r Foreieri ;InTeIli5ence. - , si ? Qv'i'j.a -j i . - v.-i ' ji r: 's 'i'Capt Hig'gms, o'.the. ship iiabellaj jarriy 7 - c4icfdai 4p;(y ;fVpm Bordeaux ha ;r, i favoi'ed the . ediipr of "the;; jew"-Yofk,,Ga , .telte, Willi jftorneau.x pa pep to tnc juin .A- i . , pril? and Pam gazette to ihe ?6th.; Frorn. ; . ' , these we bare extracted every article which V;Vvr-7.'.'appeaVa to possess any interest. .The 7"0th '5 , Bulletin, though it announces nothing of im. P '?portance," is' given At length, in this 4ay Gazette .,, :r' ;',i-v''v' "i '"' ;-rt-r: v ThelParif $rgu of April 2S, in annottrfc- v ; ' log the neVJaof the rejection i of the. British .., treaty toy the President of the V. S. makes - . , the following remarVs; v ; f. ' ": "XV'i " The American show themselves more ii-fC: ''jealous , than eveVt"ortalajn 'thetr- maTa t xV lime independence. ;. TneFfenc" Imperial, t 4' decreVwhicli ordered the confiscation of all 'vtt- ' . English merchandize found in the ports 'oc cupid by the French armies ' had excited, .'-Vj ' i, apprehensions that someAmericah proper-, . i ; tf tniuht be involved in it ( jbnt the explana- . ' tion since given, have fully satisfied the 'm'eiv; v '.? "', . cbant of th"e United Stateiil ' All new com. lL ing from; the Continent of jKarope is gredw 'iLiyly caught pp there". Front this eagerness it v 1 4 may be seen th'a the nations "apparently the : greatest; strangers to inis wan nave a.sxai intereirjn the success of the cause of the French, and' the Americans, above 'all have : already 'to congratulate i themselves thaHhe; grtiatsess" of the ''efforts which 'the English i gverhinentisbVligedtomake against France..' oblitfei it to relax from the tyrany ' which it ; eiteixised over their trade. ' - 'j .'tit ' - ' GRWD'ARMT."":1 " 1 r SEVENTIETH BULLETIN. )'t j r. n '' l' ' rinckehsteini 9in April. "' ;'"' A parly of 400 ,P,rts.siahs,; who had em. bailed at Konigsbe'rg, ha .debarked pn the' 1? . . ehiisula opposite Pilau, and' advanced to-' ;. ' V ;-f ' wiis the irilage; of .CartshergM-; ' Main V ';. ; fjernaed, aid-de-cimp to" Marshal Lelebvre,' , ' j prticeedcd for that point witnlwme men. ;.. ::U ; ,i jjf : Jus w" ably manoivered as 1 to carry, off! 1'7-S D f ' 7 1 tl:t"400 Prussians, amongst whom were 120 several ttussian regiments nave entered vtV.c ciTv of Diintzic by water. The Earri- eon has made Several sorties" The F.oTiih' lcViort of, the North' and Trince Michael 'Rmlzivil,' who commands it, have distin-' iftiiahed themselves.' 'They have roade'ubout 40' of the KiiWiani prisoners. The sige is' -continued wittCvigor.'lhc artilleryjor ithas. : There .ii'hothiihg new at the different points or tliej, army. .1 U ' ; , , 1 The Emperor is returned fi-om an excur " sion he lias madft td Manenwerder," and to , the' ' lete-de pont bnthe Vistula.', He- has reviewed the 12th regiment of li(;ht infantry till 111? liUaiWfl U IMUJIIMIrtlH C. ;, y , The (tround, the lakes, ofwhich jhe coun try is full, and the rivers have begun to thaw. There is not, however, the smallest appear ,' a'bce'of , vegetation.': ' ' ' ' . Z'jtmart, (Zweitn) Abrxl 8. The month tf he Oder? to be declared in avs'.atet)f llocktc'e. t , -. The greaiest thnqullity now prevail a. rb"tirTdij!. "V Tbe 1uiul of freebooters which had 1M wmstc'scvcral dUtrictrbn fte tight , bonk of the Hhir.e, uppcars to be dirted. " Its chief Pons'tlle f l!oitl, hat diiapprartd and notVithstaiiding all the jxmce his been Ai to do in concert with tha different n'rich- . ' botiKnttf prinrs u 'discovery1 yet been mittt eiilier of liU'.cttieut or llut of setcrVl of hi act6nit)liCi's - ' 1 . . ' ! ', 'V l- A torus oC r'rtiitli If uss.trs hich had been moutiTcd and equijipcd in the to'wn of Erfurib,J ' liave just set iT Jur.the grand army. , uer- man troops have Un been organised in .that, town,' Tor the Frjnh service and have seV. ont on their niardi (t Pnihiia.' A detach ment of