a'. if- i ; 5- i i. I' i t- l r i 1 M ' ? V. H V.v' t . nr ktt j A t' i , , lV.U VV- . distance frbia Europe's adl scWeat of !; com enlioft, v'm I Tnmhi'dMDsn J trtw- Mr'.aU Snttn. j) ion$;x ( 'i nv !Oijrw.f'4i,V jr. j , But though by her olive we love tp( be shaqed, -.JYe'tt wVJriCh the,:world when: w$ rights! ' -'.'w invaded. A v.; V-yi'uY ' Rise, Columbia, rise Columbia,',, y "' Risfc' Columbia, your rights' are Invaded. ; Columbia, by peace are tHf int'rests pro-; ,Ta peaceful pursuits were thy sons late clevo- ,w lJut Britjir agaia has presird'dour,9ppresn " And Ures jjs to war, by : .hci? l9?tic ggrc- ' ; ise.Coliimbia nte.Columbial.'c4 , . 'Kise. rsi evsi jbjotii ajreswon:, ; ReluGtant to mingle la warf Vijd;ibmoj ;;''- otion - ' :' ! . ' ','r . Too much have we borne From the tyrants of Our National Flag they at length, hav pros ; S "!' tinted; 'T; "r.-.'P -.t-v -V Qur.cUize'ns 'murdered, or rights violated. ; ii(Ile Colarabiay:ri.e Columbian yvr '! - ,; i . .Hie, revenge jrour -right violated. t.5 ' 1., I Revenue, ff.ith,'one,ery,.shttjesoHn4 4hro t ' "'' the.uati6B,',er,;:1:f'1':rc-v!U".r;;'.V;; ; ,pJ.Utul and by Sea, we, WiU pake' "prepara-l 1 . tJon i '. .' ''-", 'ir .' i .-. "'li. H';' 1: Tbc smiles ot the Fair, shall tnliven. exer H ' And render thu war but a scene of diversion i I -v ' ' ?SJu Jtcdfcjs and' protection e'U .' claim for our; " i''r''--( ,0. V-;'' i-v:emen, :'v--: -'V'' 'ij' ; ft ; ;"-- - , And abew to the. world "we are Brother and tfvi.?X.: ' .rretmeg:-' ,v" "':V: l ;; (V'-sr;. Rise Columbians, rise Colurabiani, :; '' , ; ;f J, Rise," evince" AVe art Brothers and Free' .i ' ' v w?v n-( men." ::: "-vi' . 1- ," " . ' For all will be Wy... at the kindling of reflcc S . J , t'n'm, , -',. ' , , v - i ' . ' i' P'J-BLlCSPiRlT; r-' .( , - v ,-. , apat ijeamy connjesin our arms lor prpiecn .wwrnivc, auueyen peacRjwpum po imf 'iiT .""'"ffV'V' '':; .V"-!i WWe s. waeifDri..4y i ; fr f j ' ; ; " 'T" Kise Columbiarii, StifiolumUans ;l ftekblyed unanimously That, we view" this j' . 'r:.'.--i'.1-H ii f " il-i Hibrace,' and assure her protecijani . transactiopjia an invasion of our'.nattonal; ho4 .'.''',-' , J.-' 4tj; -. " " ;" '"'' !j aiiddignitv, "an'infc'ult o the majesty ofj f" .-' rOSTOS. July .'U-'-'3- ( u 'J the people, and a' wanton attack upon our so-, '"''.' At" a laf2elAeetTnif"cfthe1'cit'Tzens of Bos ' tou'n J Li 4 icinity,t.ube State House in Bost 1 ; -irt toi,( 9 tid,yth JQtb July'i I40r, WIS irl ' . , f-consjuei)ee of the Itae attaclC rosde bf, the " Briiish sh.p ef war i,eopardi ou'tbe Unitea ! f States frite Che.aocake. the -lion F.ldridtre , , "GeVfv.'was unknimiubly chosen moderaiorl ' "smq'he llon.'Ptre Morton Secretary of the ! ' , ' The fojjowjjig gentlemen werecho -i6 comniittee to report resolutions expres ; V, , ': ive of the feme of the citizen ' oif this.mtj" . ' . ,-' Barnabas Bidrell John- .Quincy. Adams, r,; ; ; ,,; Pjifif Ciarlei AuUnThoinpso!,,' J. SkiHr K- Ber. tieorire Blake and Perce Manetw who jer, George lilake and Peree Morton, who 1 u'Aef retiring to the Senate Chamber for half 'ai) finer, raurnsd with the following rejwrt, H,r-tir)iniiT(jniy ad dled by the Committee.' : WlK'rrislt ripur'irslv a Woclinaiiuni is'- . iAuetlbythe president of the1 United StaW.'lhat f slatuijit Waiiton-aniJ cTutl" butra-re b' been eomraiireJ unontho'Unite3: Statrs -frigate ftv Chesapeake, by h 'British ship of war Leo 7p'-J s'1 which eurcitizetis bave.beert woun ted.and rouVderedr rind the Qg of our nation - , , 4nMHed ld violated. O . v i,r '1 !.'; ..t.;,And whereas it isUn doty as well s.rig$t , X'lcitks citizens of a frto: Cunry Jc)' express . 