r. .Pitted wlih mall-pox, black 1 j 4 4gc carnngs in niS ; cars ; the back of,;hi3 'right ha'n4 marked with an ancJipjfpeQs En 'glifh a little broken, was dreffed in : nankeen trowfers, a ! white - jacket with blueipe-ts. He fays he belongs -to the frigate Adams now in port! . : PHILADELPHIA, sfugufizs. The Umtcd States febooner Enter- . prizc, i'tcat. Shav, hat lately taken 'two French privateers,; viz. the feboo- uer L'Aigle, mounting i c guns and 8c men, and the febooner Hambfaux, oi 12 guns and 9 revu. Tho Flambeaux ngaged tr-c tnterpnfe nearly two glatfcs, when having her fsremaft ihot away, and the Enrerprifc being about to board, fh: It rue it Jrer coloars.t IAigle was engaged 15 ininntes, and had fcveral killed and wounded; a jnnr thet former was the firftdieat. DHrjo h-r 14ft :ruiie,t he had captu red American proper ty 10 th? amount '"of 295.CSO dollar. The Knterr-rifc in bothtuefc aitiuns loll none of her -crew. .. stay-' ft 2 A report is in circulation, that the .. U.ited . -.tatcAfloop of jWar, Warren, Cap::u Newman, from Vera Crux to the HavMSDi, his beeu taken by the ,Brhi;h frlgnte Quebec. The autho rit v upon which t'tis is ftated, isfaid 'to !)? a lct?er received this dayfrom rhc ilavaitaah. which has words toths z o I J W4V : V' have long been yaVeirpectatiiTbt ;the arrival of the nr . l. . ; " 1 . 3 -1 31 1 t-rj j uui, 11 ij uuw rcponca i liar iheJiis oren cKei:by the Britiftj fn-"guc-iiitt.cc." ' ' j 1 1 '" u ;uft 39.' IMPORTANT DETECTION. I:formltrin having been received by Robert vVharton, Efp, from Mr. dc la Mcntue of New York, 'that ecrtiin dclcrihetl perfohs were in Trrifidelpb: who had altered fun dry Bank Bills, from fmall tolar gcr amouaia ; the proper oflicers were directed to make fcarch for the je.-fons. Ia a few days by the ac tivity of Mr. Hains, head confta blc, with ether ciyil officers, three pet fans were arretted and lodged in the jail of this city, viz. Rorvell Bingham alias- Robert Beernan, Levy Sr;phsls, and Ephraim Fitch. Oj ihtui was found ail thr pUtesl and apparatus, together with an immenfe yu.nber of ; altered bills, amounting to 1280 dollars on the 'Manhattan Bank, exclufive of a Jrge amount on the Boftor Branch Bnk and others. The original bills of . were altejtd to one hundred ; thofe of five to thirty and fifty. The bills in every other refpel were perfect ; the figniture, &c- brinr; genuine, . The manner in which they performed ihe alteration was by extracting with liquid the origi nal fum and im pre fling a large a mount in its place. The bills plates, liquid, Sec. are now in poiTeflion of the M-iyor. ' It appears from Bphraint Fitch, whohas'madea complete confelHon ; that" RofwcII Fingham alias Robert JeermantlWand I-CYjr Stephens sire L the principals' in thxi bufinefs, and that he was employed, by them, at 25 dollars per motnh, as joumey rrtan, to' do the work, and to have ."no other emolument or concern Whatever in the bufinefs. This tnan promifes importatit informati on, provided he is -pardoned. Ebcnczer Saundtrs ! who was 'convicmi cf robbijig the mtail, and imprifonc in the go.il of Annapo Jts, lately put a period to his exill ence by laudanum. coafider able alarm has Wea excite r Kow glorious the fcenc, that uifpavs reflecting the alledged exxftence of tne yellow fever in this; borough. V fcelit our duty to fayj fbrnething on the occaCon, in order, to calm the fears of our countrymen, which we find hare been played upon inthemoft wahtonlrnanner, by fome of our oWn fellow citizens. ' Xhat a fever prerailsr here, Trhicb has proved fatal in a variety of in fiances; is aO' undeniable fa5t ; but vhetherjt"ii the fame fever which has lb often ravaged; our populous cities, or thV coromon-billious fever incident to this feafon, is a cjueftion on which our phyiiciahs have not yet given an opinion It is certain h'owevar, that, it diiFcrs in many refpefts from the fever which has prevailed in New Vorh and Thiladrlphia. 