i "' , "!''f " i ' , -i i' . it " Nottmghao. Geire El&ey, coIiecK?, TownCrec!:. Robert Yoiincr. Robert Youn?. furvevtrV Nanjemoy. JohnrCoates Jones, collector. St. Mark's. Robert Chefley, furveyor. George-Town. James M'Cubbin Lingham, coU'r. ; - For the ftatc of Virginia. Hampton. Jacob Wray, collector. Norfolk and 1 wn- Portfmouth. J William Lindfay, colle&or. Philemon Gatewood, naval-cfEcer. lT Daniel Bedinger, furveyor. SufFolk. Archibald Richardfon, furveyor. Smithficld. James Wells, furveyor. jBermuda Hundred. William Heth, collector. . . Chriftian Roan, furveyor. Peter (burgh. John Gibfoa, furveyor. : York-Town. Abraham Archer, collector. - Weft-Point. John Spotfwood Moore, furveyor Tappahannock. Hudfon Mufe, colle&or. TJrbanna. Stage Davis, furveyor. Port-Royal. George Cattlett, furveyor. Prederickfourgh. William Lewis, furveyor. eccomiwO deluding J Redman," collector. Dumfries including Newport. Richard Scott, coll'r. Alexandria. Charles Lee, collector. Samuel Hanfon, furveyor. Chcrry-Stcne. George Savage, collector, Scuth-Key. Thomas Bownc, collector. Louifville. Peyton Short, collector. Tor the ftate of South-Carolina. Gc---e-Town. John Cockd ell, collector. Chuiicrtcn. George Abbot Hall, . collector -Ifaac Mott, naval-officer. ... Edward Wajnian, furveyor Por the ftate of Georeia. John Haberiham, collector John Berrian,. furveyor. Cornelius Collins, collector S-vvir.ah. The fhio Betfey, Capt. Wheaton, is arrived at New on Xa Delaware, with 300 pauengcrs, from Xc-ndonderry. ( Captain Sutter, in the brig Havannah, is arrived at tlila iclpbia from Newry, with 90 pafl'engers. The brig Conyngham, Captain Conyngham, 5s nr fived at NevHCaftle, wkh 200 paifengers, from Lon donderry. v i The brig Ann, Capt. Sinclair, is arrived atCharlef tDn, with 3cofalfenc;ers, from Lame. ; The collector af B oft on dfllrift, has ordered, that &on but American paper be ufed in tlie Cuilcm-houfe tf place. tDEXTOM, AVCVST 20. j xtraCl cf a letter from a gentleman in New-York, to his friend in this fate, dated July 29,1780. You know that I was from the firft warmly op posed to the new cenftitution, and principally becaufe the Cocgrefs were not exprefaly prohibited from dan gerous exercifes of power, which might be attempted, though they could not be fully juftified under the con Ktutton. Iconfcfs, when the adoption took place, I t loft all idea of amendments ; fuppoling that when the Congrefs were in poTefllon of power, they would not iof themfclvcs, take any fteps to dimhiifh it, and would be jealons of any ether endeavours for that purpole. ' You judged more favourably, and concluded that they would propofc feme material amendments, if with no other view than to give more general fatisfaction. I have now' the plcafure to acquaint you, that I was yefterday in the houfe of reprefentatives', when the committee of eleven (one from each ftate) made their report on the fubject. It confuted of moft fatisfaflo ry amendments indeed ; the rights of confciecce the liberty of the prefs--the trial by jury in all common Jaw cafes, and other things I do not fo particularly re member, are all included, and guarded in the plainefl manner. My, heart warmed when I heard the report read and I am allured there is no rcafonto doubt that ihefc amendments will take place. I wifbrd to fend you a copy now, but as they are but jufl printed, I fear I cannot get one in time. I will, however, fend you one by the. earlieft opportunity. You now will exult over me perhaps, on the fuperiority of your opini cm to mine. It is fuppofed, however, that the critical fouation of your ftate, had much weight with ibme of ihr members ; and in particular, that this event may be in a great me'afure afcribed to the addrefs of your Governor and Council to the Prefident, which is here xniverially applauded, and 'the members in general , jJay, that they are heartily willing to remove any fair jr'icrnple of North-Carolina, when hr fentiments are moderate and becoming. I hope, indeed, that lince many states have adopted, North-Carolina will at all rents come m. xicr remaining out of the union can iwonly ferrcto cmbarrafs the general gOTcnancnt snd perhnp3 totally rum &rfelf. Since tlie ftrvenr cf party has abated, I hzs indeed had very ferious thoughts about the danger of riminion and I . have been the more alarmed, in confequence of the accounts fome of my friends give me, that the people in England and NovarScptia plume themfelves very much oh theeparation of your flate from the others, and with theutmoft ridicule and contempt fay, we never i fhall agree but under the nurflng protection of Great-Britain. It is full time indeed to look about us, when fuch language is held by people who we well know wifh America ill, and have nothing fo near their Hearts as our detraction and difgrace.. But as now all parties are like to be fatisfied, I hope we fhall unite to a man, to mew them that in a very fhort rime fhall be fuperior to their malice, as we have already to their coft fhewn ws entertained the utmoft contempt for their power. 