A . ' , " I ' J, " - V -1: O : t : - - A. i - - . ! ? -f it.;, 'ic. .r " v should they ca to war with Spaitu1 Tlu ' -'; General wrote to, the President (and the' 1 t, rresiuenc -incautiously sunercu wis u gu, V to"congress in 'the mass1 of cotifidential dc . " , cuments; M 4 ralleyrand wad instantane: V vous, prompt7, tiftequivocal, in his reply. If . 0U' GO' f 6 AIf "VTITH ;'&Aii FRANCE i C A'i&Mf HEROCBT M0 'HEsif ate !. f ' 8t HOST, TAKE PART, WitH 6?rN il l T: ? i ThvM eirlv " Was the criminal tnSuiZ- who ? then pretended to administer the Executive department of the.Governrtie'nC of the U ,- - V. T T ww- . V i - v -v "! tion of the Enrfpe'ror Napoleon to cdntroid - ' IkllLlUldl (LLICllfc Ul LUG- 1 11 lit JVlUtU U.VI uuit : v ; .. 1 V . MIC Willi UCIi, CM UlC WUllCU. " u v- V v soon abundariUy jiroVe,":did he submit to . inch controul.' These facts, infinitely m6-, v ! inentous? beyond anjf thitig injfour recent ; i - history, have1)een concealed from the good rr people of the; Uoitcd States fruiu 180 W 1810. - The confidential rrtesrage -bo ofti?n. Wu ''4"s'ded toctbe! confidential documents which 7 ? Rccompariicd iwthe' attempt 6? Jfii Jef v (erson to make VMrv,' Randolph; as chair? .' ; fclessage wa referred (the independent and ?: honest MArioji being thettthe maii who pa- r " DICU IWH1IH1UCT81 U1Q (UW VI SAi myiV IL ' ' to appropriate ' Twa Millions of IJollafs, wrth a view ? to- stajperced thJ' fatttettrtS -Vhich If seemed mu naturaBy .oat j of the; message j js tt contairied not a hint "' about money, and did contain many hints A,bout war the! conversation oexween jei- I tenon and Rattdobh, ' involving the mdig- . n-mt refusal of the latter td act the disho-' norable part assigned hiro the substance; of conversations between the. same gentle- i on the same subject me sori oi ; cohiui - iciui'tn Mr. RWItvfU and Grri. Var liuu muvu -v " " i hum, as managers;of the House of Reprc- sentatives, ana iwnignts oi tne ac oiairs, hen it was ascertained that Mr.. Randolph , i Vould oppose the admhiistrationthe 'sub - tin ciises, & other maniuvfes of the rt pew '': lv; 4ers" with the result-.will be reviewed ' v in successioru v For the present with the V; le;ive of tho Public, we will uke a little tim to f AVB AKDrRsriECT. r-rrhe followinflris a copy of French Decree, noticed in London- papeiMAWr' : ; The last number ofihpBidlctln dei Lolx : :containr ah .Imperial Decree; 4ated 'at . Rambouillet, the 23d pf March l810--(ta ' ling hito consideration that the'Rovernment ' of the United Statea has by an act of the; 1st March 1809, ordered, I. Ihat fronj ; ... the 20th of May next ensuing, vessels arri ving in thSi- U States; under the French .UIU ..UJ..J C J i ther with their cargoes. II.'. That from the v i-i me pcriddj no merchandise nor produc 1 ' i t the s ii; er ntanufacVurrs of France or her eolcnit-a can be-imported into the, - Irti of the United tates, from any ,fb-' reign porA whatsoever, under" pain of sci tore, confiscation andnenaltA' of three times - til value of the goods. , llU lh.it it shall rin belal for American vessels to nro- ; C 'cd for any port in France, her colonies' or Ucpenaencie--lJtcree as follows i . '-. All vtsst ls sailing under the American i Batfj and owned in whole or in part liv any . cituca or 6Ubjcct of that powerf that reck oning irom tne wxu oi My, iov tout nay; have alreatly cntrtdt vt that shall auhscquently enter the ports of France, her colonics! or tlie territories occuDicd bv the Fr nrh armies, shall be seiz-d and sold, . tmi the produce ol the talc shall be tlrpmi ted in the Cause D Amortisation. From this provision are alone excepted such ves l ails as may be charged- with dispatches of commissions from the government of the ' United Sut.-a, and hive no lading or mcr -I It..