the unenero5us.;jmd unjuftipable proceed ings of the. governor of iEaft' Florida, andTroxathe- cfcarge 01 property v7n:a f.-z l . tt -L. .ntf. h.r- an! h!r to exfiatUl Il.iS a- itaoIedreaasswaii".i" "1;" " 1! ?s us tcolc place, in confcqatnce jot ?ar, toge- .. anda nTcpaft, afford a peer, as v ri ... ,w BrhiernM fijrilT, cUJeid r'-.XrjQxu!r of which theiioiowfa . ,l"7 ",. " ,,, a,.,. bin to a-pl Hmftlf lo tScpraai cf cannot f 'f a "fro S"aKr hit bp been .ntertau-edclmf. a,d, v,i:h a broke, ccrfttuurn His divine llrangers, (tor rt ranger., arc in i" , v , n r i ri -iMn'i v"r -nien "the fbremcft at the J i . r- .1. j:. t!nf,--tM.'hr!T.? ttiv fnnv.fe iomed W'i?h uutrer-rrelfl irorn ujc utn : ..-7 - - j -r . . r aoJ fi&TXcillc; food and d: inor kings, hi vi ie i inr:mg thread and cord lor ASftvcu villi perfevere in-your thellnemakcrs, and I v.iih the h oft in JTln t!i-nr ' Sine- it is fo, . cf the field, atid in on jp-- a 111 - m- - vk - J5roc'7l!,'-c K-7 il"u J ' ail lofs 3t jarilmal food. For vJC'raSiiand in:!kin all H modifica tJons,"iyno ncccfr.iry;mevfince the fof '''Pc- ur lbciety's Htk and facii- :am m nrcvu n thrfl eels of 1 . t?.r l;k; e-tie and altcraate labour ; riemin.i? and ph.ilanthrrpy, vrmHed vrixh deceit ; freedom ofih.-i'glit, u.nre- drained by - any 'iho.ii-y. or c a Horn whatever ; vi:h a country haiC ar. va- .of ffcti'firft. in the Tppprt cf th dreailv inj ired,'in a very intricate caufe, mav1 be iuftlyttribmednhe preipi-at ing -the 'cbm plaint of the! hcumatM'm and bout. f as to render him inpapalsk fo mop. "r.tyimA nf th tf'Iocia'te -itidees of ; pr.2rtl iTLi ntrde rf I thoiuy (thanks to fopetOitiorf of jrne 1 n-fgrqts) was to, fttft.the- heads I" of i fe"7cn of thejprincifovcrcigns of tjhU country, najnely, tlrtfe of Barges, Siuf. fon, &c. ,He has jr en orders, tKatjall perfons v ho Piall preach h'm tob ' cloilied itfyfl'ow. Adl tte grandeeJ of the country-and Ahfaourhood hive coiifidcred i their ctfv to go and ay him homagf ; fo' t;A in a very liile , time hr has receie ore than 2o,c(so 1 vifitiSnd asj many clings . for no p ) fen prefeRtsj himfceiore him whit i empty hand. AH:& crowned head t rtmbls tat the prefafe. of this Mahada. wuam ii'cy iipcci. icticne, or IJefrii ', atter-dinV to1 hii ..prolcffioa i (gofiy The ofily .ptbf juftice he Jiat 'or the -?aa eighteen 1 or j , twenty" i; rendered fine hw akal,! is to oblige nonrhs. "X i Mardirp, He was ssp ,alUd&btcrs tq p-yltlcbt3. 4 f S A11 the )ta.k,- c&trCga!,: ev& IfV rit j, ajld that'leemed to give men rccm tobiearhe and tlitr.k in, aJ v.'uicli, . by rf my th na. uh. t-pndiu ies (lnc divcif.Sed this iftate, which he rcligtd on oemg. rasxue itvp .ojcrreon, are Matt), rrade a diilrid juJe utdef . trie, federai ian. p U in Cti-q of their r-srrmt. To tem the! , whole cf-his .!ihreous4)m rhateV have fb mnki. chafer inaiffw crdrv, i m0be aid, 'ifutK'ia the tcifliorvol'fiis f propliet'w'io fth;toVn Arabjan imrjfHr,ho hascrae !fiFvfcne bans of Gm in order "to ek. 1 r,.-iii7. ! naniJ r e ) i ;;3hebejran taUi:hioor! appe- Take.H'ur-n v,ar.- All thde cu- mat uva very r- It - r- Yf, hr rrr?cL colti. caar. cs render she r.rr.Wf proved Ur M ohMrt V cyuota, difpoHtion l;bdore my; ho,, in my oimon; eroreFit, i 'rgfe , and rtf ;t"corJiderI Defeicb jc, that uury v. hich is in a mannci , indeped- ' va:hotutter-y, he may , V; Jv ir not any proof , of Iclttary felSlh- em of foriunc,' and which vth and avra-pirrn ; i;, -.the fi culuw of !1A Kn, .ir.LJ. i 7 cr.., a!nre incaoaWe of beticw- huan-lrmJ. tnetuU-he.ceived . :s y.,,, w-. w.. ...... rvv ., f- i!ip ir.nti inrf of his - aDokoactaff CDli v ' II ! nf Jo oil riliilTi'inia i ri e rTfvH' . t 0 appears abluid, to me, mat men njr 'viil hi" afdc all cakuia'joii and re gurd ; for ecnrmyAtthe vjryAme phen ec;. ' irrry is mcft wanted ; I mean v. hen a- , :, ; . rerr.t orary accelllon i. made to one's fin ily. To be uU:J cf 'A-afic, and live v, jc'h vh .i fere' :' n .Mir !