'tl.drreadinetito support IbecoaitituUdaU- ., Allies in the thessures thef mnyjidoBt for ''Jutional redrese'bfan jnisiry' barbarous in its utnre, and so atipiecedenUo'ia its execution 'T-t-eKfore ..... "f !4 ' .'' Res'ilved.unanjmousjr', Thot the late ag-' .?r-rresslon committed by a British sblpif wjt J onalrigateortbe United M.ttsjor Hit lvoW i.' -d purpose of Uitin fiom' her bv fafce a c T ?. part c her ertw was a' wanton outrage u pon the persons, and Lyra of tor citizens, ;nd a . direct sttacH upTn pur UiioaaI sovereignty and indtptde3. iJ J. . . ; I m Resolved unsoimolf. That the spirited conduct ef our fellow citizens f Norfult, n J ihe.ccaioii bcrorc the orders of govvrntp tnt 'could be'obtiincd, Was highly honorable! to ihcmsthes. and to the nation. pf tnlv-d unaniovooklyr-Tbst the firm, dg p'.fied and temperate policy adopted by ti txeculive, at ihnomentous Ciifl, isenti U-3 to our mo( cordial arprwbatiot) and sOp . f , . . . , J.urt , , 1 . --J - i ' . i - ' , Besolvtd unanimously, That wit III but pfron io!luenc and exertions, we will aid ' n.l isiitt the consuUited audiorilits in Cart ' 'Z J ''". ,nt Proclamation t-f the PresiJent' of ' the United States, 411 every parf thereof, Mito ."wlf and effectual execution. . . j esol vei urtsnimou.Iy, Tt,at although we . slniit with ourovcrnment In wishins most . ardently for pesce on Jut k lionorable terms yet we sre rjiidy ctjetrfully to co-opertel In w,i,y nUisures, however serious, whkh they irtsy judge pec-tosry for the ssfety and honor of our couetrr. and will lufport . them fivn eur live and fortunet. , ' .' j . The report wi twice read and accrf ted tnshimou.lr. . .-', . 'i ytfttd ILaithi procecdu)it tt'n xotet nf 14 Vncd bt the'Moieratop tnd S Sccre-i .wy.ana tuaiiinea in au toe uojipn pewtpa- i f 4 it 1. l- . . - . . 1 , t-Voted that an .auested ! ,c opy, thece6t ,be ; ttransnjiued to the-Committeeo Norfoki.U j . , LUKUti t.rU-KK X , oioaev&tor, Attest,, ,,yf ,.v.,-, .-i 'i',;U:i:':$ jt I IS :'iVum&iTa.cetW8ir W'cteJii if be flisti-r bfRicrtraorid iu ' ''the "State-house " al-Cedumbla5,' in vVed'oVsday the 8th day of jJWy"inftalt for Cfie! purpose of' taking into joTisideration thelate and unprovoked outrage tomi.iitted by the British thp of Var Leo-j ardj b thfr United States frigate the Chesa' e.ake CoLThomas Taylor?, wastralled ' to ibe Chairi andAlajor Clifiott appointed secre-,taryW-:i(i n't if;.,''!.':" ,-:'.X'.:i ) V .JAfUFanuexpression of tlje sentiments this tdartng violation, of , our.; national,, sovereignty' . ,l;ad s,q highly xcjited. and an enumeration of ariafasf(is'f aggression eominitied' by , &rii'(vioftta?ion(o0 most solemn trea 'Uetfiidd fgaihst the laws of nat,ioiW( la 'nio itioa"Was made,' 'by Uobert' Stark, esiqi' "fair me appoinimeui ui a cpniiiiHicc to uraiiruso luiious cxjjrcskivc wi uie tcuiimciu til inn ' meeting upon the occaiion, which being a 'greed to,' the following gentlemen were a ' pointed i Coli- Waild ' Hamnton. v Abraham Nott, Robert Stark, .Thomas Taylor, iunr., j e. a. ni l'.i inn jr- viuinara, csquirci iney men adjourned until Saturday the lHh, at which time the committee were instructed to make .their report i v "-i'ii ; ' On Saturday ttie ,-1 1th Inst, the : citizens met at the State-house according ,to adjourn pent, , when the ibllowipg report of the com rniuec wa iaKen 41HO consiuerauou aim u .'- h'aniro'ously adopted. -;Vl.::i itf i" ' .''?',',". 