;• or, Fayetteville Gazette. yoL. i.j Monday, May 24, 1790. KUMB. 3f, proceedings of Congrefs. ■OUSE OF REFRESENTATtVEJ, *rhurjdjy, March 4. I N committee of the whole, on the bill lO promote the progrefs of tlic ufe- fiU arts. The bill was read, and dif- •uffed in p'aragraphs. The claufe which { 'ivcb a party a right to appeal to ajaty rom the dec'ilton of referrees, it was moved, (hould be (truck out. This mo tion was oppofed-, as depriving the citi zen of a right to which he is entitled-^ as improper in itfelf, as caUies of very great magnitude may be depending, which it may be highly improper to fub- mit to the deoihon et two or three men •nly, two of which may be fo ditfereiit- ly interelled as never to agree—fo that the decifion may finally reCuh from the influence of the perfon nominated by the Secretary of State. On the other hand it was faid, that it appears highly im- jproper that juries (hould be called to judge upon matters that they may not be fiippofed competent to forming a judgment of—thele trials will always relate to matters of invention, 3cc. of which three peiTons may be found with much greater eafe who are competent to'judge, than twelve—that the right of trial by juries is not univerfal—and in Che prefent cafe, there will be a much greater probability of having jullice done by arbitrators, who are men of fcience, &c The motion for ftriking •at was carried in the afiirrmative. The committee proceeded further in the difeuifion of this bill—but i ofc with- •lu completing it—and the chairman reported progrefs. The fpeaker laid before the honfe a letter from the fecretary of the trcaftiry covering his report, made in obedience to the order of the houfe of the 2d in- ftant. The faid report is in the words fol* lowing : Treasury Defartment, March a. 1790. In obedience to the order of the houfe of prefentathies, of the id infant, ^HE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY Refpenfully Reports, T hat in his opinion, the funds in the firft inftance requifite towards the payment of intereft on the debts of the individual dates, according to the modifications propofed by him in his report of the 9th of January pad, may be obtained from the following ohjceds : An increafe of the general prodiid of the duties on goods imported, by abo- lilhing the diCcount often ()cr cent, al lowed by the fiftli fedion of the aid for laying a duty on goods, wares, and mcr- chandiics, imported into the United States, in refped to goods imported in American bottoms, and adding ten per cent, to the rates fpcciheJ in refpecl to goods imported in foreign bottoms, W’ith certain exceptions and qualifieati- ons ; This change, without inipai ing the commercial policy of the regnlati- en, or making an inconvenient aildiiicn to the general rates of the duties, will occafion an augmentation of the reve Tiue little (hortof 200,000 dollars. An additional duty on imported fii- gars. Sugars are an objed of general coniumption ; and yet conllitnte a I’mall propoitionof the expdnce of families. A moderate addition to the prclent rates would not he felt. From the bnl ki* nefs of the article too, fiirh an additi on may be made with due regard to the faiety of colledion. The quantity of brown and other inferior kinds of fu- gars imported, a])pears to exceed twen ty-two millions of pounds, whirl), at a half cent per pound, would produce one hnnJi'cd and ten tlionfand dollars. Proportional impofitious on foreign re fined fiigar, and proper d) av'hacks on expo) tatinn, ought of courl'e to indeni- nify the maaufadurers of this article among ourfelves. Mohdres, being in fomc dates a fub- llicute for lugar, a Imall addition to the duty on that article, ouglit to uccohi- pany an increafe of the duty on iugar. This, however, ought to be reguuied with pi'opcr attention to the ctreum- (lance, that the lame article will con tribute largely in the ihape of dillilled fpirits. Hall a cent per gallon on nio- lalfes, would yield an annual fum of thinly thouiand dollars. Our diltillers of Ipirits from tins material, may be compenfated by a proportional extenlion ol the duty on imported fpirits. bnuff, and other mannfariured lobac- to, made within the United States.— Ten cents per pound on the fnulf, and fix cents on other kinds of manufaclured tobacco, would fie likely to produce an- irually, from ninety to onehundn d thou- fanJ dollars. I^rom its good evidence as tlie nature of the cafe will admit, the ■quantity of tliefe af^ticlcs mnnutactured in the United States may be computed to exceed a million and a’half of pounds. 