3 Fc KrT-YcrV; - j ' ' r- t ,-' f ' , , M.',. I l.. .. U Of fc,, luvmf bjt . . afp'.vte & on h,irl or l TJurorTBLHtt . r ' . For.lbstonJ-:;'; Tha. atauwcb Rnj CASK VAX, Capt' -? w aJ m aU tbit week, tor. t. t.w o r t (J b jfulrr 1 harrl,or pitnire ' r ta a- r a 1-arJ K-l u-"a v Harli M- to liAJSSUX kU.V at CO.- lail - . ' - - .. ir C ;-t, tUu." -''r,ous II. ecttd Lot ii' tct, uuly occupied by. JoW ft .", ! at resent by Mr. Flayer i tv : , ! 1 I . i a Bt the tiittc of saio T5. - .'r y:V ..;- Air Art excellent Stand.- A C'; TO Hi NT, asl paitesiiaa' given" oa I.c 1 i -t tnr'CtiT.m6uHHW ore hv , Tt.nn r-Iiiif r Co. Fur tcro; u.'.Lia tU be tcjj.ir.Mf, spply t GtOKCS JeXSIXGS. ' - LOST, - v : . A r.cte of h:inJ aigned by Alexander I f at t:':i fr tUi 2V10O dated the 22d .. .- n.t mud' rnvahle an;! nei . i jU-LIs to t a-bacribers tt the Bank vf 1 C i'carana the buteUinJt loenote j .wy be idenuuea t-y me enoorsauoiv-uy T.J ward Winalow and StcplieaW. F.ddy. Th frt mJjriemcut bcini a msstaite, renders tht note ut ncgociab'.o, 'thercrure ca be v( no advantage to the finder. All per&oni are cautioned against pur. chasinsj the above mentioned note, .as the vuvmcnt is toj ped at the Banks, and who ever will produce the same, shall receive a 'yroportionate reward. - MayJ." , , Wisstow&BLAGGE. . THE Subscriber informs .'the- ' thatLt intcuda during the summer . . season to conunuc hmu it.i& i business, at the stand formerly occupied by H If P.-rin ' " ' . . , Saddles, llarness'srrrunVs, Sec. repalr ' ' cdatthe hliortest potice. " ' : . '. .May 5. , C. L ADAMS. ' A' Gentleman of Dramatic abi. '' .. f.:.. i,A.in iinn C.nmc Son and make Kecitarions, and (eels inclined to spend, ' ' . h Summer Uasoti ia the upper country, ' yith a few dramatic performers, may met-t ; r vlth a liberal and advantageous propuauiont I V addressing a lew tines, to uistuwr u taw " o - ' ' oticd ' ' The Brm of Wm. Ecclef k Co. is this , day diasolvyd, by mutual content, and WiU ' tr ,.!, u full am horned to settld th - huiines of the said nrm. All thoe who " stand indebted are requested to come for ward and settle the same, by Notes or other. wise. ', WHr KccLEs. , Dee 2 . . . ; . Jm MiTCkiLt,, 'Sugars Molasses anil ; Aoplc j , ,' ' -13 randy.. ; ,v , TuRt received a quantity of prime Mus- , , 40V-ado' Sutarl,' pood rctiiling Mobses, . ' m a birrrU fif Aiv.ile llrandv. for tale by . Isaac AiweLn. , lluth vanttd jut vttoti v Warranted fresh Garden Seids, ' of every description, for Isle by " , ' . Jcaat S. Otivta. . i A - L. t.J at. a t.ba aA I.mvA m. tyAu iX - , Groceruiy, Hardware ana ' i Shii) Chandlery ) viz: . Bar Iron, best winter strained Lamp OH, Paints k Paint Oil, Salt, SaltPeue, Cothen ' "'Butter, kc kc" , f ror put up at the shortest notice and lowest terms, by an ex. " . ' vwitneed hand. Dee wl , ; for sale by the babsenbers- ,; , , 19 casks Ttice - ... ' iti boats Soap vr ' . f . . 