T . i t ' - .. 4 " -. ..,' '. - . - . . . . T -. i , , ' , . .- . - . .i " :,, X 'X- :. '. ' :'. ;."-" ; ,: , - -l f i W 1 t WILMINGTON; ; TUESDAY. MAY 33, 1809. No one, who ha been in ihe habit of read sir the' public paper, could have avoided observing the different tone, which tome have taken since she late correspondency between the Secretary of State ind the British Minn ter. In the Monitor this it particularly ob- tenable t it hat heretofore too palpably sup aorted the interest and disseminated the principles of the , French government. .', In $iany 'conspicuous essays which - have sp eared tiv.that journal, without any violence f construction, a. dispassionate reader would have imagined, that the sole object of the writer,, to which the " Morvitoc" . gave cur rency and support, was gradually to prepare, byadminirteringfyiliiicalalteraiivemedicincs, the minds of the American people, toadmit of French: supremacy, in reasoning, and eveniu . ally to submit to French empire in fact. Next so encouraging this French bias, the Monitor teemed 'most assiduous in exciting ill-blood gainst England. Both efforts plainly tend ed to the same Doint. a hostility against G. Britain, which woula throw us into the arm f France, with whose dominh.ri.our thought kad adready t.ecome familiar, and to which ur propensities were fast - hurrying us Th-iugh a very sensible change has, now. tak en placr, yet inuch evil Is 'to be undone, be fori those, who have been blinded by Ute light, and irritated by false 'charges, .Will ' have returned to that cool and impartial state f mind, to be enabled to judge calmly and decide without prejudice, ' The Monitor has mntlertaken, and we rejoice at it, this neces . aiy business. ' It- will be a subject for com-' mendatioa. if its editor shall be able to indem- ' ify the public, by i future wholesome diet, for the mailt pwisO'tou i'lfmiont which be ' has heretofore poured down the vitiated pa . ' late of a part of the ' American people He Dow, in the editorial department, as well as in that, appropriated, to communications and e- lections, present abundant rcasons-for mk ' " in g England our friend, and being a friend i to hnglandi He can detail anecdotes reflect ing honor on the English character, and give avuments io prove that the retreat of Sir .Jhn Mo-refar urpaise I General Moresu. 1 One extreme naturally lesds to ano'her, Cn - warranted enmity" is vmtimes succeeded V an excess of partiality Let us do nothing rashly,' and' while we are snlicttou, to be smi amicable terms with Great Uiitain, let not . the names of an Englishman and an Ameri ' -n, bej considered as synonymous. A treaty S)f commerce tan be adjusted with her on g, principles honorable and advantageous to ' both nation -further than thi-,we do not de K - sjire. Ns'innal friendship has bean long roved a fanciful theory. ' Make it the inte rest of, nation to be a friend, and she t U ion cease to be an enemy. ..Great Drittin r and the. United States may in some points clash, yet the advantages of their being at eacc and with good will, are too numerous extended and important, to make the policy f their being otherwise, the question of a can governor and a majority of the firsttraacti of the legiUture.' The next asembly will be decidedly rOUst year, all the branchel were democratic. '"'.. ' --J: M as s aciuj xtts Thr governor, lieuten-aot-governor and both houses, are fedetal re publican! ; lat year all these were democrats. CoWHEjJTlcot The governor, deputy.go vernor and the legislature, have been elected by an increased federal republican majority; Rhodx-Island Fenner was elected gov- I ernor, being on both tickets; In the house of dem. In the senate, 8 fed. rep. 3 dem. in Nxw-Yoax We believe, may be now ad. ded to New-EnUnd, as having 'urned from The, afflval rfthSteam-oat from Alba ny, enables us to state, that , whole returns