harbours under an embargo fyftem ; and that inRead of relying on the-, thunder of ur cannon, wo-will rety, cm the thunder Of preGdential proclamations, what will there be, t6 deter them from ggreffingl .Nothing,- but mete pecuniary calculations of what they may lofe or gain, by anin fcrruption of their' commerce with ut. ,A policy of this kind, ia too degrading tor the' American character, yet it feemi to be that, which Jias been adooied and putfued by the prefent adminillration,. trom-ttie aaytMy took charge of the go. vernmeot.'down to the period of the em bargo. It ia difcqverablo liv their negleft 'of marine defence, irrthefale of the arti. cles acquired b their rrcdeceflbrr. for that purofe; in the fall" f our public Clips, aad the1t,fub(ritoring gtin.boatr, in the room of ah efficient naal eftabliflj. ment thefe are but feme of the e video cei of thia fatal policy Of its deteriora. ling effeQi, we , alio : already ' have had experience ; and to it are we to attribute the evils of the day, - i - JS S Foreign nation having difcovered, ihit we were aoaudooing thai lytiem, which had ' maintained our wational dignity, under the adminijUatlona ' of Wafhingtoa and Adams; began their career by Tome trifling ' encroachments ; but when encouraged,. by the fuccefa of each other, they law;; there waa nothing to apprehend but the oppoG .. t ion of proclamations they commenced a snoft of onr property, Without incurring theiifk of refentmenf,' until- they finally proceeded toadijuRinable only by a (late of wtr, To obtayt redrcfa for thefe in. xefoned to his fyftero of coercion, and in - the dignified attitude of perpetual ember-, gov haa kept tip a regular difcharge of hia . arttllery of rne(Tage' nd difpatchei, for nearly eleven rnonthl. What will be (he refhhrofthif war of wordi & forbearance, -' If yet ia the womb of time j but. that it wilt fucceed, In propagating the new doc trine of goyerrrmg .the great fociety Of the world, Jy .the force of reafon, and the fcfljTo of. morarri&hf,4eecni rathe? proble matical. efpecialTv if recent account! are jiobe relied on, that neither France nor England, have.acceded, to the proportion, of ratGng the embargo, in favour of . the .one or the other, which ball repeal her -orders or decrees. . Bat independent of the general objec. ' tionr, tdthis fjftern of policy, at being radically wrong In irleir, there are ebjec ' . tlonil arifine out ofthe relative Puliation, in wntcn tn two .nations, sjrcai'Drirain end France were placed at the time it war adopted. There wiir oe toe rub jeer of fur Ibtr confideratioo. t CAMILLU3. . , (Tobt concluded Inournext. J . , Tor the Wilmington Cautu, t.. Ma. EsiTea, ; . -,. . Amont the reprehensible acta of pur pre tent executive, are the appointments of Du- ane and Selleck Osborne, the oue an editor of democratic paper at Philadelphia, the ether of a similar one at Boston, to commissions in the lately raised army of 6000 men, and the continuing; of James Wilkinson, as com mander in chief ,f the American armies, when so general a suspicion of improper con - duct, as to bis Spanish connection, has tar. - oisbed his military honor. The stain on bis martial laurtla. the srenersl wishes to.wssh 'off with the blood of some distinguished federalist- air Randolph treated bis challenge with correct denial and pointed contempt. Mr. Harper waa the next victim against .whom the ecneral directed bis battery. In the fair exercise of his professional duty, Mr Harper had rin some counsel vnpal table to the general the censcquence was, " a challenge, which with great propriety Mr. Harper, whose courage has more than once been tried, ane touna not warning, uccunca. Th subiointd Dostine followed t - " ' . " . To