1 Here, thofe who are habituated to the climate, nay, who havr Jived but one or two years in town, are ery.rsrely attack ed wiih ir ; thtrje thf contagion is p;?nerul, and the confequence the fjine.' Hence it is reafonable to fup -polo tht the'difeafe is not contageous 'is;t Ib rni 'our neighbours ; that it e-x'Sis rjthcr, it it may bclb expreffed, jnur atmoihere than among our ci tii'-rns, aiid jenotfo eafiiy tranfplant- angers who have taken the proper precautions ih regard xp their hahit, have feldom taken the (iifeafis ; nor is ir by any mea.TS general, even with the mod neglectful. In mod cafes the aid of the phyfician 'proves efFcctual w;hrri called in tixfy nhis ijuacli ons obeyed. j. f.j'r. -, 3n order to be more' faiisfadtory.fwe have viiltcd the fcveral burying grounds, and bymakingthe necellary ejquiris, have found that thre have been entered in the laftS 12 days end ing this morning, 56 pcrfons, about T5 of whom have died of difeafes not particularly interefling to the public, it h obiervable that this period hs been the taoft fickly of any that we have expTienced this year. We fhall iu future attend incTf ar ticular to this fubjeft. rrf,;., after dea'ihA Which gives us new life, thb' de prived of breath. No worldly hnmolnments, I le&veou - behind ;; '- v i Some true boned friend, no do Sib t you will find, r; Then trufl in your maker, he jia fure t ! :! Keep a true jgptiV(eart X or vr il ) rprd cTl " ' -T. A. L I TO THE PUBLIC. The publication of Mr, JefFcrfon's character in the firfl Ne. of jtbe foft Angel, lam ibid ba, Riven 1 lonie of fence.-; It is alledged, that if X meant to deal in characters, en bond, fartc, ought to havelegan with the: Prtfi dent then, in order to luve defc?i o td tothe Vice-Prcfident, &c. In re ply to which, I would interns thepub lic ooce for all, that I never meant to have cither beirmingor eiidiogupou tlrat liric. I never intended, by coin Reccing Editor of a ncwfpaptr, to iioitraence politician at the fame rime -I Hevr liavej' been able to difcuver any natural conneciioabei ween the Azic. I know an oppofiie idea has got into the minds or a numher cf v.v ri inic i ; but when I read their opinions, views anJ reprefentations uf things, focor tjvdictory, thatthey do nut Appear to me to underftand tht Tubjeft of4'vi. any better than myfelf, who Woui4 wiiTi ta Utft-ijlaltogetCrr. n , - 1 handed but tliv charatcr of the I Vice-Prefideni:,! becauiV ir ws hand ed to tne I mall alio hand out the character f the Pre fid en t , whenever it is handed to xfte I do n t intend to put tnyfelf to an" tt ouble to any thing of tire kind. 7 ! ooen to ive a hafta ot ?n l 1 - - ' - I w arch foi preli is efol r o Jitical information. 1 wifh to. furnilh tnr fubicrihers wlthla d: Sir from ih'e belli arith6rities. tui! of fails for their mi ormntiofj ; nd us matter of no cc)frq:ieuct': v ith mt. hoin tisev ma j wiliitt? place iii the c!uir. The EDITOR. one dollar KINGSTON, j (Jamaica) J Aug. 2. A number of cougterfe'it doub loons are faid to be in circulation, and the execution of them is To good, that they ;can jfcarccly be diftmguifhed from the! real ones The date -of fome that have been dctccled is 1778, apparently new. NORFOLK, Jug. 23., It appears by the various n w pa pers Iroa