A. .... ' Ii : ?' :':"-' ' t ' . . . u ;a.c;:.:u::fc:jFcujr ' -V' r Numtr1.1 ,i r i- -'4 ' ' 1 WILMINGTOisVjN XVUIt J 1 ' r. tt' - .TJie lollowlnj; highly imp)rtAnt uneHigeoce was iusu d from this Office on Saturday tparnjng Itist in M Extra. Gazette i for tbe .infonn.ition or our FutroniutIn'e soon- r " . JachQn. Neiv-Otkans and Victory... , - The teller of unwelcome news has but a losing office1' ' - ' but to him, who can publibh the joyful tidings of a great . rVictory, tho 'mo important of anyin the jannah of thx; , -" present "warThow gratifying mus't be .the task,, how tie- ; V; lightful the. office ! j. Such. an opportunity has the gaUant Jackson t urnisncu uiei.uuor 01 mis uazcue. nas- v teos to announce to its readers iatelligence'of the greatest .magnitude ! To those who loa the Union of these States to those-whohope dis:tster niay blight every effort atilu '. yasion ;n4 -hi rejoice in heart at the success of their fel6w-citizen's in arms patriotically defending from inva sion their Sacred Homes, this iotelligence-must be exhil arating indeed. Jackaon,' who has bten hitherto known only as tle daring Soldier, wilj hereafter be honored for his heroic prudencei as he will be immortalized for his" : br illiant and victorious1 defence of New-Orleans. AV'hile he has been cartful of the lives of his brave men, he has been perhaps too indifferent to his own personal safety. So near were the batteries of the enemy's' cahtion that thirty balls passed through the house in which he kept his head-quarters -his health, giving to fiicessar.t atten tion to the duties of hia ofTic, hw been seriously affected aid his lif has been freely, -.too "'freely, exposed 4 io ihc service of his countty- Butvhis reward is great in the reflection of what he hits 'done for hr, and in the unani mous and loud-peaiing plauditii of hs idnpy-Iiig tuiuitry rotn! .' "'. '''' ' ' '' ' ' Dear Father V'if vTSfclv mo$t brilliant cvpnt which; tito- place on th? 8th inst. - -I'hejBniSh; work :r at; 4ay light iri the ipinirig (ati iy o points, and - avctc ' repulsed vth; loisV of UOO killed unde loss I have taken great pains vj ascertain? and HoniMrj Li'qyVs LettcT Hate evil "without taX'tig rauchheej, ,. 'or the future, orW what "chimeras rould haunt th:.'ifn .aiat:Oii of ary .J-.tHOiuhem roliucuii tofttrug5ta for " ttVfejet'tKin, 1 acknQwlulge.I,ainnotf V tictvifdlv'at a lcto detrrmine.To protection, -on the land, r. on, thi .yn, vn towiuct pi, v irg;nu latric j ocean, it has not gtttt,;and protau cession site has ma J A of oisuut pa "J would not givei,ower't' it local fftl vouocef branches of hef jvii famii I Kw-urr fvafJ tint rMhl tA onRrate. was I can make no comment- that wooUl from the best account does nOt'exceed 5 kil- I equally redound to tbc credit of ledand'iO woundedfIlw5tene iibfraiit,-.-But 7. . "r t, -ItjZ V ; i . I vve me Jeav? ioask you in turn, what most desperate ichargetheyaVrKl colii rans -one in the center and the other in thV ngh d9ur battery,,-;:cacfi marf hact bundle, of brush prl pugar tahe 6nVlns!hpul? dcr for the, pnrposl; of filling up . our "ditch r they were so warmly : ,met that they were tnrown into coniusion anct rexreaiea,iana ioTj. Ined. and returned a idiird timelo charffe i -they succeedad in getting pbssessWrof the Dastion.wun wirec pieces, oi cannonirt. ii, Wll CeasicnN goo.1 old VirRiiia?She they were soon -dislodged, ; and the most '.of j has iott,the fXj)eoM of turee or hvr thcra'takea prisoners. VO iotent were thet '14-0"8? d0"!le? hT . r i 1 1 'i nKTic?.! n.prt?v'tauon in the House tn getting overourvVo their shoeS'for. the .purpose of cltEttbiW'it. St-nwtf of. the United States- There were a number of oiheers o-f stirtc tion .kiljied, and ii .