- ... I I H . , ; Ultr c'apturt of Uippolitan Private?! -- Brig Vitoiy, Felt, S.Um, cobnut pro ducv o ol j b Ig O (ivmlvh Bslnnwre, do. di i s hr Outdoitk SbctTield, Outioa, cod 6-l se not l deckled upon. . ' Artitd and ttqvttUrtd olGoUipoli, -' Bnc B'ls y ai d aukey, Iibucomb, Sa ' Jem, somdxsrgo.4 - - . . i: V Under ttq jtnraliM o Chit Yethii."; BVif P rssrsnce, Toner Bi(on, 200 boles cotton, 10,000 p Ntnkecns, and colo nul produce, st-OHf d I sthr. Mominr Star. J, knu, Bcsion. todfih Two Friends. Lee, S verty, iilo yitrji Larlotn, Beverly, with ' C'fnil produce, captured by KeipolitsQ gun-boat and ld vesul nd ctrpff. Artii-d tf( N.ifUt', tint! th tkftt. Sck'r Amherst. .Bradford. Uuxbiiry, !ih ailkii brij Ruth It N.nry Gonion. Philidel pia and l.iton, rub coffte sch'r V ill'am, ' Turner. Dwsnn s)tr.and pepper rof , tone, pfartln, Boston, tobaeco, cotton, kc 'Mancvi llolman, Lynn,, codfitb I, brljt Nn ey Ann, Brawn, Boton and tsdit, totlfnh, , at; ths sbuTi csplurcd on entering lbs liar Sequester e W esrgoet itJlltig Ij Gmtrt auip Hercules, westSjalem cot 3$ 000 p. osnketns $ Trent, CvenW B iftnl colonial Droauce.' tssortcd iTpto'T Htslel, Stlero, 55,000 lb. peppeti H ,woJ Betne, Uardnett Ueverif, colonu)iu: assorted t Romp,; Ladder,", Salett la keens i Emilv. VVatermin. New-vk. co lonial prediiceiPhoervi-i---, 9:Wf D b.llst ; sch'r Kite, Thomson, BV?ore' colonial produce ; Syren , NewWrTpori codfish ' 'Peace, , Graver.T Ai. ttound. Warner,- Baliimore1, blonlaT pr6Jare Thooa,' Beerlyt xod" fl.hf-MirfJ CleVf lidr Biston, -bees wai? obe'cf Urania, Beck; N Yoik, colonisl produce; ' i Besides the cargoes of tke' followkg "res- e!s, vhich sailed oD giving bonds Wf tneir value., :( ;:j ': --! :'. .v.? . Skin AiEfu'tus, ilo0revBahiinore 55 W), lb. cocos, 5,000 coffee: brlc Sophia, Csrnan, do.; pnncipilljr coflee t tch'r 5.epnyfiw- phy, Tew York. 4aa Loflee TA fdlontng are under topture of frtnt ' . ' ' " matetrt - ' f- f ?-' Shtn Manraret. FairBela.' SatettiT bri(C roline, Dew, Boston sch'r Shadow, ilt delphia assoried c.reoes, comprisedfsold by the French consul vessels ejpecvd to sail w .; - r.-; i rem the Lend$n uaZeUe - f At, the. Court, at the i (ueenjk, Palae the 'u 2d of ' Mav , i81p--present, the ling'a . Uiuak ly4W,ulV"J.3lT IU VVUM His Mrfesfv is pleased, by and Wkh the advice of his Privy Corjnci to, order'and it W hereliy orflcred that all vesseM vliich nmm ii www w twwr prt, o ur undet the cdntrol of France or IV 'allies as uiui jonusn vessels may not irety trade thereat' and which are employedaf the YTniuc riMiciy, or ouier rianeryot any deecriphon, save as hereinafter eiepted, and are 'returning, ox .destined toreturri, eunerio uie pon irom wnence tne clear- ed.ortff any odjet the British flag may not freely trad, shall be captured and condemned, tpgetir wi h their stores and cargo,' as prizqto' the captors, , , v H-.'? , ih y-.-Wti ; But his .Majesty is pleased tacxeept from this order, vessqls employcdn con- i iv i r i ' . . .. ' ! i . vcymg r isn iresp ia maricei, sucivessels not being fitted or provided fof thcuring of fih. v-v XI 'r ivna ic is lurtner oracrea. mat ui ves sels subject to the provision of thL order as oiortsaiai. - wnicn snau cave saiea on their present. ypvige. previous ip njtjc ojf this order, or reasonaWe SinjtJEw their tAvp ypSfo. NrilTkOutlnyicstauoon 'ac4 count of any, thing contained in this order provided they sh'.ill not have contjirul on Ifleir h&hs'rv more" than tweMy Kmc "days (which are hcaby allowed to such vesNl after due 'wa'rriing: of this order rttiiwd at sea.' 'And the right hoivth4ord com- missioners of his iMdjesty's treasury, his Majesty's principal secretaries of sutc. tha lords commissioners, of .the. admialy( and th judge of the hicli court of adiiralt' I J ... . r .1 r , ar to tnkt the necessary- mtSBures hcrtin. to theni may icsnectively appertan. " i V'..FAWkENER. ' ; - ; Ntw-Yoat, MU ' ' LATEST? FROM CADIZ, H s We learn by the schr. Wejmoath, Capt llowland, in 30 days from TcurifTe that a few flays before her departure, twa Spaoish, and one English f, with a trantpoft ship having on bourd 800 French prisoners arriv ed at Sunt Crux from Cdii, winch, pUce they le ft about the I tt of June. Theysuted that the Marquis do la Romans, with K),ooQ troops were on their march in the rearof the Fr ach army toward Ctlla and that the io habiuuits of that pUce were in high ipiriu, and under no apprehensions of being obliged to surrender to the French. ,.