v. 7 ' v E f ( A' i,, V f ! f t - U-. 'SO i .a 4 80 t 7 ,BACOHper..oaibe., 11 Cotton per lb. f ; Coffee per lb. , -Cor? per bushel; . . ' ' Meal do. ( V. v '. ' k Rice ' .5 '-r ;V' .U'u' Tobacco, -'iFldur per barrel, nont v. ' ' Dittoper half barrel, 1 ' Lumber per M , ' ', "Wohhd. staves, R. o. do do. , do. ; r f Y. o. bL do rough X Shingles per 1000, t --Sugar per cwt.'- -A. 7 Molasses per gallon 1 -vHuni, V. I pfi g. 3d pk i' Jalanaica do 4th p 'r i m N- E. . do - ' s 4-Tarpentine, '.' r ' ' ' - ,Tar per barrel, ' '., : ' - '-9 S3 19 1 J " -r-30 12-..15 .'iv , I . io . 8 50 '" ,! 743 85 40 80 90 85 1 c ,' tJy the fubferiber, a feW hundred bufljcla AuguQ if; v r '? 3wr ..... . . k-.t j If RWi WJcn Ihurtday M win wpm 9txi , . Kin.rr I .ind ivinv on the weit aide of I Long-Creek and touth aide of Jump and Kun( including Keeqy cranciw '- . 640 acmsaltuatjedonthe east tide !-r.; nn rri nituatcil kbovc aaid tract k. ik. UM.a nf th 1ulhirr FlantatlODt 0 . 1280 acre in two tracU on the weat aide of Ivtnir Creek. io'lDilfl? the landa Ot 1 lIDOtMT .- rim-amK ih. Cnur last tract were aold by the Coroner ol the county off the sua 01 i ... . . - rr . 1 1 . Note mber 1 80 tf a tnt property oi w iiura rtlnnituinrtti. lata Sheriff.! AKOtthS llOUSfl and Lot at present occupied by Tiiriolhy tJIJ.!inm, Kan'.' Fn' ton hv 200 feet.- - WlWUIfWIMll . " - - ----- 8 Lota or parcel pi luanus in a. waaping. 20 . Dollars- 'Reivard. chaigei U hereby ogered, to any per- hltCOr OUCK, wnowiu jjisubhu. jiTo thsFrcenenof Nc-llanover . NOTICE la hereby giren, that A reorefent th . County in the General AlTeiably of this :. Dsers. ia twenfv -eari a IhiD-carpemer by trade, hat been hired 10 Captain Tbo- maa Mooter ior near us, yn jmui, u has abfented frpm hii ferYe on Toefday I the tweaty-third June laft paO He it Guinea born tiegroe, . ana naa nmuw ! Eooddeal of the new negro accent,' he it i ttrong clo miy maoe leuo w nuwm 5 ibc i feven inchea Wglt, very ciumiy auom ure Wo?8. . . i.-j i r -u.. irVet unbuttoned he it Wake, containing one acre No. 203. ,ery tticky.ahd very plauGble and coxing ' JN. is. 1 ne aDore.. propeny win oe auiu wnen ne naa ny, -t -r-. J:, "r l.,v 'aa.'ivrtMiura It ll.. .nrt tn POOd humour . till gUing notes payable and negotiable atjthe J obtains bit end,. and when he Jaogna Hank nl f.ane-fear. wun twatDDrOYCU en- 11 n,n... l:. tath in otmxl aavaotairo wuivii dorsert if required,, (except, for o. rnucl at J afe ' whj,e$ he Feldont' combs hi a hair, will Fn th rhtlWMAI 161110? UHQ IDtM II . . C- ..J V rSIIB subscriber requests all persist who uaro any ocmHu Kin.i - mm, ia tender their accounts on or btfort the first day Vdebted to, payment shall be made on liquida- -;. only requested to ascertain their balances 4i. 4 Tha reason for this advertisement Will be perceiredt when it it recollected that the bu. li ainesa of Donaldson, MacMillan, & Co. for , . .the last 7 years hath been conducted by hibiy ' ,ia which many charges, (probably all irwrn eaercbants) may be at hia debit) and that he,, '.; tat-now. given it up to Mr.' John Mitchell, t ' U late bis cUrk In , this ' period the accounts vf Donaldson, MacMillan, fc Co and the .i,-, subscribers, are a blended, that no one but ,;imaclf can separate them, and at it is m desirable .object,, the subscriber hopes to itt a gratified ia Us completion. . ; . -J JOHN LORD. . 