-has 'been asdehalnrd ;iheir" has she Iotby it'?, or rathet what h;w she co,t gaanrd rtcttamlv every thmq she could Ucfeirehas she.alif QAr these neTSmes ? sc far frota Kthv are nlost cloaely 'united .td her. Do they ever rn fohiual questions, nf Moment s;ctde. Irt tin her, pr are they as constant in .'their adherence to their sgna Maur, as the limita fcy the pole Your own cao'Jor will resorve aU'Jhtse questions. ' Wh4t :'on has bcen 'tlfc t ffect of thisc1 mijji&?imious Natchez, jinuary 16,-1815. . . , .... - . t. , Late and Important News l FROMEW-ORLEATJS. , f Extracts of a tetter from Capt. James Kemp fomsjrinuinmuaryaafea - -CAMP J VCKSON, Jinukry 9, 1815 . Mf have news which as a patriot 'will re joice you, though it is the , news of cam? ge wne oi me most Dioouy engagements wnicn commanding general was morally wotinded. In a pocket ox one ot tlie oncers u ha was killed, was found jornaliri'yhkHxJijRerti sure to leave V,' placiftg- as then irt ; ; sonT"' resptcts m nat ;iiu- tion'undtr wnichwc hprtsetitu,iiur,'an:l'Uf the authority f tht t oveni-n nt w? itct.TOOst pefversi'ljv' Ud with; the, protabUy jef oat rcm; ii ing ia tt fbr ' - To seuthern menr how ,rWfidIyi ' ' reversed (should h:ive been aH'thest " prospti-C, The reins of government" . ' ven "Vit'v.dt theVjrjlfit rrat-a. Xhut -i were used to 'acquire " thvaWcre suro-. to drop into their hanfb- Av hotj-'t. httnordWy---lK)wU?eFull; liow6ril-" . Vnndv. at l":st for h.rsiU, raitKtroS ' " Virginia, ihe'eldestfiister'ofUie'e()nJ' .ettjrdi v, Have guided the chanot, of ' , &U'e O'TXunun prudeace, eivd ftU'.s ' M)niblt;drfAfn.fl3r,Him3ty,er ' ' alone wantirjj to.hcr if 'cor.fideat, la , , tUfi UHt;Tuy ne?.iev- acu rcwi- rc.;H certiiqly cCiir.ff for no pectj !atjir.t;r,ti ofctYnminsrxuioh fm who hive kejt i'rt)iir poskesmoc, t Jtrv ot nr fcwn strrttn avi :iu' , ''ir ,pce tii'te.vl ot "xe'l'v irVouiiis( &, i - , , tioiitd that on the night of the 13dv they Jost 225 tailed and an immense nuMwo.irid'IiJ ; and on, the 23th they lost is officers killed ana menuons, only mat tner, nad a gr iedj not in conseurr.ci ol. -.jmivV iatlit of 1 ,y fan th- t rtt s and adM.g tu- was I car own, .a widtly utcudrtl, ,'; thinly I J r a VjciI ?tvlTac:w0i:tmmcoty '.;.' ? st Ul ;d, aiid nlbost whoHv W:i epre- I ',mt d cf k 'miojHdi p roetrtil nn i m ..... J-c P,...J.J- . - ............i '8?TO2"d''paT''Tif I am sifrtMSie, that on thi-! f uMect, ia tits whicn Jiftriifit'dur country. n , untfker&onsl siingeuious.ihf oyour-' h'Milerrrsy"'tr tcb t'v?; tyliocv) slf wiht pvrhfe'ps ttU nieUiat jirj' t.jri',.h "hir fefiiugs ih.e ; jodt 1 'if tli; very pffp'duion, that is of thu. iw irdlpolioei'?'''