:r--. r . hers t prsc7e tha mv.iam uily to gratU ' fy spite agaimt G;n. YVilkitisin i that that - - Eenileman was ablv represented twnhnii-- , and therefore necessity for delay existed., vuniudea wun unserving that Jhej woql4 go onwilb tbejrjq,$pn fo'rarule .w she caue In lhi he was supported by Col. Burr in sh3rvj)ce;h,ilJkph ,he coded, however, 'w.,liJ in S.h tne gehileouri; would ia-im3iorifroceeaing witft to motion" , -atJjrty fatthdit Gen.Vilkinsohh6ulf J n0M tVttU hC W0Ul(1 ?t tO it. V : - ' Mr 'rl1ey.ould notsppoit par. ;i tcular tirn4 but were willinj to take up the : .business, at .any moment when the General should br abe to bt present that the favor , toafcrred by 'ColBurr and his coansel was r wipjd aAJr by thai eprolchint? him d ! hi coadjutors with it v that they aeeded not , ihsir, cogent, .faqwerer, since Gen. WiikiiK son stood io the, same aitsuttoa, at present, : y as if, tM had Jae entered, and he was J .ft0;w'i httwejws oin, winch asc thet;ourt ,yuUcertily alt hitniimYunwithe grauii , jury shouU aicharge him.; ? ) '. .-If, , i declared that the coorY ! . oniidered nun sfandiug in that situation, ' aud entitled to time' eiardin ri :rHtnr pj.id howaver, to prevent unnecessary delay,' J r ,.v, no" po: jurnmueo. witn co; pies , of the affidavit against torn; and Should Y. JWar interrogatories lo be put to--fat i wiuwtsesk.Wi, hqld br examined Jte-mo'r- ' 8erving;.tj ihe .Generaf the right of i Still (artbiV, crost-oc mmiii( thma, after the "'Fld JUT itiali have dwmisscd him $ and to hii;counsef Ve; .right of introducing imme- j i hilir; ;pher; witnesses ,to controvert their ' Mimpny. r Ue observed that the court, from ; . nR'rw prihe affidavits, thought there was - - pO jnecejsity fur Gn Wilkinson's presence j av.alibuti a the counsel for1, the United i J States dqsiirefiitjihe; arrangement proposed i XiiJtSo.itrrfoalti answer every purpose ton--emulated by them, and enable the busiftessl ,P4rt i:v r ,';, , : " w ''arrangement Wat'4ie4ni6aced In On ' , ; .bojA,'7ide i wand, iaccordingty; the witnes- .vara- to ;be ex iirimed on t Tuesday i to ?' htctl dy (llo'clocs) the court adjourned. "i: y he unparluled outrage lately committed .:bylhtf iihitsh against the Independence of Jlvo United States, in violation of the nRhts . . of nations, has excited in the breast of every ; true American, a s'uiprise mingled wiih in.' '-diSnation.l 'At this ti-itical criki the jncutsof thepcople seem to be unanimousI. JJoh federalists and republicans bavt but one ' . .mind,, one soul, one will,and breathe only; jrevenge upon the usurpers of their sacred -Timhtsi the common enemy of their country,' ,; nd are disposed to encounter any hardship" 4o attain that object. Ij 1 ,.;.,. ., ' . The Inhabitants of .Wilmingfon; have . .ahewn themselves coequal with their coun--Ufymen of ;J4orfolsv Richmond, and Peters- .( .burgk I A soon as the dreadful tidings reach- ed their ears, the same impulse of patriotism .prompted them to call a Town Meeting for the purpose of appointing a committee, en-. " trustpd with the care of corresponding with . .the.legil Authorities, and of pursuing the :brst measures for the geniral tafety. , ;.o " .