1 he impoliiion of this uuty would re quire an increafe of the duty on im portation, and a drawback on exporta tion, in faw'our ol tha manufiufliirer. ^ his being an abfolute fupcrflnity, is the faireil objcift of revenue that can be imagined, and may be fo regulated, as in no degree to injure either the growth or manutaAure of the commodity. Pepper, pimento, fpiees in general, aftd various "other kinds ol groceries. Thefe articles will bear luch additional rates as may be enimated to yield a fum riot lefs than thirty thoii'knd dollars. Completing according to the- entries in the (late of New-Yo-k, in 1788, the yearly quantity of pepper and pimento brought into the Uniti d Stares, is not lefi> than eight hundred thoufand pounets, n| which about a thlrel is pep- pe-r. ^ Six cents on peppgr.and four cents on pimento (with drawbacks on export ation) m.ty, without iiiconvcnicnce, be laid. Salt. An aiJdltional duty of fix cents per bufiiel,may in the judgement ol'ilie fecretary, with propriety belaid on this article. It is one of thofc objefls which, being confitmed by all, will bemofl pro- dudlive, and ye^ from the fniallnefs of the qu.intily in which it is coniimietl by any, and of the price, will be Icall bnr- thenfomc, if confined within rctifonttble limits. If a government does not avail itfelf, to a proper extent, of rcfonrccs like thefe, it mud of ncccdity,overcharge others, and particularly, give gitaler fcopc to direft taxation. The quantity of cltis article annually imported, hiring at Ictill a millirm and a half of hiifliels, the annual prodndl of an ;u!ditinual duty of lix cents, may be contptued .-it ninety thon.'and d .llais. Caniages, fuch as coaches, rharints^ tic. Thefe articles may ccrtainlv be the fuhjeft of a confiderahlc duty How productive it would he, is not ealV to be eKimated. lint it is imagined, that it would yield not lels than fifty thou fand dollars per anntim. Licenfes to praftifers of the law.—. Ccittiin law procccd!ng.s, and various kinds of wiiiiiigs» Tlie extent of this refonree can only be determined upon trial; but the (ecrctary feels a (Iroiig afTiirancc, that tliere may be drawn froin it, yearly, not lels than two hundred ' thotifiind dollars. Tlie fy’flem for col- leftitig a duty of this kind, wonUl em brace playing ctird -, and fomc other ob- jeCls of luxury, which do not fill under the above deferiptious, but which are ellimatcci iu the fuppoled pioduft. Sales at atiClion (exchifive of hottfes or lands,or of ihofe uiadc in confe(|nence of legal procefs, (u of acknowledged - inliilvcncy.) One per cent, on fnch files would, probably, ^irodtice a yearly Jiun of forty or fifty llioulhnd dollars \Vines mid (pit its fold at retail. Thefe articles arc, in the opinion of tlie fterc- try, capable of being rendered (aruu re prodiiClivc than Ii.is been generally rnn- tcmplated ; .mul tliey tire, rerlait.ly, among Uic moll unexceptionable ol'jciib of revenue. It is prefumed that two hundred tliouland dollars per annum may, with lacility, he collected from the retail vent of thefe articles. 1 he loreign objects are thofe, which appear to the (ctretary, preferable o- V’ards a provilion tor liie debts of the individual Ibiies. There are oriiers, ■which liave occurred to liini as iupple- riieniary, iu caie the experiment (hould difeover a defieienty in theexpeCled pro- duri; but which he conceives it unne- "ceitary now to uctail. He -will only add that lie entertains no doubt of Its being praflicable to aci omplilh the end, on the pi iiwiples of his foimer report, without thenecelUtyof taxing cither houfes or lands, or the (lock, or the produce of farms. I'he fecretary conceiving t'he defigft of the houfe to have been to obtain from him a general delineation only of the funds, competent in his judgment to, the provilion in qucllion, has refrained ftonj thofe details, V hich would be in- difpenl.able, it that provilion were imme diately to be mad.; $ and to have fur- nilhed which •would have occafinned greater delay than would, prob.d)ly have luited the prclent (lat; of the bufinels, or the convenience of the houfe. He W’ith great deference trulls, that wha is now ottered \i ill be deemed a I'aiisfaiJ'ory ■compliance with their order. Tlie ilatement required, rcipedling the pr 'duid of die enties on imports and tonnage to the la(l of Decen ber, asfar as retuins have come to hand, is cojuitincd in thefehcclule herewith.* All which is fubniitted. •ALEXANDFR HAMILTON", Secrctan of the treafury, ‘Friday, Match y. Mr. TfCrry prefented a petition Tom Catherine Green, rclidl of the late Ma jor-General Greene, which Was read. Mr. Smith ^^I.) prefented the peti tion of Thomas Uorrel, of Baltimore, wh ch was r-a I the firil time,and l.dd on the table. Mr. Scott moved, that the memorial "of Richard Wells and J. Hart, rcfpefl- ing the old paper money, (liould be re ferred to the committee of - the whole fiouCe Tilt qnertion being taV-en, the moti on was negatived. It was then moved, that it he referredtoafeleift committee of ten members—wliich palfed in the af firmative. A memorial was prefented ty Mr. Tucker, from the oflicei s of the South* Carolina line of the late army. '('he petition of Mrs. Greene was read a fecond time, and referred to a com mittee of five. The houfe went into a committee on tlie bill to remit fines and lorfeltures in certain