-pt pcWs Wcsrejrn' StaKs. is of Xe7-Ji.n2lua4.! siocs.If .sl'eaVii0ki ''bal lot number ot privates killed: tie es:ima'te3"cf ''oriw J,od 1d:sraata.te.:.,We"' lumes-fj ihettf; pt': jygehif jo- r . yesterday's Rattle ifrom head luaiters is-SOo j llflvT Vid j' v V - ;,,.. "f, . ... , . r . , 4 with it. A3 xflatuuy itM-Lccuunot ting the fpwitKihif courirVSo tu v ' klded ahd-600 pnsoncrsT, mClulinc WOtinded pcitiive. that these men hid mira-1 blush' urstead .J ft c't.w of sflf 6a-' ich IS the largest number arKi iOO for l4 W regions Where Nnv-KngUnd tisfaciin'iwV'aoi' iua;f in th ' " , , I 'tiiink tne es-1 Pol,,k91 F,,,c,ler''c,1 " 1)2 perfect -fo'se of eVcry wswOadi ."o lire- s., - ' - tkg a d.'ssftiU around thjn-a's ir? karl Jctea-Jt'cf lioirj; ..ul'vthi.s, he " ; dity had nojutrayelled beyond ht in- ; pursued apopiosit e..Vc tad-1, . 1 V (wh wOunded carried otf by them ; tiniation is not too great The sight was a terrible bni to see a R:ld covered with dead and wounled laying in j irr rlnrlnMlii ; tl- h,, r-l Wcreu ,w uc WWU V MM M "kj k t VVIk V 9W I m- ia 4 . - a '. f , : hcaps,-tne neia was complete redit was iuy luwiiiinu. i T-ar-r, A,,' . . . ' "The British, under a heavy dischaVof aJeTP1MSl's it - .lavcrv iiiccisinv jtiiT-iii in srr. n iw tinri nnr eavy Uiscnargcot q;' U: Vrr, works in two columns, 'on the right and cen PoninoacKsanGcmyinjjtnem t,nncos. - . 4m - ii 1 1 n i liuw i tt 1 1 1 v i rnmrnfn'H itnin Tin iniptr tre; Uu assault w.w turious, ar.d brave al-Lr r " "r,', r most tevond etamnle: but'wa, as bravelv P.f the Crossed a force o er ihc t -r -, y met and repulsed. ' They advanced with fas . cies and scaling ladtlers even to. the very T ditch, under a fire which beggars all descrip tion. Jany of. them got into the ditch, and being unable to ascend were obliged to sur render. The column was two or three times fUmiceor our northern bltRts, acd in to h'jat rt Hyics"--U she hjfci, lo- 1iad wt into the latitude tA the tra&e.! -iv ,.5 it tmk '- of thWfv JrC'v wimia,- .ihd Uiwgttlph s,trcam,, where cal poiitks of the daVi'loletwined tot -' '-. no choice. 'if left iem butf' 19 wtr4 jlcjutits far thCv)tutfy,Sct 01.lv far- ' wSdik trttitf iti or, sink bcneaUt i 'IrV'.-nrc'tr. Mi 'tr &'A. fr r.;. '-: . - THTtlV Wpt.rfeucwTiJ"notT tixl.JTA-.: demomtrst, tnat such m;n if, tiir y Ury if had-ctdled .aidnJwM 1 rise to office after emigration, alone , takota &bd resosctab'.iity It f'oste 8scs," y ' con ov amairamat!n?. at-, icm in - fmm thriutntr,: end th wr imm . -' river and drove Gen. Morgan from his -bat- tery and got'complete, possession of it and burnt a great deal of property on the coast ; he had nothing but Creoles of theL country and they woukl not stand- xlf there had b:en jsome Kentuckians there, I think the. .enemy pulsed ahd 'still returned h the . charge-1 woald hlvc 5cn f,more scvCrc ih it were ultrmately compelled to retreal be- ihavC 5i5n 8I?CC commencement of the war. 1 ney nave since rcircatea 10 tnis s.aj of the river, and our force3 have again co:n plete possession. ALEX. C. HENDERSON. re 1 ..K.: 11 Din were uiuiucucijr tuiupcncu iu icuciii uc- ing literally mowed down by our bullets and grape and cannister shot; the field (Madison Hall plantation) is strewed with their dead ; aiid all the after part of yesterday was em ployed in bringing in their wounded. We , nave 3uu wounueii pnsoners, nearly tne same in eomm.mi, o.nAtL number not wounded, and their killed is es timated at from 5 to 8,hundred. Many it is known were carried off the field. Their left "I column