51 do Candlei ; . ... J I bbda Suar 4 50,000 W.O.dreiM'd Slaves. .Warch 10 Lxtt k Coxr. ' Ninety Dollar reward. !t,on pewyesr'a dy, the turn of R193 in Cape I'tit Uk billv smong which wss a ftlOO bill a reward tf 90 dollars will be erW. rn to any person who will rtturn tbe ot ,Lon?r U ' Tcoti JIowasp, Negroes for sale, r? i fVil. r'it.fc'ny of thtensnini Mayeotirt 1 1 1 " . t t uli', at ihe .Court House in IViIminon (if not tooner npojed ol t pnrtie ak) the T--luab't Mill Scat und pmdsW Hol'jr Shelter anl Ah Creek, latrijr admUsecJ, conuift ing upward of four th iutajiU acres of lanU, , A considerable part of which i veil umber'd tspwardit tf two hundred acrea U under fod fence the aeTcral aurreya coctaiR body f Land of th first quality for corn and hemp,' Sic and at a moderate ' expence ric could be' cultivated ' there' are ort' the premise ever buildings and i new Saw Mill, buitt in a mostj ub&umiil rnanner and but juai Eni-hed end la every reipect fady to bjt M 1 ? J ' i.'srr Jrf 9 ' 6ondgtc dunD.a being in complete order the atream, aaalmoat nevcr(Uii one a6d its contiii- j it to a market, render it in every respect an oSjeet worthy Ui attention of av purchaaer. I he term and conditiac ot. the ue made known ttpplictiott' to the aubacriberr-r At the aaine time and place will ha tola twenty.fiv e 'negroet, aeveral of whom ans Very likely prime band , the vhole at pre. enf m ?heca.r or intact Juoce, .q at whoae reaidenco will be aold the atocVef sold the stock, ol n bUnjr.ing to the b6U. property, of vr)vkhi' . : i.iuidu ve"m opunije, vvaisrs, inuian uo The aubsenberhas also to rent and the ji W. nkni. Vtn,. and few 'm Immediate possession given, the. plean and 1 coramodioua House on the bin, laulr in the occupation ofO Walker, Esq, ' , :;. , , r': April 21..' 10 HN LQNPON Td the followlitg regulation oftht Wilmington Academy, the attenuoq vf P- rents arid Guardians u rtnie led t " Previont to admission each Scholar shall obtain fromthe Treasurer a certiBcate setting forth that he quarter's lutuon has been paid in advance, which certificate' prettnted to the principal of the. Acdmy, ahall entitle said scholar to be received accordingly."- Al one of the Instructor h abou to ra away this week, and ei the welfare c all institu tbna depends upon a rigid adherence to its laws, the above regulation will on the ittot May be put in force igainat all who continue pupiu of he Wilmington Academy. , , ApnJ 38. - ..; - The Subscriber has i for; sale a few barrels Apple Brandy ; boxes of Mould Candles (.Spanish Segars of the firnt quality, wholesale aud retail t excellent Philadelphia Beer and Porter, together with a general as sortment tf Croceries. April -3w , SAM'tESTABROOK. i TOR SALE. TUE subscriber ofers forssle bis interest in the Stiicc etfabliibment between Wilming. ton and Fsyettevule, consisting ot seven Ike ly Hqrscs, half of three carriages in good repair, wiih lUrncis toaaplete, and a likely bUck Driver alio a very advantageous eon. tract for carrying the Mail, which will not expire until ths 3 lit Dec 1413. For fur ther particulars apply to r ; , '". April 18. 