WILMINGTON, &Vt TUESDAY June 21810. ' : 7 Number 703 j T14TH Year.T ? ; - ' V ,A VESSEL WANTED. ; A valuable consider f t , ifuoij win u given, iuf "J ? " U vesscf. forthe rui to St, -K &,Ti Thomas; and back id yVU. , Madeira, vriDei$W half pa,- Gun Powdcr'inicejf8f .s' i-'ij; "4d. 8d. & IO(4.;CNiuil,".!-' ,V,t' V. rtmn. and Whltr'VWaSh-iHHiaricS . - V. .CUocolatejn boxes, . . , . .'fV , Scotch Snuff, In sroaHbamla, 'V; " . TH E Subscriber beW about , fc Icav fh place, offers for sale, , , r ; 'Sis wsUal4kKa'yiD; ' ' y i hes ilyso Tca,4 , V,J :c 'U bag Coffee ' - : Jo betes Muscat! ttaisins " ' u ! 7S21ihds.rew.Ehglan"dRu," '.P a1 ivh h win cither harrpr nr 'fitrnnsR m Ten-Dollars flevard:V " R ah-a wat from the Subscriber nbout the 20tb ultimo fiegro bpf named JOHjN, about it rp i. yean age, oi yery dai cou plexion nd very pare built. . lie s either lurking bnu Wilmiogtori of is cndfavoritig' ti make em way to rjjll3boiougS.The nbove reward will ba gieii fa any-One who, will cie.. IWey klm o mejer iecore' hitn in ioy Uilso' thai I tet iiBW'M.---.! !U . ;,.! J"' T t i ' tJUliAoti t il VATTERS.' ? S i l enruonar lieward. Mlpw nametITpNEYvbout,(tf55yeMfS j- feet 10 inches id 6 fvef Kij-K i .forrherly be- uusiiig- inr.-joni icimcrsQn oeceascq. iic. wor wiin aim a erty ncnet ana pine pair J tr'oWse. : A be 4htH i wifeVat Mrf ; lluoperv bUiS,-li 4$ probMle'he itiy be lurk- sons and particularly master of vesseU, art warpednoj to barbf uri lhf. said Tonfcway.iir carry hirn off, aathe aeverest penalties cfjhe Uws will be enforced) aarnst therrt on proof V-he Tart." '. CEdRGE CAMERQtf;,- - To Printers of Newspapers. " f THERE will speedily be mued fi6m he pre; a Mlistorf of Printing iq 'America," Jc which nmong othe things, fcijl contain hn aefcount bt ill' pit Newspapers printed in BriUkh Afner'ic'aV'previoua lo the commence. Tnent of the revolution ity 7T$ - nd ihe,a t4r wishes t add a liH of all the Newspapers I tT.iiitti Sn'tbe. United States, as well as irtthe iBritishrrock and Span'uh dominions, on m contifwpt, anitm the TVest-Jnds,wi tbs first day pf JaMaryi l.Blff.i With a view to enable him to corn nlete this list, ne request jihe printers of newspapers ;h, WANTED, A partnetln' the Retail Business, who can '"lrhiah" i Capital of- g5t)00 in; eotwidcration of receiving half the emolument, 'accmihg. A donnanr one would b& preferred, but ao . VbUVv IT WUSVt ftlv V w a VJVVIUMJ vsa.vMv in other . rest)ects-A line addressed lo A. ;"nd left, at the Office of the Caxette.'wUi Ee T - At. a Meeting, Cmmistiontricf tht TvntJunt- WHEREAS, eomplaints are made to.the Commissioners, that sundry unimpi-oved lots ' in the town,snd bot epclosedre very great nisanees. .beine ovcrptown with -vceds, liich forms a receptacle for all kind, of filtb ' thereby the health of the citizens are much Ordered That .owner of sucb lota do re- IpcCtivcly hate the same cleared of weeds nd trash, on; pr .before the Slstinstt and . lent clean in futurei tinder the penalty of one ,3ollur per day, for each and every day they ' r. :i liv kt iuvl ' ' . ' ' Ordrrrd, That