succeeded iiigeitiiigssessionl)iuf "Ttght bastibnomhe " river ; buTltprove3a alaughtcr-pen to them as they were all cither Kiuca or taken out uvo or tnrec ainiosx im mediately. In the mean time they had push ed a column over the river which drove our ..men stationed there from a battery of three , pieces with, very liule loss on our part report 'says only 4 or 5. j ' - What is almost miraculous but strictly true in their attack' of our' breast work, our loss does not exceed twelve men in all. . A'joumal wavibund in possession of one of the enemy's dead o(Ticers which gave a statement ot their.lossin the ui lie rent actions jrcvious to yesterday' and it is certain their nrcc has been lessened since the invasion, imm !r to 3000. wttn a vcrv irrcat pronortion otoffiters A cessation of hostilities 'now pre Ta'Xsto give them an opportunity of Burying thcniduid. . ' " . '' . . , professions with their contitucnu, the eust and from the nortb if the : V - and sesJiHg their own cor.demjvitHin, , hid duly yioridtd,ndvw tffar''r' - ; ' hy making -e fervency of their Z:al, ttiose btorftt which no? riccVwwsrl''t; ' a commutation (yr the.noturicty Mtlragiutr tiV poliicaU'V-wft fchy-v X:h '.'-' t& Ornent rickenlntm. Cntr.mindrf in VUitt fWiwuW Pie. I ton and U M tf. to bavt bera lilltJ, nl GenfcrU Kruie, eorul FROM ,TR .RlCUMOND PaTRICT-iiATfrC. Extract of a kttctfrom Katchez Tr Great 'iSTcws reached here, last night,-- There were eight .British Officers brought to this place as prisoners, who say themselves that on the 8 th day of tins month the British i . . . ... made an attempt to storm Jackson's Works, and were repulsed with the loss of from 12 to 1500 in killed, wounded and prisoners, the prisoners now on their wv for this place. Our own loss was but small " The British must have lost near 2000, since there own officers acknowledge the loss oftl500 Jaclc son sufTcretl them to approach near the works before he opened his destructive fire on them. f i .a. : r r xou may rciy on tncauovens i navc u.irqm thoscs who were on die battle ground. , , CnAnttsTOs, Februarys, 1815. . Jhrent f.f Fnl. tVixvlhine. w . Front thevepusnaace of the ioitl upon, ;'he expand .-d fi.ion of' her est and u les". ofdn statcsmeli' of J own Eglt--farjnel bird of lieavrt Virginia to enter thf present union I havc-Uidvt!ovn; Wr' princijiTcs 'of ;; ir.d accept thi , Con s;itut!i as' to ; right, uottaiintd iuilb purtlal or equ-, use a comi.ion aae. misery loves j votHlj.n tensitn -4id on their viola- o company, I ccnf.it to yov. I derive i , Vioni,. have neish ft vested nor bal- ' consolation j h oTcm so.nc excuse for j lied, nof chairucd irt petty cont-n- (he vVar.tofptejcv'nre, and undarbutj tion of irriutlrr; and iivbec'le com- i gi-n-rnus cvnn .in our own iHti ; merctal restritfW ,;vw.U ok nauoa,' , . i . 'nt ir.Ur'ci V1 ftlt Uw in fervent. I tuir mestJv trurlle in ih- voIm-k- i ' '.''. ly a.lvocs l:i, ,3-i-i abptiaj it, with and cootBinelic V St.l.-'r i!'she ta IV '. i. 'f fll ifs iirjtrfmi.tr t;-.i its hc4L gWJ d her loins vi h ilieV ait-ctjoi f Uoth dispiduuHnf roir.d however I j aid energies of K r neeeamj nvarv-' .' t -X ; ntnawsre, sLnncruiir. innnTjm ot fullv stuj)tvd pmh tlm tVp.noAi."nl . 