The North-Carolina Chronicle 5 or, Fayetteville Qazette, IfeL. 10 MONDAY, June 7, 1790. I'lUMB. proceedings of Congrefs, VOQSE OP EEPRUSENTATIPES, Friday, March li, T he bill for granting compenfation to Col. Ely was read a I'econd i ime and refc-yred to the committee of the t^ole Houfe, to be taken into confidera- tion tins day fortnight. Several petitions were read and refer- aed. Mr.tdand obferved that private me- toorials and petitions have increal'ed ft* vuch, that very Ihortly, the attention •f every individual member of the Houfe, will be taken up in the invediga- lation of the fails fet forth in thnfe po tions, to the great interruption of the kufinefs of tlie nation. He therefore moved the following refolulions infubdance: id. That all memorials and petitioni for claims prefented to the Houle, be re ferred the heads of departments to re- port thereon. id. That the comniitte to whom me morials and petitions have been relerred ke difehargedfrom any further attention to the fame ; and that they be referred 9s above.-—Laid on the table. In committee on the whole, on the re- .port of the Secretary of the Treal'iiry, for making provilion for the fupport of public credit. The third propodticn or alternative was read, viz^ 3dly “ To have fixty-fix and two “ thirds dollars funded, at a yearly inte- reft of fix per cent, in edeemable :jlfo by any payrhent exceeding four and - M tvrv> tkirda dollars per annumj on both • •* of principal and tiuerefl} and to have •* at the end of ten years, eighty dollars ** and eighty eight cents, funded .at the ** like intereft.aad rate of redemption." Mr. Lee moved, that the whole prd- pofiiion be rejedled—which occafioncd a debate,and thequeftion being taken oii the motion, it paffed in the negative. Mr. Jackfon’s motion for ftriking oiit tficfe words,” irredeemable alfo by any .payment exceeding four and two thirds dollars per annum, on account of both principal and interefl, was then read, and after fume debate, was alfo negati- vcJ. Mr. Fitzlimons, after premifmg fome ♦bferv.ations refpefting a more rapid cx- tiniSlion of the juincipal, than is contem plated, by the Secretary propofed that four and two-thirds Ihonld be ft tuck out, in order td introduce a high er rate of payment per annum—He mentioned fix per cent, on account •f principal and in'lereft. Mr. Madifdn mentioned a Hill higher fum. . Four and two-thirds dollars after Ibme debate were ftnick out, and the propofition with the blank: palled over. The following propofitions wererc- jefted, viz. . ^ “ 4thly. To have an annuity for the •* remainder of life, upon the contingen- cy of living to r. given age, not lefs given than ten years, computing intereft at 4 per cent.” “ ythly. To have an annuity for the ** remainder, of life, on the roiuingency. “ of the fiivivorlhip of the yoiingeft of “ two pyrfons, computing intereft in this • cale at four per cent.” The committee then rofe, and the Koufe adjourned till to-morrow. Saturday, March 13. The Honfe rcfolved itfulf into a com mittee oh the rejtort of the S-.cretary of the Treafnry, The remainder of Mr. Fitzllmons’s propofitions were debated—:md agreed to. Tfie committee then rofe, and iiie ac centing of their report was poftponed Mil Monday.' Monday, March 15, The Houfe relblved itldl into a com- knitte oil the whole, on tlie appropriation bill ; after liime time fpeni liiereon, rofe and reported progrefs. ! 