s il 1 " ,t " ' 1 ' . " .' .... U I Fraart tfjlionallnTelUgeilitK i Mactt'erroavittg appeared in the ac Counts circulate !, of what paaed between the f r-g5V!ifniJ';at and Mi. Ersktne.ln Xhe" case of I tha seira;ii, ,tq obtain w'hoia ihe Leopard .toad the UieaUack oo the Chesapeake, we are Indused to state, that a, we understand,. f" on application by ; ir. Erkine fr their v urren4ec, h4 Wd informed (hat it could not iJ be djneand was referred to the written an vi-nrer-"Bit4o by the Secretary 'of State on a ' - previous application in another ease,-! for the vprinciples on "which the aorreader of British ' v deserters wai refund. . "It w reimrkjed. t ?',lv,'llr..Erkin, at .tne aame titni,buin by the , ,S;aie, that althou;;!. tne government could' . ,V :'.'ot deliver up dtf rter.,, it Wat far roin; - - cco-iutinaacins dttriioa,xht general order ; Jud been, usuel to our naval commander not ; 1 1'tw.v.mr in ltifih lt.neni tn bs recruit- '. ei tor; ilia American service. . Theyiedso in formed ,.UMz.rskine jew uys;atter mat , tliey h 1 sufficient .reason for believing' that' tht i nn it que Hum wsrc'iujiveoituene' " .fc( Xin moI.$ui i this beiu, .the tosuli lVlof. an airy f -made by" sapt. ..Barron, an pjfjujc of or ler from thu Secretary -of ilieNiw.1 Oithis oaiat'Mr. Erskine ex- 'hiNi4.l ii3 Aiiiiiiaii. Thia was. not asked, be ' caate his opbiun could htm n& part , of the ' L eround on which the ko veronal proceeded ; .a and it wan ht offered, because it. appeara to havt been hie practice, and to have been oeld .' s his duty also, to do no mora than to tram- nut without, remarks, whatever documents or information relative to facts, he might jude proper .to bs forwarded to the British A lroii'als on different stations. . n lhiact.se, e. accmdinirlv. merelv stated for the infor " ''"ntation of 'lb Mritisb. naval commander, that V ' the result of an enquiry made by Captain " Sirron had attuned our government that the -. aenwn, Tur whoe sufrender he had applied, the' fcamen-belongiftg to the fchooner, u... ,"f ' weie- citizens and natives of the fj. States. : liet of (his1 port i fA ' ''- V, . j( Y 'Thts'nwer( written Jan. Ts67a Som ?im" V ,h '1 ' -It was producid by an application for tbeaur- Pe nc5 ,f?r V J'f 4ff BeAnuM.sfai 4 retder to their al'.eeianc., of certain British 00dw Buttfli lender Jfch'r Vcf etance, teamen) who having united with American: learner left on board a vessel ordered to Halifax as a prize, broug-nt her into the 17. atateii and were cnurgwu wiin mutiny, pira cy, and' ao attempt tl ttiuruer uieir otticcrt I I he answer ktatcu ttiit not puiy.ntt preroga tive ibr.Ahe purpoe,in question is vested in the executive of the United Stalest but that neither the law nor the practice of nations im poses on thtm an obligation to provide for the surrenuer (jk!iuKuivcs irviu ue junsuic lioto of other" po 'wers.' The obligation can " result only .from special and mutual stipula tion :hich do not exist between the V. States and Great bi itain j and which, indeed, '- (ink4 in the exulred article of the Treatr rf 11794. do not, comprehend any other of- r,v t-''he infofmtfojripofted Vyxppui'Baiv ion as as follow t'u 'j.VtI1-i-.l'V,"1",f' . . WILUAM WAl-Trsni.1iroia on 'boaVd tle Uritf Neptune, Capuia Crafts, by, tke-lmi)h frigatf Melampui, m the JUnf of t Urv. ai:d ha served on board the said fri- ,a.iie 15 tiioiith,.,,iYUam war is a native f" J