trr;rf..;;; 3 iw-t? -''y .-Jv- ; ' ' .x-,.;-- ' . .t . :..t"dv;" i - -r . i .... , IP'"- V - X " t - it - H f " .i-v. '. I.. "t ,1 f : - " ' ' , ... --v : .T M 6 N 31 A 1 K t-. extent of coufttn- to which' ;ropois;1rivc' I Att'iisaibn- nfic eat-before. iu c6uhe retiuu.! WBef cf otjf nhllrifecvi:, wlach urs not yet all tiftSt, "ani ;tili x-e :art iitfvd ViUi a ftock : oi pIt. .- f'f I. (rhcrv.'Ue our propria is-. ;s iMed vith. .. ; rmz :t -- 1 , W'; ft-o1r.;nient; ttf tlicfirft ' m-tnc lint. :i, nr:vO ve . W-v ate by no mcir.s difVcvrad ww ' P-.xYc'h.rTe et'he' ied nothing 'move t'.ar; all w.lvp V fertile rof 2 Aa-mtcy -troWK;y mmaixc't;a lt&,i;p " :r to Aittipatc-'-, b; is -!w"rrt: "vt1lfi;:;ix with d thaai uicir neiglibouf:?,;. . . ;.tj 'diet - HcTvabc' have f m.-t em bo prtnoa tt-yMu' T': tl. iL-c v-: -adiiLrffthe u;iV!: ' .t the riw n; .. :;":;v' .; ikicArsg cb--:t;'.i . h the r in uc a ntdcr 0i::-rdve5 b'cii'd ;n" a a-ith$:A;i'ptercil-aivJ n'uui; tiu, other feu;;, v,;';!ijidi' ihe b; py cvqit :k: Inch ratUMbfrV? rv;. dTt -af"- f r (er" thi timoa-ili'jt. to bo -:r. tat:ilii' :r-ti;t hM na ::!? con;'. q knc, as ic h ipp'-r. to ie ;Sc-'.t n:::T.';.:; t . aje BOft ,v ci' f.;:;r" t .fjhc, i i ri ?.c .i , r a? h c r.'ixlf ifetba. raudi ;J:as b:Hi:;iti'-;,-Tlun't:rvj?v-'.t that hj. ,,e coijja'nctj ;Ul at ca- -bc compi'tved; - ; . I Gyihu.J by t;: ' .irqvabje feT:t'nKTit$'l.Ia;:h' .fsre' "cy'rctd ih'----onr .a.l J r ciV t6 $9 and sp rcfcd vr.'t.h ' a'n" rdea tba.t t.MtJt'jr'zVns of r ill ate (iilterdb nihtchV ' 3 1 :vaT feencs has ibcnhni'-cimacnfftd yr iu 'Ln 7;, cvj wiFi-tmtftce' f.m to ,-i4 .-jejytry; eaiy r t :v ; u Kxoiiwpzk A.!iiii,i',axiriji ybate nay urKrr.p.ty : tbat ijiay beciAcihj br or.nncn.; ::E jlAt i VlV: C';wi2r (hgwete -otners nay. .torret) bow eitr?''y, . it L tcj .nmte na- in- 1- OUT P! T" C':.'unrii1-'v.'r-''.b ixc fiibrtb to b: ilea lit i :i I. m. . , , , v . ,.vt l" ' 4 ., ihis ftate, however 3: aHhr in anv politiiU .ViM' l oils vitn i : ui'i;; .lc :.j -iv r hfTW in, -v.i - J - - n 4 oelnK Uie bril evcr-rn;: .liruls that di ex-.rtion. o' hurn i mAr.ubn m.1. .. r.( T. 'v. Mi V.r.dr fir.tilar ad'ritces ia one qo;irter .he v;: )bc 1 'io'Jir;r j mdwo bopo' the favour.ddt i' w ' .. rcviih', v.'.'.i, lit )' c'illant period, jf tJ:c i-',' .ic it of the wtv.-Id as veil fcr b: niaau t .': as for i conn;itrcc. . r u C"1 : ivtiN.o, wai-'h wshopc focn to exhibit on pqjei ;rjr own xr.;irafaiturc ; but with whatever vdv'id v. j2 arc rxcc;v paired, we doV.ot ronr -ivc any to he ;..o'-c i..,t ubJican goY-k, than a frsfjtfrrcifi If. ?l 'Tiiv:n Wthe in- l-.e;:cc rVwe. ' l:u th&wtttHtxfut5rHM t. and th.c ,iay r-f u.'eful kT.ovkdjVeVtWitrin'encenius kiiulks :uhc yout', from thence hoips ar. bc-rrowed, i men dvancr. hi years irad ilu.r.c-. tm.ih thofj means the d cnmrr:tiirca:c their dd'eovtre: and condr.;! 