i - J . - '-r - H . -" ,.Jv-j: w - vl "J fT-' - , ."t A- -.IV!-'- 7-.. 1 AND NORTH. 4 M O N D A V' EVE N I N G , J sn it 4, 1821. . a. " ... r-. -v . ,, ... --- ' ' . -p ----.',vA-ataaA-' nowita, . : .. i i i . . , - t v . i .. - . - . GAROLINiAlGE NE RAL7AD V E KTISEKt MES WILLS. - - BYJAM - V 1 CTtisjKSwsaK: J Dollar per aoom, pijrabU unna ; J ftlly kiadvbc.. No lubwhpttoo V lUkeo for ki termr lhjH monili, jc' . fcrpt totrtasKDt prrtoot (bat will t&pa .'LI ret be 4iicoiitlaaLlMCf pt tt tb opti'oa All ADVMTfiBlfOTt (rxctpi MUCDfflPnU . . dina idkmvcui aaticra wdicb a invaruoiy , " 'C 85tf "Hrle8K A-ihaB breadth, will t t hi inunra iifia i.i ecnit it bra Mk. ri , ftod 31 1-4 for rdcb continuance t larger . aoeg m proportion. . gj Clopca Wires or ' i 17" l.KTTaa to the rdiiok thronvh th f ( poauel paid, ur bry will sot be taken oat ' n n 1 .Mi' in , iY J WAV,Nt ,?Cfn!Jr cwP'ei bfffrdfeaf XX StudM-k io Hhiiada'nhia. rrtbcciruliv of. mane and its vitiniry, in the line o bit pro tcttioA lie ncpet, by fidelity,-dilict dcc ard aetivitr, to merit a portion of lue public con. Silence tnd pfctronHjt , " Application mar be nmilf at the dvellinr. fcooto ot Mr. Edward Wood, wbere the tub acribcr eapcett to reiidt. ' . , Jos tan GAo filmier xffertftrdiMy 24, 121.- ... NOTICE. V Titlaw harins mad it mrdjity,siCterk of the Coantr Court of Cboteao. ondrr : a penalty rTfiyT6VneVia fewer IBcio Notices to alt Guardians wfio fail to-render account of their, Guardiansh'D at. March " J Tc1rn ch yarTicreeWe to- act ttl. as .t . arniUly and seteral of thotc who have been Of rvod by the proper. tfficer with such NotU. a -t , t , . . .,.uaius iuuuui i rxprgicni ia trine w it n , him, b refmioe; to pay the legal lees in toch taiea, I hereby triform them, that unleie tbey veailihetnetvtfM( Inter nt berwrrn; ibis and the next Couijtjr Court to pay thoie fte, cxecutioo will thrn orrt-ir r be Uutd tat the sanao with the additional coiUt Whbom-ret pect to person. , i HENRY WILLS, Clk e.c. c: NO I IS hereby tj that Dtnja Wen toad hotn it ina ttmcnl amia Small, late of thu Coumv dead, and ht Ihe subscriber at hit March term . od.l fitd aa Executor to hi t. Those indebted to said etute are, regucsttd t tnke immediate pymeot . a.nd those to whom the etate is indsbtrd, are desirrd to present their claims proerly auihtnticated wrhm the time preset ibed ty Uw, or this notice will be plead is bar of tecovcry, -7,- . 7- Tfowh Small.: 1 I : CAeveiiii,' iltfjf 25, i82t. f 3765 ' t iVasbiniton Count Crortof P caisnd Qoar . f ter Sessions, Noe.Terdi, 1121. Giaaaao YaaaiLL, : - 4 - -AlLL.k .; ;-V LittaiaT B.:BiiarTtB. ,. .777T' Jttochauml Uvitd cm tht Kttatt of Lambert FlaoatTem, l2lXOrdered,' That publicatlod be asade hi the Edeotoa Ga. - aette tor aixty days, v that unlets the - said Lamtttl B. Bvtig come lor irsrd at the ' oext CoootrCUirt of Pleat and Quarter. . ! Best ions, to be bebLfoe tta rn,n ia.. IlC,?T IV. Court-llouie at Lees-Milll, oa tht third Monday hi M-y next, replevy and alead to iad a!tioa, final jujmect wiU be an terra ap acainat aim, r .. . 