'tK) july 81 i . . it - f "i '5w. ' will pay fof the charge! nt selling end max jhg conveyances aaid property, which aum must be paid in cash by, the purchasers on the aay ot sale, sv . . ; 4- . J, ., . C. Dudley for himself : v v Major Samuel Ashe,r i , tV". j . David tyilliam8i ,-' 4 . and - William Devqune, ,'Aug. 4. GUNPOWDER ? , AN Y ODESCRIPTlbN I npHE Subscriber ,Ws "agent for Dupbni any dealer In the above article in thil Staiej ,wiih any quantity that can Je wanted, and, on such terms as will prove very advantageous m. J L It kfiBna: eenerallf to ofy and is much inclined to given ti to hit clothing,' as betore he went away tie iwium vu v- .&-..0 -veffel out of three dollars in money jk lone goods under the promife of buying ..him ?nU lat them, with which money and goodt he will probably get himlelf new clothed tt It noi ppre"eH mibv gone to lea, tnereiore rroni me uatencrc. of all tnaftert of 4c(Telf are cautioned, a. eainft carrying him to fea, and all others wnite or DISC na.BOTimgM. i ' ' HtNRl uaviinAa.,? Wilmington, ,8th 1 ; .1 , x t I TAYRS. ; For the year ,1806.: ' TVfOTlCE it hereby given, that the ? "T".v-i fnr thj" f iSrtft. all concerned to make payment as I090 at ''( porble---hV will attend regularly at, his '''ctTiCtj to' receive the fame and at the en- " fuipg eledliort.willhe prepared . wiiia- the ' lift tqr the purpow of receiving faa"' f June ty, j Wtir NUTT,Shff. , ' . i ne ran . uumg imp ln f A M I i t C A H. A 0 1 1 , , . , Xapt. tlaU, hat now three fourths of her car V go engaged, will fail the Srft of next month, c for . Calet of Cotton M pafrg PP'r v ' Who has for sale by said ship 7D00 .XTHEREAS, a number ot faihotic! Y V ciixens , have collected together; t... lm.ni n'lfi-rt nf CaDnon.'. and II ! 0nucntermsaawuiprov5.ciyiiuanMiBvwT . -w, v -- j.f-. -Ahe qualitr will be warranted m all cases, ,s propofed to erect woiks for the defence a ....v. ..,.k1. trr.t An hand: aa will satisfy II nf h Tnurn and River in ill Vicinities. mm BUVU .uyjMj vj .-, : : any demand . . , V - 'JOHN GARNJEtt.; J VViimington, N.C. July 3T, 1807. IjCT T be Editors of the Fay ettevlllt InieW ligejncer and Raleigh Register, are requested to puoiisn iu jot iwimj MIL. ' , i . f ,r bill s CAUJION! ' To Dealers in Gunpowden .. I , A S there are tvour different Powder-Milhl A established on the uranoywine rt- .h..pihra finit tt "feeceisarv to inform the Public and their Customera that to pre vent mistakes they have declined using 'the name of BRANDYWINE bf which their powder has been herttorore known. In fu ...a it '.lt ha iWitrnatedonlras DUPONT kCo's POWDER. The Kegs and Barrels will be marked D-P." & Co. '; - y rThla Powder la easily known from any . tber by the ah ape and hardness of its grain, i ii ;. .ntFit ta any Imnorted. and is J far superior to the highest Penosylvaala r,YJ.' rnc Powder or anv descriDtion. at