1 ; : FAYETTEVILLE. 1 I The following gentlemen are chofen to reprefent the counties hereafter-mentioned in the enfuing aiTcmbly and convention. sToritogomery County Senate. -Mr. Kindale. Commons.- Capt. Johnfton and Mr. James Tindale. Convention. Capt. Johnfton, MefSeurs James Tin dale, David Nefbit, James Turner, and John Crump. Wakes County, . Senate, Col. Lenoir. Commons. CoL JIerndon and Mr. Tohn Brown Convention. Col. Lenoir, Col. Hcrndon, Mr. Jone3i Mr. William Hall, and Mr. John Brown, Randolph County, Senate. Mr. William Arnold. Covmons. Mr. Aaron Hill and Mr Zeb. tVbod, Convention. Mcflieurs Aaron 'Hill, Zeb. Wood, Reuben Wood, and Thomas Dugan. Choan county. Senator. Charles Johnibn, Efq. Ctfz&wzaw.-Stephen Cabarrus and Lemuel Creecyy Efquires. John Hamilton, Efq, for the tdwn of Edenton. . Convention. Stephen Cabarrus, Charles Johnfon, Lemuel Creery, Edmund Blount, and William Right en Efquires. John Mare, Efq. for the town of Edenton. Tyrrell county. . Senate Jeremiah Frazier, Efq. Commons. Simeon Spruill and Samuel Cheflbn. Efquires. ' Convention Jeremiah Frazier, Simeon; Spruill, Samuel CheTon, Hugh Wifliamfon, and Thomas Stewart, Efquires. j . Perquimans county I Senate. John-Skinner, Efq. i Commons. Benjamin Perry and Amterry Sutton, Efquires. - Convention. His Excellency Samuel Johnfton, John Skinner, Benjamin Perry, Afliberry Sutton, and Jo feph Harvey, Efquires. . Pafquotank county, Senate. Jofeph Keaton, Efq. Commons. Edward Everagin and Thomas Read ing, requires. j Convention. John Swan, Enoch Relfe, Devotion Davis, Thomas Banks, and Ed ward. Everagin, Efqrs. Hertford county. Senate. Robert Montgomery. Commons. Thomas Wynns and Hill, Eiqrs. I Convention. Robert Montgomery, Thomas Wynns, j Hill, Hardy Murfree, and , Efquires. j Bertie County I Senate John Johnfton, Efq. 1 Commons. Francis Pugh and Horn, EfquiresV Convention. John J&hnfton, Francis Pugh, Horn, William J. Dawfon. and David Stone. inquires. C3- The SUBSCRIBERS to the FAYETTE- j VILLE RACES, are reqbefed to meet at the Cool , Srino Tavern, next Thurfday at Five ? clock P.M. By requefl cf a numier of the fuhferibers. . . May 14. . ; C" COOL SPRING TAVERN. THEt Subfcribcr begs leave to inform . the pi&lfe, that he has opened a PUBLIC HOUSE, 'in Fayetteville, near the Cool Springs Every exertion will be made to oblige thofe who may pleafe ta favours nim UitU V. Ultyiii. . Dollars Tobacco, fecond quality, Indigo, - ! ' ' : Flour, fupcrfine and common, Wheat, Flaxfeed, Indian Corn Oats, Barley, Butter, Cheefe, Beef,, ! Mutton, Bacon, ..' Tallow, j Hemp, . Flax, 4 . . Deerfkins, trimmed, ; ... .. ' ' untrimcd, Otter fkins, " ; Raccoon do. Salt, MohuTes, Iron, Steel, Callings, Weft-India Rum, New-England do. Hyfon and green tea, souciiong do. Bohea do. Loaf fugar, Brown do. 125. l3 a Kof If: a w; 0 a of. 7f.aBf 1 - 2J6 a jjfi $d. if. a ifu I -. yl - 50 a 60f 2f, ; - m . 1J6 a 18, I zof. a zef i5 a 20. -l' . gdm j , 9. a ' lodp ' 28 tcyr a izf ! Sf a & . in j - SALEM PAPER MANUFACTORY LADIES save yovvRAGSI THHE Subfcriber begti leave to mfbrm the t)ubE& - A that he is ereclinff a PAPER-MILL in thf3 town, which he hopes in a (hort time to have completed 2 at the fame time humbly make's known to the ladies c? Fayetteville, Hillfborbugh, Salifbury, and Morgan di& trices, that without their auiftancahe an do nothini witnout rags paper cannot be made. , ine econorj; nouie-wite, wno iuppnes tne paper-mm witn raet ferves her country, in her fphere, at well as the foldie? who fights for it, docs in his. For.all kinds of cleali COTTON and LINEN RAGfS a . generous pric& will be given, and the Favourparticularly acknowledge ot any penon coueenng a quanoty. ! GOTtiEB SHoMJt Salem, Sept. 8, I789. 4. t. N O T I C E. THE -fmbferiber requefts all; perfbns having aftf claims againft the eftate of ANDREW AkM STRONG, Efquirc, : deceafed, to exhibit the fame well atteftcd, by the! firft day off January next) aad' all perfons indebted to faid eftate to' make immediate payment. He likewise requefts all perfons that have any property or papers, Or are knowing of any fuclv, belongine to the faid deCeafed's ete,.to give -infer " matibn of the fame i! i ' .1 Payettevile, jfugufi AUGUSTINE CICATT, 31, 17S9- T A HORSE STRAYED., r l jSeptexabcr 14, 178 B0JPmN DAVIS. ' T 1 STRAYED 0r STOLEN, from, TeTterfflej til nT?T$Zntl o June a DAPPLE GREY GE1.DING, about fonrteen hands hieh. fix vear tti ''.hlhST- J011 Bryan. -WBort .wiH. ddfw. i!"',e reward, and all 'rcafonabli let. U'ty - -T rltft I f