1 . f .Having een aii account of, the recent outf raVt cOmmiUed by the British ship Leopard on the Unittd States frigate Chesapeake, w cannot' review with indiffeience the humitia "tirig Situation'to wliich our country would be ' reduced by a tame Submission to such a Sag. ' rant, act bf violence.'' When we consider the impartial justice rid good faith' of our1' go "vevnmcnt towards aii nations, and her mode ration and forbearance towards Great Bri tain in particular, inder repeated acts of ag; gression, it Is itii poi.lbl to swppres's the feel-' ings such an 'occurreirce ia; calculated to (x- .fcite,r,j;.-f,virt';: i;' t;,?k:.U,v :'-r -.'There are times and,eircumi 'There are times and.circumsUncea'in (he, U h"" of nations, he.nforbeara nee Would be .', ana a wanton ati ,vcreinry. '.; Resolved unanimously,' That from' the It; , rianimiiy of public sentiment w- may ipleP a, disposition', ri() frohl 'the resources5 of ouj country," we may ealculate upon'the means ofrewstirulitntt(.ery violaliia of xur -national wghlav --v--- J Kasolved unanimpusly,fThat(! to meet e very emergency wlifth the present criis may produce, we pledge' ur liyfcs;i duV fJrtuhes l : & i - j. - .3 cheerfully bear every, sacrificewbiihi-f . of pecuniary or pe)rson,alkind, and to. afford to , such measures as pur government may ibink nu our ,oreu nonor.. ao.enccunitr ena '. such measures at pur government may ibink "proper to adop;thcmostrompt'and efficient .support; ..,..-.... j 'Ar.7' i . " Keioived unanimdusryi Thai CoT. JVade "Hampton,- Robert1 SiarkV' Abraham N6lt, . 'Thomas Taylor,"juhr. J G. Guinsrd, Joel, Adams add Merlirt j C Will amson -..be a ' committee of cftrrespondence-to tbtprhutij-, pojnted by this, or any of oVr sister states,' .on such, measures at may be 'mutually re commended. :, , i f c, H 'cro , Resolved iinaTiimpuily, Tht.:irdr" Lllo'w .jcliizens jn the diCTeivent districls of ibis sfati, be invited ,tiij?in,as in our oxprtkn ofi,etj- timent and co-bper'aljon pf me;isiu e.l A " II . leso nesoiveu unanimously, jinai jr,e;comtniti 11, tee br'corr-spOnlfpea(have the "proceedings 'u .'of this meetinir"pgilis1ied and , distributed. mruun ,uc iiuiti 1 111 uju iti ui 111c 1:41c ' -BVordcroftheWettln'.'"3'' v !'' '- 'THOMAS TATLORrtfialrmaa. 1 V CClutoit, See'y. - .' i V v.Thesttfdrntftf lh South-Carotins Course .metinconvemion nrtthe Uth of July, In its'- sequence of the late flagrant Imuka of! red ' .10 oetgaverrittieutjby Creat-Bntain. After (laving appointed .John Alurphy cnairrasn, J.snd Stephfjo ,M,i,!er,&ecrcJafy, Uie, objet if the m seven eilng w3SStated,',and comrniites, of . , vizi James T. Coodvryn, J. N.Davis, James R.Tiregg, J. J. Goodwy n, VVmt Cray. son, J. Murphy, and Wm. firantl y, were TTomrnkjed to orsw up adcclaradon , of. their u-elinfrj snd sentiments on th ricci-n. The convtnilort adjourned until Wednendari the t Jlh, whert (he declaration w'as'prescnted' by Intf cdri'rh7TteVnd iinaninously agreed" to biL tha'aotttentidn. - - ' ' 1 ,1 Many Wrrenid's'an lit, lathe course of civil aiuirs, and in'.'tns cortdact anu inter course of nations ere.ctuxh ia' peculiar na' ture, that they ,etr-fail to proiliica lively sensations of p1esurts,-or otherwise excite the angry' and Indignant passions f msi. When principles of-uhlfersal benfvolence, justice snd fqrbesrsncet direct lh opera tions of any government J when all f fan Bio , tUcs of avarice ahd ambition are deluded J when kind od fikadiV a.lHceS art tendered 1 to the dettrvmir t who eaa ItliL i J suii rnentsof flaqvMr.Ced approbation fc esteem ! t(would besiofalnot toapprore i ilwoaldbe Insensible not to respect such aa iukatlei lust and PatriQtle eoreremtnt. I ' f infte 1prncatJTtne lMoaerator tn T-(But whenKm every particular, , the ; contra- lustice il banished or .suppressedXrvwneti ,ihie,' diclates of benevo, lence and humanity are disregarded when; the object of power is tooppre.s