r.'.a 1 H (Vrt- 1 , ' . ' . -L - . t .. . " - m m k - -i. i. . ' " . . . . 7 .. r - . - to - .. ... t - . . l r : - : '. v x L . h . - .' . ' . . s: if i I; . "FOR SALE, wTh6e two Brick Houses, "aciV v7.ce, at .ertwo ntl ihrte ' ;.r y ; c Fos futV(," Mriirulir t? uretT 1 iU- BULGVIM kUKMU.". : . . , ' for, $ale , f r r i ' t t7 rtiutmahlf fnd atcoinmodatin itrpts- v A-xeel)ent1igi IjnndaB-bttiU CoachSj ' kti-iianclsotne ?8itoKv .-." '-ydt , I tm Blso dipoe At4 sell a very convenict fc,KV VAA60K-A 8ot i jttonihed ' that V.I1 carry Trota, 60 to.rQOOO Sh.nglw -feailt of th bst sistjerral. nd tft draw but , Utile water.'1-' " r. ' '-Ji v ' 't Srat youtiB tforaen,with faii Ot t ' CoffirCrQckery & Gtasi Ware, ... ot n sfllft At July S. 1 I- VT 'I- -;-rr;-fi ij i u. Anaraofi. a GOODS, which they wtU eU low .for, "h Svr :.'yY& NOTICE. XVi TMft Subacriber intenda leaving thi place iurihgthe Summer, and requeta all oe to - Wtom Via indebted W come (brward nd V receive paymeru. . All tbow indebted to h,m will pkaae call on Mr. A. l Gon, who it f ' fiilty empowered to gi discharge, and " traaaact hi Dawned in i ..'H' - -X Jacob l. . iTaihe Public, ,''-t the last week' Gatctte, PuhlW eation aigned by Nathan Wilbimv forwartw Imrthe dehiorafthe Ue firm of N andU ' v.iu.t to. the lobcr'iber thttr m.rtimm ctiift.. li note of account, which ' 1 areTDoatly in ray poaseaaiort; ',1 hereby give Aiee.that 1 am at liberty to lirant dixcharg' l all who will come forward .and offer mwmnt.KnAAt Nathan William w.ill be ejond enqngh 16 replaco tht amount that he Iiaa drawn over and above hi d .im, I should ' . k. .,Ki,,t in na a'mher'f mv deb'.a, ' J have lepeatedly called on bira fur hit pur. ' Boae of mAing ft aettlement of the firm, but kc wai never ready to comply.' 1 ihall pro. i weed to collect the debts, nttl t ettlement ' wf the firm takea place, or my laim there ;V, of are lully tt.WV VvA i a ii. 4 r j( p. tf:.r v, l -i. t'.A;.'Hf ey A.',' y C'-.r.-fianiffi the town Wdmifigtont Jt. C 2nd fiublithcd at tlieir rtyuetti " ' , vj. ' i ' v G017LD I flatter myself with the hope Of gratifying thc attdntiOn, oif my FIloyv4 Citizens,imt Oiportunity fo. address them would be embmced with: confidence m$ j)Iflastu,r..;Rcin irks whkh have originated mi less irnpassionefj moment than uie pre KBf, may Sot accord Vitlt feelings, arbus" ed by the Dechu-atton, of Independence. If, however, the recollectioiiof past injii-" rics has' renewed formel1 Injtatiorisi alsho extusable permit me to 'observe) fhisla is sacred to "magnaniraoua reIuiions- We have united on'tlii occasion,' not to denounce one tyrant,- butall-nbt h in dulg rcvntmenW, hutto tultiyatcthc ho norable sentiment of universal benevolence i Aiiteriorto the fourth of Tulyi seventy sit, these States were' the colonics 6f Brw tain. .Their Infsmcv had required tlie fos- t,ei,i.JftC-e of intuit I nxA whlUtnjojN irfff thriiri'ci'f-'llr '1 ' , 1 . 1 " apd sanguinary war; .-- Front his youth, de voiru to ut tountry, iui unaniouioua oi celebrity It was t&c force of unequalled twni'-h insetted hir." ' fluency of -if : ,:''l akcNoucci' V;; v'V - THAT all persona are sirictly'fxVMden ' la buy from or 1 to either ol my aervantv ny article w'tthwt a Written ncrmiiion sign,-' d l?y mydfr otre of ray family, or aome v" "other vrHh prao known to be geVrally in 5- emolorlaenti . '.. UtNJ. uu.' - . June SS . ' . , i . , , . a' :. .. . . lLhZaoetntown -ncaucmyi r A -TllE Rv. William ft.Uioav conj. ''-.ytenced on the J8vh inU the eupetiniend-1 "'n'r. oftha Elis-belht iWrf Aradetnyflla .' n lalificatiortsast'Teacbrr, have been to