4- T f 41 .1 ! A Circular Letter form, the Com mittee appointed atdnurnerous ; meeting of he Republicans of ' : Wilmington- and its tvicinity ' in -February Jastl to correspond on . the subject of the . election of 4 , Elector for this Districts VILMINGTON.n.CAROHKA.ocT.i.llSOS. ' v SIR, '.-.:' i : .:. - ' -- - " a. . i : -j . . . ' - .WE' understand, that' General I Bhown,, of Bladen, : at Federalist, " has been announced a candidate as - Elector for this .district,' to vote , for a President and Vi'ce-Presi - dent of the United States ;r in. op position to S am ue Asms, Sen'r. Es,q. late Governor,', the candidate L nominated by the Republicans, to ; execute that important trust,, Ir The address posted up atOns , lor, 'Kt declaring t this ' ; opposition" purported- as we are intprmed, that tie Candidate nominated by the f ( iraiss-isapproyes of.' the ; present restnctipns on commerce, meanfogthe Embargo is friend - - - dly to- commerce j with some re ; jnarks leading ttiej people to -tin , derstandtttet , geV into poweTi i tlseresmction: . will lie removed j anq lastly, that he disapproves ; pf :t the measure$. . ' .of the 'present adminUtratibri, ge1- y nerl);'Xrt';f m iWi : , It is hoped that a fair, and can did enquiW info the merits of pb--, uticai opinions mus avuwemy ncia un as a iclaim tO'a specific OOlitical trust wilt not: be deemed disres- pectiui, nor even inconsistent wun some new restrictive regulations against ncutial commerce j arid it appears' by a report Of pur Consul -jn London, that Under these new restrictions, upwards of twenty of . bur vessels hAt just t iii n b een captured,; and brought into the ports of his district for ;cbndemn II07I. -.. . .... , , -.. - ; . ; ,- " 'These ; encroachments 'jort ourv rights "deeply,, affecting our "com mercial interests; spirited memo-' toals were presented ta the Presi-' dent and Congress of : the United States in January 1806, from the ' merchants,bf Salem, Boston. Kew-:" I Yerl ,' Philadelphia :aftd, ;Baiti- ; more .signed, by, persons y of all political artielS pm'ipy; memorial irom -the mtm 'respect tHeir fiigJ Again the':' pfovlsi6ni of he; present decree' shall be abrogated and null in fact,: - as i66n as fh&. English- abide"; a gitn by the Ijjwfvnatwias.; Soon 'after'the date of this decree, a: treaty was concluded iii Lon . con , oetween tne u nited states jand Great Britain-at'the signing iQi -which treaty a Note was added J ;o1 this effect ; that - its pfovis"ons; snquia in- tio, wiserpreciuae tnat ;gOvetiimeh'r,;; fr'orn;' 'kdopung any measiires it i might i'deera jproper, Me6ntera6t Bubnapartc;Berte decree If that decree.ihouild riot 3ieNre&Uted.Thuili-prin'dplfr xKarits ofBahimpre'faiid signed raiists as in .a strain rell as Republicans) of 'fervid eloquence.'. nigmy expressive , oi tne i inaig-v nam iecnngs oijmc memorialists ; , states, v tnat tney wui not trespass bit the tirae of ihe toftstituted -"ariii horitieS withv'arrecital of thej 'various acts by which our coasts and even .pur ports .and harbors have .been . doaverted into scenes brviolehce and' depredatidnsi yl wmcn tne sccumy oi our . traac and property, Jhas been impaired t IHC xigiua ui uui ici i uuj y in v tvf n'"whtchitlseqaaltyjuVtina ITney say your 'unaoumea ngnts . as an inacpenaenx nation, ana e ven 11 ; the provisions ot this treaty, not iwiths'tahdirig;; we )ttdst be jconsi Iderect at liberty- to reeulate -and coritrbul your lawful commerce to ' suit qur views abelligerent r; iWbat share this ftdte,?!thus'. wholly; nullifying 'every article the Ireaty1' . 'edritairted fon the -subject of com mercc, had in hrdducing hs jreje&i' uon i by the 4Presidcnl, e cannot -pretertd;t-dejtermin hii'mucBi' ytc v may presume ; to; ? observe, ' that such indefinite Pretensions. H i ed i the '..honor ot ; .our country ;.in''Hr;.q-;fAf diifroki wtrjhe laiojut svuteaana numuiaiea; ana our , traac. pj tne umzea states coma gallant countrymen 'oppressed and;; not well have been expected by ra persecuted : they feel it unhee'ei-: tificatiofit to receive the ' saiictioh of sary to askilthat "the force of the : its first M&istrate. 