for members bf Assembly and Senators of this State had been received at the office of the Secretary of Staie on Wednesday mor Ding. From a gentleman who waa in the office when the returns from the most distant counties came in, wc have the following re suit- v -i V- '-- . Federal .. ' ' . - A r'- Republican i ' l. ' 49 : - :"'... - . i. i i ' si i nllil ll ,.Mt ; i On Thursdajr evening last, at Cedar GroerV on the Sound. by"ihe Rcv.S., HiBng.; Mr( Samutl C. Mabion to Mi.l E itabclk Motrt, ; the crooked path', and as being now ready to ' walk in the straight and right one. Her po litical changes have been extraordinary in.' deed. It is now ascertained (hat there will be a majority of 14 fed, rep. in the house of assembly It is highly probable that (be sc. - natc win tie so io i su CTcnys, in joini ballot of the two houses, the maiorit v will be icq. re ana oi course ine council oi appoint nient wh are thus elected, will be fed. rep, also. 7"-.-"-s-:k:.r--'-, 5 .-"' a Federal majority - 14 , ; federal Senators elected- 3 in the Wet era District and two in the eastern i which ' with the two federalists from the latter die j trict, whose times have not expired givea us XKC0UXA.8BNKMT TO OO 0. If Mr. Madison as. firmness 'to persist in ' the laudable measures with which he hss.be-; gon, he will be supported by all the federal, republicans in congress, end will racpeed in the system he adopt; but if hejhrinks from is duty and abandons the noble position he his taken, at every step he will have to com-! bat. a formidable opposition, he' will be' em barrassed in all hi operations, and b finally defeated in bis objects. , ' seven in the Senate. SI 13 19 83 63 PORT OF WILMINGTON. May 1 1, Sch'r DtlttdenitrH inker, ott i aiomenu . a IKPolTAVT OJIXSTIOX IIVIX AKIWX1X0. v v .jurtio.,. W higa. tones Jacobins, demo ' , arats, federaliats, republicans,' democratic re " wublicans. federal republicans, Adamites,' Jef fetsonians and Madisonians! - 1' anyone of . these, names proper to be applied to tiiisens" . of the United States as a people 1 , If not, by " What title abould thi-v be known t Anttur. , FasxtAL BiruiLicAX, and that, . same tmly. The word ledcralruarks the re lation of the atates to each o'her, and the word republican, marks' the nature of our government. Thus a federal rrpublirsn is nc, who supports a republican form of gov ernment and is attached to a confederation or Vnion of the atates. . . . : - . . ' At Alcxsndria, the federal republicans have wowplifr enttd Mr. Madison - and the heads f departroeot, w'nh a splendid dinner.' The aordialiiy with which the illustrious guests were received, and which appeared to be warmly and sincerely reciprocrated, must be aighly gratifying to every liberal roind. -hon-atly solicitous tor this country's welfs re Tarty distinction were lorgotten all seem ad to be inspired with in spirit oi oisinic. - rested patriotism, and to gist utterance to ; their feelings of reupror al respect and good win. As it is the first honor of the kind paid " to Mr. Madison, since, his elevation to the residency, we hail it as pledge offered and accemed. the due observance of which, will onduce more ihsn all other causes to make auc country happy and un'md, strong and -,- dignified... r, CoMStUNICiTtOf. - ( X I Neither can we trust thee, Mentor, when thou wouldcat counsel us to ally ourselves to France,' seeking from her, friendship, officers and arms nor when thou wouldest make us believe that we are all, Englishmen all A me ncana.M ' V. .