7 .r-- If. ..,r ":. ..." TksTreaei muk P.-uttiA - Contain cortostJanJlnx Articles' with the Russian Treaty.- It nUo novidi. ihit until apeace ,hall take plaice between Britain' and :' " France,-the port of Dahtzic, and every other Sort and place under the dominion of the ling of Prussia, shall be ahut against the' u ue oi cngiann. . . ; s- F3ICit InrtLLIC-.SNrKnthe utwuf sj l f f a ot thls 'p'ri from&reeltoek, and Liverpool, v '-A received jS.Vi oF'E'nWitrhireT fiani 'hh'wihMimjieUfihuuxtrt this, day's, AmoHgatherieletHt''eiMeiJ account of t5 itifojuiif mjvcinciHs oj me owzaisn army, - since the re-commencement of hostilities withthe French, and of the application of, hit Swedish Majesty for a renewal of the a-mistice, but it is ... - . J I..L . I t . ' v utiitit vmeiner or nai oe en renewed. "Z r".'-v Baltimore. Scot. n. " On Mondav-mornimr last the II S fr'reate Chefaneake and two pun boat ar- , ' - . rivet! at Annapolis from Norfolk : and on Wedriefday they failed, with a fair wind, down the bay. WVLaiequaiied wiiu tne ooieti pi ints expedition. ;- .WASHINGTON. CITY. Sent. 18. A letter is received in this eitv. dated Richmond, jibinft. by which it appears that the court had that day given an opin ion in the cafe of colonel Burr, that may be faid to have put an end to the proceed, ings in this cafe, ? It goes to the exclusion of teflimony, and of courfe to-theacnuit. .: tal of Burr, on the charge againft him for " i rnifdemeanor.: The fubatance only of the opinion which is given above, 1 hat no Miiiuvu nvuiu 'vt pQIUJlllcu U UC au . duced. is given in the letter. After the opinion of the court wn de livercd feveral questions were addrelled to ' , , th Chief Justice by the counfcl for the U. : States, as to the effect of that opinion. uu. on canicular' Ddlnts.' At lenoth Si . k; O ' WW deemed the most eligible courfc to adjourn ' the Court '(ill the next day, in order that the counfcl oh both fides might be furnilh. ed with copies of , the opinion, and be en. abled to .j'idge of its application tojhe evidence which might l)e offered to prove anv Particular fact. TU Court adjourned ,tili"Tuefday at - Sherilf 's Sales. VN the fecond dav ot OAnher' will V be fold on the premifw Thelot with th -wharf and imorovemrntt thrr.nn known by the name ef'.Dcan'ijo Uvied upon to latuty tunary wnuol fi.fa.vs. thVdevifccs Of Tes. Dean. 1 The lot will be divided, and the wharf par 1. fold fir ft. which if infuflicient 10 ftiiv the judgments, then the remainder wilt be io:a. ' . M Alfo on the fame day, will be fold, at the .court houfe, fifty acres land about 13 miles from town between the main road and Sound, adjoining the lands of St. George and David Greer, levied upon to latistj an Luecut ion Timothy Blood- worth aflignedioThoaui Folk vs. Rebec- ca uiooawortn ana au, . ;v ' Wm. NUTt, Shff. r Aug 20. . . : Plate Lost . T?ROM the Subfcribtr'i honf, in m:.v JL rillo, an old f(hioned filrt r Teaspoon wiiutiw armi or ine iae k.01. Ur n In the fummer of iSoc.'a de fert Snrtan with' the abovement toned arm. an ih . : hatrdle j alfo a Te Spoon gadiooned round ' the hsndle and a (hell in raifed work placed at the -end with ftngle Swan engraved under it. 1 About the fame time M. ; MASTER MASON'iJwel of Goldau aviivu iv a (lulu, ( ., '1 vAod ini the.moniV of KT.'t.ft aid houfe in Wilmington, A Tea Spoon similar to the firft mentioned. ' . , ' v ' Information refpecling'anjr of the above , mentioned articles will be thankfully re. ceived and 1 generous reward paid' on de. - llverj either. At fuch thefts are rapid. 