'WK'trtf personal regard towards, the can- nation, should be . employed, in re- ; ;-' Ab'oot;itht" t lattet erid of : No- didaternibre especially When ln pellinV and chastising liwlesifree-ir i vember -1807, there were rumours ; suutcci ay. any, coruuu oi , mai oooters, wno nave oarea to sprcaa . m in xircuiauon,- cienvea irorapriT community wuu wuoscrcprcscn- tneir" ravages' even" Deyona tne" n;vate corresponaencc ana untisn oh to be cloathedi -X; ; H theatre of their plradcalexertbns.'il assumption f richfi'the British In fforit of thes reebmmehdai J and to ;:lnfcstur!rcswith.. : UXiirnMtrit:ere abbiit ; to issue tory claims to bur suffrages stands H their irregular and ferocious host - disapprobation of Ahe Embargo H tility-rThese are outrages which' j. OUW, ViiViWyiW uiy wuv t 11 nave p'i'i'wU, u4Wo-ivwa 111a which they ; are laid down, this , culiar' manner upon the nouce ot measure , snail receive our nrsi 1 our governmcm, ana cannot nave r i. j , :.i . -i? J.i 1 hands of the patriots open 40 the rmnsn na? : out' in vz yvicv . ui ... ever v man of reflection, the.ulti- ; -;-! taate success f these brave, men , ; against the immense force of the Vp usurper, is very, doubtful V it'is in- finitely too uncertain; to iound any . . - ; commercial calculations on sucii a' result.' ';-t'- -: ' "'p. But sir there are. terms ; there ; ."are'eonditionsi on which even" Uri-'' uer tnese uraers ot Council, we v may be permitted to trade to the;, 5 European Continent; generally- , ese termad ltq an? independent HcHX .Indeed ra'theiinsblent and degra 4 "dinglth'e ' minds'ot iridehdept j,---Americans 'Hu5tvtyblat.tfem especially th'c &r$ s bf thos:io; Jh thTferdl'Jtrortery war!l; indivi ' ) notice. . . , laiiea to excue us lnaienauonana; -- -- . J .. ft II - . W . . Correct opinions, sir, of the ex-, correspondent disposition to pre- pediehcybf political measures can vent arid redress them sue n is " onlv be formed when consiaerea the vitw which tour meuoxi- witnreierencto inccircumiuim.co 1 austs HYtTAwwm ahxx- urtder which they are adopted for : bus cRistsorouR affairij whIch. witli nauons as individuals lesser 1 appears to them in am alarm- evils 'are frequently of necessity xko decree to affect' theIr submitted to, in avoidanceot tnosc country akd. its commerce. of greater magnitude. ; ',v, r ,; - This ; memorial.; concludes thus Itis on this, principle alone, that i " the means of Tedress; for the , a canuia cxtmiiMuuu ui uic 1 pa5l, anu security .jur-uic ju ot tne jemoarffo can dc raaue. 11 . it should appear that in the then existing slate of. ouf foreign rela tionsv it was" not only the most provident; the most moderate j but absolutely the only measure, ex cept Immediate war ; that consist ent with our national independ ence, . could have been adopted j bord as5crjions against hs. merits ; hd "pathcitr ;dectamitioii, agaiiiit ' . its enetts ; will not, it is bresumed,' hbkiri mucK faflucrice.'when ad rrcssed to the" sober .reflectiori 'of . the people of this district. , . ' : In order to' present you with ,' full and" comprehensive -view of that, political situation of the U. ' Btatcs, which: rendered, the em ' bargo . eligible; we' shall trace . from their very sbu'rce the various causes uohicH combined id produce 1 ' - i s.' 1. - . , . , ' ,;, . : For tKis purpose we shall neces sarily be compelled to recur a far back as Auguu 1803 ; About that' raohth the British govern ' mcnt, by interpolations of the la of .nationsi adopted and enforced turei are respecuuny suomittea to your wisdom.- But: your, me- mdrialists' cannot forbear to in-x dulge. a ho'pe'i .which they would abandon with' deep reluctance that: they may. yet be found in an ami cable explanation with those who ; have ventured to inflict ' wrongs' k upon us, and to. advance- jinjust pretences' to our preiudicoi" v .', These- -imerpolations- bf the- law ot ' nauons, pressing with great, severity on france. as a bel- ligerent ; Buonaparte intoxicated by recent s"ucqesses, and infuriated under the cnect ot these novel re julations ; issued a decree at Ber lin1 . irr November '1805, declar-, ing, all the" dominions of. Uriuin in a state of blockade, repre senting that .. the$5 . measures were resorted to only in just re taliation of the.barbarpus system' adopted.by. England, which assi mthtesuts legislation to that of Algiers,' and shall cease; to