--"V"'- ' ' - Changes in a political couise are often sin gular, great and sudden. In no public jour nal has this remark been more strikingly ve rified than in the M Monitor nor in any writ cr more glaringly realised than in w Mentor,', who appears to hold a conspicuous station in its colums. The memory of that traiterous advice, which advocated a separation of the States and a strict union with Buonaparte, is still fresh. " The style of the reprobate ad viser, had all the idiomatic dress of a French decUimer no one doubled that Ihe soul which animated the composition, .was pure French also The Counsel and the counsellor were both scouted and ; reprobated -and Mentor shrunkvwith shame from public no tice, into a temporary obscurity. This si lence was but, temporary his bursting thoughts could no longer be ktpt in, and. a gain he pours a torrent of Frenchdeclamation on a subject at such variance from his first effort that we aie irrcsistably forced to be- ieve him guilty. of inconsistency, of inMdi- ousness, or hypocrisy. If hi is sincere in his assertions, his judgment must be wrsk to pu erility j If he disguises his sentiments, think ing it necessary at this period, lie is a base aV. T. Uatetle. . ' III the next Congress there will be federal ' ,; Opposition men Man worshippers," bo tall down and worship the image set up, let it be WhO It WUl - v."-A-,J- This will give the, Washington system of politics v"-: f.'J'. -i-'y'k, - Lessine to the Jeff.rsonians ; I ' " . The strength of parties will probably be tried in the choice of spe-ker, on the first day ofihe -esion. If all t he membf rs should be present, Mr. Macon will havi'83 votea, and vill of course be chosen. - Mr.- f we tannot tell who, but not lieutenant governor Var miM J will hav 60. 'Thus will end the tyran meal system of Jefferson, which has for eight years past flourished in America under the spcCIUUS UIWDI UCIIlvtmiJ, r - i : K. , ' : . . ' (CIRCULAR.) ': - " , ;. r Bit Excellency the Governor of Virginia " ' "War DtpMrurvt; s9tA ArtL, ItOi. . lt," ahi diiected by the Prenuent ol the U. t . -s nited biates to iniorm your excellency mat the detachment of 10,198 mil'uia made in pursuance of a communication to your Excel inry from this, department, bearing date the 2pih day of October, 1808, i no longer requl gtd to be held in readinc-s for actual service. it. H fr discharging ibe troops from that tervice, tr iSTTuesieo oy me j-resiaent mat ii thanks may be pre'sented to those corps those patriotism has induced ihern to volun teer their senrice to the United States ' ; I have the honor to be, . Tery respectfully, . ; "'' " " T - Your obfilient servant, ; . WILLIAM FUST1S, Recretarv for the D Dartmtnt of Wsr. We learn that a siniils' citcular has been sent to the executive of North Carolina. 16, Sch'r Putty, Liwii, Sloop Fatty, UaU, - .,' . . 19, Sth't" Prudentta, ,WrMtt Ruby, Wood, "S Sloop Columbia ThoRpsttt, '. Sch'r ffarmonyr Lute, v: . . Abigail, Uefavour,. 33 Salem Beaufort t ; Chaiittto GloUtttte1' ' Uovamd fhiladelphi ' . . . Boetott . Beverly .i. "h-ji- ' at r , ..i--Ti t, '-i!.-; CifAaxn ,y.t .y'."-''; ;J W Brig Equator, Ingehott, ? 'wrt,;;.;;;: 1 Sch'r Regulator, if llhtnnr, v f, Chatltsto ; - ' v Aiubah V Ruthj, WMtt. aVttJ-r' Mercury, Iteion. - ' St! jago de Cuba t, , . Delesdernitr Tuektrt 'ci-; : Bottom 30 . Polly, Ltvnt, , ; acaujorff Brig America, Shaw, :;. ., rroviaenct- Sek't Pruia-'Wartit:T- Sloop Patty. Mali, , v Boston WILMWGTOtf PRJCES (WiM VTL Mxrcbandizx . 1 quau, I ..-'i.. -, . . -" ,-r'eii f Dt f I nls.ct; B-coa , Beef , torn Cotton, Upland Coffee Fhur ' Flaxseed , Boards lkl-4 Inch -Scantling . I imber, square pine Shingles, Cypress " ' Slaves, w. o. HhUs. . a.ovdittd ; ; ; Vw.o. Bbls.. Heading w. o. Hhd. . Tah S3 gallons . . Pitch w--. Rosin A r:'' '' Sft Turpentine V Hard .. '!;. Pork Rice 5 ;.; Salt . Tobacctf m-AA:m. 9C pr.u. - - - - y S19, . ' ,v StVn ' prBU 9 ' io ',':?- Ata Buhl pM -;5 to ':;,:,' .': XVfiH pijb; .13 'HrZ::A'' '"'AXi ir lb. 34 fx 38 i"-;-.V'r.-..Kj Catk 7 '50 8 . 7 a'- h- ;-. io 'r.-.-r '-'-t Y v-;-,v; 38 . 30 :; : . ' trBll 3 3J Xr,--- U ' X ;3 -3i , :3 4 -' -- .