cafes: and having amended and agreed to the bill, ordered it to be en- groiPjd. A melfage was received from the fe- nate, requeuing the concurrence of the hoiUe to an ad they had pafied, for ac- cepling theccinon of the wellern terri tory, made hv the (late of Nortli-Cal-o- lina j airore(|uellitig the concurrence of the liouleto the following rcibhition i “ I litit the lelpciUivc colleelorsln the feveral port? of the United States, be dirc.'led not to grant a clearance for liny (hip or veliel, liaving articles on board fiibjeifl to ii'.lpci'lioii, by rln: laws of the (late front which fuch lliip or vclfel lli.ill be about to depart, without having pre- vionlly obtained I'ltclimanil'ells and other documents as arc enjoined by tlie laiel laws.” '1 lie houfe confulered the rcjiort of the coiiiinitlee rtlpeiUing the f.ilaiic!". of the clerks ol ilie bo.ird ol commilli- oiiers tor fettling arcmints betv.-ecn the Ihiited .St.itcs and indlvidoal (l-.iies, aral ordered a bill to be btought in to allow theiii the lame falaries a", the clerks of the otl.er public ofilceSi • rcrihf tUicmcrt .illuilcd :o, fs: cUr bU. The committee, to whom was refere red fundry memorials from the peoplft called Quaker.s, and alfo a memoMal fiom the Tennlylvania liiciety for pro» moting the abolition of llavtiy, report- ed : That from the nature of the matter* contained in thole memorials, they werfe induced to examine the powers vefted in Congrefs, under the prclent conllituti- on.re • g to jc abolition of ilavcry, nd are clearly 01 opinion—* it. I Jiat the general government is exprefsly rcUnainCd from prohilirting the importation of I'uchperfons as any of the Hates now exilling (hall think pi o'* per to admit, until the year 1808. Secondly. That Congi"eis, by a taif tonllruftion of the conllitntion, are equally reftrained from inteileiing in the em.ancipation of (laves, who ah ea dy are, or who may, within the period metitioned, be imported into, or bora within, any of the laid Hates. Thirdly". That Congrefs have no au* thority to interfere in the internal regur lation of particular dates, relative td the inilrudlion of flaves in the princi ples of morality and religion, to th.ir comfortable cloatliing, accomm.-dati- ‘on and fubfiftence—to the regulation of their marriages-, and the prevention of the violation of the rights thereof, or to tlie the feparation of children from their parents—to a conifoitable provi- fion in calcs of lieknefs, age, m inniri.i* ty. or the fcizuie, tranfportation, or 'ale of free negiOcs ; but htive the (lil)e(t confidence in the wililont atid hum o ’’ty of the legiflatures of the feveral dates, that they will revile their laws, from time to lime, when necefliiry, and pro* mote the ohjcifls mentioned in the me* morials. and cverv n'lic- mealiire that mav ten ' to the happinefs of llaves. Foiirlhlv. That, nevcrthelefs. Con* ^efshave ,iut)iority, if they lhall think it necelTary, to lay at any rime a tax or dutT, not "xceeding ten dollars tor each perfon, of any delti iprion, the-iniporta* tion of whom fliall lie, by any of th* dates, admitted as aforefaid. Fifthly. _ That Congrffs have authoil rity to interdifl, or (lb far . 1 it i^, or may be carried on bv citiz’jns of the/ United .States, for fiipp)ying foreigners) to rcgul.atethe African trade, and to riiake provifion for the 'iiiimane treat* ment of (l.ives, in all cafes, wliile on their palfage to the United States, or to foreign ports, as far as it rcfpeifts die citi"/.ens of the United Sc.Ue«J»» Sixthly. T’hat Congrefs fiave alfo authority to prohibit forr-ignet s f or: fit ting out velfels in any pOit of the Uni'- cd States, for tranfporting perfoiu fiom Africa to any (breigu port. .Seventhly. 'I'liat tlie memorialiUs be intormed, tluitiii all cafes, to wideh the authority ol Congrefs extends, they will excrci'l'e it for the hiinulue objefts of the mcmorialills, lb far as they ran bjC promoted on the piiuciples ol jullice, luimanity and gnoil policy. Tlie faid report was read, and laid on the table, Adjourned. AtfinJiiy, A fare!; 8. T’he hill tor tile reniillion and mitiga tion of fines, forfsitiiies, liml penalties, was read a third lime and pildeJ. The bill for promoring the progrefti of iifeful arts, was read a third tiiliC* and ordered to lie on the table until to morrow. On motion, the conrnlevaiion of the bill accepting ibe ceilion of a certain territory ceded 'o Congi els l.y tlie (bite of Norili-Carollna, li-iii fionitlic fcn.-iic, was [loll jioncd unriTriuirlday ne.xt, and then to be taken up in a conm.icLce mf tlic wliolc. 'i’he lefolve fent from the fenate, di- refting the ciillesb)i s in the feveral dates pot to grant elearances to any veifel W 'lioul having Inch di'Cilments au'l Ptaniteds as tire bv law fp"cific,l, w-as relerred to Melfrs. Vfhltc, Coiiicc, and 'FurkKr. Ml", l.i vermore. (Voin tlic committee rslpeiding uic lalaries •! the clerks o£

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