1 encreaGng and ptobabty would not be a a . k a pcrpciraieu out ojr the encouragement of , dtOionefl urchaferi. a greater fum will te given on legal conviaion of the Thief ?r Hccelver, and upon difcovcry of any of. lender the fevered ptofecelion Way be de fended on by ''. ' 5 BENJAMIN SMITIIi , ! To be tet, and may be entered Imme-. . , dlatclfVlhe Ilotife Art HoknVaf . ' graved on the back df t he. handle,, beini. h " 2 'T lherpkurpoM nof r? F 1 lu iruil X wi - V Militia qired of tbls State ; when'. 48, from hi! hOUItf in Wllmlnotna. ar1 j ... .. 1 j occupied b; Mr. W'Aufla,nfc ., , , "Eoouiie as above'' I Jone?. ..!: v. (:.V f, ' WANTED U hire for six or IwrTra f months, one r ,t wo good strong Ne , groMsn. Apply to 1 ,' . . . G.- Hutchinson U Co. ' , Sept. 13. , , ; A Great Bargain ! HE fubfenhers offer for fate their ltock of G.iods. which con Ti Hi of abviut one half nt Weft Lrjia produce and ' Eall' India Goods', t lie whoe- have been baught on the lowed term the. great ad vantage ;that- the purehafer Would' fjoffefs fro'n having fo large a proportion of t itock of calh art icles rpult be obvious to eve. ry one':. Inventory may.be ieen, and terrai very accommodating made known by ap-- piicaupnto , ;, .. , Hooper & Mitchell. Septembef 14. v ":; ' 3W. ' iHEfubfcribers requell the tavbr of thofe Geutlemen uoon whofe books th,y fiand itiJchTed7to" render in thvir ac counts for articles fupplied them fr the tagine, to the nrlt t AuultcUrrent. Cam wtU be given ror f. 4. timber, or Logs thirty 4cet long and upward. ; --U. Hutchinson c co. Angutt 4. L4i HvTOTICE is herebv rfiiven.; that th(i I XI fubfcrlSer at the la ft Couittv , Court s nniMiied letters ot adminiltratioh on.: thf i jl. . . - : . . t . ejlaie oi Nathaniel Sweeny, dec. all per! ions inccoieu to uiq euaie are aeurea to make payment as foon as poflible and all thole to wliom the eltate "is indebted ar-requefted to render in their accounts within the time prefenibed bv law. other. i Vile they will be barred ot recovery. . " . I LJM IV rl A If W I v September i -FOR' SALE V 45 Puncheons 4th .proofjimaica Rum, " - 5 Unas .vioiatuca. Apolf to -. Perry, Fontaine, h Co. August 25.' -'' " '' .'V FOR SAl.r. .: A CARGO f Liverpool Salt, expected to arrive in all tbe month f October For terms apply to JOHN SCOTT. oepU 8 For Freight or Charter, rPHE stanch, strong, and well found , Brig Katt, Henrv E. Dav matter, either for ttOSlon or anv OI tha Wft. India iilinriu Aa one half of her cargo Is now made up for Bohton, the preference would be given to that place.- For passage or freight, apply to JOHN MITCHELL. ' Sept.; 35. -A-.' - , .V x : " ," GUN.BQATS ' C 1 In confequence of aoolication from th committee appointed at the meeting , of the Inhabitants of Wilmington and in VI. ,cioityr'0n the" 8th of July laft. The Se. ctetaryot the navy, has been plea led to give alTurance that every thine in. his power mould oe cone tor the dele nee of the DOM and harbour of Wilaninrton. and I I f O p author ifes an immediate contradi, for all I the buildinr materials rrauired for threa i Gunboats under the conditions, and ac- cording to draft which may be feen'by Innlvinn tf ' . BENJAMIN bMlTH. , September J. . t -- ' - ... TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 39, leoj On the tlth Inst, a ireneral mnati held at Edenton, for the purpose of raising unUertd their services. Raleigh Register. n .t ...t . ' '. .; "' On the 11th Inst, the M.htia of Edgcomb iicalledtoretherfortheburrjoseorraiain was called together far tK r men, toeir quota ot tne number to be furnished br this State. wHn. aft a otic address from Miin naifnnr. n,t nn:,. ) w eivsivv eing.givetty.that-aucb-es were disposed tor """ im voumry causa must ad. anee four paces in front pt the regiment 1 af. A a V A a a a w . f icrBBurum arm Die had pasted the third time, they were immediately