those who know Capt. R.G. Harper, ft is unneccsssry to say, that e is a swindle r nd an alien to honor, but to the whole world ' it may be 'necessary to proclaim him for a coward, beeeusa he has been a bully t and thus to place him below the consideration of every nan who values the character of a ten. Heman." ' JAS. WILKINSON. .. Judge Workman, who has been the most fevere literary antagonist of the general, e,llr ready te draw pew as hi ewordV earns up his combined literary excellence, by iliibblnjf . him, ihe . CkromMhothontholofot of American literature. ' l.feet deeply for the honor end safety of - sne cownurr i trvrnble at the idea of her be- -in Ihvolvtd ia a war with one or other, if not loin of the tare greatest nations on the earth, when ahe must took on auch patriots and heroes to defend her rights, as the nolo. fioos Duaae aad the dtrbtoua Wilkinson. ' r Raraaatnoa. From Or BtatkiT tf Jarraaaei lartua. ' ' eascra. )'' ' - if a. ALkaarii. . Being informed by a Mend, that some time Jtst, there was published in the Wathingtea 1 onjtor, stricturtt ofl my tooduct io favor f Gen. James WlVioso,wUh a view todis credit what I have asserted before the public mI St tWdrr M IU IM SVru. I" df jrHKlNSQXutKoTlUlTEROUStkarocirr J Ar rtprtttnitd K!m la 04 r and that It U In fny power, under clrcvmitencee eempuhory el aitfodascc of witntnti, aui the pqiluf ftori of paper, to esiailtth the bet, to the eon fiction cfncrj man on earth.' I have not see what was published, hor ia it material Con gress will or will not take up the subject, but if congress does, than my conduct and that Of Gen. Wilkinson, will appear to the world s and H congress doea not, then I must defend myself, R. NEWMAN ; kM WILMINGTON i. ,.TUESDAY,NOVEMBERl5, 180S. A letter bas been recei ved by the Governor of this State, from the Secretary of War.'re quiring our Executive to order a draft from .the militia of this state of 8,07 1 men, who ire tobeofficered,exercisetl, and equipped, with arms, knapsacks and blankets; and who are to hold themselves ready to march at a mo ment's warning v ; " , '. Ofiuiai itale of the votes for Elector of Prtsi. 1 dent ofthe U.S, in New-Hanover county. " uem. aam.uet Ashe, sen.- 424 1 rr Fed. Thomas Brown.4 . ' " 204 '. ? The votes of the other counties formintr the electoral district, arc aot yi known. ' ; Mr Marfon, a dein craiic' repiibHcan." ftas been re.eleted in Chartrflon diftrict, to let ve as tta reprelentative jq the next Conerels. : r-..:;. , A Paris article of the 33d Augustsays, that th American difpatch schooner Hon, Caj.U Wvoodwardr arrived at Havre, had on board three chests contaming the skeleton of a singular animal Mammoth us a present from the president, of the United States, to the rreoco national institute. , . c ' Ma. EniToar" - --" ' -. -r -'.In New-EnRland where I was born', my parents brought me up in the habit -.of con stantly attending divine worship. In com pliance with this habit, I walked, at the toll ing of the bell last Sunday, toHe church I was a little surprised to Gnd from so popo lous a placeas Wilmington, not more than an hundred in the' tern pie of the living God: indeed I was still more surprised at the re ply of a friend, to whom I was remarking the circumstance, that lor Wilmington it was ;an extraordinary large congregation.'. The ducourte was on the subject of a proper choice of our companions, v ' Be that waM eth with vise' men shall itwise $ out tie com- tMion of tools shall be destroyed.'