the neighbouring Hates, that Wb pnesday Morning, Set. 10. FDied n the 27th Augu.ft, iSco, 6 miles above Ldenton, FJr. Richard Ho&ibs, in the 63d yoaref his ape, h bring t.e firft and only qh taken cut bis tamiir. ieftr-beiiind himvJiii widow; and r3 childrenj, nearly all grown, ne is mucn lamented by all who li.se w iiim in ; particular by the poor, tne ratBerleJS andtqe widAw. DiPARTiD this lifa, on rriday morning the 29th of July laft, at hit tioufe in tdento, Dr. rIlDRlCk KAMCKE. VVho,bythegentlenefs& fuaviry of his manners, his fkill &sp plication in the medical at, the friend iineis and hofpitality of hisdifpofition, jaifly merited and acquired the affec tion ndefteem of everyj one. .'His death mult be regreted aSa lofs to-the pualic, in being bereaved of the fer vices of a man of unblemished morals, untainted integrity, and fiiigular pro bity and goodoefs. He grudged not his trouble in vifiting thejfick, and bis heart was tou good to letj him fee the diflreffes of bilcllowcreatures, with out orfering a willing hand to relieve them. And his ditpolitioo too'Hberal to. let him accept a frtj ". in 6n. he was of anibble manrtersi one of the beft men ; and his foeiable difpoiition qualified him for the kind friend and cheerful companion.. ..Y 4 ferv tines nn the r:sfanche(v death oi Dofior Frederick Runice. .lythhAu gufiy rSco. j " THKICL welcome grim; death, thy Horrors are fled, j My pleafures is thus, to reft with ihc dead. ' ! What picaftire on earth, that men 1 can compare, To the fa eetneft of death, wbkh ends all defpair. 1 Now while in ray tomb, in fiience 1 reft The pleafures of life, being trifles H at beft ; ,. tThen weep not my friends, my choice -is now rnaxJey . I To prepare my own end, was to refi T with the dead. - .. . - . ; Adieu my dear children, my wife and my friends ; Why fhould yon lament, when pay trouble now ends : You ; it t fre tljeforn? f our'tr. r?r Tome kfitnedi .Miich wili '' continue fo, for two orjrliree mmuhs, ignti wer receive a newifdc, which is now lent ?br the pricejutfb Jelfned the u to rt-fume -the -fizre of the firflt N o As the regular weekly aj?pfarande, our Fub-. fcribers will oblige us in fending their' advance money io us by the Superior uourt. We have a gfeat variety of bUnk upon hand, " for fale ; and in a Qiort time, will have them of every defcrjp tion i fo that j thofe who would wlfh to purchafe, rriay Ift fopplied upon a call, The following qutfihns aret he anfujer ed iu our-next 1. Which are the nioflTiicanftant in love; the mei.Qr "the women ? 2. Whether a young lady isjuftifia able in the eye reafon-and prudenee, in keeping by br, after marriage, a ny. letters fromj r piclurcs of her former lovers !? . , 3. What is the 'beft cure for iea loufy ;l J.. ; 4. J thalivti of the, creation, commonly termed jhe brutal herd, or any of its tribes, endued with a pre fci ence, i, e, a1 foreknawledgff of fu ture events, fupcrior to mau ? . A: warring? is honourable in all an. thebrdunesjusJ9 it is 'tirengly to be hoped, thav vvhatfver has a tendency to fweetm that fhte and enhance its endearments, cannot be unacccbxable. And more cfecial ly when wc reflect, that the pleafures or miferies of that connection, have either a blcfTcd pr a melancholy effect upon both poiTerity ana iociti I j V- - V iih an cye to this, the 2d and 3d quoflious 'have been fuiircfted totwe bv Tome friends to human aature; thefub jectis well-dcfigned; and if we mould; be fo happy as to fucceed in- its exe- cution, by a judicious refolutlon of the queries, the tendency willhegdod; Tet it have what fuccefs.it may on the married