joined by caDt. "'""f" .ig iniamry, who displayed great patriotism upon the occasionTheir example wis followed by the whole of the regiment, IS men only ekcepted, who msn." Ifested their teal by 3 cheers. A Sd attempt was made to draw from the Regiment the 1ST men onlr, but 304 rushed (Hit fir tha 11 . ment, formed and marched after tbe drum ana nie, etch contending to be Rrtt to re venge their country's wrongs, and lots were t last cast to determine who should have tha preference. lb, t . Some apprehensions hsvebeen entertained that because Burr has succeeded In prevent log the evidence of Hen. .WilkJason, e being given to the public in open courte, that this ctidcn will be lost. It Is not Improba. ble tbat we rosy yet have It in our power to give, thro' the medium of the Aurora, a cir cumstantial detail of what Wla ,. gling suppressed, and also the whoU 1 othe ....,v. vrunujury at riicbmood. ' . 2 r ... m . . Aurora. Tbe tefl fathnr' fbtb Rthrl Bu.m, T 1 mi uuiuucr rc4uirxa, inciuatDg omcers, vo- in n Jajt frtm Liverpttf, and brings din date tq ihi Ztb August t and Liverftal It lie loth. ; Also di spate bet from lbs Ami titan Isgatitn in Lends t the Secretary f State; . tVktn the Rtbert Burns failed, tbe Amtrican - viejfels were hurrying. fft bring in daily expeclathn of an embargo ,A Ze den paper , ef the .Zib'fujfs, that 'as yet Here bat faen. nt'trniargt (id in American vessel, Jl" ..-:' '" , , W t'iM w-i 'The following remarks on the affair of the frigate Chesapeake, are from the London Courier of the 6th Aug. -' -lM. We have received Halifax papers of the 1 1th, containing an account of the proceed its towards the Chesapeake frigate. ' CAP 'Adlit HUMPHRIES APPEARS TO HAVE CONDUCTED . HIMSELF THROUGHOUT THE BUSWESl WITH THE GREATEST nevrtuii IT v v . . . The American populace appear, in their sensdes Tage, to be desirous of plunging into war with ihis cpuntryThey seem un witling to leave any chance of amicable ad justraentbetwechthe tvo governments. All the mott violent and Scurrilous epithets that are to be found in the Lcgl'uh language, are heaped upon this country.": Public meetings have been held in almost all the towns, and aeh teems ta be de&irout of diaHniiiahinv itself by the superior intemperance and fury rCf :i.'..M,n!.. tx;:n .u. A : v. v 1 v-uiuiivua. l ill uic ziiicricu go vernmentbe able to stem this torrent, and art according to the dictates of ressoo and reSec tiort? .lHs supposed that it will not be able to oppose the popular fury , but will be forced into measures 01 immediate Hostility. WJien . 1 the. Two Friends left Charleston on the 7th July, it was apprehended that an"embarco woym oc iam upon an uriusn vessels in Ame rican ports. As to. hostilities towards us on the prt of America, it would be idle to say that we can entertain the least apprehension respecting them. TWO FIFTY GUN SHIPS WOULD BE ABLE-TO BUR A' SINJC A Sin DESTROY THE WHOLE AMERICAN X. I. VA. 1 hat ttm country has sought a war, with the United 'States,' ho rrian, the American no- . -1 .la -. . I i PQiace exceptea, will assert. .- Wc have car ried moderation almost 19 meanest, and for , bearance to such an extent that the Americans I see (1U0 have began to believe that it proceed. eu irora tear. ; We again assert, that Admiral aerkelj under the peculiar circumstance of -the case, acted in a manner that deserves the tTiunki of his (ountrp-iRi mt trust, every other Bri- ' . ft M a . m . . tin omcer wno may o piacecnn a similar si tuation, will act with the Same derioinn. There was a report last night that the Admi ral and Captain Humphreys had been recalled We do not believe it." 1 V f James Wilson, one of the three seamen tn. ken from the Chesapeake toas