ge- T "iierally commehded, that the TrUateei h' ' .liear Mating auy cmtueiiu rtniiHigiac i variety or circrmtancea,' which wlll.tend to . ' :lht promotjon ot thli institution,', the True. teea brg leave td noiic onne that are lodaf. ' "' "Elisjbeihtpwn 1 ttuated rear the mUrtfe ... ' ground between Fayetteville and Wilmintf '' . ,toni A- wetkly. communif anon with th'oe 'rilaceijiiaffartleJ through the medium cfthe t- stagc hence Do'j 'a'l"ftrJ'. -A .11, 'p01 to be obtained on the spot, may be bau with- ' Jftut any pcrpUiirii? delay.. Tarentian guar- "'dLanaof children, living trj or down tbe river, .' . '.snay hear from them wetU!y.' .The.Trtivtea - )iae U not in their power ta ihnnlhe .'rates ' ef board but oppoe,thy 'H much , more reduced lhat in town more populous ' ' This jntUutiort for some time, will not be ' much crowded! hence an unremitted aten 'lion of the Principal, might produce, arfvpn , . hifea which do not ao lully appertain u , thoe citablithntcnta,. oo 'a raorr exttnv . . plan, however happy the arrangement a to ; . atMant The exeiiioas of'tba Tru'tce . will be steadily directed to Very lD'ln,lile,. V . 1y to advance or .benefit the atudents. ; . A-' j siatantTeachera (both malt and female) will v -V ' ke procured as soon as requirti. . .' Kateiof Tuition t Spelling,, He ading. f ritiag end Arithmetic, 3 dollars a qaar , 1 ttrLaiin, Cnsliih Grammar, Ccograpby, , ,-kc. 4 dollars a quetter. , ,. , . . Et order of the BoarJ,- .. - . TIIOS, DROWN, FrithUnt,' i.i -!j v'r civ tr&ecunty. their relations were calculated to advance their recipro cal Interests Unrestrained by arbitrary vuiuruv in colonies grew up in tne exer else of rights arid an. attachment: to free dom,-.When, Britsytw seduced by the lure of Jtventic and the ambition of unlimited sway, developed principles inimictd to the rights of the colonies, they at once resist- eo. -, i be preummary steps of petition and remonstrance, were the suggestioniof hu manity and : lorbcar'aiice ot the prayer of humble submission, nor "the wavering f irresolution. " If repulsed in pacific o- verture,-r-': .'' '-- 'i.V'-?- Ohlgh detirmined ))irti roughly bravef tnffv , enterea.ttie list jyiuwut regret, and :.Tli collision. which did ensue, provok ed y.the contemptuous, menaces of Eng- f.uiu, aoon mnamerr tne puouc mina t ana the prejudices in favor of royalty',- and he fement of primary partialitiev were dis solved by the rational maxims of a' repub lican government, and the pride of nation al v i . u sovereigiitj. congress acciarea, tnat u these united colonies are, and of right ougnt to De, tree and indept-nIt states. Tins day, theft, 'Fellow'-Citir .s,isthean-r juversary of that epoch. .the full en joyment of the. transce .rights whkh were ransomed ,by, that pold and danger ous anneal, our rlulutiufpn thia day, is combined with an aful veneration for the fathers of our republic, who seized the op porturiiry to infuse g love of libertjand to' iound an independent oUt - Dependent colonies, on th's day we assumed auiong the nations of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle us. The birth, day of a nation, and the morning of liber ty, arc hailed with enthiaiam -Ve came prepared at tne anar ot our country, to sa crifice every selfish affection, every itttlivU dual desire, t5 promote her interest and glory Oof. feelings participate in the matt- i i i I a r .' ' rammous. resoirci.wnicn ciancc ne rupee t a tyrant, when u ttered by hi influence tnd in the romantic spirit. of chivalry, we proclaim ourselves the champions of ihe dtpendept and oppressed. -1 he pr'mciplej