f V. 1 Circulating. Library: n- Ml'nmmmJ I.iure:ri(JTarkst amountini to ' near four hundrta volumes,, naye , t,xr:.t. Uehr of Nortbumberani 3 doiunermu . Ramble of WnWey ao--y mining?- T ; Perplex'itiea J'do Hide and Seek 3 do ,r . ioirUptctlw. -,T.le. of Real Lif 3 do;1 A?ne deUUenVEnventionAffU.; f ' MargariUa -4 Sidney Caitle 3 J. -A ' (V t Aurora,2 T wqjyiariuos 3- aurews v , s , theopha i ; MRianne S i te;Forreter 8 1 St Alma ; i Civil War in Ireland.3 ; , l'va-ahnd 2 j Summet by the Sea 2 i 4 Euvenio'aad Amelia 4 Ladies Miacellanyi . -Life'of Puujsm; Father' Tales; """ Winter in Lpndon3vohj CuUerj " ' Curse ef tthama nla '" ''; ' . .Harriott's Sirugglea 3 voU.-rMdis.liW j. . ' Toultnin's Tauiuon-Rulher'a Risia . a ' Ed6ar Uuniley 3 yot Fate of Sedlef 3 Vols Gforgin 3 vol40riBtn of Evil . , "llallet du , Pan's destructioh of the Helvetic JlepuMk; .'V 1 V ' clsj-.. A.,hrw 4 Wi Clermont 3 tola Wicturnt Vi.it vols-FopI of Qitalur dt Dci hf Coleraine S doi-D'Arey ? ;' Lord RiveBggariloy worn QuarterlyvReyicw, 4th K 5th vol. . '.: Select. Review, 5 vols Emma Doryillc; , ;:, Think.-! tp Myself Philip' WaldcgratO r Sttwarrow'a. iawpaigContror-J. ?l3dr Chivalry, 4 yols Henrietta, r.: - Vicar of Lan".donAfciati! Pe.arcnei v j WandeNir Fvreuson's Roma a M V U Ha1 "W - - - , -v. ,"'j, HamihWs Works with elegant engravinga r ... ...' 1 Vl.stitin. 3 vnla. , ot Hamilton ay uu , " Ramsay's South Carolina S Vols , '(Father and Daughter, Mmstrel , 5 v.,.: .a ' Family Secrets, 3 t-:.u. : ;, A j , Fashionable lavolvements, 3 vols. v HugE'luM j ,., . ; ' ' - - j 1 Perigrine or the Fopi of. Fortune, 5 toL - ; Belgian- Traveller ; -7 ? - ' 'ff " ' , . M ,'rmnhtel'a IncSS, 3 toll. ,. ' ; Mniiitf rtniti'.' S do ) ': .., ' ,,' .' ,f :')" I , obertsoti's Charles 3tb, 3 vols, x , ' - Anecdotes of distinguished persons, 3 vols. The Lyer, br Man as he ought not to be : "Scrapie's second jflurney into Spain. ; , ; Anacharsi's Travels, Curran'.s Speeches,-, Life of Sir W.Jones, Fox. History,, r , Monthly Regiter( N, Carolina . Oebttea,.- Discourse on, Uavila, Burkif's Ueneclioas, . a it ,,r.nk. l:.,,,l ' ' - .Uurns. s f oems, win ;"' w.v, Congressional Papers, Cabinet ot St. Cloud, , 'Natural TMCT Comtk's Wotks, V ;J j 1 Ahi'aTrayUf Vicar pf,WkeGeld. , , , Abbess! Runaway,' George Barnwell, , ' Constant Uvers, the Devil in Lovetj " ; ; tJncW Thomas, Magdalen Churchyard ;;, , f St. Clair oi'.the Heiress of Desrnond, C Ub, The Inquisitor, 1rih BulTs, , . . ( . Josephs, Plutarch's Lives, Pope's Homer, ,K jbacicr'a Homer,. Francis's Hoi ace,- , r . Imriguesof the Queen of Spain, ;- :' . Survey of Spain, Spectator,.; 1 " ' : Arthur Mervyn,' Blair's Rhetorie, ' ' i . y.radise' Lost, BloomSeH'a Poems, Task, "Terrible Tractoration, Wild Flowers, - ' A,fThe Gsmbler, Almoran and Ilaroet, - -CharlflUe Temple, Life of Howard, - - ; " Vithuof Colambus Beauties of Hervey, ' 'Ptt-arch's Sonnets; Literary M'ucell-ny, , ' "' Evelina, Nnoh do I'Enclos, Corinna,; ' , - t i'.ofugn, isiMruoi in, v"t, 4 ........ , , Romance of the I'yrenneei," r"' ' ' ' Rcmoce of Real life, History or Bonsparte, ' , SommerviUe's Puliticsl 1 rsntactions.'