hanged at Halifax on in ur iranr, agrccaoiy to tne sentence of a muniw. mc oiner i wo w are tnormed t aentenced bithe same Court Martial ta r. keive nine hundred lashes each. Tke Debositions and Documents nrovinv tfc nativity of these wretched Americans, are given at great lengm mine national Intelligencer. JLerd Hawkjbury bat addrefti a tetter ti tbe Lira' Lieutenant if Ireland, stating ikat ' aecirding lis dtterminatim of tbe Privf CsunciUfblptbeing American prefer. ft. but nit tbe built of America! or em. dunned at (rite viitbin tbe United Stales, ..;... ...j.. ... 1.,,... 1. 7i'f undersea letters, tanntt be einsid- 1 1 J A I . . II American veitei, ana einseauentlt (I nt entitled ti imptri inti G, Britain. Vef. lii arriving prior U the R of On, her "Ault he permitted turn .miry." fW(f letter Item ffsmburtb.-dated tuU fi. fait The Britlfb (tntut at Altina lat e-ffuUlty arniuncti ti Mr. Forbes tbe . . m . ' - ... timsrttan cterei fere, tbat neutral fkipt I tTii Vi'ttb neutral irteerti. beundto C.lutk. ttadl and Jltma, will be aliened ti enter tbe Elbe, and ahi depart IhtrefttA ivilb ntutttl lading;' , V " . . f The emperor of Ruflia was decorated a'. 4 at I 0 m aa ... " Muni- v. niiun vi uunor. 1 on his rifiMo-Bonaparte,' who in retorrr II t . . in tne inuinia or the iceton of honor. wore the ribband of St. Andrew. . In their lati interview the two emperors re. rosined loaether three hours 1 and tha tef. timonies of friend (hie. which' ihr v . - , ,',v.---i.---T.a)-.i.'iL. cam viiici i uariinv arc laio to DSVO CrC- . . m .. . . attn tne mod iivci emotions among tbe array and people. ' ' 1 "Captain tamson, arrived at Salem from St. Pctetfhurgh, informs, that while at Copenhagen he perceived a conGdcrable " e .t ... ... ... aegrco 01 uusisciion among ilia Uanes at tbe fucccftof the French arms, on ac rnunl of ita efleA unnn thm PnoltOi a- gatnit whom there Is a prevailing antips. ' Aepeemher .9. thy.i Cansln L. fsw two fleets of tlna.hi' ' . Ii(h franlports, whh troops, rfs over the found for Stralfund. il,i. Lk.. f.U to be 40000 1 and he palled another fleet below the Scsw ad the Nsie; Tbcfe troops had been long before expected by theRufliani, fo as 10 hare made a diver !fon If. favor cf the common csufe; but 4rrir anlval was too Ute 10 produce any ffed. , , . p - ' e The Untied States fchooner Revenge, '.ound lo England with difpatches from fOvernment, was fpoken by eipt. Wal. ir, of 1 ha Sbip Liberty, on the tth tilt, n lat 4I31. long 33 30,, thin out 17 'was the last Liverpool Price Curren ' , a Roth pot and pearl ashes hate been upon the decline since Ute late arrivals from York i and aa the prices, particularly of pots, are still high' the consumers buy sparingly.; in expectation pf further reduction -as ti.e suddHcs LMotn'e more nlentifuf. " T - " The tanners have continued to mirrlia such parcels of low barks as have offered a a a - a a a. j - x . a . - ; a ." . 1 vs. OQ- a 1 is. oa per cwu out mere is m nrohner.t nF thfir haino ntila In ?! . h5rK r r--- ...... -w...ft .w .n b-'t prices ( and the demand from the dry sailers,) ctcii iur mc ucivcr quauuea oi mis aruue, u sun exceedingly limiteaV . " ; Our cotton market. has remained ex tremely heavy for many weeks past, owiit to the unsettled slate of continental affairs, (which greStly curtails the export of twist aud manufactured goods,) added toUie very bea. vy arrivals the last month, particularly jpl inferior-bowed Georgias. . The wretch ed quality of these supplies" havings foi riied a complete barrier to speculation, the im porta oftliis season have received no relict Iront the monied men, who in former y ears wer used lo speculate freely in ' upland cottotw, - when prices-were low, or, evert moderaldV .a...a 11 : 1 Euubcu. 