Number 702 , WlLMlNGTONri. C. TUESDAY Jukz ip, 1610. - 14TH YlAR. . ' To Printers of NewsDacerSa ' - y . r- 1 ft THERE will speedily be issued from this In America." tr . VI VWO V . IIOwi J wo, - - ---- - - - , V kc which among other things,' will contain , v an account oiau n ewsppcr ftuiw i ; British America, prtvtout to the commenco- . ;uni .f t-.a MM.iiitinnin' ITT t nd the ao- VI WW " tvi - - ' - Minted in the United Staterawll asiin the British, 'Frenchtad Spanish dominions, 'oh 4. thii continent." and in the WesUndies, on the . ..Brit dav nf JantiatV. 18 lO. ' ; -4i 'i -' : -. ) i With a itw teenab e hint to complete mi s Iter, he requests the priatersoi newspapere - An htm the favor : to forward one or . . . - . :. : .t.ij... i u f'r' Vi that thts tntell.BeiKe tnaf oecorae gener-tiy ..t,lBOWIU4 US DC iniF VIH Wvimi.wmH ; waemcui one r iw innei uvdi iu iem h noective DaDers. which will be considered aa' f . Bit anniiinikii luiiivHiiuiiB Ml 111. n iuuuiiaii vJewpapera printeil in Br,Wh 6r..tSpah.sfc A ': ;-. Mata. An lh- lt'Af Jinnir. will (to fklttl -auvi - . w "J r , s, ferrice it la rntennea te tnen mne m s' wjit of Printintr abo mentiotiedi the thlel f the paper, the natnea of the printers, the ' vtw end watea in which they r printed. FRESH GOODS. - Just reccived and nov opening1 ait jay atore, in Market Street next door be low Mr-William Mitchell's, a well .elected opply .of SEASONABLE 0O0D3,wbichU frill etU'tW tot (ash ftJr. 'l-X-itti . -The amall tapital to which ute k ueeq tV-tr'tcted, the prosecution ofify buameis; renders, ft indUpenaible that ! ahould at all times possess it, in some font, or .others to that end -t, have, determined, aud , have (or some years adhered to tb( det'erminatioh of kerping real cash storey 1 bad hoped this circomnancc was oKenerallj' known that the pain of denying credit at this time wouia hay been; completely obyiatd f iH)a notbe iriff the ese ahd the i tjnpleasantnea of rtfu ling Hi frequetitiy lb persoliiBf Whose abily and puiKtunIity there can be no doubt; and With whom, were, m? plan tf business differ- enti, it would , Rive me peculiar Ipleasnre to baire adCdunts, induces me . earneitlr to re quett the. discontinuance t of all auch epplir cations, ia tuturc -.- -;,; v . J ' .vr:i .. Who to keeps general assortment of Urocenes Of the best quality t amons: which rt eenoine, Madeira and 5berryAVinev Junt 5,: 'T'h 'y.'J .t-v; ' !: Vvv,;, 4w HARDY- : . Has for sale at the Store for merly occupied by Watson 8c Bloodvrorth, an t xtcnsive: assortment 'of n-' -!vXV'h 'r&liit9-WmU Groceries Among inetot nysoa i ea, m ftnau boxes 01 12 lbs. each, suiuiblc for iiunUy Use-i Soap Ip, JboxeS) Ind.H ew setaof fine pencil Warej hlcn be wtU tjisposo olow Jof caaiu j and the pertods of ibtir pablicstion, as Ctil, eeldy, ke. j V ; :V i v . ; Publishers of Maeazir.ear and penedicai ini-Vtf. tsthpr than nwnnaher.'are also re queued to fator the authe? with the title of. .'iMdh publications, the name of the publisher!, . iutd an account of the periods when, and the places where Jhej are printed. ;v . '7 . fttm lAe London Ghlet cf jfjtril 9. , ; SIR FRAXCl&BUltDETT f -. The. following is Sir Francis Burdett'a letter to the Speaker of the House of Com- monj, nthe subject of hia warrant. It .vras.laid laid before that bQdy on the of Aptil.V-. i'fVie"4::'-- ' p Sr, .When Lwas, returned in due lorra bj-the electors of Westminster, they imannea xntr naa chosen me as their tni tee In the House of Commons, to iriaintaia" tl The Directors f6ftthe Bank 6f andlbertiaoftheJardr-IIavm ; : tape rear hsre resorred to proceed ort Men. 5 willjfctaiy iK v H daythehef, relye Subscrip r10'. 