11 was ordered that the bill ftiould be eiigrolfed for a third reading. The Houfe then refolved iu'elf into a committee of the whole, on the bill ref- pefting the Wellern Frontiers. After which the galleries were cleared. • • 7uejday, March 16. , Mr. Boudinot moved to take up the report of tl^e committee on the memo rial of the people called Quakers ; after fome oppoiitlon the report ■was agreed to. The report was then read. Mr. Tucker moved to .modify the firll paragraph, by lli'iking out ail the .words after the word opinion, and to.infprt the following: ** That the fcveral memorials propofe to the confide rati on of this houfe, a tub- jeift, on which its interference would be unconftltutional, and even its delibertili- ons highly injurious to fome of the dales in the union.” Mr. Jackfon rofe and obferved, that he had been fdent on the fubjiift of the report’s coming before the committee, becaufe he willicd the priiicinl"= of die refolutions to be examined I airly and to be decided on ‘heir true grounds. He was .againll the piaipofitinns generally’, and would examine the policy, the jiif- tice, and the ufe of them ; and he Imped if he could make them appear in the fame light to others as they did to him, by fair argument, that the gentlemen in oppofition were not lb determined in their opinions, as not to give up their prelent fehtiments. . With refpedl to the policy «if ihemea- fure, the fttuaftbh of the Oaves here, their fipiaiioiuin their native'dales, and the dlfpofal of them in cafe of emanci pation, ihould be conftdercd. - That fl.ivery was an evil h.abit, he did not mean to controvert ; but riiat h.'iblt was already eftaijifiied, and there Were peculiar fituations- in coui'it-vies W’hich rendered, that hahit ncceliar-y.— ^uch fituations the ftates of .South-Caro- linn and Georgia were in ; large traifts of th(;moft fertile lands on the continent lemained uncultivated for the want of population. It wasfrequently.advanced on the floor of Congrefs, how unhealthy thofe climates weroy and how Impoftible it was for the northern conftim'.ions even to cxift theic. • What, he afited, is to be done with this uncnllivaied ter ritory ? Is it to remain wallc ? Is the rice trade tobc hanilhed from onreoafts! Are Congrefs willing'o deprive vlivil. felves cf the revenn.'.eriftng from that trade, and which ir. daily enr.rc.iftr.g, and to throw this great into the hands of other countries ? He be?-r f ;ed the houfe to consider that .“s ■ tin had inds fit for thofe pnrpofcs in ftic Flo- ridas and the coaft of Mexico ; With the rellraints Congrefs ivere about im- pofing ori their own citizens, Spain would not only rival u.s, but in '.i ftiorf period engrofs the trade altogether : and what were thofe reftfaints to be im- pofedfor? Not for any, real neceftlty which exifted—not on account of the true ftate of flavery which exifted—hut to gratify the fuppofed feelings—the fpeculalions on hua'nanity, 'f a focicty of Quakers, not at all intereft- ed in the event. Let us examine their fitn.att.on iiuhcir own country (I the nations of Africa) and draw a p.arallel between that a'-J their fituation here. ^ Ruled by defpoLs-, and hahitn.itcd to that rule,' imliilied even with their mother’s iriilk, in vain we contend for tlieir ficedom here, if we cannot cure that evil at home. In vain tve hold forth the Heaven-horn principle, if w’e cannot erttdic.ile this inherent iuipreflion. I am not ■vs illing,' fir, th;it die coininittcc Ihould rtreive all I far, as fafts without fume-lent proof, Fa.'ls, fir, I villi to bring for- ward, and from '.ift . I wifli the rommit- gie to deiidij Thp aiyi able wriujr on the ranks of fociety (Mr. Millar) I offer as my authority—die bell autho rity on that topic I believe in being.— On this fubjefl he makes the following obfervations in his 23d page : ” Aiiiemg the negroes upon the flave-coait, • the wife is never allowed tr» appear before the hulband, nor to receive any thing /lom his hands, withtut putting lierfclf j« a kneeling pollure.” Is it polllble', ft\lhis is ihe ufage of the wife of the defpot’s bofom—the ufage of the wife 'of evciy p«tty defpot, that their man ners aic not more arbitrary to oihersj anid that it is not Inherent in their na tures to tend to delpotil'm ? . 