V.T. F. J. Bcljnger b Pi '-pointed TowriSurveyor, and u to be respect dafttofJinRlyr ,,'' V V. ; 'v . v ' iiy order eitne v-ommtsstoners, ' v 4w - . T.CALUENDER, T. CT. ' i. j - . ' ' - FOtir JOHNSTON. ' SittrartiLi, June 1(J, .1110. - -"' In pursuance of instructions from the hon, ' William Eu0 secretary of wari nd con fbrmablr to proviso contained in the Lav passed at the last session of the General As , " sembl v of the State of North-Carolina, t cdf !ng to the United .State! eartaln Land, fof the use wf Fort and the etrction f IVrtifl. tations, situate in SmithvUle, N, C-Tbe finliwriSr hat hA inrtoterf aurh nnantltv rf said Iand, as he deems necessary to be kept "t-.frce from Iptrpsion. ' Th two Lotsi No. IS . and 16 belonging to the If. States-,- bounded by Moore, Ellis k Hay streets, and by Mr. IkrwamJn S. Bianey slot No. 17, wllhlucb Its, .will be-left unindased, until it be . deemed cecemry to inclose them Of the ., aoov notice is kertoy given to fill vbom.it iay concern. ' .,- . . .. -i , - ... . J.O. SWIFTi 1 ' ' : . Jfojtr Cummandi'ir, . ,.'.1 . CASH effered for Labori-'V-X 11 , lune 5. , . Any Frion wunngto wnaertant tn hmsn. the nosd which has been partly comple ted, beginning a' Snskrtville and intended lo . lead jo town, may be profi'ahly rmplored by N. D. About four miles of said road re- . juains tobe completed., v June 9. tf. uncus lor oaic. . . i , ' Abeut 11XW bt Philadciphja BRICKS ,t sale, oCe.,8'irtwina wharf. Apply t . ' if , IJUltfiWINkORME, . June 18. -. T , The Subscriber requests all rnons-whn l iv Uft work to n dnnc ai hit Slop, to ciH anj tective there t Mr. Dick's mm m aeF. Jimru J w. iJAn A v Juflei--:w ;,. r . - i . . VtYll 'ft A r. IT. , A neat and light; Double Chatr, r. . .' tT.iVRICHT. KCkTWIt: ' . i tie JUirectaV-- "Cape Fear baveresoWd xlay the. 9t it July nrssti s receive Subserin tton at tbe Bank and at Fayetteville, fur five Hundred nares to wains, an increase cf the Capital Stock at laid .Bank, on the terms and ecifordipg to ttre fairs prescribed Sn'thuir'ad- ertisfmentpfthe 38th of Junfe WO?, -. FtrM nnvment to be made on Monday the 9th Jutv 4810 1 seeund. aistv davs Jhrmftrr. say Friday tin SepternbK I s i o j .third, at j one nunnrea ana twenty days, say en Tuer day the (5fh of Nveiinber, IS 10 i fourth (and fast) at one hundred and eighty days, say on Saturday the Jth of January 181 W l" , ,' J . -- "V 4 jytlN 1IOUC, Cashier,. May 9ih. - v T7 TTie Editor ofthi State GeitUt at Ra- teigh t FayttttilU InttUigtncer end AWrre LoiiM t tat rat Republican, art ttqntsted to fnstrt thit Notiet and diuontintt the farmer, ' ' '. i .'. r:- ' I ,yQTicE.-.v;:. T v ' "J At the County Court of CartT berund lor June Term 18 10, the subscribers q-ialified a Executors on tbe estate f An drew Broadfoot late of said eouuty. .'All per sons who are indebted 10 the Said estate are rt'q'jesied to make .immediate payment, and those who ..have; jioy demands agin. th estate twill- present thtna , for seitlf ment, 'within the time ' limited by law, William .Maclrllan will attend to the eetilcment tit (He estate, those, who are