'adaof subject, taken , ; , ; Viont at tht Bank FretUv for fire. of Allegiance to the Kingt to obey, 1 t..n.t .htW. ftwrnrf an intrM t.t tW his liwa l and I never will consent, bv oar r -v,, CtDital Stock at (aid Bank, on the terms and according to i'the rule prewtibed ituhelrtd 'ertisetnent of the 2Wb of June, rTirst payment to be made .00 Mondajr tbe 9iK Jful.Uip i secfiud,sJttjr days' Vhereafter say Friday, 'ttb September; 1,8 id Hird,- ht ooe Jhundred tnd twenty days, ay on Tues day the 6th of Noremberv 18 J0 fourth (and list) at une hundred'and eighty dajr( say on Saturday the th of lahuarjr 181. i .-. ' JOHN I10(XG. Cathitr ' act of jminey to obey any feet of men, who, contrary to tnose jaws, ahafr, tinder any -pretence whatsit tr assume The power of ; Vowtr priyile iire riotthe ame things,: ftnd ought not, at any fime,- to be 4 Confounded togtheriPrivilege h an 'rjt-' tmptioni fi om iiower, and n, by lawy"'. cured to the. third branch of. jhe Lfcgisla ' tttr4 inf order 'to protect thm.-that thev , might saf4y protect "the pe6pl-iiot ta . v .To Pnnters. irrlrrr nni.CARS REGARD. TV ' ' - lriakcaaal f Iks iiw. :iU k 4 fo' P1,fc i tradina wa 4e.itrif thU Offia, T.WILUAM ,. Ma iabtw swateta ino.wiw. nm. i f1. faU of ftstata, ,fp ry nlck. d it t loltwaly aorreei ompow II U conjccwrvd tfil tl U (AM ' ? :.u ..kik.r Sfr t. I. ftlifoa. JfWTrk. whtrt it b hltlf b -it atap mptoy ia ? tiM OKe-A ihi tw or rui fie M lit4 . ith Mjr. HUy, li. i $ Ty-B - i Kolltr. ttisll b id if uki vitbia this twt oi.tbt ' bov nn(d of rifi Dollitt if ika eat of iht wi. ' C ',, WW tMfftarcxwkoa Vaittl S'swaV ra- kii. a Ufari tha f ." ft 7 ntu ritMAU trf co.f -' OflW of tht Caiolia Cusiw, 1 .;. u-, ( , , Chatlwioo, 147 4. ,, ' . ' "i; . (- , 4 fcurTovviffOjrllfA ilaV UIO.'1 V: 46 DOLLARS REWARD. ' tiF.SERTEU from this ftoxt this mornln 'jlABiii. Sojriaas a pfistt of artillerists be ; ' fncincTtrtei&t.C. Mulford's cbmosnv. fki3 ;V Sauires is 35 years old, five feet f4 IrtChes v liigb. swarthy compleiion, light brown hsir, 7 . ra eresi has-.ot one of hia front' uppar feeth, born In Cren county, N. C. by occo- - patiort a Hatter bas been at se and may of fsr himself as a aailprx he has taken whhhitn 1 'nwaf clothes and about 100 dollars in mo hi ney. Whoeter will apprshend said Squires and teeurt him in any jau in ut roeie nu 5rt information thereof to the subscriber, or elWer him any ofRcer ofthe United States Army, shsllreceWe tbe above reward, and all v twsonablaexpencetpaid., ... - . . . i -' r J. G. IM 7 ' 1 - Mojf Commanding. .