- The meeting took place on the 6th insU as i .will be seen by the subjoined resolutions. tTbe. Republicans eagerly -repaired thither. Those who differ front, them in political ..sentiments, but who feet the ' satne inter ' eit1n the welfare and the honor of their coun-' -try put aside all 'diffjrensss to soneur In the .same end. . . :f ... : , 3-.We- are bowev-r aorry to state that some' ' .ciiizcna ami among them even a few who . I have been, frequently .candidates for. public favor,did not maki'their appearance Their : motives for acting so are inconceivable..' If . ley. were subject of Gre it-Uriiain we would &; wnder at their Conduct, and could not . .. j blame them but in American born citiaens - or citizens of America, such condutt im ' olirs either a wsnt of oatriotism or a nsriiat. . i'v to the British interest, and in both cases y Is highly condemnable-, For their own sakr , and to prevent the injury they might receive L. I from persisting in- acs sifevideotly hostile tai 1 the general sentiment, in charity we ad jnooish' lhen to reflet! well on the duties -v tbey owe their country. ; -, - . . i Indeed any man of common: urtderstahdig in the United States, must now know and be :-coDvincedl'ihBt Great-Britain it a nation it. ran enemy to this country, and is making us . i f f every means m her power to bring about 'an opportunity of reestablishing a domln. 2 ion over us. , The apparent friendly diiposU ' t tions which .now and then -may have, been shewn to us by that nation, arc but the smiles of a false friend wbo'ls resdy to injure us as' . Boon siafavorable opportunity may ofler itself. Then it U not doing violence to truth to in i ier, thst the same spirit of prejudice and cn . mity which prevails in the British nation, pre. dominates in the breast of those who, by thetr s conduct seem to approve of her measures ?' and that should we be involved in war, we ' a should find enemies where we ought t look . fjr friends and supporters. , At a meeting of the inhabitants ' ;- its Fieiniivs convened, htthi; J ; not ice , at the ' Court-House, on Wednesday the 8th. July 180. , 1 JOSHUA POTTS vas elect. ed Cliairmani and JFILLJAM V WATTS JONES, 'Secretary; A Letter ,and it enclosure ftfwtn -the Corresponding Committee .of the Inhabitants of Mtfdk . Portsmouth and ' fficinities li. being read ',. " !-r"7' ' HM: : "f KtevResQlvcdManimmisly tne hbhoiTof "otir hafibKal cnxr.. 1 ; k , and.: our .rights s an Inde pendent nation, ought, to b?' held sacred and inviolable, and thatan insult oa the one or an attack pn the other,4 should be; repelled at the hazard of every eyU, however rore arid riressin?. tT t . " nd.i? j let the circumstances' Which led to 1 ;the recentjoutragfe' coramittfcd by , :v iiAS" 4Uiiur;uu at iMorioii vv ar, or a 'our sovereis" 'sblemhlypledge o tunes to support and co-operate in. . such ineasii tes bftedrhs;yihd cation, or saVisfaCuOni; as thecon-' stituted authorities of our country ttay efcm proper to urs'ef f : -Sd, Resolved unanimotislv. Thai th?irihaiuintiof ,N6rfptp0risi , moutn --ana tneir y lcmtie sj f. dis? olaV a soirit bf nAtiftrtsffirttTvir ef xJi''11 7 . V AJ vs sf " the citizens ola frVe and ineoen ' 'dtn't countryryhen its rights arc j auALKcu, auu uicrciore meet our Dation-. ' Xi-y'.fqyv.;--, "I; 'Aty'ResoweJjiih SO much - of their' re56ltitioria fl4 relate td interriaursci and supplies c6astsT-off that rrtayicnter; otir harbours, be adopted bV this, picet-ing.- Wc shall therefore 4 deem, arty person or peirtdh Enemies jto' vur tuumry wno snau directly. or indirectly hold sitclOrifercoursd or. rehderrariy aid or assistance Jo British ships ot VVar'J by suddIv- irtg them' with provisions or neces- j""'v.s ; ur uyjr jujiu . wiiaisoeverpN until the sense -tif . our Onvcrti: mentbe known.':; t, -;T r . v ; 5th. Rc$olvtd That the Com:' misidners' of the rtovigatibn.yof Cape-Fean .be rfiquested to' re. commend to, thft pilots td . refraiii V"af and PrivateeTS their, prdfe siohal aid, uhtil fur'thii' ofders. 