concerned arc re- quested to call on him fer the adjustment pf weir respective acrounts. , , , " . , . ( RSILtS ClALMIBS, ;-' ' .; ) Rrtiiai'ii Mujarfltn, lin'r.i p" : ' - ; WtLttasf Baaoroan,- , i ayettsville, June 9, IIIO. w7: TiVyfl ,n?,;,v?f toorwsre.joner nr 4??ofthee persy '. ddres "ffd'A 'f. P'M'YorcUsier that this jotelligerVe 'may become t-enerally krw,rti1Ahe begs1 they vdt'ge'ihisVaflver tisemeihf one W two tnseitioni 'm, their1 ttl apeciivi paTrs;Kich wUI bexonsldered li an dditiena? obJigatif,ijt, If sp'ch 'pub'Hshefst oi newspapers, or other gentletnen'r as'fiave newspapefs printed in-British or Spanish merits, e the "1 , of January i will do him hrf favof v forward one of each kind, " as sy !bove, they .will render him w? accentable seryfce Hjlti tintended to Insert lit the llfs. .tory.CFiBllpg.bbve mentioned, h titlrs f tbe papefv 4he namei of the, prinlers,'the towns and states in which thev ire nrlntrd. and the' periods of their publication daily, d prpceedVMW.l! LtZtiF works, other than BewVpapea, are also' re- ! quesiea te wver tne author wub tbe title qr such publications, thehamerf Jhe publishers,, and ian account of the periods when, end the plaaea whereRheJr WVMUW?;.? .!;Bwr.v'';Vi-!ayM,;i Jm ,.'.'' NOTICE. The Subscriber intends leavinrr Wil-nington in a few day j he therefore ear nently solicits all persons JcbUd to the hrm of Fcrln k ffsrrisonta make Immediate pay. ment, and those taw horn the firm is Inebt cd will please Call and receive their money. m - vJOSIAH HARRISON June 13. . - . ; -...- : . . tf FOR SALE; i Two Nt ciloes, one a e-ood Home Csroan ler end Mill Wright, about 30 rears ol ace. the other is a lad about II years old, t Baker. tor terms apjHf to J. Hartwian. A. t. CUWtLU it ; N. IIAUDY, 'V; Has for sale! at the Store for merly occupied by Vatwm k Clood worth, an e xtensive assortment of . . Crockery1, Glasi'Urar'e & Groceries: Among them, JI) son Tea, lu email botri of 13 lbs. each, sdiUible fur familv use t So-d In .boxes, and a few sets of fine Pencil Ware, .v.:.u i. .K f i e . win,., uv mtt uujy im juw lur caso. . A good assortment v. DUYGOODS h GROCERIES At ttie, store formerly oecopied by Mr. Owen Kc-an, next door to Messrs. Cstr k Avtry which the suberibtre wilf soil on rea sonable terms for cash r country produce ' ' : MOORE X3 USHER.' Alio, one hundred thousand Rtd 0- Hhd ftiaves, two liun.Wd thoutand feet cf Mcf. rhantable Lumbcv, three thousand bnshrts A'l'iw fialt and a few Lb4 ef 5) proof Rura. . May 3?i . ' . . i . tf, s THE Subscribers being desirous of OalaO" ting all' their accounts' ennujjly, to cofrec't any omis-ionsoi' overcharges that might un intentionally occur froro their tod jofcg stand ing requei-t. all persons to wbbm they may be indebted topreaent their ateounts for let, tlement -The accounts nf all those who may oemafoteq o ntm e-in be made up to the ii juiy ana presented iur liquidation either br note oracknowlerlmcni. i - l' ' '' r,.'BURGW.!N WXDRME - Mav29" - s" ':-..:.. tf - THE .Sxibscnbcr. requ'ests zli those, 'who' became purchaser at' the late of itwatterrs eifate. to come forward and give bondiT-w; ; JACOB LEVT.' V June '''' V !), 'v !:;).,. i.i -1. The HOUSE latfely occupied s , :; 1 Thos, cowan N. B. Immediate possession will be givefi Ma? 38. tf V. .DAVID M. MILLhR, S end the public n general, tVat he has Com-' - menced.ifve-ftw, etocx Sfjn Ujijh9 r , business, on CarpenUrV.wbarf, and feopesbtr strict attention and runctualitj- to gain - inare w me puDije s iavor f- v ; . ; ' '-v June g. , t r .V -V TO LET, 4-A. 