1 tliink, fir. It cannot be denied. Again, fays this author, “ In the kingdom cf Co:igo, - aqd among the greater part of the nati ons which inhabit the lout hern coaft .of Afiica, the women of a family are felJom allowed to eat with the men.— The huft).ind fils alone at (able, and the wife commonly Hands at his back to gnatd him from the Hies, to ferve hini with his yiifluals, or furnilh him with his pipe and tobacco. After he has fi.- niftied lus meal, file is allo'wed to eat remains, but without fitting down, which it feems Would be inconlillent .with the inferioiity and fubmiflion that 'is thouglit fuifable to her fex. When 4 Hottentot and his wife have come into the fervicc of an European, and are en tertained under the fame roof, theinaf- ter is under the ncccllity of afiigniiig to each ol iliem a dilHaul portion of vic tuals, which, out of regard to the gene ral ufage of the country, they always devour -T diftance fn. m one anctlier ” It may be here advanced, that tliofc iaftanccs allude only to the wr-mcn. I beg the patience of the committee, and that they will atumd to another palfitge of this author. “The kinjpJoni ol'Con go, upon the fouthern eoalt of Aftica, is divided into many .large diftriils or proviccs, tlie'inhabitants of which feem to h.4> e made fome progrefs in agricul ture. .Each of thefc dillrifls compre hends ii multitude of fihall .lord(hi|)s, which are faid to have been formerly In dependent, blit which are now united together, and rediiied under a fingle chief or governor, who exercifes ahi’o- lute aiilliority over them. . The great lords or governors'of provinces are'irl like manner dependent on the king, and owe him the iiityment of certain annual duties. , '^riiis monarch is underftood to have an unlimiitd power over the'gond? cf all I'.is fiihji.Fts, and he is the pro prietor of all tlie laiiils in the kingdom! which return to the crown on the vic.iili of the poiTclfors, and according to the arhit' aiy will (li the prince, are either coriliniied In the I’.iiiie, or bellowed u|)on a dilferetii family. , All the iith.diiiatu.s are bound to in the (ield when ever dicy .lie laqiiiied by the foveieign, who is able in a ilmrt i.'iitfe to rail'e a pfodlgioiis arr.iy upon any fiidJen emcr- gcucy.; Every governor has a judicial power in his own diftriif, and from his feiiieuces there lies an appeal to the king, who is the ftiprcme judge of tlie nation. Similar .accounts-arc given ol the oonftitution in the pyighbouiing kingdoms of Angola,' I.oango, and Benin.” Thofe kingdoni.s,, Mi.Cliair- man, are of that number from avhence Haves arc imported into the United States. . I will i-all oitj every gentleman bn tlie floor—I will appeal to tin: Qiia- ker'- theinfetvcs, if thofe nations are not in ll'.e moll horrid Hate of flavery.— Their, defpots are llteir fupreme judges, not (.Illy of perl'otis but of ' Toperly.— L-t the eye v iew, and ilic iin- j .iriial mind conieniplaic thofe dill'cr- tiit 111 nation', and tlicn decide it the filiiaiion I'l fl.n esherc is not iirimcnfely pr. fer.thle. Sm', in ihol'c couriti ics, hy V' we have li en quoted, we hnd that the tender aifedlon.s are not cultivated, and as in oilier uncivilized coiiiuries, when age come.' on and fervice can be no longer exj'erii'd, tlie aged receive no proteihi III. I lere, (ir, in addition to the tics of liuinaiiiiy, the law ia'.crpoi.s in favoui of the aged and decriped, and there arc puiiilhinents where ftit n.aller exceeds the ordinary bounds. In the Hate 1 come Irom, the mailer is as lia- able to be puniiiicd for the death ot hi^ Have, as for that of any other peilon ; there is no doubt but that other Katci have liniilar guards againlt opprclhon. 