., '.. ' r Poems! l.sdv's Ltbrsrr ,'' ' . "Walli-r'1 Poem, Qoldsmith's England,. Polite Lady, My Frket Book,' Hurt's PamheohThe Shipwreck, . ., ,'. ' DarortTrenk, Life of Lord CliveV;-". : ' Thclauit's Memoirs of Frederick the Great , Swedenboiirg Crtfjoryl Legacy ; ' 'Dwigbt'a Works Edinburgh Review j . Qaancrly Review Crandprie't Voyage I ' ' . . JU acbue'a Exile Vertoi'a Revolution ' : ' A S .ilot Friendship hod Soldiet'a Love ' PrinteS. Foundlmtr of BlRrde, . .Very Strang e but very true, f Qpa' Tales J S .Ovid's Poems Msrmontel's Meawirs, . llristed's Hint Ldy of the Lake f ' . fStrsnger in Ireland, Ssrscsnj,'. . , . . Mountain Cottsger i Jek Smith t ' . ' pltaurt f Human Life , Joieph Andrews! , Shakespeare's Plays Boy l Vcy ajes . J-ee'e Memoirs . . -: , Iprier's CUsslcal Dictionary i , t ' Obid'a Metatnorphosel ( Mirandai Eapedr'um , Rcot'a Ballads ' ! Carver' Travels! Lay of he L-st Mknatrcl't ' Setretof lh Court of St. Petersburg Adsms'a History of New England , ' Vil'ase Cmstt Mc FmitiJ I , lY or litres f.ng-red Jck i ' . " . 'r 1 -William's Letters Pey rouse's VoysRts i; ' ' History ol F-E- ' . ' ' . My , -" dOtC SIORE, - K A numbe of School Dat ks k soqie Stuilohary A few literary works J a small -ortmrut o food Penknives, bet Itusiian (JiH get loe lp'nh Irk powder I some Orauiiif loi.k and Papr, Palr.t bi'xrs and Camel Jfiir Tsncilii an additional supply of Cu,r- cosl Tooth Powder Batk titteri SuurIh ten's do. k EJ.un's do. Ajril '."'. ' V -A-v.jr ' t the Circulating Librurj ftnee ie.puK n :; r.; lV the sole' Proprietor, - V' - V 1 " thtngnaiwtof the sole proprietor, ... :--.y.TV.-$ r?Jethim,in' 3:TlsTrvai..pn, 4 4y'-' 11 :$. st,?;, - ' i : PPgtiJWlofr-'oii V-W -'-J vv;o'rick 4 ddMemolrt LPrtoee. Eugene-.:-: VEGETABLE NERVOUS CORDIAL, that having fa variou easea used r Robert. J X r.r . OrNaturVi Grutt-keituratHei V. celebrated FmiblUJhint which are, - ' - ' wi,.t,6.,Mai,lhf Honor 3 do ; iW,r?? ."'fi1 ilW?rBt,wf V now BrtDftred br Dr.T. ff. tc have History of Georgtausi puon.oeu.- , , ,A Jackson's commerce Homer ttunesqucu , , , T,av Preacher Story Telle r t f ; ' Lee'V Memoirs Wlhan's' Eg'ypivV- llulit8emion's 2: vola-K.idltch, do iuf. : ' Genuine Family Medicines Which are celebrated tot the cur of most diseases to which the human body is liable. ' f repared' only py i rnce 1 ioiiit no 59 ficacious Mdicin for tha speedy re Met and curs jr nervous complaints, attended with inward weakness, depression of the spirits, headathe,; tremor, taintness, , hysteric tits, debility, seminal wfeakheis, gleets, and Var? "ous compTaihiVfcaulilng from secret irhpro-r prietyf yduth atid 'dissiUrd habits, resi dence in warm- climate, the immoderate use of tea, the unskilful of excessive use of mercury, so oilen destructive to the Human frame! diseases peculiar to females at.acer lain period of life, fiuoralhn, barrenness, &e. 4 under the denomination ot nervous disor ders,, are' included several diseases of the most dantrerou kind; and ara so various that a Volume vrpuldahardiy suISc;; toom- olele a detcriution of the!mf It pervade with tfa knlofnf InRnvnr .thiR whnli- riprvmis tem.wriUiing the heart with inexpressible H j - aneuish2 and excitin'ft he'-taOafdrtaidfttl Jr 'uestiout of horror and despair ? To this demon,; nave