qf the C irrvlni; Plies. Tkat two f ich riven Iha-.iU tak.- their rife fo nar each ther, anJ after ruining fuch different courfe-, emv.f themfeWes- into the fsa at a JL'ljnji fo ami zing (for the former, hrhv palTT through feveral great lak:, and tun upwards of two thoufand miles, falls into the gulpH of -St. Law rence, and the other, joining the MUIi fipVt, and having run an equal nun.bsr of miles, dife'mbogaes itfelf into the rrph of Mexico) is an i nuance fcareely ? be met with in the extenfive conti- -at of North.-America. I had an op p irtunity the year following of rnakitg the fame observations on the arfinity oi various head branches of the waters of the St. Lawrence and the Miiifippi t6 each other, and now bring them as a proof, that the opinion of thofc gefgra phers who affcrt, that rivers taking their rife fo near each other, mu.l fpring trom the lame foorce, is erroneous ; for I per eied avifibly dirtinft reparation in all of them, no twith landing, in fome places, they approached fo near that I could have lteppei from one to the other. On the 8 h of 0-!Uber we got our ca noes into die Ouifconfin River, which at this place is more than an hundred yards wid- ; and the the nextiday arriv ed at the Great Town of the Saukies. This is ihr largeft and bell built Indian town I ever faw ; it contains about nine ty houfis, each large enoujh for feveral lamilies. They are built of hewn plank juniiy jointed, and covered with bark fo corr.Vaclly as to keep out the moft pene trs'.A; rain. Before the doors are piacrd comfortable (beds, in which the inhabitants fit, when the weather will perrmr, and fmeke their pipes. The ftreets are regular and fpacious ; fo that it appears more like a civilized town than the abd of favages. The land near the town is very good in their pi .n ations, which Ke adjacent to their houfes, and which are nea ly laid out, they ralfe great quantities of Iadian corn, beaas, melons, Sec. fo that this place is elteemed tae bed market for traders to lumilh them elves with previfionr, f anv -within ei?ht hundred miles ef it. The Saekies can raifc abut three Kindred warriors, who are generally employed every fumaer in making in earfieois into the territories of the llli r.ui and pawnee nitnr.?, from whence i hey return with a great n;.:iSercI" ih.ves. I! u ihofc- people frequently retaliate, jd,"ia their vl. i Je.iroy grat numbers r! the Saukies, wvih I j-s-Jc to be the efM th.uth'y i:rc.ii rj :ter. ' Vni'.e I fcsyei here, T lock 'a vi-?n of fcrnt r:io r.itai;! ; :hr. h alsout fifteen y.illei ta th? ibsithvrird, i:r. u'oinj .i C-iS-) cf thefe, and had an extennve vh of the country. For many miles nothing was to be feen but lefor mountains, which appeared at a diilance like hay cocks, being free from trees. Only a few groves of hickory, and ftunted oaks covered fome of the vallies. So -plentiful is lead here, that I faw large quantitiei lyinr about the fireets in the town be longing to the Saukies, and it fcem to be a: the produce of other countries. On the ioth of October we proceeded down the titer, and the next day reach ed the hft town of the Ol Igaumies. This town contained about fifty houfes, but we found moil of them eferted, on account of an epidemical diforder that lately raged among them, and carried off more than one, half of the inhabitants. The greater part of thofe who furvived had retired into the woods to avoid the contagion. On the 15th weemtered that estenfiTe river the Miffifxnpi. The Ouifconfin-, from the Carrying Piace to the part where it falls into the MiffiSppi, flows w ith a fincoth but ftrng carrent ; the water of it is exceedingly clear, and through it you may perceive a fine and randy bottom, tolerably free from rocks. In