American, born on Pipe Creek, Frederick - "" ' county, slaie of -MaryUud, Bruce's Millsy "-v---aU'se!Vtd hi time at. said mills. ; IJ also ' lived at Elliott's mills, near Baltimore, and T " etrs Tn nd UaliimHc. He also served J1 ; v JiS nioiilhs on board tbe l", $. frigate these ' Z .reake,.ondr;.the jLoimvana.ot coromoUore . H Morris and cap). Jancs, llarroii.ieia n j " 1,11 n liuikincr man. L , ." . i i " DANfF.L MARTIN was' preswd at jthe sa ttd lime and place. He ..is k native' of .West Point, ia" MaachUtt,' about 30 'miles' 'to , . the t.asiwaru toi ixe w-rort, luioue muna . 'Served bis time out of New-York with erx - lain Marroby'j to the Caledonia, refers to Mr. . l'.enj. Davis, merchant, and Mr. Beflj. Cores, , J"'1 ' of West Point, , lfe i a colored man. A -.; il' ; ' JOHN STUACUM, born on lh Eatem " c I Shore of Marvland, Queen i,nns Coonty.be. j ,; (vi-n Centreville and Qjeen a (lon- re. ' f4. I. til .in fnni. till I'm! I I Kent Il'nd, who Inew his relations -Si ' siltd in the' brig Martha Bland , ; CI " ' WevilL from Norfolk to Dublin and rschn capuis) WevilL from Norfolk to Dublin and from 1 V 'tlience to Liverpool. He' there left the brig '' ' ' an 1 sti'mped on board an F.nglitfi Cuineamsn. He was pressed on' board the Mtlampu off supe miner., q oener dv sixiauun ne con sented to enter, bflnar determined to mske lii Cpe Keo. oppori unity ofTt red-: 11 served cu boaid the frigate two year, 'lie It a white man; about 9 feci 7 inches high,. ' William Ware and John Strschn have . T nrolertiont waniel Martin says be lost hi "Ifterleavli, theTilitater , --"rr-r :T '.' : : JOHN LITTLE, alias FRANCIS, and AMBROSE WATTSfc escaped from , the v .Mcluntnus' at the same Urn., known to the ; ; -'alKite person to Ue Amerkaaa, but have not '- ' ' Ltm mtered b tuy recruit ins ofTicef. ' 'Wilfriim Wi Oanirl Martin, a in! John ' S:achn state 'that some lime in February i l.st, there was so entertainment co board the ' V ' ' "Nfebfrpus, lyiotr thenin Hampton Roads tht while the otTicers, kc. wers engaged, snd all th ship's boats except the captain's gig. belntr hoisted In Themsdves and the two , other tntn mentioned, availed themselves of -' moment to sit the gig and row off that , as soon as they . had got Into Its boat they t wer. Uiled to anew what the were going ' to do They replied, the were going ashore " a brikk pre ' ( rnusquctry instantly rom; '. rnenctd from the .ship that in defiant of .ball and thehasitl of their live, they ten-. ' .tinucd to pull, i'd finally effected their tt cape tolaaJ, Aaiscly, liiwall'l l'eiuLf-lbat' tSeyben carefully hVlef up tbeboa- oi thai" llf beach, rolled up the .coat,, and placed that If and the oar fa the boat, gave three cLcers.' " ll and moved to the coufttrj This report- is in a train; we Jearn t; M lorniaur vermea tn ever '.material ciMiiw Vtahcet 'by 'redtfrrehe'e to the;;uCce A juchc jMiuwru wa oy iob stamen respwii ivly.4 t -Tii v-'1! . ,v BROOKLYN, r. JuT ill1 A lulton't ExperimtnUOn Mobdsf at Jialf past two, according to notice given in the puuuc prints, ir.jr ul ton commenced his ex periment for, the Duroose .of Lb wins' ua a -oik oi yj Hons,. .Puolm curioaity bad been 1 ' I-' ' - much excited and the Batter? with the adia cent wharves,, and, window were , crowded with curious Spectators. . tVt 3 o'clock Mr.. uiton passed near, the Battery wttb his two Galliet ; himself in one containing a tarptda