1 call on geiillenien to Ihcw me uiin- gleinfti ii a nation in Fuif pc in i ... ... .; o* t'/it. ave trade, whticii has- been abolilhed.. In England, 111, not.- witliftanding repeated aitenipts. it is a quelUon of fucli magnitude—nay, I ,niay be allowed the expreflion, t.n ac- dountof their merchants and colonus—. it is a quell ion fo ingratted with their * coniiituiion, that they cannot, dare not, touch it. . Shull we then,, fir, under? take this bullnefs when whcle Hates are concerned, and fertile giatiftcaiicn of a volunteering loc'ety oi Quakers ? for the gratification of a 'Warner Mifflin, who, trembling under the lalh of an ,evil conlciencc, and fearing tJie jull pU- nillinient of an avenging rod in a ihun? dcr Uorm, to atone lor hi.s nnmerou*. hoaid of I'ormer lins, pianumiited his ' negroes ? Sir, 1 call the deed not all adtof humanity—1 cal! it not the Iwpo-' rior effuficn ol tl'ie noble qualities o£ the heart—It was a, deatli-bcd lepcntr' ance—the fear of toilnents in'a lutuiT world, and the terrors of eternal dan.iiat-' lion. Is Anietig..—is every individual to adl on thcl.mic plan to atone lor his fins? 'Will Congr'Fs volunteer it alfo^ and fay it Hi all be the cafe ? 1 The people, fir, advance that they adlfiom a C'hriilian difpofition. Chrif- li.inity is not repugnant to flavery ; anil to conlirm tliis politioii, I will read a few words more from the fame •.•.uihor, and ibrw! ole IntroJudFMi I lhall aj'Or logize. “ Other caiifts (fays he, ipcaki' ipg of ih h rmcr iituation ot i' uropcj have been . ll gned for this icnuirkahle chat.gc of liirt'pcan manners. The etialjlilhmei. d Chriftj.tnity has hcea ruppofeti by n any* to be ihe principal cii'Ci •.'.ftance which rooic.i out the piac-' tice of Ikivery, k. univ .■rf.lly pcrn.i'reil and tncouiagcd amoiig all the hfaihcu nations. There is no eioubt|,that the fpiritof this religion, which confidei s all niaiil.ind a'^ children of tlie fame father, and as all c(]U'tl!y the thihireii of hiS parental care and afl'ediion,'fliould in“ fpive them wiih conipallipn for the nii- feilcs of e.ich iither, and Ihould teach tlic ojnilent and proyd to ctinfuler thole yvliii .ire depryileel w.ih- labour and pe nury, .IS creatures of, the fame fpecies, to ticai ;Jieni with nnkliK'f. and Inuna- hity, .md to lolien ijiciigoms to which their fc''.,cie ai'd unequal fortune has ttn- avoidably fiibjeihed ilunt But it doc* nut feem to have been the i.? n i n of Chriftianity to abolilh the dilliiuftions of rank, or to alter the civil lights of man-, kind, which w'cre alrc;H'‘ eltabliflied.—■ ’J'liere is no j.'reccpt ot the go.Ijsel hy wliieh the au ho; ify of the mailer is ia ^ ttiiy refpcifl reftraiiied orliniilfd, but oil tlie contrary, there are feveral palfagea f/om wliich it may be inferred, that the flivcs,' even nfier they embraced the Cliiillian rcligiori, were not -abfolvtil from any part of the duties foiJUerly in-' cumbeiU on them.” ■ 1 , • 'riins, then, Mr. Ghnlrman, will iliofe ^tnakers piiceive, that they are not aid ing tip to the I'piric'of Chrifti;;;i‘y in llloir prefeiit nnilertaking ; but diamci trically opiiofue tp the comm;iads, qf their divine mafler, jefus Chrift, ■who allowed it ill lii.s day, :i;,d his pc lilts after him. Onefyimns, nr.twiclift.imling Ills cunvcrfion to C hi iiiianiiy, is nnder- Itoudiby the Aptiftle I’aul to cniitiiiiie ftiil the fl:ive of I’ldleinon, and it is 1 ot fuiipufeil that tbemalier, who was all© a C'hiiftian, was iiinli-r an uhliggtic.n to rtiiiiqn'ilK qny p.n t of his .mthoi ity ; far. lefs VO gi'. e libel ty to liis f r.vant. Fcf this 1 refer l! 'ni lo.St. P.iu’.’s fpillle to Pliilemon. l)o tlufe pnod Oiiakcrs more text' as proofs ? Let thena lin k into lilt; i^ih ch.ip. Komans, verfr ill. Ephcftias, c-up. b-.i, ....e