troups nf .the Tt'ince rrimataaie iLe only remaining qncs it Etfurtfi. ." " ' Jupiurgh, April 1 4. Letters which .have teac bed ns together from Auitria, Bohemia, Sakony and other p4rts t! Germuny all assert that the Emne. ' ror f Husaia'hai; at IcnRtb d,eicrroined. to .......Qcept the. mcditatiun of .Austria! already - accepted by 1 ranee and Prmua, for, the re ' eiuoli'thnient of He continental peace. .It Ts' addtd that the" Journey of the ' prince 'of Itichtei stein into F'-ndt and that of gen. C'tfrke n'lhe French. head qitarten,',are re lative thit object.".' The letters from Mu. 1 Rich in particuUf, say that peace is looked tipnd there ai h'lRhly probable ; it appears' . -however, difficult for it to be' concluded be- fo e the opening gf the campvgn.-r vV . . , ' , , . April 19. . The letters fmm Vienna all tci atiursnce of peace. M We( have reod with , a Krtst 1 dial of surprize. In ifinie public papers," iy . B'unno'ni rt:ii"g,',:e p' me icncr, " tnat an i Austrian, army wnt'ii'mjjj to atkenihle in i UppcNAuiUta. There It as much fulsity in this fiews, as in tlit or the'bppioiicliinix de ' r prtufe of tlif French gafrWop of Brannau and- the drlivery of that' fortress to pur . - trwip.1 The frite of Brawiau it irrevocably ' .jiiKicd ti that .f Caterln. 1 he moM perfect v a'frret'inent sutinisit .upon the siibjert be- twt en tht hout ofoAuwirla and tht conrt of -I;rante.'' - i - - A r cording' ti the latest iiitellij'.enre from the Nortlt, tl stems t( be gcncraliy lelicud "':' ' ,. ''. -: that Sweden is endeavouring to corns ta an accommodation with France the inaction of the .respective troops in Swedish Pomera- 9jat and the discontents which nave broken out between the Swedish cabinets and the courts of London and Petersburgh, seem to ive.seme consistency tthee rumours. n-V i ii. ySerlia, April A 4. bC In order lo )e . nearer the fortresses iw Graudentz and Danick,"the &ieg of tvistch s about to be carried on With new vigor, and fur iho purpose of protecting the .corps Who it. vest those places, the grand army haa ta ken the following positions X j' ,;; i'i , I he rnnce of Ponte. Corvo occupies BrnunsberK, .Elbift and Holland t his line of operations extends along' the passage, to the mouth of thaC riveK" Marshal Sould is ported at. Lelbstadt and its vicinity ' he guards ti the Passaire , Marshal Ney occupies Gastadt and environs t h-is line of operations is the (Vile ' he hasbehind him the Upper part of the passage. ?$-"tfi-' ; Marshal, Davousty ,head-iqtiarter ;.ar6j,Kt Delterswald, a lrgc village situated 00 the i Pa8Bge Jpne of his divisions occu pies .'the' B upper part pf the Alle and the littljf town of Allenstein, which has been pat id sate of defence another division is posted at llot henstein and its vicinity. ! Marshal Masscha is atPttltusk: his division has receivei conw siderable reinforcements and is one pf the niost nnm'eroua. r '.f'Z ::y'CVi ? t Between the , Marshal Massenaiani hw voust, is a corps of Poland cavalry.' ho have already proved, on different occasions, A that they have not degenerated from their ancestors. ,Th besiegingl torp?, around whom the grand army forms a semi circle, is ih: a great measure composed ; of Polish. Badenese, Hessian and other confederated troops.4 The grand depot of the army is at Thorn t . the principal hospitals' are at Gil genbourg, Malwa, kc. . The Russians are at ' OsteUbourgi Pastenheita, Mablsack, Keenigs burg) Ikc ;. - v i r' ' " ' : ' Is" I;' f: Considerable advantages -are reported to have been obtained by the Tbrks and Per slans over the Jlussiansi i7 Gen. Michehon. it is said, has been driven from Wallacbia by Mustapha Bayractar, who has taken from bim 12 pieces of cannon, and has made 800" prisoners. On another side, the Turks have enteced .the Crimea and the Persians are seizing the moitt imponant passage (of the Caucasus. . 1 . , s , . ; ' --? ;v .... , ;' 31 ''" i 1 1 ,r f. 