6th." Resolved linammouslr,! ihat General Smith " John Bradlevi Samuel 11: Jocclvn 0. Dudlev. Jun.'-A. F.' MacNciil. ) Williarrt Giles, and Joshua G AVright,' be a viiuuiiicc lu ciirry inese Resolutions Into en"ect, and also: to correspond with the Governor of:this State and the. Executive of the-Uniied States, on the sub ject of .Defence for this Port, and I Iarbourr jind thanrmaioriir' of j thii Colnmittee be competent to ' 'act as a Board. , :-' ' r- " J 7th. Resolved uhariimoustyiThiX thf , Chairmanf these resolutions to the President ! of the United States, the Govern- or of; North-Carolina, and the Corresponding Committee' of .'the citizens of Norfolk, Portsmouth and their Vicinities. . , " ' " , JOSHUA POTTS, Qiakmam Attest , , , - j , i. '..': Jirm.ijrATTSJONF.Sj See'ey .Tht foQmiif Prklamatit vat rtuhtdfo 'thi rreitdent of the United States of America. A PROCLAMATION ' ' DURING tha wars' tick, far s.. (UL h.onPP'fjr pfttaritd mMif the jxett vf Europe tfe Witedi , Statia ."rmerica, rjn in their principles of peace- have endca - soured by justice, by a regular discharge. of .all their national apd social duties, and by e vstry friendly office, their situation has admit ted,: to maiotain, with all' th4eHigerents, 4he accustomed relations -of friendnhin.' hoc ;a)ity,1 and i commercial intercourse. v. Ta- f in ins ijuMvium wnica animaia . these powers against each other, hor permit.; ling themselves to entertain a wish but for the resjorattoh of general peace, they have obser. 'ved wth'godd faith the neutrafity they afctu tned, and they believe that no Instance of a departure from its duties can 1e justly impu d to them by any nation A free oe of -their harbours afd waters, the means tf re . fitting and of refreshment, of succour to the'r . sick an t suffering, have, at alt times, and on qual principles, been extended to aH. ' and' this tod amidst a tonslant recurrence of acts tfinsubordinatida to the laws, cf iolence to .tae persons,' and of , trespasses nn tb pro. ptrty of our citizens, committed by Officers of one of the belligerent, parties deceived a bngst os, In truth these abusesofth taws , f hospitalitr -have, with fe ome habitual to the twrnmanders of the Bri- vl v.. uvTfniijOT our coasui ana reciuenting ow tarbdurs. (Jlwy baVe beeo me suoject ot yefeaiird eprescntaUona to their trovernmenUj ;:. Assuraote Have .been given that proper orders should restrain them within the limit of the rights and of .the res pect due to a friendly nation buf IhW: or; ders and asiurancea have been without, ef w,?t ;no Instance "of . punishment for past wrongs, has taken place. ' At length,' a ndeed transcending afl we bave bit herb Wn or s aufftred, braps the public sehsibirny fo' 1 -venous crisis and our forbesf aiice to k neces. - sary paue. , A frigate oT Anited States .trusting to a t4t of pea'ct, and tea'vmr be'r llvK,DyJ Brikiab veisett supe. .nhf waters nd covering tbe'Jl'ransacUoni hd bert'niabled from se'rvlc'e with the Ibs'i bf . .a.numpert men hilled and w'ounde'd,'--Tbfs , enormity wainot only Without rovdcitifon or - J6ab cSiiseV But was committed 'with the avowed purpose of taking by force, from a Ship oj war of the United Slates, a part of her crewt and that bo circumstance might be , wanting to mark its character, It had been previously ascertained that the leameh de. manded Wej;ehaHve citizens of the U. States. Haying eflected this purpose, be: returned to anchor with his squadrort filhinour jumdic. lion. : liMpitanty undersuch circUms'tancel ceases to be a duty; and a cohli'nuihce of it, with' sbch uncontrolled abuses. Would tend oil. ly, by touliiplying injuries and Irritations, to b.ingon aroi5ittre'betWeen the two nations. This extreme feirirt u lninir. AwtAMal a. '"''vi1 AK " U. Iwuyw'cef of ihm mailt IVlK,ll iV.