- ' ,tfr-T Editor of tha CaroUnt ftiaral aBklica 1, I BraiJota4otBrti6VUaatlaUllwh ' m, tui foratl tbir accowrt w ytyaMat to the Idl. af of thaWllaiiaitoaCiMtir. - - The .Subscriber leave this I own in the course of this month tails on all thote to whom he ii indebted to com and receive their demands; and he ear- neatly reqoeats those who are indebted to him (however triiliofr the sum) to make payment before the 30tb instanU' as it would prevent the disagreeable necessity of puttibir those tlpr.'inrta tn BuiN 'h, 'V t:. ' : ' -.. :'S.. J.. ? ! f-s m, V? SAM'a LANG DON H . 1 i I in 7 1 r 1 i': 1 ml, .11 I I H 1 .111 ii- FORkALE TwoNiCtoKs.oties (rood House Camh- er and Mill vyrignt, about 50 years ot.gc( ' the other is a lad about 18. years old, a eater. For terms apply to J. Hartmaiu ' t ', p ',.yk ; - ; A, F. BO WELL ' June St,' 'i V-.- ; ...... .'.'' " a - a- m - . . . . 1 . . k-. ft. t J.'(.i. f l.i.....u. B. tl t-. y uuu uv uic piiuc . - 1 nr iniii"iiihuhm. nir i v.i- ' , a t "'V ikv. arii w .1.; V...i; It PCTior force I must submit r I willtiotamf DRV GOODS & GROCERIES ' At 'tbe store formerly occupied by Mr. Owen Kenan, 'next dhor to Messrs. Ceer k 'Atervjehich the subscribers wilt sell on rea- 0P ie terras lor cash or county prnauce. ..-, . . w MOORE l USHtR. '" Ai.s6.)he htindted thousand Red 0,llhd $taves,' two' hundred thousfnd feet.oj Mtr chatttable Lumber, three; thousand) buthela date not incur the danger of cohtinuinjr vo- toinfAltLTtotaakeonepfahyassocktiQ : or set of men who shall assume illegally ; ' the whole power ofthe realm, ; and who hav ' no more right to take myself, or any one p -myctituents by force; than I oi- they , possesM to take any one of those Vho &r -now guilty of this usurpation j and. I Jf ouli ' condescend to accepr thtj ' meanest office- V that would, Vacate my' seat, being $iore die-' ' sirous of getting out of my present associ- 1 anon, thaa other men may be desirous of ' 1 V ? Tor, Sale, by the.Subscrlberi . ., .. . 1 -5 ' Lm for ath orappmti AW . ' ; .' i iTHE Subscriber., requests all .JP bhds. 3d proof Rum, , v 7 ; those, who became purchasers at th sale of ' f-- J"& E '. do, - - " a?" Hv Wattera-a tatate, to cmie forward and r HMt.VH 10 tench 5agfl V. "T give bonds. Jane a JACOB LEVY. ,.;;,-;;- .,vtL CASH STORE . , NOTICE. . . At the County Court of Curd- VerUnd for Jane Term 1110, the subscriber qualified si Executors on tk estate of An drew Broadfootlau of said toouty. All per 'tons who are indebted to the ssid cttat are requested t make immediate payv nt, and those who have any demands arJnt the ttat will prtKBt Ihcm for aeUlement, within th time limited hy law. Willlsm rtacJrllaa will attend to tba settlement of the estate, those, who re concerned art 3uetcd to call on him for the adjustment of Heir respective accounts. - -, ; .-; , Caaaita CiALHtas, . V - -4 Rottar sow Mvatroir, Janr. t.W Wftitn risaoroBiH ,v . f AM MACtltLA, . J June 9, II 10. . ; 3m 1 !' NOTICE. ' " : : The Subscriber intends leaving Wil-nlnRton in I few days he therefor ear- fjaatly solicits all persons indebted to th hrm of Ferin k Harrison to mukr immediate par- ineht, and thos to whom th firm is Indebt ed will tleas ta'l and receive their money. .. " : : r Josiaii HAnRisoN. Jun)3 . .. ' '" A D rv Nurse Wanted, , XWeneh of good dispoaltltm and ebarae-' ter and well qualified to tak ear of chil dren, may"yratnt with liberal wafea If applying at this cCce Jum 1 : . ' . : ' " f ( , . ' Wftit, ; Witu f ' ' Tayttteville, . ALEX ANDERSON bas lust rtcefted and is now opemnr at the store formerly 00 cupied by Anderson Jc Jones, a eeneral as- aortmentof DffrCoooi UGjoras,amonr which are old Madeira, Lisbon and Colmanar Wines, Fresh' Hyson and Imperial Teai old Jamaica and Sd proof Rum. He has al io on hand 1 . . . : . , ;A few hhdslrf 4th proof Rnmi ' , "J hhds. and" 1 1 barrels Pimentos . 