have effect with respect to all nations 1 7h6' shall have jirraness to com" I pel -the Ingush' gb'vc'rnnicnt to Orders of Council of the tenor of those,' which afterwards ; proved to have been at thit time aetualJ issued;: Tb rebiit the": assertion of the ministerialists in the House of' Commons; that the embargo Could not have been "predicated on the Orders of Council, as their ex istence was riot known here at the .time that act passed ; it was prO- yea mere on uaui,inai miciiigence of theit nature; and thqir expected eariy promuigauun, was transmit-, ted to this bountry, sometime be fore such promulgation really took placeOn the day the ; message recbmnleriding the,erabargd was serit to Congress, there appeared in the Natiorial Intelligencer suri dry extract froni London and Li verpool papers of the I lth & 12th of; November lSOT-stating the circumstance with .certainty, -so that it appears upon , die whole although , oh that day oar govern ment hadnd ojficial Iknowtcdgt on thesubject ; yet that the existence of ;hese ordera-Was placed UeV diially bled 'arid,' sustalried 'priva? t nn& CAr Wf thhsff who SiVftered in? :?1''i "the losis of prbpefty 'andconnec- ? Jtibhs,' in bpsing the Very prmcP: $Cj4is f cplonfe's V now'a't-' ; tempted to be iraied J upon us'? ? for berniission tb carry bri oUr law-' v.. jtui; ...commcr.ee an liiuccuucut- ? ;v ; ; of tax to Great-Britain. ' princfo s ; pie 5 siri acqUiescerice v i;' which WOUlq ue a toiaii uanuoumcju ot- ,v bur national independence.' ' -. In- . ' -- stead bf pursuing i direct'eourse-" - in our puiwaru pat. sage vo, ur nr . r w bUr hbraeWard passage frOm such ' 1 - ports ot tne .European-conunenr ., - ; as exclude the British flag ; weT . f- must in the first instance; go to a' ; pbt in'England, there for the puf-. ; ' ' pose of-paying a, tax, discharge ; ' I ; anurcioaui ana men vmy urc wc-, .. ; . . permitted Jo "proceed to the port dp C-: aiYinaft or-thi.sr let it be uhder7 stood is not "properly - sbsakihg C , Hutr-' with .reference'to foreign 'i-, , trade is an impdsition of. payment .. o . . r. .7 ' - for perrissldn to export Jr import , , certain articles or for permission" bt vessels ' to . enter the - ports ot ' aunt (uttvot , - . .-. Therieht of "'aft independent' : . bound by treaty) wholly- to ex - 1 elude the ship of any othef natiori 4 roni iw Oorf absolutely to prp- j: , ' niDH tne impoaauon or cxporja- .- 4 . tiorf of certain articles, in or but I , of its oxon ports; or so to mo-uiy- or regulate these patters ismay. , - seem mcci u i nscu, is nui iq rje . . questioned, but as no one nat'ton ' fiat a right atxuilt,to prescribe- the, . InirtJ d wAiVA any Afr, ttri" dependent nations kftaU Injdc witH 1 each other, ihc right to irappse uur; ties ' ever frtf be jcomltercd as : . 'corijtned, to the regulation "of suck ' . ' ' tradt, as others may think proper t cafry oil with itself. ; Whereas V this" is a tax levied by Great-Bri-' 1 mm- - j tain as a condition, on which alone fond J one indtpcrideht nation is by thenuL . all doubt; By these Orders of 1; permitted- to trade with another Council tome, supplemental addi- ; independent nation; each of whom tions,' and an' act of Parliament ! as such is entitled precisely to the .' . same ngiiik win nerscn. levying a .tax under them,' our ! (ride is completely, cut off, from every port ot the European Cbn tihent; frdm whence , the British flag then was,' or thereafter might be, by war or otherwise, excluded. It is well known" until very lately the British flag ivas excluded from the ports of every, country in Eu- I C . I 1- rope. except owcucn, auuii pru- bably by this time excluded from ' the ports of that kingdom also.V Therd Were Indeed by the last j ; ifluropeirt accounts some ports in , bpain andrortugai, then m the With I the same propriety, and support-'. ed by the sime principle "of justice . arid right, should our flag front jj war or policy be . excluded from v America; might we Wholly inter- diet t or. according to our will and . pleasure controul; modify.; and prescribe the terms on vhich alone the British should be permitted to trade there adopting the same measures towards them as they have towards us; . the conditions would ' be that all their vessels f, '