'A'House situatetl'at the lotvc eixii of tie,lovp4 ju?t iippve, StjeadV wharft v JPolseiiiop gjvtjn unmediattly -. ' 4 'J i ALSO, i r 'Af ,T A' house .cf two, tenements in Trinc'f $t Strectl'liav'irijr.'evervi convcnitnce.'tlc"- - TermVeasir and low. -' N, IIILL. i - " - .'FtbYuarv 20, ' ' i.' i ',' r " , ' tf ' ; RESII GOODS, ' 1 Just received and how opening at my store, In Market Street, next door be low :wr. Wham AlurheU's, a well selected supply of SEASON.BLEQOODS,wbich win atii. wis ior tOJJ .-"-'. "v, ; -. j me small espital to which I have been restricted, in the proecotion ofmy business, rentier u inui.ptnilDIC insi 1 SPOUld St alt times possess it in some fare Tr other, to that end I have determined, and have tar some .years adhered ! the determination of keeping I real cash .store t I had hoped this eircomitance was so generally known that the pain of denying credit at this time would have been completely obviated t thia not b. Ingthe, ease, and the onplessantness of rrfu aing it, Iremuntly to persons of whose abilit and puncttanty there can be rib doubr. an with whom. wm my plan of business differ ot, it vould give w Peculiar nieisure lb bave aeroimta, induces me esrnestly.to re quen ine uiseonunuance of an such sppli canons in luture ' " , ' ": r ' ' : . ; ESSE WTNCATTa Wli also keeps irenersl aistirimtnt of Groceries of the best quality among which are gengiee Madeira and Sherry Wintu TlHe bonds of, the purchasers attBs ssle of Tbemas Jennings's personal tstatc, became doe en 'be 1st instant. Those not paid en er before the 1st of July, U10, will be put in suit. -:, ,;. Msv 14.. N. HILL, , '... JOHNHOCG.S -;,.- To Printers. ? ; n 4 FIFTY DOLLARS rT?Jn - 4'1f 0Mt af ia smm. will Si f apart. AKDIRJOV, f.r.nlU.U lb filMl! kr,,,t H tt k.w HntiM Sr tiKhtcl y,t, l ,., mU mmmm (mki nr vltk,' a i, iMltrMlv rr toi! ; t 4.,Kluf4 ha i ft, wn-IMRST Nt K.rxil, tV('Tk hf u lilHf N m,j nitrnft fttii smplov la St OCvt.A !) ar fmtr $ct Tinct k l'rd W S W Hl., P, r U SHUik.K. T. fl, rlr (hall b p,l II ukM whm Uii ,S4 S (t rtn4 ! f idy tll,ii W i.k oi ( ,itu Vui ,llow 'll llirM(kw tk, I air l. 0- M4 t MUMS lk SO S lt I, ' . . ' nnt MtitkQtico; Otxi ml lit! CMalls, Cutu, I ' ' " . lilirjis, Sutionry, rT?; ' this ofQcr, or tale -'J Stopptil.'fsUPrjoud to 'be' sto- Tke wner, -describing it,-paying for tbU': advtrtUemcntend a reasonable reward, msy V have it again Apply at th6 Pjioting OITices ' ' M '.'.J.-' vi..:.';'B f' 'LctteTSoh-F w Having . eetablished . the2 boint': that-' thfe" .w'uw'W.wk s. "tprairs nas po conititu-.i v tionalriRht'tci Jibbose 'ah.iniimrrrti inf.