'y 19 hhds- Molssii . -.13 hhds. Tobacco, ' y " 35 bsles Cotton. ' ' '. - ' . - 9 tierces and pipes Midlifift of Floor, ' 8 tierces Flaxseed, , , ' 30 bsrrtls Flour and two likely Cig; or I saddle lioasas, an hich he offera Tor tale at reduced prices for. prompt psyment.. .junta. . ; ,, , ,-lw THE Subscribers being desirous of bt fen cing all their accounts annually, to correct I any omissions or overcharges that might ua-. intentionally occur from their too long stand in? 1 request all persons to whom they msv bo indebted to present their accounts for set tlefbent .Tht accounts nrau thos who msy be indsbted to them will be tnsde op to tk : 1st Jury and presented for liquidation cither bj not or acknowlfdRrtient. t . . . UUKU WIN Vt ORME. -May 85...... ......;;.., , xt The HOUSE lately occupied by Mr. N. Uaaa, for rent, at a low rate. Ap ply to - - - , J. NEATE, or - i . r -rirr. rnwlVf , "' H. B.' Immediate possession will be given. May at.-. , tf ' AHum Salt and a few hhds of 3d proofRum. u,w"f r fncn.m , ? May Si: 4 f 'V r -ViV-.;. tf. : gefppitably mto iU t-' 1 ' 1 . vir, tmt is not a letter in answer to a Vote of thanks j it is at answer to a vote pf a tery different kind. "'X knowi)6 whit to call it but Since you have begun this cor respondence .with me, I must beg you to Mail this mY tmswer to those lindtr whrna 'orders' you have commenced it.. 1 ' J I remain, Sir, ' 'V . ; Your most obedient humble servt-' . , ' , ' w FRANCIS BURDEXTo. Piccadilly April 810, .', v. ( SO hhds. prime Molssaes, 1 4 casks Ma.lg Wine, i ; . " f SO do Nails, assorted,' , ; - . : lO bbltnd CObaga print CoSet , . , : - 70 bos Ralaina, v ''. . ., V s " ,:'.f 1 10 chests Hyson Tea, 3 do. Souchong da t (. , -1 - 1 bal India Calico, 1 . ' 8 bales Iiumhums" :V ' 1 '. -. I box Hats, and a ?arity of other Dat Gooata' .'.r 'V- -sj j. ; JACOB LEVY.' . . Mayj, Uld - w V ,, DAVID M. MILLER. , Respectfully informs his friends' and the public In general, that he has com menced the PoMft Biott if St Makhq business on Carpenter's wharf, tad hopes by strict attention and. punctuality to gam k thart of th public's fator. V. f- ', The Subscriber is Jo wsnt of several Vessels 1 toIoadfonPhiladelohiaaiifl ?J?- 1 b. Wet,Iodies,br whlcS . j ' a iioerai price wiU bt i-vaw.-V.yeo. ... . . . Ha has for sate, a CsW m'm second moot BaavoT and Hhds. N. E. Rtat ' April S. ,T. N. GAUTIER. V;'.. CO" NOTICE. The Subscriber intends leaving Wilmington (a a few dayti thtrcor thos who hav claims against tbt hrm of BLtvtit tnd Rtests, art requested to call and re ceive their pay 1 and thos who tr indebted to them, art required to makt Immediate payment, or their, nous and accounts win bt put IB suit wiltoof flelsy, . , .May. 15a';-, . 