3w , , ALEX a ANDERSON. ; MAHINE U0TEL1 : ' TaT Vrry txcllcnt stsnd Lr a Marine Hotel, formerly iccupied by cpt, Bill, and last by Mrs. McDonuld, is oITcred (orient en very reatooable terms. It is ptrhap the bet cstculsted f r a place of ptibUc entertain ment 0 any house In this town. It u conve nient to buoine'S, -and contains "every ttqui si'.e lornder it a dfirable object to whotver may be drstrou vl undertaking a charge ol that nature ,Fr further particulars apply to James' F'cdtruk or. the tub ttibtr. t April?. , GEORGE TIPLER. '. - K' ItJ The store below last nccunttd bv the Ute capu )lill, being very wtN 6tted for a more and hsvmg a good back room will be alo rented on moderate .ttrrns.. . APP'7 as shove. .'-' ' . V ' 100 Dollars Reward , , T.LOPEDfninlthe service of the lubKrl ber wituout any provocstlon, a Negro msn fumed MARCit, by trade a carpenter, twenty five years ol" and snout S itet 7 inchel high. The teeth of his lower jaw project little beyond the upper Is smooth spoken and hot deficient In art. Tbe above reward of one hundred dollars will bo givca to any person who will dtlivet him to m and en conviction 1 ttreve that he has been seduced from hidu ty and harbored by t wbi'e person, or Fifty Dollars to any one who will apprehend and secure bm in jsiU ft ' I IsiU .. . . . . if , A. F. MACNF.1LL. '..:", 'Last Notice. 1 ' Alilhote who ne nntttled accounts with the firm of Rrbert k William Mitchell, har been repeiirdly requttted to call and settle the same with the subtcriber-Mtnrb6e who stand indebted to the iusc rHer are n'i w lislurmei.'that unleiithcy Come forward and rnake seUlamvnt. or) or before the tirl fif April ni xt,tbty en.', be n jited on by an O.trr )in SI u 21tTcau WwS.JH inu a Ntiinboy hori)eaH ii'VjwlT ey uld. ww tkcc on !'up Newbertl road by the aubvmWr ; TeJ ull himse f Svmfsom, caya that be New K fra, that hi tnaaiet4Mh JobS vMcLaurin,, ive in Marion district;. Soutli-Carol'ma, be. tween the' two: Ptdtta ; be bad on ben h$, rai away a jilriped homespun coat and paa taloons; that he w brought from Newbeta end ran away to return thither j fhat , he J)ad been at wtl'aotne dky,in,Wkimington j: he., pasted himself a,; bc'inji ovtied by. Mr Dun-? Can hla colour U paliah black : is tnarkd :Hh lo largi art,, one nsi icb chef k, fiw: Ing to Ktrokca hi rMeived in hi otriioup-f try. He maartitrs'S- feet 6 1 inches' , Tuft reeeived ftnior safe. the Book Storei Magdalen ChuiCf)yard Tlunarjait brothers Paley's Philoatphy, ' ai- f-w elegant "Proyer.; .Boi'ks'Vthe Scijptit Manuel ijrXnrUiiamty . verifif d. beitigr'9 ' new method of epptJ to the understantngs and cnnsciepce of Deists,' Jew-, iceptici and ft mal Professors Claike on Jhe'Eucbrist: trtal of AntichHtt t IVi Wen ' "iiaa t. Tertaroents ; eyVT L hlcai; Webster's Grammar r. (icbgfaphk al ffaccb 'ilts, tfaU li.tndi forlW'i mens T the curioua Chinese Setiutrve Leaf. I that rtaccts the disposition of those; who bold It in iVe pain of their hands - April 28; , AnEhglish made PIANO, producing the 6ni,tone of which that kind of musical in struient if capable, ill be ,spld pn easy termfc Apply at this