and nd''e : those, wbom H r pught'defend ; wheo T varice and ambit'ibn 'must be gratiEed.V ieven. at the expense of the liberty and hppm'es of ' mankind : disapprobation and contempt, in-- ..dignation and, abboVrehce'j ."must .swell . tbe ' heart of everv man obsiessiBfir the .comtnosv feelings pfpuf paturc. ' Considering the' im-i proved state ot society! tne. progress pi iruc and solid science ; the -delicacy and' refine-'; ment ofEjelings which seem to prevail i there , would be a presumption, thai if virtue were not. really, possessed, the appearance. of it i would be assumed; and that every wing i j which mankind must disapprove, wouW'bei done'under some plausible pretext , anil not j with, uniform and shameful affrontcry, But . experie,ncc, doea riot, suffer us lo fjrm errone- i oas conclusion upon; this subject - The lat j .unprecedentpd conduct o(, Great-Britaia oi wards -us,1 is a standinir memdriaj of, what, a. cjorrupt, despotic and .unprincipled 'goven.' i lunikii cr. reuy t,o pcriuiiu, wnuvu- or hesitation.- It' is impossible; to consider f , their late transactidns on pur coas 4 any o- itber Rhttfian as in1pen, ;deUberate and malicious infringement of our indubitable na-'; tional rights., .J,,; ':; ;, ' Our fathers,!; gUardians anJ countrymen," have expressed 'their sense of these outrages j'v their steady and manly resolutions to co-ope rate, in order to resent them,, and prevent all futuie aggresssioh,wc''trtlstit cannot b4 deemed .arrogance or assumption, if we also give vent to our feelings upon thjs occasion-- 4id tre not. feel, were we not Interested,: did we not participate in the patriotic -emotiona which prevail i we would certainly be unwor- Ihy descendants of thosf heroeswho-ina pe Hlbusbut glorious strdggW, establaished ' A m'erican Independence on the firmest foun dation. The iniquitous arid arbitrary pro .ceedingsof Great Britain would sufficient 'to rouso us, even' were we suqk ' in 'the most senstless apathy 'but1 we are not destitute of" feelings ; nurtured in t'je bosom bf freeddmi, early taught the undoubted birthrigbtbf riian, , we do not find ourselves inclined to submit to Tier imperious mandates, to crouch to her insotencer faor her unjust or arrogant pre tensions, i Accustomed to tsttenf all our fel low citizens as brethren, we can not view wilt., iiidiffererfce'tbewrbtfgs which they sustain j jiving under, the influence of a government which insures toufs permanent liberty, equa' lily and peace', Ve cannot view its sovereign ty insulted, without feeling art honest and dig ni&ec piideeeply.woupdedj;but when in sults are repeated, when it appears that no .thing will satisiyjopt tne overuii;j-r pi, our national nonor and i prosperity w& born: to snect.tlie enemy bf our Jaod , VV bea Wt re iflcct upon the depredations cpmmitted ou our commerce, we feel a warm resentment, but ben ;we iuiiikpr.the blob4 oyt,. country .iBeiij'njpnJj'ipHt; a spiritef rcye,pgf,prc. dominates in evgty bosom;'- .. . ' , ' J J VVrview With .pleasure toe indignation of our countrv. anil anticipate tne proper, and pir,ted measures which the wisdom (if,: out II ;governmenf ,,11 certainly Sdopftro sup H 'port these,' measures' if eccssary. .wjll be ouf glory and our pride. Far be tt.irom us t9 delight, hvthe shedding 'of, human , blood, or.to. view", will pleasure the- unavoidable tneaiures,pf,war f.otir priuciple Is.iiever to ctnindanger.byaurirnprtidontc.j iso(; avoid ,15 when pur rights and liberties dernand , oiir exertions,, ta 'ibe deiciicet'oi,our. dearest lights and liberties who would .turn .on ma bel tosaxe.Lis ltf i Life without liberty t pf little value 1 despoilid ef our