1 uc general run oi me new croj ui vyncans mat are arrived is by no mwiru good ; many of the gin marks me bad co loured, and dirty, and on the whole the cot-, "ton is extremely' feathery oiid light in the hand ; however', there is not nearly to pn at a falling off in the quality, as iu that of ihc uplands; and we tbcrefore conceive, that clear healthy Orleans toUoti will be likely 10 rjwet i ready sale, 1 he demand for Sea. -eoUoo excepting ilie- very fine dts ' eiiptions) continues lihrited. .. ' " pV'tng to a gradual decline in the prices of weat in tins couiiirytfond the veiy hea vy supplies of American (Jour arid gruir, lin t" have' lately arrived, the sale of these urtich have 'hern very limited for noihti weeks pan ; but '.he holders areti(TaUle aniicxed pn. es ; and . ihe deoand, ton n .ur in partii-m..., Kenerally tncrebses at this eU n ojihe yi v, the market niav pre-biiy bcc.ni mure live ly soon, with yinie advam-e in price a. The prirrs of rir.e liave iot uniWrjrnfla anv Alteration or '(-ontequence since otir KiW ; and the demand for fine simplH cuiuicue.v steady, whilst the middling and iufeiior era . not enquired for. - . Good staves, of all clcnoh:ina:inisrneeT a ready sale at the prices quoted, or i are l.fce. ly to continue in demand j whilst the inferi or descriptions arc plentiful, and dull cf sale. M The demand for American timber of il descriptions has continued steady, without any material alteration in the Drices of anv description, and there is a prospect of its continuing to command a sale at . tl;cse quo tations. . "There has been more, demand the last month for the-Tow tmalitles of tobacco for exportation, and prices of this description are In consequence a little enhanced whil-t the better qualities continue, pretty steady for the home trade, and the prices of last month are fully supported.'. Later advices state "that cottons are still lowering, vie. inferior qualili-a.' ' Federal District Court Adjourned. nfO all whom it may concern Be it X known; that the Honorable Henry Potter,, Efquirc, Judge of the United, States in arid for the DiBria of North. Carolina, in confequence of his indif po rtion, has given me orders to adjourn the DiQrirt Court cf the United States, which agreeably to law fliould be held at Wil. mington on the firft Monday in - Oclober 1807, to the third Monday in the fame month. " ' . JOHNS. WEST, ! Afarfbal N.C. D. , September 13d; 1807. ' J ' ' ' ' ' I I M I,. THE fubferihets offer for fale a hkely negro wench and child, at a low pike 1 fix months credit will be given the purchafer by giving bond and appro . vcu.iccuiujia ns ,J..,'jl Ww am dwmm a . . . r. a. lamu. ' .-. JOSEPH JONES. September ly. aw For Sale, A VALUABLE Trad of Land on JUL Yellow Creek in Dinwiddi county. State of TennefTce, confiding of ? hundred and forty acres. .An indifpntabte title will be given and the terms made reafona- a a a a ... wi e b)d aed 4 aaa convenient to any peifon wiQiing rcuaie. Appiy to m. t a. a ai A jmm. av ak JUilN WIL5UN, liJC QWOl UV' ' OllVi-iOa ' TCTI LL! AM H. UEAT7 Y, refpefl 1 YY fully iufofrm his IricniUawi the a. aT . . 1 - . .N pnoiic mat ne continues, to irianwiav-Mi- fine and corf shots at his Mauladoty cm Sou. h-River. - Tbofe who will tavur him will ihelr ruflom. nt be afluiid ... ihsi every attention will be paid to htir rtders they will ptcafe to leave t be mea lures for r.egrot shoes with Lloyd U An. rjerfon, who will deliver the shoes at any fpeclfied ilm, it h ufusl price of ninetf cents. He has oa band a fwpplj of gooj leather 1 r . a 1 : ' : v:i 1 y. lam finite, bat arrived at jVrw trkt says.

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