigilance atyi suspi cion,. . ; r , : . . . ; The following letters hare passed between the committee and' the Brituh Consul, which are published for the Information of the pub Tkl. Tbo. AtmstiAb, Scc'ry ! ' -of the Committce. i British Consul' Office, Norfolk, ;.'' r ' . Virginia, June is,' I80T. T Brigadier gtntrof ilathevt, thai man tj iht Cmmittt atfoinudlo carry iota tjfat the .Rttoluliomt, IJV. , ', Sit, ' , i,; . "; ' ,' ; " At T da not nertec'tiV bnlerit.nd Lhlfr tbe construction of the Resolution t adopted St thi meeting held yesterday, as -they ret tret the dommunication between myself and It Mtjesty't thipt in the Cbtsapcske, may be toppoted to extend, I beg leave to en quire of yon, Sir, at tbe Chairman of the Committee appointed to tarry-those retolu . tiohtlnto effect, Whether any cr what re atraiat Is thereby intended to be laid on my communication with the Kings ships whe ther the schooners which have hitherto been used at advice bbtU, will be petmiUed to pass s hcrctofort, bnlnlerruptedly, and whether there will be any objection to myself or any bfrby family, going to and returning frotat the ship ol War bckw, in tucn ootts as wsay be allowed to tarry my correspondence, or to our going by and to the Bay-aide, and, em btiking from thence and returning to, the thote in tbe tnip ootis, " -1 bsve the honor to rrmsfn, . -With perfect respect, Sir," ! r ' Your most obdt. humble tf tl. - r -''! 1 f -JOHN HAMILTON. Tt CoL John Hamilton, Cmnlfor tht $:ait .i ' .-witniet : . i - ' St .' In skswir to your letter cf tVit ilale, X ant directed by the Committee to sty, thst the schooners hitherto employed ss advice boat t in the service of hit Diilirtnic m jetty's thips, tfbnnot be pemiitted to bet and repast s heretofore -. The Committee view tb object of the resolutions Is blending 10 pre rent siippliei bf kvrry Vind belr g tffbrded to the thips until the 'pleasure of our go vtrcmcnt' be koosn Tie comroiitct eta tee r 0 obklacie to yoi or any ' of 'four family"" " communicating with the ifticert of hUJIrW f taniiitk majesty's thips in either of the nodes you mention,' confident that nd attempt w:ll ' -be made to contravene the rotolution rettrk ting supplies. The boats you msy engage in this service will be permitted lopaaswunoui - txamin8tidn.,',,;";i- h'";- '' . 1 J ' I have the honor to be,' r," p ' tt-vi5;-' AyillTperfeet respect, yf-v. ; .t t f' 'r ' Your most obedient humbtesertX' -;a -v;-r-v - th , m ATHEWS, .rrSH-li ' Chairman' of tt ConmitMi-" 1 Norrotki June 3fi, 807." '.' s''in At a netting cftke 'Committee at the Eagt Ta- 1 vtrn, 7e S3, 1807. " Tresent nomas Mathews, Daniel Beddinger," : - J. W, Midaugh; lLuki miteterf:mUiam lU ; Jfusum, Thomas flew ton,' Thomas Blan- r , '- thard, Jho.:ArisUad, . l' " -'it Resolved unanimously, ai the opinion of 'V this committee, that, the British officer who ' this day brought dispatches to Colonel ila 1 tnilton, not having boisttd flag before bit approach to our harboor, wat not kftirwarda ' cntilled to be considered as coming under the protection of a ag of truce i and as suth,' bo '' shoulilhot hare been 'di'scbargcdr but should have been held in custody until the pleasure' ' of the government was known: w -;'" ;r-4j'- -u ,! Resolved bbanimously, Thai it it tbe cpt- . Tiion of this Committee, that an British oflI 4 ter coming to this place, shall be considereii ' 1 n n prisoner, until the decision of the govern- ! ' inentbeknown. ' ' ' 'f ' ' " v Resolved unariimoutly, That the proceed -ihgs of this meeting be regularly published. k The Committee bf Correspondence laid be- fore the Committee, a letter from Mr. Hope. 