oRice.', ' . April t- i --,';'."". ' ROGERS ' Vegetable Pulmonic Detergent, fr ti Itftat ti - . Ttirrt it atrhtpt Wo WMlicl eblctl! Wtm clt. blifcrti, om not featlly tobfirmtii fcjr the nprrt. act st 1st bcC raylicuM or all gn tad cotnliic,, tad Haa f aaait importloct to lha prict (toner, Ihia tha 'aft, (tut May ol iht mall 4iAculC sn4 iacMttklt cp)iai,efiiattt iaatgltctcd tatdt. . Ia t climtu at wriialt at curt, hrt (bt cb,ai;ai'o( tha iber are fttqatot aad nar(xe(4, it rCaurei moit ctr, d4 tttenlvoa la (ud ttttaS ibb (obilt tad danttraat a. aMJx. llwe o pfop1 tmitfiM ei Ir, blc aid williaf 10 hcAow. Htaca tha ,B numbtr al atiiroit t(Aiacd arWfe eoaht, tnro.,,ftliBiM, coafBuipiion, ' a4 aibat aBcAioa, tad kaoceiht Uaijo ol latuiaal ad ab('d icawdiaa, xrid np lha la4 aae illt trrv, ' Tatnayc,fe,6( ih kind which Itll aaaaf a,y'ohl'.iMiba, the piepolteioul impofnion, of laflia,. iof draft Kich ,ta id oj(U(, lk diftppaiaimtau I taarlfactd i pttic, Irom latncdict tiighty Tacam. OKadadtod atyotoa piadiioutioa la palnoaic caw al.ino, watt Htutg iadaaoaaSu lor ni la coabdar, wbeitrf acompoaae, cranaiag af atiie atgeitbl tub. (Uaoai bt twtl'4, aior tiac Irora iht welt toaadid ObjectPal dl ptditlaani, and briar taUaltt. d a tvm lh thr:Mcaia diitmilioa at Ibt taop , ' 1 kt 'bt li.n-iaioa a jw to aScr la Uit aoblc tuch traaitdv. aadcr tha atatat lot VltiTAti PaiUo. ate OtTttatat, wttl ta,pit4ta ,rioa, conltuauaat tad k.kitv IP to etcltra with tkt tuTteft eonhfart. ihM I foand iliti coaipofttion, la i tirietv ot c,mi. ir iatwftof la cxbrl iaWted 10 ,afwi tkt fm, tataota , (tvwt al laa latpooibiiii; al aowtiltl tmrai,4i. tuaia al iht daiputbla d atttatik ulrat, ol iCkaila. Ua, 1 am too pitad ol tkt kr,aaral aa ko.xft mad, . ia itiu la B'aSt by IM f noiiaia of tha be aae aIdi6Ud,a4 wkilA toatiaua iba at, ol my taedicu tilt, tflaell ot a lapBiailed aarfaiituoa. (a tbeir latv piarl Rut only, I Bittal nytill uhtk bap thai tbil atitdia tpaaU to tha aadtil,adia at aa alikld autiUv, iaiatt to air dltcaiy t fcaua r.Iaia. tad Inacw Ml tht rtif pan al tha bonj pun.' tMiUfi I an pirrui)f ttiHi ibm ian twan whe kx, iiaqanuty la tonbal tha tfft&t al Itffprtllid aatlpiratioa. tad aaot lco) tboela el bt liat and otaar avataiiioat, wkaoaer Ikay tta ldl o, U pl iu mdici,,piaIJd jkt, ia It t Mr tad Impfliu tritt, to tha ua at ttxtr noil It. aaiiu (iadiaa tkat l,mi!iat will (ubAiiaia It lor ita b,Mit Elitir o( Ft'itfoHt tad AMkoutic, lot tkir Caak Dieal, Nfloil B)fait tad lyiap, i tht lha ooaildi Watbl riiad by Iota who bm U accord. U to at diMCtioat, all) pie,, I lai batltr lit at It, m m aUlwlaata, lk, a rtt fo mbb aarulictm 1 aoald palai apoot a1 iUiai public. , ' , - . , . . iiiua.tauin.tw. ' . V CXITITICATE. ' u i v ' N" Ytk, Draonbar tt, ttot, I, Caorgt Hatrr, al Ikia on,, froat ttaat. No 150, it tenil aod datltta uaao rtiy tbipg tbtt ta dcrrd, fMdbuaadic,atrSfy to tha (tax J thai loit.tftai aM pa 1 ba,t btaalCiUd with to tffaOiao ol tha (, tad thtahtcotdar fci 'on, of toy yii, h. bata ticild with a trvoit tad tlaol ipt'fbot