-.:.!' - . . I. . . ' i,"Ku,l,un on ine pan 0 .tne British government, In the thidstbfwhich this outrage Mi beet) committed. ' In this liht the subject cannot but present Itseir to thlt government, k strentrihrn th tnm;...' . ' art honorable reparation of the wrong which .... uceii uonc, sna to mat eftectdal control orits; naval commanders, which alone can justify the goternmenl bfihe United States in the exercise of those bopitalitits it is how constrained to dis-cohtinhe; - ' considdralibn oft hese cTrcumstances and 'of the right of every nation to regulate its own police, to provide for its peace and' for the safety of its citlr.en4, and consequently to refuse the admission krarh,i i. s. In. harbours and latersi either In 4urH hlihibers or vi such description; s are Inconsistent ,'" or witn the maintenance bf the aumorny 01 the !(, I have thought propK In pursuance of th iiiint.,- I -J .by law,id!.rte this rhy PROCLAMATION """l quiring an armeo! vessels - btsring commtssiods under life government bf Great Uritsm. now even within iha K.w,.,.. . - . .... wui ur wa- ,ters of the United States; Immediately ahd wiiliout delay to dep.rt from the same, and tnlertilCtinir the ihlruiti-. .r .11 .1' .... . hours and waters loth aM , . j . finficu vciieis. tuj V lhV b,rin iontmiuionsundci theau horny of the British government. . And II ihm .tlA Wac.l. r blM to depart a. .f.sli Wit any tners, so interd.cled, shall hereafteren ,ier the waters or harbours aforesaid, I do In that case forbid all intercourse with him or anvoflhem. theiprt . . .proh.blt .11 supplies Md ii(L front, ot?( Jaro.hedto4hemof.ny6ftbem. 8 lin.l I J.J k m 'allUi Uliurciirvitirl rvt.l,. I. ' .s . . m i flniftrr7,m or,wilhin ,h j'"i'ction; Irm.ts of the United States shall afford anr id to any such vessel, contrary to the probU b.tion contained in this ProeUm.ioni?Uhef In rep.irtnHiry gch ,ei.,l, or fci furnishmj -- L j r ' w" auppnet of a. ny kind, or in any manner whatsoever, or If any xV shall assist id nsvigating any of the aa.d armed vessel unlets it be for the pur. pftofcsrrrif.c;tberi,(n the fir,, n,Unce beyond the bmlts and jurisdiction of the Uni. ted States, or Unless it be In lbs esse ef a ves. el Treed by diitresi, or charged with pub lic dispatches as hereinafter provided for. !r PT?? 01 ,per,bM ln,U on, conviction HEi?! . ' 'nd enl" b laws --.. vm.v, tm, or military w th n of lTuU ,tt,,Hri, of h United Aiates, and an others, eitUeni or inhabitants thereof, or being within the same, with vigilance and .VrU lo exert lh.1, re.petUv, ,uiho! rtties, and tou mm,s .:.!..!. r? ?. . Provided nevertheless. tf,.i jj . I'l .vi,; ','"'-"'; suwa vs ' el shall bq (orced iatb the harbours or wafers v ', pof the United States by distress, by tbedan. 1 ger of theses, or by ibe pursuit. of an tnm -A i my, or shall enter them ttharced ' with diw ! -'! patches or business from their government .' - i or shall be a public packet.fo tbexonveyanco ; . ' of letters and diipatcbes, the commanding', :-, V I officer immediately reporting-, his vessel ti Vv the collector of the. district, jstaUng the ob W ject or causes' of entering theiaid harbotirtoc i v Pa waters, and conTorming himself to the regu- -' -l' lations fn that case prescribed under the at-P ; ) iuviiij ui me iaw, snaiioe anowea tne ber nefit of such regulattonsrespectingrepairs suppliei's, atay, intttcourse vand departure, as, hall be permitted tinder the same authority.,. In testimony whereof. I have caused thei. sea) of the, United States to be sffixcdto these , presents,, and signed Ihe same, ; i '" "" M s? f Given at the City of Washington tb: Sdday of tuly," in iheyear of our: scat.. LorJ l07, " and of the sovereignty' . - ond indeptndehcenf the United Statea " t. ' 1 ' Tftr JEFFER50N. Pa 5 Bi tht President. 