mousanu-uuen . a sacrmco .iu the'direful iranoporuof lt rage. ihiWl '. . The most common symptoms of Its com 'raeocetrieht are- weakness, lamlencej palpi- tations,'' watchfulgess drowsinesa afiereaU inr. timtday, flashes of heat and cold, numb- heceramp,'giddines); paimi,' h- the head, : back, and hurts, hictup, ditliculty of reapira- tibn and deglutition, anxiety, dry cough, c DR. ROBERTSON'i 7. ?, t STOMACHIC ELIXIR Of HIALtHl i One of thr mou cfficacioaimcdicmes ever olfered to ' the public, for the' epeeily relief and cure orobstinate coughs, colds, consump tions, the hoopine cough, asthmas pain and wind in the stomach, removing babi ualcos- Uvcness, sickness at the stomach, dysenteries, cholera morbus,, severe grtplngs, .tie turn- mer bowel complaint ia children, k e. '' T" -'esiasats ' ' COUT AND RHEUMATIC DRO!J. y 'ft A Ul ad sftc&iisi cars for tat , ibicmstifa Uatbigo, Ooae as gravel, gtl, (clii(i d wub ( oi the iolt,f .iaa, aiailr, ta4 (tl kiadi et ic rana the Cnnp, ptiM is (at ncta, ltd ar dmj, aiBatli ol lacatets, ctuuaitio, iroiac uaM.ot.. ,,' 'v"." i t a Da. R'-aearson', ' ' " . . .;.:: stomachic situr. f ' (Prie 1 ollr ) . ' ,''.v '..Which are' celebrated for the strengthen-, ing weak stomachs, increasing the appetite and a certain preventative and cure, for the lever ana ague, etc c 7 . , ; . , : ( - DR. R 0 BERTSON V; ' worm ms FRortm lozekgzs. A medicine highly necessary to be kepi in all families. rnte 30 cents. ' ' A WTI lift nine till Ic ' . : ,.v Anu uiiiiuuo rii.i, j i , For the preveuiiun and cure of Bilious and Malignant fetext. . ' : '- ' ? .,' , ,( Price 25 aujr faxes so rmti J .."These Pills, if timely administered will re.' piovathe ci.es which commonly produce the yellow fever, bilious fevers, ague and fe ver, choliC pain, flatulencies, indigcttions. costiveneaS, bypocondrisc Siul hysteiic com plaints, strasguary, gravel, rhcoms.ismsnd gout. Tbey are peculiarly serviceable in jr'enute Pisoiders, and especially In the re rooval of ihote obktroclions which are the great source of their compliiataJO. (ertsin periods, they potfss this eminent sdvsntsc over most other purgatives, that while .they vperaia gently, tbey produce neither coitive- aess, -debility, nor too, great excitement, whenever there 1 a predisposition to a di case, srising from mar.li elUuvis, a too ctpi out use of ardent spirits, or a vitiated state of the bile they are sure to relieve. They are highly recommended to travel Icr by sea and Undv is they mry be made use of with the utmost safety, without changa of rst,l or exercise, v Tbey will be loond pe culiarly beneficial in tb prevention tf dUor- ders incidcmslto hot cliroatts. they deterge and cleanse viict'd humors, open cUtructiD and promote the secretion of good bile, rp. riling a an ecsy cathartic, as a powerful diuretic and diaphoretic . , ' 1, 1 Da. Dvott's .' i v PATENT ITCH OINTMENT.. . For plcasantnets, safciy, expedition, ease and certainty, is infinitely superior to any oihcr , medicine, for the cure of tjist mot disagreeable and tormenting disorder the licb. Price fO cmis per box, ' ' '' Da. Tmsot's ctlchrstsd -' . GOUT AND RHEUMATIC DROTS. , t(PrkTwrHlati.J' t TUE VEGETABLE BALM OF LIFE. THE BALNf OF