( r. ,uv! f"i itudp ilit did bo- leave of his rne nans ci Lium in order to e rich hanflf ai the eiprfteoi thecreufl ty f inoramiand fdpMidcus pecplt, , 1; !". :$mst I l.lftiaetclk'lrom hi t .-.'j ivras inliiiled departs jiave learneafi at this iallda haifem rdcrs to e fotereignf of thatiuntry tjb drive depart g have learned. die rovereKrns'ot thatuntrv to drive the Eneliiii K their cofF. 3,3 that nation I " . 3 - . t o 1 1 ' .1 . .. , J I wanted to abOiiih tfi frcaty of com- hrvrr.d one's income, Ion occnfion cf i 1 1 jits, n a ready wajj to dine gueSs iVrm yur houfe ; but - to be jar perfect tat'e,tolive with our V.onted frugality, o avptf1 all excefs and to gain the love iar.d of fti adders, by a fimple . and difcovery of the inward ien Ttmcntb of.yjQur Mieatt, is the v.-ay to I:c?p them with you for a long time, as by furlif treatment they are convinced that y 33 are' not pnt out rf jour way ; that your mode cf entertaining thtm puts yen to no expence beyond vhat, t - yrr. caneafly Bear j and that Jou are jieari!y trtlccme. ' Andhh icfpcc: to hc health and pleafure.of temperate vaXId lf ,s btyor.d all companion grcat- jAaruliatri ROtmanpiztug hke a fa VSV.r.n. The mind, too, 1 whatever Jbc.trcatife, is Wofc 'comfrted by f.cai'jj. v.-i:Lf, n-... t'mr.ifas Teemed. .inerce with tlfe countjr sand that iot lcn :Lcir c.r.;, iirtd to cozn- French onlyonld keg it ; in conf-f.j-t tlicHivuadcr .iie ratios .they cfe Iq'tence' of v4ikhrnailEnglifh mef- ' 7 . SKETCH T$ eft' lire ami charter cf itll.LlsiM DRTTlijS', J'fq. L. L. D. jutge 9t ike t'ed'etml Cmitt fry- tie d'Sricl cf S&uir Cardinal . ... - . . 'c:id ?y and m jicr oj anclittt Viom in tkefciidftat. rip HE late William Drayton, efqvire, I was a native of S?udi Carolitii; and was born in rhe year 1732 3 0.. He received hi firii principles (1 oUicfa tion from private tutor v. ho lived in the fdmily.iabd'iitfe'-vcar 174 1, Ke v-ias placed ,under,the care oi 1 iit mas Goibett, (ngw'- high ihegff of Middte- ?5, EnfflanoTHvlio Avas'one of tlie mofl M '-V ft ' 'pbo'utlto'm tain ai;'d 'he ibreathed his l.rit wi.hout agroan.. river' L- 4 ike Paovidlnci GxzkTTt'i Mr. Carter, chants fer,iwrd ax the- hril of th lvere obliged to awrl : informed Ih'.xz a very riensand powerful -iEngtifh rfiJent, nam j!j Ormari, had lived at the head of the ftcr Pongo, or, si Rikongo,fqr morei tin thirty years r part,Mhi defpitched I18 armed meh ,wirn an oruer.c? icntsrm tne roiiowmr tnPiing prexent : ifloolack flaves Fall Sacurday eventngf p fome toys iiOQ Kvornen.;dit(olDnegio boyt-i-were, in a fmall b .-at, hlh ng near l o- i 1 So Mack girl iColAibian horfesr ta:wahi:cot rocks a; themhuih ot law tiixet river, :i tiue plump Salmon, weigh ing exactly thirteen pi.unds leaned Uom the river into the boatVr'f tircllp flitnecs was raiiier uncon:rpon ttor a tiih CWF try inint lawyers ox" thif day in 'he pr y J v an-iun VheVeaf t? to. H rro- 4t- Coibeit;-!? v;as ifnt to the middle fi foci i-slr!.L ! Ud n fiVU. into t'lfe w eA:? "5.Ve, emerccf into Llie ren.Tiincl n-ujned to his ira-ive ccun Vgh .i anilities weie confefs- cdly'g. tt f .y 1 1, fom his difinclination to thecor;.fnon i ienceof the la -, he lorn quitted the it ;vlill he purfued his ltuJiej a nq tv.: reavng w.a wac lanie !ilige4cew. lull praft ire. , 7 . sjPivCfc? S)' ear 1 70s, rse was r p binte3 ' h: ifriceftPthe. province t 7ioJtF), 1 .?pre liejcontinued 'be lopf a-rj Iv Trfpeijed, both in his Pf'nisan:' 4-c characlef, by the vor- e the