'Jt the most f bv'rtjiis and govtnirij, 'j cleared Nr'pathi-'uH'rfcy lr-ios, ' 'V' tkiiho)psit'! priiiciplcs of the hi-jor htr oUtc-brintKnf.M.jnry,h.v. ? ' V' . ei6n u hoMf tm.n i iiul in .1.1 ruraatx prnlvaMUrv' woui J hU'e burn the tic- man nf.-.r:, out uoiai-, auxo o.i tlie one lh-, .ar.d the oihcr, very "little crl''t to -tl' - w u kI - refitctio, or pro!peitive vWw of the panic inEu, encra by tacmi and discovering to my view an imfwrt jn.no disregard of the ctrcu:nsraicf s of the country, and of the ir.cvha'dc op?raion of One of t!ie most certain of all human procei. set. ' . The one parry, M pleased with a rattle? anil tttlled 'uh a straw,' io pa? session of a litde Wief autliori- ty, (lor though the tencvolnce of the Rmrnment rave us c W.wunj- ion icr ijs neaa, us power was csstn' trslly vtted io the uorthtrn and raid A. -i. -I. r. r nateiy to we certa:nt)ui its p-istng away Irom them lorevfj while the other, rmrtificd even at a temerity enipje oi us .nipnrtaoce, .contmucc furatim asimrrnctrably hlind, u ei.ee, by the erpnvon of its pT"la tion, and the eccii'n of tH-j wnti .1 ! ? j- . wiwi mc rxrix.nc i common aitcrc t'um, or r.hT without tlw t-id writ U the tiarnmnunt cotiUol t-f the u ruoit, as as it continued tn r Vir. . nn lii'luctment couidtje cfTcrt l to the rnhiiion, or Vcl pride of a ivirthcrn niitrmau for th anxious if Joption t-f i he Frdcril Cwin'nutio'n u.idcr its prtsn proi(oi, txen tb " AV jit. one of bvr prisoners, ,told me for the i'ii J; the action lasted it was the hittc&t lu etc Avhne&sedin Spain or France he led nv, rtnadicra 'to the charge, arid but fiyc A gentleman of respectab51i;y, who arrived in yesterday's Southern Sta,'infprmsthat just before he left Savannah, a letter wa re ceived! by Gen. Flotd, .IromC'apt. Massiak, Ai!.. sir i' . i : . i Miii in? mat u)u tv poubink iuu ocenmei ay Cenj MIntoih ,'. and complete ty defeated ;-r but the particulars of the cnwcrcmcntr were riot mentioned.'' - 'V : ' i .' i , 1 V -t . 'S' -. unntaocts of oar crrur-trj-and hour enVlaWf-VoliTJTaetK.fae7iit iag of Virgliii.i, I'r umkr mul cif-' ' cumstances I aiyon repeat, the nvjj. ". tre could ncthavi passed; fru-n l.cr,- but with her own torwrnt, ror evin ; come to u.-ljow,r'rctdfony ditfr'- fS tot our present situation is ntr f i.t of a different' course - f conduct, ( cannot dignify it With the name hf po. , Icy, BcarcelyncrtJs to tc drpKied, , ; disgraced ahroad in conscqurnce.ho'Jt .; of the time and the m.nmcr of prcti- , pitating ourselves Info the Uoody a-- reha,biaed near lornr m ovr fu. - tdc and bombastic prJ.-t i; nd teuz-'V log attcrr pis, on a couti'n nt-t .poa- , . , v f.sinf; more th ia twciiVthpatrtf our ownpoj-uLiUon, harmsVcj Aim , i: y - tie wiiow extent of our srsi-coiMt,- cm trrssury backrupt-uur' ctiuutry , (. enraged io a whr sir;d? hauled whn ' ., agigiraic)oif unincumbered, ; V, any ptlitr eneny,..-wi'h.l:tncn,t,io. - - y l. tty or uleu'ji t iittominiind, aidio . ' ' fi'l up the hwrort ?f til": iicturc,' Iths s - . the g.i!f of tivil cnovuWion-.yWnitg- '. at coir feit Inr wr, pcrJii'3.' - ; t .Jttuluin this' iJ rtraprtt anl . ,.'. rore reality, I h nico to Some" other' V-' : s trflhe leading 'ml j.iU cf your '. - i'ri;!cnrtbivh sn' vet wmuiwHi d, , , mt cfrtrntic:J!y ax, Sir if wiino'v dKit jo inycurutmon " need, And (;ii r tp . i.ul nl'y to tv! ' f . jn ctca Irom the ptiur of iunte r 1 i ,1 4". 1 4 t