r i . ioru cover it, ana as it appears by Advices front Oporto 4s Ute At the 10th ef May, the V. 'French tpproached hit advanced guard sod . roT jq . tn, piquets. ".Tba moremdni hM drawn Lord Wellington' from Vieett, whef irith 52,000 British and U.OOO Portugueses took th directio of AlmeidA '') Tbd French Army it commanded Ibf , IJey And with the fared under' Junot, which has probably join ' ed him, is said to amount to 50,0)30 men . , Utner,o'iv.aidn are, however;' joining hittti ' ; land the probability of Is batUe will be deter' " ' mined by the respective brbbortion of forte.1 If the two armies approach near in point of Hvimbers, we apprehend that the French will prove hy in point f .fighting,; They will probably linger until tkeyare joined by pow. erfui reinforceraeiftts and addto their chan e's of success by the T superiority of nu mbers. A . THamall kurt txt ta'h.i.ni. ... l Jert in the different provinces with various ' - t , success. ' Roman , has repulsed, an Attack, , upon Badajosy and O'Donne) shows that he onlf wants a more powerful and , efficient ,, , ' force to do real sennet to bis country. 3 , ... . J ' Summar? 0 wt..Tlg exchange of p?i- l - toners between tbis country and France hss L " trady commenced en p extensive scale. ; , " Four car tela sailed from Plymouth on Tues. - - dafj the t5th, for , Morlaix, with near 8Q0 . , French brisdnert on board, many '"-of whom L? , ' had been several years Confined in this caun- frf. ' These will be followed by many othefl; - as rast as the cartels return with out prison-. I At in exchange; -M';; i x '' ' - A Gerrnan paper1 atatesnnder date from Sernlin, the 18th ult.ihst the campaign be tween; iheTurk 'intf Russians had been' opened by some, skirmishing, and 1 hat the Army of each power was estimated at - one . The disturbances in the Tyrol. mentioned A ouf late number, hadjlheir origin In the "T among those biavs people- r - '.. k 1 ' The reduction of the paniij. island of Bbro--'rialm in the Baltic, it if understood,' was the first object of the feet under Sir J. Sauraarti, na worn tne state v eeience is sup ftosed by this time so have fallen as easy cori quest u-- ", " ;s : ;, 1 5, . if UiUjnal f'fitie'tfvlt the' lpafi,:J4 ratin recollectioo fun it toa flame ; 8. The Senatorial and Representative Dig nity of the Union-sMay it in futuir bemark edbr shorter and more, important sessions than the hte-M?kh,'!, -v'rC--i'''''V ,12. South-America, resuscitating 1 frdni bondage May J-lberty waft ;her sacred han ner o'er their ciinrcs, and Indepepdcnce trown their glorious efforts.-: 4 " ' t AtrtteviUe; uW 6, 1 V6. Ott Wednesday .last,' Ihe th nst. the in habitants ot Fayette vitU Veleb'ratedjthV ali nivefjarylof American Independence in s manner most congenial to their ' Individual feelibge.-AU the soldiery of the" town, (ex hlbUmg a, brilliant appearartCe) the magis trateay the trustees; princtpaf tutors and stu dents of 'the Acadcm,!and: k considerable number f, the citizens pf'ihetowa'eiid tti A; Mi fwnfthe iourthdu4e" td the state hquseiwhero the; Dedaratiott of tadepcni deuce ras reid by D?. Robinson and an tifant. arid jatinroErJate Urattihr - was .fln livered by John Ar Cameron Esq; Af- ter which'tbey reared. to .the Masw' Hall, and partook, together with a number of citji en ancl stranger,s, of an ele gafat dinner provided for the occasion, where John Wins low presided a President,; and JohnMacf Mlllan as Vice-president, and spent the even ing in the utmost harmony and good hamor. t Tf he following toasts, amoneDthers were , . 