. The divi sionof it waa natural and striking, pointing out in a clear and strong light, how advanta geous the company of the wise, is on the score of reputation comfort and profit, and ..the imperceptible and therefore more danee- tous enccis oi vicious aocieiy in us cniorcca - rr . I . . . g- by the Poett ... u. u r..L iu...i That s ht4 nssS. bat ha (nr.. , T fctn, too eft' fimiliM whh hr fica, ' Wa fiit n4.s,lhes pit yi ibte-eabrscs.' . .For one, I Can declare that I came away delighted and cdiBed. , Notice was given that on the next Sunday Fwaaat, Saaatoa would be preached on the lamentable de cease of Mrs. Eliza Ann Davis. I shall surely make one of those who will-ertend. . A STaAioxa... - .The following is we believe, a corred Ratement of political parties in the Leif. laturei yit.-Goeimr . .fUe'ral--Lieut, Governor, irpnhlican Council, totede ra), and 1 republican Treafurer, ledeAl Speaker, Secreisry of State,'-and Clerk of the Houfe, rrpobl'tcsn Aiid about It or 15 majority in the lioufe ot Reprelen tativet, republican. Vermont Jtunal. ; mw.jtgsit. - ' A democratic majority of one hat been elefled in the council, and Gx in the other branch of the Legiflatue. In iheeltflioni fOfCongreft, ard for eletlon for Prefi. dent and Vice-PrtfiJenf; ' both being by a general ticket,' it is esr-eQed the federal ills will neverthelefs prevail- - ' 1 Ibid. . JL ' ' Buonaparte, In answer to an application made to him by the chamber of commerce at Dordeaux, aays, M That he coold not ac M knowledge1sity colours at neuirot, in conss " quence of arrangements made between the emperor of Russia and himself." ' . , A London paper of the 19th of September, contains some n flections upon ire impro prlety.oLperrorrnij!6 .the ctlebr.ied play f Ptsarro, at the momeat ihen every mania sympathising with Spanish patriotism, and anxious to blot the memory of their conduct in the w world, by the benefits w hick) their final success mut confer on the old.. The play was performed, and the tbcatra was re duced to ashes. , .S tft ik. Jcs-b afika Ins Dka al Tatk, S rla f..WM4 ab at M.fUU, aaf'H.g to tska too lemt s wklls bit tlh aM U las ioMi, I S.kif, SbM hi (wo CbS wof SOtrly boiat a I ciaasr. asrava Mi, ba bf to toofcitf r Sm ba whb tbia 1 mollcia tb Mik at ,b Dktot Yoik, baSMTl4bt(ift.o-4tweia muM pkM0, 4 ky V M "Ws M"! Vhm,") okbif tola all kts m c4la.a eaukios. . . . . i TO A MAN with A LOVC VOIZ. . Xrra Sbf Wo', ttffi iby Mostb, , A4 Sky f ' tb (twb I rkM by iky aiw s Twik, om assy ( Tmbrn wbb tfs ik ksm at 4iy. If r coatetoa'tsiUa of Csfitla Hft, with lbs tffv4i.il 0 Ctftoio'i PMnfoa sae O Uo, U csro 4iOm te LUwsmm DMuibi, a4 Oaa Best Mo at, If AtUyaa lot wist el rsow, 101 asat wssth. 4 Departed this tifefon Saturday the 5th instant at Mosely nail, Mrs.1 Ens a Am Davis, wife of Mr. Thomas It Davis, aged. -I years.-" '. v'"':-;: To pourtray the character of the deceased. allhoogke her of no avert, may yet be ot aome advantage to those who suH survive ier life was remarkable for innocence, art less simplicity, and a rove of retirement. pub . uciinicit oui' io rwrs tn sua hsiihis of fashion, to her H was far atorfr swee( to stray, thro". the sequestered grove, with beloved mother, an esteemed husband and a few valued friends, and to them how delicion4y , passed the truly' Social hours. But ah l-, '-'' Too soon the fataTdart of death wss sped" Just as the more active virtues of hie were putting forth their bloom,' the relentless monster blasted litem witn bis icy nana. The bright hopes of earthly happiness . are alt extinguished ;-4u1how great the conso lation which flows from the assurance,' that spotless innocence shall dwell with M the pure io heart, in the bleat abodes beyond the sky. and in the beatific vision of God, through, ever during sges.". V v ' :'v..;: ' UiCd at the Big Bridge on the 7tn inst. Mr. Job a B. Pkck, aged Sl yearsV : v i raf ' no tsrtr uMiytsrJmtS '-v '."J Nos.0, fch'r Aassada, DtvUba, Horfonc V, . roiiy, MHr, - -., wprii i BwsdiAi Schoontr Lacker, Jams, St. Bsrtho awws af olsireittgsr sad rruit', te m.fttr, ' It, Sch'r Mwy, Tulltr, cargo ilt,r-'hsrlcftiM, - , N Raby, GoWa, , : i fhMaasta' . ; '. ClsiilT aa4Elist,Jaaut, - ChsrlcRoa is, Iftailh (hip Stnu TbsrsCs, Mtrfia, Crooksd , iaad, Bsbtaiai, Sll,'t joha Lord thia Abcont, Hitch, ' v Itvsaash, Cce-r i Briiifh fch'r Dolpbl,0bfof,iaiftrfboaoe io New Yetk, cross Nafta, M. f ., Sals sae "'J- t rait to H. gaily. 