raitnnn. utiii-tM. F.k FF. elated or roueh. Rifle and Eaele powder, 1 sent either to Mr. JOHN GARNlER'in Wilmingtotij Ni C. subscribers in Wilmington, weia a.l Mtfanii(f llU" ' ' ., xtention given to ' their5 , Mtnu of the Town and River in its Vicinities, therefore -1 ' - ' ' v'. '-''? " v.r.u..j That lr la warmlr recom menHMi t the citizent of the' I own and, the inhabltaotl of the PUmaiioni in the neigiibourhoodto lender the exertiont already made ufeful, by contributing pef fonal labour, 1 or fubferibing in money or the labour of a certain number ol effect.' fve wotkert for fuchtlme, as to them may feem proper, or until the' work or. wotkt be completed. And that a fubferip tion paper be left at Llovd and Andeilon's Itortf where inoie wno icci p proper icmc hih da , -. Monday th " ' WW..aiaf. T r- -T"7 T ' '! 1m'" " ' tenth; at Sandy Ron. and. Long Cieec Bridge on Wcdncfday.. the twelfth v - aaa . at Wilmington on Friday the fourteenth; July i t ' -Xawof North-CarplitiiV . .Palfedintheeari8bl. "!' CHAP. XVI. , A An AA to amend an A3 entitled An Aft --.- direding a method of electing members of the General Afltmbly, and other pur-1;' ' pofe, J)afted in th teas 1777.. - -S i II. BE it enafled, That every perfo:i elCflcd a Member uf. the General AlFetn blr. fliall. before taking hit feat therein) . take the oath of ' allegiance appointed for .. ' . ".. t . ".; Ik. tne quaiincaiivii ui uicuiuci.wi . c vjene- , . r) Alfembly and Public Offueti, md l. 1 , f6 to fvpport the Cbnfiitution of the U- ". nited States - And if any perfon elected ' - Member of the General , Aflerobly, (hall. .. by himfelf or any other perfon, directly .oc S indireflly give, or caufe to be given,' any . gift, gratuity, reward pr piefcnt whatever or give or caufe to be given by himfe f, or any other pet fon, any treat or entertain-' ment either by himfelf or any other perfot for him, tf meat or drink, Ja any public ; .'meeting or collection of. the people,' to a- -ny' peifon or perfont whatever for hif . their vote or voter, or to influence hin. ow ( ' them in his elecVion, every perfon viola--ting thit ad, fhall, on due proof theseof ' be expelled from hit feat hi the General ' . ' Ailcmbly. , , : 1 ; , . 'III, Be It further enafleJ, That if a. : ny peifon or pet font (hall ticat - with iw ther meat or drink, on days of election, or any day previous thereto, with to in-, 'fun, in Inflnanra th election. ea ; Ar .' 1 fonfo offending fhall forfeit and pay ,ihe fum of nt hundtrti f$undi, 'the one half , , for the ufe of the couoiy whefe the fanio v (hall be recovered, to be paid to the; Coun- . lyTruftccj i he other half to the tife or ine perfon who, (hall fue for the - fame g to be recovered by aftion of ; debt in a sir . court of record having cog oiz ante thereof, with cod 1. f . ,. ; of the prefent momentous crisis, are in- ' viiid to call and fublcribe wi JVi6. ithout delay. !' ... B tbi Cmmtlttt, . , : Wm. GILES, Seciy. Plate Lost- iT5ufliclrlLverpoolSALTanda few crates. Lor to the subscribt tTiirent Ware? i-i'"' ware, shall bdu!y ' i 0y Will EIVO Vi V. .v v. 11 uc iaie (.uHuini. , , , .r hhJ, Stavcia Tar.afti Turpendnc. '.: I factory win enable the subscribers to eKeeute , AneuO ' V. w' i: " 4tl orders at the - thortest notice, at reduced v 1! ...,.. -i -ka., !,,. t nrtonr nir Mr.MntlnS k CO. JL; fpnoight Jgo, fmall boat fuppofei tbout ppofeil un. to fane vedeli the it about 18' V i , k,..nn. fart irltnuf fillet, bendl i 1 icci iuiizi iwi v" j" " 1 a all, tnf" S- . i -a! - . .. ntert biacKi' "l nt owner "V junr.... r....