3. The legislative, Exeutiv! and Judi cial Powers :, Mav thev ever be exercised to the advancement of individual and public 1 6.5 National UhMiimltyMaf W lutUfml 1 demoft of -discord be bhnishedjOurJUnitJtoi. i the haroft jrf " 'wr'bo b, all othc 1 oxsnncuons. :,:-., 1 '- Bacon1b-9 j Beef bbl," none f CorOjU am. i-.t.. iw 1 1 a. , trimir. hKir fi a 6 5 flaxMedt Mof j-Boards Ti 1-4 Inch )00C a 8 a Santlingii timberCsciuare.pjneK : Shingles, 3a S 25 tsves, (w. 0. hhd.) Red Qak do 8 1 Whlu fliak bbL U a I J l Tai 2 1 TurpenUne S U Pitch 3 40 1. Rice i 63 lSaly iQ a 60 1 .Tobacco, jcplb SQ .fr , r.-i -FoitAtE' o.OOO Wshelr Turk's Island Salt. ' , PuncbeoasW. kRum, Sd 3d trtdeth proof. .3 Zi , f a:; :H 1 . ' " - Payment will be reived in certain quao lties of jrood long leaf Tobacco, Tierces first quality Rice, from ii.to 20,000 WhU( Oa Hhd, Staves and in, Notes payable at, the Bank bl Cape-Fear 11,60,, 90: and J20 day with approved indorsers. Applf t T '. . . t ; . G. HUTCHINSON k CO ; July if, lsio. " " J: : ; N. B: Ail persobs indebted to the said nftft ere requested to make immediate payment, those te hom they are indebted ire desi fed t.,0 present their accounts pi or before th ist of Augdsu -.; T C Ih k CO. ' Jamaica K11W, yVf, Of high 4th pr6oftrtJIawti f ! Mar he h"ad on accommodating terms, froro. 1 CQRKibf Sale;, ' FOR which .notes Of 60 and, 0 dayi; py able at ah)t, will be taken . i tts-nv'Ui-tof tale br N. D. Medicine Chest of any site put tip l Tl Peace to the denarteL tealtn and bros. tl fotheiUing, of the hewes and sagcy I "--."" ' , , ' " J0Y fought oar battle or filled our coOncib I LIST OF LETTERS, -s day6f danWr and difncuUV."';- .-i i tiMvnrih (hi WUmntnP9t0ffititJu ilDilminBtdn. perity Who I inth1 ? 8nThe .American Peonlo j'Thev will not seek the battle, hor.shun it when it tomes. 9 Our infant Manufactures V-The 'mad policy of Europe y lit soon teach at the way. 10 permaneoi woepeiiaence Thqntt Archibtld-toh AUo A S . AJ1Cji4 Is AU' Cijrt. WillUBI Autti foaCbtlltt AUto SV Mr. laUr R. W, RtMra, t"3ma Bowd 0t - 7wedat:j ; , ''IVe-ire Authorised to antiovlncetaj. Vtt : It ah F. Staudwick, as chdidAte for the ,! v ' nice of Senator for this county, in the nexf .trenera Asidnbl'-, 'f ' t ? "(.V -; U4,- -. 1 v''. ; 'iutiJituu- July'il 8 icrl " Thit morning was saluted by discharge of ,- ihirteenmn6nfrottiFortJohnstom Atone O'clock, the eSVoert of tbe grriaon, and tun , firy citisens and visiunu, repaired to the ' otcl pf Mr. Samuel PoUerj and partook of A repast prepared for- the occasion during " - which, tb ; following -Toasts Vera drank, : ach atcomparded ;by discharge of cannon '''.'.tod appropriate cheer.' o '-"' " " . .v I. The lb of July, 177,' Anithis iith An ditersart. i '- ; . "I "' ' ' - '-' 7 -'-; 2. George Washington, ; And the Other .wrorthiciof the Alnttkiul Revolution ernsd glory to those whose "spirits rest irt ' , Ucaven , feneration for the few that remain. V '3.Tb Wisdom and the Principle that ' '..'- directed the Congrek of' 1776. '' ". , : 4. lame Madison president of the Unit .,'y. dSfatea.