and the necessary apparatus the other with i another torpedo was placed under the dlrecW ! tionof .Mr. Robert Stepheni; A20minue pasi two me sifcral gun being Bred kt Fbrtf 4ay.the gaJJiesadvancfid Upon the ftri the torpedoes,, were .then thrown upon the Aide and', a, they were drawn along with the current, they fastened . to ftho, bottom of the,Tel,? af iier seej i Vn Irom a defect jn arrange jnent, and an error, which was afttrwarrli corrected, the "explosion did not take place , .w i.k. v i ne second experiment, howerer, was made ahnnr 7 nvwv a k. Jood de, with the most complete ;successi' - v v w iuiiis, anu in au secona, after (he explosion she sunk to the bottom.' . , y PiUadtlpbisiWrj.' l : Wehairetecelted iK fr.llflin! inii edinff nririi'r. r.n llitf 1' " t"" m.vw vif. tviuicr one 01 per then la company., with -the Indian floop of war i After breaking open'rta indues nu piunucnn ner, permuted her' to proceed, not however without imeir inaone'manfMr; Miller.1 ciilaen, -bofe family re fide m this clff t' On the Isthinflant, the Vcfder tendi went iniathe Chrfapeake wit!) difpaiches lions i no i noun U"op' ol war now. 6f Charleilon for the Commodore on boatd' ?he- Bdlona,;,The BelJonaVim medlaielv I got unrfer vay crderirc thVeiY! iviiow ner i naiuax, ,iAt y o'clock that il.... i. in .. . ' evening the tender Joft tight ofthe'Belo. ' na, vwhenfevenl imprelTed Aaterltahil Joined feventcen otUr imoreSecf frn I rofe. upon, the officetl and y.remajt r!ef f thrcew, amounting to 23 .lnutpbtr, eon fined thern id the hold, and took ioU feflion of the fchooner.' '"s.i, ' Oa TburfJajf they came In bn!er,Cipe lenlopen. and brought too. vVithfn i- muttet fhof. of a coalline 'fchhoner snl' then taking pn board the boat irobf the bdjcersr they all teacted the coaning fch'r. a ney aep pouejupo 01 inecohicers - flmil thry werroutof reach of the Vefuera lh .then fuiTered them to teiorn.'nFifefa) -fuiriied and iniured .Uaille pn ruelday Ialf,.';,.4. ,w - The Meiampujf frigate had tefr U fctiV., fepeake and g6i4 to Bermuda for ; water.' ' I ne. ri.umpn ana iopt4 were'tMVii! oiiiiia TCHc.s. wicre oa tne I vh Infll a xw 'iToeVefper iioA of the- fdVen Vt'lfdi! built at Bsrmndi ard nggej at fchooners nil mllin ka IK. r. ..id. ll.J ' - ....... wj k.iihi, inne tracers, and 6tied out saniculariy for the puronfe ijniii..jj uiu biiu iMrraiuiiv ite trje can trade.- ih " .. "- The, following . narrative U fwm Moaf inn: a i ..... .-T.. tviiiiam an ojo coounental, acltlivr (.who farm a plantation joininur Lvnhert lnlt. The next morning afiejMbe late capture of, the boat and officers, a tender came near the shortt alleuuoftbe Brit'uh navy "got; into, her boat and came within about Wo hundred and fifty yard of the beach; hewln a detirg oapeak.wuhthe party.- He (Williams) un aeriooa ip go down and hear what; be wan? ted. He demanded whether thi boat oScVr Bt TA Mam' U J a . v"r"su",K iiiM,it nations were not at ar, and asked why our .people fired on their boat, .Williams asked i him why they Ired upon the Chesapeake did he rait that an act of war, or by what name , did he diatinguish ill He replied that haJ A. talned their men and thev had Williama urged that they bad detained ten of ours for every oif.we.ad. tiLibeirsLif toainaaoeenintiict, and yet we bad no? used force to take them away The officer aaw mat our men bad foliated- to' which Williams replied in that particuUi1 