rights we Jose half our existence. ' We wish, to.; be e Jjually.tempyedfrbnl H larae n submissive" ' spirit on the one hspd, and from an UnOarji ' matory and uniimitea,resenynrnt pd the 0-: e.r. .But to be. tame tnunnprpjoked when repeated injuries press . upon Us, we darm mo-e tbsn weakness, to loot tip. wjtbontone jnanly effort, to the. cause, of purdiaitets, for kinder, usage, would be disgraceful. jtoa body' ot freemen, and show, to the world hew richly we dtserethat treatment, -at'whicli. , we aUecUore&'jte, (Ulia.c; corppeBsate for the live "of put tellow aiizcna Were. slaughtered on beard the Chti.pe-ke ? J Not the treures pt Great IIiitsinl Letthe po-' rer'ef, tiurope estlms'te -;hr Jives; of thou sandofiule concern; but tons t.h life of a citizen is invaluable., Dur aeirnen are im 'pressed to' serve tyrant in, a forf ign war, and obliged to undergo fatigues and hardships . numerable. , -Torn from; thcia-famijies and fnends deprived of that liberty .which ithty , so dei;ypnze j.tper dishes, mut beiocop ceivable. ' If we can patiently stj.fcr.jheke thingv bt what debastrncjit anTwe not capa. 'lie?.' 14! weexi;c(at the'tfestroyers and cajtcrrsofouf 'Countrymen, ,nd pant for in opportan'ity of curbing their' ini'olthf power, vTbe schemes ofoppessinn will J.ever be'ours. nor will we submit to the Jaa less domination -, -of tyrants. power erTectvhdbverthrow tr our politicsj f.bric, end impose the fetters of 4cpotistn on our. country, otrr lives must first'te'sacruccd' at tlie ajtarot, freedom.; .? j. A greater prize ihsn libertr was-rever coramiuedtothecare of any people. The 1 . iJj v" c ,J' Voc'iY . 1 I vlrtUe.ofourfathershavt.coVerredupon ua n.terd.y ),y TATcUnl, 1 i( eincnunuie Diessing,, tve cpqcaife Ihe 'Tv, V lr'mn,F or . . , best way to discover, .ur grattede.js, to 0 Mm Ilampmri Tv0 7aigUl eq-jad-i "maintair, With unshaken f.rimiess and resolu- .Picly,J The ttj r, tfsatcd wery , tipn,.whattheypur'cl,sid at so dear a rate ;' ' ' ''?m Gu? J A; 7t tP, 'Chap wemiy rmvUteih'eir '.virtue's, by defending I '.! reared rudely.' s,u, r- w' ttrdcd with wiflex.bteeane'r.whal they astabKsh; tho 'Brltifif 'dr' ' rf- If ed with unremitted persev.rance, 1 tVe have " peace; Is sbeuU St -dupoiei etmfidencetbauh.irepfuberty-iloVilathe tLt ttttn J ft"9 to (op "nffcUla ' . . - ' " : - - - ,- ' J '? . '-. .oree'si feve'rf American ifotiti ? kutls' wa love jjrith'such n long to bay.acoromvc'- ': ctioq e( feeling;' to such' we give 'the;' taost.:: perfect assurances, that we are ready to u- , nite with "them in every'atenuous exertion to defend our righu and liberties t our'unibn , will operate to, the destruction of our enemies. , Great Bdtajn, has been long tainparing- wkh ' freeraen-iShe has discovered every shade'.fc i variety V herthatacter---she is not conscious s that she sporjs vpon the brink of a Lion's deu v , adversity may mstiH those virtues 'which, r ' prosperity tas'b.en unable to ttch he-4et - U her feel the resentment of freemen, ititil sho A becomes as humble and submissive as sue it ., -, Aour arroranland assuminc' , -"v. . JOHN MURPHY. 'CLairmaiw STEPHEN MILtER, Sec'y.1 . " . -, f phiiadelVhia Metixg;; t ' . TO TM CITIZENS. ' . . '" ry-'.