-'-"; -- ' ,'V'j' V , . Ceo. George Clinton, Vice-President - tf the United Butes. , - - : 6. ,The Federal Departments of Statci Fi ance, War and Navy-the posts of naUohal , wisdom and ttreneth ; ' ' ' ? : . ' . 7. Th JudkUrT Af the United Sutes. ' lulficicatljf Independent M. preserve impar , .'"tiidity. .. ' ', -' ,' .i-; 'i.'i ,NorthCrolinA41mportant And er ' ' iriceabl among her sister state. ' . V . ' ' v ,f. Agriculture, Commerce and MaritftuU ufe-industry'nI time will hcw Uieir . -truenlue.- - ', ' '''' '" ';' " v: 10, The Liberty of the Press May it nc. mr descend to licentiousness;- If '" ' ' Hi fewer and Will to resent KatloAil ilanilt' " ' ''" -.('','v V f ., 11 Speedy War, of honorable Peace. t3. Uwon-.lh only means by which the 'lndependeaee of the IJnited Sutc can be - perpetwited-f -.-"' ---; .., . ' . 14. General Armstrong '. ' ' ; 15. 0r Minister At St- Petersburg tad t$U James' Mr. Adams and Mr.Pinkuey, ! . The Town of Smlthville M jy it in cieiteln its population end prosperity, I . ' . ".'..: J 6.. The American Faif Solace in adrcrV eliy-idcliUt b prosperity. , t I5.fc0ur Ministers abroad May they ob I Beopwiia M,. Br4iry.Mr. Jof.s kA tAinr,thecJaerth? tercourse with all the world, honorable, use r..i .w.i .- ' -s--: The Ith thst. being the anniversary of owf glorious Indr pendente, a numerous and ret specuble company of the Fedtnd Republican inhabitants of this low' partook of An elegant chteftalbment prepaitd by' Mr. Corneliu' Weel. 7Johii Green,'. Esq. wa called to" the chair -as President, and Daniel Carthyi Eq. Vice-President, "Among others, the following toasts mere drank, each toast be ing complimented by a discharge of cannon, t l-The Day we cerebrate May the snirit of Americans in repelling invasions of their ihdependenee, always be found equal to that Which established it , 't.t X? -V-'i'. 2. The memory of Washington t' . ---v ; He put to much of his heart into his act, ' That his example had a magnet' force, ''. And all wero swift to follow, whom all loved. -- 4, The People ef the United State r May they enjo a peaae, the elTspring of bravery, and not of pusillanimity and submisstoru yf : 9. The Congre'ss of the United SuUs u,They never before exhibited such igno rance, such inability; auch inadequacy to the discharge of the great interests with which Ve.I laa" tney Are tntrusca. a urer. ., ' I I.'The Navy of tie United StateswOa the ' manly system of Washington 1 aid. Adams, not the Cunboator Torpedo system of Jefferson and Madison j " r ta The Army ef the United StsUs A lasting monument of th folly of the Loulsi ana purchase, and of! the readines with which it may fall a sacrifice to incapacity or a want of fidelity and humanity, in the com mander in chief -.: . . ,.P '-, 1 -.. ': '. eMr Bir4rM.JtBfe;i'AMAo Bof4tMiSM Wl.ma BlaV'Wortb Jaaa A4nk t JflM AiytBif Mr. SniMDlb B. I4i. Jajt BrawlowUrf . Ma. fy i watihDoil Btiluu. ' a ' ' ' CCjp, Atnttuai CftsoOiMe CHatMiM-Kiiii UwMk Coim Jafcab C'aaiAti QfU BpAraias Corair.WUlida Cmpb,ll-rbOM KQ,fltj, rrogitl CotptbilHj tbit A. CawaTUoal (.lay touSieptwii lttaObtf VT, Cox Ciit. J. Caa. , I).Uf D. I. kto.ief PamarQto, Ouaua Tb mi DnaacMr. Oowataf tpknia Dn ectt Aaa DadkyAM J. DamOi-Xehm Oaooea Jafah tyiAalD)'tt7, .,. . .' '.' : ," 4 Brei4 EHl-Cat Ipbjtim tllii.' A 1 . r Heary li laeJ.aKi loy UjUf foafttaaa Jobs Prctbotitt' . C Miilbtfi Ctr3,i Ornr AaWi OibW TVmbm A. Ormr-M . HnuV ' a