'i . : H - State of NfJrthCaroliha: 1 1 1 'r Bertie i County Court of Pleaa'atxl Quarter. Levied on fwo Nerrorii Tnm ... j .j., Jan .a aaii sjp awllrlBsl ...M ff execntor of EiArl, vtreKon, oe o, 1. not an mhsb.tans o tbi, Sttte, 1 it- Ordered, That, pabheatll ,h. made for three month. k. T xette. for the,aaid USu5g for Windsor, next, WiU fa arainst him bv d.i,.i Jt.AItUQDtS, CTJ. f ' " " " 7 ' - ' s ,t : : P w AMMtowagyii . t. . r--j. " :' ' 1 1 mm iiin.j ' ' ' '' I Stktrf NortH-Garolina Bertii Coaotf Couri.or Pleaa and' tjui 7- Seiainot. February Tern. 1821. Quartir. y Term, isai. s kL, .vljj:..-;",iL.. A' . pTaa.r u 'f - n e t it a a bm wa a a a M tm Ana wiinaio uee urty and wiliism 6psrr. . man .um.fd .. Rrnid.L . A .f Tit ordered. by;tbe Coon, that pnbticatj. I . . . 7. . . .T . - wi tf aw mist BrabeiB M alV LW ton G.tstte, for :be defendant to appear a) sw. aiaa va assm ana iab ismspatat BMitMsaa aorn a a a ar wsaar isntn vwnw neat ana vuarwaesai . a s L-i J 1. a a. . . . . . i m j -. ft sv . a"-. a mt onv io oe nera ,orine Voory or oenie, at the Coort.Hoose io Windsor, on the second other jic jud(nent fiat I boal will be rcadercd a rainst nina. 760 E. A. RHODES, Kti. iakc Noticevp Baij.BisseU hizS told o'tit his otock iw lisoi, ana win leave- Ldenten immediately. Those indebted td him by book account or note, are n qottUd to make pay Kdcnton, May 12, 1821. ' 100 Dollars Reward. rt5 ' J vaa wa t on the 1st ,mtC v mjr Negro Man v-J ; AAJHONVi about five feet 8 or 9 inches. of a black ovmDiexion. imooih tk'n, round bouldted, aod about 22 yran ot p(e, r. niv Neero Man - ,,;stHriiENi abontfieetVetAorUS- , p. rtvf.. The above reward will he raid fdf iha an. prehension of the above Net-roes, or S50 lor eimer "I mem u omvered to me, or secured in titiy JaU so that 1 ret thetn stain. IL All persons are herehvCktUionrd from naruiiring.orcnipioyjnsinem ; and masters "i Tn.ru are eirctiy ii;Dioaen irem harbor tot; or carrying tnem oil at their peril. , . Sriuad . Carraxtcy. LaktPArlit, IVitHingfen Coun- f ; ty, M C. IMjJ. 182U Vj- The pubiic w cutibn of Stephen iiernii A.iarit,took place i this tpwn on Thunday, 10 h mst. and surely a uccuo$, never waa exhibited in this commonwealth.: It imr.hi.ihi. give ad (pate exprenion t the deep and aw fiit feeliogt to which the rtfem orablc traoaaciioDs ' bf xhe tlay gave birth. v ' 0 7 At fi early hour the place bf eip cution i aa.i liierally aurrounded by U nf iMj f.i.l . P a 7 .. . "'"ment that wis tcr wns'gn ooeol their fellow mortals to T T " rr. B? I iheir . rtfs now 6xtd 0a the tnstrument pf death or- j7.!..,nr"? !nd ihroed in that .h Uu fnral escort o(;ihe unha ppy crifnin.l w., expected IO nne9iis am 2k.. c M JooB te mourb. ful proces.mn r met s their view. .nd j r . r"suca ana accom P"n e y.Vdditlonal w...l.l.;.fl.??r a,u;,u .tT ""Mmnrarea m- momenta ih . i'scf i.ocera mta.' k... 'v T 1io lb. .. "nun. now.fh.n.jr .. . 