it are a few iflatfds, the foil of which appeared to be good, though fcmewhat woody. The land near the river alfo feemed-to be, in general excellent; but that at aditlance is very full of mour tains, where it is aid there arc many lead mines.. About five miles frcm the JuncKon cf the rivers, I obferved the ruins of a large town in a very pleafmg fituation. On enquiring of the neighbouring Indians why it was thus deferted, I was inform ed, that "about yearaago the Great Spirit had appeared on the top of a pyramid of rcks, which lay' 3t a little diftance from it, and warned them to quit their habitations ; for theTand oa which thry had built belonged to him, and he had eccafion for it. As a proof that he who give them thefe orders was really the Great Spirit, he further told them, that the grafs ihouldimmediuiely fpring up on thofe very rocks from whence he novrad drrfTed them, which 'het knew to bs bare and barren The Indians cbyed, atid foou after difcovered that thir miracu lous alteration had taka p?-.jcc. Thef fhewed m.? tht fpot, ivt ' ih- trowih of the crrafs appeared n vczj. Isifrrnatu rah I a Dp 'eh ended this to have been a ft rn tavern cf the i'r:neh or Spunfa-ds in a-slv:!f ibme le.ri-h vie 7 ; l:it in what m.n-.nrr ihey ciiifd their pmipofes I k. ,'V v not. , This pro''de,'foon after th':r remo-val, b'lilt a to-n o: tht b:u'k f ih? ? : (r, : -3. al a placs calkd by tie Frckch la ?ikirii lei Chicns, which j fig nines the D x-iauii. n i5 a uigc town, ana coiitins about three hundred families : the hnr.r are well built afte? the Indian manner and plealantiy iitiated on a very rH ioil, tram, wmch they raue every neceifa ry i hie m great abunaance. I fa here many horfes of a good Cit and fhape. This town is the great mart where all the adjacent tribes, and evtg thofe who inhabit tp rnoft remote bran ches of the MiMifiBpi, aianuallv aferaWi , about the fatter end f May, brihgir . 1 .1.1 r ' . 1 i - . o 4 witntnem ineiriurs to aiipoie et to tkt traders. But it is nt always that they conclude theirifalei htre : tljis is deter wiined kv a p-eheral co'inril f tK- j - 0 . . ..v. wiiu: who cqnfult whether it would be !mr conducive to their mterelt to fell rhciv oods at this place, or carry them n u JLouiiiana or iMacmliirnackmae. At crdie; to the detilion of this cunc they either proceed further, or retttrn J thnr dtrlsrenfc horaes. The MiOlfippi, at the entrance of tli; uuiicfBiin,; near wnitn itancs a moun tain of soafiderable height, is about half a mile over ; but oppfite to the lai mentioacd town it! auears to be. mor? than a mile wid, th fail of whick iis ei- tremely rich and but thinly wooded. A little farther o the weft, on the eonj trary fide, a fmall rirer falls into th Miflifippi, which the-French call lc jtrw JLi itre, or the Yellow river.. Her e the traWrswh had accompanid me hither to, tok up their refidc-ce for the winter. I then bought a fanoe, and, w'uh. two ici vanes, one a.rrejncn vanaian and Other' a lifoh-jwl' nf OmnJ'-t- r tVi; tniit prc-eded up the MiUmppi. FOR THE GAZETTE.. THOUGHTS eri, the PRACTICE h Nerih-C&rlina Tlii. whole practice of farming msj be reduced totbe following1 quci tion?, Which lead into each other 1 1 11 . j. What are the inirurnent-s wo which the farmer (liouli begin ? Q a. Ih what manner is tht & be prepared ani opened witH thcie ii ftrumerits ? r 3. What plants, tree,' gtai grall'es, &c fiioutd be! brought into th: foil ? 4. How fliouldthefe be .defeni cd, cultivated, and prepared for ufe I $ - II o w Hi o aid they b e nfci . fed awav when thus precared ? i?. 'How lhalli the 'foil be prefer and dtted for a kiond, third, or; four;3 er-7- tt-d io oa ':x iucccloa forever.

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