Mra CawioiulSutai Mr. LUaor Giw-Hi. Abiahtm 1 H.U.. Jimat si. UaaihM TkonU Hewtie, Haery tim4Urr joal t. Uok A, Hall Muaoa KtUiaa-NMbaaUl Hnwtr.Mffia. bUa,4 Atwwm-a4tWIli HallJub HwiiU, t't Caaiiie Joha Hr, S-jota tfaataf-aataai Tbaatat tljatnJota r. Mmlica cat AartlaH Ha ajwWta. Hcar Cpia jUuk Uawwaa . . J.aa HitoWi" Cot ui Ha. T ' .' - ;'a ty-Ac. AUbrtuUa'ilaaM sjbflb Uutt tiaaln Ki.Mu AnJiBia J cob JoU Jaaii' Itw'4 joaaaN. j.ua . .. Ai i- , i . K.CiaiB Gaait tubs, tJuna K'uf Jofrsb S.UoI--a I Bctlt, cars M ii. JUMy t tBt. S'i Kuy, i a.ui oi tta Joha anaar. 1,, KKaa'C fcnl Etrkiai La,- ka- LitcA. fit 14 Moaflrw V, l.bf.xAaibay Ltaib bin. Lifcvlaiat, S-Capu Williaa Lapbaa Jum A, U. aaue 0 V. UliaCtUit Laibl AiaaJa it-W. A Mcit-Mf ' IM McL4.IaUk Maata,auMcaa iatnioataS.. AlWa t4cL i" i i ' t 1; L I- i ki i t 4 I'., . The Cltltxn of S-mpsoA county met at the Court-house on the h of July, for the - purpose ef celebrating that memorable day t ' when Gabritl Holmes, Esq. was chosen Pre 'ident. And Major Japy Matthews, .Vice President Aftct paruklng of so elrgant .'dinner t Mr. BuntJngloUl.amorigiitherJ, the following Toasts wer drank t v . The Anniversary Day of Columbla'aE'. tnancipstion, when Liwrty burst the thacllet of Tyranny, end Heg1 Opprcis'ton thrtujA. appalled. ' ; V m ' ' . $, Central Atmstrortjr, our Minister stthe Court ef t.tJloud's HW letter to Cham tmrny of te'fSth of March last, does honor lo himself sna te hit cecotry Wuld that U ' had an torttcr date. . ... . T. Vublle fiririti Tumh"nng beneath a , Wd cf Imelccje esd repe'duu of lijuryw ( '-: " WJnttKOTO, June 89., ' On fuetday last, Theodore Count Pshlen, Min'ster Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraor dinary to the U. S. from hit majesty th Em peror of all the'.RQtsUs, w .s p'resenttd b , the President of the United State,' to whom i he delivered his leUers of credence.' , ' L.Couni Pahleh is acc9mpan,ied by Mr, Pol' ; ticati counsellernf legation, Mr. Ivanofa secretary of legation, and Count IS'Uhoia , Fablcu attached to the legati'm. ' ; , ;. : ; A London paper of May 19. his been fe ceived ia iloston. .Th Princes Amelia lay At the point of death on the 1 8th of May, and the King wat then if good health, having occasionally watched wiUi his daughter. . , ..One hundred and twenty nine ships saHd from Newaatle only, for the firttUh Jorth American colonies, for timber, in the course ef one months '' ' ' ' ' "J ' V. S, C. ' adame Sucl 4oa Holbein (author is ef Cbinna)inUiMl, it is said, to bid final die Ia Europe, And 16 reside in future It New York. Mr. William Schltgel will accompw ny htr thlthtrr, - r r . " " ;' PO.t OF WILMlKGTlf. ' .' Mraia tor, Rnfy, MtiTttatary,U Cet ,k, iorUv-7a Si Htt , Si. aaiia, ,( ,. ; CttitlA ; -, Baft, Mat Bay Atbct:, BVto4,tUy ITlia,CbkK h . te tirniimtrol in ajiaiMi. la k.mna,.. thirly with Pine, And has a totality of lighU Those irhd feliv Vlah th btirrittk o.H judge the value of suid land by looking; at Ika ASH kat .a Hm a ' C a".. Ji u vt v um uvw vu ci - av ur luripcr vir i tlcular apply te . . , , ,R. GIBBS v July. if. , ' . Mf..