lEERIAi Extracted from an Iberian plant, for cu- ring delects of the akin, and Improving tr.i complexion, kc kc. ( Prici la dJUtu) THE RESTORATIVE TJENTRiricE, J-or cleansing, wiuupir rl pretrtipi inc l ectn ana uikls. ( rri J tmn j Since thess Invaloalk Med fines were first Tii-jei rsnsont hats ciptrieni:J their I hapisy and taTuiarjr effects-iany of wborV trom me lovrcbt huge ci tntircuorocr- - ToAe notice 1101 rc& and all tht abovt gen me Medicine? art-signed pn, the trutudt severs. found the highly serviceable in our families, and particularly tfGcacious, in removing tbope; xomplaint tor which tbey are prescribed, we feel astused of their excellence, and consi der tbefe Medicines valuable, and well wor thy the attention of all families in testiino ny hereof we have affixed pur respective ', signatures. , f I - WmvAycri.tYB, Mi; Edward Walliogton," Adam Vancev Jacob Shough, . Jgfnh' H'lff, - ' John Shreevesjun'r "" .4,1,1 Naihanie) Bayne,. John u Neinon, i William Julian,; payid FUhV- ILL Broilasky, I to A fresh supply of the-dove. Medicines, just received Mior salt bj v'm. S HasXll, Wilmington There ' ratnphlels. containing r tijicates pf cireSi Me. tfc. may bt fiti gratis, ' i rWeSt India. Heaa-ACne iJropS. i '':!:,' - iJllfj ll LlLLi-: i X be ' T roprtetnr insieao pi irpuoiing me t ' ' . -. ' . . , a ! . , . .1 . I Public with a long detail ot tne eliicacr 01 ' this Medicine, wll only observe tnat, accord; ingto his experience, most Head Ache arise -"i from, a disordered state ot the stomacD,. which thia. Medicine is calculated To corrsct, and that It has given relief jit most of (he". esses where it ha been administered... It js no fytcnt Mcdiciile, end as offre,d to, the-. 1'unuc m tne nope 01 cohhiowiijisuwo. , thing te ; the relief of pee "of the? most comr i rnon as well a ditwsiog JJiseases, witri' which mankind'are :afBicted, 'U-i;.'.''1"'' -: The above Medicine t be had f ! mtiMttfUm :: JJwJb ,'iSre, piiet fifty cents ptf, bttk-C'-:i-.r'i-- Alt thefiUevUif Btk $ at very rutce if eppUed " ";r' JW immediately fm -' ' V. Suie ten commentaries op Boerhave's aphorirm, livol". 8vo Sntelliei MidwiCerj, nth platen 3 voh. vn Spallanzani s.dif aertationson rlatural history, digestion, kc. 3 yols.' Oo System of Anatomy, 3 vols. Bvo., by Andrew Fife assistsnt to Dr. Alexander MunroWatt' Logic Carvers' travels in America Sainbell'a lectures on the veteri nary art Locke on the human understand ing Wade' otv emetics Diddoe's on con sunT.5(ion, kc. kc. kc Zimmermen's prac tice, of physic, or on experience Moflnt's Ilippocrstes barns on Hsrrowgate wa era. Fowler's experiment pn Animal electricity. or Galvanism Bruce'' ethics Kirvan on pbiogisiion Gardner on 'the Gout Crop ; sted Mineralogy Jones's enquiry into Me dicine Chisolm on Fever Fulham on com bastion, or a pew art of painting and dyeing.'. 