wf were at least equal, fornonf of their !wera imi preed or forced into ottf service, ' and ha ne wisnea io snow what pusinetr any of Ultra could hare on shore wbit they bad mvo the Presidents protlamation order'nar them oat ofo waterslll assured them alio that there was not n old planter la the eountry , that would tiotenfuree that protUmson by putting a bmhrotigh any of ihern wla put a 1 w v.i .mh tu to incir poai, fie) It) ins pfeiion, or mir ncer r4 if en. he could only act ts the commanding officer dl reciedr ana that they had belt ItBdtO Cine taiiauif wi at aNorluIX, , k, .4. ; ,.. .0 WILMINGTON. , "TUESDAY, AUGUST tt.nsor. '! v ,,,-f 'a - - - ---' w.sss-a l. p f . BSSSSSSHBJBBBjaBBjBaB4ASk4a 1,1 V We are authorised to state to our felldw-i "xitizen4 that1 Joshua G Wrieht Esq. will eheerfulljr" serve as our representative for nis town, m ttie ensuing session 01 our -legislature if be should again be honored with their confidence. ' .k f-ei:,--' ! Art. a v-,, ; . ',-, - -.j ? .-., 4 ' - The Sloop Peggyi captain Mulloyv. from Norfolk, bound to Charleston, with isoe bu shels Corn on board, sprung a leak and put in here la distress. " . DANTZIC FALLEN! ' , " Our readers will observe in the 76th Bulle kin of the Grand Army, inserted in this day's paper, the following words i The .enemy win experience a ucciucu ivasiu iumg ,vui ' important place Dantais klhe 20,000 men that are inclosed in it." ' Wi have iuSt learna ed that, this declaration has been .verified J-ettrs are received in town, from Bordeaux to the 9th June, which state that Dantzic has actually capitulated 'to the' French army.. The same vessel which brought these letters 'has papers on 'board to the 4th June, ' which we are told turnisn tne article ot capitulation; The arrival is at New-York;; - '" We alsb learn that a peace between France Prussia and Russia, was confidently expect ed in Europe England not to be included. , '; JCT The articles of Capitulation 'itl ap pear in our next,. ; .VWJi1''.- ,'.,' $ ' Tilt BRtTISliLAT HALIFAX." : If we may rely upon the advice from' Hafi fai they are preparing furnaces for ted hot MofMthat place,-ye purpose ot wjiich is to bum tovit of our tett port tese'nt- , 1 hose who are preaching tip security , 9c moderation had better Jqpk about them and, bid their faces &ebsieAM , -v,,. ,.! ?.... I. .- j -i'- V1 f i::'J U t i. AurotCU s The pilot-boat schooner Bald. Eagle, has lately been chartered and sent off with all possible dispatch by J Beckman, navy agent of this city, under command of captain Hull, brot be of captain Hull, of the navy with sealed Orders. It is ' said , she is bound to Gibralter, to call home the American squad ron from the Mediterranean ,r, Jf. T paf. :. SPANtSB AGGRESSION, -t ' ; Accounta have reached the city, dated late in June that. the Spaniards at Mobile have seized 200 stand iof -arms and quantity of ammunition belonging to the U. States, des tined fiom New-Orleans to Fort Stoddert. This seizure was made by the Spanish, com roandant at Mobile, and afterwards aonroved by hf goTernor, gcne,raf pf h(? Floridas. .1 t'l i i. J, no eht iMui;Hiiwni, uiay do- rcneq, on as correct. . It comes from unquestionable authority the letter containing n ,t from an cQcer in the army oi tne united btatcs, who was a witness to the act., , ... 