promulgated by the dccl.ttatiotr , inde pendence, u that government derive tlieif. juiii powers irom wtc consent oi we govern- A 'iMTf A a V Sk alWtlHlIMB) f VCaW SHtU. uf , a u.ivta tM, pi -vut.v v v lfkkr- bean uTsutnuojisi-. ArocrKi presenwlhe novelty of a pvoplc giving thcr ftsntnt, not by implkation, imt aexprtas tefpis, to the combaat ol society, r.nl, hy written cotnti- tutions, estublijliin jKJWtrs, to which lcjis ljtion shotdd He auiordinaic-l'he genius of liberty aod nntj'iCSl b)Jependence,quii:- ened bi.raaa pcrcertion, aid in exploring i the' untried Trgions ctf Btlf-government, ' 27 $r ancient teaf.wnf it the entigktened hi: H Of anutru frttdsm wrmrdf" t ' . ,j tve profited by the wisdom and experience of republics, now crushed beneadf die de cay of public virtue and the wreck of htt man esullihmentay 1 ArnQaed by acriais, vhkh would soon disipate the sanguine aiuiclnaticn of the republican, or crown his t-fiurts with success, a ration Mthang tl its ,,arr.Uf.trru4 tUavoC4lions ' for the danger aud ftlory of a camp The ardor and ur.datmti;d rof.rogc of a people were marshalled ajVm-U the veteran I'ior of iruam -nut to tny rnutit,1 immoniu ilkd t .". i i t ri i , t r t in war, i ! ( '. " . , r l.!.. - I tnen," his id protecting spirit, itpentted i t wander-, this day, hovers oVr otir favors j ed land. -; Britain," cdnvinced th4t vtlje ft- sources, and spirit of a people embarked ' in the cauVe-of freedocould tievet ;be ei" hausted or subdued, acknowledged' pur ipdependence;.'1 t)ur retjublican gdvern-" mertS had been framed immediately sub sequent W the renunciation of British sb f reffiaejy and Wtre la opcrntioh during our contest. The settlernent of our iiew poli tical principles Vaa not deferred until the tecogniqon of independence t exertion was animated by present advantage, and 'alfcer tain knowledge of the prize of contention. The conclusion, of the war found its pre--pared forth experiment of our new con- sUtuyops, r: -' y. vy. ?. Arrived ats ferio ' retrospective "glance lo' the principles, which served ?i the fiuridation ' of bur republican institution :s; imd to cha- l r?cwrw"rr,r-riUlwass hich ruUd thrif un&li VVwhTnaton t encrirlea. are we, under Providence,' dotted Va Uie harry tficlusio cf kug W - .-.,, i . t ireemen, who glory , la" thp wisclQiri and yirtu of that eventful period. The great wiaRaipg pruicipiesr r, 4 nai, au men are by aature, equal,'' That gbvemments de rive their just powers from the consent of LtM governed,': .were. ingrafted on the Se vern state constitutions, and display the" eetjtimcnts of ,meni "t unfettered by prefu uw, wio uuiy impressed witn uie Tignts an4 dignity of human nature. Equality in bur Hepublic. means,-u That n& man or aetojf men, areentided to exclusive privi lrg:s, andthat among all the" members of the; community,, there exist equal liberty anil an equality of civil rights," ' Expe'ri epce, before and since our revolution, has taught, that b change! of government, tlie greatest circumspection is necessary, jest ie mind, urged by a riovel and too great an' impetus, be plunged Into error. The .latitude of expression, that " all men are "iuav although, its evident import is re stricted to an eaualitv of ritrhts. as mem bers of society, may be construed as pro scribing the distinctions of talent, honesty anu muustry. 