be- too coff': rob citd Rficior all rhp Hrf- fereri kinds of EnroA; merchandifc fpecired in the treaty ;Ujing,- that hie, beins fent cf '&:ttSlkV flinaldbe re- m ifcjsa: rfT halljT believe he cf-iis own -accord topt w& vpifiom its returriU ooiaTioned fome ccfnverl ffion tn vould have, htierr, ifpofe i to make thr the nylib5urhcod : But wlhat vVVe the fame ptefent even to Mabxrie:hii&ieli'v iiiiiatieiiis excited next dajy n us of the adoption of the arrivednd on comoarine ti 14 O 1 pt-aied5 thai the ir - w ihit tlie alnion leaped yin-o the bfat uas the imv:(nt that tl)e fnfiifttii anounccd to the convention .at Nrvoatt.. hat hv their ote tbey , ha4 1 i K!!he i.-; :'f7l , lJ at tlie jlalnion v' -' l I ... 1 ratrfci" tfe cotiittljJi ! Could iheie'cir- cuninahcesthave happeneq m the days rea ley wie wet snd this economical 1 ana trrt)' ;v?cod I.ol- but a xM' i gtnninp-TrM ."do : ungenerous iuirtrj- ons tooI-tT;., . inr'fivcrnoils lriaih am no lonoer am atitl from A , " rj Irjill fiipport the hew govem: mnji)y evry proper means, wuh all my iadahies. 7 1 f t:VceMcs. , ... , ..'J H7 tt.' i V:-,A Topon . 'Vr. m.ch5i T UC,IIK V C4A1 "V",WV , VtLlT vail j i' ' iw ii 1 1 ! i" ir 1 v f ; 1 r 1 : ERCCE-.ISLAKDJTWV1 Mr.v. Jacob )Eiacs, ofyCr.A)ort, ha neart ot by a f4- hat he an ;;,iincc iheconlututiori fii-ft appear- . "n ,n a cw minutes extrtfl, eight ptntfr ed, becauie 1 have been toJd7that ' it . f rtlh v-ater out of ten pnjs of'tJiefahV would' edangei the libcnieJ and profpe- f rcean water-. -'He afrits 7he. Cjaijr lity of our children ; butwjjen I find an nh his machinery7inai:eith eafe,cr? in vifible "agency condefcen Jin'g alnifl to " "una'red gallons in a day, equal " to anjr : work miracles in contraction to.thjs feprgr rain Water, and , as liht asei ther. W ithentr ifome .'Cr.niiceratioi. v sit -cannot be expected, Mr: Ifaacs wiil dii- eciateiy re cover his fecretjto the wpid this ho'.n- ever tin rube, ould have he rot efs iri. V 3 i - r hi 1 K Hl Paivfuxety 'June I, 1790J 't. ,"". . t li'a T'f: ' ' i ve ?are fute off ln ? excepting a i, ibe, his cjifepvery iii nothina: mrre ;Thart K-haiJs out on bbaTi;of all veTelk for the purpofe of co'okjf.' Me'ntipn ipgthi.provifionor drialW, Uts me j VV' V -ViV5 inmindbffuecedaneumeating alfo; f ; . ! - i-hW-r caaSsmWireadflthan b-ine. EOREICN. XEi'S, .: ' .-"(Parfewm a veTefi- . T tar remcte.!ronIand, upchofe irhof pliable dep hshen rational ' profpefTof bcirfg fuppHe cfsnd all the - horrors of deh.are Itarif rrien in th - iace. For thd benefit oftfarmrr mj . .: i.; . ; 1 -a n wnoletoifpe it may be f 1 ; x LONDON, JUMK N E W M E S S I A It fcances, wiflm tfnod (even wit Extratt of a letter from ; Cae St Leivif, 17897 Cut-S. Grange kavimander cf jilunger) upon, ine- zianijiius a jiaye jntp 4, ; "fAt my departure irom the ifl of LLofTs in Africa, in 'th-r mphtji. of Sep tember all commerce was ictern:p.ed in that part of the coafl by the coming ot a new; tiieinan, lent dj ftianomet. and fuch other to beepofed tb fuch diilriful circumJ ' This prcpiie.,' called Mahadiji who had travelled irom Me-dcsn na, haf laly arrived, and Ums f rt of God.; He was followed by puiaerGUi bqdy,aja wiUi iicred afo"agn,iira- pfetended he n on the flawing me oqj luttenfat all from I'hats hai olAallv k.n tin own away meleis-, wfch are forer. proved bydhe e peritjice dnany, that 1 one tablespoon uli cf the $l or filings 1 ot bones, rafpjfiyuh ra-cofe file, and; pat into watet willj after tvrjiours boil-! tug, a fiit i guua nirnnin jel ly Or broth, hicli being rfnned itk ih9 tzc. Tvijbe.-yery palatse jnd r.oa 1 flhin. .1shas been fotd fo ve-r gco J, thsti ha bun uf?d la delicr " 1

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