- , - , . .1 i may hav her upon ptying fot thit adver. v , tifeoent and apptyltf t ''' ' ; 1 W t ' . a. va n IS I. U VJ I 011 1 uiu Wllmihgton, Delaware," ? "; " ,u June II, 1807.' 4Clareiilont July 83. ..,iTifalbitM,."S8l 1807 rr BY the last arrivals, the subscribers have re ceived the following articUs, which they . V will sell at reduced prices." ; .,' ,- , ... - t ' 90, puncheons 3 proof Rum, , , ,t j ,t . so ; Do.', prime MoUues. t ' f ,. 170 barrels N. E. Rum, t ...,". , , . ;,v 50 llhds Muscovado Sugar, ' . , ,3000 1U. grten CotTee, V . , v i,l Bweeds lJrIM, - ' '. 1 '. " - ..Wbott and hsUbarrtlt No. I anil 8 IiOrVh - wSecei'fCloin, t .4. t . . " a K.lf." rill". ! T (not lets tnsa ir""" , v,w-aP1j-. - tam rusv b accomrtfWliUd wi h credit of y, an mnnIKw Approvca notes ;;:uy..rthVB.nkoft ;" H 'LoiTsALE.. ;'"V-;r ' 'Y-PLANTATION ftvcti.m.fct froti 1 , ' A' lowr called F0.k FWdl, nlng ' . a barrel. onwlichUa pUng ' . at Ua S J " .nJ about o.seres anvrnTtrMF.NIT.' ' ' rPHE subscribers Inform their friends' atd the" public in general, wai nty naro opened a store, In Mr. AntVs row, five . . .l ' nt V.t.rk.1 Street. aoors nana iii-' vi - .. -- where they oETer for sale on low terms tor prompt payment, a genetal sssorlrneot Of goods adapted for the season-- , -, r Groceries of all kinds., ,i!r.aa ahdVtst India Goods,"'" French Brindy aha Holland v i i Old Whiskey and Peach BrsaaY, j 1 9 gegs Butter and 8 do. Hogs Lardc ( :! Rarrela Flour. ' ! .H ' l 1 dor" Mot Bresi;l" : with a general assortment of Dry Goda T the very be.t quality, "11 of which will be told .tiV.F wholesale er on reaiuuaoia t, , Tilm!cj;ton, 83d Jime.:t807f: '--T- T a L . 1 Yra Hktt a N. U They hare also a iwjv j ytUe tirtdcr the tna of, ' v. ; Perry, lcrguKm'8,CUAj FROM the Subfcriber's houfe In Smtth vi'.lo, an old falh'oncd f.lrtf Tea Spoon wMh the armt of the late Col. Day en raved on the ; hack ol tut handle, being: ijirevvawant, the inner pari oi me uaoun jwatlcWf-tnafeo. tAwyfi- ,t . Front, hit houfe In Wilmlngtoi, early Inshe fummer of , llW a defert Ipoon Wlin IUC KDOVcmcniiuncuaiiua vu nn li'i .' .If a Ta Smibn -aJrooned round ,'e haoc) 01 a Cl in raifed work placed a a a r t i a? J It he end .w MR A gi iwan enjiraweq under U. V About the fame time M. MASTtrf MASON'a Jewel of, Gold aC t.rh.d In a S!t chain. . ' H A 1 init- in i ha month of Mav IsS. from faWl houfe In Wilmington, a Tea Spoon iinaiiar is in niu memmnca. Informstlon refpeflingan) of the above tne'ntidnel articles will he.thsnkfully re. eirt and a peeerous tewaid paid on de. . . ... . r .t t 1 tJ livery t either. A iucniruiar rpi.