-. , k e further learn, that the Seven Canary Islands were itnincdUtciy ta be placed undfcr' the Vice Royalty of the Uuka del Parque, who, with u number of troops, wore kourly expected at Santa Crux. vi : - : It is further added by our Informant, that' to much were the inhabitants Incensed U giu-istjlhe French prisoners at Purt. Qrstftl4 aim uia )per town, uuc.Uiey einboUiel and threatened to massacre all thev' could find and that two respectable French Inliab Jtants or the place had been put to death by "the populace. . About 1 00 of the regular troops came over from St. Crux and quelled - . pMitaoxtrvii, Jolt ij; Yesterday arrived brlir Senders. Ouall. irom cadis, which he lelt the 3lh May, and informs that the French are erecting boHe- rles and advancing their works st Matagor aa I out nau not opened them whan be tkcl. neither had there been any ' rcnomuiier or tallie on eiutcr Side for soma time previous to his Sailing, i UD the 17th and 33th efMnv. two; of the prison ships' ran ashore In ges of wind, bf. which t or tvo French priswiert were released, the boots of the Uritlthlmen , of war attempted to board them, while i llU inland take out the prisoners, but, the Frenchmen having Rot arms in their htids,r krpt them efT and killed II or I7bfthen glish fiom -wl.kh It supposed that theom : on the 35tn, naving or joO priaoncrs, tk ing the adranuge ef the gale, had roi on Aii ittiars.. xeia their arms, tut the Ci ties, and let her drift on shore the French men defended her. till they were au lanoeu. when the Brihaet her on are - .. rnt- Ouail inform!, that on the 3Pth oi May, the Spanish mountaineers, armed only with knives, daggers arid cutlasses poured down on the town of Chirus (about 1 6 mile front the Isle of Leon,T ei rrisoned by a bouy ! "We bf French, whom they routed ana cut to pieces, hardly paving, a man to ell their oiis- -Cant'O.Tieara hothlrt of the battle la Portugal, or the evacuation of Madridj aire ported yesurday via tihariestoni - ' i LONDON. V:'f Vj - - . . .... .......,n ... to Mr. VVhitebroad rose and said, that hav Ine read and considered certain papers laid before the House respecting the negociation which wasxarned'on between Mr. trskine and the American government, he was now peifectly prepared to state his opinion open them. 1 he. rieht hon. gentleman, nu ma- irstyV secretary -for foreign anairs, twr Cinninar ) had Publicly charged Mr. Er-kine with having departed widely from both let ter and pirtt of his in.tructiont. ir. .t aklne denied the fact : aod the question at issue In the face of Europe was, whether or not the right honorable gentleman had dew ated from the truth. He' far his, own part was persuaded no such imputation could be founded against the right hon. gentleman. BUt - ' ' ' -, . .- ' i " . . . i f Here -the Chancellor of the Exchequer rose and deprecated the progress of the load to afi irregular .debate, there being no floraoie ttenueman in a pceca: wnico mieai jMr, w nueoreaa aia not mean 10 orinK ior- wa(d any motion on the subject ; he wished to save the bouse, the troub e of a discussion, 1 be question wss at issue,! as bet ween ihc right hon. gentleman, Mr. Ersk'me and hn self.- What he wisbtd to say then was, that ail inai ; was .waniiu to lue viuuicanon oi Mr. Enkine. was the publication of thst let- ter now - before the World, and from an at tentive peni'-albf that letter, be thought the vindication compute i but that these inuructioni vttre not draw up mth the occur act they ought to have beat, nor with 'due attention to 4 ha which had then rteentlj patted in America Undemanding, however, that an intercourse waa now in neeocfatTon with' America, he did not with to urge any thing further on the aubiect. 