- jicv iwQ nouses xn tontfress. ot . ; eiuitr oj vicm,; in any case 1 hatfever. it rt ! now proper, 'to enquire anto 1 the power -of t those houses. ti la such an injunction ttpof I ' J their own mdnbirs. c: ;;. U i.; .-v'i .v;vl. . :;! A ne omy, pnwer vested in the two brafich ' ci i of ,the.. national legislature, by the cot ; -w.., uiiuj uuuii fUoJCCtj is v iwuuuncu m-iac uura paragraph of the I tfth section tf the Erst artic! U Btitution, which article establishes and Jci , fines the . lfo-iTsiiv f,.r,:' ' u r i .uiivkiutib.. r.arn ingsj. and, from time to time.- publish thk - earae,' emklmg titih parts a ikafin thtif. C " judgment hptiti .tarccyU and. the -yeasS , i " !' Biemoers 61 either h6use -V; oil any question, snail at the des re ,w y. ,mi (jiuuii w nwrea(on the i' journal,',-,;-Thrs 'paragraphi is': naturally t cormexiei iu th.it which ots before it, . ukwiiuitc-vie rules oi , its procttdinM i nuniRh it mi.LM 4Vm ':' ra w a; - w invinvao i t T . i ; 1.4.1.. i . l unt i ait r v i tt ii vinur a nnn- a; ik currtnee of two third,; expel a member. i he' rnovision in th An.,ni nJi;.' ' ..m - - . ' wwa VII9VUUU''l respecting a secret journal, appears to hav ' been In some measure derived Torn the . . , w. muu w nc nmin rucie tt the oldi confederation of the atatet, The con gress ot the U. States ahull haye 'power to ' wjuum i umc wHiun me year, sod t any place- within the 1 1. States so that no , period of adjournment be; for a longer tlu . ranch thsn tlw apace tf . six mm.ih. 'n,l . . an;u4 j uuii&u the journal tf their proceMi ' ings mondily, ., epl tilth, parts there f re latins to treaties aUumct, er tnilitary-opei -- ' wuuvu; u ii mar juagmeni rrpuft tecre ry i and the yeas and nays of the deWaui . vi vjpu bvuic ua any question Shall ce en . . icrca on me journal, w hm it i desired by . any delegate and the delegates of th ' ,: state, cr any of tlrtm, at his or thcif re- , nucst shall be famished wich a tmnsenn . ik . V in n 1 - I . r Bocree rarr w, to uy before the legiila iuika v w ccrai tia ICS. . ' ' j As the old conci-cis nosirssrrl 'mf. . cr of peace and war,' with only a rut re sha- CTWpi it-ciaiAtive ttowera re nera! v the power of making treaties, now vesu d . in the.presifienf.and senate exclusively " the. provision which has just been quoted from the article cf confederation, appears ' v ..u.w imu ujjHi.u iriia a view ,w lue j exercise of those powers Bpon the stl jcctj . ftf u trcstk-s, alliance and military opera tions," atd upon no other aubjeai. ' Asitl was the object of The eoplft,, in ei ' tnbhshinj; the new retistitutiou, to form a note perfect union," by . the nfg-iiis. 1 tiontfamnre enrrrtic ; trm of gotcnw rnent, a toa tr was given ta arh hotiie viihlioul from pul)Ii,atim'nich r.irts of , tin ir procrtf!;rgj as thry should dt.-m prrv per.! Hut hi u sve cor.hi Jcr thai tf.e row era in ref. t(r-c to the e Arnine tf v.hiih, uiioer tic (H,ircu'raiiQn, ettivry, VIS U , Uwed. wiru 'tiJr4 in thq row. t;.i:;rv' ' lion, die power oHr Air j trtu,- audcJ ii.ui.i bein vt-tud i vh mi4u (v:;H-v.l'

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