1 r0" ts. r.ryaiMll.lr Sattofi, . CbaiTsIUa r"! : CtKAiao tcf :"v :;v'""r;; Kov4 8, Brlf Clsriffs, Re(t, - - - - PhllseslwMe io, Stb't Bclfty, Mallet, ' ' ' atarblsbise Hrolly.Jwi,- , . ToybllSoaad,)! ' 14, Tckcrspb, Nslfon, ' " Lhd River, M C j ' A ((hoaxr trom Tarks Wa4, oUt witb fH, wsatcat away, ka4 la aar Ga lasr llbr, oa tba ssihisHsatt " TOR ; NEW-rORK, V ; " The Sch'r Venus, ; John S. Oliver, master, will ' positively sail on ' the 20tb Tnstanu " For freight or passage, .(ha ving excellent accom modations) apply te the master on board or to me suoscrioer 1 - . .. JOHN MITCHELL N B. Two spprentices are wanted on board said schooner. Such persons as know of any young lads from 12 to 16 years of see, whose parents or guardians would be" wilKnp to bind them, will confer a favor, by giving in-formailrtis-otii- Th-U1 be well cloalhed and a liberal achooling arivetw . November IS.- ; . - - 3w ' : ' salt. - 7700 Bushel of Liverpool Coarse SALT being the cargo of the Ship ' Abiona, iiut arrived, end for sale by 3t. . R k W. MITCHELL." FOR SALE. f rr c.u. :t cr rc-t- A lie OUUiUlUCl.UUCIS iui ouc( the Cargoes of the Ship Santa Thercssa, and Brig 1 wo Friends, from Turks-Island, coa. sistiog in the whole of 6 or T.OOO buscls of Payment csn be made on moderate tcrrne. eithtr inJCotton, Tobacco, Rice, Flour, Tar, or Tufpemioe, at a fair price, or notes on Urns payable at the BaaW - . ; ; JOHN LORD.. Nov.13. . s 4t. Just readied mtd or sale at this 0JUt the ; - -MEMOIRS OF ' WILLIAM SAMPSON, (Lrctker ofilicMJii Ssmrsox, of this State.) v tVCLVOIXO , . - , Particular ef hia adventures In various parts of Europe bis confiaement in the dun gtonsofthe Inquisition In Lis , ' , bon, fcc. kc SEVERAL ORIGINAL LETTERS . ' , . astae ltis cprretpnndencr with the Miaisvera of Slate in Great-Britain and Portugal AlKORTSttTXM :'. inSTORYOTIRELASD. ... Particularly atii respects lba ipiiit oL. British domination ia that , country 1 . a nw omIavatioki CM TBBSTATB Of HAMIS,tta II AatZBtCA. 4A READING ROO The object of this establishment la to collect la one mass all the respectable papers of cvsry political description to be rv gularly bled, all new and interesting pam phlcts, and a variety ol the best reviews pob I lished id this country snd la England. i Terms of Subscription to the Readlnjr ' Room teb dollars a year payable half yearly , )n advaaOa, strsngtrs are permitted to sub ; scribe snowbJyi at tb rate f one dollar per ' month, payable In ayanca. . I The Reading Room will bt opened tamor I row moralot . .. Wat. 8. 11ASELL ; Neverabcr list . . ' . . , To Rent, a dry and commodi out CELLAR. , Afft at ibis office, 'V - ; THE tvbscriber, having relinquished afy -thought of transacting mercantile bukl aess in Wilmington again, , having 4made a good awtablisbnMnt from that here. offers fur sals a pleasant attmmer situation four, mires from Wilmington consisting of about Six. Hundred acres of LAND, ; , With a good d welling hoes, kitchen and other convenient dwelling V with' about twenty or1 thirty acres nnder giod fence. The range is excellent for cattle and hogs and the growth famous Tor turpentine and tar.' Young ne groes will be taken in payment, . or a liberal r credit given to those who aie disposed to purchase. ' ' . JAMES SUTTON. -Lisbura, Nov. 10- : r-: 4t FOUND- By a negro, an English BANK NOTE. It will be returned to the owner on orTeriny a defcription that will ideotlfy 'the faid note, by giving a fmall gratuity to the finder, and paying for this adver- tifement. AF. MACNEILL: ' November '1 c. if - - ' FOR SALE, A few Puncheons prime British I (land Moiaffes, and a te w , barrels firfi quality fugar. Applv to . J DAVID JONES, on board the fchooner Locker, lying at Market btieet w hart. . v- , November i. . ' , iwp.