'I ) T A YE f T E M 1 llL E Sew VOL. L M 6 N b A Yi Qz No- 8. : I .i ...... . fc. . - T . t .... 4 i . .. p . MJSCELLANT. grates, tnat the diipcntlcxisof Hea- -The cxprefficn " tiroe cf peace," is Veil toward nftrm-4itr. komi i-rU.-. ' - 1 -? . . . - if t,T r w C4mvutai : aoesjc mean any tunc . r. - , , . bI? according this rule, doWn'the previous to a declaration of war ? th& fr &te&rrc3 jU. ai o' rnrimQi from the foundation of whatever hoftile intentions any powers te ivorfhh cf ths Dei It: efcif the-urianemnire. fet-en tn-ththrnKn-m w - . r rt . '". ; vs . -r. r , ; r t- w "Lever lormiaaois i ti' national baf'ffzxen. oi tile Urimh.:i.nd thnf ivartmi rtfK-j-- : t - . - j - ' . , . , v , By. an. American',, j Pltrfjue bsrd mores, v-'i ' Stmt's izxce ie set, vafait. "! ' - - ; ; ' tacitus ! ' . LETTER V.; . . SAK. SIS, . . ' i fJMAVS confldered the imlittition 6i public,worfhi only, as it reipes he proibrritvaiid ha iininsfs i Ai.. x - - v i-wv oi tne Brmfiv-ind. the eievatioii cf tHgt preparatichrnhey may carry byTck thefe uriiteds, repSbhcs. 1,:,. 1A,J , -and ian& Congreffmsft not rwfeaifr ",---rrr- -.y vtn- un.Ldiiu, until Tne enemy1 laiis liiTi nced, moil figpallyi the interpofitioiis a thunder ftoirh on fnme part' op tb ot providence, jas pur prefentranqui- Union I It woiiW be an iinpardonao iity, fo vercigntyj and J.idepehdeiice ait- affront ) to fuppofe any - American p? nounce to all th world, irnd to khecp onraioiilcnfe- capable of fuch irrational viaion of infidelity itfelf-Tthat returns language to make himTay i istime , loes Almighty Gnd the arbiterjof na'- enough torahe troops-when Philad ions, vvhohold the balance of empire, lliiaiNWYork,orCharleftbnistai:en-- exppa IVom us)uta fuitable acfcnow. when-;two or three thcufahd bfnhfc icujiii..iil, aim xi oy iue. maintenance jnmtia, vtho. made head agarnlt a fupsf of thar. ijnJlitutipnt as the" medium by xior force, art cut to pleceVwh'en'ths pie, in tnctr fccular- and civil' intereils cr ii T " fr -w m ; .ym, ua iiu xi-country unaer cott- anJ as it is the fupport of or f erf:to JRorc, to ve tnbution, .and committed ravages- fat govcrnment.EvSy rational mind hl rhoft: pur nd near-when my father crt brother 5,n4i: -.uly I? ??n$ obligations to be 'att enlibtcned arid vir- O-KZid or taken-Inf irrln. fv ioodlenXT tuo us people. Fprd it heaven)! and cul be thegrofle iniult tS d 8onl as bii oisr future Hrn-?S" ?e Cml f ;ottr dear c0y Ir- W felersl citizen 'capable pfrueh fehv On tile additional fnrrr -T, gum in: derives from this cjuiirter.- I fcegIca'.-cto mention an argument of the greateft pofiible weight on this fub . je. The truihof it is eftabiilhed by . incontcuible and infarfible authority vm cdnHfmtd by the experience of every age and nai. i-u i -e iup. tmc ,C evemor or the w orld deals .v Jrh. nations according to public lavrs vjhr he Jiaih . eftabiilhed. It is in this world that nations are puniihed 'or rewarded. They feel the cfiecls of his fuprenie. jultice or gocdncs, ac cording to their j)ublic characters Thercafon of this economy; becaufe 'nations, as fuch, have no fuiure ftate: the prefent is, theiefore to them, the . -rnly time cf trial and of retribution. They are rewarded or puniihed, built lip or thrown down, honoured or de flroycd, in this world, by that being whofc.providence is national and uni eriHi. . , Give me leave to refer ycu to a fin gle paifage in revelation, which efta- brifhes this , truth, in which the Moil Jiigh declares, that his. imiles or his : triven-but maintain lie worfbipof the Deity. 1 am, &c. - ! : ' POLITICAL, dan? tvar, no regular, tf oops (hall "He kept; up. .. But who fliall be juge of 'liis : what fy mptoms of danger mall .be pre! fcribed ? Is it expeed that anforeiga powers will give -ul!nodce;vjtliat nefe year, or in fix -mcn&s, they intend 5 come with fifty tiratsT alia WatTi 6iiriCtV,CiftP? r ut I , ' i " and iword lb much politenes Remarks : on the amendments to the feds- not yet faihionable. . It is ritherKrlt rat ccnjutuuon,. fropofid by the conven- ed very clever to dart upon rou like k Uons of Me uJHts, N-Hatnp. tygerwhen you leall eel fr; anf M A,M. ten, to one but you receive ixaol rcUna. and North-Carol , nv:th the dinary carefles, aflurances, offetcrhal1 Vttnontn of Peitnfylvania and May- friend fliip, ; &c. -&c. juft before youl nU'77 ? MCf''"' Property and. blopdare demanded. J? n. l). ty AL A.. P. S. ofPhila; If youcomplainof unfair 4eaH, the 1 as'r"ia- J wilUaugh in your lace, and call you ICsntimedfrom our-laftA I fc foollfbr not knowing mankind 'better. Ilw J J v. You think I.'-fpeak oftHe favages ; V ProceedtocAfider the amend- no ; I mean all your good bretlireri o '.V.V. mcnts that regard the military Adam's race, including the moft politk power of the federal government, litis nations of .Europe. As for thofe blood pleafmg to find that thefiates of Maf-. hounds of the wildcrnefs, that have fachufetts and SouthrCarclina, are; en- fcalped and burnt, many families ; t ', ba troops ex rnlldowruand rn Hrffmv . ;f,i f " r?'"- V r tlie feltnclion eyen .to the tiecefll - ..iuMi.ia- a ncxuiiyenucnsct :Vire-:nia. 'Neu-Vlnrt. nr r.-lr.r.' i . " i--. tT 1 rr" ir H 7, T T i . . - j . T ... J i,iuiuuua, clllU LL HTIV miMnrV A "ve rcunccJ, and Worth Carolina reauefr. bv th-cth c T ,n t ...:u r .1 ., r. ' ' . nrtv uc wuwa on tne 1 : I- - f ! t ie evil hitn I thought to 'do unto that no ft-WbU nr r.J,, J a. t,-: a r,"w 3 ""' p r r ",U l.e,ra'Kd or PJliKs from Europe, aarf will, it 13 to be ho"edi if it i o l ia mr t 1- o! W?, "n1'"5 PV' vortxo European ro!itic,,-fi can rotmr vc-Vc ther r "-r:;; ,f t" n.- ' for.venticn .of not often feveoccaiion foraereat tnd4 r-A i.t:i, 4 ' r '4' 11 d5 i-viu.iijes m rations cl defence lome time-b-fdr-thd . . ..... amor.": '-he t: ecf peace are daiierous to i.tjber-' eninacal nowerhas takcnbtKelihofi!- t. UaC vum uc-iixoi.- iicuwi con venues. :h am. -i4.. . v- ! . .