-'V'cjr the . :,-s FIRSTyCQGBJiSSlONAL;?IST ; iFtltow Chiztnrhi jk commivtee appointed by yourselves, we flatter ourselves,' thi yoi will not consider it as wholly foreign y .opt " duty, to offer bur cntimcnts, iToot bur ad vit'e v Our 'sensibilities are equally leen With your own, we are as much alive- to our na tional wrongs and asardently disposed- as- . . yourselves to contribute our assistance to re-T dress those wrong v by every .means in our power, under the direction iof that " govern- v' meot, which as a portion of the ' Americans people,-we have aided in establishing". T0V . jhat governmerttour duty- as Vitixens,1 calls 1 upon us to look as our guide at this momen tous crisis ; to their measurer ought we to " lend our utmost efforts j to their will ought sve toyield a ready obedience; But imperious ho- ' nor and duty ought to teach Us to forbear . from every act which could embarrass ita ' councils or distract Hs measures,''1 A dighj- jied and temperate 'coarse of Condut,' and a ;' submission to tha'guidance of an administra- ' tion, constituted by thmselvei, ought to dis- , linguish freemen ; and while they feel, they " ought to evince to theworjd, that as the' real ' sovereign of the country, they reflect also; ; ; The calm but cnergetio display of resent- . ment on tile ever memoratle day of the mect- ing which constituted us its organ," has giv en to you a , character foymotte ration and for bearancc, which does honor' to our cause and to our country ; nd sorc , indeed would be -our regret, if.ihat character heuld"nbw be- tarnished by any act which would not stand ' the test of cool and sober reflection It is not by violence on individual property, or Insults, offered to men, that the nation is td be retires scd :,,,;;.",; c : J, .. ( .Our wrongs 'call for a, ;djfiefent "remedy, . and a more expensive cure. National wrongs . require national redress,,, and, as we have pledged ourselves to the administration of ' the general 'p'oyernmept to make any sacri- " fices, and toen'colnleanJJ1azard,,' . let ua beTditUTuT tb"tnat pledge, and ac only under its authfTifjf.' l id this obligalion we are part pcrs wkIi yvui ahd we too are embarked in the corrimon cause ; permit us .then, fellow. Citizens to entreat you to take no step but tin' der the direction bffhat au'iiiinistration to which you' have pledged yuritlves t make, any sacrifices, and aurtlys sacrifice offeel , .ing.r It is a -sacrifice of feeling, I momenta 17 fcelmgprdy, that we iik of you. To?a ' vepgeon innocence whatis du'c to crime on ly, cannpj. correspond with your sense of- II mstice, or, pf.richt.T.To.iniurtr individual property or to wound IndividUaffeeliKg','. for Jj utrBgesc6mmhKd bjr the1 Critith' goyprn- ment alone, your reason wouU recoil at, jtn your sober feflectiotv would condemru- Wecannotfur a? momeat suppose, that the, freemen of this district, while they feel the. ' keeeest resentment -tt he -British vinlence and outrage, would pursue the footsteps of sv ' Brlush. mob.." Fellow citizens,', we in rite your forbearance, 'we solicit .your modcra-.' lion, ie appeal td yodr magrcpimity to icon tinue thatdjgnifiedend firm, course cf con- -duct,, whch,oiij.he first vday, of July, shedl -such a lustre around the aractcr of the free, men of the first congrctsional district of Feniv JlaUbewUalcr;,- , v ,:n.i .J . . i -j : .1 .ucnsei L.iv,. ... f,, Charles Pdaic,.; ,raulCoxMr..:; -' ;j r ,. , uaviat-eoot, 1 "ti - : Richard D.i,;. ; .; "".rjicThpcias. flpcr,' 'i George Eartfam, - i- "AVsUer FrankRn. ?-' ' a ; v ' James, EngU,".? f' '- " William IJnnard, ,fl f " 1 1 loaepk Hojkirjion.' ;T CjCorgeXlymer, ' : '. !' ' ' 1; - tdward Tilfhman,,", rbiladclphia, ' Wrifilivt,' l: V 1 1 ms Address was signed bf -evert men: , Th,Cpmmilteef,CorTepoBdpVe fcar' appointed M.uhew Lawlcr, Franc h Gutr Lsrj. nd Dr M. Uib, a Sub-Commit.r- r" act op any emerrpcy u;til the Cency' r l miuef can be caUcd together and U ' Com the General Corumiuee wheatf-y -0Ivne itexpeditct. ,' "'.'CjuJ -If- . ' V .-"3 r I 1 .... :i '. . ' " - !

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