1 . . "Km irom ik 'MF uoeon few weeks convicted;., and .couoteoance w.V I 7 1 fteB . V- swia . : T . f nu eyt wax . v Bin, ota-feiiow.su coo.ic.. tender solicitude rnanlf.fred-toWard 42"ni4" fc-l71V TT',. eiw.M'ranv the u..happy aufferer bv the humane - ,yiwfcttR. OEPAlfTMENrrT--'-" keepshia balr well combed nd planed, ab. at ,n(i kkarthJmhJ..tFr .L 1 nunili,fte .CoaM 0 EalirBtB: 28orycarsof aje, bat worked for a-me rSttu9f "as 7 A1e. Macomb. Chie Ermeer:, . tim pasvoj . aearpenter. an,f it if, prebbl "r,?e,Jr M th,ao hl hich mai ked Simno Bernard, , Assistant Eoeweer. r-V- ",l,!r!!'odic, SWK tlerical friends V Cb-rlea Gratiot. Lut CoL for the Nortel, their dress no,recocd andr-when he ucd-I!!-!.i. J'l. lotton M.j. -The abovi i reward will he r..d .L -e JT.7,",,Tr- tJ'y?.We euick aod inimattd. hit nervei unaha I fcen the arrar and. circumstance ol judicial proceediigi, tod hia whole meafirid-ru;Wpir ghastly paleijeaa covered .hi face, hia eye waa linguid aodTdecIioedlb esnh j I J WaMPtt1betijoke an Inw.rd --.i ' t . Z0tlYi lh fOUW DOf be Uttered, ???hf' Ren Clergymen upported 1 Kiel raKI si I nek lAiweorla lht mm.iT .1.1 r vw-ow av aa wa rat an wa assaa... iiio bl bsj'siii. I . T 7 ,t "-'"T'rw I hia very tout appeared to quake at the. :a. aa a a '. i tcrroraoi loeuw mat mrrouaded him. i . -tHe Wtt conductet I r ,W .u. .i , icted up the rtt flight ' principal floor z and - r t' . ""f ""7 " tpirn Pirnof r . - jjj, . " 'a BwaaaaAar overttowereo hia atrenmh. Ofi'rl h r- t" . . ' near fainting, but was iq gome meaT aure revived by the kind and assidu- ftu attention of those about him,; and j he leaped upon hia'amritual while the high-sheriff read the svar rant foriiit execution. A. profound and aolemn ailence reitrnecl ihron.h. olii the vast multitude nf iMMii.,,. whfe Jfouhtenancet were marked lv ;ho rrmsined UiC,ov ered durintr the residue fetthe tragtciceoe: The Rev. rArn.i; Ls. C."rT' y M,.tii luirrcst, anu M-t.. - ' - - i . f r hV ii: r, i k T ?'Tl ftthneaa:yy ivi r. .aniij. nif v. . . .1. r tT'! iMwu.Ku. mi inrooc 01 men took ihrir last, affeel of their ch ie. And left him n .k- nands ot the executive officer!. -The . i V w ' w B,SS irer-- yi "icpa anu IOOK niS Bland , Up 1 niSf Htt luppQru.ihe. iyrapaihiM and pity of the beholders were raised o- the highest pitckj and when hla bosom and his neck were barff and k. meekly inclined hia head, to enable Ur. lUtMaawoa ..... fo wiijuac tne tatai cord, and submissively- rilafvd K,m.ir ' , t 'Ml 111 the portion moat ConvrnieWt f-. ;,k- readluh purpose for whieh h STlre, the feelings of the mul- tuuig no longer Do euppresstd, and mingled L sight and ffruaoa were heard in every directing. Th... f"' Toon njiSQed, and at a signal f.om the high iherirt, the :"iprtnpraftaiBcfiedrrirfetrV-w riavniia. a . T 'a r Moment laMneherl 4 1t Thus died Stephen Merrill Clark; aged ITtetrs-Acutoffin the heinous olFence, and made a terrible exarnole of id ,.i.:k...: the present tforld, and held up as n awnii waminir to all ai,.:-i Md especially to yoting peoos. to sWa the Ditha of wire, iff warning not be loxt. 3 h ? ' ; Nr ARMr REGISTER. GENERAL ORDERS. , AnrT.ati.lr,,',, at0fict,7 ri..,:V. . .May 17M82L; - . la Dnridaneof lta i i ri.. 7- . '. - tUAtl.A. v:. : wress, enti tled An ACt to reduce and .k. :,., Pence Establishment of the United States. h.iit ik. 4l .t aa u . . wwt'i ' ""v,nr -'dmt w.awwwii iiaaia ine llllieawavin lollawiot lai of offlcert" tne touownig ortjaniaitH! asaamiaiaatjc'' 'uia-c. . . ta vVwvaM v'naiaaniwwiia inn iniitaviHaW - - uiura .1.. . " ter the first of Ju aetll i7Tv 4 NAMas a no Raw " '.1 iio'u nraan. aii i ..M ,.4.. '- I " i ' a. .a . T !' 