40 no'a of Black stones commentaries, by pro essor Christian ISO no's of lheNaturalisU' Miscellany.. ' V "? ' April 6 ..; The Co-partnership of Snrgwm k Ornte, is this da dissolved, by mutual consent. The eulemen of he'i ff sir of ssid firm ia committed to James Q roe, who !s?iclu lively entitled to sad authorixed to receive whatever i due hine assumed upon sn arrangement with Mr Burgwin, the di-" charge" of iho debt of iid firm. ' , ' - Geo. W. B Bubowix April 10. V'V "--".": Jajth Oank. , - AH persons indebted to the estate of the 1st Ceorg McDonald are"-informed, that the notea and account Wclonaine to the said estate are Uft in tha hsnj of the suhacriber for collection they pre therefore requested to call and discharge the tamr, to prevent prosecution. ' - v . Wat. 1L IIalikt April 21 . .. 3w ' - ( Notice. ' . r : . The subscriber hsving qualified as Admi nistrstor to the estate of Hugh Mstl'herson, deceased, Rives notice to all persons hsvmg demands gslqt the estste el the said llueh MacPherson, deceased, to present them for payment, within the time required by the act ef Asumbly, otherwise Ihey will he barred of recovery by the operation of the ssid act. Thoie who arc indebted to said estate, art requested to mtke immediate payment. ; Fsyettevlle, , ..." . . ' April f , 1113. MaartM MacPaaasoM , . Winslow h Blaje ' '. Have for Sale uow landuit-, 33 hhda. re- tilling Molasses. April 11 1 ; a ' Ten -Dollars Ueward. - Ra a w't frons lheVriber ( tht 1Kb Inst. a negro ran named l)ica,kouliwerrty fnur years of age, yellow conilrkion, nearly six ret bft;h, tolerable stout nwm srd has had bis left eye hurt wbirh occsions him to lor.k very bid out of it when cjsmlned tells a very plau -ible straight tale h has a small knot on the top part of his right hand, nr his wrist. , 1 supis h is lurking about V Unins;toa, or will try to get to Junes coun ty, on Trent, wfctr he' wis r'ned. I fore warn stl misMrf nf eels and others from employing Urn or csrrylrz bins e!f utidtr the ptn.lty of the Isw. I will .ire tb aU rrward to snV pervnt that will Ktutc UiiA 1 wt so'hst 1 ctt kta;aii.' ' April .! Wit. L. Ei 1. Still for Sale, , " Tbat plcaiant aud very convetiier.t tltce, ' story llocse,-. at the Nonh-went corner of , Hock and Second Street, together with a ,V great 'variety.'1 of articles -therein amonitst ; : otbtrsj ' a. complete serjof handsome Table Cbiua, a superior, pair of Looking-Glaisea1 f i add six Window Curtains, with white and . gilt head pieces, made, up in superior stile, i a valuable .marble, bust of the Roman Erope-, rdrCaracalla, elegant PaintChps and Engrav-. trigs, by the firsl Masters, and a "variety of'' Coach, i .- V Jrrt .'' .V''J . ' The large Stone WaaBHws fclmerfy .advertised, and several valuable NEGROES Alipr which, if not previously disposed of -at prime salep will be;'teKa;at7,Acilotty during the ensuing Superior Court.: I - -" -t ' . Also, ready In ha ArXwf xrX ah khfirt notichV Rice, Red Cedar, W.O. Heading and Slaves R.d. Staves and Cypress Plunk'3 Enquire pfWjjr the Printer. ; April -V Wanted, .'Af-.-,. ' AiTDverseer who cart.be recommended i for his industry, honesty and sobriety, and who" is acquainted with Ride planting; and ea pable of managing Negroes. , -Applj to the at J'r- -.-. "-3-rt PriWeri y. .-',., -t .Jreb vy..j . - i. . ' '( CaV W 1, aW .. The two complete Fire Proof Warehous-i f es. No 1 k 3.' he ine the nearest- the W barf-' r Also: the Wharf and a snug Counting Room, ; - formerly occupied by Mr G W B burgwia ' missiori MerchantV and -for ; receiving' And V? ahibbiiii tirotfuee Erifiulre atrK- Jan S I 1 n. . Tlaving Isold pill their Stock of Dry ' Copdsj" .call upoit alClhosd whd are indebted to ihehi V.' ' J v ii'ittke Immediate payipnt.7(TheflcotidJ'-r hue:Hd;;trahsact:,..hiusine5.i,as,Commibidoa' ".;';; v?'