- - 3 50 ' ' Z- y-'-: . . ; ', p,Bbi ri ... : T ... , ... , .1 ! V. p,Bb! I 100.6 YButh iooa i m v TIMBER. It has been long known io some parts of I Europe, that taking off the bark as far up the . - - . . .i i j j . trees as it can con? eniemiy dc none, ana lei them stand titl the following autumn or win. ter. before, they are rut down, is a means of making the timber much s. rooger and sn're durable, a ban it otherwise would te. It ib more suitable for all hnds of csrrisges and ji instruments ol husbandry.' as well as for fen !' ct - Its gresier durability has not yet been trim-Yier and forltita all claim to confidence! wcertained by Ihe writer, but that it is other but if be is attacking under a covered battt ; wise improved has been tested. , . . r. and while nresentlntr a iroodlv outside, is '. " e r"' P m v.fji. undern,ining,-that good disposition which ;!"t omPrt or the United States, where . H tkawaKat akitnHa ikjs I ima sm an Iha si ibi iv i asiwsMisawa aav acai ibsi v sis u praeticeor barking the pine as lar up as is necessary tor a fence post j in thia state they FOR PHILADELPHIA, , txx scx'r.xta i , A1RM(WY,: X lies a Lass,, maitiii ' Hill p..si'ivelv v.il on Thut sday bext-i For freiaht rf a few bales of Cotton, under deck, or passage. pply it. the) . Mister -n board, or to Ma. t. WinsLow NOTICE; I 1 seems to be mutually gaining ground be. tween lhe United States and Grat Britain, then he should be watched with the rye of a j vigilant suspicion, that hi artifices may be detected and bis treachery exposed. t V'- '' -' . . ' ' General Taurreau is recalled, and will be eutcecdel by another Mmistt i with full pow ers (It la said) to settle all our differences with France, 'v. ' . . v mm . . From an express received by Gov. Hani son from Gov. Levis, It appears that a lew tribes of Indians on the Illinois River and re siding in Louisiana, have associated to wage war on our frontier settlements in those parts. 1 are suffrred to stand until dead. The trees I arc then cut down, and the part which has bsen bsikcd will be found saturated with I turpentine, and thereby rendered remarkably dtf able for posts or fences. Since our last thr have been no foreign arrivsls that we have beard of. .Much anxiety Is felt for the fate of Austria. The neutral ; position which Russia Is said to hate taken, excites the hope thst her intentions are hos tile to rrar.ee. .But In a contest with Buona parte delay is defeat, and decision and rapidi ty alene can give a cnince oi success. - Yesterday the 33d Inst, was the day ap pointed for Congress to meet : The Duke of York has resigned thi office of commander in chief of the British forces. m.wA C.ss Uaiwa lMa1sssi ts.svae . In I Is at t-sat. li l. .vMriid th.t tht intWii s,it1 ' The President hsi psrdoned Ceti. Bright soon be Disced in the hands of s board of nd others who hsd been tommittcd to jail, commissioneea , ,and has remitua thrir nes " il.a.Un at l sialyl. tsV lff k tt aMlnf'inSl i " vas ndth.renort.thouahh cannot be abs6tut.ls -.."'The Schooner Corotowan, Capt Taylor, relied on. is, that the Instraenta hsve tot "" fkiUdelphia, out ab..at ten dsys, was ttltaitcoxsvcT. . Mr. Archibald Lee. a ftdtralitt, kas been trusted wilhdiDstcbeelo England. Nolh fnr rro the political Intolerance of' the Jrffrrsonlan administtat'ton more plainly than the speculation's. hkh thia appointment, or ' r " enaik of confidence, has rxcitrd That a pre ' ' .' aldent, whose frelings and plans tent have aMenripted to tcentify with Mr. Jencrson a ehould hold nth communion with ftdtreHt hUlktd of esaArssmraM. , i tet trtiiT aee stati e? faitiii. , NawlUitrsBiit !! ejected Jeremiah Smith, a frdersl rrpubl.csn, as Governor. A anajority of both braaches of the Legislature ' are also frdrral if publican. At tbr preceding , atate election. Ike governor, all Ibe counsel frrn, sH the Senate ssve two, and majority of 3 tin the house ofrtprrsentaiitti wcrede BTKxrstie. ' ' Mxear-Ualtkcuda