'T ' ' ."' t AM,- jtptljX ' .., . WejWait whn impatience for the news of peacVor kf great battleEvery thing Is ready' A single took "of the Emperor will determine.We re informed that tht Rus sians havo divided .'their "army into three, grand divisions t one will Be commanded by tbeKmir of 1'russia, thtf tentre by Prince Contantine, and theightVrlng of Bcnning- ". The King has been informed officially; it It said,, that the bublime Torts has ac knowledged, him as King of Naples, and has enjoined the, Barbary, powers to respect the Neopolitan subjects, and to return all the slaves of that nation. . 4J ti , ,f- ' J A v' 1 .-; Henna; Uh April. This dsy's Court t.asefte contains some intellicence from iTurktyv' "The , Russian Gefliral Mafcndorff has received some rein forcemen's Wh of ,men nd cannon, and has drawn near Ismail In order to form the siege of it but without having the more in timidated, the Turkish garrison.' Central, Michel ton asks fiirTimforrtrntnta $ the gsr ritons of Crimea are drawing off 10 be suit tbhun. ., , Other intelligence direct, from CoMtantU nople, mention that the courts of Morocco, Algiers, and Tunis have Issued orders to their corsairs, to capture all RutUans and English vessels. - ' . . - . '' ' lnril U. ; The rumors that Were altoat that the Eng lish squadron had again patted the strairhtt of the Dardanelles, and Uras in the 'lea of the Marmora, appear entirely void of fotmv dstion. The last letters Vrived from that capital make no mention of it they speak only of the vigorous preparations which the Porte is making to assume the cfl'cnsivt a esintt the army of ichtjt.vn. Troops r- 1! tita in great. mimUrs dyr Asia, and. ar sent torwaru towarot me army ,01 wmcn tnt Grand Vizer. must by this ;!ne bsvc taken the conirhand. Every thing anaotincei that he campaign will shortly pen. ' ' The garrison tf Ismail U numerous, well provided and determined to defend itself to tht last extremity.' The Rustlant, to whom the possession of that placj would be of the greatest importance; appear to be desirous tf hastening the Ie of it.telort Ihe' Turi kish Irmy cln put fuelf in movement to sac cour it. They have rclimmished all attacks a gainst Cieurgewo.' . ; " " . . f ' Thelmpcdimeiits which the English throw In the way of our trade and the nsviestion of our ships In the Adriatlr, have excited the attention or Government, it is asserted that Very. serious representations have been made upon this subject to the lUiiith Cabinet, and fhot several conferenres hste bteh held tip on it between count Madlon ind Mr. Adair, the Ehglish ambassador - ' ' ' - ." ' .. V (Ciittiti de Front t. : . ., , . ' ' , t Zurich Tth. id." , The alowneilof the If clyctic government tofurnMi its quota of tlitn rtouired to com plcte the Swin regiment in the letvict tt France ; the nfficera of which the Emperor tl iad already began to appoint, has produced tome disagreeable communications, in which his Majesty expressed his displeasure to the Chief Magistrate, and'the Administration of the Cantons. The following;circular letter, addressed by general Vial, his Majesty's Envoy, to the constituted authorities, exhibits the complaints of his Imperial Majesty It is dated Jan. 1 5.' . - .V ' !:. I have received from his majesty the em peror of the French and king of Italy,,a po-, silive order to declare to the Landamraan, f and to the Cantonal Administiations, that f bis majestf in naming tnree mouths ago to the officers ot the awiss regiments W . . . , flatter himself that the Swiss like their ail cestbrs sought the new service with zeal and eagerness ; but his Majesty 's hope have been disappointed ; it must be owing to unsuita ble arraneementsr or intneueali or unwiK Imgnets, that the formation of these regl- meuts have not been executed. His Majes ty knows the Swiss, and knows that 'five sixths wish to enter the French service ; but that .difficulties, and