'of Hampton, Which was ordered to be pub- 'lished. ".'' rH - . Resolved, That Tbeodorick Armtttead and " ' Thomas Newton jun. be a Committee id- is" -Certain the best Vneans of establishing 1 Tell- ;" tvrwtlsi.sV Arnsmsmtteil tdt ki(t.at !&' sxa tsutvaa vviiuuuiiitisitivu, VtttTli Ui vet ' '.hbre and'rmt place''r; ."'' ' ',- Mr. Jafhes W. Murdaugh having Informed the Commtteb that a nutnber of young gen- tlemch hfdlnstVtrCted him to offer their tervi! ccs for the erection of ba'tteriet for the de I fence of the toVnt of Norfolk and Font' month, :: - .; : '"- --...'v. " ResblVef, That Mft Murdaugh be reqoet- i fe'd to return them the thanks of this commit- " tee ftrVteir patriotic biftcr, : and trusts ; that ;K IheTme 'is hot distant, when an opportunity ; wlfl be ffWed Tor tlie 'diapUy of their teal. i, ; Vrint..MaJriHF iv rt,t...-t.-- Tttb." AtMiisT'Ek,b,ecretary. '. , Dit.0 on Saturday last, at the Marine Hot p!tal,r RoBcar MAcirov'itD, oneof the tea-"" men wounded on "board tbe Chesapeake frU , gate?. Yesterday bis funeral was attended by ., nearly "4000 citizens the body was brought over from the Hospital Point, attended by a ' -procession drboftn, to tb market harf. .ij: Min'irte gun'sTroro the artillery firing during " the-lime, felt the American shipping .with co- Ic'urt ha'lf mast. Arrived at the County wharT,pi ocession was formed, which march ed ub Market Square, thnbgh Catharine-, , 'street, to Fretmason-atrcet, and froin thenca ' to Christ Chnr'cb,' whrV an appropriate, im-" . pressive, and patriotkk discourse was deli vercd to a, mot .nutucrdus congregation, by ., the Rev. Mr. bavis. ; , : , ,- , 4 The'following was the ot deroT procession t IDtdchmerkf'thtJunhrVtlunttiTi,tf , Minister. . ., Ktlfair'man of tht CalrinriUt ' "Committee, in tvt tines, ; ' ' '. Sut$ion of tht Unfit at. "a Hi -5- H 11 tl -, 1 , Captain Mates tfid Seame tiuft4y i " J3andDniwf Mujtld, . .' t, Urn'trf Starts' 0 fleer's, tivil & militarj, fytv't'X ' v . . ' Volunteer -Combenleu ., . ' '. " ' llajifri ittterder and Aldlrtnau . a ' " Ccstswn Council, . ,-. . . . h Meeting of tho Citizens of tlx bo rouRh of Kortolk and bwn of PortrAouih,"' held at the Town Hall on Wednesday, the Still June, 1807.; ' ' ' . ' ' Cen. TnowXt Mataewi M unanimous - -1y called to the Chair. 4 " . t SAMott MottLtYi appoibtcd Secretary to " the Meeting.' -' - ; .The Meeting ufter tfue tonilJeraiion, canto ... .- .fa tbe tollowins Resolution t . ' . Whereat the ttoVernmcnt of ou. Cuni, has eenata'ntIV manifested an j i . ' . T . em ucuat tion for the preservation -A v IW, , tcckrathat friendlv disr'-ii!ii.v rejwnablr be Vpnurfrom (h, jttlUcif ? v ucn a tenumtnt allhatt of Justice vas u be found among thcro) and Whereat, at individuals. .rir.,,.i. .nM. Ctte t'ji Lbrrflut nf r. ..J .U f. .... ' iwwsvs w sv til" m the greatest ttllt which csq befaB or' county but when we behold our FtHow Cttlicna Impressed, knd forced by ft if tan fucal and brbltrary power to fight trtintt their own country, tnd basely and assiduous ly tnurdcrtd on oua cosslt. it becomes nsv . VB RPII SOIH IILIf as as SB USSJSSS . tcsisry at iblt awful crisis, tola prtpsrtd to' micivno consequencts wbicq tucft coneuct and tucb Inclination! give rctsootlle cauie to expect, to. discipline ourstWtt tnd be in rttdtncti to take up arms In defence cf those sacred ri(bU which our fbrifatbtrt 'pure haw