flS'tc. The other two wc hope will afford fome enteruiament of iome kind ; if not inftruaion atlea4l amufement. I fhall aflurtf th jpnbiic ef a change f difhes (faying nothing f their qua lity) and not one . oniforni cover of. mulhaijd fat Ai flu 2 card wts tailed open bv i friend, one morninffto riferife.favs uc, tar ma nas rnen andltaneit oonis way three hours j ago. Let hint be goings replied theflugarb,ke h js far ther to go than i l have. . ,; Tfic funs path appears to bejre; raarkabjty well underftood by a nuno- ber of our Edenton CentJein'en'Wh' are fure never to rife JoV three hoors . after hes ifes. ; '7 r,.- " ' tfp We have now fentheHft '& "id No-of 'the Poft- A rigcl to each of our old fubfcribersl Whoever vyould not wi fii to" continue, will be pleafed to let us know it. 1 I 'if TheEDITOli. . THEfubfcriber interids leavtng this A. flat, cvrly in the ipri.vg-has ir fale an Kriday Odober the 3d, the p antaiion whereon he now lies, 4c acres i whereon is a d wdlii, huufe wirii fix roolms and five fireplaces, ami other convcricnf houles. Several ne ver fai Mg .rings, and ncsr tlie houfc ip orch-ird, hit ving about :oo apple trees; peath atl other fvu-t trees ; apd allcf has forilic txvo t k of oxen, ( cpwsand ctives ; and horirs Vomc i crt beert ed a v e fy g' edgr iil -' will,or't!ie a'bove Hud one niile trorn tjie driver cuiliie, and a very good road dpwu to;thc river., , It Is a -pleafant, halt.byclflrandfmr Rioa tion, boor 1 yq sfcrcs'ot ckored iacd, and ud r a prtt.y ;-n0d fence, 'i iure is fom, very good to cUar. Should the above day 'prove bad, the file wiltj tJu" next fjir day. r Six months Credit will jiivin'w bond the puri-lifej With lufj.'cient O-curi v. Die given 'tnr' TiC g"oci wii bciold at the fnioe time. HEN.RY HAilHAMOND. r W NT Y Fl V E DOLLARS RE WARD. fc? U.N away from the fubferiberj on the icth of May la, a negro man, named BRISTO about 20 year of agt, s feet 8 or 10 inches high, of v dark complexion, arid is well wade, has a fear or his breaft, eccdiioacd by aj barn when a chiid. He ; is welt klnoWp in the town ofEdenton. I will give th ahqvi: reward to anv ilerfuii rhat :mmsmrnaiut'o rue fahferibcr, or to 'Mr? U. ,Fiuryia djenton, and all reafonable charges piaidk ' c --.u I r DANTFL YOUNG. I WinJfor, Sept. 6th, i8co. - ' ' 1 Is ADVERTISEMENT. JOTICE, on laft evening the y -id dav of Septembtri ! run away from the fubferibers, two ne- giro msn, namely, SAM a black fclfov, about 30 years of age, his foreteeth are very optn and has a fmall lump on cne of his cars--is a bout 5 feet 10 inches high, -and very ftout ifnade. i QUAK a light yellow complect ed fellow, about 10 years of aire; liis hair rather yeilowifh, which he tries to tye behind, ?lhis he may have cut.ciT fuice he has tun away. ; He bs a broajd found full face and ) 0.Jt nbfe foi a tnulattoeK he is a lout 5 feet lo inches high, and al fo ftout made, they botli carried with them a cutlafh, and it is ex pected will t try to get out of the country as freCj rneri, the carried alfo a red cloth waif U coat, a gray cloth waift coat and r breeches, a good cloth coat and fome homefpun thirts and trowfers, and good hats. This is therefore to forowarn all pcrfons ftpm harbouring or carry ing them br either of them off, by land or water; under the penalty of the law. And wc do hereby offer a reward of TWENTY-FIVE COLLARS for either of therrj 4 dj.'; Hvercd to usat Wafhijigton, in Beau- j ort county, or in any goal in this or ; fjhe United Statesvft that we car " get them again,, and alfo to ay al J GEORGE HILL, ! MICHAEL HILL. (N. C.J Bcaufirt count c - J-