4 . fvaihington Fed. . , . i AtxxAxoatA,' July 2. ! Yesterday passed this town, in her war lo thd Navy-yard, the United States' schooner Enterprise in 37 days, from the Medtterran. can It it is said, she brinrsintelliceacethat the. British, capture all Arariican vessels in, '. - r, NoaroLK- Julr II. k Mr. Da via, pilot, waa brouzhi to yesterday by .the Triumph iSie, Thome lianlr, who . put on board a black man beUmermtr to Haiti- more, . .me u. was alo imtormed.tbat there were cigns ware .nmcrjcio art, ooara tost j -i The. United SiaieV Schoocer Revenge, wapu ivaau, weni io aeaon wohaiy evening. f "i " , i - ' "ft,..' x. .. j .. is union aruicu on wnicn iv bi aocnor in Hampton Road, is the Columiwet II . gun, wtu i otspaicnes iromfaiiiax, a. ' : '.a- j - . a , The British officers and seamen lately ta. ken at Ly haven, are to be sent this dir on .'board the Triumph, anchored off Cape Hen. '' '' .. . H.l f C '.' j' "i i, Yesterday (isys the , Petersburg Jtelligeiw err pf July a,) was the day asaieacd. for tho commencement Of the trial (ia chief) of Oaow .cviii u .4 prohsble, : However, from the dispersed situation of the witnesses, and the distance' which the petit jury ,wil nave 10 travel, inai soma aaye wuj elapse be lore me utai can regularly proceed. N -5 ft. i - , t-t . 5... . The Troops of Cavslrv from this btie snit Richmond, employed on the late exocdition. were discharged on Saturday moroifttr last. .SeTerflof the Petersburg troop reached town on sundar having bean allowed the privilege vi resuming m ociacnea panic. The ofTi- -J. A - eers were aeiainea in rortsmouth, oil the Court of Enquiry, which waa ordered to ait upon the conduct of the'eommander of the Portsmouth cavalry; Th 'whole are to ren dezvous at New-Market to-niorrow rncminr we learnlhat m CbsaftVe and the.Coti. uoaiai present tn the harbor of Norfolk, Were ia complete rdinit for aea, and that commodore Decatur had ton to WatMno.. ton, fcr the purpose of receiving Instucliona .1. . s,Yk. t . . 1 iv wxiucx, ana win o sscoHed mio town II j u,T.f repner, by the volunteer companies and militia.' ' i- ' 8Setrj XrV, bet fleuld Impr!. I v f ,l'l . "i1, ' ftttrsburg InttUirenttr II v1 v jf" if tht ,MerHtrsut that a:y'.i.v wp.tvv-r, r. Ctce Btrhtj hi itt . t . . II IUUIIU IO lnll I In.. J I .. The Norfolk paptrt ar4 totally i!ent rea- . pecting he report published in our last, of . an engagement in the Mediterranean between the American frigate Constellation and a; Bri tish 74. We are inclined to attach no tort .' of credit to the report ',,-.-' ' l a'-1 t A letter received in town from a memoes ' belonging to the Petersburg corps of cavalyr, dated on Fridar evening lasr, states, thafn1 British - sloop of war of. 14 gone, (supposed t to be a flag of truce) bad anchored in Haino tonRyads. ,,-- ' . The Governors of all the States- have) : ahewn a ready compliance with the Frei- ( dent's orders to detach their quotas of. npW . iite awn." . The Secretary at War w taking measures to fortify New-York. Gen. Mo. exao attends him. , . - - wr - - , ' On the alarm given at the present crisis, ' of a; war between Great-Britain and thio . country very respectable, and industrious)., Mechanic in Lavannah, (a subject of his Bri tannic Majesty) was so loyal, aa to melt up , his leaden glue pot, and run it into balls, t defend this country against Briiiah aggrea , aio'nfc This is said to be a fact. J. , Sj ht, Hon, -George Craujitld Berltlty Yler ti Admiral ojthe whit, end Commander in Chief .