1 nc iramers 01 tne decla ration of indepchdence could never, have contemplated ad absurd a conclusion a conclusion which their pre-eminent worth contradjeted: yet as flattery' will always be a means to gain ropularity, this unqua lified expression," that all men are equaL may be wielded vlth effect by the ambi tious,' but ignorant,; 6t licentious dema-, goguev There cannot be .a more danger ous extravagance,' than an unqualified doc- trinii tK i , U oil mjtn iiw . i nP'. a fUtnu.' that annuls the great incentive to honesty and Improvement t "that subverts the pal pable distinctions of nature, end contra- dictl the very reason of aa elective gov ernment, which pre-suppoc$ sopertour worth.,' Discarding (he adventitious-eir-tumstant es of birth and fortve, it is the pride of apopuhr'. government t6 distm- gujwi mnnnic menu to icvei ajstmc tions, is to" subserve the purposes of the worst of the' community to flatter igfin- rance, and to embolden y ice. The prin ciplef that govtrOmeDts deei e th,t if just powers from the tbnscnt oie joverried, operatea m tne inrmatton ot our new con stiunions ) ana poae constitutions liave estahlislicd the rcpreVntitive' fysteiri, "as the expressidri, in futdre, of the' consent. 61 the governed If the practice 'of appro v mcnt by rxfpnlar meetings,' is Supposed to be sanctioned by' this principle, jtia ctr ta'nly ao erroncouv deduction, and the con sent of the KOTcmcd is neither required. 4Cr criiglit to be encouraged ratny other cKiuiHl than through the ttprcenuuvta i be consutntton ou;;ht to be considered as paramount to tlie people, until by diem dis-, solvednd they again recur to fim princiult s Iii aciunipii.sinng uur rcxuiuinjn, mc previous habits of the colonist 'prevented excesV The political freedom, bat more especially the free system of Engli.h lawn, prior to thc 'dr;racmbcr'nient of die British empire, had prepared the mind for rational liberty. Ine tlnponiuom ot the people were moral, and they considered the tm!y suie advance to the Temple' of Liberty, must be made by adirring scrupulously to thoae irim ink$ which eonstitufe' a good man Wkh such sent'rr. ems, the means were never conidcrtd a bcinjr juitifird by the end anil in tiitif devouyn to e riiihts tf marl, thgr teveT wandered inu trre extravpgarKe vjf human perlecubiUty but Were as vdiQiiS tt rr'.mut InU?U3 t ' 1 ' V -' '" ' ' hess,as to procure liberty-.-. They did not ; awaketfrom the dungtoiw of the bastile, tdv '.t the splendor of a meridian sun; 'neither in tV paroxisms ot i"y, nrf in the 'Wild ' m ;s oi ' lil'i r.:. 1 1 aj, tUtTdiscuhriJ L" ment, . did they ir I U.lsb salutary -re '"'' strairits, whichi while they inhibit excels, :. Reserve the due limits bf indulgence-w tj The finished constitution of my-country gpeat ,the strongesi language of encomium, to .the worth of that day r and an 'improv-", f ed syfetent of government, efiected by the ' most ftonorable means", has dignified traf r;:e'teaiper with which a revolution ' is .coidutfed,. jcbmm comparisbn of our' success, Iwith tlij reyo ' ; lutioh of aiiother "c6tryipifcves the assew , tion, and inculcates in an impressive man i ftery : .that .. moderation'' iaild .the virtues of a Eebple,, can alone "procute j)r preserve th4 - ' . lessings of fitedbnii. $ '' "?"f ?;- & ' ' !" France in agonmrig ilruggles,cnvCdsecl j the world," and under the specious termj M liberty and equality, prt-ixated real li , berty Imd. levelled human nature Her fe ' '. volutionary spasms geminated in the des ' ; poiUtn and all destrdctive ambition of one man;;" When We bffet to public view thf '' catastrophe "which sureeeded the brilltabt '7''i.x? i',t"3 : . wiui tnaieeUn.. 