federal rtpulB. f wracked on the Uach near Topsail-Sound, about 13 nilea from Wilmington, on Sunday evening the 30th tnst. about 10 o'clock car- (rorreach Brandy, Rum, rUwr, Uiy snoods, e, consigned te jt- v ; Brown.""" possession cf Stockholm, and put to death the king. The distressed situation of the coun , try, arising from a protracted war, snd the consequent heavy taxes, are Slated lobe the time of this ittrohjt'ronr-- -" spcxmenofauentcrvtyttorttmrl lhcrCyill bt i CONCERT of lotbosa who may leei iysir ty ins un, . , ... c,.w TV warrantable wtsonal abuse, of the infsmoua thf IlAEVfONlC bOCUTY, XOmOt ... . . . m . -sn- " -. fjbectnam, we pledge ourselves. soon as yovv lLVCntng. ins rcpors oi me rpwmiiire i sniucj sv pru,ci that he is more execrably e villain, than any of the unhanged scoundrels who efiViattd in ihe Waflsbout, In the dsys of the Jersey iyison-ahip. " V. T. Public Aduttiur, ' The Commissioners of Booth Carolina, he ving refused to meet those of this Mate, te settle the dlvidirg line, oar Commissioners did not deem it necessary te go. We kern, however, the Ftv. Joseph ta!dwcll, ol the University, the A list oa Ik part of this state, proceeded t the place of mcetlug and , ascertained the JJih degree tf latitude ( One of the Suutb-Csrolina tmraisstQncrs, we learn, had resigned, which nay hive csus td the Uwi ael i act. (Miturta, Tickets to be had at the Rk!ltrre of j Msy33 ' W.J. HASILL, NOTICE. V II I t X 7 H ERE AS I am freqoe ntly out of town, J V V I have authorised William Nutt, bar lift te lake ip such Jurors Ccrtific.ttt and claim on the county at may be presented for wu:.... . tU.AiA?iu haul, a. irtaturtTi My IJ. ' iw I The TroposaU Tor the Circu lating Library, wi'haCa'alogvc of the Books fmrvin I?, snsv ha seen bv sntilrli.e IA the aale of -theahirf ROVKR and baloce of her cargo, heretofore ad ; vrnled to be m Id a .Wednesday' nex, is post noned until MAI LRU A 31 lhe 37th instant.' On hi day the sale ili commence at .13 oVlock, o ' -' CapuCameron s wharf.on a credit oi two and " lour month approvi-d endorxd no e no gyiable at the bank of Cape-Fear, and nya ' bio In United Sta e notes or pe,ie,or iu iiea ' thereof. bitl with ppm-ed t ndorsttson BaU ' timorc, Philadelphia, New Ynrk or, Boston at 60 and 130 days, will be tk n. , . ' . . . T, N.GAUTItK. ... N, B. The terms of pymem ihr the ba I .nee of-the cargo oa band will be made known at the sale . . May 83. . V - . . . ' . One Hundred Cents RewArd. ABSCONDhD.from lb ubsirr,'ati apprcniicc by named LaaiasRowx about nineteen years of sgr, (ss may U i by his indenturr.) AU persons are k.i bid b.rboring or employ. iig the H runny( MjyU.- ' j . it, . ;. Notice i hereby ClvTJt. , rJ1HAT all the BomU Notes, and Book , a vs. vuiiit a ww mi - awas, a w lllCl,V 1,0 Thonua Hunter and John Fuote, to be ColUcud by them, and -he amount, logtthef with the proceeds of other property alec as signed lr the same purpose applied tu the r discharge of debt, da by him ll persons therefore indeb ed to bim, are hereby nqui rtilto ntske payment-to the siid Thorcse Hunter and John hoir, or either of them at ahall be app'Mntsd to receive pt-ynum so enigncd, and all persona having i.Beilcd accounts with him, art rtncied to rresmf them lb the above auntioiM d psrscss for ad -iu.tmenf May S3. JOHN WILLIAMS. " WILLIAM I)H Kt . Has lhe honor of inlorrumg hi frirada and the public, (bat, tutit.g tely been appointed to the .Cice of la.fciot ,f Naval niores fur Ibis prrt, in ib.i tapsu y he ' will be happy te a then, lit ti lists, that It I ennecestary for kin, ic aiska assurantea. of Ihe prinripUs, whirh wi.lu cctirv geura: klscoodecv, a rradiaesa to attend io lh da list of biatflict snd a liteliiy inks petRiov anre of thsm. Wbeit h pirtts i'ka ploy went he wilV endeasor e eisitne a&4 win gr tuuy auaeeieoge 4V . . ' . r- ? J 1 r- . ! " ! , i ' : .1' . ' P 'X '- MC