1 : " . : Mr. canning ei press a bis surprize at the coutm purud by the honorable gentleman, and thqtfAVhrr-o? a tiftfiHa rontr a irnic ncnad aoDcircrf in anxious to bring forward. For his own part, ne oaq always courted tt, as the only way in Which he could shew to the World, that what he had done in his official character w"h re- fpect to Mr. Er-kme, would bear the strict at and most minute invettigs-ionc There was nothing for which he was mar tatfeul than that the investigation' of thw subject should be entered into in the futtett manner, !le hamrer sid any thing tending to tia duce the characiei of Mr. Erkine'. He had affirmed and re affirmed, that Mr. Lrskirir had eclti eontturj to hit instruction, not only t hi the tetter, but the tpirifef thtm : and be was ready to make it apper in argument, whenever the honorable gcotlrman, or any other, of Mr. Erkme't friends, should chute to bring It forward. Us thought the hon gentltrnan did Aot treat him fairly, when af ter he had stated, that if certain documents weie brought forwsrd, it would appi. Tm his (Mr. Canning's) conduct would be found faul y and repieheniWe i and now thoir e ry documents. were brought forward, the honorable gentleman descried bis ' forme ground, and he was left without an tpnor-'i .M....7 v. uikiiuiiik wiviuciicnaract(rirom the charge which had at different timet bate made egaiost him. . v : 6IR FRANCIS BURDETf.', ''t' ' From our filet of London papers to the 3 2d May, we have occasionally published seve ral articles relative te the truestlon Kk agitates the capital Of the Bridh empire ! We say ei.7o-i4bfrwa are assured, verbnl- jy an oy inetr newspupcrs, that the metro politan district only appears to side with Bur. dett-nd that but Partially. A MmleM.n. blinsclf a stickler fwc rcfurm. Informs us that he was in London when bir Francis Was ar rested that he afterwaids crossed the king, com t that the people out of Mkldlcwx were Uhifortnly against violence.. We published last week the pretest aigned by 80 Livery. Wo, against the Common Hal! fandBur. dctt.-.The - Mornhig Chronicle of May II, now befere us, contsios (including Uie above) upwardt of ItOQ signatures to that protest, U Lhcrtmen of Lvndon. Sir Jamel ,; Shaw asserted in the house of commons on the 8lh Mar. that I SOO lffnd t.. Alderman tombe reptied that the Livery. S9 oeU4 f at Ust 13,000. . ,Tha ria f;r open for addiuonat signatures so that at least a powerful minority of the cspiul 7 an,t """ltt "nd htissupporterlno where hi the ceuntry. Imleed those whom the miuiMtrUl nrrs term tkAim .i .u. less libellers in the cltv. ledge that they have overacled their mrt i h-j think with horror or the Fr.ncb revolu. Uon art ready to opnwe the yhdrnre whirh at such a period would overwhelm the Mm , ,v I'lwjrrn;, me lm.cpendBce of their country. .u ., uic property, the .n,l ik- - - . ' - ------- tv Take as an ifistanoej:the 'following :from" theLoftdOn Times of May 36, , an, opposiuon. papery which hesitates not to charge : the gsYerrt mentjsith CorrUDUortr Fe&Ge&ttter a We have never run into the extra vawmtti 1 of even palliating the recent disturbance and v . j intemperate conduct f those who are see k Ins for reformatioB,, with aomuch xeftfw gave it as our opinion, at the very com mencement oi xne agiwuon in qucsuoii, iua v it Wis" a thbtf most desirable to the perpctra1 tors of puhlitj wrohgs ; that it WouldXetid td r screen themi and - that TXueh.. evil - would a consequence result from' it r ahd every da eonvbeeauimore stronglyL bf tbe trdth of, v our prediction : in - fact it will be seen; that - many of the temperate iuid respectable part , " of the community keen aloof from both side of the question, from the resolutiohlsts 4nd 4- : V the counter 'resolutwntsvstreTn me tor - c -- i . ' ' . 1 'w" 't mer ; ott,. account, ot meir- v oience ana , . t from'4he iallfir. on account of 4he corrupt ' . J practices of government which 'thej are e vi ' . .:," deAtlv endeavoring t6matrit.w""f fe 4LordrfGf ehvlni and Grey stand "$p igamat'T the resolutlonistsi -The followmg. was deU."j ; vered in the House of Lords Mat TA:-K.