1 , , V': -" - t '' ' . : CHARLES D. TORREY ' . ' Expects to le ave Wilmington In th course of a week this renders it neces sary that all his accounts her ahould b in mediately Milled. He hipes therefore that those indebted to bits will call oa him for tht above necessary purpose. . Junt S. Stopped, (supposed to be sto- , Ua,) frtm a Negro Girl, a Bars Bttl The owner, by describing It, paying lor this advertisement, and a reasonable reward, may hav it again Apply atth Fr-ntingOmc. Msy 31, . tr j ' The bonds of the purchasers at th aale of Thomas Jenaincs't persons! Estate, became do on fh la Instsnu Thm not paid on of before tb 1st of July, 18 10, will U put In suit. ' N.. II! LI. . ") 1 ; LIVERY STABLES. 1 HI fabtcrtaof has tlskliSiad tn at LtVltY tTAIltS. oa) tba wtt Ma of Icaa4-lratt, for lbs ' taMa4trtaai W lb( alwea tr'li tWoaib ,orridl la IhMtowo, ro mty tfU4 M SviiJ tbsi(lat of Ibis bl0iaM . tarra Sia4 of Btsto Sa4 fatatOj jtr"i for boifts, fasti OS sbwdatulr otoaM sa4 filifilslly ira,'aa4 sM to atUauloa .... l... ... .... aata 10 mc or ins aouiais. 1 a. mi s aa 4ry fhstl U St.t aaa, t4 ttaa ttil Coll M ff aiflt. t4 artlh Liuot try toaln. . wiu.iuTr;u.Riitcj. . If. I. tirv.. ; If , ' 7 -'April JJ. - ' .The Speaker' acquainted th house that' .' he had received a letter aigued Francb ' ayuiuwski vis v ists.ii siv TV aU)irV4 J aVil'jW (JiO pleasure of thie house. Oua cryof rta4! rcfli he read as follows , -v , t Ti tf Right Hmorobk Charkt Alttit ; ,Sjteler of thf Jlome of Common. ' ViTstf VtaitrsM An fro rK. svtk.. sTfL -f . vv IMS, iuk vs tuAuij luc iiii ua v of April Jusu as Speaker of the House of Commons, forcibly broke and entered the t ' dwelling house of me, the undcmitrnrdl ' Franci Burdett, situate in Pictadillr. irft " the parish of St. James, Westminster, i. ' , the, county. o Middlesex: and having al- " m .1,- n.L T . -i v . a mv, m ui ooiu vu ut,w. apriL causca me to he. apprehended, and unlawful! , -committed to a certain prison called hi ' aa. a t V-a aa a - Majesty Mower ol i-ondon and to be. uivi, imii.viiu, auiv rc( ftcpc Sua QC tained in prison there, without any reason- ' able or probable cause whatever, I do therefore, according to the form of statute! in such case made and nrartdd. h-rrW ' civt you notice, that IahalL at or Boots v, after the cXpixatioo of one calendar mootht' trotn the time 6f your being served with V this notice, cause a bill to bo filed against ' you in his majesty'a court of kinoa bench l. vtr..: . 1 j . . ? u sauiiHutwr,- miu a writ oi aiunmon to bt thereuppon issued out of hit majes . ty's said court of king's bench at West- , minster, agamst you, ht my, for thes ; laid trespasses and false imprisonment, and shall proceed agaiim you thereupon accor- , . Ipsa Lc ... . 'k francis mrnmvrr. 1 " " Dated th 12th day of April, 1I10 Ltittrfrm Sir frentit Bvtdctt, U hit ftrtU , . - raratj, iw titttort y ntttmltr. . , ! Tour, .Ajif 90 1810, , GwrnrMti -If any thins could iia crease, or confirm, the constant n-oluvki , of my life, never to fetnty the condoencsy you lifive placed in mc, it i !e sindnrssv and affection, which you Metier 'of the 17 til ' Inst, testifies to ma and the wisdom, and.. . prtpricty of j our coadutt at th late rucet . BcrupMn wiiicm n me iiiinnMjii. hv.- t.f i'.m: hud, and tlto ite proviskM ff '.hf. antl'trt suritta, dt elfrst-jr)- of U o f v-r

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