1 - 1' James Madisom, Secretary ef Slate, "- - 4 "Itisfrtqutntb utktd, mh$t 'power u given mJf&St thi President f tht United Staiet W punish Hhtt 7l v daring mirage, tommitledijthi British $ladj CCrt: fon on pur Flag t A jeeurremt to thex Ait of'P'PP ! Congress toiU furnish the best answer to the quet ' , " , ' tion.J -t y Norfolk- Herald. '.i Ektfatt frbJh: tb LaW of the United States U ; : ' V:-' Ch. too, Sec. 4, 3 and 6- -; v."r;T. . 'And In order to prevent insults to the authors 17 V '.'. vniica, Motes, vnefeofr wm nr " iwungcrta, u snou tr lavrjut for- f rt'jMtrditt si pteasur-ethe entrant of Aflrjjf-i and twsierj under the jurisdiction of tht Utotil:StdtA(toiU-md:uUi-?tilm&g td p foreign nation, and 6t forte M refit and move! 7 them, front the' tame' Thht nU,.. Jn ,' fter geit -arnied vessel, 'commissioned tj er;. foreign-jower, shall on the high seat tommitt : t"lfh Vnittd Staiit, it thaU be tavjuf -A Af fre-sidtytt of he United State or sicHT " Other bet inn Hi km ,hnll AJ,. ...j. t n . . purfos'to einylty 'such fate the land and - - "-y, w.u., urine muni thereof, as he shall deerh necessary to compel the iaii arm widiodeatk i or if hi thai! think I " - " same nation.', onathe 'omcerkand tr:ekttr..r . al-i.-i.-i , oil svpplie, M aid being furnished rness, ftta iruttuct the Collector of ' the District fnrre ittfA criir3trinfli!fie, eniofanjanJ -exer other Distt1ctrftkrUitt r,..Z - r . - ------ v "ii.i)WrllIf ., permission to any vesiel belonging mhe same Ham ' ; r tonfoaV, w Amy fe, , ,flirf armed vessels shall .' rewomiii the harbors or-voters tf the Unitci dejtjitci'e ' the piAlte authority., i y ; proceeding bcrcbio tfy yir -pJeJBrim butrgc. - - WORFbLki June ay. ' i Extrccl, tf HUnrr tUmften, isUi ' :Uw; iV'j'i v ;V .. " Wehive laie new ff0TO Bfitlfli men of war by ibe Pildtk that were dir. i chared I ,enerd.y.The declare, tbaf,f ' ihelr.syaterind proviliohsdo not come to - them ufual, , tuHt iay three V ur ahnZ t, Jt lUmpnk-fend thi, hrr ' flrr, mftd likrihtm bf httt Mb Haroptonuni are cIDirg balls and makifi cattrirfgeij to bid them welcctoe.M " - fKtetn. aoavoiK, jut 4, i. , ' 1 niidsV itthm-K r T..i- . . . : - rr.,.i' j 7 v' ""iviko Anniversa-. :.iv u.,c oeen at anchor cT Ly thavess , Bd hor yesterday, and at, no w d w.V, k . KSr ln 11111 Pctkof nipting a landing t - - ' th Tdi, Te ' ,lW'Snet reathlngtowa, Im,..10' 10 . be compant2 IS. S SVermincd ,h Ml EnKuab lot! v.:,; : tep shall longer polluu. Otaf.shoiss with lm,;- C7TUl u! rtnttinUr tbat AUima. - oro.tbes redoubted red toats," 4000 In ' 'S T i! J" Vfxm50 w oston.-Utua r SraaK at BehmngtonUUt bs rtmembe" ' et eacb man take bis tiee snd kill on-In . . theo.meorallih.t,holytp0werruUrnTnlT Art we to suffer them jo.end a .oatoT Z ' .BaxnCt,u,M..hore(nduk,"io. ofraovi,,os,n return,?Are wetopaj " htm, to hire thenv with the luxuries 0f our land, to cut our throats 1 Awsy with aucb W,thla moderation pmeedsfrml r n our band, snd ardour - fcwdi to the butcberl-Ut thesn beware, la- . m have no mora of this n stootaaTioir iow-i4he storm Is up, and at the least nnlnr ' ft h wind It will orsrw btlin damutk trtisoa niucourse, ... ; . . . . 4 i,?1 V"1'11" bo nadttbelr. citapt from the UrltUh line of UtUs blp Ibt Triumph, arrived httt. Qo Ubrtx mioed, th,y tTI a, following accciJis , -r r ;