.- Mcftantirat.tlielif former Couulmg Rown, J; 1 , t, where theyJiave on haod'f- V'rfiivir"' " vv -'l -ri'West India- Ruitf'.f,'.'Y.Vi r.T' ,J .'r-'N-E.; do- ks; f f , White kbrown Havanah Sugara .''Vf." Which they offer for sale on very f easohaV.h . terms. ! ',-, ;' murch V . . New Establishment, tv- , ; ' J. JACQUITII having purchased of WiW ' L. if S. Pitts, their entire Stock of Englisji and India Goods, which he offers for le,;ai the same Store, ou reasoouble terms, for cash - only. He is In daily expectation of receiv-." ing a fresh supply of Goods fiom Boston, . which, together with his present Stock, will tnake a complete ' assortment for the ap proacbing season. The Public iu general ' are respectfully sortcited tocall, purticuluri ; the former customers to Messrs, Pitts., y march 24 ', i '. .' ' ' ' The Subscriber ioteodine to leave this plsca shortly, requests all those indebted to , him by Dote or account, to call and( settle the same and also those indebted to the late ; Jame Perih, are solicited to close their at counts, ho being duly authorised by law U- liquidate the same. ; -,r ", Apnl 31 r- ,'k '.. ,Hxxaf Peai A good House Servaru, ; It wanted immediately! for such liberal wages will be given. Apply at thia Office. ; . April J I 31.'. - ' . . ' , , .. . ' ; v ; A caution. ' f ?. -.V W eve io James G. Cochrtn fourpotst of hand, dated, July 17, 180, three of thttn :' for 400 dollars and one for 300' doll. recall i penoatl are cautioned Vgainst purchasing ' them, as they nave been bald, 'which nas been proven in uruhwick Superior Courts , April terra, 1113, ppon which the pUintiff wss non-suited. Low. Citinsioss April 31 ' ! ' .' : D. M'SacvrAst. , . . ; Fresh Goods ' v-u The Subscriber begs lesve to acquslnihii ; friends, and ike public In general, that he hat ' just received and li bow opening at LI old (and, -y ' . . - y . : a oixiaaL AtsokrsjtxT or -Jfarduarf Dry Goods (3 GroctrUV Adapted to the season which he yiU tell low for cash or country produce. . .. "aa DJa cksmitbs Billows for tsle Noil.- ' ; ... W'. MiTqattt.- , : Notice. , -v ' The firm of Wm. If. Vana k Co. Is this ' dsy disserted by mutual consent. All thorn Indebted thereto are herebv aeriutiklv r.tUJ . upon to liquidate their accounts end psy up, l i and the creditors art requested to present ' j ,!v their accountffor aeUletnent. . ' .' ' 3- . ... , , , William H. Vann is authorised to close the Uisinttt of laid Lvnccrp. . ' -: , . . ' .. wu.ir. vk. April SI -V - .'JiO. M. Gasu. JJSMUJSt." . 1 t'-.X'" am.i.uxj'.'.'rvjsa .' , triLuimiVN, . , ;. ratiTiD'AMo rutLitasu ir WILLIAM S.llASLLL. ' y ' CORBITIOXS ." " l.'Ttatt DoLLAtt 0 year, fsraU in cJ eaak-e, ef Foun DoLlaas if H feiJ v,ih , rti sin months. . ,' ' , " i. .V imt nrifnUm eon hi teftwd, for a A.' lime than i MoiTta, 1 3, fopeter mllbt discminHfdrrttf trrfot. ft l art ft-ttW, Uit ihectctMi If put it fw;. ' . t Co. i.rV. 4:: t .' t- s. . 1 f '1 r i M .9 tSr . 4 k 1 t 1 ; I. t - . ? t - j