'he ivUir of particular eipevicrre into the ocean ol hu Tian whdm. It Is afceuji; y .iain'l c-vro! for where hAie is a fiSe 78ss no falfe dotfrhv.s in r.rbi n, or A'!?cy can be attempted undt'erted -Tlic vices ; wvll-'i'iilie virtues h binnotri v.'rtil as tb;r un lerltar.utv,? fd'oi' nuiiiV'nd, will aUv.iys j-ron'H tbt-rn '.ir.mafK tl iiir; f cth'.rs. It u the irrcal nre- . .. .ill-.. . . . V" I ,erva:r.'c a.uau pr.i.ucal tr-pc-v. in ; a ihkt, h; . ravciirot tnj vu;ar an opun.::i imy ba.c r:vd vitli ih: ;i:ru -a ;jlcrti niif be devifed a:ul c i'::ib'i:?cd y a fna:-n ; Imt i.'' thn notion is ab-'un, the (pinion Ur tidiu'lc, refate, or exrofe them all. Jr is t!;c fj czt tu chirr xpt opprcfii-.n Met mav becu?;e X tv rd::-:y ccurfc. of jnO; n nay bi dcc.vrcd -(.urts ma; he :iu;ln-J r.enjri vhat flatlor always fdliblc; bat t!:e pn a 'ill ever afford injured innocence an oppc.rrn;V f ) inpa:; Inr cavf.-beir t triaval oft: ej ctplc, vhicb,i'i a free country, is ever ficrcd. It i, -.cir V'rt fetourcc aaUTtV'-cTeiy If: -ft cr:cn"c,)rKTyi h. help v f the preh, the of it will b- c: r'.'-r- b r c.i ,'cqti; cxpla'.:itd, a.i.i a remedy poj: i .Jt; fc: .4.nn2; Jn.pOil corrupt nations c'n car.h, ' r.e will remain lion-:!) ; thele v. ill l e provoU i by ' V t diiWs, and if the pr; be :.i their jw.-r, tall x'dbit thcfvhcJps honcfly tiby can b.ftiw." KOTK. McOuurs UIUaO and IdEAHS. . ' c WjMiliT'NGTON. - '. ' ' - v.'. -;j; EaOl. VKn? Tilj: V .fylGWn , anut - .ts- Trttlref, ;ar: f d-eC:- l'dtii?n;;hL;:ui;;i . St:;tei. '. ::tV,,.fe ..i.Tt tl:.r. h-;- pr.w.TCci to. fbiro--ral f danitPT, that a:l pwfr oim::Uy .eii-.i i a.yl cCiuHcpientl; derived m . ;be j u. i.r. . lcnt-;ravat; d thj u:rr .-'t ...,,;,,,. ft-r :ii(xfe d-hib-.n- '--ts-J talent4;, and that i'hi,';'. .)Uf Vr:uc , vbicK v. l - .l -V-ride in fayi:v, we haw ,ncr Gi-d, have i :en tl.v I 1 :Tl!V ci x: ' ii,- the libcrrv, md pro; m- Jajjj-tlii j d epejj ..',eue. ?. ' .. ,. v..nJt.:i V- , a .u.a o l ..... h Jo cnnudcrii.g yctt, hs ;,, .; r jcvure, a. the iV (kr of- it and hop-! V. , .:Cn.ncc the gr-od rSUis o' that cct5Hd.ence yoa (o j.,w;v. acquired, h ao ala:c:r'ent of th? party M,r;;. f, jV-uci, -Manners amnion en which tlic iaiby .V(1j jppPv.' of Arnuivii c'm alore hi f.wrJed. xy tp...t m, ; t a fhert Jiit3Tirc of us vep.t Jli)rc jflfc than rvtr! And bithe me:i:i v.hiie, :w:r . ftilt'e ,,f Keith Caro lina be cr.n idere.!, ;;s it usjy cit-rves to b-s a u.c!;ed with ecp;a AV.irr.rii with ll)7 frallj ;:l -he ui.tcn, to the true intere.