ta(k tad di(ck,ra ol targt qaMtitict o pkliat aod aitttat, alttraataly tktowo alt 1 bat to ibt Ctit fit. laa ol tvwv yaar, mt caaib k, bt lomeok ibwei mil lha bt p, vhich toMioocd aail iht waatbi ot Aaraal Milh aa.blt tiit at Iroflh I bltd pi. tuWp Iran lk laaft tad 'iiaoed (a ia do lor Uy kih iawr,,lt abatamanl, ami) my lilt M o.lpnta ol by twotwtMot rttSeiaa, of duMl') Ai Uib I ,i lajaotdta lt Doelot latti', Vietubtt Palaaaid Da(aH ,aiiiBe4.A lot tK:Aicat ot lb hr, ad taibi, l.bif oteaioai It, aa,tiy U, I Uta I at ojt M I lot t It 4mt tkatkatl iht kWtJt. tad t lev tktt of it raiiotad a ta iht tojayai.at al tery t'.ulai; draa ol hottily featiih, tad 1 t,taatl. 'bats' fa ! ihit day, ' I tvt bitt lha, atitlcattf la iiH lth atblic ait, bt iadarad la try iht t'heat SI la tluk a dwisa, lor camplnau lot jHb H U pitl tt. Cariaat tlOktlS, TM Medieia aaay bt bad al W. S Hn t , , . , 1 Notice. ' ' i ; . , The Subscrf Kre to Armwtmith's Map, are informed I hut the Mtptof the Wo.) l.i.f A'a and America, are ready fjr dilutry at the Hook turf nmnty to be tnid ajreably tothetetiniofsulitririio8. . .DvcU, ' IlALTlJMOIiE, Araii. ifi.". r Antved lb' rhoenrr Sift, Cujt. Catling , t-i.j- "Vt'Aii Jft-vdrarvutiW jOei r tcr Cornthwait ,Sc Carey Oacjih tJr-; March, being lathe Ion?, of 61 31,viai,; 5 ' ' 1 1 v-A. u. IJJ UA II XI ; . ' ; , iuamuuite, corrmianciaa' oy- iituenrns , '.. KrawDen,' tormrag parrot a aquauroq op . r; two frigates, who- left France the Jejnn- r:::'tl . nmrf ot lanuarv last, ahd nartrrl from her - .'companions in the nigbt of the 19th, tn ' X c - VP!tiLr- fltli " "I 1IV 1 farn- Irm4 - i 1 J -:---rx- - j - " "'j t 7- 1 " t. ' Swift, examined her'papers and took the '-, '' ' ' - chfH5IieT itecistec "way. declanni? her.: w-i god pntewv Alter taking trot three cask' ' ing! ( hick' i1ercuno lajr.esed) 1 ; t rt- ' , ing to be a condemnation under their up- . ! , lera " to capture and destroy all vessels to . . or from entmies ports ,,M and 'giving tip ' :- ipiVj. nan ol tne. vessel to Capt. tJathn and t .s-. ' -xrewi the other half to Cant..DeUle nnff creW, of the ( late-si hooner -Polly, from; -Newhurj'orti tfotind to St. Batiks, (vs, Jilcft ' tbtv bad captured and bhrnt j) they put t2 I , soulXJapt Delile and all his crcw4 tji 1 mate arid 'two hand btlorging o the biiflt" "c1tu'i,'Jrt;,it iVr,r.ic, . fit;r,j.d'brr,-J - .4 Portsmouth, N. II. liobcrt Kamsay smaV -Robert Shew, passcngere in , the BMajT:, - brig 15) tton, Irora Liverpool lound.to Tof , .-' toia, ana uiree-ronuguesei DelonciEP to k ; : -riddy laden ship from Iirazd( ; bound to -T.?oiKrii-s 1 nil t r i r k t ri iw I, n .I' LntA..nJ . && Mwnt iititvta aV4a,v ateaiA UvaUvVvUasa , They had taken and burnt 14 tail of dif . 