-. : 30,000 DOLLARS , 1 FOR SIGHT HUNDRED CENTS. - . r ; mW.YORK STATE LOTTERt, .. v for Opening latproviag ecrtaia grsac' Roads tb Black River. .;. foHiirj to ommcacf drswiag on the t Sill ol ' Avrit aoit. 600 Twkou ra b drwa SKb if anil 'th wbals is coaclaaae. , Frisrs payable te 4iyt shtr tba drsviac, aad the psyiacai tsarsatase by taa Suto ; .r . 30,000 Dollars, f 1 50,000 Oollars, ;: s' 10,000 Dollars, . ' :-,-r :.' I,0t0 Dollars, . , ' ; 8,000 Dollars, - Btldei ftrr1-of 1,000, joo, too, too, Ac- Ad, UUibta two Blsoks to a ttiu. Tba febemo of thia tottery U aaltvrttlly stbaowtcdffd to bt Ibt btt rut ' y afftrod to lbs Anorics foblic. aad fh p.ics of Tickou at arsftat a hibar tbaa light Dollu ack( TICKETS, iTOTICE. Halves, Quarters, and JgMis r -.--Xr to at auaTAT cr & n. wa ite's TRULT.rORTUlf ATI LOTTtRT OfFlCEL .. ; No. 14, MAIDEN-LAN e, ' . AadKoiM, MAIDEN-LANE, . ; . IsKWfTORKt . , ' Vkwa was fold la tba LA T New York Lottery, lbs throicatitsl orlstt ol ' tl.Oao.Dollars, No. 20231 ; " 10,000 Dollars, No. 2303 . . ' 1,000, Dalars, No. 20T99 , Also, No. 20310 a price of 2,000 Dollars, biiostevraloafsof a.ooo, 100, (oo Dollar,. Jm. Ate And ta fotaur Msw Yark Loitcnss srotc fold as lb abo Olhtta, 17199 85,000 Dollars 3939 20.000 Dollars 3639 10,000 Dollars 35I3J 1,900 Dollars 30JJS 1,000 Dollars I329S 3,000 Dollars 1IT34 3,000 Dollars 31573 tfiQO Dollars 1499 2,000 Dollar . 16617 2,000 Dollar 35596 3,000 Dollar- 208SS 2,000 Dallara : And at their Lottery office )n Baltimore corner of Charles and Market-Streets, werss sold Dearly all the Capital Prises, in the late Su Mary's College Lottery, among them were the following;, via. 6994 30,000 Dollar . 19894 1.300 Dollar 15564 15,000 D illar " 1718 1,500 Dollar 7001 10.QOO Dollars , 1535 1,500 Dollar 6977 ' 1,000 Dollar 7440 1,500 Dollar ' t,' " 14535 1,500 Dollars Distant adventurers, by .enclosing Bank Notes In letters post paid directed to Wailc'e Offices ia Baltimore, "New-York er Albany -may hare Tickets and Shares returned by post to any part of the Union, withnbe ut most . punctuality, and the earucst adica scat of their success. Schemes al largs gra tis and Casa advanced for prises as soon a drawn. A weekly printed prise list will be forwarded, to the editor of thia paper, and at the conclusion of the drawiog the msnarer tlTst atl li I nf Ptsw at a faywea as eaasmlojl sa k m aow 1 any gentlemao can eiamtne hia own number Prizes in former Lotteries taken ia payment -for Tickets in this. , : jo The Baltimore Trinity Church Lot tery commenced drawing on the first of No vcmber, and villi continue to draw 2,000 Tickets per week till finished. . Tickets and Shares warranted tutdrawst may be had at either of C. at R, Waits 'a Lottery Office. WAS committed to the Jail of Cbsibaaj Coooty.aa lbs I lib lad a Hrjro in, vfa Mill bUtttf JACK I ba Is of a yttlswiOi aWA NMMd bO bass eoabdonbla leaf oar bia Ult eyo. exAMd I lf ol taat tys. Ha (mi k. b-toap to WULaas Balk, aboat 10 satks Irooa WO. wlofToe, M ladba Ctaalu at a aloes calbd Milbvrry. Tba wear I roottd re VS bis Mft, oay alt abarfss aad tabs bias away. i LlCHTIOOT.lWttaT. Blxnki of different kinds for Sals? atthli Office.