-;. - -, i 1 i, - - , , ' Carp W. lf.fr..r UifiAaa Moara-aijobaMcAl. HAicbud NiaaaUaia Mb.4fit W. 1 ifhat I'au-Alltft4ar rua-biaafla Pi- tiral r"-Ja rallaU AawuS ruiOW aia fti, vTko MkIkII luba riUTIiU B rtnr!' NfTifa. , ; ' Ml AaWJo-Moa6a f. K Robalo. lath. aa C lba4 aData AabtUn-rnaea Aafl'CT wJaba At";.ba ft JtaebraanAtiWaial W. Au(t N flakiaia nokkias. . ' - , SoMf ItM bkj lkoat,, fokaa, A k--Toh coo, ia-al (wuia, tU UUftM M. Sniib s tba C. ValV Aof, saalth, UHtt tfiUn-Jw, aaiea i I f.K Wa. Shraawa Sitt, Hup. rat fcaaly Mi Joba Seiiib Aaan, B Imacl ItikM, sMrS. Starr BtaiaiaaW. LSnadaritk. a TfVairt kaa'Cfata Ji lf(pBTS.A. C tl- joka a.5,aotlr SMbary Wb, Iu,imc. . Tilcvtaf'-iuat s Teb7Wai Tamu-Mtthaaial Vr btaaSm . iattt talbno uwala WUIU ao.U Wataataa,4 Wars, jaar btj tab Viltar Willi, Wiak-aai. HJKt WakkW. V. Wiltoa, aA(i Wta, Ja Can W.b S..U W,rViaM.i. I. WiUkUM-MtS. Taaa Wii. Aj CrJka Wiaa Wial. . ttmacpk. W'rUlt, WMian, tUaU Waa4l i' WiOita) Wi knJaka W)Wr-.Wi.r8a, (,.,) t lira, jua Willu Wwf Wil:oa, Joha WAWilkaw - Y. MiCi ToajirwHaary TMn July 17. V A tine Otrcnbi?. THE Subscriber oBcr for ttle tt ettTtoN' , dinary low prices and vert easy payment . all hi stock ia trade, consisting ( a variety ef - ' 'DootSt'Shois IS Groceries..;- to make tb purchase still more'dtsifstla he Jill also rent out his shop which is tt ft" good stand and conveniently fitttd bp, at t : A reduced A price, As tnuitmtke It a pro 6 table buiincsa to Whoever tnat ba diirtoitd ta rha ter Into that line, . . . N-J " Iiita 10. , Ift-aftTA Ifrtt-!) .'; . W w aj var Va ttVll ATA IW :' A HoticereueU and hint, v V1 . ' JomtJA HowstA pray Ike attention of .' ' : I those w'lth whom he may 'be connected hi bmineis, either In therelatiob cf debtor lor creditor, to tb jVi(.rr which he tost give' b bl Intention lo Jcsve thlslace la aftw diyt He Will be erual!y ready to reeelva the Account '.which he etc a we3 A payment for those which 'he has Igsimt oth crs. Hemskei to urgent rVjiUil lhat (hit Ctll may not b disregarded. '-' A fft te he taade a similar one, to which to hill atten, tlonhas brtn paid, that h btgs kit rotf,' tdadd i iPt, that farther tupifreneit oej Ibepartel his-dabtors -wilt Vender nectt sry thi ppllcition cf a Itgal tilsnulsnu ; July 10. 1 !: '. .". 5 . t JAIL BUILDING. i SubcriJars, "Authoriied j ;'.-.v;v to m:i; r, " ' A4 pollution rttte tmmtdiatilt ., " ' The Dwelling part of the hoot latefy ec cupUd by U. Dsns. Far particular! tnqoir ef ' . . .. ' v' J.NEATE ' Joatlt. " ' tf. - roR HlllE, VVt thi Jim fjHMO wtt !';-,' ' AKtgre Woman, who is a gocd'W'el Kuris 1 and is !ie ctpabl efdoingth du titsol a Coak, ef other hou:: scrtint, Ap pf; te Ct yristcr j it. a"I1E Subkcnhtrt, Authoriied f et tf AtscmUf, to hsv erected Acw goal i the town h( Elir.beth -will attend at said place on the Cnt Tuetday of Atifitt or it (being the second day of tUdcn County Court,) ta ' Order toreteive proposals from ptrvofit In , .1: I . I '-J v 1 1.. fc" 1 "pretending la detail ttcry imtititing parti , " . U J ! cularwIl bs at the time time cibibittd ar Good wo'rkmea cf undoubted rtrpvMliCty i . - ' ar reouested te tteid. Th Coranntwon h ers coAumptate the enclosure of tuck a boil dmg, a trill be nd proper, In any rttf;t I for a prison, hence" the J- b will be itrporisnt lathoewho with mpymnt In this wtya The old Goal will U cfi",red for sals on the ! T0tAltlewir,s .' J isste wieT, J , v i t Joa Etlis, emfrUi'lh . : ' " Tho4s Rmita, V . "s . 'V rT : .C w,iLiifT, ' , - '. .na.sn County, B'.b July, H;v , , .N ' ,

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