-l, profpe-.i'y, , An, 'lea, dii- ilrir.g only in lbim pur. hilars ia opinion as to tht means of promoting then. . . oATvuTl-.T. jgiT?;f.TON. By 'order a-i'jn lAaif r t,'.r truth::! t , jam..s ireltell, r-jdei.:. VILL!AM J. D A W S 0 , CM ClMXtl Jlloy 10, i ;8o. rr COVERNOR COUNCIL thryvt f h-nK rit C.KOLIKA. ' i i. - . . ...... i. v 0 1 eiicdlpr the beiit cf dn .;.,q:;j-- " . (-Vi,.; hi .he enjoy hie at of !iio;a:.d uV. :rt,- v-'hh th: ,a qoiriiu; irtd u'iuptorv.-ty-, ' v;.-n-o .'! ; ( p; ui.-i .nd obu::i'ig b'.i i i: ''i'hat rhv;.pe;:pd-'. hove ..:xa ii-J r,a--:aU-,. :; i i..J 'f.-ahble i:v .- : r;: c : i : . :r.L -v.-0 , ci-, v.d'.e.'.cver b-- i V.ia vdv.ri- c. i.Ue -3 -. to tin: purp l, ' f : . .iu-. ;:..;-, i,: 4 Xisvd.j. That.inarch- , fV6b;i rco-.i,. c 'aiub lird. ih..-'e y.rrd.; -be jh..; ri:r,-iV. " ; :p.i:r tf 'rcnfi'n-1 :iiveg"0lt . ait e ;;rtd f.: t t--r., O.c , , ''( trchJlitJijHHrtic, at o' : t:trc:h't: , lu . t V f be infefte.l the vO- .b, h. t; .V. aCvt.:'- a .v.t.w;, rc' r?:-rf:;;Utr:: f:r tr I .' . ''ry, ;;;.' : c.'.v a .' .-, ,. tl.ot t :;::.: n-jUui :-ur If ,', f'!w '.t.y v5"i" .7' f vr. : r iv p' fm- frr nnv ed jrf p? to bive-,'iven h b I ii.ive it It- j r 1 vr. : : A ric i'.r .;, !,.n ftra'! . c f y -i ifiJCiiv: f.rlr i: hc-o.i.e I rn.'d.-v it '.V.t.o::i d. w.y b itiu i i' e.n-b;.'l ii uc i- e i.i f iC ivt-nV hut dcaonft-. ttivc ",f th-: jr. t..J di-p-'.i.i.-jns - -f th: citizens o ' (J , a 1 .!.. , . ' . . tiw!r fi.der ita'.c-, aiKlof4lie p'bbuub ; f dieir ipceJi- ; r,-- i . u. . n.w p. '!' ')-rn-.e t. In Hi'lh; r; t ;be - v.-l,:, v,.j were pYafe I t'YV ''is"f -7 .v.iir. J-; to aivhe evry i7;.:u"ir.J ci.: i, (t:d l )o.:r:p-:cp.:-yd! i i:-ns 'd : any ! 1. a n.w"c .!m rer i.i ,, " 1 ' -r'-VA'. That rn 31 tic (i;tt, r:c1ior. fi-.rV. : :. ' th :r. he -d ;. d to the end of the lc: v.-. ' I'M". ' ' '-' ' . . . ' J t r.h I'-.'ft iy. Th:. article frrll, f.-'tir- nin-.-, .-r.-cra cloiu'S thr;: i ., j '.. )c inf - c.j lHI;; . ; v, T;- '.,-: rh hts. r n' Ihall l.v abri.h'fd uc ;,,ri' ' f 5 ' wo: :::ip. ; ,...r ;j,;t'- , ,., ?i, i r :- n 1 ' ' :- 'd n. ; t:-u the ,.,!! ,. I ;V!ll? 0i c - n.u-:;c. be ra :-ny nutma, vc on ::v v . t:st i ; !. ?. d. . . . ' -r U 'h-pur-d rr':b d;- .l die the l'i:;;.:'M ri Hi- biV:. 'rrr d,Ce.-t bO v;; s of hbertv, .Mali b. hHoid.;.-. . I1 be u.'i.-.r 'H..:n 1 . ,u v hirt- . . h i v.u ltir.g f r th.Y ; .n :ii'':i - , 1 r lro;a : ;!. . the '-MVrtire ctiti. ; r: u- , -Urir, -.-, r iu's 1 f thir ' 1 t - ., ....... .it, -;.;::t o? the r.-.aph. V", 4 ani.a.iftry T a; r.j ,y b rim. in" 11 .1. . I' . r rr?ems corr.uniiatcd b'n.e u Ui; tt.u ileufiv of Ccn- r.r: b: ir "I "d ; a I f nni 4 0 i.i ,t th : b..:I . 11 - ' pen' n rln.-i vl1 f. . ; i.j ., ,.f be obliged to :-:er nn::- .-vhc ir p-la. r. d!,ol .-!.-. 1 ; l. .r V i t ;n h.u... rt I. "1 1. V 1 .. I, .

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