Iberhaps: prcmiditated delay, fetter the success of the formation of those reeiments, by which his Majfesty' in- 'tended to draVr still closer ,the relation be tween Switzerland ana J ranee, to tne ad vantage of "the former. A In thu state Of things the uiioersigned envoy is oraerca 10 declare, that, if the 16,000 men which, ac cordint; to the contract, should compose the - . - j regiments, are notcompieteo tne nrsi 01 wiay, the Swias will be tonsidpred as having re nounced the advontfiges if the convention, and that France will regard, tho with regrety thealliance as broken.' '. i'- h M y 1 : i i M The Ambassador of his MJea '' ' ; f the Emperor f the French I'jail King of Italy, neaf' the Swiss :f . cantons. - - i, "! ' tSlrniedl . VIAL." S r0M A LqWDOM 'PAPXK.V' ? &. SECRET CORRESPONDENCE. - ' 'A young lady liewly married, being obliged " to show to her husband all the letirs she w rote, sent the following to an" intimate "' friend t 1 :.- '.-r, - V ' v ." 1 canndt be aatisfiedy by debrest friend, s blest as, i am in: the matrimonial 'atate, unlets I pour into yocr friendly bosom, whith has eVer been in unison with' mine, the" ? varioul sensations '"- Which ' swell with- the ' liveliest emotions of pleasure; my almost bursting heart. I tell yoti iny .dear husband is ' the most", amiable f : men I have now been married' seven weeks, and have never found the least 'reason to repent the day that joined usMy husband is both in person slid manners-far fr. resembling ugly, trots,' old, disagreeable, and .jealous monsters, wbo think by confining to secure ; a wife it is' his maxim -to treat as ,a bosom friend and confidant,- and not as a nlav-thlnc, or menial stove,' the! woman chosen to be his companion. ' JSYuher, party, he says,; should alnys'wey implicitly j but each yield to the. other by turns . An ' ancient maidetv aunt, near seventy, a cheerful, venerable and pleasant old lady, lives in the house with us she is the de lieht of both TOunK ahd old t she is tl Vil to all -the ' neighbourhood "round, generous an I charitable to the poor. Iamconvinc'dmyhusband loves 1 nothing more than he does me; he flatters me more that! the glass t' nnd his intnvicalibrt, (for so ' must call the excess of his loire) often makes me blush for the unwotthinesa of its object, St wish 1 totild be more deserving of' the man wfioso "name I bear. To lay all in one word my dear Mary, and to' crown the whole', my former gallant lover Is now my indulgent husband i my fondness is " returned, and I' miRht ihsve " had Prince, without the felicity I find in him. Adieu I may you be as blest as I am tin able to . wish that t could be' more happy.- ;; . : ; : N. B. The key 10 tbe above letter, Is to read the firsrtndeery alternate line only. . 500 Dollars Reward. WHEREAS an kttethpt 'wal made on the evening bf Saturday the Ig'h Inft. to fel fire fJ thit town by (wine evil minded perlon or perfoni- The above re watd will be paidonconvtflioo of the In cendiary to any one who will lodpe inch information is may tend tnjhe difcovciy. of the offchdef oi:cnendcr7,and dcvclopc an attempt fo truly diabolical. V; ; . ,' v . '.. B Order of the" Commiffioners, "Th t-CALLLNDER, T. Vr : Jane 30. u n., .V, ' : , i!;;r "JamcsUshcr" " HAS jufl recelyed and; ipcncd,a fmsll confignmentoi Irelh Summer Goo.lt from -Philadelphia, confining of lunJ fomeCsllicoei, tamboured Muflini, Cam bricks, Ac which will be difpofed of on teafooable terms' for ' caflij produce,'' or notes at futy dayi, ncgoclable tl the Cf c. FearBink. ' ' -.I ' ' ' "".'