- ' . r Lord Grenville' entirely coh'cufrfcd- wiwi f his deepregret that any person should havo ' " ' been so deluded as to attack the powew and f priviWget Of parliament, upon which deppn , . ded the very existence 'of the tonsufution, ' . y t andthe welfare and prosperity Jai the couna ; f try. To parliament the people were iAdebt . , ed for their , liberties, for their prosperity r and for aU Wie advantages.fliey had Mthe'ruj enjoyed. Take away the powera6f Parlia- 1 wintT -mini tt'tK.tinicu pcraopt wno tnw ' clamored against them would soon tine tlmt ' the liberty ,k prosperity" of the pe.opfe'would cease to exist. It was through the, means. of . Parliament that the liberty of the people was -first established l it was by parliament that that liberty had, by wise and wholesome laws, been placed upon afirnand secure basis, and.' like their ancestors thev oueht to rally round rt-Uamenti-lo-preMwe-UshUthority late for were lt to be deprivea.ot those pn- , alleges Upon which depended At poweyand' ' . H i dignity,to what source could tne people lookv. for the maintenance of tlieir rjwn prlvilcgesr - ', and their own IibeYtlts Thi'y could indeed ' ." hope to derive Utile aid from the Crown, if " : ' once.the privilege of Parliament were gone. -The rioble secretary 6f state might aitempt 'a defence of ministers; but it was to their ' . , . misconduct that much ofthe evil that had ari- , ' . -ien was to be attributed. ' They had violated 'their first entrance into office, and had evf since been acting iff contradkifon to the best interests bfjhe country.: , ' ., - - ' ' from tie Virginia Patriot. -' c"'' : The blockade of (lit coast pf France front the Elbe W Brest has been uniformly and trrmphantly cited by all those who are solicit "V outtojwlliate the Berlmliecrcev' histhe- C; pardhular measure 6n" whkh the,advoc4tes ;s of French aggression found their accusations of England? and it has been generallyrepre- ' 4 scnted ss an' absolute and unqualificd block. " ade, not defended as a measure of retaliation,' .' but comainlng an asseruoa of the naked principle, that a mere paper blockade is legU i timatc. Ij is therefore entitled to more par. tkular (oitkideratioh. . -;." v ThU measure was adopted bj the Fo ad- '" : muiistration, an administration noted lor ita respect for neutral rights, and foKfts avowed ' ' partiality to the TJ. States. This is nor mc. ' ' tioned as justifying a proceeling in itself, censurable, but at furnishing an additirjiua , , Inducement for enquiring Into tho real cha. ; : racter of the measure, and into tho motirex r- ' -assigned for it adopuoa.- , In his letter of the lethof May,Uox,Mr. Fox notifies td CoI.Msnroe the "blockade of the coast rivers and ports from the rivef FJbe to the port of Brest, both Inclusive." . But Uie letter addn ' hit majesty U pleased wm.iro uni aucn-Diocxade sr(in not ex tend to prevent neutral ships and vessels la- den with goods hot being the property o his Majesty's enemies and not being contraband " ' Of war, from approaching the said coaMs and entering Into an tailing from the sld river and parts, provided the said ships and vessel - ' o approaching and enuring, shall not have -been laden at any port belonging to or In the possession of anyd his Majesty, enemies -T' treTiouJ7 Token the blockade. ' .This order left unmolested the trade.if-- neutral,notOnlyin articles ofthe growth of . 1 manuUtureof neutral countries, but avtn m those of the growth or manufacture of the enemy, provided they ceased to be the pro petty of the enemy, and were not contraband of war. Ita sola operation was to Inhibit the cireet trade from one of the enemy'e ports to' anoUien that Is h fact, to inhibit thecoaat Ing trade and the lirect tolonLl trade. Th National InuUlgtncer,howevsr,doee not deem ,t advisable to give to this measure H uo caaracicr, nor does it answer his mir- t a . . . h,,rf,.rr "uf -Jr. Fox introduces hU communlr.Uon In CoL Monroe by sutirig that - the king, tak Ing lito eonsidcratloa th, new snd extrnor. ciinary means retried to by tbeeoemv fof- hli sub)rcts, has thot.ght fit to direct," kc. Ihrsenew and extrai.r.nni-tf nwounr inoujjh they, had pose w nint at the motives which produced it. This s not an crfeM! measure, resdng for ts jusUficvwn on lubitrinsk propriety It s a measure of rtaltation, Induced by pre. I X . .1 mrrrxa

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