01 rter ijRtt i , . . can citlzensi On this day of diffusive aWT norjencc so tyranny ana usurpation, we ap , plaud the gallant efforts of a nation; to iU' vert the' iron yoke tot foreign servitudeilv unu niivsc ucsutiy IS Jtcniciiuug W1UI ucr blood.: In times f tinusual deV'otion to -country and of great jubllc virtue," the or tlicary checks td human passion are urine- cessary and many, who from the very " pci4 f; pular complexion of oiir1 government,, pre ; dieted unfavorably of their dilratiOn,' anx- luuaiy contemplates, a penou, wnen tne; common danger was removed, and thti great incentive to . glory lessened. Jt re mained to be proved how far our -new prufr clples wete practica' and calculate'd for less v " etergetic timesi' than a war of liberty aiid iuucpcnu;ntc,v x ciiuw, 1 111 tens, we tnis day meet, witn"our republrcan institutiona aniinpaired,'and although the harmony of;. our foreign intercourse is mtetTuntecL we .1 nay yet expect an auspicious return to the "v '""' interchange of mutual ben fits1. Should oui appeal to tlie instice of tht beHigei-etrts bcV disregarded, the spirit and public virtue t( , ' ' ' my countrymen will not alumber. in 'dis- . . f graeeful apathy, iinder ihjuries and indigi - " nitiea.-V.'v'"- : ' ' ' -T- rcuow -wiuzens; tne vigilance oi a tree ; people should eVer.be directed 16 discovef V and arrest, whatever tends V the change ; . ; of our happy situation , On this day, iu . cred to liberty, permit rne to introduce td ! your consideration,' opinions which' rnaj', , , nave arisen from - misconception of first ..';"' principles and whose tendency,' impcrcep. '. - , tible perbaps as yet, would sap 6Mr repuhi lican institutions permit tne' to direcg- ' - your httcntion to 'subjects connected with - the political prosperity of our country -ti 7 The service of the republic (the most' n6" porabte . call) should enlist and js entideii . ,'v ' to, th first talents; j If we see a nation in-- different tc the qualifications of public. cha ' ' I v' ractertt, by not making die pfoper distincti 1 -. 'A . t . Jl t- I ... j 9 . . . . Diis,octwcen uie cnugntenea anu luitcratc ,v- tne hprfest It dishonest, it proceeds from iga . -porancc, of an tmpardorlable ind i ffercriotf , 16 the ptkllic,' wCali If truth im'pola ''me to) obsen'e, that honesty , and taletita are not . ' always esteemed Inui.vpcrrsible' In' tl.Ass wno aspire to-poiuicai pieiermcnt a rea gard for the ConHtifations of nfy native lanl C v requires me to declare,' that if it proci t ds S front an idea, that all men are rqu;t!!v fit for; ; ' ' the public service, it is toullt unfGurtded , in any equality among men lor etner em,- . , , ploymenu, and replete vtith "mischief 'Vj "" "" the jieonlc; Ihc rc is not a science of roe Chanical ottupatlon but urucn requires ita' ,. peculiar talent there is not aft individu."i - - so infatuated as to be itvlUTcrcnt to the ca Ecity-f or honesty of those, in wlicim the ist skill is'etpectcJ, tlie smallest LniM re- ; rased ' trar?e would it be, if cten nixn , ad eau:d ability, only, for the ad-nintraa tinn oi tjovtrninint, equal liorK-ny,' tnW when trusted with the lives, liberty ami prosperity of his fellow-citizens, uti ho ' hones:, is he fapable, is hr faitlifat t'-,ih'. ' : COnjutuuon.,,',ifjnswerfdinth(atr,rrnaiif, , to each, glvci'a claim upmi soriflr, rtt ta be frittered away iry party feeling, or t We. tionecliflgadclrrss. Tts-nfiranre iVtnvana- , Lly the parent of crirf," and if noted v?h Indifference to the publii welfare, UlKity" ' " become let!argica , '''"''". U n . That th Tcoplc bayc a rirt fx. m Lie together, toniwU fr tlieir conu.Hm 1 ' good, and Instruct xl.elr reprtsntatiVfs If . conatituri6nal declaration f It i e. iistit never toLcrrT &'7 btrzcrel-. ' tS- f . "