. " jun jo. -':: : ' ,;; '. WANTJ5D TWENTY.F1 VE orthln; Cordl of Pine Fire. Wood,' 10 be delivered tm . mediately, (or which cifli will be given ; the fubfetiber will alfo contract . for the .fame quaality to be delivered monthly; N. W, KUUULtS. No. t, R. Bradley'i Wbuf. .New. Goods.' : " rPBE subscriber informs the inhabitants of Wilmington and its vicinity,' that he hag for the present, taken Mr. 3' G.""Wrigm' stored in- market-street,, below Mr. Scoit's, where he offers fur sale on the most reasona ble terms, a very general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, &c &u viz. Callicoes, Silk and Cotton' Cbambrays, figured and plain Canibrickt, and Lenaus, Book and Jacqucnet Muslins, figured and plain Ginghams, Cam- brick, Dimity; . Silk and Cotton Stocking, Bandannah Handkerchiefs,' Velvet Ribbons, Cotton Pic Nic Mitts and Sleaves, Patent .Suspenders Silk and ' Cotton Umbrellas, Men's Silk and Chip Hats, fashionable Bon-" . nets, Linen, Long Lawn, Grandarills, Cotton ; Cassimere, Silk for Gentlemen's Coats, Su perfine Black Cloths, Drab Cassimere. Thread, Tapes, kc: k&"Tr J Old French Brandy, Lisbon, Sherry, Claret, Madeira Wines and London Porter v ' tr!n '1T Almonde,' Raiscfns, Prune st Figs, Olives, Anchovies, Capers, FishSauce Spanish and American' Segars; Tobacco in papers for chewing and smoaking, Maccabor .and Scotch Snuff,"8tc. &c'J;"'-t'rf::f?P!5 J ' AMhe "ubscriber has taken great ckre in. the selection of the above articles and Intends aelling at the most reduced prices for cash uuiy, ne naucra nimseu mat many who have heretofore bought on a credit will find it ad. vantageous to purchase of him. '; y ? ; THOMAS WRIGHT. June 30,.;; "f'V)" Fbr:Bostbril'i-i 1 he ichooner Threo ' Pollies, D.Elliot maf t'er. For freight or " paiTagc,pleafe applvto N. W. RUGGLES. fa' t Nbl, R.Bradleyi , ....II -- - J , THOSE per foni who have - any ac , counts again It .the . (ubfcriber, will fleafe to render the fame kli . Mr. John; Barclay, and all thofd vvh'o are Indebied to," me aie requeued to mako immediate paj nent; ' , 'y i.-.'- :;;-r: ;.r, - May 28. . ; V at ; G. 1 BEkR Y. ! ' ,;'' v ; ; ' " -ofcPly , ; The American Brig MinerVaj James Cleve. land tisfler. - For Cabirl freight or pa (Ta gej apply to ihe faiallcr on boats or to - , ,, . GILES &t BURGWIN. June 23. -i Ten Dollars Reward; R 'ANVAWVY fiom the fubfetiber od the ta.-April tall, a ncgici man tit inc. 1 KPHRAIM About live feet five iiicnc high, Uout i ade . and flutter! fdmewbat in his fpcech bfan. ' ded on his bteaft sy,itH the letter K. . Hal ' on when he wtht away t. blue jltket ! and homefpun trottretsfuppofed tobe'- , harboured up the N. E. or Hi W. ,RU . Vtrs. Whoever will dtliveMhefaia E phraim to ih'o fubferiber or in thfe Wil tnirgtob jil, (hall receive ihe above reward -and all reafonatle expencei by . , ' ' June. . t- W. KEtiDIE. ' To tie Let orSold ' . .' . 0 Kltral and ociommoajtir. term. Jt - rTHEhoufe and plant ition belotiglng; . X ; to William Grave Berry, IS$. for merly the property of Mr. Langdup, Ct uatedon the foopdj and about eight of" hino miles from VVilinington the hand lome fltoatlon of it it a tlciirabl retreat at this fcafoo of the year for the refidence of a gentleihan'a family. The plantation Cflniaihi about 400 acies of land, part of bUh.haaben planted and ftoducH t- ccllent coin.,- . , ' The fioell fifh and y iiett (Jft tna coaft, 1 wiih feveral other niceflaiiei and luxutiea ' of -tfe are produced in abundance. - ; - ,Tbe hotifecpr.fitlingof a Hall 18 by -0 . feet one . adjoining chimbcr and imafl clofct, a pantry and dairy on the fjj ft floor, and two apartmenit bh the fecond 1 la in f ood order, and the houfe ou.ite it for the nifnedlile reCe ptltft of a genteel family.'"-""" For futthcr patticulari apply to ' ' ..' . . .'. John "Barclay. May 19 , ' , - , , '. VTAXES r For the year 1806; "TOTICE i hereby given, thai : the r fubferiber U ready to rective lhe Tales for the fear jSotf, and calls upon .all concerned to make payment at foon al poftible he toillatteod regularly al hit office to tecciVe the fameand at the' eh ruingeteclioa will Ve prepared with thl lift for the purporf of receiving tsiei. "Juce i- "".Wu. NUTT ShrT. . I a . t 1 Mi I i. Ml -t ' .3': 'f " ' - - I' i. June jo. At