1 lereninauons, louroi wincn were Atntri . :cans. J On the 8th of April, being almost out of fvoy kind fcf prpviEiona, tec, sawV , vessel about-12 or 14 mileatlitat.iif:ivl.4 -ing to the westward, It being then 'a calm,' f,e ofthe men puton board by the French- ''" men, and one of the SviATt crew, deter- taindd. on taking the Ioi.g boat, and left die r ; schooner,' against the entreaties of the cap-- f J tain and others" on board, in quest of the ' yesel,,. fur provisions.; f they were, T!rfc Rloody, mate of tltc Joanj Air. Francis, . .mateof the Polly, a Fonurutze boatswain oi W5 anip mar. was uurnt, twg ot tne l ot- , . ly'$ and Joan's crews,and 2 cf ih Swift's. ' A.: . t , . r ., . ,,' . cT ' J"t v bi::hi cj 1115 i.c..ixnti u' p hour, ajter tney Ictther. but exnect theV -s , 1 reeched they reached tlie sail a breeze " 1 sprung up in. the night, yie next morning we saw notning 01 -tne sail or boat, we 1 r. .t. . . t .. . . ' " cruizcu tor uicm lor aome time, un tne 1 win, oeinginiong. za 3Q, lat 34 23, spoke r schooner Packet, Morphy,from Baltimore , , for Jamaica, who generously supplied ua' with revisions.' On the 2nd of April, in f lat. S8 20, fell in with the wreck of aes- scl bottom up, "about 150 tons burthen, r d ochre bottom and quite clean, the sea run- " ning ao high, we Were Unable to make an,' further observations.- 1 ' " ' ' '-i . - During tbe time Captain Delile, of the . : PoUy,.wason board the French brig Ma ' meluke, hey boarded 3 or 4 vessils which y they let pass, one 0 sloop from the Unite 4 . , Sutei for Jamaica, the other not recf!lccV- . erl. . T-ienrminf fnluhrrt tiAA iTantiits ' Delde that he was Induced to present hitn ' With half of the fiwift td targd,' in con- sequence of his being captured bound to fc ,. -fikndiy- poit t' tliat his Vessel was desuoy ' , ed. fearin? that bit nennle tnu'ht iv inl ' u - 1 r o o . . formation of them Cupt, D. was other"- .. '. , wise wrll treated by the l rench, who serin- v v ed reluctantly to execute' the destructive ,' orders of their Emperor. ' CKKTIFICATE. '.. ' Lieutenant irvdabert. commrtndinir t!ie ' brig . of' war Mameluke, behmp-ing to the . ' .wipcror 01 1 ranee, ijaving ou inc Otn ol March, 1612. in lat. 30, Wtr. C4. sbirMuil tlie Americwn scbooneV Swift of N. Ymk, ' ' bound from Cibrtdtar to Baltimote, which had touched tit Algctiras,-(Spain) and ' . vviwuw n umi mit TCit;i is u jCjjil pl l.C ngrecably to the orders of his Iinpccul ',. Majctty, which Inckde nil vessils bound V to or'lrom ,the poits of the eiiemics of : Franci. 1 luvc 'ttiretttd aai.l sthoomr, .' which, however 1 uhise (for 'peuliAr .' rtasoas) on coml'iurm- that pne half the WW! iuu cargo h.ul htli'inj to the Ct.,' tain and titw, aihl the oihi r hall u Mra lKli-.l.-,TJ,. t tin t l the Anieiicnrhtlrr Polly (hiuly cupturt-il by tW M um lukc) hoiiud :vu tlie U. Siati a' S'. ll.n tbolu-, ' ' news, wlu.iue ttail c lnnrt 1 nul luid CapU' Ddic it hereby tmilird, U Ufjie- liuiitknied, to half tntettt rn.J.Kiiiftt ' from e.iM vtttd i for tlif.Hrturnr.mie if which, I iiC.c tivucil ibiir vd,:U Mu 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 itr. , J. M. OAl.AUEm. ' '. l;6t:.ut 1) it hi is or, ' ; ' Fitmce licsrr i J I) ti.V. HtittJ' , llii; Julijj, ,Ls.t,l!)il1 f.Cti I'oitnn fof 'I oiuunjr.-n, whs jlunJMl Jan.' 21 by ; w . ,

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