7 -J-K' . JohnR. Wool, Imp. QeaL . t- J. Gddea. da : " lir , - ym nnsrd.tjr. Matter. llenrv Stantn. i -r" For Ata.'Qr. Maatera. La .n-.1- - i . ' -3 Peter Faaaoei ' Suva Keeper, Q. M S2'SI--SS A; P ,f fa :; bfJSfl lRNCB CohGeflwCibaw. W " ' - : y ,UJ1'. itaV: ratfa TtTasait - at "r, B , DEPRTMEN Co A Gen SnliMraee. for the Assiataot Commissar iee. of Subait trncei see ine suoanerna of tne nnt. . . PL'RCfl 1SING DEPARTMENT. IArichibld Steele, Siote deeper. S PAY DKPAKrMNr. D Parker, Paymaster General. . , rtinri rifaianrr urjirriii I Payma$ter Thbasas VVnr.bt. Asher ! I ,,1, Aiphwiao Wbeieaore, ben, P. Lat I &attrle. P.lark.' Jnwnh WeA,.tt U Lamed. Waodruff. . I Vaatct Qy wna, David. Sv Ta jroserd. 4Cb W, At bri(ht, Charles B.. Talmadge, Daniel rtaet dall.iCbarlea H. Snaitb, Thomas Biddlc. A. A.Masiat. " :- . ' M E01CA L D E P,A R TM E NT. jsepb Lovell, Snnfeon General. Surreont-m Thnmat, Liwmww ThAmM fi Mower, B, P Il vmey, W.f Wheaton, VV. S Madison, M. It ElUott, John Gale, Jostah Everett. ' . -- - . AitUtatit Surgeont-tteorgi y, Meopin, Jopenh Goodhue, James H Sargent, Srlves. tar Ll4. W ia Billard. W - T.. Catlett, Fostet 8wift,v)ohn,trevett, Wart. M,n?r.,..T 1 ? c Mo". Samuel Saith, Je.Mnn,L Wallace. Wa Stewart! J",' Detavan, Robert Archer, Gaol I rticnaro vycxnimaa. w. . urMm. i n:k i :.. - ... . S. H.. Little lohn C. A. P.ak. rh. M.I deoHall, R. M Co'emsn, Benjamid SCme, A." r. mcmii,. . r. nan, rreatiey n. fjraia!. va, yuan J JCKtoa. OyJfaioe-.Sylv. Thayer., rVEtT3Tinrir ey. Prrd. . UwTWMlurite, ii.pgl Dontu.fjhn L.nauh. v . Jnn-Hor. O.W, Geo. Blaney, Thomas I Lesl a. Win. H. Chase. iu uaiBHeHi, nnnrewi t atcott. &nnd Jjemtcmmiui-Wak A. ' Eliaai Fred. A, Uoderhttl, Cornelius A. Oed'n. I lenry Brewenoo Stephen Tuttle, Andrew J. D'oeUon.,- ' . . .qrGRPHic.L ENCJlNRRrii, ,1 Aaere J hn Anderson, sccK4Kedeiftf; John J, Abert, Jat. Kearney, Stephen ki: Lone. P. H Perrulr. r , ASSWrANrTOKGttAPHiCALEN6f. . NEERS. -x..-- . - . CeAwntvMiietk V.Mn. uV. tt-h bZjT" ii1? .,?a?5 rinmaa8acbe; , , L- v7 X- EH y; 7 Coenei'.Mowa Porter. XfrW CoseW-G. Bnedfordi Afltdr .1 H. lV!K..ik : ,tBrook, J " Eastman, laes Daliiba 6: Uana, J S Abeel. W. T ' tv.n.i V, .7. r -oVevaf -VeresienTSamirl Cooper, Ani drew Ure, H. Bwa,, l PoVler O. D. Riniu VVa T W. W "rtt.''? "t Aatutxat.- "wtoa 17 T? " ..m!.. - - "j e jiiu x innmaes a , vnfa,i - 31 I a.- rnstw "'"mr'Ai Vladatford Th..r ii7... I mttiaa 1 It . i . m . .a-' " " W 'T,T!WM.ildJnillBMi n I -w m .. I-.,. . ... . " vl,.,iKI.,,li. . , . . Miia- t L Iw ? H ue Kussey.uuarles U Me ion. John S Pierce.-Allen jawd.-'Oll S? W Fttahneh. J J H sti Hrmjtron. Pt. A Gait, H 8 Malio?,, iy Welfe- C M Eakin SrS Js? "lrd,,n JephStrone, Janata G'tes, .Tiwn.. pVuIIkT i' ' W . . - - . "0.--r - . w. : r- i 4 j x.n ".i-TO......,..,,, , Phl 1 f V 1 ' - ,VI 77 T- - Li - ...'.T7;.:xlT' .77727!7!7 : : " '-:

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