( Iv enrfcihni? and piopahif wouia not e r- . . - WANTED TWENTY.FIVE or thirty Cords or Pine FWe. Wood, to he delivered 1m. medjately,4 for which cafh will be given g the fubferiber will a! fo contract for iho, fame qoaatttyto be delivered mrint Wry . :.' ; N. W. RUGGLE3. ' ' Vol 2, R. JJiadley's Whaif. ;;''jonjc. ',. ,;, ..' ..-.; ;: nernrtrated but hy the encooftgement ot. diCionet purchaf?ri, a 'I!0--. 1 k a . i.n n irrai convLtiion di ma inici and u dob di (cover vol any of-. v. .' I r .1 r . fl .Af....liji. Ml. Sa ifa : I I - . .' . I . " . cenaca on py - . J t EN JAM IN SMITH." v Tehe Lr nl ay be entered Imme-tn!-. the Houfe on Dock-Stiest. lite-' lyeccupM by Mr. MAuDan. " ; , " 1 ""-' :EoquIrt 88 above; ':. 1 junc 7 Lands for, Sale or Rcnt-,:, fTMIE fubfettber voffer for' fa'.e or , ' JL' laf, 6n reasonable term, a plan. ' lauo'i' in'Brunfwick County, eontatnin't ,t ...... L .jtJ.tt-'A. . u..f. which it a large Dwelling Ilouff, . The above lands rent C nee, the ' 17th JaS) ' March at 10 dollar t per annum. - A vxiuaoit tract 01 i-ana in L.uue County, on the li. E Gdeof the N. W River, adjoinin the Lands of the late Col. Thomas Owen, well timbered with, oak & pine, and convenient to iha river. Alfo a traft of Land on Topf.it Sounl containing 410 acre,' to the Southwanl and Eafl waid of Virginia Creek on whlcbV .. there ia fume improvement, '".' " , t once, more notice .thofe that employ my negro wench Sally unknown to tne. which is very much to my l jury, I will f . a ' e. 1 1 . n - t. ' Jroiecnte tnero at tne taw oireui tnsv aid Sally U to hire bt the year quanetl. pymeat will he eipecled. i'Z- for Sale; , ' , A V8L0AIL8 NlCtO WOMAK, an excellent Cock wither and ironer. :.;.v.,.;.-t'v;v-:jOHN MXRTIWjT -May ii. r -.'' -'- - - nni l AH1 REWARD. HERKAS an attempt was made An iVi e.anir ofSstlMUlf the 10 h lufli'la frt firf Jo thit town by fome evil minded perfotj or peifunt.- Ill above r. a -ill ha iut rnntiAlon of tba Io cerdiary to any one who' will lodrVfucH Informa'lpft at may tend to the difcovery t,f the offender or tffenderi, and dmloft m a . .a 4 St " " - an attettipt to trul dianoiicau. . . ; PURSUANT 'to an AA of the laft Gentral AlTcn.blj, dtrefllng a file of public Wftdi atl)oining mlihvilic will he fold On p Ctedit of. U faonths b public "...A!.. i tha ?chnnl-houfe of faiti fdwn. " ' 1 ' . - en Saturday the ll4 c'Aers)tl next, all Of lai laaot convenient lotif i pr celt foScleot titles to bi Cgned W thi; purchakrt tH ppovti lectr.ty. i on ' ; John Confers, ' ; T. . Y-'v . SaraUel Potter. '' ' r'r.lilve, jl, March II07. I . m. v Bur.Kr.FH. ... i . rVfER5 for tale now landing the carjra I tf schooner Lucy, Ewer from St. Lucie, I . m . a . . 1 . . ifn.i.ur.T Cl zioiaiiitG. Eooa uusmr. SELLING OFF VAT REDUCED PRICES. ' r f t f l F. Subfcriber havfne rletttmlrj Ja - H ' ... ... , ' J decline the retail bufinefi, o,Tir fog fi hit remaining Stock of Goo,;. v' low forafh, ami for tpprovcJ Cr,kt tlenotei 6,- 9 aniiamomhi ce,;;ta,i4 be theft. ,' ' " A LAZARUS, May'.ti. ;, ... . ,' -. ; BLANKS.. of dilTcrcnt hind?. Forfa!i attblacCcs.- Juno 30, .. . : ' i. c liti!l. . . "t t I 1. 1

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