- of hit Majettfs thip and vetteh, employed ' ,'in he river St Lawrence along the toast ef , , jVota-Scotia, the . islands of St John mi . ... Cope Jlreton, the Bay ef Tunday, and at ami ',. about the island of Mermuda, or Somen JsU lands. , w, ' ,-: - ,' . ..Whereas many seamen, subjects of hiss' , Britannic Ma)esty, and . his Majesty's, ship : ., and vessels, as per' margin,Bellcil, BeiV lona, Triumph, Chichester, Halifax, Ze to. . ' ,bia cutter.y while at anchor in the Chcsa peake,, deserted and entered on board tbas U. S. frigate f the-Chesapeake j, and opetdy paraded the atreets of Norfolk, in sights r" ' their omcersy under the American fiag pro . tectcd by the .magistrate of the town, tac the recruiting officer belonging to the above . ' mentioned American frigate,' which' tnajtis ' trates, and naval officer,' refused giving then up, although demanded by his Britannic May. . jesty's Consul, as well as the captain of tin ahips from which the said men had deserted - ' The captain and commanders oi his Ma- jesty's ships and vessels under my command,! are therefore, hereby required and directed. ' in case of meeting with the American frigate1. Chesapeake, at aea, and without the limits, of the United State,' to shew to the Captain; . ot ner, tuts order, and to require to searclv bis. ship lor the deserters from the before mentioned ships, and to proceed and searclv v -for the same t and if a imilar' demand tlialL mined to search tor any deserters from their service, accoraing to me customs and usages of civilized nations, on terms Of pear: andj amuy wiineacn oiner. -"T-. -r-r-i uiven onoer my band, at Halifax, Nova-' Scotia, the, 1st. day of June, 1807. r risrasexfJ ' - , G. C BERKELEY. To the respective Captaii4 and Com . - wundert ef hit Majesty i ships and :...v ' t otitis' on the iforth-AmerUeit ' elation. ', - ; i ' Charactcrcsiic Anecdote cf Adjal ral Bcrkcly. -! i-- The hntrailt Admiral iBrttr-ly, tliea' nly a captain in the BiitilL. Nav. ' torn . trarjded the iUrUtrtugi ia Lord IIow' memorable crgagetnent ois the 41b Jone Eilly on that Hay he got fcratch, ui l he ' head, fojrery jGifchi,;iMr midaSpmaiaJ wguio nave oecn an.ad.ed to fcave ntn Iwned it to ite flrxlcr-l during foch air. cnggemcnf.v ,i The honorall captain, 1 however, thowght fit it it, frtvtiUd to go down to the cock-pit to , have car taken of Ilia wound lor tear of conftquerj- t cei, leaving the command of ihevtlTeJto ' the cldcfl licultnani, .who being a pot c Hibernian tiafiiendcd b; aoahlg .U ut his own heart and haoda,. and of courl e without in te reft at the admiralty," tW ,ht that this was a glorious golden opporf .'u. i.itf to make a dafh and recommend M cj. fell lo promotion by fome ry cxtraor. rfu pary deed of ptowelt. He atCordingI,;' loft no time' a tuntilsg tip tbe Marlb. rough where be thought fbe wouU hav'j ti nonth cf Deroet irip. and . where flio- rl. caught the vigilant eye of the hra,ve tlowe who, with his fpy-glafi Frcelfy jr, w ry bufify employed in paying b-tbefl com. plmeoti to, three French Ihlpi, one ot wMch takf a a,er ' f .". fi. , Ailonilbed and towZf : 'W, nation, WilordOiip h.,nu7 r n VCer c." ,h. nam. of ilcar.P V In iN Marlborourh r & T"?' t l i 'r1 We,,, kuvo "J humane r ,DIF.D' .ln SPWfounly ctj toe" :rthof i!'r' Jte A.itBit s,ic,T tiden aon or Michael Samnaon ofi? tl?V!JT I" Mr it 1

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